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Showing posts with label general. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2019

KPK Sets Ex Managing Director of Petral Suspect

Oil and Gas Mafia, Bambang Allegedly Received USD 2.0 million

Bambang Irianto

The Corruption Eradication Commission (CEC/KPK) named Bambang Irianto (BTO) as a suspect in the case of alleged bribery in trading crude oil and refined products at Pertamina Energy Service Pte Ltd (PES). 

     Bambang was the Managing Director of PES for the 2009-2013 period and also the former Managing Director of Pertamina Energy Trading (Petral). 

Pertamina Energy Trading (Petral)

The KPK said Bambang Irianto was suspected of taking bribes in the amount of USD 2.9 million for the assistance he provided to Kernel Oil.

"In the period 2010 to 2013, the suspect BTO (Bambang Irianto) through a SIAM company account was alleged to have received money of at least USD 2.9 million for assistance provided to Kernel Oil related to trading activities of refined products and crude oil to PES / PT Pertamina (Persero) in Singapore and cargo shipments, "KPK Deputy Chairman Laode M Syarif said at a press conference at the KPK building, Jalan Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

According to Syarif, Bambang received these bribes in stages through overseas bank accounts.

"The BTO suspect as Vice President of Market Invest helped secure Kernel Oil cargo allocation in the tender for the procurement or sale of crude oil for refined products, and in return it was suspected that Bambang Irianto received a sum of money received through bank accounts abroad," said Syarif.

Syarif admitted that it was very difficult to get information about bank accounts that exist abroad. Bambang along with a number of PES officials, according to Syarif, have the right to determine which partners will be invited to participate in the tender. One of the NOCs who was often invited to take part in tenders and eventually became the party sending the cargo to PES / PT Pertamina is Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC).

"It is suspected that ENOC is a flag company used by Kernel Oil representatives. The BTO suspect allegedly directed to continue inviting the NOC despite knowing that the NOC was not the party that sent the cargo to PES / PT Pertamina (Persero), "Syarif said.

Search 5 Locations

The KPK searched five locations related to the oil and gas mafia case with the suspect Bambang Irianto.

"For the sake of investigation, the KPK searched 5 locations on September 5 and 6 2019," KPK Deputy Chairman Saut Situmorang said at the press conference.

The five locations are houses located at Pramukasari 3 street, Jakarta. The house is located in the Ligamas Pancoran complex, South Jakarta and the apartment is located at Salemba Residence, Central Jakarta. Then the house located at Cempaka Putih Timur, Central Jakarta, and the House having its address at Cisanggiri Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

"From the search, the KPK seized procurement documents and asset data. Because the allegations of receiving bribes are very significant, the KPK will continue to search and asset recovery, "said Laode Syarif.

Long Suspected

In 2015, the name Bambang Irianto was often touted as the culprit of the dilapidated transaction of the Pertamina oil subsidiary's buying and selling transaction. Bambang was repeatedly mentioned and quipped by Faisal Basri who at that time was the head of the Oil and Gas Governance Reform Team formed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said at that time Apart from PES, Bambang Irianto continued to be trusted by the company and even became the Director of PT Pertamina Energy Trading Limited (Petral) in 2014. Former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said was 'Very frustrated' with this former Petral Managing Director.

Because, when called for a forensic audit, Bambang was often absent and had difficulty coordinating. Even to the point of losing a laptop! Although Petral was dissolved, and the trading function was returned to ISC in 2015, Bambang Irianto comfortably walked away from his responsibilities, and enjoyed his retirement.


KPK Tetapkan Eks Dirut Petral Tersangka

Mafia Minyak dan Gas, Bambang Diduga Terima USD 2,0 juta

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menetapkan Bambang Irianto (BTO) sebagai tersangka terkait kasus dugaan suap perdagangan minyak mentah dan produk kilang di Pertamina Energy Service Pte Ltd (PES). Bambang merupakan Managing Director PES periode 2009-2013 dan juga mantan Direktur Utama Pertamina Energy Trading (Petral). KPK menyebut Bambang Irianto diduga menerima suap sebesar USD 2,9 juta atas bantuan yang diberikannya ke pihak Kernel Oil.

“Pada periode tahun 2010 sampai 2013, tersangka BTO (Bambang Irianto) melalui rekening perusahaan SIAM diduga telah menerima uang sekurang-kurangnya USD 2,9 juta atas bantuan yang diberikannya kepada pihak Kernel Oil terkait dengan kegiatan perdagangan produk kilang dan minyak mentah kepada PES/PT Pertamina (Persero) di Singapura dan pengiriman kargo,” kata Wakil Ketua KPK Laode M Syarif dalam konferensi pers di gedung KPK, Jalan Kuningan Persada, Jakarta Selatan.

