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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Auction 15 Oil and Gas Blocks Extended

The government extended the auction period of 15 conventional and non-conventional oil and gas blocks until September 2017. In its announcement, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources stated that this extension of the auction time is to allow enough time for oil and gas companies to evaluate the economy considering the price of oil low.

In addition, oil and gas companies are also able to examine more closely the implementation of scheme productivity sharing contract (PSC) for gross split because it was first applied in auction.

"Yes, the oil and gas block auction is extended until September, giving time due to Gross Split's new system," said Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja

The auction of 15 blocks of oil and gas has been announced by the government in May. For the auction of unconventional oil and gas blocks, access to tender documents by no later than 7 September and entry of documents of participation on 14 September. Previously, the government was still reluctant to specify the deadline for the auction of non-conventional oil and gas blocks because it planned to extend it.

As for conventional oil and gas blocks auctioned through direct bids, the deadline for access to tender documents is extended to September 11 and entry documents on September 18. In the previous announcement, the auction of tender documents was set on July 10. Furthermore, for the regular auction of conventional oil and gas blocks there is no extension of time, ie document access no later than 15 September.

The 15 oil and gas blocks that are auctioned consist of 10 conventional oil and gas blocks and five non-conventional oil and gas blocks. A total of 10 blocks of oil and gas have the potential of oil reserves of about 830 million barrels and 22 trillion cubic feet of gas. While oil potential for five non-conventional oil and gas blocks is about 640 million barrels and gas 17 trillion cubic feet.

For conventional oil and gas blocks auctioned through direct offerings are the Andaman I and Iaman Block II offshore Aceh, South Tuna offshore Natuna, Merak Lampung offshore and Banten-Lampung mainland, Pekawai offshore East Kalimantan, West Yamdena off Beaches and mainland Maluku, and Kasuri III in West Papua.

While offered with regular auctions namely Block Tongkol offshore Natuna, East Tanimbar off the coast of Maluku, and Mamberano on the mainland and off Papua monitor. Furthermore, three unconventional oil and gas blocks auctioned through direct offerings are MNK Jambi I in Jambi, MNK II in Jambi and Sumatra, and GMB West Air Komering in South Sumatra. Finally, GMB Raja and GMB Bungamas in South Sumatra are offered through regular auctions.

Enhancement Increases

From the data of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources up to July 6, there are 12 companies that take the auction documents. Detailedly, the bloc is in great demand with the number of five companies namely the Andaman Block II. Furthermore, the East Tanimbar Block attracted two companies, as well as the Mamberamo Blocks, Casks, West Yamdena, Pekawai, and Andaman I each targeted by one company. This number of enthusiasts, said Wiratmaja, has increased.

"Up to last week, there were 15 who accessed the auction documents," he said.

Earlier Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said, to further excite the investment, the government will issue a new regulation of taxation applicable in the gross split contract. So far, oil and gas contracts refer to Government Regulation No. 79 of 2010 for taxation. The disincentives that have become disincentives have been revised by the government by issuing Government Regulation 27 of 2017. Only, this beleid set taxation for PSC cost recovery.

"We are hearing whether this gross split tax system can be like Government Regulation 27 / 2017. Now we are formulating a new Government Regulation whose treatment is the same as Government Regulation 27 and this is being awaited by KKKS (contractor of cooperation contract / KKKS)," he said. .


Lelang 15 Blok Migas Diperpanjang

Pemerintah memperpanjang jangka waktu lelang 15 blok migas konvensional dan non-konvensional menjadi hingga September 2017. Dalam pengumumannya, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menyatakan, perpanjangan ini waktu lelang ini untuk memberikan waktu yang cukup bagi perusahaan migas melakukan evaluasi keekonomian mengingat harga minyak yang masih rendah. 

Selain itu, perusahaan migas juga dapat mengkaji lebih dalam soal penerapan kontrak kerja sama (productions sharing contract/ PSC) skema bagi basil kotor (gross split) karena baru pertama kali diterapkan dalam lelang.

“Ya, lelang blok migas diperpanjang sampai dengan September, memberikan waktu karena sistem baru Gross Split,” kata Direktur jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja 

Lelang 15 blok migas ini telah diumumkan pemerintah pada Mei lalu. Untuk lelang blok migas non-konvensional, akses dokumen lelang paling lambat Sampai 7 September dan pemasukan dokumen partisipasi pada 14 September. Sebelumnya, pemerintah masih enggan merinci batas waktu lelang blok migas non-konvensional karena memang berencana memperpanjangnya.

Sementara untuk blok migas konvensional yang dilelang melalui penawaran langsung, batas waktu akses dokumen lelang diperpanjang sampai 11 September dan pemasukan dokumen partisipasi pada 18 September. Dalam pengumuman sebelumnya ditetapkan batas akses dokumen lelang pada 10 Juli. Selanjutnya untuk lelang reguler blok migas konvensional tidak ada perpanjangan waktu, yakni akses dokumen paling lambat 15 September.

Ke-15 blok migas yang dilelang ini terdiri dari 10 blok migas konvensional dan lima blok migas non-konvensional. Sebanyak 10 blok migas konvensional ini memiliki potensi cadangan minyak sekitar 830 juta barel dan gas 22 triliun kaki kubik. Sementara potensi minyak untuk lima blok migas non-konvensional sekitar 640 juta barel dan gas 17 triliun kaki kubik.

Untuk blok migas konvensional yang dilelang melalui penawaran langsung adalah Blok Andaman I dan Andaman II di lepas pantai Aceh, South Tuna di lepas pantai Natuna, Merak Lampung di lepas pantai dan daratan Banten-Lampung, Pekawai di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur, West Yamdena di lepas pantai dan daratan Maluku, dan Kasuri III di Papua Barat.

