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Friday, June 2, 2017

AziPac Limited Wins Oti Block Auction

The government established AziPac Limited as the winning bidder for Oti oil and gas blocks off the coast of East Kalimantan. Azipac is the only winner of an oil and gas block auction held last year. 

   Director of Upstream Business Development of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Tunggal revealed that the auction of last year's oil and gas block is no demand at all.

Bidders are mostly local oil and gas companies working with international companies, considering there is an obligation for international companies to partner with Indonesian companies.

However, from a few bidders, only AziPac meets the criteria requested by the government. "This is an estimate owner, AziPac meets the criteria, all above owner estimate and none higher than Azipac," he said in Jakarta on Wednesday (31/5).

Last year, the government changed the oil and gas block auction scheme, using the open-bid split model. With this scheme, investors can bid on the amount of split and signature bonuses. The next auction winner is determined based on the best offer based on the proposed definite commitments of exploration, profit sharing, and signature bonuses that are adjusted to the economic criteria in the terms and conditions set by the government.

The government auctioned 14 oil and gas blocks using this scheme, through direct and regular bids. Oti Block is one of seven oil and gas blocks offered through regular auctions. In the auction, Oti Block is offered with a 65:35 revenue share on the oil field and 60:40 for the gas field, in which the greater part of the government.

The requirements are the implementation of G and G Study activities, drilling of one exploration well, and a minimum signature bonus of US $ 1 million. Furthermore, the government will call AziPac to discuss the terms and conditions of its oil and gas contracts and offer a form of gross split contract.

At the auction, it still offers by using the contract of cooperation (KKS) scheme of cost recovery of investment (cost recovery). But with the regulation of the gross split contract, it wants to offer this scheme to AziPac hoping the contract will use gross split, AziPac will use gross split, "he said.

AziPac is a Singapore-based oil and gas company backed by Seacrest Capital Group, a world-class energy investor. Azipac has a number of exploration blocks off the coast of Southeast Asia and the Bay of Bengal Region. 

the North Madura Block by Azipack

    In Indonesia, AziPac holds a participating interest in the Bone Bay Block, Sulawesi by 40% and the North Madura Block, offshore East Java totaling 100%. Senior Management AziPac has experience in building, developing and optimizing regional exploration assets.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, June 2, 2017

Support Oil and Gas Operation Activities, SKK Migas Cooperate with BMKG

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) agreed to cooperate with Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). The Memorandum of Understanding on the provision, utilization, development of data and information of MKG in the management of upstream oil and gas business was signed by Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi and Head of BKMG Andi Eka Sakya at SKK Migas office on 31 May.

In his speech, Amien explained that the upstream oil and gas industry needs reliable and efficient meteorological, climatological and geophysical (MKG) information so that activities can run safely and on time. As a non-departmental government agency (LPND), BMKG has the competence to achieve these objectives.

According to him, many data services BMKG services that can be utilized by SKK Migas and Contractors Cooperation Contracts (KKS Contractors) to support upstream oil and gas activities, including lifting, production, drilling, and especially offshore projects. BMKG services include weather observations such as rainfall intensity, wind speed and direction both on land and at sea, sea wave height, tides, underwater velocity, geophysical data and natural disasters such as earthquake information and tsunami potential; Early hazard warning system related to the spill of oil (oil spill); As well as the dangers of forest fire fumes.

On the other hand, BMKG can utilize offshore oil and offshore facilities either on floating production floating vehicle loading (FPSO) or floating storage offloading (FSO) to place equipment / sensors so that the accuracy of the data, more accurate.

In addition, the involvement of BMKG as a form of national capacity empowerment. "In the future, there will be no cooperation or contract with other parties related to MKG services in survey, drilling, project or operational activities," Amien said in a written statement in Jakarta on Thursday (1/6).

After signing a memorandum of understanding with SKK Migas, BMKG immediately signed a cooperation agreement with Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML), as operator of Madura Strait working area, and ENI, as operator of Muara Bakau working area related to the provision of information services in the field of maritime meteorology.

Amien hopes that with the memorandum of understanding and cooperation agreement can improve the quality of duties and functions of SKK Migas, KKS Contractors, and BMKG in accordance with their respective authorities. Andi welcomed the cooperation. Thank you for the support of SKK Migas in involving BMKG in upstream oil and gas activities, "he said.


Dukung Kegiatan Operasi Migas, SKK migas Gandeng BMKG

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) sepakat melakukan kerja sama dengan Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG). Nota kesepahaman tentang penyediaan, pemanfaataan, pengembangan data, dan informasi MKG dalam pengelolaan usaha hulu migas tersebut ditanda-tangani Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi dan Kepala BKMG Andi Eka Sakya di kantor SKK Migas pada 31 Mei.

Dalam sambutannya, Amien menjelaskan dalam industri hulu migas dibutuhkan informasi meteorologi, klimatologi, dan geofisika (MKG) yang reliable dan efisien agar kegiatan dapat berjalan dengan aman dan tepat waktu. Sebagai lembaga pemerintah non departemen (LPND), BMKG memiliki kompetensi untuk rnencapai tujuan tersebut.

Menurutnya, banyak data layanan jasa BMKG yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh SKK Migas dan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (Kontraktor KKS) untuk mendukung kegiatan hulu migas, antara lain lifting, produksi, pengeboran, dan proyek-proyek khususnya di lepas pantai. Layanan jasa BMKG tersebut antara lain observasi cuaca seperti intensitas curah hujan, kecepatan dan arah angin baik di darat maupun di laut, tinggi gelombang laut, pasang surut, kecepatan arus bawah air laut, data geofisika dan bencana alam seperti informasi kegempaan dan potensi tsunami; early hazard warning system terkait adanya tumpahan minyak (oil spill); serta bahaya asap kebakaran hutan.

Di sisi lain, BMKG dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas migas yang berada di lepas pantai (Offshore) baik di anjungan, kapal Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) maupun Floating Storage Offloading (FSO) untuk menempatkan peralatan/ sensor sehingga tingkat keakuratan data, khususnya perkiraan cuaca bisa lebih akurat.