Menurut Syarif, Bambang menerima suap tersebut secara bertahap melalui rekening bank di luar negeri. 

“Tersangka BTO selaku vice president Market Invest membantu mengamankan alokasi kargo Kernel Oil dalam tender pengadaan atau penjualan minyak mentah untuk produk kilang, dan sebagai imbalannya diduga Bambang Irianto menerima sejumlah uang yang diterima melalui rekening bank di luar negeri,” ujar Syarif.

Syarif mengakui sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang rekening bank yang ada di luar negeri. Bambang bersama sejumlah pejabat PES, menurut Syarif, berhak menentukan rekanan yang akan diundang mengikuti tender. Salah satu NOC yang sering diundang untuk mengikuti tender dan akhirnya menjadi pihak yang mengirimkan kargo untuk PES/PT Pertamina adalah Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC).

“Diduga ENOC merupakan perusahaan bendera yang digunakan pihak perwakilan Kernel Oil. Tersangka BTO diduga mengarahkan untuk tetap mengundang NOC tersebut meskipun mengetahui bahwa NOC itu bukanlah pihak yang mengirim kargo ke PES/PT Pertamina (Persero),” kata Syarif.

Geledah 5 Lokasi

KPK menggeledah lima lokasi terkait kasus mafia migas dengan tersangka Bambang Irianto. 

“Untuk kepentingan penyidikan, KPK menggeledah 5 lokasi pada 5 dan 6 September 2019,” kata Wakil Ketua KPK Saut Situmorang dalam jumpa pers tersebut.

Kelima lokasi itu adalah rumah yang beralamat di Jalan Pramukasari 3 Jakarta. Rumah yang berlamat di kompleks Ligamas  Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan dan apartemen yang beralamat di Salemba Residence, Jakarta Pusat. Kemudian rumah yang beralamat di Cempaka Putih Timur, Jakarta Pusat, dan Rumah yang
beralamat di Cisanggiri Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.

“Dari penggeledahan tersebut KPK menyita dokumen pengadaan dan data aset. Dikarenakan dugaan penerimaan suap sangat signifikan maka KPK akan terus berupaya melakukan penelusuran dan asset recovery,” kata Laode Syarif.

Sudah Lama Dicurigai

Pada 2015, nama Bambang Irianto sering disebut-sebut sebagai biang kerok bobroknya transaksi jual beli minyak anak usaha Pertamina tersebut. Bambang berkali-kali disebut dan disindir oleh Faisal Basri yang kala itu sebagai ketua Tim Reformasi Tata Kelola Migas yang dibentuk oleh Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Sudirman Said waktu itu Lepas dari PES, Bambang Irianto terus dipercaya oleh perusahaan bahkan menjadi Dirut PT Pertamina Energy Trading Limited (Petral) pada 2014. Mantan Menteri ESDM Sudirman Said sempat ‘sangat frustasi’ dengan bekas Dirut Petral ini.

Sebab, saat dipanggil untuk audit forensik, Bambang sering mangkir dan sulit berkoordinasi. Bahkan sampai beralasan kehilangan laptop! Meski Petral dibubarkan, dan fungsi trading dikembalikan ke ISC pada 2015, Bambang Irianto melenggang dengan nyaman dari tanggung jawabnya, dan menikmati masa pensiun.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-1, Wednesday, Sept 11, 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Six Oil and Gas Working Areas Become Gross Split

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that there will be six Oil and Gas Working Areas (WK) that will change their oil and gas profit sharing scheme. From the previous use of the cost recovery production sharing contract (PSC) scheme, the scheme will be changed to gross split PSC

Arcandra Tahar

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar said, the change in the contract scheme from the cost recovery to gross split will be carried out in February 2019.

"In two weeks two blocks will change to gross split, then there will be four more exploration and WK production, and six more until next month," he claimed in ESDM Ministry Office.

Arcandra reasoned, the KKKS chose contract amendments to be gross split because it was far more efficient.

"Efficient, not complicated, simple, there is also certainty," he added.

The WK Migas whose contract scheme will change is first, the Block Supports the contractor Conrad; second, the Muralim and Tanjung Enim Blocks with the Dart Energy contractor; third, North Arafura WK with Madura Oil contractor; fourth, the Bungamas Block with the Bunga Mas International contractor; fifth, Blok Sebatik with Energy Star contractors.

Of the several Work Areas mentioned, Arcandra stated that the Tanjung Enim Block would be the first conventional oil and gas block to be turned into a gross split this year. So far, Tanjung Enim Block is indeed a working area that has the production of cool bed methane (CBM) types. While Arcandra itself is targeting the signing of the Tanjung Enim Block contract to be carried out on the upcoming February 9, 2019.


