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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Guessing Jonan Step

Energy Sector Policy

Not a few businesses in the energy sector include oil and gas, mining, and electricity are still wondering where the policy direction of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan. In fact, the new Jonan Minister's seat just a few months. Former Transport Minister was sworn in as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on October 14, 2016.

Not a few who when asked why the President Joko Widodo again raised Jonan as an assistant in the Cabinet Working after detach from the easy chair in the Ministry of Transportation. In fact, Jonan also does not have a background in the energy sector. By lifting back the man was born June 21, 1963 it into the cabinet, Jokowi definitely have a mission and a special duty to him to reorganize the energy sector in the country

Since the inauguration, Jonan focused enough to fix the electricity tariff renewable energy. Although until now the new formula-based electricity prices of new and renewable energy is still in finalization. The new tariff aims to create renewable energy becomes more competitive. Jonan as Chairman of the National Energy Board proposes Hanan, electricity, new and renewable energy 85% of the electricity production costs per area. Suppose, BPP electricity in Sumatra Rp 1,200 per kWh, the renewable energy tariff of Rp 1,020 per kWh. In fact, the electricity tariff for geothermal power plants (PLTP) is currently around US $ 12 cents per kWh, or Rp 1,560 per kWh.

This means more efficient energy tariffs. So far, renewable energy is still relatively expensive so that PLN ask for no subsidies for energy-based environmentally friendly. However, the efficiency of environmentally friendly energy electricity tariff was feared to keep investors interested in getting into renewable energy.

In addition to problems of renewable energy in electricity tariffs, Jonan also make policy delivery or pay in Electricity plants. Simply this, power plants owned by private developers who can not supply in accordance with the capacity that was promised in the beginning it should be fined. As long as there is no sanction for them. In fact, the scheme currently in force take or pay, the entire capacity of the electricity generated from the plant should be paid by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, although capacity was not used entirely by the company. Used or not, it must be paid. Take or pay scheme is quite realistic.

For example, when you've ordered ten loaves of bread, then order up and you only buy five loaves, because it turns out it only took five then the seller would have objected. Bread seller has provided accordance with the buyer's order. Even Jonan requested that damaged plants can not distribute the electric power needs in fines.


In the sector of oil and gas, the man who was born in Singapore was again made a breakthrough. Jonan make schema changes contracts from oil and gas into gross revenue share based on gross production (gross split) replace the model of reimbursement (cost recovery). Scheme gross split will force contractors to do efficiency in oil and gas production activities for all of the costs borne by the contractor

In the gas sector, to lower the price of gas for industry, Jonan open import liquefied natural gas (LNG) for private power developers and PLN as the domestic price is still relatively high. In fact, during this time Indonesia became an exporter of LNG. Nearly 50% of LNG exports. LNG export policy of open government will encourage energy efficiency in the Land Ain However, in the long run it is feared Indonesia to become an importer of gas as occurs in crude oil and fuel oil at the moment.

In fact, has not been optimal absorption of larger gas affected infrastructure is not ready. Gas pipeline is still small. Regasification facility, a tool to change the LNG into gas, then only three units namely FSRU Arun, Lampung FSRU, and FSRU Nusantara Regas. In the sector of mineral and coal mining, Jonan it issued a policy that raises the pros and cons are extending export concentrates. In fact, the raw mineral exports of low-grade nickel ore is below 1.7% and bauxite opened.

However, it can be said Jonan apes because it must take a decision on the deadline for downstream mineral which is due on January 11, 2017. Yet the facts on the ground, yet many smelters are built. So special duty Jokowi to Jonan seemed to become energy efficient so the industry more competitive. Moreover, the National Energy Board data said that the elasticity of energy in Indonesia is still on top of the significant energy use today are inefficient.

Energy elasticity is the ratio between the rate of economic growth with the growth of energy consumption. In addition, the national energy intensity is also not efficient. The energy intensity is the amount of energy required to produce a single product. That is, the current energy use in the country have not been efficient. On the other hand, the dependence of fossil energy in the country is still high. Petroleum (46%), coal (26%), natural gas (23%) and renewable energy (5%). Indonesia also became an importer of fuel and crude oil.

Another problem that needs an immediate solution, among others, oil production is still low, gas and electricity infrastructure limitations, high imports of fuel, crude oil, and LPG. Hopefully efficiency measures energy sector can achieve equitable energy management. sustainable, environmentally friendly, as well as the independence and national energy security.


Kebijakan Sektor Energi

Menebak Langkah Jonan

Tidak sedikit pelaku usaha di sektor energi mencakup minyak dan gas bumi, pertambangan, dan kelistrikan yang masih bertanya-tanya ke mana arah kebijakan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan. Padahal, Jonan baru menduduki kursi Menteri ESDM baru beberapa Bulan. Mantan Menteri Perhubungan itu dilantik menjadi Menteri ESDM pada 14 Oktober 2016.

