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Monday, October 30, 2017

PHE ONWJ prepares US $ 24.5 Million

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java is preparing US $ 24.5 million for exploration activities in ONWJ Block next year. Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina, is optimistic to be able to manage exploration funds well despite the oil and gas production cost is no longer borne by the state.

ONWJ Block has implemented a gross split contract scheme since the beginning of this year. In the gross split scheme, no longer apply the cost recovery scheme (cost recovety) because the profit sharing received by the contracting contractor already includes the production cost.

The fund will be used for seismic activities of US $ 4.5 million and drilling of exploration wells at Kylo Square at US $ 20 million. The Kylo Square which is part of the ONWJ Block is located off the north coast of Karawang regency, West Java. Seismic activities and exploration well drilling will be done in the second quarter of 2018.

General Maneger Pertamina Hulu Energi North West Java (PHE ONWJ) Siswantoro M. Prasodjo said that the activity uses internal funds of the company. According to him, PHE ONWJ could be a pilot in managing exploration funds in the gross profit sharing scheme.

"The funds are internal funds to be used for exploration and seismic; We are optimistic to manage the fund properly, "he said in a corporate social event event in Subang, West Java, Thursday (26/10).

According Siswantoro, it has prepared measures that are appropriate to manage the company's finances. PHE ONWJ can be an example for other contractors to implement a gross split scheme. The ONWJ gross split contract was signed on January 18, 2017. To date, only those blocks are using a gross profit sharing scheme.

Komaidi Notonegoro, Executive Director of the Reforminer Institute, argues that PHE ONWJ should be able to calculate precisely the extent to which the company's cash flows as a step to minimize risks in applying gross split schemes.


PHE ONWJ siapkan US$ 24,5 Juta

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java menyiapkan dana US$ 24,5 juta untuk kegiatan eksplorasi di Blok ONWJ pada tahun depan. Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ), anak usaha PT Pertamina, optimistis mampu mengelola dana eksplorasi dengan baik kendati biaya produksi migas tidak lagi ditanggung oleh negara. 

Blok ONWJ telah menerapkan skema kontrak bagi hasil kotor (gross split) sejak awal tahun ini. Dalam skema gross split, tidak lagi berlaku skema pengembalian biaya produksi (cost recovety) karena bagi hasil yang diterima kontraktor kontrak kerja sama sudah termasuk biaya produksi.

Dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk kegiatan seismik sebesar US$ 4,5 juta dan pengeboran sumur eksplorasi di Lapangan Kylo US$ 20 juta. Lapangan Kylo yang merupakan bagian dari Blok ONWJ berlokasi di lepas pantai utara Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat. Kegiatan seismik dan pengeboran sumur eksplorasi akan dikerjakan pada kuartal II/2018.

General Maneger Pertamina Hulu Energi North West Java (PHE ONWJ) Siswantoro M. Prasodjo mengatakan bahwa kegiatan tersebut menggunakan dana internal perseroan. Menurutnya, PHE ONWJ bisa menjadi percontohan dalam mengelola dana eksplorasi dalam skema bagi hasil kotor. 

“Dana tersebut adalah dana internal yang akan digunakan untuk eksplorasi dan seismik; Kita optimistis dapat mengelola dana tersebut dengan baik," katanya dalam acara kegiatan sosial perusahaan di Subang, Jawa Barat, Kamis (26/10).

Menurut Siswantoro, pihaknya sudah menyusun langkah-langkah yang dinilai tepat untuk mengatur keuangan perusahaan. PHE ONWJ dapat menjadi contoh bagi kontraktor lain untuk menerapkan skema gross split. Kontrak gross split ONWJ ditanda-tangani pada 18 Januari 2017. Hingga saat ini, hanya blok tersebut yang memakai skema bagi hasil kotor. 

Komaidi Notonegoro, Direktur Eksekutif Reforminer Institute, berpendapat bahwa PHE ONWJ harus dapat menghitung secara tepat sejauh mana arus kas dana perusahaan tersebut sebagai langkah meminimalkan risiko dalam menerapkan skema gross split.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, October 30, 2017

Govt expects new rules to bolster auction

The government is hoping to improve the appeal of oil and gas fields it is auctioning and lure much -needed investors as it plans to pass a new regulation to settle taxation issues under the gross-split scheme.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry failed to whet investors’ appetite during a tender for 15 blocks that ran from May-September, mainly because of delay in issuing the new regulation. It has extended the period for accepting bids until Nov. 27.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s director general for oil and gas, Ego Syahrial, said he hoped to pass the Government Regulation (PP) prior to November 27 in a bid to provide much-awaited incentives to potential contractors.

“I hope the coming regulation will be a good solution [for the contractors],” Ego said in a press conference on Friday, adding that the government was also banking on the regulation to boost the number of auction participants in a move that may increase its chances toflnd investors for all the blocks.

Nineteen investors had so far accessed the documents related to the auction, said Ego, He added that Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan wouldf soon send a letter to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to ask for' his approval of the new regulation, following approval from Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

The coming regulation addresses two key issues that Ego considers vital in the minds of prospective oil and gas investors, namely taxation under the grosssplit production-sharing scheme (PSC) and the'loss carry-forward period.

The secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Susyanto, said the two crucial issues had been cleared in a discussion between his office and the Finance Ministry last week.

“The deputy minister [Archandra Tahar] met with Finance Minister [Sri Mulyani Indrawati] last Friday, and the meeting resulted in several agreements,” he said, referring to the extension of the loss carry-forward period to 10 years.

Under the 2008 Income Tax Law, the loss carry-forward period the period in which a tax-payer can delay tax payments - is limited to five years. Susyanto further explained that the tax during the exploitation period, a key issue for investors in the gross-split scheme, would be inserted into the sliding split scale between the government and contractors.

“The tax payment will be waived, as it will be inserted in the split calculation. This means the contractor does not need to pay tax, as it will be deducted from their split,” he said.

The gross-split scheme was introduced earlier this year to gradually phase out the current cost-recovery scheme, which obliges the government to reimburse contractors for exploration and exploitation activities. It was passed in the hope of boosting investor interest in the country and putting an end to the steady decline in oil and gas exploration, as well as to relieve the burden on the state budget.

The latest data from the Up-stream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) show that Indonesia has 264 oil and gas fields in the exploration or exploitation phase as of September, at least 40 of which are in the termination process.