Selain itu, pelibatan BMKG sebagai bentuk pemberdayaan kapasitas nasional. “Ke depannya, tidak ada lagi kerja sama atau kontrak kerja dengan pihak lain terkait pelayanan jasa MKG di kegiatan survei, pengeboran, proyek maupun operasional,” kata Amien dalam keterangan tertulis di jakarta, Kamis (1/6).

Setelah penandatangan nota kesepahaman dengan SKK Migas, BMKG langsung menandatangani perjanjian kerja sama dengan Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML), sebagai operator Wilayah kerja Madura Strait, dan ENI, sebagai operator Wilayah kerja Muara Bakau terkait penyediaan layanan informasi di bidang meteorologi maritim.

Amien berharap dengan adanya nota kesepahaman dan perjanjian kerja sama tersebut dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi SKK Migas, Kontraktor KKS, dan BMKG sesuai dengan kewenangan masing-masing. Andi menyambut baik kerja sama. Terima kasih atas dukungan SKK Migas dalam melibatkan BMKG dalam kegiatan hulu migas,” katanya. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, June 2, 2017

Until April 201 7, Pertagas Books Profit of US $ 54.6 Million

PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina, posted a net profit of US $ 54.6 million or approximately Rp 737.1 billion (exchange rate of Rp 13500) until April 2017. The realization is 363 percent of this year's target of US $ 150.24 million.

President Director of Pertagas Toto Nugroho, said that the company's profit comes mainly from toll roads, especially in the main pipelines such as Arun-Belawan and supported by the operation of the new segment, Muara Karang-Muara Tawar and Porong-Grati.

"This year we are also lucky with LPG price is high enough so that Pertam-Samtan Gas contribution is quite big," said Toto during breaking fast together with Editor of Energy & Mining Society (EZS) in Jakarta, Wednesday (31/5).

Perta-Samtan Gas is a subsidiary of Pertagas that produces liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Pertagas accounted for 66% of Pertam-Samtan shares, while the remaining 33% is owned by Samtan Co Ltd, a South Korean company.

According to Toto, Pertagas's net profit performance this year is projected to be lower than that of 2016 which reached US $ 159.07 million. The 2017 profit projection is also lower than the actual net profit of 2015 of US $ 151.08 million. The main factor of this year's lower net profit target is government policy that has set the price of gas in a certain range, including the toll fee amount.

Toto explained that Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No 434 K / 12 / MEM / 2017 on Gas Prices for Industries in Medan and Surrounding Areas which was published on February 13, 2017, directly affect gas prices in Medan and surrounding areas. Gas for the area is supplied from PT Pertamina Hulu Energi and PT Pertamina EP and into the Arun-Belawan segment. "Toll fee has dropped from US $ 2.53 per MMBTU to US $ 1.8 per MMBTU," he said.

Pertagas currently develops three 513 kilometers (km) of gas transmission pipelines in South Sumatra (South Sumatra), Central Java (Central Java) and East Java (East Java). This corporate action completes the completion of the 2015 gas pipeline infrastructure development in 225 km.

The first project the company is working on is the Grissik-Pusri (South Sumatra) gas pipeline of 176 km. This pipeline will deliver gas for fertilizer plants and power plants in South Sumatra. Total gas capacity of 160 MMSCFD. "We have obtained permission for this project from the governor and also the regent, just waiting for ground breaking," he said,

The second project is the 70 km Gresik-Petrokimia Gresik-East Java gas pipeline. The gas allocated is 85 MMSCFD and is expected to be onstream in July 2017. The third project, the Gresik-Semarang-Central Java gas pipeline with a capacity of 500 MMSCFD with electricity and industrial consumers. "The installation of this open access pipeline passes seven districts / cities in Central Java and East Java," he said.

Holding Oil and Gas

Related to the plan to establish a holding company of oil and gas that will combine PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGAS) or PGN into Pertamina, Toto said Pertagas is ready.

"The Ministry of SOEs targets the first half of 2017 to be completed. Our Pertagas position is ready, just waiting for the green light / permit, "he said.

According to Toto, Pertagas? S readiness to realize the holding of BUMN oil and gas is indicated by the existence of a team involving Pertamina and PGN. The team has mapped out what both companies can synergize and the efficiency that can be generated. One of the projects involving Pertamina and PGN is the construction of the Duri-Dumai pipeline.

"The thing we do together is the Duri-Dumai section of the pipeline project, built with Pertagas and PGN. Gas consumers also from Duri-Dumai pipeline also come from Pertagas and PGN. It's a test or a test from the government, it can not be done together, "he said.

He affirmed that Pertamina, which controls 70% of national gas reserves and one of the largest importers of liquefied natural gas / LNG in Southeast Asia, will be stronger if combined with PGN's power on gas distribution. "In the rare world there are countries that apply the gas business separated. Thailand's PTT and Petronas are made into one, "he said.


Hingga April 201 7, Pertagas Bukukan Laba US$ 54,6 Juta

PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), anak usaha PT Pertamina mencatatkan Iaba bersih sebesar US$ 54,6 juta atau sekitar Rp 737,1 miliar (kurs Rp 13500) hingga April 2017. Realisasi tersebut setara 363% dari target perseroan sepanjang tahun ini sebesar US$ 150,24 juta. 

Presiden Direktur Pertagas Toto Nugroho mengatakan, raihan laba perseroan terutama berasal dari toll ke, khususnya pada ruas pipa utama seperti Arun-Belawan serta ditunjang oleh sudah beroperasinya ruas baru yakni Muara Karang-Muara Tawar serta Porong-Grati.

“Tahun ini kami juga beruntung dengan harga LPG yang cukup tinggi sehingga kontribusi Perta-Samtan Gas cukup besar,” ujar Toto saat buka puasa bersama dengan Editor Energy & Mining Society (EZS) di Jakarta, Rabu (31/5).

Perta-Samtan Gas merupakan anak usaha Pertagas yang memproduksi liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Pertagas tercatat menguasai 66% saham Perta-Samtan, sisanya 33% dikuasai Samtan Co Ltd, perusahaan asal Korea Selatan.