Enam Wilayah Kerja Migas Menjadi Gross Split

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencatat, akan ada enam Wilayah Kerja (WK) Migas yang bakal berubah skema bagi hasil migasnya. Dari sebelumnya memakai skema production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery, skemanya akan diubah menjadi PSC gross split

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar bilang, perubahan skema kontrak dari cost recovery menjadi gross split itu akan dilakukan pada Februari 2019. 

"Dua pekan lagi dua blok berubah ke gross split, lalu akan ada empat lagi WK eksplorasi dan ada produksi, dan enam lagi sampai bulan depan," klaimnya di Kantor Kementerian ESDM.

Arcandra beralasan, para KKKS memilih amandemen kontrak menjadi gross split lantaran jauh lebih efisien.

"Efisien, tidak berbelit-belit, simpel, juga ada kepastian," imbuhnya.

Adapun WK Migas yang skema kontraknya akan berganti adalah pertama, Blok Dukung dengan kontraktor Conrad; kedua, Blok Muralim dan Blok Tanjung Enim dengan kontraktor Dart Energy; ketiga, WK North Arafura dengan kontraktor Madura Oil; keempat, Blok Bungamas dengan kontraktor Bunga Mas International; kelima, Blok Sebatik dengan kontraktor Star Energy.

Dari beberapa Wilayah Kerja yang disebutkan itu, Arcandra menyatakan, Blok Tanjung Enim akan menjadi blok migas konvensional pertama yang berubah menjadi gross split di tahun ini. Selama ini, Blok Tanjung Enim memang merupakan wilayah kerja yang memiliki produksi jenis cool bed methane (CBM). Sementara Arcandra sendiri menargetkan penandatanganan kontrak Blok Tanjung Enim bisa dilakukan pada 9 Februari 2019 mendatang.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Jan 12, 2019

13 Oil and Gas Projects Operate

This year, the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) projects that 13 oil and gas (oil and gas) projects will operate and produce (onstream).

Dwi Soetjipto

Head of SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto predicts that from the 13 projects there will be an additional peak production of 240,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd).

"The total investment value reaches US $ 702 million," he said when met at the House of Representatives (DPR) Building.

The 13 projects are the Betara Complex project, the Terang Sirasun Batur Phase 2 project, Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 2, the Terminal gas drainage project to Gunung Kembang Selatan. Then the Bukit Tua Phase 3 project, Kedung Keris Full Well Steam, Buntal 5, Gajah Putri Bison-Iguana, Suban Compression. Next is the installation of the Betung Compressor, the Bayan Gas Production Facilities project, the YY project and the Mellwis project.

"While in 2018, there were six onstream projects with an estimated peak production of 34,000 boepd. The total investment value of the six projects reached US $ 345 million. But this is an estimate, we are still waiting for the audit results," Dwi said.


13 Proyek Migas Beroperasi

Tahun ini, Satuan Kerja Khusus Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) memproyeksikan sebanyak 13 proyek minyak dan gas bumi (migas) bakal beroperasi dan berproduksi (onstream).

Kepala SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto memprediksikan dari 13 proyek itu akan ada tambahan produksi puncak sebesar 240.000 barrel oil equivalen per day (boepd). 

"Total nilai investasinya mencapai US$ 702 juta," ungkap dia saat ditemui di Gedung Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR).

Adapun ke-13 proyek tersebut adalah proyek Kompleks Betara, proyek Terang Sirasun Batur Phase 2, Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 2, proyek pengaliran gas Terminal ke Gunung Kembang Selatan. Kemudian proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3, Full Well Steam Kedung Keris, Buntal 5, Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri, Suban Compression. Selanjutnya pemasangan Kompresor Betung, proyek Bayan Gas Production Facilities, proyek YY serta proyek Mellwis.

"Sementara pada tahun 2018, realisasinya ada enam proyek onstream dengan estimasi puncak produksi sebesar 34.000 boepd. Total nilai investasi enam proyek tersebut mencapai US$ 345 juta. Tapi ini estimasi, kami masih menunggu hasil audit," ungkap Dwi.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 11, 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Investors Need More Certainty of Licensing

Oil and gas contractors do not question gross gross profit sharing scheme schemes, but rather want the ease and certainty of time to obtain licenses.

As many as 36 oil and gas contractors use the gross split scheme as long as the model was first applied in early 2017 until the end of 2018. The government replaces the cost recovery scheme that uses a system of returning oil and gas production costs from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) to cooperation contract contractors (KKKS).

However, contractors are given the opportunity to continue to use the cost recovery scheme until the contract expires. The government requires all new contracts for oil and gas working areas to use gross profit sharing schemes.

The President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan said that basically contractors did not have problems with gross split regimes or other types of contracts that apply in other countries. Because, every country has a different oil and gas contract regime policy.

"There are no problems with the gross split, but how permits and certainty of how long to take care of the permit are explained," he said.