The number of fields under exploration or exploitation has dropped from 280 last year and from 312 in 2015. SKK Migas head Amin Sunaryadi identified investors’ inability to keep financing the projects as a key reason behind the shrinking number of the fields. 

“The decline in oil and gas field [in the exploration or exploitation phase] is due to the termination of several fields, because investors did not secure the necessary funds to uphold their commitment until the end of the exploration period,” he said at the press conference.

Separately, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) executive director Marjolijn Wajong declined to comment on the new taxation scheme, adding that she would wait “until the regulation has been issued,”

The Jakarta Post, Page-13, Saturday, October 28, 2017

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Oil Lifting Until September Reaches 98%

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Business Activities (SKK Migas) stated that oil and gas lifting until September 30 reached 1,934 millions barrels oil equivalent per day (mboepd), from the target set in the Revised State Budget (APBN) 2017 of 1,965 mboepd.

Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said 1,934 mboepd it details the realization of oil of 797 million barrels oil per day (mbopd). While the target of oil lifting in APBN-P 2017 amounted to 815 mbopd.

"For oil lifting reached 98% of the target," said Amien in a press conference in Jakarta, Friday (27/10).

Amien said the realization of gas lifting until the end of September reached 6.367 million metric standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd). This realization almost reached the target set in APBN ~ P 2017 6,440 mmscfd. "Lifting gas reaches 99% of the target," he said.

He said to the government of Joko Widodo there were five oil and gas fields that began to operate. Generally, the production achievement exceeds the planned target.

First, oil and gas field that operates Banyu Urip in Bojonegoro, East Java with investment value reaches US $ 3.38 billion. Currently its production reaches 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) from the target of 185,000 bpd.

"The presence of oil and gas field Banyu Urip also managed to absorb a lot of manpower and boost economic growth Bojonegoro," he said.

The next field, Bangka Field which is part of the deepwater development project (Indonesian Deep Water Development / IDD) with an investment value of US $ 6.98 billion.

Bangka field produces 100 mmscfd of gas and 4,000 bpd of condensate and gas allocation for domestic needs. Then Donggi Square, Matindok, and Senoro. Investment for Donggi and Matindok amounted to US $ 762.1 million and Senoro reached US $ 815.5 million.

"Each produces 90 mmscfd and 270 mmscfd," he said.

The fourth field, the Cricket Field with an investment of US $ 3.77 billion. The oil and gas field has an initial production capacity of 450 mmscfd and can be increased up to 600 mmscfd. He said the gas is channeled to the Bontang refinery with 50% utilization for domestic.

Finally, Madura BD Field with an investment value of US $ 642.1 million. This oil and gas field produces gas of 46 mmscfd and 3,000 bpd of condensate.

"Production capacity 100 mmscfd. Now just production 46 mmscfd, "ujarnva.

In the meantime, the target of achieving a "reserve replacement ratio" or an increase in reserves in 2017 for oil and gas is 60 percent (barrel oil equivalent) and realization of 50.90 percent.

Until September 2017, the total field or Working Area (WK) of oil and gas in Indonesia is 264. This number is decreased compared to the position of 2016 which is 280 Working Areas. The number of Working Areas in Indonesia also decreased compared to 2015 with 312 Working Areas and in 2014 as many as 318 Work Areas.

"Previously in 2016 there were 280 Work Areas. Yesterday it fell to 272, then to 270, now 264, "said Amien Sunaryadi.

Of the 264 existing Working Areas, 143 are onshore, 87 Offshore Work Areas, and 34 Work Areas on land and sea. Of the 264 such Work Areas, 87 have entered the exploitation stage, 126 Exploration Working Areas, 51 Non-Conventional Work Areas.

Amien said the decline in the number of Oil and Gas Working Areas is due to the fact that part of the Working Area is terminated. Then in some Work Areas also terminated its operations because the operator does not have sufficient funds.

"The decline in the number of Work Areas because there is a Work Area terminated in part. WK KKKS (Cooperation Contract Contractor) is categorized as poor KKKS, because no funds do not succeed in executing the commitment until the exploration period ends, "said Amien.

State Revenue

Amien reveals the realization of state revenue until the end of September yesterday reached US $ 9.58 billion. This achievement is about 79% of the state revenue target in APBN-P 2017 of US $ 12.2 billion. He said the achievement of state revenue until September 30 was good enough. The reason is higher than the cost recovery cost paid by the government to the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS).

"It is still green because until september has moved 79% but the load is 73%," he said.

Amien explained the 73% cost recovery cost of the target set in the APBN-P 2017 amounted to US $ 10.71 billion. That is, the budget already paid by the government to KKKS reached US $ 7.76 billion. He asserted the determination of cost recovery is lower than state revenue.

"Cost recovery wants to be as low as possible. State revenue wants to be as high-end, "he said.


Lifting Minyak Hingga September Capai 98%

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksaha Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan realisasi lifting migas hingga 30 September mencapai 1.934 millions barrel oil equivalent per day(mboepd), dari target yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN) Perubahan 2017 sebesar 1.965 mboepd.

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan 1.934 mboepd itu rinciannya realisasi minyak sebesar 797 million barrel oil per day (mbopd). Sedangkan target lifting minyak dalam APBN-P 2017 sebesar 815 mbopd. 

“Untuk lifting minyak mencapai 98% dari target,” kata Amien dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Jumat (27/ 10).

Amien menuturkan realisasi lifting gas hingga akhir September kemarin mencapai 6.367 million metric standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd). Realisasi itu hampir mencapai target yang ditetapkan dalam APBN~P 2017 6.440 mmscfd. “Lifting gas mencapai 99% dari target,” ujarnya.

Dikatakannya pada pemerintahan Joko Widodo tercatat ada lima lapangan migas yang mulai beroperasi. Pada umumnya capaian produksi itu melebihi dari target yang telah direncanakan.

Pertama, lapangan migas yang beroperasi yakni Banyu Urip di Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur dengan nilai investasi mencapai US$ 3,38 miliar. Saat ini produksinya mencapai 200.000 barel per hari (bph) dari target 185.000 bph.

“Kehadiran lapangan migas Banyu Urip juga berhasil menyerap banyak tenaga kerja dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Bojonegoro,” ujarnya. 