Tidak sedikit pula yang saat itu bertanya kenapa Presiden Joko Widodo kembali mengangkat Jonan sebagai assisten di Kabinet Kerja setelah mencopotnya dari kursi empuk di Kementerian Perhubungan. Padahal, Jonan juga tidak memiliki latar belakang di sektor energi. Dengan mengangkat kembali pria kelahiran 21 Juni 1963 itu ke dalam kabinet, Jokowi pasti memiliki misi dan tugas khusus kepadanya untuk membenahi sektor energi di Tanah Air.

Sejak dilantik, Jonan cukup fokus membenahi tarif listrik energi terbarukan. Meskipun sampai saat ini formula baru harga listrik berbasis energi baru dan terbarukan masih di finalisasi. Tarif baru bertujuan untuk menciptakan energi terbarukan menjadi lebih kompetitif. Jonan sebagai Ketua Hanan Dewan Energi Nasional mengusulkan, tarif listrik energi baru dan terbarukan 85% dari biaya pokok produksi listrik per wilayah. Misalkan, BPP listrik di Sumatra Rp 1.200 per kWh maka tarif energi terbarukan Rp 1.020 per kWh. Padahal, tarif listrik untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP) saat ini sekitar US$ 12 sen per per kWh atau Rp 1.560 per kWh.

Artinya tarif energi lebih efisien. Selama ini energi terbarukan masih relatif mahal sehingga PLN meminta ada subsidi untuk energi berbasis ramah lingkungan itu. Namun, efisiensi tarif listrik energi ramah lingkungan itu dikhawatirkan justru membuat investor tidak tertarik masuk ke energi terbarukan. 

Selain soal tarif listrik energi terbarukan, Jonan juga membuat kebijakan delivery or pay dalam pembangkit listrik. Sederhananya begini, pembangkit listrik milik pengembang swasta yang tidak dapat menyuplai sesuai dengan kapasitas yang dijanjikan di awal maka patut dikenai denda. Selama   tidak ada sanksi bagi mereka. Padahal, saat ini berlaku skema take or pay, yaitu seluruh kapasitas listrik yang dihasilkan dari pembangkit harus dibayar oleh PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, meskipun kapasitas itu tidak digunakan seluruhnya oleh perseroan. Dipakai atau tidak, maka harus dibayar. Skema take or pay cukup realistis. 

Contoh, Ketika Anda sudah memesan sepuluh roti, kemudian pesanan sampai dan Anda hanya membeli lima roti saja karena ternyata hanya butuh lima maka si penjual pasti akan keberatan. Penjual roti telah menyediakan Sesuai dengan pesanan pembeli. Bahkan Jonan meminta agar pembangkit rusak yang tidak dapat menyalurkan daya listrik pun perlu di denda.


Di sektor minyak dan gas bumi, pria yang lahir di Singapura itu pun kembali melakukan terobosan. Jonan membuat perubahan skema kontrak bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi menjadi bagi hasil kotor berdasarkan produksi bruto (gross split) menggantikan model pengembalian biaya (cost recovery). Skema gross split bakal memaksa kontraktor untuk melakukan efisiensi dalam kegiatan produksi migas karena seluruh biaya ditanggung sendiri oleh kontraktor

Di sektor gas, untuk menurunkan harga gas bagi industri, Jonan membuka impor gas alam cair (LNG) bagi pengembang listrik swasta dan PLN karena harga di dalam negeri masih relatif tinggi. Padahal, selama ini Indonesia menjadi eksportir LNG. Hampir 50% LNG di ekspor. Kebijakan pemerintah membuka ekspor LNG akan mendorong efisiensi energi di Tanah Ain Namun, dalam jangka panjang dikhawatirkan Indonesia menjadi importir gas seperti yang terjadi pada minyak mentah dan bahan bakar minyak saat ini.

Padahal, belum terserapnya gas secara optimal lebih besar dipengaruhi infrastruktur yang belum siap. Pipa gas masih sedikit. Fasilitas regasifikasi, alat mengubah LNG menjadi gas, pun hanya tiga unit yaitu FSRU Arun, FSRU lampung, dan FSRU Nusantara Regas.

     Di sektor penambangan mineral dan batu bara, Jonan justru mengeluarkan kebijakan yang menimbulkan pro dan kontra yaitu memperpanjang waktu ekspor konsentrat. Bahkan, ekspor mineral mentah yaitu bijih nikel berkadar rendah di bawah 1,7% dan bauksit dibuka. 

Namun, Jonan bisa dikatakan apes karena harus mengambil keputusan soal tenggat hilirisasi mineral yang sudah jatuh tempo pada 11 Januari 2017. Padahal fakta di lapangan, belum banyak smelter yang di bangun. Jadi tugas khusus Jokowi kepada Jonan sepertinya untuk mengefisiensikan energi sehingga industri lebih berdaya saing. Apalagi, Data Dewan Energi Nasional menyebutkan bahwa elastisitas energi Indonesia masih di atas satu yang berarti penggunaan energi saat ini belum efisien.