Tumbur considered that the value of the signature bonus paid by the contractor to the state was also still reasonable.

"If we look in other countries, they collect [signature bonuses] more, but because the blocks are also large," he added.
Regarding the investment potential of upstream oil and gas in the future, Tumbur said that the potential for oil and gas reservoirs in the country remains promising, but needs to be supported by an increase in national competitiveness. In the perspective of oil and gas investors who are not only focused on one region, the calculation of capital returns is a priority.

In the last 3 years, the ESDM Ministry has cut many policies to create a simpler atmosphere for national oil and gas investment. Nearly 200 policies in the energy and mining sectors were cut by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Seeing this, Tumbur acknowledged that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources had carried out the main tasks and functions properly. However, oil and gas licensing is not only in the ESDM Ministry, but also in other ministries and institutions.

"Trimming and simplification [regulation and licensing] is important, but investors also need how long it will take to complete all that," he said.

Arcandra Tahar


The Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar revealed that the presence of 36 oil and gas contractors that applied the gross profit sharing scheme showed that investment commitments in the upstream oil and gas sector rose significantly. With this achievement, Arcandra also dismissed that the use of gross split scheme was not able to attract investors in the upstream oil and gas sector.

"This year the exploration block has sold nine [work areas], last year it sold five blocks. In 2016 and 2015 it sold zero. If there are those who say that the gross split system is not suitable for exploration blocks, it turns out that on December 28, 2018, it has increased by three blocks, "he said.

In addition, until the end of the year there were additional numbers of oil and gas working areas that used gross splits, bringing the total to 36 oil and gas blocks. The ESDM Ministry announced three winners of the Phase III / 2018 Oil and Gas Block auction at the end of December 2018. The three blocks are South's working area Andaman, Sakakemang, and Maratua.

In addition, Arcandra said that the decision to manage the terminated oil and gas block in 2023, the Rimau Block which was operated by Medco E & P, used a gross split scheme.


Investor Lebih Butuh Kepastian Perizinan

Para kontraktor minyak dan gas bumi tidak mempersoalkan skema kontrak bagi hasil kotor atau gross split, tetapi lebih menginginkan kemudahan dan kepastian waktu untuk mendapatkan perizinan.

Sebanyak 36 koutraktor minyak dan gas bumi menggunakan skema bagi hasil kotor atau gross split selama model itu pertama kali diterapkan pada awal 2017 hingga akhir 2018. Pemerintah mengganti skema bagi hasil bersih atau cost recovery yang menggunakan sistem pengembalian biaya produksi migas dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) kepada kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS).

Namun, kontraktor diberikan kesempatan untuk tetap menggunakan skema cost recovery hingga kontrak berakhir. Pemerintah mewajibkan kepada seluruh kontrak baru wilayah kerja migas untuk menggunakan skema bagi hasil kotor.

Presiden Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan bahwa pada dasarnya kontraktor tidak memiliki permasalahan dengan rezim gross split atau jenis kontrak lain yang berlaku di negara lain. Pasalnya, setiap negara mempunyai kebijakan rezim kontrak migas berbeda.

“Tidak ada masalah sama gross split, tetapi bagaimana perizinan dan kepastian berapa lama mengurus izin itu dijelaskan,” katanya.

Tumbur menilai bahwa nilai bonus tanda tangan yang dibayar oleh kontraktor kepada negara juga masih dalam angka yang wajar. 

“Kalau kita lihat di negara lain, mereka memungut [bonus tanda tangan] lebih besar, tetapi karena bloknya juga besar," tambahnya.

Terkait dengan potensi investasi hulu migas ke depan, Tumbur mengatakan bahwa potensi reservoir migas di Tanah Air tetap menjanjikan, tetapi perlu didukung dengan peningkatan daya saing nasional. Dalam perspektif investor migas yang tidak hanya fokus di salah satu regional, hitung-hitungan tingkat pengembalian modal menjadi prioritas.

Dalam 3 tahun terakhir, Kementerian ESDM telah memotong banyak kebijakan untuk menciptakan atmosfer investasi migas nasional lebih sederhana. Hampir 200 kebijakan di sektor energi dan pertambangan dipotong oleh Kementerian ESDM.
Melihat hal tersebut, Tumbur mengakui bahwa Kementerian ESDM sudah menjalankan tugas pokok dan fungsi dengan baik. Namun, perizinan migas tidak hanya berada di Kementerian ESDM, tetapi juga di kementerian dan lembaga lain.

“Pemangkasan dan penyederhanaan [regulasi dan perizinan] menjadi penting, tetapi investor juga memerlukan berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan semua itu,” tuturnya.


Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengungkapkan bahwa dengan adanya 36 kontrakor minyak dan gas bumi yang menerapkan skema bagi hasil kotor tersebut menunjukkan komitmen investasi di sektor hulu migas naik signifikan. Dengan capaian tersebut, Arcandra pun menepis bahwa penggunaan skema gross split tidak mampu menarik minat para investor di sektor hulu migas.

“Tahun ini blok eksplorasi sudah laku sembilan [wilayah kerja], tahun lalu laku lima blok. Pada 2016 dan 2015 laku nol. Kalau ada yang mengatakan sistem gross split tidak cocok untuk blok eksplorasi, ternyata pada tanggal 28 Desember 2018 justru bertambah tiga blok,” katanya.

Selain itu, hingga akhir tahun ada tambahan jumlah wilayah kerja migas yang menggunakan gross split sehingga total mencapai 36 blok migas.
Kementerian ESDM mengumukan tiga pemenang lelang Blok Migas Tahap III/2018 pada akhir Desember 2018. Ketiga blok itu adalah wilayah kerja South
Andaman, Sakakemang, dan Maratua. 

Selain itu, Arcandra menyampaikan bahwa keputusan pengelolaan blok migas terminasi pada 2023, yaitu Blok Rimau yang dioperatori oleh Medco E&P, menggunakan skema gross split. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Wednesday, Jan 2, 2019

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Energy Equity Will Immediately Start Karaeng Block Joint Study

Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd immediately conducted a joint study in Karaeng Block in Jeneponto, South Sulawesi through a joint study. This oil and gas block was auctioned some time ago but there is no demand.

Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang)

President of Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Andi Riyanto said, this was the first time his party had been challenged by the government to carry out a joint study. This is also what makes Definite Work Commitments (DWC/KKP), which are agreed upon in the newly signed Production Sharing Contract (PSC) increased from US $ 60 million to US $ 80 million.
The increase in KKP is used to explore open areas that are suspected of having oil and gas reserves, including the Karaeng Block. The joint study is said to be carried out soon.

"These next months (implemented). So we will start administration first, "he said in Jakarta

This joint study includes evaluating geological and seismic documents, not yet entering physical activities. Thus, the funds issued may only be around US $ 100 thousand to access the document. Because the study has not yet been carried out, it has not been able to mention the potential of oil and gas in Karaeng Block. The party itself is interested in conducting this joint study, given its location adjacent to the Sengkang Block.

However, it does not mean that the oil and gas production of the two blocks will be merged, due to different contracts. After the joint study was completed and the block was auctioned, according to Andy, his party was interested in participating in this auction.

"There is a desire from management to participate in the WK (work area) auction. Hopefully a priviledge will be given because I want to join a joint study, "he said.

Previously, when visiting Jeneponto, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar had reviewed the Karaeng Block location. When conducting a review of the location, Arcandra said that data would be added to the block Karaeng is through a joint study.

Arcandra Tahar

"This visit saw the potential of the oil and gas sector, especially the Karaeng Block in Jeneponto Regency. The data presented is promising. We have discussed it, there will be a joint study to see more potential, "said Arcandra.

This joint study is to further explore the potential at the same time to add data. The Karaeng Block is not the only oil and gas block that is not in demand at this year's oil and gas block auction. Throughout this year, the government has held an oil and gas block auction twice. 

    In the first phase where 19 oil and gas blocks were offered through regular auctions and 5 oil and gas blocks through direct offers, only four blocks were sold. While for the second phase of the auction, 6 oil and gas blocks are offered, but only 2 blocks have the winner.


Energy Equity Segera Mulai Joint Study Blok Karaeng

Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd segera melaksanakan joint study di Blok Karaeng di Jeneponto, Sulawesi Selatan melalui studi bersama (joint study). Blok migas ini sempat dilelang beberapa waktu lalu narnun tidak ada peminatnya. 

Presiden Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Andi Riyanto menuturkan, ini kali pertama pihaknya ditantang oleh pemerintah untuk melaksanakan joint study. Hal ini jugalah yang membuat Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP) yang disepekati dalam kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) yang baru saja ditandatangani meningkat dari US$ 60 juta menjadi US$ 80 juta. 

Peningkatan KKP digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi wilayah terbuka yang diduga memiliki cadangan migas, termasuk Blok Karaeng. Joint study ini disebutkan akan segera dilakukan dalam Waktu dekat. 

“Bulan-bulan depan ini (dilaksanakan). Jadi kami akan mulai administrasi dulu,” kata dia di Jakarta 

Joint study ini meliputi mengevaluasi dokumen geologi dan seismik, belum masuk ke kegiatan fisik. Sehingga, dana yang dikeluarkan kemungkinan hanya sekitar US$ 100 ribu untuk mengakses dokumen tersebut. Karena belum dilakukan kajian, pihaknya belum dapat menyebutkan potensi migas di Blok Karaeng. Pihaknya sendiri mernang tertarik untuk melakukan joint study ini, mengingat lokasinya berdekatan dengan Blok Sengkang. 

