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Showing posts with label LAPINDO. Show all posts

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Investment Commitment on Oil and Gas Exploration Grows US $ 291 Billion

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has set a new manager for five of the six oil and gas blocks that will be exhausted by 2020. From this determination, the state gets additional investment commitment of oil and gas amounting to US $ 291 billion.

By 2020, there are six oil and gas blocks to be completed, namely South Block J Block B, Brantas, Malacca Strait, Salawati Bird's Head, Onshore Salawati Basin, and Makassar Strait. Except for the Makassar Strait Block, the government has established a new operator of this termination block.

EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar, said that for the term and condition just five blocks of oil and gas termination has been signed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan. Meanwhile, the signing of the five block production sharing contract (PSC) will be conducted next month.

With the assurance of the fate of the five blocks that are soon extinguished by the contract, the government gets additional investment commitment for oil and gas, "For WK (working area) terminated in 2020 (not including Makassar Strait), Rp 4 trillion for exploration," he said in Jakarta. This investment commitment has not calculated the nett present value (NPV) of each block.

The management of the Block J Block South Block, handed over to Petrochina International Jambi promising a five-year working commitment of US $ 32.75 million and a signature bonus of US $ 5 million. While the share (split) of this company set at 53% for gas. 

     For Brantas Block, the government appointed Lapindo Brantas, PT Prakasa Brantas, and Minarak Labuan Co Llc as managers. Lapindo Brantas is committed to invest in the first five years of US $ 115.55 million and a signature bonus of US $ 1 million. In this block, the government provides a split for contractors of 4-7% for oil and 52% for gas.

Then the Malacca Strait Block was handed over to EMP Malacca Strait SA with partners. The contractor promises a five-year working commitment of US $ 45.75 million and a signature bonus of US $ 2.5 million. While the split part of the contractor is set at 59% for oil and 64% for gas. 

     Finally, for the Salawati Head of Birds Head and Onshore Salawati Basin, it was decided that the operator changed to Petrogas. The Government obtained a definite working commitment of US $ 61.72 million on the Bird's Head Salawati Block and US $ 36.25 million in the Onshore Salawati Basin Block. While the signature bonus of each US $ 1 million.

"For split contractors, in Bird's Head set 43% plus 5.5% for oil and 48% plus 5.5% for gas. Next split contractors in Salawati ie 43% plus 5% for oil, "said Arcandra.

As for the fate of the Makassar Strait Block, the government is still waiting for its contractor, Chevron Indonesia. This is because Chevron Indonesia asked for an extension to prepare the proposal.

"Chevron asked for time. Until June this is pursued, "said Director General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto. Makassar Strait Block is currently working on Chevron Makassar Strait 72%, PHE 10%, and Tiptop Makassar 18%.

Previously, Djoko explained, in accordance with Government Regulation no. 35 of 2004 Article 28, the existing contractor may apply for a contract extension not later than 10 years and no later than 2 years before the contract is completed. While the government must make new management decisions at least one year before the contract termination. However, the government will attempt to immediately establish new operators of this terminating oil and gas block.

"We are targeting for which (the contract is completed) 2020 set in June, next 2021 in July, 2022 in August, 2023 in September, 2024 in October, 2025 in November, and 2026 in December. So this year is over (new managers' determination) he said. For termination blocks until 2019, the government has established its managers.


Komitmen Investasi Eksplorasi Migas Bertambah US$ 291 Milyar

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) telah menetapkan pengelola baru untuk lima dari enam blok migas yang akan habis kontraknya pada 2020. Dari penetapan ini, negara mendapat tambahan komitmen investasi migas sebesar US$ 291 miliar.

Pada 2020, terdapat enam blok migas yang akan selesai kontraknya, yakni Blok South Jambi Block B, Brantas, Malacca Strait, Salawati Kepala Burung,
Onshore Salawati Basin, dan Makassar Strait. Kecuali untuk Blok Makassar Strait, pemerintah telah menetapkan operator baru blok terminasi ini.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, untuk term and condition baru saja lima blok migas terminasi tersebut telah ditandatangani oleh Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan. Sementara penandatanganan kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC) kelima blok ini akan dilakukan pada bulan depan.

Dengan sudah dipastikannya nasib lima blok yang segera habis kontraknya, pemerintah mendapat tambahan komitmen investasi migas, “Untuk WK (wilayah kerja) yang terminasi pada 2020 (tidak termasuk Makassar Strait), dapat Rp 4 triliunan untuk eksplorasi,” kata dia di Jakarta. Komitmen investasi ini belum menghitung nett present value (NPV) masing-masing blok.

Pengelolaan Blok South Jambi Block B, diserahkan kepada Petrochina International Jambi yang menjanjikan komitmen kerja pasti lima tahun sebesar US$ 32,75 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 5 juta. Sementara bagian bagi hasil (split) perusahaan ini ditetapkan sebesar 53% untuk gas. 

     Untuk Blok Brantas, pemerintah menunjuk Lapindo Brantas, PT Prakasa Brantas, dan Minarak Labuan Co Llc sebagai pengelola. Lapindo Brantas berkomitmen mengeluarkan investasi dalam lima tahun pertama sebesar US$ 115,55 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 1 juta. Di blok ini, pemerintah memberikan split bagi kontraktor sebesar 4-7% untuk minyak dan 52% untuk gas.

Kemudian Blok Malacca Strait diserahkan pengelolaannya ke EMP Malacca Strait SA bersama mitra. Kontraktor menjanjikan komitmen kerja pasti lima tahun sebesar US$ 45,75 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 2,5 juta. Sementara bagian split kontraktor ditetapkan sebesar 59% untuk minyak dan 64% untuk gas. 

     Terakhir, untuk Blok Salawati Kepala Burung clan Onshore Salawati Basin, diputuskan bahwa operatornya berubah menjadi Petrogas. Pemerintah memperoleh komitmen kerja pasti masing-masing US$ 61,72 juta di Blok Salawati Kepala Burung dan US$ 36,25 juta di Blok Onshore Salawati Basin. Sementara bonus tanda tangannya masing-masing US$ 1 juta.

“Untuk split kontraktor, di Kepala Burung ditetapkan 43% ditambah 5,5% untuk minyak dan 48% ditambah 5,5% untuk gas. Selanjutnya split kontraktor di Salawati yakni 43% ditambah 5% untuk minyak,” kata Arcandra. 