Elastisitas energi merupakan perbandingan antara laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan pertumbuhan konsumsi energi. Selain itu, intensitas energi nasional juga belum efisien. Intensitas energi merupakan jumlah energi yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan satu produk. Artinya, saat ini penggunaan energi di Tanah Air belum efisien. Di sisi lain, ketergantungan energi fosil di Tanah Air saat ini masih tinggi. Minyak bumi (46%), batu bara (26%), gas bumi (23%), dan energi terbarukan (5%). Indonesia juga menjadi importir BBM dan minyak mentah.

Persoalan lain yang perlu solusi segera antara lain produksi minyak yang masih rendah, keterbatasan infrastruktur gas dan listrik, masih tingginya impor BBM, minyak mentah, dan LPG. Semoga langkah-langkah efisiensi sektor energi bisa mewujudkan pengelolaan energi berkeadilan. berkelanjutan, ramah lingkungan, serta kemandirian dan ketahanan energi nasional.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

Pertamina Submit Bontang to Private

     Bontang refinery project will be handed over to the private sector, while PT Pertamina estimated to have a 10% -20% stake in the project, located in Bontang, East Kalimantan.

Director of Processing and Petrochemical megaproject Rachmad Hardadi Pertamina estimates, the project was done with the assignment scheme, the company will only acquire a controlling stake (chip-in) 10% -20%. He explained that the oil refinery to be built with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day (bpd), it will use the scheme wake up, operation, switch (build-operate-transfer / BUT). Through the scheme, the private company which will be the operator will manage Bontang for 30 years, then the assets are submitted to the state through Pertamina. "Bontang I was saying and counting finance or finance, we could chip in about 10% -20%, he said.

In addition to Bontang, Pertamina also commissioned to build Tuban refinery with a capacity of 300,000 bpd. In Tuban, Pertamina has a dominant share of 55%, while Rosneft 45%. Hardadi explained, assignment Bontang decided late compared to most other refinery projects that the company must adapt to the needs funding for other activities. The assumption for a minority stake had been disclosed before the government sets the assignment scheme to Bontang.

Currently Hardadi said, there are six projects in the processing sector which is entirely targeted to be completed before 2025. For the construction of new refinery projects and the revitalization of four units of refineries, Pertamina will be reached in about US $ 20 billion. On the other hand, there are projects in the upstream sector of the oil and gas, marketing, and more must be done in the oil and gas SOEs.

From an initial estimate of about US $ 10 billion to build a refinery with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per han (bpd) and petrochemicals complex, adjustments to the value of investments to US $ 8 billion because of the availability of infrastructure. "Imagine at the same time, Pertamina must spend it, while Pertamina not only for infrastructure refineries, for upstream, for marketing and for gas." According to him, the project Bontang, it would not set a development scheme is the same as the Refinery Tuban constructed by forming a joint venture (joint venture / JV).

Hardadi targeting, in mid February 2017 partner search can be started, so that the project can be completed on target ie in 2023.


Meanwhile, the revitalization project or increase Balongan refinery capacity and refinery Dumai, it decided to do it themselves as well as on the Balikpapan refinery. He calls Balongan refinery project and Dumai refinery will be handled itself since the process can not withdraw from a predetermined schedule. Cilacap refinery revitalization project, Pertamina cooperating with Saudi Aramco as a partner. Project refinery capacity additions should be run in parallel because it can affect the performance of each refinery. For example, he said, the Balongan refinery should be constructed before the Balikpapan refinery is completed. These Balikpapan refinery for supply of naphtha to Balongan refinery.

Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto said, according to the schedule, the election licensor (establishmen license) for the Cilacap refinery is targeted for completion by the end of the first quarter / 2017, while the 'Refinery Tuban completed by the end of the quarter II / 2017. Currently, the company is completing the process of the banking feasibility study or bankable feasibility study (BFS) and licensing analysis of the environmental impact (EIA) Tuban refinery is targeted for completion in June 2017.

In Cilacap refinery project in the settlement process and basic engineering design (BED) which is targeted for completion in March 2017, while the EIA was completed last July.


Pertamina Serahkan Bontang ke Swasta

Proyek Kilang Bontang akan diserahkan kepada swasta, sedangkan PT Pertamina diperkirakan hanya akan memiliki saham 10%-20% dalam proyek yang berlokasi di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur itu.

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi memperkirakan, dalam proyek yang di kerjakan dengan skema penugasan itu, perseroan hanya akan menguasai saham (chip in) 10%-20%. Dia menjelaskan, kilang minyak yang akan dibangun dengan kapasitas 300.000 barel per hari (bph) itu, akan menggunakan skema bangun, operasi, alihkan (build operate transfer/BUT). Melalui skema itu, perusahaan swasta yang akan menjadi operator akan mengelola Kilang Bontang selama 30 tahun, kemudian aset itu di serahkan ke negara melalui Pertamina. “ Kilang Bontang tadi saya katakan dan hitung-hitungan finance atau keuangan, kita bisa chip in sekitar 10%-20%, katanya.