Menurut Toto, kinerja laba bersih Pertagas tahun ini diproyeksi lebih rendah dibandingkan realisasi 2016 yang mencapai US$ 159,07 juta. Proyeksi laba 2017 juga lebih rendah dari realisasi laba bersih 2015 sebesar US$ 151,08 juta. Faktor utama dari lebih rendahnya target laba bersih tahun ini adalah kebijakan pemerintah yang telah mematok harga gas di kisaran tertentu, termasuk besaran toll fee.

Toto menjelaskan, Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 434 K/12/MEM/2017 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri di Wilayah Medan dan Sekitarnya yang terbit pada 13 Februari 2017, langsung berpengaruh pada harga gas di Medan dan sekitarnya. Gas untuk kawasan tersebut dipasok dari PT Pertamina Hulu Energi dan PT Pertamina EP dan masuk ke ruas Arun-Belawan. “Toll fee-nya telah turun dari US$2,53 per MMBTU menjadi US$1,8 per MMBTU,” katanya. 

Pertagas saat ini mengembangkan tiga pipa gas transmisi sepanjang 513 kilometer (km) di Sumatera Selatan (Sumsel), Jawa Tengah (Jateng) dan Jawa Timur (Jatim). Aksi korporasi ini melengkapi selesainya pembangunan infrastruktur pipa gas pada 2016 sepanjang 225 km.

Proyek pertama yang digarap perseroan adalah pipa gas Grissik-Pusri (Sumsel) sepanjang 176 km. Pipa ini akan mengalirkan gas untuk pabrik pupuk dan pembangkit listrik di kawasan Sumsel. Total kapasitas gas sebanyak 160 MMSCFD. “Kami sudah memperoleh izin untuk proyek ini dari gubernur dan juga bupati, hanya menunggu ground breaking,” katanya,

Proyek kedua adalah pipa gas looping Gresik-Petrokimia Gresik-Jawa Timur sepanjang 70 km. Gas yang dialokasikan sebanyak 85 MMSCFD dan diharapkan onstream pada Juli 2017. Proyek ketiga, pipa gas Gresik-Semarang-Jawa Tengah berkapasitas 500 MMSCFD dengan konsumen pembangkit listrik dan industri. “Pemasangan pipa open access ini melewat tujuh kabupaten/kota di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur," katanya. 

Holding Migas

Terkait rencana pembentukan induk usaha (holding) minyak dan gas yang akan menggabungkan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGAS) atau PGN ke dalam Pertamina, Toto mengatakan, Pertagas sudah siap.

“Kementerian BUMN menargetkan semester I 2017 selesai. Posisi kami Pertagas sudah siap, hanya menunggu lampu hijau/izin,” katanya.

Menurut Toto, kesiapan Pertagas untuk merealisasikan holding BUMN migas ditunjukkan dengan keberadaan tim yang melibatkan Pertamina dan PGN. Tim ini telah memetakan apa saja yang bisa disinergikan kedua perusahaan dan efisiensi yang bisa dihasilkan. Salah satu proyek yang melibatkan Pertamina dan PGN adalah pembangunan ruas pipa Duri-Dumai. 

“Hal yang kami lakukan bersama adalah proyek pipa ruas Duri-Dumai, dibangun bersama Pertagas dan PGN. Konsumen gas juga dari pipa Duri-Dumai juga berasal dari Pertagas dan PGN. Ini tes atau ujian dari pemerintah, bisa tidak ini dikerjakan bersama,” ujarnya.

Dia menegaskan, Pertamina yang menguasai 70% cadangan gas nasional dan salah satu importir terbesar gas alam cair/LNG di Asia Tenggara akan bertambah kuat jika dipadu dengan kekuatan PGN pada distribusi gas. “Di dunia jarang ada negara yang menerapkan bisnis gas dipisah-pisah. PTT Thailand dan Petronas dijadikan satu,” katanya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, June 2, 2017

Pertagas Books Net Profit of USD54.6 Million

PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) until April has booked net profit of USD54, 6 million or approximately Rp 709.8 Realization of net profit for the period of January-April 2017 subsidiary of PT Pertamina is equal to 36.3% of the company's profit target this year amounted to USD150 , 24 million.

President Director of Pertagas. Toto Nugroho said the achievement was mainly from toll Fee, especially on the main pipelines such as Arun-Belawan and supported by the operation of several new segments namely Muara Karang-Muara Tawarserta Porong-Grati

"This year we are also lucky with the LPG price is high enough so that the contribution from Perta-Samtan Gas is quite large," he said. Perta-Samtan Gas is a subsidiary of Pertagas that produces liquefied petroleum gas / LPG. Pertagas accounted for 66% of Perta-Samtan shares, while the remaining 33% is owned by Samtan CoLtd, a South Korean company.

Toto explained that Pertagas is currently focusing on developing gas infrastructure in the country. The Company is currently developing three 513 kilometers (km) of gas transmission pipelines in South Sumatra (South Sumatra), Central Java (Central Java) and East Java (East Java). This corporate action completes the completion of the 225 km gas pipeline construction in 2016. The first project the company is working on is the 176km-long Grissik-Pusri (South Sumatra) gas pipeline.

This pipeline will deliver gas for fertilizer plants and power plant in South Sumatera with a total capacity of 160 MMSCFD. Pertagas has obtained all the required permits so that this project can start immediately. The next project is a 70 km Gresik-Petrokimia Gresik (Jatim) gas grid. Gas allocated is 85 MMSCFD and is expected to be onstream in July 2017. The third project, gas pipeline Gresik-Semarang (Central Java) with a capacity of 500 MMSCFD
With consumer power and industrial plants. Installation of this open access pipes through seven districts / cities in Central Java and East Java.

Mentioned on the formation of holding the company of oil and gas company that will combine PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) to Pertamina, Toto said Pertagas is ready. Pertagas's readiness to realize the holding of state-owned oil and gas according to him is shown by the existence of a team involving Pertamina and PGN.

The team has mapped out what both companies can synergize and the efficiency that both companies can synergize and the efficiency that can be generated. Previously, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) targets to form the first semester of 2017. Pertagas's position is ready, just waiting for the green light / Permit.