Lapangan berikutnya, yakni Lapangan Bangka yang merupakan bagian dari proyek pengembangan laut dalam (Indonesian Deep Water Development/IDD) dengan nilai investasi US$ 6,98 miliar.

Lapangan Bangka memproduksi gas 100 mmscfd dan 4.000 bph kondesat dan alokasi gasnya untuk kebutuhan domestik. Kemudian Lapangan Donggi, Matindok, dan Senoro. Investasi untuk Donggi dan Matindok sebesar US$ 762,1 juta dan Senoro mencapai US$ 815,5 juta. 

“Masing-masing produksi 90 mmscfd dan 270 mmscfd,” ujarnya.

Lapangan keempat, yakni Lapangan Jangkrik dengan nilai investasi US$ 3,77 miliar. Lapangan migas memiliki kapasitas produksi awal 450 mmscfd dan bisa ditingkatkan hingga 600 mmscfd. Dia bilang gas tersebut disalurkan menuju kilang Bontang dengan pemanfaatan 50% untuk domestik.

Terakhir, Lapangan Madura BD dengan nilai investasi US$ 642,1 juta. Lapangan migas ini menghasilkan gas sebesar 46 mmscfd dan 3.000 bph kondensat. 

“Kapasitas produksi 100 mmscfd. Sekarang baru saja produksi 46 mmscfd," ujarnva.

Sementara itu target pencapaian “reserve replacement ratio” atau peningkatan cadangan pada tahun 2017 untuk minyak dan gas bumi sebesar 60 persen (barrel oil equivalent) dan realisasinya mencapai 50,90 persen.

Hingga September 2017, total lapangan atau Wilayah Kerja (WK) minyak dan gas di Indonesia adalah 264. Angka ini menurun dibandingkan posisi 2016 yang sebanyak 280 Wilayah Kerja. Jumlah Wilayah Kerja yang ada di Indonesia juga menurun dibandingkan 2015 dengan jumlah 312 Wilayah Kerja dan di 2014 sebanyak 318 Wilayah Kerja.

“Sebelumnya tahun 2016 ada 280 Wilayah Kerja. Kemarin-kemarin turun menjadi 272, kemudian menjadi 270, sekarang 264,” kata Amien Sunaryadi.

Dari 264 Wilayah Kerja yang ada, 143 berada ada di darat (onshore), 87 Wilayah Kerja di laut (offshore), dan 34 Wilayah Kerja di darat dan laut. Dari 264 Wilayah Kerja tersebut, 87 di antaranya sudah memasuki tahap eksploitasi, 126 Wilayah Kerja tahap eksplorasi, 51 Wilayah Kerja non konvensional.

Amien mengatakan, turunnya jumlah Wilayah Kerja migas dikarenakan ada sebagian Wilayah Kerja yang diterminasi. Kemudian pada beberapa Wilayah Kerja juga dihentikan operasinya karena operator tidak memiliki dana yang cukup.

“Turunnya jumlah Wilayah Kerja karena ada Wilayah Kerja diterminasi sebagian. WK KKKS (Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama) masuk kategori KKKS dhuafa, karena tidak punya dana tidak berhasil melaksanakan komitmen sampai periode eksplorasi berakhir,” kata Amien. 

Penerimaan Negara

Amien mengungkapkan realisasi penerimaan negara hingga akhir September kemarin mencapai US$ 9,58 miliar. Pencapaian ini sekitar 79% dari target penerimaan negara dalam APBN-P 2017 sebesar US$ 12,2 miliar. Dia menyebut pencapaian penerimaan negara hingga 30 September kemarin sudah cukup baik. Pasalnya lebih tinggi dari beban cost recovery yang dibayarkan pemerintah kepada Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS). 

“ Ini masih hijau karena sampai september sudah bergerak 79% tapi bebannya 73%,” ujarnya.

Amien menjelaskan beban 73% cost recovery itu dari target yang ditetapkan dalam APBN-P 2017 sebesar US$ 10,71 miliar. Artinya, anggaran yang sudah dibayarkan pemerintah kepada KKKS mencapai US$ 7,76 miliar. Dia menegaskan tekad cost recovery lebih rendah dari penerimaan negara.

“Cost recovery inginnya serendah mungkin. Penerimaan negara ingin setinggi-setingginya," ujarnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, October 28, 2017

Realization Still Far from Target

Financial problems are the main obstacle in realizing the upstream oil and gas upstream target of 2017, which until the beginning of October was only US $ 6.74 billion from US $ 12.29 billion.

Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi said the problem not only affects small companies but also large companies, primarily for exploration activities.

"After the WP & B [work plan & budget] in September there are many that are not realized because there are many who are experiencing financial difficulties," he said after attending Exposure of Upstream Oil and Gas Performance Quarter III / 2017, Friday (27/10) .

As for activities in the production work area, capital expenditure targets are not achieved due to procurement factors. That is, as happened on the Madura MBH project.

Based on data from SKK Migas as of October 5, 2017, the realization of upstream oil and gas investment reached US $ 6.74 billion with US $ 6.18 billion of which came from the exploitation work area and US $ 560 million from the exploration work area. In fact, the target to be achieved for total upstream investment during the year is US $ 12.29 billion, referring to the 2017 revised work plan and budget (WP & B).

For investment from the production work area the target is US $ 11.42 billion and exploration of US $ 870 million. Throughout 2017, 2D seismic survey activities have been undertaken in 4 activities with an area of ​​3,929 square kilometers (km2) of 28 and an area of ​​10,338 km2. Meanwhile, for SD seismic survey activities, there are 6 activities with an area of ​​2199 km2 of 17 activities plan and an area of ​​6,151 km2.

It is estimated that by the end of the year, 11 out of 2D and 3D seismic survey activities will be realized. For the current exploration drilling has been realized 40 wells from the target of 44 wells. Meanwhile, it is projected that until the end of the year the drilling target will be achieved.

For development drilling, 128 wells of 215 wells were realized. On the other hand, the realization of work over 605 wells from 926 wells and until the end of 2017 will reach 925 wells.


Unlike capital expenditure, the projected achievement of ready-to-sell production or oil and gas lifting is even better. According to Amien, achievement of lifting will exceed the achievement of investment.

The lifting until September 30, 2017, amounted to 797,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil from the target of 815,000 bpd and gas 6,367 mmsfd per day (MMscfd) and the target of 6,440 MMscfd refers to APBN 2017. For the achievement of oil lifting reaches 98% and gas 99%.