Sementara untuk nasib Blok Makassar Strait, pemerintah masih menunggu kontraktornya, yakni Chevron Indonesia. Hal ini lantaran Chevron Indonesia meminta perpanjangan waktu untuk menyiapkan proposal. 

“Chevron minta waktu. Sampai Juni inilah dikejar,” kata Driektur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto. Blok Makassar Strait saat ini digarap Chevron Makassar Strait 72%, PHE 10%, dan Tiptop Makassar 18%.

Sebelumnya, Djoko menjelaskan, sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35 Tahun 2004 Pasal 28, kontraktor eksisting dapat mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak paling cepat 10 tahun dan paling lambat 2 tahun sebelum kontrak selesai. Sementara pemerintah harus membuat keputusan pengelola baru paling telat satu tahun sebelum kontrak diterminasi. Namun, pemerintah akan berupaya secepatnya menetapkan operator baru dari blok migas terminasi ini. 

“Kami targetkan untuk yang (kontraknya selesai) 2020 ditetapkan pada Juni nanti, berikutnya yang 2021 di Juli, 2022 di Agustus, 2023 di September, 2024 di Oktober, 2025 di November, dan 2026 di Desember. Jadi tahun ini selesai (penetapan pengelola baru) kata dia. Untuk blok terminasi sampai 2019, pemerintah telah menetapkan pengelolanya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, June 9, 2018

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Lapindo Brantas Apply for Contract Renewal

PT Lapindo Brantas Inc intends to extend the contract to manage Brantas Block in East Java. The Bakrie family's oil and gas company's cooperation contract expires in 2020.

VP Operational of PT Lapindo Brantas Inc Christanto Budi Santosa stated, it is hoped that Lapindo Brantas contract is extended.

"We have proposed an extension for the next 20 years to 2040 to SKK Migas," he said (7/11).

He explained, the area of ​​work Brantas area of ​​3 thousand square meters is very potential. Half is on land and the rest in the middle of the sea.

 "We are not yet working on the sea but actually we have to do it, but it was already there Lapindo mud disaster he said.

Lapindo Brantas currently has five areas. The details, three in the sea and two terrestrial areas.

"Now we focus on land, especially in area 2 which covers Wunut and Tanggulangin areas," he said.

In Wunut and Tanggulangin, Lapindo has 34 wells. Until September 2017, its gas production reached 10.82 mmscfd.

"In 2006 (before the mudflow), our production was around 40 mmscfd, in fact, we used to reach the peak of 80 mmscfd," he explained.

Until the end of 2017, Lapindo targets to optimize production to 20 mmscfd. The details, Wunut Well produce 5 mmscfd and Tanggulangin well 15 mmscfd.


Lapindo Brantas Ajukan Perpanjangan Kontrak

PT Lapindo Brantas Inc berniat memperpanjang kontrak pengelolaan Blok Brantas di Jawa Timur. Kontrak kerja sama perusahaan migas milik keluarga Bakrie tersebut berakhir pada 2020.

VP Operational PT Lapindo Brantas Inc Christanto Budi Santosa menyatakan, pihaknya sangat berharap kontrak Lapindo Brantas diperpanjang. 

"Kita sudah mengajukan perpanjangan untuk 20 tahun ke depan sampai 2040 ke SKK Migas,” katanya (7/11).

Dia menjelaskan, Wilayah kerja Brantas seluas 3 ribu meter persegi sangat potensial. Separuhnya berada di darat dan sisanya di tengah laut.

 "Yang berada di laut malah belum kita kerjakan. Sebenarnya dulu sudah mau kita kerjakan, tapi ternyata telanjur ada musibah lumpur Lapindo ujarnya.

Lapindo Brantas saat ini memiliki lima area. Perinciannya, tiga di laut dan dua area di darat. 

"Sekarang kita fokus di darat, terutama di area 2 yang meliputi daerah Wunut dan Tanggulangin," tuturnya. 

Di Wunut dan Tanggulangin, Lapindo memiliki 34 sumur. Sampai September 2017, produksi gasnya mencapai 10,82 mmscfd. 

"Pada saat 2006 (sebelum semburan lumpur), produksi kami sekitar 40 mmscfd. Bahkan, kami dulu mencapai puncaknya, yaitu 80 mmscfd," paparnya.

Sampai akhir 2017 , Lapindo menargetkan dapat mengoptimalkan produksi menuju 20 mmscfd. Perinciannya, Sumur Wunut menghasilkan 5 mmscfd dan Sumur Tanggulangin 15 mmscfd.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Wednesday, Nov 8, 2017

Lapindo Apply for Contract Renewal

Towards the end of the exploration contract by 2020, Lapindo Brantas proposes a contract extension to the government for the next 20 years.

"Letter of contract extension we have sent to Jakarta. Still waiting for the government's decision. The review is underway, hopefully the results are good for us, "said Vice President of Operations of Lapindo Brantas Christanto Budi Santosa to participants of Media Workshop of Period III Year 2017 SKK Migas-KKKS and Media Area Jabanusa while visiting Area 2 WK (Working Area) Brantas in Wunut Sidoarjo, Tuesday (7/11).

Explained Christianto, WK Brantas potential that oversees 5 areas with a total of 34 wells is still very large. It is estimated from all existing wells to have a gas potential of up to 600-700 MMSCFD.

"With this potential we hope to be given government confidence for further exploration," he said.

Lapindo Brantas has obtained government permission to work on WK Brantas since 1990. The contract period is 30 years or 2020. With the proposed extension of the contract it is expected that Lapindo Brantas can explore up to 2040 or pocket the renewal period of another 20 years.

Despite obtaining government permission since 1990, Lapindo Brantas began production in 1999. Its production is ups and downs. Had experienced the peak of production, and since the emergence of Lapindo mud case in 2006, the company is asleep, there is almost no exploration and the impact of gas production is minimal.

Currently from Area 2 which oversees the area of ​​Wunut, Tanggulangin and Carat production capacity of 21 wells averaging only 10 MMSCFD. This capacity will be increased to 14 MMSCFD by 2018.