Toto said the two companies are also working on a joint project, namely the construction of the Duri-Dumai pipeline. "The Duri-Dumai pipeline project is built with Pertagas and PGN, and the gas consumers from the Duri-Dumai pipeline also come from Pertagas and PGN.This is a test or a test from the government, it can not be done together," he said.


Pertagas Bukukan Laba Bersih USD54,6 Juta

PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) hingga April telah membukukan laba bersih sebesar USD54,6 juta atau sekitar Rp 709,8   Realisasi laba bersih periode Januari-April 2017 anak usaha PT Pertamina itu setara 36,3% dari target Iaba perseroan sepanjang tahun ini sebesar USD150,24 juta. 

Presiden Direktur Pertagas. Toto Nugroho mengatakan, pencapaian tersebut terutama berasal dari toll Fee , khususnya pada ruas pipa utama seperti Arun-Belawan serta ditunjang oleh beroperasinya sejumlah ruas baru yakni Muara Karang-Muara Tawarserta Porong-Grati 

"Tahun ini kami juga beruntung dengan harga elpiji yang cukup tinggi sehingga kontribusi dari Perta-Samtan Gas cukup besar," ujarnya. Perta-Samtan Gas merupakan anak usaha Pertagas yang memproduksi liquefied petroleum gas /LPG. Pertagas tercatat menguasai 66% saham Perta-Samtan, sisanya33% dikuasai Samtan CoLtd, perusahaan asal Korea Selatan.

Toto menjelaskan, Pertagas saat ini terus fokus pada pengembangan infrastruktur gas di dalam negeri. Perseroan kini tengah sedang mengembangkan tiga pipa gas transmisi sepanjang 513 kilometer (km) di Sumatera Selatan (Sumsel), Jawa Tengah (Jateng), dan Jawa Timur (Jatim). Aksi korporasi ini melengkapi tuntasnya pembangunan infrastruktur pipa gas sepanjang 225 km pada 2016. Proyek pertama yang digarap perseroan adalah pipa gas Grissik-Pusri (Sumsel) sepanjang 176 km. 

Pipa ini akan mengalirkan gas untuk pabrik pupuk dan pembangkit Iistrik di kawasan Sumsel dengan total kapasitas sebanyak 160 MMSCFD. Pertagas telah memperoleh seluruh izin yang dibutuhkan sehingga proyek ini dapat segera dimulai. Proyek selanjutnya adalah pipa gas looping Gresik-Petrokimia Gresik (Jatim) sepanjang 70 km. Gas yang dialokasikan sebanyak 85 MMSCFD dan diharapkan onstream pada Juli 2017. Proyek ketiga, pipa gas Gresik-Semarang (Jateng) berkapasitas 500 MMSCFD dengan konsumen pembangkit listrik dan industri. Pemasangan pipa open acces ini melewat tujuh kabupaten/kota di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur.

Disinggung mengenai pembentukan induk usaha (holding) BUMN migas yang akan menggabungkan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) ke Pertamina, Toto mengatakan Pertagas sangat siap. Kesiapan Pertagas merealisasikan holding BUMN migas menurutnya ditunjukkan dengan keberadaan tim yang melibatkan Pertamina dan PGN. 

Tim ini telah memetakan apa saja yang bisa disinergikan kedua perusahaan dan efisiensi yang bisa di sinergikan kedua perusahaan dan efisiensi yang bisa dihasilkan. Dulu Kementerian BUMN menargetkan terbentuk semester I/ 2017. Posisi kami Pertagas sudah siap, hanya menunggu lampu hijau/Izin.

Toto mengatakan, kedua perusahaan juga sedang mengerjakan proyek bersama, yakni pembangunan ruas pipa Duri-Dumai. "Proyek pipa ruas Duri-Dumai dibangun bersama Pertagas dan PGN. Konsumen gas dari pipa Duri-Dumai ini juga berasal dari Pertagas dan PGN. Ini tes atau ujian dari pemerintah, bisa tidak ini dikerjakan bersama,” ujarnya.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Friday, June 2, 2017

Finally, There's a Willing to Use Gross Split

Azipac Limited is claimed to be willing to use the gross split scheme in BIok Oti Offshore Kaltim

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) wants to show, there are investors or enthusiasts of gross split scheme. This is evidenced after the government set one winning bidder from 14 oil and gas blocks tendered in the year before.

The auction winner in Oti Block located in Offshore East Kalimantan named Azipac Limited. The company was established in 2014 by Seacrest Capital Group, a global investment company that already has a portfolio of 40 assets in five countries. The company has offices in Singapore, Jakarta, and Dubai.

In Indonesia, Azipac has a Bone Block production sharing contract (PSC) with 40% share and partnered with Jadestone Energy. The Bone Block is located in South Sulawesi, with an area of 7,516 square kilometers. Azipac also has a contract management of the North Madura Block located in the Java Sea region. The company has a 100% stake in North Madura Block.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Supervision of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tunggal said that there are quite a lot of interest in the block auction block of Ialu which is 14 blocks. Unfortunately, the potential investors of oil and gas blocks are still below the target set by the government. Therefore the government only stipulates one winning block auction for the period of year Ialu. "Namely Azipac Ltd as the winner of the Oti Block auction located offshore Kalimantan," said Tunggal, Wednesday (31/5).

He mentioned, the appointment of Azipac Ltd as the auction winner because it meets the criteria set by the government. Azipac's offer has also been in line with government estimates. Related to the next process, the government will call AziPac to discuss terms and conditions (T & C). It will also discuss the contract scheme to be used for Oti Block.

The reason, according to Tunggal, in the last year the scheme of profit sharing contracts for 14 blocks of oil and gas are still using the contract system for cost recovery results. Meanwhile, because the winner is appointed at this time and the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 15/2017 on the share of gross split is valid then, will be used the new pattern.

The government itself is very hope Block Oti contract can use gross split. "Azipac is willing to use," he claims. As for the other 13 oil and gas blocks in tender auction in 2016 that have not been interested will still be reviewed, whether to be re-tendered or not.

Not an indicator

Oil and Gas observers from Gajah Mada University Fahmi Radhi argue, for new companies such as Azipac, it would inevitably have to use gross split. "But if only Azipac, can not be an indicator that gross split has been received by other KKKS," he said.