Selain Kilang Bontang, Pertamina juga ditugaskan membangun Kilang Tuban dengan kapasitas 300.000 bph. Di Tuban, Pertamina memiliki saham dominan yaitu 55%, sedangkan Rosneft 45 %. Hardadi memaparkan, penugasan Kilang Bontang diputuskan paling akhir dibandingkan dengan proyek kilang lainnya sehingga perseroan hams menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pendanaan untuk kegiatan lain. Asumsi untuk memiliki saham minoritas pun telah diungkapkan sebelum pemerintah menetapkan skema penugasan untuk Kilang Bontang. 

Saat ini kata Hardadi, terdapat enam proyek di sektor pengolahan yang seluruhnya ditargetkan rampung sebelum 2025. Untuk proyek pembangunan kilang baru dan revitalisasi empat unit kilang, Pertamina akan merogoh dana sekitar US$ 20 miliar. Di sisi lain, masih terdapat proyek di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi, pemasaran, dan lainnya yang harus di kerjakan BUMN migas tersebut.

Dari perkiraan awal sekitar US$ 10 miliar untuk membangun kilang berkapasitas 300.000 barel per han (bph) beserta kompleks petrokimia, terdapat penyesuaian nilai investasi menjadi US$ 8 miliar karena faktor ketersedian infrastruktur. “Coba bayangkan di saat bersamaan, Pertamina harus méngeluarkan itu, sementara Pertamina tidak cuma untuk infrastruktur kilang  saja, untuk hulu, untuk marketing dan untuk gas.” Menurutnya, pada proyek Kilang Bontang, pihaknya tidak akan menetapkan skema pembangunan yang sama dengan Kilang Tuban yang dibangun dengan membentuk perusahaan patungan (joint venture/JV).

Hardadi menargetkan, pada pertengahan Februari 2017 pencarian mitra bisa dimulai, sehingga proyek dapat diselesaikan sesuai target yakni pada 2023. 


Sementara itu, proyek revitalisasi atau peningkatan kapasitas Kilang Balongan dan Kilang Dumai, pihaknya memutuskan untuk mengerjakannya sendiri seperti halnya pada Kilang Balikpapan. Dia menyebut proyek Kilang Balongan dan Kilang Dumai akan ditangani sendiri mengingat pengerjaannya tak boleh mundur dari jadwal yang telah ditetapkan. Proyek revitalisasi Kilang Cilacap, Pertamina menggandeng Saudi Aramco sebagai mitra. Proyek penambahan kapasitas kilang harus berjalan secara paralel karena dapat memengaruhi kinerja masing-masing kilang. Sebagai contoh, dia menyebut, Kilang Balongan harus segera dibangun sebelum Kilang Balikpapan selesai. Kilang Balikpapan selama ini menyuplai nafta ke Kilang Balongan.

Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, berdasarkan jadwal, pemilihan licensor (pemben lisensi) untuk Kilang Cilacap ditargetkan tuntas pada akhir kuartal I/2017, sedangkan 'Kilang Tuban selesai pada akhir kuartal II/2017. Saat ini, pihaknya sedang menyelesaikan proses kajian kelayakan perbankan atau bankable feasibility study (BFS) dan pengurusan perizinan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (Amdal) Kilang Tuban yang ditargetkan selesai pada Juni 2017.

Pada proyek Kilang Cilacap dalam proses penyelesaian basic engineering design (BED) yang ditargetkan selesai Maret 2017, sedangkan Amdal selesai ada Juli.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

Construction of Pertamina Refinery Project Immediately in Start

PT Pertamina asserted, construction projects of the company's refineries begin. It was marked by a groundbreaking plan (groundbreaking) refinery development Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, which will be made in late February 2017, Pertamina is now working on the construction of two new refineries and refinery four development projects. 

    Four development projects it is Balikpapan refinery, Cilacap Refinery, Refinery Dumai and Balongan refinery. While two new refinery to be built is the Tuban refinery and Bontang. 

"For Tuban Refinery, we expect groundbreaking in the third quarter / 2017 and to the Cilacap refinery in the fourth quarter. We expect these three projects, Balikpapan, Tuban, and Cilacap, field of activity can be seen this year, "said President Director Dwi Soetjipto-Pertamina in Jakarta Central Pertamina Kanter yesterday.


Dwi asserted, refinery development discourse is no longer directly related to the program for government to reduce imports of oil talents (BBM). Indonesia Pertamina projects in 2023 will already be self-sufficient in fuel. Not only that,
construction and development of refinery also targeted to contribute in improving the national economic growth. "Building a refinery is no longer wishful thinking for us, but it can be executed. Live to work hard to finish, "said Dwi.

Director of Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina megaproject Rachmad Hardadi added, developing the first phase capacity of six units Balikpapan refinery is targeted for completion in 2019 with the addition of production capacity of 360,000 barrels per day (bpd) from 260,000 bpd previously. 

  One of them will be made to the revitalization of residual fuel refinery cracking catalyctic / RFCC with a production capacity of 90,000 bpd. The RFCC refinery used to process oil into petroleum products worth octane
such high pertamax.

Furthermore Hardadi say, the second phase is planned for completion 2021 He added, Pertamina's investment for the first phase of USD2,6 billion. While the second phase investment of USD 2 billion.