Sementara yang ditawarkan dengan lelang reguler yakni Blok Tongkol di lepas pantai Natuna, East Tanimbar di lepas pantai Maluku, dan Mamberano di daratan dan lepas pantau Papua. Selanjutnya, tiga blok migas nonkonvensional dilelang melalui penawaran langsung adalah MNK Jambi I di Jambi, MNK II di Jambi dan Sumatera, serta GMB West Air Komering di Sumatera Selatan. Terakhir, GMB Raja dan GMB Bungamas di Sumatera Selatan ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler.

Peminat Bertambah

Dari data Kementerian ESDM hingga 6 Juli lalu, terdapat 12 perusahaan yang mengambil dokumen lelang. Rincinya, blok yang banyak diminati dengan jumlah lima perusahaan yakni Blok Andaman II. Selanjutnya, Blok East Tanimbar diminati dua perusahaan, serta Blok Mamberamo, Tongkol, West Yamdena, Pekawai, dan Andaman I masing-masing diincar oleh satu perusahaan. Jumlah peminat ini, kata Wiratmaja, sudah bertambah. 

“Sampai dengan pekan lalu, sudah ada 15 yang mengakses dokumen lelang,” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menuturkan, untuk semakin menggairahkan investasi, pemerintah akan menerbitkan aturan baru soal perpajakan yang berlaku dalam kontrak gross split. Selama ini kontrak migas mengacu pada Peraturan Pemerintah No 79 Tahun 2010 untuk perpajakan. Atruan yang menjadi disinsentif ini telah direvisi pemerintah dengan menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah 27 Tahun 2017. Hanya saja, beleid ini mengatur perpajakan untuk PSC cost recovery.

“Kami mendengar apakah gross split ini sistem perpajakannya bisa seperti Peraturan Pemerintah 27/ 2017. Sekarang kami sedang menyusun Peraturan Pemerintah baru yang treatment-nya sama dengan Peraturan Pemerintah 27 dan ini sedang ditunggu pada KKKS (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama/KKKS) ,” katanya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Taxation Gross Split Becomes Constraints

Contractors are still hesitant to take oil and gas blocks using a gross split-sharing scheme because up to now there is no tax regulation on the new scheme.

Executive Director of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong said that the government needs to revise some regulations in upstream oil and gas to make it more attractive to investors.

Marjolijn pointed out, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 8/2017 on the Gross Split Revenue Contract which has not set the tax system on the type of cooperation contract. The beleid has been in effect since the beginning of this year. The terms of the gross profit sharing scheme substitute the profit-sharing contract with a cost recovery operation (cost recovery).

"There are still some regulations that are considered necessary to be considered in order to withdraw investment in upstream oil and gas in Indonesia. One of the things we highlighted is Ministerial Regulation 8/2017 on the Gross Revenue Contract

"Split, especially in terms of taxation," her said

On the other hand, the government has recently revised Government Regulation no. 79/2010 on Refundable Operating Costs and the Treatment of Income Tax on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities, which has been considered an investment disincentive.

Then the regulation was revised to Government Regulation no. 27/2017. Through the regulation, oil and gas business actors can get some incentives such as tax facilities and choice of sharing for dynamic results. However, in Government Regulation 27/2017 only regulated for the type of production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery. 

    In fact, for new oil and gas block contracts to be signed under Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources no. 8/2017 will use the contract Gross split which is now still set about the imposition of tax.

The unpublished rules on taxation have caused uncertainty in calculating the tax, especially for contractors of cooperation contracts (KKKS) already and will sign new contracts with gross split scheme. As is known, Minister of EMR Ignasius Jonan has assigned eight working areas that will expire his contract to Pertamina.

These eight working areas will use a gross split contract. Since the issuance, there is one working area that already uses gross split, ie Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) Block operated by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ.

"Government Regulation 27/2017 as a revision of Government Regulation 79/2010 does not regulate taxation on PSC gross split. This condition has the potential to confuse KKKS already and who will sign the PSC gross split, "her said.


He hopes that the government can soon issue new rules on taxation in the gross split scheme. Thus, investors can calculate the economic level of oil and gas blocks management offered by the government through the auction of the working area.

In 2015 and 2016, no new contracts for oil and gas block development have been signed. In 2015, the government offers 14 oil and gas blocks and in 2016 17 oil and gas blocks. Meanwhile, investment trends continue to fall. Based on data from the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), in the first half of 2010, the investment reached US $ 7.74 billion. Then, in the I / 2016 semester of US $ S, 6S billion.

In the first half of 2017, upstream oil and gas investment of 29% or US $ 3.98 billion from the target of US $ 13.8 billion. When compared to the realization in 2016, the achievement of upstream investment this year is greater in percentage, but smaller its actual achievement by the difference of US $ 1.67. 

     As is known, the government extended the period of document retrieval and return of tender documents and from July to September. From the data of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), there are seven working areas that have been documented.

Four blocks are offered through a direct offer of the Andaman I Block with a document, the Andaman Block II with five documents, one document accessible from the Pekawai Block and one document in the West Yamdena Block. The remainder, two documents from the East Tanimbar Block and each one document from the Tongkol Block and Mamberamo Block are offered through a regular auction

"We hope to be resolved soon to support the ongoing process of new auction work areas so that potential contractors can calculate the economic level more precisely," he said.

Previously, in the Plenary Cabinet Meeting on the topic of RAPBN 2018 at the State Palace, President Joko Widodo reminded the ministers to be careful in issuing new rules. Jokowi stressed that the Ministerial Regulation should create ease in the business world, whether to invest or expand.