The government should still give the option to keep using PSC cost recovery, in addition to gross split in the next 5 years. The sudden change from the gross split is feared to dampen investor interest, which is already comfortable with the "cost recovery" pattern. If proven to be inhibiting, oil and gas investment, ministerial regulations on gross split should be revised soon. "He also warned that the decline in oil and gas production could be So because of the new policy effect of gross split, Iain indeed the price of oil is still going down

Meanwhile, for this year's auction period opens from 25 May to 25 September 2017. As for the block
Auctioned as many as 15 blocks, consisting of 10 conventional oil and gas blocks and 5 non conventional blocks Unfortunately, Susyanto Secretary of Directorate General of Oil and Gas ministry of ESI DM has not answered how many KKKS already interested in the auction.


Akhirnya, Ada yang  Bersedia Pakai Gross Split

Azipac Limited diklaim bersedia menggunakan skema gross split di BIok Oti Offshore Kaltim

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) ingin menunjukan, ada investor atau peminat skema gross split. Ini dibuktikan setelah pemerintah menetapkan satu pemenang lelang dari 14 blok migas yang ditenderkan tahun Ialu.

Pemenang lelang di Blok Oti yang berada di Offshore Kalimantan Timur bernama Azipac Limited. Perusahaan ini berdiri pada tahun 2014 oleh Seacrest Capital Group, sebuah perusahaan investasi global yang sudah memiliki portofolio sebanyak 40 aset di lima negara. Perusahaan ini memiliki kantor di Singapura, Jakarta, dan Dubai.

Di Indonesia, Azipac telah memiliki kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) Blok Bone dengan saham 40% dan bermitra dengan Jadestone Energy. Blok Bone berada di Sulawesi Selatan, dengan luas area sebesar 7.516 kilometer persegi. Azipac juga memiliki kontrak pengelolaan Blok North Madura yang berada di wilayah Laut Jawa. Perusahaan ini memiliki 100% saham-Blok North Madura.

Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM, Tunggal mengatakan, peminat lelang blok tahun Ialu yang sebanyak 14 blok sebenarnya cukup banyak. Namun sayang, penawaran para calon investor blok migas masih berada di bawah target yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu pemerintah hanya menetapkan satu pemenang lelang blok untuk periode tahun Ialu. "Yaitu Azipac Ltd sebagai pemenang lelang Blok Oti yang berada di lepas pantai Kalimantan," kata Tunggal, Rabu (31/5).

Dia menyebutkan, penunjukan Azipac Ltd sebagai pemenang lelang karena memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Penawaran yang diberikan Azipac juga sudah sesuai estimasi pemerintah. Terkait proses selanjutnya, pemerintah akan memanggil AziPac untuk membicarakan mengenai terms and conditions (T&C). Selain itu juga akan dibahas mengenai skema kontrak yang akan digunakan untuk Blok Oti.

Pasalnya, menurut Tunggal, pada tahun lalu skema kontrak bagi hasil untuk 14 blok migas yang dielang itu masih menggunakan sistem kontrak bagi hasil cost recovery. Sementara karena pemenangnya ditunjuk saat.ini dan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 15/2017 tentang bagi hasil gross split sudah berlaku maka, akan digunakan pola baru tersebut.

Pemerintah sendiri memang sangat berharap kontrak Blok Oti bisa menggunakan gross split. "Azipac sudah mau menggunakan," klaimnya. Sementara untuk 13 blok migas lain pada penode lelang tahun 2016 yang belum diminati masih akan dikaji, apakah akan ditender ulang atau tidak.

Bukan indikator 

Pengamat Migas dari Universitas Gajah Mada Fahmi Radhi berpendapat, bagi perusahaan baru seperti Azipac, memang mau tidak mau harus menggunakan gross split. "Tetapi kalau hanya Azipac, tidak bisa menjadi indikator bahwa gross split sudah diterima KKKS lain," kata dia.

Seharusnya pernerintah masih memberikan opsi untuk tetap menggunakan PSC cost recovery, selain gross split dalam 5 tahun ke depan. Perubahan yang mendadak dari ke gross split dikhawatirkan menurunkan minat investor, yang sudah terbiasa nyaman dengan pola "cost recovery. "Kalau terbukti menghambat, investasi migas, peraturan menteri tentang gross split harus segera direvisi,". Dia juga mengingatkan, terjadinya penurunan produksi migas bisa jadi karena efek kebijakan baru soal gross split, Iain memang harga minyak yang masih turun

Sementara itu, untuk lelang periode tahun ini dibuka mulai 25 Mei 25 September 2017. Adapun blok yang
dilelang sebanyak 15 blok, terdiri dari 10 blok migas konvensional dan 5 blok non konvensional Sayang, Susyanto Sekretaris Dirjen Migas kementerian ESI DM belum menjawab berapa KKKS yang sudah berminat dalam lelang tersebut.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, June 2, 2017

PTT EP Brakes Expansion in Indonesia

PTT Exploration and Production Pcl (PTT EP) is committed to the East Natuna Block. But the Thai oil and gas company will delay some investment in Indonesia. One cause is the moratorium published by the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime. The contents of the moratorium prohibit PT Pertamina and SKK Migas to smooth the business of PTT EP in Indonesia.

The background of the moratorium is the pollution by PT EXploration and Production due to the Montara Oil Field crash in the Timor Sea in August 2009 and contaminating the Timor Sea. PTT Group does not have good faith. Finally the government sued Rp 27.4 trillion to PTT Australasia against the oil spill.

Afiat Djajanegara, General Affairs Manager, PTT EP Indonesia, said the company had hoped that the case would not have any impact on business activities in Indonesia. But lately there is a letter of business moratorium to all subsidiaries of PTT Group including in Indonesia.

"The moratorium letter was sent to PT Pertamina and SKK Migas, as far as I know it can not do business with us, but I have not seen the letter," he said.

Though said Afiat, PTT Group before the moratorium is made Indonesia as the main goal to invest. Even this company since 2016 and has entered the data room dozens of oil and gas blocks to be acquired. "We have entered the data room KKKS in Sumatra and Java We want to acquire 3 or 4 blocks of oil and gas," he said.