Amien said, if the realization of oil and gas lifting missed from the target, its achievement will be in the range of 99%. There are several projects expected to increase oil production by 2017 with a total of 705 bpd from West Madura Offshore Block of 105 bph and Rokan Block of 600 bph.


Realisasi Masih Jauh dari Target

Permasalahan keuangan menjadi kendala utama dalam merealisasikan target investasi hulu minyak dan gas bumi 2017 yang hingga awal oktober hanya tercapai US$ 6,74 miliar dari yang ditetaplan sebesar US$ 12,29 miliar.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan masalah ini tidak hanya berdampak pada perusahaan kecil tetapi juga perusahaan besar, utamanya untuk kegiatan eksplorasi.

“Setelah di WP&B [work plan & budget] bulan September ternyata ada banyak yang tidak terealisasi karena ternyata ada banyak yang mengalami kesulitan keuangan,” ujarnya usai menghadiri Paparan Capaian Kinerja Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kuartal III/2017, Jumat (27/ 10).

Adapun untuk kegiatan di wilayah kerja produksi, target belanja modal tidak tercapai karena faktor pengadaan. Hal itu, seperti yang terjadi pada proyek Madura MBH. 

Dari data SKK Migas per 5 Oktober 2017, realisasi investasi hulu migas tercapai US$ 6,74 miliar dengan US$ 6,18 miliar di antaranya berasal dari wilayah kerja eksploitasi dan US$ 560 juta dari wilayah kerja eksplorasi. Padahal, target yang harus dicapai untuk total investasi hulu sepanjang tahun ini adalah sebesar US$ 12,29 miliar mengacu pada rencana kerja dan anggaran (WP&B) revisi 2017.

Untuk investasi dari wilayah kerja produksi targetnya sebesar US$ 11,42 miliar dan eksplorasi US$ 870 juta. Sepanjang 2017, telah tercapai kegiatan survei seismik 2D sebanyak 4 kegiatan dengan luas 3.929 kilometer persegi (km2) dari 28 dan luas 10.338 km2. Sementara itu, untuk kegiatan survey seismik SD, terdapat 6 kegiatan dengan luas 2.199 km2 dari rencana 17 kegiatan dan luasnya 6.151 km2.

Diperkirakan hingga akhir tahun akan terealisasi 11 kegiatan survey seismik 2D dan 3D. Untuk pengeboran eksplorasi saat ini sudah terealisasi 40 sumur dari target 44 sumur.  Adapun, diproyeksikan hingga akhir tahun target pengeboran akan tercapai.

Untuk pengeboran pengembangan, terealisasi sebanyak 128 sumur dari 215 sumur. Di sisi lain, realisasi kerja ulang (work over) sebanyak 605 sumur dari 926 sumur dan hingga akhir 2017 akan tercapai 925 sumur.


Berbeda dengan belanja modal, proyeksi pencapaian produksi siap jual atau lifting minyak dan gas bumi justru lebih baik. Menurut Amien, pencapaian lifting akan melampaui pencapaian investasi.

Adapun, realisasi lifting hingga 30 September 2017, sebesar 797.000 barel per hari (bph) minyak dari target 815.000 bph dan gas 6.367 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) dan target 6.440 MMscfd mengacu pada APBN 2017. Untuk capaian lifting minyak mencapai 98% dan gas 99%.

Amien menyebut, apabila realisasi lifting migas meleset dari target, capaiannya akan berada di kisaran 99%. Terdapat beberapa proyek yang diperkirakan akan menambah produksi minyak di 2017 dengan total 705 bph dari Blok West Madura Offshore sebesar 105 bph dan Blok Rokan sebesar 600 bph. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Saturday, October 28, 2017

Enhance Regulation of Upstream Oil and Gas Industry

The government is continuing to improve regulation to create a conducive upstream oil and gas investment climate. Rules for the gross split as stated in Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 52/2017 are expected to stimulate the industry.

However, in that rule, there are still two things that must be perfected. Namely, a loss compensation facility is subject to indirect taxes and taxes. Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ego Syahrial stated that there is now an agreement between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the finance minister and the interest owners of the two issues.

"The Minister of Finance has requested approval on the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) which regulates it to the President. We expect the Government Regulation as well as the entry of participation documents to be in line with the target on 27 November, " he said at a press conference achieving three years of upstream oil and gas performance (27/10).


Sempurnakan Regulasi Industri Hulu Migas

Pemerintah terus berusaha memperbaiki regulasi untuk menciptakan iklim investasi hulu migas yang kondusif. Aturan bagi hasil gross split yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 52/2017 diharapkan dapat menggairahkan industri tersebut.

Namun, dalam aturan itu, masih ada dua hal yang harus disempurnakan. Yakni, fasilitas kompensasi kerugian terkait dengan pajak dan pajak tidak langsung. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ego Syahrial menyatakan, saat ini sudah ada kesepakatan antara Kementerian ESDM, menteri keuangan, dan pemilik kepentingan mengenai dua hal tersebut. 

”Menteri Keuangan sudah meminta persetujuan tentang penerbitan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) yang mengatur hal itu ke Presiden. Kami harapkan Peraturan Pemerintah tersebut serta masuknya dokumen partisipasi bisa sesuai dengan target pada 27 November," katanya dalam konferensi pers pencapaian tiga tahun kinerja hulu minyak dan gas (27/10).

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Saturday, October 28, 2017

Tax Regulation Gross Split Is Coming Soon

The government immediately issues regulation on taxes on gross split share contracts following an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources regarding the imposition of indirect taxes and deferred income tax.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Susyanto said the Ministry of Finance has agreed on two things, namely the imposition of indirect taxes on exploitation and tax loss carry forward.

Based on the results of the meeting, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani gave a green light or permit related to indirect tax schemes such as value added tax (VAT) and land and building tax (PBB). As for the imposition of indirect taxes, the plan remains to be done. However, in the future any costs incurred to pay taxes will be returned in the form of split for contractors.

"Finance Minister Sri Mulyani has approved this tax facility to be replaced by paying other taxes on this payment will be replaced with the addition of split in accordance with the cost of the contractor," he said in the Exposure of Upstream Oil and Gas Performance Quarter III / 2017, Friday (27 / 10).