While from the total 34 wells in WK Brantas capacity will continue to be increased up to 20 MMSCFD by the end of 2017 and increased to 40 MMSCFD in 2018. Purchasers remain Lapindo gas including PGN with contract demand 8 MMSCFD and Assorted 2.2 MMSCFD.

Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations of Jogjakarta Oil and Natural Rescue Agency (SKK Migas), Jabanusa Representative Moh Fatah Jasin, said that the Lapindo Brantas contract extension has been submitted to the government.

"Currently still reviewed by the government. Whether remained to be given to Lapindo Brantas or given to other operators after going through the auction process, it is all government authority, "he said.

Alluded to whether there are other operators who are interested to work on WK Brantas, Fatah mention to date as far as he knows still does not exist. However, he saw a great desire from Lapindo Brantas to keep exploring the wells in his working area.

Fatah explained the current total national oil and gas production of 800 thousand barrels per day, while consumption of 1.6 million barrels per day. This means that the national availability of oil and gas is far from consumption. Therefore, oil and gas operators are required to spur production.

"Spurring production in wells owned not only about the state revenue, but also to maintain national energy needs," he said.


Lapindo Ajukan Perpanjangan Kontrak

Menjelang berakhirnya masa kontrak eksplorasi pada 2020, Lapindo Brantas mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak ke pemerintah untuk pengelolaan 20 tahun mendatang. 

“Surat perpanjangan kontrak sudah kami kirimkan ke Jakarta. Masih menunggu keputusan pemerintah. Kajian sedang dilakukan, semoga hasilnya baik untuk kita,” kata Vice President Operasional Lapindo Brantas Christanto Budi Santosa kepada peserta Lokakarya Media Periode III Tahun 2017 SKK Migas-KKKS dan Media Wilayah Jabanusa saat mengunjungi Area 2 WK (Wilayah Kerja) Brantas di Wunut Sidoarjo, Selasa (7/11).

Dijelaskan Christianto, potensi WK Brantas yang membawahi 5 area dengan total 34 sumur masih sangat besar. Diperkirakan dari seluruh sumur yang ada memiliki potensi gas hingga 600-700 MMSCFD. 

”Dengan potensi ini kami berharap diberi kepercayaan pemerintah untuk eksplorasi lagi,” katanya.

Lapindo Brantas mendapatkan izin pemerintah untuk menggarap WK Brantas sejak 1990. Masa kontrak didapat hingga 30 tahun atau berakhir 2020. Dengan pengajuan perpanjangan kontrak diharapkan Lapindo Brantas bisa mengeksplorasi hingga 2040 atau mengantongi masa perpanjangan kontrak 20 tahun lagi.

Meski mendapatkan izin pemerintah sejak 1990, Lapindo Brantas mulai produksi pada 1999. Produksinya pasang surut. Sempat mengalami masa puncak produksi, dan sejak munculnya kasus lumpur Lapindo pada 2006 lalu, perusahaan ini seolah mati suri, nyaris tidak ada eksplorasi dan imbasnya produksi gas minim.

Saat ini dari Area 2 yang membawahi wilayah Wunut, Tanggulangin dan Carat kapasitas produksi dari 21 sumur rata-rata hanya 10 MMSCFD. Kapasitas ini akan ditingkatkan menjadi 14 MMSCFD pada 2018.

Sedangkan dari total 34 sumur di WK Brantas kapasitas akan terus ditingkatkan hingga mencapai 20 MMSCFD pada akhir 2017 dan meningkat menjadi 40 MMSCFD pada 2018. Buyer tetap gas Lapindo di antaranya PGN dengan kontrak permintaan 8 MMSCFD dan Aneka Usaha 2,2 MMSCFD.

Sementara itu Kepala Urusan Humas SKK Migas Perwakilan Jabanusa Moh Fatah Jasin mengatakan surat perpanjangan kontrak Lapindo Brantas memang sudah diajukan ke pemerintah. 

“Saat ini masih dikaji oleh pemerintah. Apakah tetap diberikan ke Lapindo Brantas atau diberikan ke operator lain setelah melalui proses lelang, itu semua kewenangan pemerintah,” katanya.

Disinggung apakah ada operator lain yang tertarik untuk menggarap WK Brantas, Fatah menyebut sampai saat ini sepanjang yang diketahuinya masih belum ada. Namun dia melihat ada keinginan besar dari Lapindo Brantas untuk tetap bisa mengeksplorasi sumur-sumur di wilayah kerjanya.

Fatah menjelaskan saat ini total produksi migas secara nasional 800 ribu barel per hari, sedangkan konsumsi 1,6 juta barel per hari. Ini artinya ketersediaan migas secara nasional jauh dari konsumsi. Karena itu operator migas dituntut untuk memacu produksinya. 

“Memacu produksi di sumur-sumur yang dimiliki tidak hanya soal penerimaan negara, tetapi juga untuk menjaga kebutuhan energi nasional,” katanya. 

Bhirawa, Page-5, Wednesday, Nov 8, 2017

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Supports the Efforts of Creating Quality Domestic Products.

SKK Migas and Cooperation Contractors (KKKS) of Jabanusa region are committed to using domestic goods products and are expected to work actively from the Partners, as well as to support efforts to create quality domestic products, competitive in price and delivery capability so as to maximize the multiplier effect of upstream oil and gas activities .

According to Deputy of Control of SKK Migas Procurement, Djoko Siswanto, in Vendor's Day Together East event, Java at Golden Tulip Hotel, Batu, Malang, Upstream Oil and Gas is in a condition that has a severe challenge that is the price of unstable world crude oil resulting in upstream operations Migas, to get around this challenge Procurement Activities Goods and Services are required to increase TKDN (Domestic Component Level), change the pattern of utilization of goods or services from import into local.

Djoko added, one example of local content priority is Project Masela which turns offshore into onshore in order to improve local Maluku capability.

This routine annual activity aims to provide new knowledge for KKKS partners, in the Procurement of Upstream Oil and Gas Goods and Services especially related to the applicable regulations and provide training for regulatory fulfillment, and to give appreciation to local partners who have provided work best.

While there are about 250 local companies in East Java who became partners of 8 KKKS Jabanusa JOB Pertamina-PetroChina East Java, Pertamina EP Cepu, PHE WMO, Petronas Carigali, Santos, Kangean Energy Indonesia, HCML, and Lapindo Brantas.