Although he did not mention specifically, he cited the ESDM ministry as having not yet facilitated investment with a more investment-friendly regulation.

"In ESDM for example, what I see in one or two months is not responded well by investors, because it is considered to inhibit investment. This please be given notes and also other Ministerial Regulations. Be careful, "said the President.


Perpajakan Gross Split Menjadi Kendala

Kontraktor masih ragu untuk mengambil blok minyak dan gas bumi yang menggunakan skema bagi hasil kotor atau gross split karena hingga saat ini belum ada peraturan perpajakan soal skema baru itu.

Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan bahwa pemerintah perlu merevisi beberapa regulasi di hulu minyak dan gas bumi agar semakin menarik bagi para investor.

Marjolijn mencontohkan, Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8/2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split yang belum mengatur sistem perpajakan pada jenis kontrak kerja sama tersebut. Beleid itu telah berlaku sejak awal tahun ini. Ketentuan skema bagi hasil kotor menggantikan kontrak bagi hasil dengan biaya operasi yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery).

“Masih ada beberapa regulasi yang dianggap perlu untuk diperhatikan demi menarik kembali investasi di hulu migas di Indonesia. Salah satu yang kami soroti adalah Peraturan Menteri 8/2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross

"Split, khususnya dalam hal perpajakan,” ujarnya 

Di sisi lain, pemerintah belum lama ini telah merevisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 79/2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan terhadap Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas, yang selama ini dianggap disinsentif investasi.

Kemudian aturan itu direvisi menjadi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 27/2017. Melalui aturan itu, pelaku usaha migas bisa mendapatkan beberapa insentif seperti fasilitas perpajakan dan pilihan penggunaan bagi hasil dinamis. Namun, dalam Peraturan Pemerintah 27/2017 hanya diatur untuk jenis kontrak bagi hasil produksi (production sharing contract/PSC) cost recovery. 

     Padahal, untuk kontrak-kontrak baru blok migas yang akan ditandatangani berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8/2017 akan menggunakan kontrak
gross split yang kini masih diatur tentang pengenaan pajaknya.

Belum terbitnya aturan tentang perpajakan menyebabkan ketidakpastian perhitungan pajak khususnya bagi kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) yang sudah dan akan menandatangani kontrak baru dengan skema gross split. Seperti diketahui, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan telah menugaskan delapan wilayah kerja yang akan habis masa kontraknya kepada Pertamina.

Delapan wilayah kerja ini nantinya akan menggunakan kontrak gross split. Sejak diterbitkan, terdapat satu wilayah kerja yang sudah menggunakan gross split, yakni Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) yang dioperasikan oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ.

“Peraturan Pemerintah 27/2017 sebagai revisi dari Peraturan Pemerintah 79/2010 tidak mengatur soal perpajakan pada PSC gross split. Kondisi ini berpotensi membingungkan KKKS yang sudah dan yang akan menandatangani PSC gross split,” katanya.


Dia berharap agar pemerintah bisa segera menerbitkan aturan baru tentang perpajakan dalam skema gross split. Dengan demikian, para investor bisa menghitung tingkat keekonomian pengelolaan blok migas yang ditawarkan pemerintah melalui lelang wilayah kerja.

Pada 2015 dan 2016, belum ada kontrak baru pengembangan blok migas yang ditandatangani. Pada 2015, pemerintah menawarkan 14 blok migas dan pada 2016 17 blok migas. Sementara itu, tren investasi terus turun. Berdasarkan data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), pada semester 1/201 5, investasi yang tercapai sebesar US$7,74 miliar. Kemudian, pada semester I/2016 sebesar US$S,6S miliar. 

Pada semester I/2017, investasi hulu migas 29% gatau US$ 3,98 miliar dari target yakni US$ 13,8 miliar. Jika dibandingkan dengan realisasi pada 2016, capaian investasi hulu tahun ini lebih besar persentasenya, tetapi lebih kecil capaian aktualnya dengan selisih US$ 1,67. 

    Seperti diketahui, pemerintah memperpanjang jangka waktu pengambilan dokumen dan pengembalian dokumen lelang dan semula Juli menjadi September Dari data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), terdapat tujuh wilayah kerja yang telah diambil dokumennya.

Adapun, empat blok di antaranya ditawarkan melalui penawaran langsung yakni Blok Andaman I dengan satu dokumen, Blok Andaman II dengan lima dokumen, satu dokumen diakses dari Blok Pekawai dan satu dokumen di Blok West Yamdena. Sisanya, dua dokumen dari Blok East Tanimbar dan masing-masing satu dokumen dari Blok Tongkol dan Blok Mamberamo yang ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler 

“Kami berharap bisa segera diselesaikan agar dapat mendukung proses lelang wilayah kerja baru yang sedang berlangsung sehingga calon kontraktor dapat menghitung tingkat keekonomian secara lebih tepat,” katanya.

Sebelumnya, dalam Sidang Kabinet Paripurna dengan topik RAPBN 2018 di Istana Negara, Presiden Joko Widodo mengingatkan agar para menteri berhati-hati dalam menerbitkan aturan baru. Jokowi menekankan bahwa Peraturan Menteri harus menciptakan kemudahan dalam dunia usaha, baik untuk berinvestasi maupun berekspansi. 

Meskipun dia tidak menyebut secara spesifik, dia mencontohkan kementerian ESDM yang dianggap belum memfasilitasi penanaman modal dengan regulasi yang lebih ramah terhadap investasi.

“Di ESDM misalnya, yang saya lihat dalam satu dua bulan ini direspons tidak baik oleh investor, karena dianggap menghambat investasi. ini tolong diberikan catatan dan juga Peraturan Menteri yang lain. Hati-hati,” kata Presiden. 