However, the plan is just a plan, a moratorium on the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs changed the business of PTT. They are holding back the planned acquisition of oil and gas blocks in Indonesia. "Both sides were disadvantaged, Indonesia lost as investors lost, we lost the opportunity to invest," he said.

Afiat hopes, the moratorium will soon be over and PTT EP Indonesia can re-invest again. "Some investments were transferred to Malaysia due to the moratorium," he said. Of the total assets of PTT Global EP of US$ 19 billion, as much as 17.7% or US $ 3.36 billion in Southeast Asia. PTT EP will also return the Malunda Block in the West Sea of West Sulawesi.

"This year we will return, if South Mandar Block has been completed," he said. PTT EP acquired both blocks in 2010. But the return of both oil and gas blocks is more because of the side of the business is not feasible. Also according to the rules and exploration commitments. "There is no drilling commitment, but from the exploration structure there is potential for oil and gas there," he said.

While in Natuna Sea Blok A, PTT EP and Pertamina still work with portion of each 11,5% keep working. "We are still committed to investment," he said.


PTT EP Mengerem Ekspansi di Indonesia

PTT Exploration and Production Pcl (PTT EP) memang tetap berkomitmen di Blok East Natuna. Tapi perusahaan migas asal Thailand itu akan menunda beberapa investasi di Indonesia. Salah satu penyebab adalah moratorium yang diterbitkan Kementerian Koordinator Maritim. Isi moratorium itu melarang PT Pertamina dan SKK Migas memuluskan bisnis PTT EP di Indonesia.

Latar belakang terbitnya moratorium itu adalah pencemaran yang dilakukan PT EXploration and Production akibat tumpahan minyak Lapangan Minyak Montara di Laut Timor pada Agustus 2009 dan mencemari laut Timor. PTT Group tidak memiliki itikad baik. Akhirnya pemerintah menggugat Rp 27,4 triliun kepada PTT Australasia terhadap tumpahan minyak itu.

Afiat Djajanegara, General Affairs Manager, PTT EP lndonesia, mengatakan, tadinya perusahaan ini berharap kasus itu tidak berdampak pada kegiatan bisnis di Indonesia. Tetapi belakangan ada surat moratorium bisnis ke semua anak usaha PTT Group termasuk di Indonesia.

"Surat moratorium itu dikirim ke PT Pertamina dan SKK Migas, setahu saya isinya tidak bisa berbisnis dengan kami, tapi saya belum melihat suratnya," kata dia 

Padahal kata Afiat, PTT Group sebelum adanya moratorium ini menjadikan Indonesia sebagai tujuan utama berinvestasi. Bahkan perusahaan ini sejak tahun 2016 lalu sudah memasuki data room puluhan blok migas untuk diakuisisi. "Kami sudah masuk ke data room KKKS yang ada di Sumatra dan Jawa. Kami mau akuisisi 3 atau 4 blok migas," kata dia.

Namun, rencana hanya tinggal rencana, moratorium Menko Maritim mengubah bisnis PTT. Mereka menahan rencana akuisisi blok-blok migas di Indonesia. "Kedua belah pihak dirugikan, Indonesia rugi karena investor hilang, kami kehilangan peluang berinvestasi," ujarnya.

Afiat berharap, moratorium segera berakhir dan PTT EP Indonesia bisa kembali berinvestasi lagi. "Sebagian investasi dialihkan ke Malaysia akibat moratorium" kata dia. Dari total aset PTT EP global sebesar US$ 19 miliar, sebanyak 17,7% atau US$ 3,36 miliar di Asia Tenggara. PTT EP juga akan mengembalikan lagi Blok Malunda di Laut Dalam Sulawesi Barat. 

"Tahun ini kami akan kembalikan. Kalau Blok Mandar Selatan sudah selesai pengembaliannya," kata dia. PTT EP mendapatkan kedua blok itu pada tahun 2010. Tapi pengembalian kedua blok migas itu lebih karena dari sisi hitungan bisnis yang tidak layak. Juga sudah sesuai aturan dan komitmen eksplorasi. "Tidak ada komitmen pengeboran, tapi dari struktur eksplorasi ada potensi migas di sana," kata dia. 

Sedangkan di Natuna Sea Blok A, PTT EP dan Pertamina tetap bekerja dengan porsi masing-masing 11,5% tetap bekerja. “Kami masih komitmen investasi," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, June 2, 2017

SKK Migas and BMKG Cooperate

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) signed a memorandum of cooperation with Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) on the provision and development of data for upstream oil and gas activities in Indonesia on Wednesday (31/5), at Jakarta.

The memorandum of cooperation was signed by Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi and Head of BMKG Andi Eka Sakya. According to Amien, quite a lot of BMKG data and services can be utilized to support upstream oil and gas activities, such as well drilling and production, especially on offshore projects. "Data on wind speed and direction, earthquake information, rainfall, and sea wave height are needed for work to be good, safe and timely," he said.


SKK Migas dan BMKG Bekerja Sama

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menandatangani nota kerja Sama dengan Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) tentang penyedian dan pengembangan data untuk kepentingan hulu migas di Indonesia, Rabu (31/5), di Jakarta. 

Nota kerja sama ditandatangani Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi dan Kepala BMKG Andi Eka Sakya. Menurut Amien, cukup banyak data dan layanan jasa BMKG yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung kegiatan hulu migas, seperti pengeboran sumur dan produksi, khususnya pada proyek di lepas pantai. ”Data kecepatan dan arah angin, informasi kegempaan, curah hujan, dan tinggi gelombang laut sangat dibutuhkan agar pekerjaan berjalan baik, aman, dan tepat Waktu,” katanya.

Kompas, Page-18, Friday, June 2, 2017

Azipac Working Block Oti

Auctions of oil and gas blocks

The government has decided on a winner of oil and gas work auction in the first half of 2016 for the Oti oil and gas block off East Kalimantan. On offer of oil and gas blocks in round I / 2016, seven blocks are offered directly namely Bukit Barat Block (Offshore Kepulauan Riau), Batu Gajah Dua Block (Onshore Jambi), Kasongan Sampit Block (Onshore Central Kalimantan), Block Ampuh (Offshore Laut Jawa ), Ebuny Block (Offshore Southeast Sulawesi), Onin Block (Onshore-Offshore West Papua) and West Kaimana Block (Onshore-Offshore West Papua).