The event was opened by Deputy of Controlling Procurement of SKK Migas, Djoko Siswanto accompanied by Chief of Supply Chain Management and Cost Management Division, Widi Santusa and Head of Goods and Services Division, Erwin Suryadi and 8 KKKS Jabanusa. Djoko Siswanto delivered some messages for KKKS and KKKS Partners to be able to participate in supporting Upstream Oil and Gas Industry activities as stated in their commitment to cooperation contract.

In the question and answer session, National Capacity Building Manager Bayu Murbandono reiterated the programs together with SKK Migas and KKKS to support domestic product liability.


Industri  Hulu Migas Dukung Upaya Penciptaan Produk dalam Negeri Berkualitas.

SKK Migas dan Kontraktor Kerja Kerjasama (KKKS) wilayah Jabanusa berkomitmen menggunakan produk barang jasa dalam negeri dan diharapkan kerjasama aktif dari Mitra Kerja, juga untuk mendukung upaya penciptaan produk dalam negeri berkualitas, kompetitif dalam harga dan kemampuan delivery sehingga memaksimalkan multiplier effect dari kegiatan hulu migas.

Menurut Deputi Pengendalian Pengadaan SKK Migas, Djoko Siswanto, dalam acara Vendor's Day Bersama East, Java di Hotel Golden Tulip, Batu, Malang, dunia Hulu Migas sedang dalam kondisi yang memiliki tantangan berat yakni harga minyak mentah dunia yang belum stabil berakibat terhadap kegiatan operasi Hulu Migas, untuk menyiasati tantangan ini Kegiatan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa dituntut untuk meningkatkan TKDN (Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri), merubah pola pemanfaatan barang atau jasa dari impor menjadi lokal.

Djoko menambahkan, salah satu contoh pengutamaan konten lokal adalah Project Masela yang merubah offshore menjadi onshore dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan lokal Maluku.

Kegiatan yang dilakukan rutin tiap tahun ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan baru untuk mitra kerja KKKS, dalam kegiatan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Hulu Migas terutama yang terkait dengan regulasi yang berlaku dan memberikan pelatihan untuk pemenuhan regulasinya, serta memberikan apresiasi kepada mitra kerja lokal yang telah memberikan kerja terbaik. 

Sedangkan ada sekitar 250 perusahaan Lokal Jatim yang menjadi Mitra Kerja dari 8 KKKS Jabanusa yakni JOB Pertamina-PetroChina East Java, Pertamina EP Cepu, PHE WMO, Petronas Carigali, Santos, Kangean Energi Indonesia, HCML, dan Lapindo Brantas.

Acara dibuka Deputi Pengendalian Pengadaan SKK Migas, Djoko Siswanto yang didampingi Kepala Divisi Pengelolaan Rantai Supply dan Analisis Biaya, Widi Santusa dan Kepala Divisi Pengelolaan Barang dan Jasa, Erwin Suryadi serta 8 pimpinan KKKS Wilayah Jabanusa. Djoko Siswanto menyampaikan beberapa pesan untuk KKKS dan Mitra Kerja KKKS untuk dapat turut serta mendukung kegiatan Industri Hulu Migas yang dituangkan dalam komitmennya terhadap kontrak kerjasama.

Sementara dalam sesi tanya jawab, Manager Pemberdayaan Kapasitas Nasional, Bayu Murbandono menekankan kembali program-program bersama SKK Migas dan KKKS untuk mendukung kewajiban penggunaan produk dalam negeri. 

Bhirawa, Page-8, Monday, July 31, 2017

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

SKK Migas Jabanusa Optimistic Oil and Gas Production Up

This year targeted 247 200 Thousand Barrels Per Day

In the current decline in oil and gas production nationwide, Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Java, Bali Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) remains optimistic that oil and gas production will increase in 2017's. Therefore, SKK Migas Jabanusa targeting oil's rise this year amounted to 247 200 thousand barrels per day than in 2016 only 195 thousand barrels per day.

Whereas, for gas rose from 580 MMSCFD to 640 MMSCFD, up 60 MMSCFD. One way is to encourage Contractor Cooperation Contract (PSC) Gas for immediate work on oil and gas projects in accordance with its region. PR SKK Migas Jabanusa Fatah Muhammad Yasin said the projected increase in oil and gas production was due to some PSC in East Java.

Because of all this, many work areas K3M untapped. As PT Lapindo Brantas of 11 area work area is not touched. As in Malang, Pasuruan, Situbondo, and Besuki. "The problem is in society, such as in Sidoarjo (Lapindo Brantas drilling oil). The risk of exploration and exploitation are also quite high, "said Fatah met in his office, Jalan Panglima Sudirman Surabaya, Monday (6/3).

Moreover, many people who do not know the system of exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in Indonesia. According to Fatah, in SKK Migas Jabanusa about 14 PSC. Of that amount, the largest exploration and exploitation carried ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) for oil production.

The total in 2016 and then, EMCL managed to produce 185 thousand barrels per day. That number increased in 2017 to reach 200 thousand barrels per day. Furthermore, most production is done by Petronas that figure reached 15 thousand barrels per day.

"We are targeting Petronas rose to 2,000 barrels per day in 2017's". Then there KKKS, Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) with 13 thousand barrels per day, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) with 7,000 per barrel, Saka 4,000 barrels per day, Pertamina 5,000 barrels per day, KKKS. Camar Resources Canada with 400 barrels per day and Santos with 800 barrels per day. "KKKS was not even profit, as Saka is given the trust to manage Block Sidayu but was not found. The cost of all the risks PSC, "he said.

According to Fatah, exploitation and exploration of oil and gas directly supervised by the government or the Ministry of Oil and Gas SKK, where the government is handing pengerjaaan exploration and exploitation to private parties.


SKK Migas Jabanusa Optimistis Produksi Migas Naik

Tahun ini Ditargetkan 247.200 Ribu Barel Per Hari

Di saat turunnya produksi minyak dan gas nasional, Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas (SKK Migas) Jawa, Bali Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) tetap optimistis produksi migas akan meningkat di tahun 2017 ini. Karena itu, SKK Migas Jabanusa menargetkan kenaikan minyak tahun ini sebesar 247.200 ribu barel per hari daripada di tahun 2016 yang hanya 195 ribu barel per hari. 