Kompas, Page-18, Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Encourage Contract Openness

Investment Climate Must Be kept Conducive

The public must know the contents of the company's contract with the state in the management of natural resources. However, do not let the openness of the contents of the contract actually cause a negative impact on investment in Indonesia.

Based on the report of the 2017 Resource Governance Index issued by Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), Indonesia got a satisfactory score for the oil and gas sector as well as mineral mining. Indonesia is ranked 11th for the mining sector and ranked 12th for the oil and gas sector. The number of countries involved in the study as many as 89 countries.

According to Indonesia Country Manager NRGI Emanuel Bria, although Indonesia is in the satisfactory category, the public is still not free to access the contents of contract mining companies or oil and gas with the state as the owner of the resource. It recommended that the contract document be a public document.

"Thus, the public can find out what the company's obligations should be implemented and how far the benefits Such management for the community, especially around the location of natural resources, "said Emanuel, Monday (24/7), in Jakarta.

He said the countries that have already applied contract documents open to the public are Australia and Timor Leste. However, the openness of public contract documents in Timor-Leste is not fully applicable. 

     The importance of transparency of governance of mining and oil and gas sectors in Indonesia, according to NRGI Board Member Yuli Ismartono, for the community especially around the location of natural resources, to know how much benefit obtained from the management of mining or oil and gas. In addition, the public is entitled to know where the money derived from the management of resources and allocations.

"Most communities around the mining resources are not prospering with the presence of mining companies Their territory. Instead, more money flows to the big cities that are the center of power, "said Yuli.

Transparency in natural resource governance, according to Yuli, in addition to preventing corrupt practices, can also prevent environmental damage due to poor management of natural resources.

Asia Pacific Legal Analyst NRGI Rani Febrianti added that from a number of assessment indicators for mining and oil and gas sector, the indicators on licensing got the lowest score. In the mining sector, for example, the government can only grant mining permits through open tender

"However, it does not require the government to announce bidders who enter or participate in prequalification," Rani said.

For the oil and gas sector, the government is reviewing oil and gas legislation and focuses on licensing issues. Rani also appreciated the government's innovation that has made a one-door licensing policy under the auspices of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPNI).

The positive thing in the governance of oil and gas sector in Indonesia, according to NRGI report, is about taxation. Oil and gas companies are compliant with taxation in Indonesia. Categories for taxation in oil and gas sector get the highest score.

In addition to encouraging the disclosure of contract documents, NRGI recommends that the government consistently apply the rules already in place. One of the rules highlighted in the mining sector is the mining company's obligations in terms of post-mining environment recovery.

NRGI will provide recommendations to the government on the results of the 2017 Resource Management Index report. Prior to that, NRGI plans to seek input from all stakeholders, from the private sector, the government, and the community, before providing such recommendations.


Separately, Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Satya Widya Yudha agreed to the idea of openness of the contents of the contract. However, he underlined, do not let the openness becomes a gap to be utilized irresponsible parties. It can be counterproductive to the investment climate in Indonesia.

"We are not necessarily able to access the contents of the contract. Therefore, we request that the openness of the contents of mining contracts and oil and gas companies can be accessed by the Parliament, especially Commission VII. Parliament also represents the community, "said Satya.

Alluded to the need for a special regulation that allows the public to access the contents of mining contracts and oil and gas companies in Indonesia, according to Satya, there has been no discussion about it. However, the investment climate needs to be maintained in order to remain conducive.


Dorong Keterbukaan Kontrak

Iklim Investasi Harus Dijaga Tetap Kondusif

Publik harus mengetahui isi kontrak perusahaan dengan negara dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam. Namun, jangan sampai keterbukaan isi kontrak tersebut justru menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap investasi di lndonesia.

Berdasarkan laporan Indeks Tata Kelola Sumber Daya 2017 yang dikeluarkan Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), Indonesia mendapat skor memuaskan untuk sektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas) serta pertambangan mineral. Indonesia berada di peringkat ke-11 untuk sektor tambang dan peringkat ke-12 untuk sektor minyak dan gas bumi.  Adapun jumlah negara yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian tersebut sebanyak 89 negara.

Menurut Indonesia Country Manager NRGI Emanuel Bria, kendati Indonesia masuk dalam kategori memuaskan, masyarakat masih belum bebas mengakses isi kontrak perusahaan tambang ataupun migas dengan negara selaku pemilik sumber daya. Pihaknya merekomendasikan agar dokumen kontrak tersebut dapat menjadi dokumen publik.

"Dengan demikian, publik bisa mengetahui apa saja kewajiban perusahaan yang harus dilaksanakan dan seberapa jauh manfaat pengelolaan tersebut bagi masyarakat, khususnya di sekitar lokasi sumber daya alam,” ujar Emanuel, Senin (24/7), di Jakarta.

Ia mengatakan, negara yang sudah menerapkan dokumen kontrak terbuka untuk publik adalah Australia dan Timor Leste. Namun, keterbukaan dokumen kontrak untuk publik di Timor-Leste tidak berlaku penuh. 

     Pentingnya transparansi tata kelola sektor tambang dan migas di Indonesia, menurut Board Member NRGI Yuli Ismartono, agar masyarakat khususnya di sekitar lokasi sumber daya alam, mengetahui seberapa besar manfaat yang diperoleh dari hasil pengelolaan tambang ataupun migas. Selain itu, masyarakat berhak tahu ke mana saja uang yang didapat dari pengelolaan sumber daya dan peruntukannya.

”Kebanyakan masyarakat di sekitar sumber daya tambang tidak menjadi makmur dengan keberadaan perusahaan tambang di wilayah mereka. Sebaliknya, uang lebih banyak mengalir ke kota-kota besar yang menjadi pusat kekuasaan,” ujar Yuli.