The gross split contractor will also get a deferred tax loss carry forward on the income tax type. If Law Number 38/2008 on Income Tax stipulates that tax loss carry forward is only valid for 5 years, the regulation in the form of Government Regulation (PP) of gross split taxation will set the time of suspension of tax loss compensation will be valid for up to 10 years.

That period, considering the length of the exploration period. Meanwhile, the tax loss carry forward with a period of 10 years means, during 10 years of exploration period, the imposition of Income Tax (PPh) is suspended. Later on, the contractor pays PPh after the 10 year period that the project is expected to reach the production stage.

"Loss carry forward in the end as per the Law of Income should only be 5 years, then this is devoted. This will excite oil and gas stakeholders because it can be up to 10 years at the most. "

In addition, for depreciation and amortization will also be a tax deductible income factor in the exploitation period. Accordingly, the income of the contractor subject to taxes will be reduced depreciation and amortization first so that the tax will be less.

Consideration to reduce taxable income due to the gross split system, no refund as applicable to cost recovery.

"This is a cost that can be used to reduce taxable income. In addition to up to 10 years [for tax loss carry forward, it is also amortized twice as much.


Regulasi Pajak Gross Split Segera Terbit

Pemerintah segera menerbitkan regulasi tentang pajak pada kontrak bagi hasil kotor atau gross split setelah adanya kesepakatan antara Kementerian Keuangan dan Kementetian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral mengenai pengenaan pajak tidak langsung dan penangguhan pajak penghasilan.

Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Susyanto mengatakan, Kementerian Keuangan telah menyepakati dua hal, yakni tentang pengenaan pajak tidak langsung pada masa eksploitasi dan masa tax loss carry forward.

Berdasarkan hasil rapat, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani memberikan lampu hijau atau izin terkait skema pengenaan pajak tidak langsung seperti pajak penambahan nilai (PPN) dan pajak bumi dan bangunan (PBB). Adapun untuk pembebanan pajak tidak langsung, rencananya tetap dilakukan. Namun, nantinya setiap biaya yang keluar untuk membayar pajak, akan dikembalikan berupa split bagi kontraktor.

“Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani sudah menyetujui fasilitas perpajakan ini digantikan membayarkan pajak-pajak yang lain atas pembayaran ini akan digantikan penambahan split sesuai dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan kontraktor,” ujarnya dalam Paparan Capaian Kinerja Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kuartal III/2017, Jumat (27/10).

Kontraktor gross split juga akan memperoleh penangguhan kompensasi kerugian pajak atau tax loss carry forward pada jenis pajak penghasilan. Apabila pada Undang-Undang Nomor 38/2008 tentang Pajak Penghasilan mengatur bahwa tax loss carry forward hanya berlaku selama 5 tahun, regulasi dalam bentuk Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) perpajakan gross split akan mengatur waktu penangguhan kompensasi kerugian pajak akan berlaku hingga 10 tahun.

Masa tersebut, mempertimbangkan lamanya masa eksplorasi. Adapun, tax loss carry forward dengan masa 10 tahun berarti, selama 10 tahun masa eksplorasi, pengenaan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) ditangguhkan. Nantinya, kontraktor membayar PPh setelah melewati masa 10 tahun yang diharapkan proyek sudah mencapai tahap produksi.

“Loss carry forward pada akhirnya yang sesuai Undang-Undang PPh mestinya hanya 5 tahun, maka ini dikhususkan. Ini akan menggembirakan stakeholder migas karena bisa sampai paling lama 10 tahun.” 

Selain itu, untuk depresiasi dan amortisasi juga akan menjadi faktor pengurang penghasilan kena pajak di masa eksploitasi. Dengan demikian, pendapatan kontraktor yang terkena pajak akan dikurangi depresiasi dan amortisasi dulu sehingga pajak yang ditanggung akan lebih kecil.

Pertimbangan untuk mengurangi penghasilan kena pajak karena pada sistem gross split, tidak ada pengembalian biaya seperti yang berlaku pada cost recovery.

“lni biaya yang bisa dipakai untuk mengurangi pendapatan kena pajak. Selain bisa sampai 10 tahun [untuk tax loss carry forward, maka juga diamortisasi dua kali lipat.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Saturday, October 28, 2017

Friday, October 27, 2017

Government Wants BBM One More Cheap Price

Regarding the price of fuel assignment, PT Pertamina Retail All this follows the government rules.

It seems that the price of the fuel oil (BBM) one will be even cheaper than what is now sold by PT Pertamina, which sells Premium gasoline (RON 88). This is after PT Vivo Energy SPBU Indonesia dare to sell research Octan Number 89 / RON 89 with product name Revvo 89 with price Rp 6,100 per liter for BBM one price.

Previously, through Presidential Regulation No. 191/2014 on Provision of Distribution and Retail Sale Price. This year, Pertamina get the assignment of fuel sales type RON 88 worth Rp 6.450 per liter for BBM one price.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan asserted that the price of the assignment to Pertamina has been determined. "So, we will wait for Pertamina to propose it more efficiently or not," explained Jonan, after inaugurating the Vivo Gas Filling Station in Cilangkap, Jakarta Tinur, Thursday (26/10).

So ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan handed over to Pertamina whether to reduce the price of BB fuel type of Ron 88. He allows if the premium price is lowered to Rp 6,100 per liter, just like the price of ron 89 belongs to Vivo.

"It could be (Rp 6,100), Rp 5,000 is also more allowable." The business people do it their way, "he said.

Jonan said the price of Vivo gas stations is competitive compared to the special fuel ron 88 assignment sold by PT Pertamina at a price of Rp 6.450 per liter.

"This is in accordance with the direction of the President, people have more choices and fuel can be reached by the community," he said.

Coorporate Communication Vivo Energy Indonesia Maldi Al Jufri said the price of ron 89 of Rp 6,100 is in accordance with the economy. 

"We are here to do business, so we are not a social institution either, we are not," he explained.

Vivo is also ready to get the assignment of BBM one price because it will build gas stations outside Java Island and eastern Indonesia, such as in Maluku and Seram Island. In addition to selling ron 89 with Revvo 89, Vivo also sells Revvo 90 and Revvo 92 each at Rp 7,500 per liter and Rp 8,250 per liter.

Head of Oil and Gas Downstream Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Fanshurullah Asa said Vivo had sent the Letter; to BPH Migas to participate in the assignment of BBM one price. In the near future it will call Vivo to make a presentation in front of the BPH Migas Committee.