Sedangkan, untuk gas naik dari 580 mmscfd menjadi 640 mmscfd atau naik 60 mmscfd. Salah satu caranya adalah mendorong Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) Migas untuk segera mengerjakan proyek migas sesuai dengan Wilayah kerjanya. Humas SKK Migas Jabanusa Muhammad Fatah Yasin mengatakan, proyeksi peningkatan produksi migas itu karena beberapa KKKS di Jatim. 

Karena selama ini, banyak wilayah kerja K3M yang belum digarap. Seperti PT Lapindo Brantas yang dari 11 area Wilayah kerjanya tidak disentuh. Seperti di Malang, Pasuruan, Situbondo, dan Besuki.  ”Kendalanya ada pada masyarakat, seperti di Sidoarjo (pengeboran minyak Lapindo Brantas). Risikonya eksplorasi dan eksploitasi juga cukup tinggi,” kata Fatah ditemui di ruang kerjanya, Jalan Panglima Sudirman Surabaya, Senin (6/3).

Selain itu, banyak masyarakat yang belum mengetahui sistem eksplorasi dan eksploitasi migas yang dilakukan di Indonesia. Menurut Fatah, di SKK Migas Jabanusa ada sekitar 14 KKKS. Dari jumlah itu, eksplorasi dan eksploitasi terbesar dilakukan ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) untuk produksi minyak. 

Jumlah totalnya di tahun 2016 lalu, EMCL berhasil memproduksi 185 ribu barel per hari. Angka itu meningkat di tahun 2017 yang mencapai 200 ribu barel per hari. Selanjutnya, produksi terbanyak dilakukan oleh Petronas yang angkanya mencapai 15 ribu barel per hari. 

"Kami targetkan Petronas naik 2.000 barel per hari di tahun 2017 ini”. Kemudian ada KKKS, Joint Operating Bodi Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) dengan 13 ribu barel per hari, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) dengan 7.000 per barel, Saka 4.000 barel per hari, Pertamina 5.000 barel per hari, KKKS. Camar Resources Canada dengan 400 barel per hari dan Santos dengan 800 barel per hari. ”KKKS itu tidak meski untung, seperti Saka yang diberikan kepercayaan mengelola Blok Sidayu tapi tidak ditemukan.  Biaya semua risiko KKKS,” kata dia.  

Menurut Fatah, eksploitasi dan eksplorasi migas langsung di bawah pengawasan pemerintah atau Kementerian SKK Migas, Dimana, pemerintah memang menyerahkan pengerjaaan eksplorasi dan ekploitasi ke pihak swasta. 

Radar Surabaya, Page-5, Tuesday, March, 7, 2017

Friday, January 6, 2017

Lapindo Clean Well Wunut 16

Sidoarjo residents during this time do not know if in the village of lichen, District Reinforcement, existing gas wells owned by Lapindo Brantas Inc. Gas wells in the village called Wunut wells 16. At present, the gas wells in the work-over (cleaning wells). Information from the citizens, the well location right behind the local village hall. It's been about two weeks of work plans prepared over Lapindo. Start and preparations already heavy equipment to the site.

The workers in the field of engineering work over of the various partners of the company Lapindo already deployed. Ranging from licensing to the residents to the local village chief. Until notification of the District Leadership Forum (Forpimpka) Tulangan has also been done Lapindo. While Viar Manager Lapindo Brantas Inc Arief Setyo Widodo justified when in the village Jiken, Reinforcement, no work-over activities. Work is an advanced program over the previous year.

Jiken gas wells in the village, Reinforcement was called Wunut wells 16. The program is an advanced program yesterday, said the fat man called Yoyo it. Of the 11 wells remained three wells that have not been at work over. Ie wells Wunut 16 (Desa Jiken) is currently starting the process is done. Two other wells, wells Pesawahan Wunut 15 in the village, Porong, and the Well Wunut 7 in the village of Waung, Krembung.

     When asked about the Lapindo gas production, if there is an increase or decline, Yoyo said its production still remained stable as last year. Which is about 5 MMSCFD. Currently, Lapindo manages 30 gas wells scattered in the District Tanggulangin, Krembung, and Porong. However, of the 30 wells, only 14 wells that are still productive. Of the 14 wells of 11 wells were productive in Wunut, Porong district, with a total of 3 MMSCFD gas production. Three wells are in Sub Tanggulangin with gas production reached 5 MMSCFD.


Lapindo Bersihkan Sumur Wunut 16

Warga Sidoarjo selama ini tidak mengetahui jika di Desa liken, Kecamatan Tulangan, sudah ada sumur gas milik Lapindo Brantas Inc. Sumur gas di desa itu disebut sumur Wunut 16. Saat ini, sumur gas tersebut di work over (pembersihan sumur). Informasi dari warga, lokasi sumur tepat dibelakang balai desa setempat. Sudah sekitar dua pekan rencana work over dipersiapkan Lapindo. Mulai dan persiapan alat berat sudah ke lokasi.

Para pekerja teknik dibidang work over dari berbagai mitra perusahaan Lapindo sudah dikerahkan. Mulai dari perizinan ke warga hingga kepala desa setempat. Hingga pemberitahuan dari Forum Pimpinan Kecamatan (Forpimpka) Tulangan juga sudah dilakukan Lapindo. Sementara Viar Manager Lapindo Brantas Inc Arief Setyo Widodo membenarkan bila di Desa Jiken, Tulangan, ada aktifitas work over. Work over tersebut merupakan program lanjutan tahun sebelumnya.

Sumur gas di Desa Jiken, Tulangan itu disebut sumur Wunut 16. Program itu merupakan program lanjutan kemarin, kata pria gendut yang disapa Yoyok. Dari 11 sumur masih tinggal 3 sumur yang belum di work over. Yakni sumur Wunut 16 (Desa Jiken) yang saat ini mulai proses dikerjakan. Dua sumur lainnya, sumur Wunut 15 di Desa Pesawahan, Porong, dan Sumur Wunut 7 di Desa Waung, Krembung.