Transparansi dalam hal tata kelola sumber daya alam, menurut Yuli, selain mencegah praktik korupsi, juga dapat mencegah kerusakan lingkungan akibat buruknya pengelolaan sumber daya alam.

Asia Pacific Legal Analyst NRGI Rani Febrianti menambahkan, dari sejumlah indikator penilaian untuk sektor tambang dan migas, indikator mengenai perizinan mendapat skor terendah. Di sektor tambang, misalnya, pemerintah hanya bisa memberikan izin pertambangan lewat tender terbuka

”Namun, itu tidak mengharuskan pemerintah untuk mengumumkan penawar yang memasukkan atau ikut prakualifikasi,” kata Rani.

Untuk sektor migas pemerintah sedang mengkaji perundang-undangan minyak dan gas bumi serta berfokus pada masalah perizinan. Rani juga mengapresiasi inovasi pemerintah yang sudah membuat kebijakan perizinan satu pintu di bawah naungan Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPNI).

Hal positif dalam tata kelola sektor migas di Indonesia, berdasarkan laporan NRGI, adalah mengenai perpajakan. Perusahaan sektor migas terbilang patuh terhadap perpajakan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Kategori untuk perpajakan di sektor migas memperoleh skor tertinggi.

Selain mendorong keterbukaan dokumen kontrak, NRGI merekomendasikan agar pemerintah konsisten menerapkan aturan yang sudah dibuat. Salah satu aturan yang disorot di sektor tambang adalah kewajiban-kewajiban perusahaan tambang dalam hal pemulihan lingkungan pascatambang.

NRGI akan memberikan rekomendasi kepada pemerintah terkait hasil laporan Indeks Tata Kelola Sumber Daya 2017. Sebelumnya, NRGI berencana akan meminta masukan dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan, baik dari sektor swasta, pemerintah, maupun masyarakat, sebelum memberikan rekomendasi tersebut.


Secara terpisah, Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha setuju terhadap ide keterbukaan isi kontrak Namun, ia menggaris bawahi, jangan sampai keterbukaan justru menjadi celah untuk dimanfaatkan pihak-pihak tidak bertanggung jawab. Hal itu bisa berakibat kontraproduktif terhadap iklim investasi di Indonesia.

”Kami saja belum tentu dapat mengakses isi kontrak. Oleh karena itu, kami meminta agar keterbukaan isi kontrak perusahaan tambang dan migas bisa diakses oleh DPR, terutama Komisi VII. DPR juga mewakili masyarakat,” ucap Satya.

Disinggung mengenai perlunya aturan khusus yang membolehkan publik mengakses isi kontrak perusahaan tambang dan migas di Indonesia, menurut Satya, belum ada pembahasan mengenai hal itu. Hanya saja, iklim investasi perlu dijaga agar tetap kondusif. 

Kompas, Page-18, Tuesday, July 25, 2017

ESDM Extends the Auction Time of 15 Oil and Gas Blocks

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has decided to extend the schedule of direct offers of conventional oil and gas working areas and non-conventional oil and gas working areas by 2017. Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Development of the Ministry of ESDM Tunggal hopes that prospective participants of 2017 oil and gas block auctions can take advantage of this auction extension To conduct an evaluation.

"The goal is also to provide sufficient time for prospective bidders," said Tunggal.

With the extension of this offer schedule, the direct offer of non-conventional oil and gas blocks for bid document access is extended until September 7, 2017. While the delivery of documents of participation is extended until September 14, 2017. Specifically the direct offer of conventional oil and gas blocks, bid document access is extended until September 11, 2017. And delivery of documents of participation is extended until September 18, 2017.

For information, 15 oil and gas blocks consisting of 10 conventional oil and gas blocks and 5 non-conventional oil and gas blocks were offered at the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention & Exhibition on May 19, 2017. A total of 15 blocks is offered through direct bidding mechanisms and regular auctions.

Sujatmiko, Head of Communications and Public Information Services and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, added that it does not have the latest data on any company that has participated in the auction.


ESDM Memperpanjang Masa Lelang 15 Blok Migas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memutuskan memperpanjang jadwal penawaran langsung Wilayah kerja migas konvensional dan wilayah kerja migas non-konvensional tahun 2017. Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM Tunggal berharap, para calon peserta lelang blok migas 2017 bisa memanfaatkan perpanjangan masa lelang ini untuk melakukan evaluasi. 

"Tujuannya juga agar memberikan waktu yang cukup bagi calon peserta lelang," ujar Tunggal.

Dengan perpanjangan jadwal penawaran ini, maka penawaran langsung blok migas non-konvensional untuk akses bid document diperpanjang sampai 7 September 2017. Sementara pengiriman dokumen partisipasi diperpanjang sampai 14 September 2017. Khusus penawaran langsung blok migas konvensional, akses bid document diperpanjang sampai 11 September 2017. Dan pengiriman dokumen partisipasi diperpanjang sampai 18 September 2017.

Sebagai informasi, sebanyak 15 blok migas yang terdiri dari 10 blok migas konvensional dan 5 blok migas non-konvensional, ditawarkan pada ajang Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention & Exhibition pada 19 Mei 2017 lalu. Sebanyak 15 blok ini ditawarkan melalui mekanisme penawaran langsung dan lelang reguler. 

Sujatmiko, Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM, menambahkan pihaknya belum memiliki data terbaru siapa saja perusahaan yang sudah mengikuti lelang.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017

Domestic Gas Consumption Genjot, Government Must Give Incentive to Industry

Estimates of the need for gas imports to meet national demand continue to retreat, from initially starting 2019 then to 2020, as the realization of gas consumption is not as high as expected. To boost domestic gas consumption, the government needs to provide incentives for industries that are big consumers of gas.