Namun, bukan berarti produksi migas kedua blok ini akan digabung, karena berbeda kontraknya. Setelah joint study selesai dan blok dilelang, menurut Andy, pihaknya berminat ikut lelang ini. 

“Ada keinginan dari manajemen ikut lelang WK (wilayah kerja) itu. Semoga diberikan priviledge karena sudah mau joint study,” tuturnya.

Sebelumnya, ketika berkunjung ke Jeneponto, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar telah melakukan peninjauan lokasi Blok Karaeng. Saat melakukan tinjauan ke lokasi tersebut, Arcandra menyampaikn bahwa akan dilakukan penambahan data untuk blok Karaeng tersebut melalui joint study.

“Kunjungan ini melihat potensi sektor Migas, terutama Blok Karaeng yang ada di Kabupaten jeneponto. Dari data yang dipresentasikan cukup menjanjikan. Sudah kami diskusikan, akan ada joint study untuk melihat lebih dalam lagi potensi yang ada,” kata Arcandra. 

Joint study ini untuk lebih mendalami potensi yang ada sekaligus melakukan penambahan data. Blok Karaeng bukan satu-satunya blok migas yang tidak diminati dalam lelang blok migas tahun ini. Sepanjang tahun ini, pemerintah sudah dua kali menggelar lelang blok migas. 

     Pada tahap pertama di mana 19 blok migas ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler dan 5 blok migas melalui penawaran langsung, hanya empat blok yang laku. Sementara untuk lelang tahap dua ditawarkan 6 blok migas, tetapi hanya 2 blok saja yang ada pemenangnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Dec 15, 2018

Delay of Refinery Assessed Adverse

The delay in the construction of new refineries and the increase in refinery capacity has the potential to swell imports of oil fuel. In 2012 the value of imported crude oil and oil raw materials reached 16.5 billion US dollars. The government is urged to be consistent with the dream of building refineries in the country.

Throughout 2017, the value of imported fuel oil (BBM) reached 9 billion US dollars, exceeding the value of crude oil imports of 7.5 billion US dollars. As of August 2018, the value of imported fuel is also higher than crude oil imports. A total of 7.4 billion US dollars was spent on fuel imports, while 5.5 billion US dollars of crude oil imports.

According to Executive Director of Indonesian Resources Studies (IRESS) Marwan Batubara in Jakarta, delays in completing the construction of new refineries and increasing refinery capacity to 2026 harm PT Pertamina (Persero) and could disrupt the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar.

Indonesia also loses the potential of gaining added value from refinery and petrochemical products. Marwan said the delay could affect public confidence in the government's sincerity in building refineries. The delay in building refineries has made Indonesia increasingly dependent on imports. In fact, imports are often a hunting ground for oil and gas mafia rents.

Nicke Widyawati

Previously, Pertamina's Managing Director Nicke Widyawati admitted there were delays in the construction of new refineries and the increase in existing refineries. However, he refused to explain what caused the delay. According to him, it's better late than nothing.

Balikpapan refinery

Last Monday (10/12/2018), Pertamina signed a design, construction and engineering (EPC) contract for the development of the Balikpapan refinery, East Kalimantan. Meanwhile, President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan said the government's ambitions building new refineries must be accompanied by efforts to find oil and gas reserves through exploration.

Because, without the discovery of new reserves, Indonesia has not been completely free of imports despite having refineries in large capacity. The capacity of Indonesia's oil refineries is currently only 1 million barrels per day. In fact, national fuel consumption reaches 1.5 million-1.6 million barrels per day, where the shortfall is met through imports of 600 thousand barrels per day.


Penundaan Kilang Dinilai Merugikan

Tertundanya pembangunan kilang baru dan peningkatan kapasitas kilang berpotensi membuat angka impor bahan bakar minyak membengkak. Pada 2012 nilai impor minyak mentah dan bahan baku minyak mencapai 16,5 miliar dollar AS. Pemerintah didesak konsisten dengan cita-cita membangun kilang di dalam negeri.

Sepanjang 2017, nilai impor Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) mencapai 9 miliar dollar AS, melampaui nilai impor minyak mentah yang 7,5 miliar dollar AS. Hingga Agustus 2018, nilai impor BBM juga lebih tinggi daripada impor minyak mentah. Sebanyak 7,4 miliar dollar AS dibelanjakan untuk impor BBM, sedangkan impor minyak mentah 5,5 miliar dollar AS.

Menurut Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Resources Studies (IRESS) Marwan Batubara di Jakarta, tertundanya penuntasan pembangunan kilang baru dan peningkatan kapasitas kilang menjadi tahun 2026 merugikan PT Pertamina (Persero) dan dapat mengganggu nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS. 