"The assignment of fuel for one price so far only to PT Pertamina and PT AKR Corporindo Tbk," he said.

Ivan Asmara, Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Retail, affirmed that the policy of selling price of BBM is determined by the Government through Pertamina.

"We at Pertamina Retail there has been no direction from the center related to the new pricing of Premium gasoline (Ron 88)," he said.

President Director of PT Pertamina Retail Sofyan Yusuf said that if Pertamina sell Premium (Ron 88) around the refinery would be cheaper. "But we have an obligation to distribute from Sabang to Merauke," he said.

Pertamina had previously lost 12 trillion in premium and diesel in its assignment, including one price fuel. That's because in channeling BBM must maintain security of supply for all of Indonesia.

"If there is an empty gas station will be noisy, but if there is a private SPBU closed, no one fussed, so there is a cost in keep the security of supply, "he said.

Vivo: We Are Not Affiliated with Political Parties

WHO is the owner of Vivo? This is a hot topic. Therefore, the presence of gas stations Vivo very surprising downstream industry of fuel oil. Even the price of gasoline Vivo type Ron 89 cheaper than the premium (ron 88) Pertamina production.

Since its emergence, PT Vivo Energy Indonesia had a holding company named PT Nusantara Energy Petroleum Indonesia. But the name of the business entity is dead. Vivo Energy is the parent of PT Vivo Energy SPBU Indonesia.

Who is behind Vivo? There is a link to this company belonging to Mohammad Riza Chalid (Head of the Oil and Gas Mafia in Indonesia), Prabowo Subianto (former Commander of Kopassus Special Forces), to Bambang Trihatmojo (son of former President Soeharto). However, Vivo Energy Corporate Communication Mahdi Al Jufri stated, Vivo is affiliated with Vitol Group, France.

"We have nothing to do with the names that are often called, including with any political party," he said.

He explained, Vivo just want to do business because it sees great opportunities in Indonesia.

"If you say the funds, yes, unlimited, Vitol is a world player," he said.


Pemerintah Ingin BBM Satu Harga Lebih Murah

Soal harga BBM penugasan, PT Pertamina Retail Selama ini mengikuti aturan pemerintah

Tampaknya harga penugasan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) satu akan lebih murah lagi dari yang sekarang dijual PT Pertamina, yang menjual bensin Premium (RON 88). Hal ini setelah PT Vivo Energy SPBU Indonesia berani menjual research Octan Number 89/RON 89 dengan nama produk Revvo 89 dengan harga Rp 6.100 per liter untuk BBM satu harga.

Sebelumnya, melalui Peraturan Presiden Nomor 191/2014 tentang Penyediaan Pendistribusian dan Harga Jual Eceran. Tahun ini, Pertamina mendapatkan penugasan penjualan BBM jenis RON 88 seharga Rp 6.450 per liter untuk BBM satu harga.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan menegaskan, harga penugasan ke Pertamina itu sudah ditetapkan. "Jadi nanti kita tunggu, apa Pertamina mau mengusulkan itu lebih efisien atau tidak," terang Jonan, usai meresmikan Stasiun Pengisian Bahan bakar Umum (SPBU) Vivo di Cilangkap, Jakarta Tinur, Kamis (26/10).

Maka Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menyerahkan kepada Pertamina apakah bisa menurunkan harga BBM jenis Ron 88. Ia membolehkan apabila harga premium itu diturunkan sampai Rp 6.100 per liter, sama seperti harga ron 89 milik Vivo. 

"Boleh (Rp 6.100). Rp 5.000 juga lebih boleh lagi. Orang usaha kan caranya sendiri-sendiri," tandasnya.

Jonan menyatakan harga SPBU Vivo memang bersaing dibandingkan dengan BBM khusus penugasan ron 88 yang dijual oleh PT Pertamina dengan harga Rp 6.450 per liter.

"Ini sesuai arahan Presiden, masyarakat mempunyai pilihan lebih banyak dan BBM tetap bisa terjangkau masyarakat," katanya.

Coorporate Communication Vivo Energy Indonesia Maldi Al Jufri mengatakan, harga ron 89 sebesar Rp 6.100 sudah Sesuai keekonomian. "Kita di sini ingin berbisnis. Jadi kita juga bukan panti sosial. Kalau dibilang rugi, ya, lnsya Allah tidak," terangnya.

Vivo juga siap mendapat penugasan BBM satu harga karena pihaknya akan membangun SPBU di luar Pulau Jawa dan Indonesia timur, seperti di Maluku dan Pulau Seram. Selain menjual ron 89 dengan Revvo 89, Vivo juga menjual Revvo 90 dan Revvo 92 masing-masing dengan harga Rp 7.500 per liter dan Rp 8.250 per liter.

Kepala Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) Fanshurullah Asa mengatakan, Vivo sudah mengirimkan Surat; kepada BPH Migas untuk ikut dalam penugasan BBM satu harga.

Dalam waktu dekat pihaknya akan memanggil Vivo untuk melakukan presentasi di depan Komite BPH Migas.

"Penugasan BBM satu harga selama ini hanya kepada PT Pertamina dan PT AKR Corporindo Tbk saja," ujarnya.

Ivan Asmara, Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Pertamina Retail menegaskan, kebijakan harga jual BBM penugasan ditentukan Pemerintah, melalui Pertamina. 

"Kami di Pertamina Retail belum ada arahan dari pusat terkait penetapan harga baru jenis bensin Premium (Ron 88)," katanya. 

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Retail Sofyan Yusuf mengungkapkan, jika Pertamina menjual Premium (Ron 88) di sekitar kilang tentu bisa lebih murah lagi. "Tetapi kami mempunyai kewajiban mendistribusikan dari Sabang sampai Merauke," kata dia.

Sebelumnya Pertamina rugi 12 triliun menjual premium dan solar dalam penugasan, termasuk BBM satu harga. Itu karena dalam menyalurkan BBM harus menjaga security of supply untuk seluruh Indonesia. 

"Kalau ada SPBU yang kosong nanti pada ribut. Tetapi kalau ada SPBU swasta tutup, tidak ada yang meributkan. Jadi ada biaya dalam
menjaga security of supply tersebut," ujarnya.