Meanwhile, seven blocks are offered through regular auction schemes namely South CPP (Onshore Riau), Suremana I (Offshore Makassar Strait), SE Mandar (Offshore South Sulawesi-West Sulawesi), North Arguni (Offshore Papua Barat), Kasuri II (Onshore Papua West), Manakarra Mamuju (Offshore Makassar Strait and Oti (Offshore Kalimantan Timur).

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Business Development of the Ministry of ESDM Tunggal said, and 14 working areas offered at auction of oil and gas block of semester I / 2016, only one met the criteria. In the open auction scheme, where the investor is entitled to self-determination commitments, signature bonuses are also the amount of revenue share, there is one winner over the Oti Block management.

"WK [work area) Oti, offshore Borneo. The winner is Azipac Limited, the tender system is a regular auction, "he said on Wednesday (31/5). In detail, Oti Block is offered through a regular auction with an area of 5,480.80 square kilometers. Data available on the block are 2D 2.119.84 km seismic, EMGS survey and five wells.

In relation to the auction, Sole did not specify how many Oti Block auction participants had left Azipac Limited as the winner. The singer also did not explain what Azipac's bid could make him the winner of the block. The entire offer of Azipac, exceeds the estimate made by the government. Quoted and its official website, Azipac Limited is an Azimuth Group business unit established in 2014 and headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda.


Azipac Working Block Oti

Pemerintah telah memutuskan satu pemenang lelang wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi pada semester I/2016, yaitu untuk blok migas Oti di Lepas Pantai Kalimantan Timur. Pada penawaran blok migas di putaran l/2016, tujuh blok yang ditawarkan secara langsung yakni Blok Bukit Barat (Offshore Kepulauan Riau), Blok Batu Gajah Dua (Onshore Jambi),Blok  Kasongan Sampit (Onshore Kalimantan Tengah),Blok  Ampuh (Offshore Laut Jawa),Blok  Ebuny (Offshore Sulawesi Tenggara), Blok  Onin (Onshore-Offshore Papua Barat) dan Blok West Kaimana (Onshore-Offshore Papua Barat).

Sementara itu, tujuh blok ditawarkan melalui skema lelang reguler yakni South CPP (Onshore Riau), Suremana I (Offshore Makassar Strait), SE Mandar (Offshore Sulawesi Selatan-Sulawesi Barat), North Arguni (Offshore Papua Barat), Kasuri II (Onshore Papua Barat), Manakarra Mamuju (Offshore Makassar Strait dan Oti (Offshore Kalimantan Timur).

Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Tunggal mengatakan, dan 14 wilayah kerja yang ditawarkan pada lelang blok migas semester I/2016, hanya satu yang memenuhi kriteria. Pada skema lelang terbuka, yang mana investor berhak menetapkan sendiri komitmen, bonus tanda tangan juga besaran bagi hasilnya, terdapat satu pemenang atas pengelolaan Blok Oti. 

“WK [wilayah kerja) Oti, lepas pantai Kalimantan. Pemenangnya Azipac Limited, sistem tendernya lelang reguler,” ujarnya, Rabu (31/5). Secara rinci, Blok Oti ditawarkan melalui lelang regular dengan luas wilayah 5.480,80 kilometer persegi. Data yang tersedia pada blok tersebut yakni seismic 2D 2.119,84 km, survei EMGS dan lima sumur.

Terkait dengan lelang, Tunggal tidak merinci berapa peserta lelang Blok Oti hingga menyisakan Azipac Limited sebagai pemenangnya. Tunggal juga tidak menjelaskan apa saja tawaran Azipac yang bisa membuatnya menjadi pemenang blok tersebut. Seluruh tawaran Azipac, melampaui estimasi yang dibuat pemerintah. Dikutip dan laman resminya, Azipac Limited merupakan unit usaha Azimuth Group yang didirikan pada 2014 dan berkantor pusat di Hamilton, Bermuda.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, June 2, 2017

Pertamina Majority in Duri-Dumai Loss

The joint operation of the Duri-Dumai gas pipeline construction project in Riau between PT Pertamina Gas and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. Will be an opportunity for synergy between the two gas trading companies.

In the same operation, Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) has a dominant share of 60%. While Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) is 40%. Pertagas President Director Toto Nugroho said the final negotiations between the two gas trading companies are very difficult in discussing the operation cooperation (KSO), which is related to the amount and distribution of working capital obligations.

"Pertamina subsidiary [Pertagas] majority. We are about 60%, PGN 40%, "he said on Wednesday (31/5). He explained that the Duri-Dumai gas pipeline project will be an opportunity to synergize or establish a holding company of state-owned oil and gas. According to him, the current structure of the two SOEs gas is already completed. Furthermore, the joint operation (KSO) will designate the construction contractor (engineering, construction / EPC).

"The pipeline is ready, but it has not yet begun to be dug [place to place the gas pipeline]." Toto added that the cooperation was not done by forming a joint venture, just by KSO. "It will take a long time to form a subsidiary."

The Government has issued the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree no. 4975 K / 12 / MEM / 2016 which commissioned PGN and Pertagas to jointly build the gas infrastructure along with its joint support. Based on the assignment, PGN is assigned to entire industries in South Sumatra, Riau and Jambi areas as it requires acceleration. PGN will build a 100-kilometer pipeline with a volume of 160 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd).

Meanwhile, Pertamina to optimize the Dumai Refinery will be re-operated. Pertamina built a 67 km long pipe with a volume of 157 MMsCfd.

In terms of supply, the gas allocation for the Dumai refinery is targeted to start flowing in late 2017 or early 2018 coming from the Corridor Block of 40 billion British thermal units per day (BBtud) and Bentu 57 BBtud Block. 

For the operation and funding will be done by both companies. As for, the two companies will not create a new company. Both entities hold gas transportation rights in the same segment. As a result, both act as transporters Which is responsible as a contractor and entitled to the cost of delivering gas for the segment.