Indonesia juga kehilangan potensi memperoleh nilai tambah dari produk kilang dan petrokimia. Marwan menyebut keterlambatan itu bisa memengaruhi kepercayaan publik terhadap kesungguhan pemerintah membangun kilang. Keterlambatan membangun kilang membuat Indonesia semakin tergantung pada impor. Padahal, impor sering menjadi lahan perburuan rente mafia migas.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengakui ada keterlambatan pembangunan kilang baru dan peningkatan kilang yang ada. Namun, dirinya menolak menjelaskan apa penyebab keterlambatan itu. Menurut dia, lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali.

Senin (10/12/2018) lalu, Pertamina menandatangani kontrak pengerjaan rancangan, konstruksi, dan rekayasa (EPC) untuk pengembangan kilang Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Sementara itu, Presiden Asosiasi Perminyakan Indonesia (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, ambisi pemerintah
membangun kilang baru harus dibarengi usaha menemukan cadangan migas melalui eksplorasi.

Sebab, tanpa penemuan cadangan baru, Indonesia belum sepenuhnya terbebas dari impor meski punya kilang dalam kapasitas besar. Kapasitas kilang minyak Indonesia saat ini hanya 1 juta barel per hari. Padahal, konsumsi BBM nasional mencapai 1,5 juta-1,6 juta barel per hari, dimana kekurangannya dipenuhi melalui impor sebesar 600 ribu barel per hari.

Kompas, Page-18, Saturday, Dec 15, 2018

Gas Region Auction 2019

The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency or BPH Migas will open a Gas Pipeline Distribution Area (GPDA/WJD) auction in April 2019. BPH Migas Jugi Prajogio Committee members explain the area to be auctioned into the distribution network area of ​​West Java, East Java, Central Java, and North Sumatra.

"We have pre-auctioned two weeks ago in Bekasi, West Java. Of the 34 business entities in Indonesia, as many as 13 business entities have expressed interest before pre-auction, "he explained on the sidelines of an event entitled Socialization of Joint Supervision of Handling Transportation and Commercial Business Activities of Natural Gas through Pipes.

He explained that this auction is a follow-up to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Regulation Number 4 of 2018 concerning the Exploitation of Natural Gas in Downstream Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas) Activities.

In this regulation, WJD is a certain area of ​​the natural gas distribution network which is part of the Master Plan of the National Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Network to carry out natural gas transportation business activities through distribution pipes.

The determination of WJD is based on the administrative area of ​​the district / city that is ready to be auctioned into WJD because of the availability of pipeline infrastructure, gas allocation, and also consumers to their financial capabilities.

"Right now business entities are competing to submit proposals including preparing a [FS] feasibility study.

God willing, if there is no obstacle in April or May next year we open an auction because to make FS takes 3-4 months, "Jugi explained.

He explained, the potential that can be owned by the business entity that won the auction was being able to carry out oil and gas transportation and commercial activities calmly without any interference. BPH Migas will provide commercial concessions for 15 years for the existing region and 30 years for new areas for WJD auction winners in Certain Trade Areas (CTA/WNT).

"So now it is still free competition, but we will manage it in the future. A business entity will control a certain area. So they will be calm for 15 years or 30 years, no one is disturbing, "he explained.

Based on data from the East Java ESDM Office, the East Java region has large oil and gas potential, namely 12 exploration blocks and 18 exploitation blocks of which 5 are worked on by Pertamina EP contractors.

In 2017, oil production recorded in East Java reached 89.6 million barrels per day (barrels of oil per day / BOPD) or increased compared to 2016 which was only 77.3 million BOPD. The gas production in 2017 was 255,580 Standard standard cubic feet (mmscf), a slight decrease compared to 2016 which reached 257,822 mmscf.

Meanwhile, fuel consumption, both oil, gas, coal and renewable energy in East Java in 2018 reached 132 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE). This number increased compared to consumption in 2017, namely 125 million BOE, and 2016 only 119 million BOE.


In the socialization activities in Surabaya, BPH Migas will carry out an MOU with the East Java Regional Police to anticipate violations or crimes in the distribution of oil and gas in East Java. Jugi revealed, from 34 oil and gas business entities in Indonesia, there were at least 3-5 business entities that often violated. The violation that has occurred so far is to avoid paying contributions by reason of forgetting to take notes.

"In our opinion, they intentionally avoid avoiding late payments and interest. We usually talk to the first stage and coaching first as an administrative sanction, "he explained.

Jugi explained that in East Java there are three fields in the oil and gas business, namely transmission pipes, distribution pipes and city gas networks. Of the three fields that often violate the administration are distribution pipes, while the city gas network has not been found to be a potential violation. So far, he continued, there has been no hardest violation, such as selling gas to a particular industry at a higher price.