     Rachmat explained, Pertamina canceled cooperate with Saudi Aramco for the refinery's working on two projects, namely the Balongan refinery in Indramayu and Dumai refinery in Riau. He said the cancellation was due to disagreements cooperation in development targets. 

"It all depends on the circumstances. When signing the joint venture agreement of two CEOs, there is agreement to pursue that time carried out in two stages. Finally, because they do not agree, Pertamina down themselves.

According to him, even though cooperation was canceled for two refineries, Pertamina and Saudi Aramco will continue to develop cooperation of other RDMP, namely Cilacap in Central Java. In this cooperation, the two sides agreed to expedite the completion of the construction of the initial target, namely in 2021 from the previous agreement in 2022.


Konstruksi Proyek Kilang Pertamina Segera di Mulai

  PT Pertamina menegaskan, pengerjaan proyek-proyek kilang perusahaan segera dimulai. Hal itu ditandai dengan rencana peletakan batu pertama (groundbreaking) péngembangan Kilang Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, yang akan di lakukan akhir Februari 2017. 

     Pertamina kini menggarap proyek pembangunan dua kilang baru dan empat pengembangan proyek kilang. Empat proyek pengembangan itu adalah Kilang Balikpapan, Kilang Cilacap, Kilang Dumai, dan Kilang Balongan. Sedangkan dua kilang baru yang akan dibangun adalah Kilang Tuban dan Kilang Bontang.

 “Untuk Kilang Tuban, kita harapkan groundbreaking pada kuartal III/2017 dan untuk Kilang Cilacap pada kuartal IV. Kami harapkan tiga proyek ini, Balikpapan, Tuban, dan Cilacap, dapat dilihat aktivitas lapangannya tahun ini, " ucap Direktur Utama-Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto di Kanter Pertamina Pusat Jakarta kemarin.

Dwi menegaskan, pembangunan kilang bukan lagi wacana karena berkaitan langsung dengan program pemerintah mengurangi impor bahan bakat minyak (BBM). Pertamina memproyeksikan pada 2023 Indonesia sudah akan swasembada BBM. Tidak hanya itu, pembangunan dan pengembangan kilang juga ditargetkan berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. 

“Membangun kilang bukan lagi angan-angan bagi kita, tapi sudah dapat di eksekusi. Tinggal bekerja keras menyelesaikannya," ujar Dwi.

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi menambahkan, pengembangan tahap pertama kapasitas enam unit Kilang Balikpapan ditargetkan selesai pada 2019 dengan penambahan kapasitas produksi sebesar 360.000 barel per hari (bph) dari semula 260.000 bph. 

    Salah satunya revitalisasi akan dilakukan untuk kilang residual fuel catalyctic cracking/RFCC dengan kapasitas produksi 90.000 bph. Adapun kilang RFCC digunakan untuk mengolah minyak menjadi produk BBM bernilai oktan tinggi seperti pertamax.

Lebih lanjut Hardadi mengatakan, pembangunan tahap kedua direncanakan selesai 2021 Dia menambahkan, investasi yang ditanamkan Pertamina untuk proyek tahap pertama sebesar USD2,6 miliar. Sementara investasi tahap kedua sebesar USD 2 miliar.

     Rachmad menjelaskan, Pertamina batal bekerja sama dengan Saudi Aramco untuk menggarap dua proyek kilangnya, yakni Kilang Balongan di Indramayu dan Kilang Dumai di Riau. Dia mengatakan, pembatalan kerja sama itu lantaran ketidak sepahaman dalam target pembangunan. 

“Semua itu tergantung situasi dan kondisi. Saat penandatanganan joint venture agreement dari dua CEO, sudah ada kesepakatan untuk mengejar waktu yang dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Akhirnya karena tidak sepakat, Pertamina turun sendiri.

Menurut dia, meski kerja sama untuk dua kilang itu dibatalkan, Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco akan tetap melakukan kerja sama pengembangan RDMP lainnya, yakni Kilang Cilacap di Jawa Tengah. Dalam kerja sama ini, dua belah pihak sepakat untuk mempercepat penyelesaian pembangunan dari target awal, yakni pada 2021 dari kesepakatan sebelumnya pada 2022.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

BKPM Claims Electricity and Gas Permit complete in Three Hours

Businessmen waiting for the realization in the field about three-hour licensing

Service is quick so the promise of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Unmitigated, services investment license of the power sector and eight oil and gas sector was promised only three hours finished. Embedding a ESDM3J name, the service is officially running on Monday (30/1) at One Stop Services (OSS) Center BKPM, Jakarta. EMR Minister Ignatius Jonan expect, these services can support the EMR sector investment target this year of about US $ 43 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp 568 trillion. "We are optimistic that 2017 investment target is reached," said Jonan, Monday (30/1).