Ketika ditanya mengenai produksi gas Lapindo, apakah ada peningkatan atau kemerosotan, Yoyok mengatakan produksinya masih stabil tetap seperti tahun kemarin. Yakni sekitar 5 MMSCFD. Saat ini, Lapindo mengelola 30 sumur gas yang tersebar di Kecamatan Tanggulangin, Krembung, dan Porong. Namun, dari 30 sumur itu, hanya 14 sumur yang masih produktif. Dari 14 sumur produktif sebanyak 11 sumur berada di Wunut, Kecamatan Porong, dengan produksi gas total 3 MMSCFD. Tiga sumur lagi berada di Kecamatan Tanggulangin dengan produksi gas mencapai 5 MMSCFD.

Memorandum, Page-4, Friday, Jan, 6, 2017

Hazardous Waste Must Not Be Taken Residents

Sidoarjo residents during this time do not know if in the village of the District Jiken Reinforcement of existing gas wells owned by Lapindo Brantras Inc. Gas wells in the village called Wunut wells 16. At present, the gas wells diwork over (cleaning wells). Information from the citizens, the well location right behind the local village hall. It has been about 2 weeks over the work plan prepared by Lapindo.

Starting from the preparation machine has been delivered to the site. The workers in the field of engineering work over of the various partners of the company Lapindo already deployed. Starting permits to residents to the local village chief. Until notification of the District Leadership Forum Tulangan has also been done by Lapindo.

Public Relations Manager of Lapindo Brantas Inc. Arief Setyo Widodo justify when the village Jiken Tulangan no work-over activities. Work is an advanced program over the previous year. "Gas wells in the village Jiken Reinforcement was called Wunut wells 16. The program is an advanced program yesterday. Of the 11 wells, 3 wells are left that have not been at work over. Ie wells Wunut 16 (Desa Jiken) is currently starting the process is done. Two other wells, wells Wunut 15 located in the village of Porong Rice fields and wells located in the village Wunut 7 Waung Krembung.

Asked about Lapindo gas production, if there is an increase or downturn, said its production was stable Yoyo remain as last year. Which is about 5 MMSCFD. Currently, Lapindo manages 30 gas wells scattered in the District Tanggulangin, Krembung, and Porong. However, of the 30 wells, only 14 wells that are still productive.

Of 14 productive wells, as many as 11 wells were in Wunut, Porong district, with a total of 3 MMSCFD gas production. The three wells are in Sub Tanggulangin with gas production reached 5 MMSCFD. In construction work over there that contain B3 (Hazardous Materials Toxic). Such as iron tubs and plastic tub. If asked residents how? For waste containing B3 Lapindo will not allow to be asked by citizens.

B3 waste will be disposed of and sent to Bandung to be destroyed. Indeed, when the sale price is expensive, but the risk is Lapindo is responsible, Yoyo said. Lapindo will allow waste requested by residents, but that is not harmful to the environment. Ever place around the village of Wunut Porong, waste was made bath tub. Because it still contains B3, the body of citizens blister. Lapindo is responsible, from experience, we do not allow to be asked citizens.


Berbahaya, Limbah Tidak Boleh Diambil Warga

Warga Sidoarjo selama ini tidak mengetahui jika di Desa Jiken Kecamatan Tulangan sudah ada sumur gas milik Lapindo Brantras Inc. Sumur gas di desa itu disebut sumur Wunut 16. Saat ini, sumur gas tersebut diwork over(pembersihan sumur). Informasi dari warga, lokasi sumur tersebut tepat dibelakang balai desa setempat. Sudah sekitar 2 pekan rencana work over dipersiapkan oleh pihak Lapindo.

Mulai dari persiapan alat berat sudah dikirim ke lokasi. Para pekerja teknik dibidang work over dari berbagai mitra perusahaan Lapindo sudah dikerahkan. Mulai perizinan ke warga hingga kepala desa setempat. Hingga pemberitahuan dari Forum Pimpinan Kecamatan Tulangan juga sudah dilakukan Lapindo.

Public Relation Manager Lapindo Brantas Inc Arief Setyo Widodo membenarkan bila di Desa Jiken Tulangan ada aktifitas work over. Work over tersebut merupakan program lanjutan tahun sebelumnya. “Sumur gas di Desa Jiken Tulangan itu disebut sumur Wunut 16. Program itu merupakan program lanjutan kemarin. Dari 11 sumur, masih tinggal 3 sumur yang belum di work over. Yakni sumur Wunut 16 (Desa Jiken) yang saat ini mulai proses dikerjakan. Dua sumur lainnya, sumur Wunut 15 lokasinya di Desa Persawahan Porong dan sumur Wunut 7 lokasinya di Desa Waung Krembung.

Ditanya mengenai produksi gas Lapindo, apakah ada peningkatan atau kemrosotan, Yoyok mengatakan produksinya masih stabil tetap seperti tahun kemarin. Yakni sekitar 5 MMSCFD. Saat ini, Lapindo mengelola 30 sumur gas yang tersebar di Kecamatan Tanggulangin, Krembung, dan Porong. Namun, dari 30 sumur itu, hanya 14 sumur yang masih produktif.

Dari 14 sumur produktif, sebanyak 11 sumur berada di Wunut, Kecamatan Porong, dengan produksi gas total 3 MMSCFD. Adapun tiga sumur lagi berada di Kecamatan Tanggulangin dengan produksi gas mencapai 5 MMSCFD. Dalam pengerjaan work over, ada yang mengandung limbah B3 (Bahan Berbahaya Beracun). Seperti bak besi dan bak plastik. Jika diminta  warga bagaimana? Untuk limbah yang mengandung B3 pihak Lapindo tidak akan mengijinkan untuk diminta oleh warga.

Limbah B3 akan dibuang dan dikirim ke Bandung untuk dimusnahkan. Memang bila dijual harganya mahal, tapi resikonya Lapindo yang bertanggung jawab, kata Yoyok. Lapindo akan memperbolehkan limbah diminta oleh warga, namun yang tidak berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Pernah terjadi disekitar desa Wunut Porong, limbah bak itu dibuat bak mandi. Karena masih mengandung B3, tubuh warga melepuh. Lapindo yang bertanggung-jawab, dari pengalaman itu, kami tidak membolehkan untuk diminta warga.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-11, Friday, Jan, 6, 2017

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Downstream Industry Threatened Disruption

    Gas supply for the downstream industry in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, is in danger of being disrupted if Lapindo Brantas Inc continues to stop gas production activities from the Tanggulangin well 5. Production activities have stopped since the leakage of the pipeline connecting the well to the main pipe on Saturday (15/10) ).