Group Head Marketing PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Adi Munandir said Indonesia's gas balance has shown a supply deficit since 2016. However, until now, gas imports have not been required. This is because the gas balance is prepared based on the contract of sale and purchase of gas, not the realization of consumption.

"The deficit assumption is also influenced by the realization of the projection. Contract-based gas balance, while the realization is under it because it is influenced by the dynamics of the economy and also the development of demand, "he said.

The administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is indeed boosting infrastructure development such as the 35,000 Megawatt Program (MW), the development of industrial zones and special economic zones. This makes the natural gas market in Indonesia attractive to investors. However, this projected picture of gas demand is called Adi, will not grow if no effort is made.

"But if we treat the number as a target, then we must do something to make it happen. So the gas balance becomes a policy tool that drives policy on infrastructure development that must be built at a certain time and gas production to be done. The gas balance becomes our driver and demand driven management, "said Adi.

However, increasing domestic gas consumption is not as easy as estimated. This can be seen from the initiative of the development of Special Economic Zone (KEK) Sei Mangkei, Kuala Tanjung or Constraints that have not been realized. He said the development of the natural gas market requires integrated planning and integrated action.

"The synergy between the key stakeholders of the demand side such as the Ministry of Industry, from the Ministry of Finance to provide stimulus and incentives, and from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, together to grow the demand," said Adi.

According to him, many parties, including from the government, focus on the gas supply strategy and supply of natural gas, including rely on imports. Whereas what should be done how to increase the consumption of natural gas in the country. This is because the strategy of how to boost domestic gas consumption is as important as ensuring its supply.

"For that, looking at the current gas balance should be done with caution. The government sees that gas imports are not yet needed because of the availability of sufficient domestic gas supply. So the tough task is to build the domestic market so that all domestic gas production can be utilized domestically into the energy that drives the Indonesian economy, "said Adi.


PGN itself, continued Adi, will become a company with integrated solutions that can handle the problem of gas supply. Now PGN not only serves gas supply through pipeline. PGN also has subsidiaries engaged in the business of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as well as its regasification. However, PGN is not just building infrastructure, but also building the gas market.

"We have to cultivate demand, take initial risks, and campaign for a growing gas market," Adi said.

For the development of its own infrastructure, PGN continues to add the infrastructure it manages. In the meantime, Director of PGN Infrastructure and Technology Dilo Seno Widagdo said that his side has budgeted around US $ 200 million for the development of gas infrastructure.

The addition of infrastructure in the form of gas transmission and distribution pipeline is expected to increase the utilization of gas by consumers. PGN this year worked on several projects at once. First, the construction of a 67-km-long Duri-Dumai transmission pipeline in cooperation with PT Pertamina Gas, which is a government assignment project since 2016. In Duri, PGN also builds a 60-km distribution pipeline.

Second, West Natuna Transportation System (WNTS) transmission pipeline construction project which is a government assignment. PGN builds a 5 km pipeline with a capacity of 120 million cubic feet per day targeted for completion this year.

Third, the development of East Java network in the village of Semare along 2.2 km and diameter 10-16 inches. Meanwhile, gas supply is obtained from Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) with volume of 60 million cubic feet per day. Finally, the assignment of the construction of a household gas network of 26,000 house connections (SR) that will connect the pipeline to the community in Mojokerto, East Java; Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatra; Jakarta and Bandar Lampung.

The total of PGN's existing and managed gas infrastructure currently reaches more than 7,270 km. This amount is equivalent to 80% of the downstream gas pipeline throughout Indonesia. Currently PGN has supplied over 1,658 large industries and power plants, more than 1,930 commercial customers, and 204,000 household customers spread across 19 districts / cities in 12 provinces throughout Indonesia.


Genjot Konsumsi Gas Domestik,  Pemerintah Harus Beri Insentif ke Industri

Perkiraan perlunya impor gas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional terus mundur, dari awalnya mulai 2019 kemudian menjadi 2020, karena realisasi konsumsi gas tidak setinggi perkiraan. Untuk menggenjot konsumsi gas domestik, pemerintah perlu memberikan insentif bagi industri yang merupakan konsumen besar gas.

Group Head Marketing PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Adi Munandir mengatakan, neraca gas bumi Indonesia sudah menunjukkan defisit pasokan sejak 2016. Namun, hingga saat inipun, impor gas belum diperlukan. Hal ini karena neraca gas tersebut disusun berdasarkan kontrak jual beli gas, bukan realisasi konsumsi.

“Asumsi defisit juga dipengaruhi oleh realisasi proyeksi. Neraca gas berbasis kontrak, sedangkan realisasinya berada di bawahnya karena dipengaruhi dinamika perekonomian dan juga pembangunan demand,” kata dia 

Pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) memang sedang menggenjot pembangunan infrastrutkur seperti Program 35.000 Megawatt (MW), pengembangan kawasan industri, dan kawasan ekonomi khusus. Hal ini membuat pasar gas bumi di Indonesia menjadi menarik bagi investor. Namun, gambaran proyeksi permintaan gas ini disebut Adi, tidak akan tumbuh jika tidak ada upaya apapun.

“Namun kalau kita perlakukan angka tersebut sebagai target, maka kita harus melakukan sesuatu untuk merealisasikannya. Sehingga neraca gas menjadi alat kebijakan yg men-drive kebijakan mengenai pengembangan infrastruktur yang harus dibangun di waktu tertentu dan produksi gas yang harus dilakukan. Neraca gas menjadi driver dan pengelolaan kita demand driven,” kata Adi.