Of the total investment target in 2017, investments in oil and gas sector is predicted to reach US $ 22 billion. As an illustration, in 2016, the realization of investments in the ESDM sector reached Rp 347.85 trillion, equivalent to US $ 34 26.758 billion. Head of BKPM Thomas Trikasih Lembong added service launch three hours EMR sector investment is part of a series of innovative development of the government to improve services to investors. This service is provided to new investors as well who have invested and would like to expand its business in Indonesia.

Thomas calls this service is the result of synergy and support of the Ministry of Energy in an effort to improve service in the OSS Center. This service can process 9 license types, one type of electrical activity permit, and 8 kinds of oil and gas activities. According to him, the EMR sector's contribution is important to support the achievement of the realization of investment during 2017 is expected to reach Rp 678.8 trillion. "In the last five years the composition of the investment of ESDM sector reached 21% of the total investment into Indonesia," he said.

Chairman Harlan Electrical Manufacturers Association of Indonesian Private (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang rate, the League licensing hours was positive to improve the investment climate in Indonesia. "Hopefully that can actually be in the field,". Board of Director Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Sammy Hamzah stated, if it permits accelerated will help businesses. Only, this need proof. Fabby Tumiwa Electricity Observers remind, in principle, investors expect the licensing process is not only fast but also transparent


BKPM Klaim Izin Listrik dan Migas Beres Tiga Jam

Pengusaha menunggu realisasi di lapangan soal pemberian izin tiga jam tersebut

Layanan cepat jadi janji Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) dan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Tak tanggung-tanggung, layanan izin investasi satu sektor listrik dan delapan sektor minyak dan gas bumi dijanjikan hanya tiga jam kelar. Menyematkan nama ESDM3J, layanan ini resmi berjalan Senin (30/1) lalu di Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PTSP) Pusat BKPM, di Jakarta. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan berharap, layanan ini bisa mendukung target investasi sektor ESDM tahun ini sekitar US$ 43 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 568 triliun. “Kami optimistis target investasi 2017 tercapai," kata Jonan, Senin (30/1). 

Dari total target investasi 2017 itu, investasi sektor migas diprediksi mencapai US$ 22 miliar. Sebagai gambaran pada 2016, realisasi investasi di sektor ESDM mencapai Rp 347,85 triliun atau setara dengan US$ 34 26,758 miliar. Kepala BKPM Thomas Trikasih Lembong menambahkan, peluncuran layanan investasi tiga jam sektor ESDM ini menjadi bagian dari rangkaian pengembangan inovasi pemerintah untuk meningkatkan layanan ke investor. Layanan ini diberikan kepada investor baru maupun yang telah ber-investasi dan ingin ekspansi usaha di Indonesia.

Thomas menyebut layanan ini merupakan hasil sinergi dan dukungan dari Kementerian ESDM dalam upaya memperbaiki layanan di PTSP Pusat. Layanan ini bisa memproses 9 jenis perizinan, 1 jenis izin kegiatan listrik, dan 8 jenis kegiatan migas. Menurutnya, kontribusi sektor ESDM menjadi penting untuk mendukung pencapaian target realisasi investasi sepanjang 2017 yang ditargetkan mencapai Rp 678,8 triliun. "Dalam lima tahun terakhir komposisi investasi dari sektor ESDM mencapai 21% dari total investasi yang masuk ke Indonesia," katanya.

Ketua Harlan Asosiasi Produsen Listrik Swasta Indonesia (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang menilai, perizinan Liga jam itu positif untuk memperbaiki iklim investasi di Indonesia. "Semoga betul-betul bisa terjadi di lapangan,". Board of Director Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Sammy Hamzah menyatakan, jika izin dipercepat akan membantu pelaku bisnis. Hanya, ini butuh bukti. Fabby Tumiwa Pengamat Ketenagalistrikan mengingatkan, pada prinsipnya investor berharap proses perizinan tidak hanya cepat tapi juga transparan

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

Immediately Pertamina Cilacap Refinery Construction-Balikpapan

Pertamina start licensor's elections refinery project development master plan (RDMP) Cilacap and new grass root refinery (NGRR) Tuban. Both projects are expected to be on stream by the end of 2021. Processing and Petrochemicals Director of Pertamina megaproject Hardadi Rachmat said the election process licensor determining the timing of execution of the next process, the front end engineering design (FEED) and construction (EPC).

Thirty companies compete to be licensor in Tuban NGRR project. While the licensor on the project RDMP Cilacap contested 15 companies. Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto added, licensor for RDMP Cilacap election expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2017. While the Tuban NGRR completed by the end of the second quarter of 2017.

RDMP Cilacap scheduled to make the construction process (groundbreaking) in the fourth quarter 2017, while NGRR Tuban began groundbreaking of the first quarter. While RDMP Balikpapan will be implemented in the first quarter of 2017.


Pertamina Segera Konstruksi Kilang Cilacap-Balikpapan

Pertamina memulai pelaksanaan pemilihan licensor untuk proyek refinery development master plan (RDMP) Cilacap dan new grass root refinery (NGRR) Tuban. Kedua proyek diharapkan on stream pada akhir 2021. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi menyatakan, proses pemilihan licensor menentukan ketepatan waktu pelaksanaan proses selanjutnya, yakni front end engineering design (FEED) dan konstruksi (EPC). 