"The leaky pipe replacement has actually begun. However, not until the repair was completed, the activities were stopped because the situation around the location was not conducive, ”said Vice President of Lapindo Brantas Inc Hesti Armi Wulan.

    Lapindo hopes that the situation around the site will immediately improve so that the repair of the leaky pipe which has been suspended since last Friday can be continued. The situation at the location was not conducive because there were differences of opinion from local residents. 

    There are pros and cons. The leaking pipe was planted about 2 meters in the riverbed in Kalidawir Village, Tanggulangin District. The pipe, which was planted in 1999, is suspected of leaking at the connection. The function of this pipe is to flow gas production from the Tanggulangin Well (TGA) 5 with a volume of about 3 million cubic feet per day to the main pipe.

    From the main pipe, the gas is then channeled to supply the needs of the household gas network and the downstream gas industry which supplies gas for the manufacturing industry. For the needs of the Gas Network, namely 3,850 house connections, it is guaranteed that it will not be disturbed because Lapindo will immediately divert supplies from other wells, namely TGA 1 and TGA 2. 

    Hesti said the Lapindo gas pipe leak occurred at night and was first discovered by the residents. The leak is characterized by the appearance of gas bubbles on the surface of the river water.

    In addition, there were also bursts of water and mud from the riverbed. The residents then reported the incident to the Lapindo Brantas field officer. The report was followed up by Lapindo Brantas production operator, Chusnul Maab, by checking the gas pressure in the TGA 5 well. 

    As a result, gas pressure from the well was reduced, indicating a leak in the pipeline network. Sidoarjo Regent Saiful Ilah, who was met at the Delta Wibawa Hall, promised to immediately communicate with Lapindo Brantas, including meeting and having a dialogue with residents to build a conducive situation.

    This residents' concern is justified because the Lapindo gas pipeline leak is not the first time this has happened. This case occurred in early March 2015 in Kedungbanteng Village, which is located adjacent to Kalidawir Village. 

    The pipe leak is suspected to have caused a fire to erupt at the residents' houses. Sidoarjo Resort Police investigators are investigating the cause of the problem and whether the leak was the cause of the fire in the residents' homes. This concern got worse after it was discovered that Lapindo Brantas had not detected the pipe leak.

The pipe leak in Kedungbanteng Village and Kalidawir Village was discovered by the residents, not by Lapindo field officers. Hesti said the gas leak occurred smoothly so that it was not detected by the company's security system. The gas leak does not directly affect the safety valve in the TGA 5 well so that the Well operation does not automatically shut down. Must be turned off manually.

Kompas, Page-23, Tuesday, Oct 25, 2016

Shutdown the Well, Lapindo Guarantees Safe Gas Supply

    Lapindo Brantas Inc (LBI) guarantees that the natural gas supply for the Gas Network (Gas Network) program will not be interrupted after the manual shut-in of the Tanggulangin well (TGA) 5 was due to leaking of the distribution pipeline to the gas plant at TGA-3, Saturday ( 15/10) ago. Gas Network supply is diverted directly from the TGA-1 and TGA-2 wells.

"Even though there are wells that have to be shut-in, the supply for the Gas Network program has not been disrupted. We supply gas from other wells. We are currently preparing to repair the leaky pipe so that the TGA 5 well will start producing again, ”said Vice President Operations LBI, Harsa Harjana.

    This was emphasized by Lapindo after residents were worried that the gas supply for the Gas Network would be disrupted. As is known, Pertagas is completing the Gas Network program for around 3,850 house connections (SR) for residents of Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo. 

    Gas for the Gas Network program is taken from the Lapindo well at Tanggulangin. A leaky pipe is under the river in Kalidawir Village. The provisional suspicion is that the leaking pipe is at the end of the pipe under river water, to be precise at a depth of 2 meters from the river bed.

It is suspected that the leak was due to the accumulation of water carried by the gas in the "U"-shaped section of the pipe. Lapindo will not repair the old pipe in the river but will replace it with a new pipe and move its position up the river. The pipeline leak occurred last Saturday (15/10), at around 22.00 to be precise. At that time Marsam, a resident of Kalidawir, saw a bubble and water coming out with mud from the river.

"Because the leaking pipe is at the bottom of the river, a bubbling appears and water bursts with mud from the riverbed carried by gas looking for a way out.

    Receiving the report, Chusnul Manab, the Lapindo Production Operator, immediately checked the pressure of the TGA 5 well. From the data in the Gas Plow Computer, it can be seen that the gas pressure has indeed dropped, indicating a gas pipeline leak.

    Because of that, shut-in was immediately carried out at the TGA 5 well. In less than 30 minutes the gas flow could be stopped to minimize the risk. At around 23.00 the bubble and water mixed with grains had stopped completely.

"Lapindo would like to thank Mr. Marsam who was immediately responsive in reporting so that the pipeline leak could be handled immediately. This shows that communication between Lapindo and residents has been well established. At that time Lapindo Brantas was indeed sending 10 MMcsf of gas as requested by Pertagas Niaga. It should have been 570 Psig at that time, but the pressure left on the screen was 278 Psig.

Harian Bangsa, Page-12, Tuesday, Oct 25, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

Leaking Pipes, Lapindo Guarantees Normal Gas Network Supply

    Lapindo Brantas shut-in (manually shut down the well) to the Tanggulangin well (TGA) 5 after a leak in the distribution pipe leading to the existing gas plant TGA 3. Even so, Lapindo Brantas guarantees that the supply for the Gas Network for residents is not disrupted because it is diverted immediately. to wells TGA 1 and TGA 2.

    Vice President Operations of PT Lapindo Brantas Inc Harsa Harjana, said that although there were wells that had to be shut-in, the supply for the Gastrointestinal Network program was not disrupted. We supply gas from other wells. We are currently preparing to repair the leaky pipe so that the TGA 5 well can return to production soon.

    This was done by Lapindo Brantas after residents' concerns that the gas supply for the Gas Network program would experience disruption. As is known, Pertagas is completing the Gass around 3,850 house connections (SR) program for residents of Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo.

    Gas for the Gas Network program is taken from the Lapindo Brantas well at Tanggulangin. However, there was a pipe leak that occurred last Friday (15/10), to be precise around 22.00. At that time Marsam, a resident of Kalidawir, saw a bubble and water coming out with mud from the river.