Duri-Dumai, Director of PGN's Infrastructure and Technology Dilo Seno Widagdo, said that the establishment of KSO will eventually become a way out so that the Duri-Dumai project can be run soon. Because the two business entities have gas transportation permit in the same segment.

PGN also gets 37 MMBtu gas supply from the Corridor Block from 2018 to 2023. Meanwhile, gas contracts from Corridor and Bentu Blocks of 40 BBtud and 57 BBtud to Pertamina are planned to flow by the end of 2017 or early 2018 until the pipelines are connected.

"According to the assignment from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Duri-Dumai project is implemented with PGN and Pertamina. That's the consideration, "he said

Meanwhile, Pertagas, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina, posted net profit for January-April 2017 of US $ s4.6 million or 36% of this year's profit target of US $ I50.2 million. Pertagas's net profit at 20l6 was US $ 159.1 million.

Toto said, this year's profit target is lower than the realization of 2016 due to various factors. According to him. Government policies governing gas trading from upstream to downstream, including limiting the margin of gas business entities, make the company's performance depressed.

He pointed out, the company must reduce the tariffs for toll fees in the arun-Belawan section. The decrease in the pipe lease is the main cause of the decrease in income. Pertagas assets are currently around US $ 1.9 billion or Rp. 24.7 Trillion (exchange rate of Rp 13,000 per US $)


Pertamina Mayoritas di Rugi Duri-Dumai

Kerja sama operasi pembangunan pipa gas ruas Duri-Dumai di Riau antara PT Pertamina Gas dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk.  akan menjadi kesempatan untuk sinergi kedua perusahaan niaga gas itu.

Dalam kerja Sama operasi itu, Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) memiliki saham dominan yaitu 60%. sedangkan Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) sebesar 40%. Presiden Direktur Pertagas Toto Nugroho mengatakan perundingan terakhir antara kedua perusahaan niaga gas itu sangat sulit dalam membahas kerja sama operasi (KSO), yaitu terkait dengan jumlah dan pembagian kewajiban modal kerja. 

“ Anak Usaha Pertamina [Pertagas] mayoritas. Kami sekitar 60%, PGN 40%,” ujarnya, Rabu (31/5). Dia menjelaskan, proyek pipa gas mas Duri-Dumai akan menjadi kesempatan menuju sinergi atau pembentukan induk usaha (holding) BUMN minyak dan gas bumi. Menurutnya, saat ini struktur kerja Sama kedua BUMN gas itu sudah selesai. Selanjutnya kerja sama operasi (KSO) itu akan menunjuk kontraktor konstruksi (engineering, construction/EPC).

“Pipa sudah siap, tetapi belum mulai digali [tempat untuk menempatkan pipa gas]". Toto menambahkan, kerja sama itu tidak dilakukan dengan membentuk perusahaan patungan, cukup dengan KSO. "Akan butuh waktu lama kalau membentuk anak usaha."

Pemerintah telah menerbitkan Keputusan Menteri ESDM No. 4975 K/12/MEM/2016 yang menugaskan PGN dan Pertagas membangun bersama infrastruktur gas berikut penunjangnya secara bersama-sama. Berdasarkan penugasan, PGN ditugaskan untuk menyeluruh industri di wilayah Sumatra Selatan, Riau, dan Jambi karena memerlukan percepatan. PGN akan membangun pipa sepanjang 100 kilometer dengan volume 160 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd).

Sementara itu, Pertamina untuk mengoptimumkan Kilang Dumai yang akan kembali dioperasikan. Pertamina membangun pipa sepanjang 67 km dengan volume 157 MMsCfd.

Dari segi pasokan, alokasi gas untuk Kilang Dumai ditargetkan mulai mengalir pada akhir 2017 atau awal 2018 yang berasal dari Blok Corridor sebesar 40 billion British thermal unit per day (BBtud) dan Blok Bentu 57 BBtud. Untuk pengoperasian dan pendanaannya akan dilakukan oleh kedua perusahaan. 

     Adapun, kedua perusahaan pun tidak akan membuat perusahaan baru. Kedua badan usaha memegang hak transportasi gas di ruas yang sama. Alhasil, keduanya berperan sebagai transporter yakni bertanggung jawab sebagai kontraktornya dan berhak mendapat biaya penghantaran gas atas ruas tersebut.


Terkait dengan kerja sama operasi Duri-Dumai, Direktur lnfrastruktur dan Teknologi PGN Dilo Seno Widagdo mengatakan, pembentukan KSO akhirnya menjadi jalan keluar agar pembangunan proyek Duri-Dumai bisa segera berjalan. Pasalnya, kedua badan usaha memiliki izin tranportasi gas di ruas yang sama.

PGN pun mendapat pasokan gas 37 MMBtu dari Blok Corridor mulai 2018 hingga 2023. Sementara itu, kontrak gas dari Blok Corridor dan Blok Bentu sebanyak 40 BBtud dan 57 BBtud kepada Pertamina direncanakan mengalir pada akhir 2017 atau awal 2018 sampai ruas pipa terhubung. 

“Sesuai penugasan dari Kementerian ESDM, bahwa proyek Duri-Dumai dilaksanakan bersama PGN dan Pertamina. Itu pertimbangannya,” ujarnya 

Sementara itu, Pertagas, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina itu, membukukan laba bersih selama Januari-April 2017 sebesar Us$s4,6 juta atau 36% dari target laba tahun ini US$I50,2 juta. Laba bersih Pertagas pada 20l6 sebesar US$ 159,1 juta.

Toto menuturkan, target laba tahun ini lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan realisasi 2016 karena berbagai faktor. Menurutnya. kebijakan pemerintah yang mengatur tata niaga gas dari hulu sampai hilir termasuk membatasi margin badan usaha niaga gas membuat kinerja perseroan tertekan.

Dia mencontohkan, perusahaan harus menurunkan tarif sewa pipa (toll fee) di ruas arun-Belawan Penurunan sewa pipa itu menjadi penyebab utama penurunan pendapatan. Aset Pertagas saat ini sekitar US$ 1,9 miliar atau Rp. 24,7 Triliun (nilai tukar Rp. 13.000 per US$)

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, June 2, 2017