Tiga puluh perusahaan bersaing menjadi licensor di proyek NGRR Tuban. Sedangkan licensor pada proyek RDMP Cilacap diperebutkan 15 perusahaan. Dirut Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto menambahkan, pemilihan licensor untuk RDMP Cilacap ditargetkan tuntas pada akhir kuartal I 2017. Sedangkan NGRR Tuban selesai pada akhir kuartal II 2017.

RDMP Cilacap dijadwalkan melakukan proses konstruksi (groundbreaking) pada kuartal IV 2017, sedangkan NGRR Tuban mulai groundbreaking satu kuartal lebih dulu. Sedangkan RDMP Balikpapan akan dilaksanakan pada kuartal pertama 2017.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

30 License Hold targeting Tuban Refinery

         PT Pertamina started election licensee (licensor) for project development refinery RDMP (Refinery Development Master Plan) and the new refinery NGRR (New Grass Root Refinery (NGRR) Tuban. "At the moment the electoral process licensor is underway. We expect the whole process is still (in accordance schedule) on the track so that the target can be achieved on stream in 2021, "said Director of Processing and Petrochemical Rachmad megaproject Hardadi.

Pertamina is targeting both the project began operations on stream in late 2021. Rachmat said the current election process licensor to RDMP RU IV Cilacap and NGRR Tuban is being done to get the very technology determine the economics and reliability. A total of 30 companies will compete to be the licensor on the project NGRR Tuban. While the licensor on the project RDMP RU IV Cilacap contested by 15 companies.


30 Pemegang Lisensi Bidik Kilang Tuban

        PT Pertamina memulai pemilihan pemegang lisensi (licensor) untuk proyek pengembangan kilang RDMP (Refinery Development Master Plan) dan kilang baru NGRR (New Grass Root Refinery (NGRR) Tuban. "Saat ini proses pemilihan licensor sedang berlangsung. Kami harapkan seluruh proses masih (sesuai jadwal) on track sehingga target on stream 2021 bisa dicapai," kata Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Rachmad Hardadi. 

Pertamina menargetkan kedua proyek ini mulai beroperasi on stream pada akhir 2021. Rachmad mengatakan, saat ini proses pemilihan licensor untuk RDMP RU IV Cilacap dan NGRR Tuban sedang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan teknologi yang sangat menentukan keekonomian dan keandalan. Sebanyak 30 perusahaan akan bersaing untuk menjadi licensor pada proyek NGRR Tuban. Sedangkan licensor pada proyek RDMP RU IV Cilacap diperebutkan oleh 15 perusahaan.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

Cost Recovery Cepu Block Undecided

       The Ministry of Finance has not yet issued a decision magnitude of cuts cost recovery Cepu oil project in Bojonegoro, East Java, which will apply to oil and gas producing regions in the amount reached Rp 549.5 billion. "Until now the Ministry of Finance has not yet issued the magnitude of cuts that cost recovery will be subject to oil-producing region Cepu Bojonegoro," said Secretary of the Department of Revenue (Revenue) Bojonegoro, Wiji.

However, according to him, the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani already signed the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 162 / PMK.07 / 2016 dated October 28, 2016 containing the overpayment and the rest of the stripe revenue-sharing (DBH) of oil and gas. Within that provision, the amount of overpayment DBH oil and gas region in 2015 amounted to Rp 549.5 billion, after. The government will begin paying the cost recovery Cepu oil project. "Acquisition of oil and gas DBH 2015 is considered overpayment which will be utilized for cost recovery," he said.

Furthermore, he explained the results of coordination with the Ministry of Finance that the amount of cost recovery to be paid the amount of territory that reached Rp 549.5 billion will be cut three times. Previous pemkab proposed cuts cost recovery oil project Bloc paid regions are already included in the 2015 gas DBH was cut five times. "Pemkab proposed cuts five times, for oil and gas DBH 2015 is up for a variety of purposes," said one staff from revenue Muhadi added.

What is clear, according to Wiji, their cost recovery were cut three times will disrupt regional budget allocations related to the acquisition of oil and gas DBH. Moreover, he added, the district government should also restore the rest of the oil and gas DBH salur acquisition in 2014 of Rp 87 billion. Thus, he said, the acquisition of oil and gas DBH 2017 has been set at Rp 900 billion will be reduced for the rest of the stripes should be reduced in 2014 to Rp 87 billion and reduced the installment cost recovery.

Head of the Department of Revenue Bojonegoro Regency Sudjarwo Herry added, according to the prognosis by 2017 oil production in the region reached 76.6 million Harel, or about 23 percent of national oil production. Production of the oil produced from Cepu oil field, with operator ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), field-managed Sukowati Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East JAVA (JOB-PPEJ), as well as other oil field. "We are optimistic prognosis of oil production in 2017 can be achieved. Therefore, the Cepu Block oil production any day now average around 185 thousand barrels per day. There are other fields including oil production," he said.