Vivo: Kami Tidak Terafiliasi dengan Partai Politik  

SIAPA pemilik Vivo? Ini yang sedang menjadi topik hangat. Sebab, kehadiran SPBU Vivo sangat mengejutkan industri hilir bahan bakar minyak. Bahkan harga jual bensin Vivo jenis Ron 89 lebih murah dibandingkan premium (ron 88) produksi Pertamina.

Sejak kemunculannya, PT Vivo Energy Indonesia sempat memiliki induk usaha bernama PT Nusantara Energy Petroleum Indonesia. Namun nama badan usaha itu sudah mati. berganti Vivo Energy yang menjadi induk PT Vivo Energy SPBU Indonesia.

Siapa di balik Vivo? Ada yang menghubungkan perusahaan ini milik Mohammad Riza Chalid, Prabowo Subianto, sampai Bambang Trihatmojo. Namun, Corporate Communication Vivo Energy Mahdi Al Jufri menyatakan, Vivo terafiliasi dengan Vitol Group, Prancis. 

"Kami tidak ada hubungan dengan nama-nama yang sering disebut itu, termasuk dengan partai politik manapun," ujarnya.

Dia menjelaskan, Vivo hanya ingin berbisnis karena melihat peluang besar di Indonesia. 

"Kalau dibilang dana, ya, unlimited, Vitol itu pemain dunia," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, October 27, 2017

Business gas stations more vibrant

Oil fuel business in the country will be more competitive because the new players who will set up oil refueling stations are projected to grow.

When there is PT Pertamina, Shell Indonesia, Total, and PT AKR Corporindo Tbk. who had already done business in the downstream sector of oil and gas. It is now PT Vivo Energy Indonesia, the owner of a Vivo gas station (SPBU), which goes into downstream oil and gas business.

Vivo fuels sells a new type of octane number (RON) 89 because it is prohibited from selling Premium which has octane content of 88. Vivo sells three types of fuel oil, namely Revvo RON 89, Revvo 90, and Revvo 92.

Corporate Communication of PT Vivo Energy Indonesia Maldi Al Jufrie said that the company's decision to sell fuel oil with RON 89 content to avoid downstream polemic of oil and gas market in Indonesia. So far only PT Pertamina that sells fuel with RON 88 or Premium.

Vivo products in the form of Revvo RON 89 are sold at Rp 6,100 per liter lower than Premium Rp 6,550 per liter. Revvo RON 90 is equivalent to Pertalite sold at Rp 7,500 per liter equal to Pertalite.

In addition, Revvo RON 92 (equivalent to Pertamax) is sold at Rp 8,250 per liter. Currently, the government still regulates Premium and diesel prices for areas outside Java, Madura, and Bali. Meanwhile, fuel oil (BBM) into the category of assignment when sold in areas other than Java, Madura, and Bali.

Based on Presidential Regulation No.191 / 2014 on Provision, Distribution and Retail Price of BBM, the ownership of processing facilities, storage, and distribution of BBM so that business entity can get assignment, that is selling Premium type of fuel.

Until now, the new government commissioned the provision and distribution to Pertamina. On the other hand, Vivo builds gas stations not only in Java, but also in Maluku which is planned to be built three units. According to Maldi, with the approval of the government, it can create new products with RON 89 or higher dPremium levels.

"We really do not want to be involved in a polemic of 88 why there has not been an appointment of 88. Therefore we thank God for the approval of the government can make new products Revvo 89," he said after the inauguration of Vivo operational test in Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Thursday (26/10).


To modify the levels of RON, Maldi admitted that his side to mix fuel in Tanjung Priok. Later, the products are ready to sell with RON 89. Besides Cilangkap, East Jakarta, other new gas stations will be built around seven units in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Tangerang. Related to the pricing mechanism, Maldi said that his party sells fuel in accordance with the price of the economy that can change at any time.

"Now in storage will be able to send directly. The storage is in Priok, "he said.

Vivo Energy has three fuel storage Lunts in Tanjung Priok Jakarta to temporarily accommodate imported fuel. ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan reiterated the Vivo fuel station operational test for setting a cheaper fuel price.

According to him, the government provides an opportunity for the private sector to do business in downstream oil business line. Provided, stick to the rules.

"Vivo is why I came, this is because it sells its RON 92, 90, and 89. That 89, today sold at Rp 6,100 per liter" he said after reviewing Vivo gas stations.

Quoted and Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 48/2005 on Standard and Quality (Specification) and Supervision of Fuel, Gas, Materials Other Fuel, LPG, LNG and Processed Products Marketed in the Interior, the Director General of Oil and Gas establishes the quality standards of oil and gas processed products.

The Director General shall stipulate product specifications which may be circulated domestically through a Decree of the Director General. Quoted from the page of Directorate General of Oil and Gas, the specified fuel specifications RON 48, RON 88, RON 90, Avtur, kerosin and fuel oil.

In the Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas (Director General of Oil and Gas) on RON 88, the RON content is at least 88, but not set the maximum standard for RON 88 type.

Contacted separately, the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of ESDM Ego Syahrial did not respond to the RON 89 specification test result. Head of Communication, Information and Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana said that in the Director General Decree only regulated minimum RON level. That is, fuel with levels exceeding 88 allowed in the market. However, Dadan did not elaborate on the specification test.

In the Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas Number 933.K / 10 / DJM.S / 2013, the minimum level of RON at level 88 with no maximum levels. In addition, also set the standard content of sulfur, lead, metals, olefin olefins to benzene from RON 88 type fuel that may be marketed.

In the Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas No. 933.K / 10 / DJM.S / 2013, the minimum level of RON at level 88 with no maximum levels.

In addition, also set the standard content of sulfur, lead, metals, olefin olefins to benzene from RON 88 type fuel that may be marketed.

"Must be tested RONnya content. This means because the RON at least 88, so 89 is allowed, "he said.

Previously, BBM BPH Migas Committee Ibnu Fajar said in the general trading business permit granted by the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, listed what kind of fuel is allowed to sell business entities. Thus, although the Presidential Regulation stipulates that the business entity selling the Premium (RON 88) must have a storage and processing facility, Vivo can still sell Premium (RON 88) even though it does not yet have a refinery.

"What I hear is listed indeed they can sell RON 88," he said.


Bisnis SPBU Makin Semarak

Bisnis bahan bakar minyak di Tanah Air akan semakin kompetitif karena pemain baru yang akan mendirikan stasiun pengisian bahan bakar minyak diproyeksikan kian bertambah.