"Because the leaky pipe is at the bottom of the river, a bubbling appears and the water comes out along with the mud from the riverbed which is carried by the gas looking for a way out," said Harsa Harjana.

    Receiving the report, Chusnul Maab as the Lapindo Brantas Production Operator immediately checked the pressure of the TGA 5 well. From the data in the Gas Flow Computer, it can be seen that the gas pressure has indeed dropped, indicating a leak in the gas pipe. 

    Because of that, shut-in was immediately carried out at the TGA 5 well. In less than 30 minutes the gas flow could be stopped to minimize the risk. Around 23.00 the bubble and the water mixed with mud that had come out had stopped completely.

    Harsa explained that the leaking pipe was under the river that flows in Kalidawir Village. The provisional estimate is that the leaking pipe is at the end of the pipe under river water, at a depth of 2 meters from the river bed to be precise.

"It is suspected that the leak was due to the accumulation of water carried by the gas in the 'U' shape of the pipe. Therefore, we will not repair the old pipe under the river. Instead, replace it with a new pipe and move its position to be above the river.

    Lapindo would like to thank Mr. Marsam who was immediately responsive in reporting so that the pipe leak could be handled immediately. This shows that communication between Lapindo and residents has been well established, "he said.

    At that time, Lapindo Brantas was indeed sending 10 MMSCFD of gas as requested by Pertagas Niaga. At that time the pressure should be 570 Psig, but on the screen, the pressure is only 278 Psig.

"So because the leak is fine, the leak does not directly affect the safety valve in the TGA 5 well, so there is no automatic shutdown.

Surabaya Pagi, Page-7, Monday, Oct 24, 2016

Guaranteed Smooth Gas Supply

    Lapindo Brantas Inc manually shut down the gas well (shut-in) TGA-5 in Kalidawir Village, Tanggulangin District. This is done so that the gas supply to residents can run smoothly by diverting it to TGA-1 and TGA-2 in Kedungbanteng Village, Tanggulangin District. 

    LBI Vice President Operations Harsa Harjana said the shut-in was # done because there was a leak in one of the gas well pipes at TGA-5. The leaky pipe is under the river that flows in Kalidawir Village. 

“The leaky pipe is at the end of the pipe under river water, to be precise at a depth of two meters from the river bed".

    Harsa revealed that the leak that occurred on October 15 was immediately followed up by replacing a new pipe and moving its position over the river. "The leak and shut-in will not affect the gas supply to residents for the household connection gas network program (jargas),". 

The gas network program with the distribution of 3,850 house connections to Tanggulangin residents through the gas channel from Lapindo will continue. The gas supply is guaranteed not to be disrupted because other wells also supply gas needs. "At the time of the leak, we were sending 10 MMcsfd of gas as requested by Pertagas,".

    Kalidawir Village Head M Anas said that his party had coordinated with Lapindo so that there would be immediate handling related to the laying of the gas pipe. "We hope there will be no more leaks," he said. He hopes that the gas supply to the residents' houses will not be choked up. This is because the gas flow is very important for the daily needs of residents.

Radar Sidoarjo, Page-3, Monday, Oct 24, 2016

Guaranteed Smooth Gas Network Supply for Residents

    Lapindo Brantas Inc. shut-in (manually turn off the well) to the Tanggulangin well (TGA) 5 after the distribution pipeline leak to the gas plant at TGA 3. Even so, Lapindo Brantas Inc, guarantees that the gas supply for residents is not disrupted because it is diverted to the TGA 1 well and TGA 2.

"Even though there are wells that have to be shut-in, the supply for the Gas Network program has not been disrupted. We supply gas from other wells. "We are currently preparing to repair the leaky pipe so that the TGA 5 well will start producing again," said Vice President Operations of PT Lapindo Brantas Inc Harsa Harjana.

    The explanation was conveyed following residents' concerns that the gas supply for the Gas Network program would experience disruption. As is known, Pertagas is completing the Gas Network program of around 3,850 house connections (SR) for residents of Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo. Gas for the Gas Network program is taken from the Lapindo Brantas well at Tanggulangin.

    Harsa explained that the leaking pipe was under the river that flows in Kalidawir Village. The provisional estimate is that the leaking pipe is at the end of the pipe under river water, at a depth of 2 meters from the river bed to be precise. Harsa explained that the pipeline leak occurred last Friday (15/10), around 22.00. At that time Marsam, a Kalidawir resident, saw a bubble and water coming out of the water along with mud from the river.

"Because the leaking pipe is at the bottom of the river, a bubbling appears and water bursts with mud from the riverbed which is carried by the gas looking for a way out," said Harsa Harjana.

    Receiving the report, Chusnul Maab, Production Operator of Lapindo Brantas checked the pressure of the TGA 5 well. From the data in the Gas Flow Computer, it can be seen that the gas pressure has indeed dropped, which indicates a gas pipeline leak. 

    Therefore, the TGA 5 well shut-in was immediately carried out. In less than 30 minutes, the gas flow could be stopped to minimize the risk. Around 23.00 the bubble and water mixed with mud that had been gushing had stopped completely.

"Lapindo would like to thank Mr. Marsam who was immediately responsive in reporting so that the pipeline leak could be handled immediately.

This shows that communication between Lapindo and residents has been well established, "he said.

He explained, at that time Lapindo Brantas was indeed sending 10 MMcsf of gas as requested by Pertagas Niaga. At that time the pressure should be 570 psi, but on the screen, the pressure is only 278 psi.

"So because the leak is fine, the leak does not directly affect the safety valve in the TGA 5 well so there is no automatic shutdown," he said.

    When met separately, Kalidawir Village Head M Anas asked Lapindo to immediately repair the leaking pipe. The reason is that the pipe is very important to carry gas. " Because the damage has occurred, it should be replaced with a new pipe, "he said.

    According to Anas, if repairs are not carried out immediately, it will increase residents' unrest. Apart from waiting for this gas for a long time, now do not expect the gas to be disrupted by pipeline leaks.

"We ask to be repaired immediately, replace the pipe with a new one, passing through a safe location. Hopefully, this gas will also be realized soon and it will not be delayed any longer.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-11, Monday, Oct 24,  2016