Hanya saja, meningkatkan konsumsi gas bumi dalam negeri tidak semudah yang diperkirakan. Hal ini terlihat dari inisiatif pembangunan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Sei Mangkei, Kuala Tanjung atau Kendala yang belum juga terealisasi. Dikatakannya, pengembangan pasar gas bumi membutuhkan integrated planning dan integrated action.

“Sinergi antara key stakeholders dari sisi demand seperti Kementerian Perindustrian, dari sisi Kementerian Keuangan untuk memberikan stimulus dan insentif, serta dari Kementerian ESDM, bersama sama menumbuhkan demand tersebut,” kata Adi.

Menurutnya, banyak pihak termasuk dari pemerintah, fokus terhadap strategi pasokan gas bumi dan pengadaan pasokan gas bumi, termasuk mengandalkan impor. Padahal harusnya yang dilakukan bagaimana meningkatkan konsumsi gas bumi dalam negeri. Hal ini karena strategi bagaimana menggenjot konsumsi gas domestik sama pentingnya dengan upaya menjamin pasokannya.

“Untuk itu, melihat neraca gas saat ini harus dilakukan dengan kehati-hatian. Pemerintah melihat bahwa impor gas belum diperlukan karena ketersediaan pasokan gas domestik yang masih cukup. Maka tugas beratnya adalah membangun pasar domestik sehingga seluruh gas produksi dalam negeri bisa dimanfaatkan di dalam negeri menjadi energi yang menggerakan perekonomian Indonesia,” tutur Adi.


PGN sendiri, lanjut Adi, bakal menjadi perusahaan dengan solusi terintegrasi yang dapat menangani masalah pasokan gas. Kini PGN tidak hanya melayani pasokan gas melalui pipa. PGN juga telah memiliki anak usaha yang bergerak di bisnis gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/ LNG) sekaligus regasifikasinya. Namun, PGN tidak sekadar membangun infrastruktur, tetapi juga ikut membangun pasar gas. 

“Kita harus memupuk demand, mengambil resiko awal, dan melakukan kampanye agar pasar gas berkembang,” kata Adi. 

Untuk pengembangan infrastruktur sendiri, PGN terus menambahkan inrastruktur yang dikelolanya. SebeIumnya, Direktur Infrastruktur dan Teknologi PGN Dilo Seno Widagdo mengatakan, pihaknya menganggarkan dana sekitar USS 200 juta untuk pembangunan infrastruktur gas.

Penambahan infrastruktur berupa pipa gas transmisi dan distribusi ini diharapkan mampu menambah pemanfaatan gas oleh konsumen. PGN tahun ini menggarap beberapa proyek sekaligus. Pertama, pembangunan pipa transmisi Duri-Dumai sepanjang 67 kilometer (km) bekerja sama dengan PT Pertamina Gas yang merupakan proyek penugasan pemerintah sejak 2016. Di Duri, PGN juga membangun pipa distribusi sepanjang 60 km.

Kedua, proyek pembangunan pipa transmisi West Natuna Transportation System (WNTS)-Pemping yang merupakan penugasan pemerintah. PGN membangun pipa pipa penghubung sepanjang 5 km dengan kapasitas 120 juta kaki kubik per hari yang ditargetkan selesai di tahun ini.

Ketiga, pengembangan jaringan Jawa Timur yakni di Desa Semare sepanjang 2,2 km dan berdiameter 10-16 inchi. Adapun, pasokan gas diperoleh dari Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) dengan volume 60 juta kaki kubik per hari. Terakhir, penugasan pembangunan jaringan gas rumah tangga sebanyak 26.000 sambungan rumah (SR) yang akan menghubungkan pipa ke masyarakat di Mojokerto, Jawa Timur; Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan; Jakarta dan Bandar Lampung.

Total infrastruktur gas bumi yang dibandung dan dikelola PGN saat ini mencapai lebih dari 7.270 km. jumlah ini setara 80% pipa gas bumi hilir seluruh Indonesia. Saat ini PGN telah memasok lebih dari 1.658 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, lebih dari 1.930 pelanggan komersial, dan 204.000 pelanggan rumah tangga yang tersebar di 19 kabupaten/kota di 12 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, July 24, 2017

Pertamina EP Subang Support Eco Green Village

PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina EP and Contractor Cooperation Contract (KKKS) under SKK Migas, held a grand final of the Right Innovation Competition "Eco Green Village". This competition is followed by students and students from various schools and universities in West Java.

A total of 11 participants entered the final round after going through the judging process, among others, Arie Sudaryanto from the Appropriate Technology Institute of Indonesian Science Institute (LIPD) and Head of LPPM Institut Pertanian Bogor Prof. Dr. Ir Sumardjo.11 Eleven participants who escaped successfully put aside dozens of other participants since the race began 13 June 2017.

The jury then sets the winners of the competition for the general category and the students is an innovation entitled "System of Payment of Waste Processing System and Bank Trash With Cards of Subik Cikapeang (Love Subang Kapuk) based on RFID".

While the winner of the category of students is "Jack-Seed Flakes Healthy Breakfast Rich Fiber Based Waste Seed Jackfruit". According to the plan, the prize for the winner of this innovation competition will be given on July 25, 2017

Armand Mel I Hukom, Subang Field Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 3, said that innovations made by the winners of general categories and students can be applied in Rumah Inspirasi, one of CSR program Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field in Subang Regency, West Java. While innovation winner of student category can be applied at Toga Asuh Program CSR at Ranggawulung Town Forest, still in Subang Regency.

According to Hukom, the innovative innovation competition "Kampung Eco Green" is a program that can encourage young people to innovate, at an affordable cost. Moreover, the theme of the race is aligned with the CSR program that has been running so that it can be a source of inspiration for Subang Field in innovating in CSR program.