Saat sudah ada PT Pertamina, Shell Indonesia, Total, dan PT AKR Corporindo Tbk. yang sudah lebih dulu berbisnis di Sektor hilir migas. Kini giliran PT Vivo Energy Indonesia, pemilik stasiun pengisian bahan bakar umum (SPBU) Vivo, yang masuk ke bisnis hilir migas.

SPBU Vivo menjual bahan bakar jenis baru dengan kandungan oktan (research octane number/RON) 89 karena dilarang menjual Premium yang memiliki kandungan oktan 88. Vivo menjual tiga jenis bahan bakar minyak, yaitu Revvo RON 89, Revvo 90, dan Revvo 92.

Corporate Communication PT Vivo Energy Indonesia Maldi Al Jufrie mengatakan bahwa keputusan perusahaan untuk menjual bahan bakar minyak dengan kandungan RON 89 unruk menghindari polemik pasar hilir migas di Indonesia. Selama ini hanya PT Pertamina yang menjual bahan bakar dengan RON 88 atau Premium.

Produk Vivo berupa Revvo RON 89 dijual dengan harga Rp 6.100 per liter lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Premium Rp 6.550 per liter. Revvo RON 90 yang setara dengan Pertalite dijual dengan harga Rp7.500 per liter sama dengan Pertalite.

Selain itu, Revvo RON 92 (setara dengan Pertamax) dijual dengan harga Rp 8.250 per liter. Saat ini, pemerintah masih mengatur harga Premium dan solar untuk kawasan di luar Jawa, Madura, dan Bali. Sementara itu, bahan bakar minyak (BBM) masuk kategori penugasan bila dijual di wilayah selain Jawa, Madura, dan Bali.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 191/2014 tentang Penyediaan, Pendistribusian, dan Harga Jual Eceran BBM, syarat kepemilikan fasilitas pengolahan, penyimpanan, dan pendistribusian BBM agar badan usaha bisa mendapat penugasan, yaitu menjual BBM jenis Premium.

Hingga saat ini, pemerintah baru menugaskan penyediaan dan penyaluran kepada Pertamina. Di sisi lain, Vivo membangun SPBU tidak hanya di Jawa, tetapi juga di Maluku yang rencananya akan dibangun tiga unit. Menurut Maldi, atas persetujuan pemerintah, pihaknya bisa membuat produk baru dengan kadar RON 89 atau lebih tinggi Premium.

"Kami sebenamya tidak ingin terlibat polemik 88 kenapa belum ada penunjukan 88. Oleh karena itu kami Alhamdulillah atas persetujuan pemerintah bisa membuat produk baru Revvo 89,” ujarnya seusai peresmian uji operasional Vivo di Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Kamis (26/10).  


Untuk memodifikasi kadar RON, Maldi mengaku bahwa pihaknya melakukan pencampuran BBM di Tanjung Priok. Nantinya, produk yang dibawa sudah berupa produk siap jual dengan kadar RON 89. Selain di Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, SPBU baru lainnya akan dibangun sekitar tujuh unit di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, dan Tangerang. 

     Terkait dengan mekanisme penetapan harga, Maldi menyebut bahwa pihaknya menjual BBM sesuai dengan harga keekonomian yang bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.

“Sekarang di storage nantinya bisa kirim langsung. Storage-nya di Priok,” katanya.

Vivo Energy memiliki tiga Lunt penyimpanan BBM di Tanjung Priok Jakarta untuk menampung sementara bahan bakar yang diimpor. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mereamikan uji operasional SPBU Vivo karena menetapkan harga bahan bakar minyak yang lebih murah.

Menurutnya, pemerintah memberikan kesempatan kepada pihak swasta untuk berbisnis di lini usaha hilir minyak. Asalkan, tetap mengikuti peraturan yang berlaku.

“Vivo ini kenapa saya sampai datang, ini karena jualnya itu RON-nya 92, 90, dan 89. Yang 89 itu, hari ini dijual diharga Rp 6.100 per liter” ujarnya usai meninjau SPBU Vivo.

Dikutip dan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 48/2005 tentang Standar dan Mutu (Spesifikasi) Serta Pengawasan BBM, Gas, Bahan Bakar Lain, LPG, LNG, dan Hasil Olahan yang Dipasarkan di Dalam Negeri, Dirjen Migas menetapkan standar mutu produk olahan minyak dan gas.

Direktur Jenderal menetapkan spesifikasi produk yang boleh beredar di dalam negeri melalui Keputusan Direktur Jenderal. Dikutip dari laman Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, spesifikasi BBM yang telah ditetapkan RON 48, RON 88, RON 90, Avtur, kerosin dan minyak bakar.

Dalam Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Dirjen Migas) tentang RON 88, kadar RON minimal 88, tetapi tidak ditetapkan standar maksimum untuk jenis RON 88. 

Dihubungi terpisah, Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial tidak merespons tentang hasil uji spesifikasi RON 89. Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Iayanan lnfomiasi dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Dadan Kusdiana mengatakan bahwa dalam Surat Keputusan Dirjen hanya diatur kadar minimum RON saja.  Artinya, BBM dengan kadar melebihi 88 diperbolehkan beredar dipasar. Namun, Dadan tidak menjelaskan lebih detail mengenai uji spesifikasinya.

Dalam Keputusan Dirjen Migas Nomor 933.K/10/DJM.S/2013, kadar minimal RON di level 88 dengan tanpa kadar maksimum. Selain itu, diatur pula standar kandungan Sulfur, timbal, logam, oksigen olefin hingga benzena dari BBM jenis RON 88 yang boleh dipasarkan.

“Pasti diuji kandungan RONnya. Artinya karena RON minimal 88, jadi 89 itu boleh,” katanya.

Sebelumnya, Komite BBM BPH Migas Ibnu Fajar mengatakan dalam izin usaha niaga umum yang diberikan Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, tercantum jenis BBM apa saja yang diperbolehkan dijual badan usaha. Dengan demikian, kendati pada Peraturan Presiden diatur bahwa badan usaha yang menjual Premium (RON 88) harus memiliki fasilitas penyimpanan dan pengolahan,Vivo tetap bisa menjual Premium (RON 88)  meskipun belum memiliki kilang.

“Yang saya dengar memang tercantum memang mereka boleh jual RON 88,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-31, Friday, October 27, 2017