Wilayah Gas Dilelang 2019

Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi atau BPH Migas akan membuka lelang wilayah jaringan distribusi (WJD) gas pipa pada April 2019. Anggota Komite BPH Migas Jugi Prajogio menjelaskan daerah yang akan dilelang menjadi wilayah jaringan distribusi adalah Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, dan Sumatra Utara.

“Kami sudah melakukan pra-lelang pada 2 minggu lalu di Bekasi Jawa Barat. Dari 34 badan usaha yang ada di Indonesia, sebanyak 13 badan usaha sudah menyatakan minat pada saat sebelum pra-lelang,” jelasnya di sela-sela acara bertajuk Sosialisasi Pengawasan Bersama Penanganan Kegiatan Usaha Pengangkutan dan Niaga Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa.

Dia menjelaskan lelang ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Nomor 4 Tahun 2018 lentang Pengusahaan Gas Bumi Pada Kegiatan Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (migas).

Dalam aturan itu, WJD adalah wilayah tertentu dari jaringan distribusi gas bumi yang merupakan bagian dari Rencana Induk Jaringan Transmisi dan Distribusi Gas Bumi Nasional untuk melaksanakan kegiatan usaha pengangkutan gas bumi melalui pipa distribusi.

Penentuan WJD tersebut didasarkan pada wilayah administrasi kabupaten/kota yang siap untuk dilelang menjadi WJD karena sudah tersedianya infrastruktur pipa, alokasi gas, dan juga konsumen hingga kemampuan finansialnya.

“Sekarang ini para badan usaha berlomba-lomba untuk mengajukan usulan termasuk menyiapkan feasibdity study [FS].

InsyaAllah kalau tidak ada halangan pada April atau Mei tahun depan kami buka lelang karena untuk membuat FS perlu waktu 3-4 bulan," jelas Jugi.

Dia menerangkan, potensi yang bisa dimiliki badan usaha yang memenangkan lelang tersebut yakni bisa melakukan kegiatan angkutan dan niaga migas dengan tenang tanpa ada gangguan. Adapun BPH Migas akan memberi konsesi niaga selama 15 tahun untuk wilayah existing dan 30 tahun untuk daerah baru bagi pemenang lelang WJD pada wilayah niaga tertentu (WNT).

“Jadi sekarang ini sifatnya masih free competition, tetapi ke depan akan kita atur. Satu badan usaha akan mengontrol daerah tertentu. Jadi mereka akan tenang selama 15 tahun atau 30 tahun tidak ada yang mengganggu,” jelasnya.

Berdasarkan data Dinas ESDM Jatim, di wilayah Jatim memiliki potensi migas yang besar, yakni terdapat 12 blok eksplorasi dan 18 blok eksploitasi yang 5 di antaranya digarap oleh kontraktor Pertamina EP.

Pada 2017, tercatat produksi minyak di Jatim mencapai 89,6 juta barel per hari (barrels of oil per day/BOPD) atau meningkat dibandingkan 2016 yang hanya 77,3 juta BOPD. Adapun produksi gas pada 2017 yakni 255.580 Standart standard cubic feet (mmscf), sedikit menurun jika dibandingkan dengan 2016 yang mencapai 257.822 mmscf.

Sementara itu, konsumsi bahan bakar, baik minyak, gas, batu bara dan energi terbarukan di Jatim pada 2018 mencapai 132 juta barrels oil equivalent (BOE). Jumlah tersebut meningkat dibandingkan konsumsi 2017 yakni 125 juta BOE, dan 2016 hanya 119 juta BOE.


Dalam kegiatan sosialisasi di Surabaya itu, BPH Migas akan melakukan MOU dengan Polda Jatim untuk mengantisipasi adanya pelanggaran atau kejahatan dalam distribusi migas di Jatim. Jugi mengungkapkan, dari 34 badan usaha migas di Indonesia, sedikitnya ada 3-5 badan usaha yang sering melanggar. Pelanggaran yang selama ini terjadi adalah menghindar dari pembayaran iuran dengan alasan lupa mencatat.

“Menurut kami memang mereka sengaja menghindar agar tidak membayar keterlambatan dan bunga. Biasanya tahap awal kami ajak bicara dan coaching dulu sebagai sanksi administratif,” jelasnya.

Jugi memaparkan di Jatim ada tiga bidang dalam usaha migas yakni pipa transmisi, pipa distribusi dan jaringan gas kota. Dari ketiga bidang tersebut yang kerap melanggar administrasi adalah pipa distribusi, sedangkan jaringan gas kota belum ditemukan potensi pelanggaran. Sejauh ini, lanjutnya, belum ada pelanggaran yang terberat seperti menjual gas kepada satu industri tertentu dengan harga yang lebih tinggi.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Friday, Dec 14, 2018