"We hope that this program will encourage the young generation to be innovative as the successor of this nation," he said.

Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field has a working area in Subang and Karawang regency, West Java and produces 1,864 barrels of oil per day (BPH) and 222.5 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas.


Pertamina EP Subang Dukung Kampung Eco Green

PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field, anak usaha PT Pertamina EP dan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) di bawah SKK Migas, menyelenggarakan grand final Kompetisi Inovasi Tepat Guna “Kampung Eco Green”. Kompetisi ini diikuti oleh pelajar dan mahasiswa dari berbagai sekolah dan perguruan tinggi di Jawa Barat.

Sebanyak 11 peserta memasuki babak akhir setelah melalui proses penjurian yang antara lain Arie Sudaryanto dari Teknologi Tepat Guna Lembaga llmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPD dan Kepala Care LPPM Institut Pertanian Bogor Prof Dr Ir Sumardjo. Kesebelas peserta yang lolos berhasil menyisihkan puluhan peserta lainnya sejak lomba diadakan mulai 13 juni 2017. 

Dewan juri kemudian menetapkan pemenang dari kompetisi untuk kategori umum dan mahasiswa adalah inovasi yang berjudul “Sistem Pembayaran Sistem Pengolahan Sampah Dan Bank Sampah Dengan Kartu Cikapeang (Cinta Kap Petani Subang) Berbasis RFID”. 

Sedangkan pemenang dari kategori pelajar adalah “Jack-Seed Flakes Sarapan Sehat Kaya Serat Berbahan Dasar Limbah Biji Nangka”. Menurut rencana, hadiah bagi pemenang kompetisi inovasi ini akan diberikan pada 25 Juli 2017

Armand Mel I Hukom, Subang Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset 3, mengatakan inovasi yang dilakukan oleh pemenang kategori umum dan mahasiswa dapat diterapkan di Rumah Inspirasi, salah satu program CSR Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field di Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat. Sementara inovasi pemenang kategori pelajar dapat diterapkan pada Program Toga Asuh yang CSR di Hutan Kota Ranggawulung, masih di Kabupaten Subang.

Menurut Hukom, kompetisi inovasi tepat guna “Kampung Eco Green” merupakan program yang dapat memacu semangat anak muda untuk berinovasi, dengan biaya yang terjangkau. Apalagi tema lomba diselaraskan dengan Program CSR yang telah berjalan sehingga dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi Subang Field dalam berinovasi dalam program CSR. 

”Kami berharap dengan adanya program ini dapat mendorong prestasi generasi muda dalam hal giat berinovasi sebagai penerus bangsa ini,” katanya.

Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field mempunyai wilayah kerja di daerah Kabupaten Subang dan Karawang, Jawa Barat dan memproduksikan minyak sebesar 1.864 barel per hari (BPH) dan gas sebesar 222,5 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD).

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, July 24, 2017

ESDM Prepares Gas Power Plant Near Gas Well

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will make policies on the construction of plants close to fuel sources. Such as Gas Power Plant (PLTG) must be built in at the mouth of gas well. Meanwhile, the development policy of Steam Power Plant (PLTU) close to the mouth of the mine has been published.

Yes, special mine mouth power plant government has issued issued Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No 19/2017 on Coal Utilization for Power Plant and Purchase of Excess Power. Ignasius Jonan, Minister of ESDM hopes that the policy will reduce the cost of electric power transportation, so it is expected that the price of electricity will be more efficient.

"In the future there is no power plant in Sumatra that is not built at the mouth of the mine," he said.

Understandably, if build a power plant outside the mouth of the mine, the cost of Iistrik will be higher, because there are transportation costs. In addition the government wants to isolate the pollution so as not to spread. Especially if the coal is only about 3,000 calories, the alternative is just build a power plant at the mouth of the mine

According to Jonan, the core of electricity is increasing capacity and making the price more affordable.

 "So, the government commitment until December 2017, except that the subsidy is revoked, the electricity tariff does not go up, in fact some of the electricity tariff falls.


ESDM Menyiapkan Aturan PLTG Dekat Sumur Gas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral akan membuat kebijakan tentang pembangunan pembangkit dekat dengan sumber bahan bakar. Seperti Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas (PLTG) harus dibangun di di mulut sumur gas. Sementara kebijakan pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) dekat dengan mulut tambang sudah terbit.

Ya, khusus PLTU mulut tambang pemerintah telah mengeluarkan mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 19/2017 tentang Pemanfaatan Batubara untuk Pembangkit Listrik dan Pembelian Kelebihan Tenaga Listrik (excess power). Ignasius Jonan, Menteri ESDM berharap kebijakan itu akan mengurangi biaya transportasi tenaga listrik, sehingga diharapkan harga Iistrik lebih efisien. 

"Ke depan tidak ada PLTU di Sumatra yang tidak dibangun di mulut tambang. Tidak boleh kalau tidak di mulut tambang," tegas

Maklum, jika membangun pembangkit di luar mulut tambang, biaya Iistrik akan semakin tinggi, karena ada biaya transportasi. Selain itu pemerintah ingin mengisolasi polusi agar tidak tersebar. Apalagi jika batubara hanya sekitar 3.000 kalori, alternatifnya hanya membangun pembangkit di mulut tambang

Menurut Jonan, inti kelistrikan adalah peningkatan kapasitas dan membuat harga lebih terjangkau.

 "Maka, komitmen pemerintah hingga Desember 2017, kecuali yang subsidinya dicabut, tarif listrik itu tidak naik. Malah sebagian golongan tarif listrik itu turun.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, July 24, 2017