According to the data mentioned prognosis of oil production in the region amounted to 76.4 million barrels in 2017, the increase compared to the oil production this year only amounted to 48.2 million barrels


Cost Recovery Blok Cepu Belum Diputuskan  

      Kementerian Keuangan belum mengeluarkan keputusan besarnya potongan cost recovery proyek minyak Blok Cepu di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jatim yang akan di kenakan kepada daerah penghasil migas yang besarnya mencapai Rp 549,5 miliar. "Sampai sekarang ini Kementerian Keuangan belum mengeluarkan besarnya potongan cost recovery yang akan dikenakan kepada daerah penghasil minyak Blok Cepu Bojonegoro," kata Sekretaris Dinas Pendapatan Daerah (Dispenda) Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Wiji.

Namun, menurut dia, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani sudah menandatangani Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. 162/pmk.07/2016 tertanggal 28 Oktober 2016 yang berisi kelebihan bayar dan sisa salur dana bagi hasil (DBH) migas. Di dalam ketentuan itu, besarnya kelebihan bayar DBH migas daerahnya pada 2015 sebesar Rp 549,5 miliar, setelah. Pemerintah mulai akan membayar cost recovery proyek minyak Blok Cepu. "Perolehan DBH migas 2015 dianggap kelebihan bayar yang akan dimanfaatkan untuk cost recovery," ujarnya.

Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan dari hasil koordinasi dengan Kementerian Keuangan bahwa besarnya cost recovery yang harus dibayar daerahnya yang besarnya mencapai Rp 549,5 miliar itu akan dipotong tiga kali. Sebelumnya pemkab mengusulkan potongan cost recovery proyek minyak Blok yang harus dibayar daerahnya yang sudah masuk dalam DBH migas 2015 dipotong lima kali. "Pemkab mengajukan usulan pemotongan lima kali, karena DBH migas 2015 sudah habis untuk berbagai keperluan," kata salah seorang staf Dispenda Muhadi menambahkan.

     Yang jelas, menurut Wiji, adanya cost recovery yang dipotong tiga kali akan mengganggu alokasi APBD di daerahnya terkait perolehan DBH migas. Apalagi, lanjut dia, pemkab juga harus mengembalikan sisa salur perolehan DBH migas pada 2014 sebesar Rp 87 miliar. Dengan demikian, kata dia, perolehan DBH migas 2017 yang sudah ditetapkan Rp 900 miliar akan berkurang karena harus dikurangi sisa salur 2014 sebesar Rp 87 miliar dan dikurangi angsuran cost recovery.

Kepala Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Pemkab Bojonegoro Herry Sudjarwo menambahkan, sesuai prognosa pada 2017 untuk produksi minyak di daerahnya mencapai 76,6 juta harel atau sekitar 23 persen dari produksi minyak nasional. Produksi minyak itu dihasilkan dari lapangan minyak Blok Cepu, dengan operator ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), lapangan Sukowati yang dikelola Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ), juga lapangan minyak lainnya. "Kami optimistis prognosa produksi minyak pada 2017 bisa tercapai. Sebab, produksi minyak Blok Cepu saja sekarang ini rata-rata sekitar 185 ribu barel per hari. Belum termasuk produksi minyak lapangan lainnya," tuturnya.

Sesuai data menyebutkan prognosa produksi minyak di daerahnya sebesar 76,4 juta barel pada 2017 itu, meningkat dibandingkan realisasi produksi minyak tahun ini yang hanya sebesar 48,2 juta barel

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

Ministry Not to Take Decision Cost Recovery

The Ministry of Finance has not yet issued a decision magnitude of cuts cost recovery Cepu oil project in Bojonegoro, East Java, which will apply to oil and gas producing regions in the amount reached Rp 549.5 billion. "Until now the Ministry of Finance has not yet issued the magnitude of cuts that cost recovery will be subject to oil-producing region Cepu Bojonegoro," said Secretary of the Department of Revenue (Revenue) Bojonegoro, Wiji.

However, according to him, the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani already signed the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 162 / PMK.07 / 2016 dated October 28, 2016 containing the overpayment and the rest of the stripe revenue-sharing (DBH) of oil and gas. Within that provision, the amount of overpayment DBH oil and gas region in 2015 amounted to Rp 549.5 billion, after. The government will begin paying the cost recovery Cepu oil project. "Acquisition of oil and gas DBH 2015 is considered overpayment which will be utilized for cost recovery," he said.

Furthermore, he explained the results of coordination with the Ministry of Finance that the amount of cost recovery to be paid the amount of territory that reached Rp 549.5 billion will be cut three times. Previous pemkab proposed cuts cost recovery oil project Bloc paid regions are already included in the 2015 gas DBH was cut five times.


Kementerian Belum Keluarkan Keputusan Cost Recovery

Kementerian Keuangan belum mengeluarkan keputusan besarnya potongan cost recovery proyek minyak Blok Cepu di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jatim yang akan di kenakan kepada daerah penghasil migas yang besarnya mencapai Rp 549,5 miliar. "Sampai sekarang ini Kementerian Keuangan belum mengeluarkan besarnya potongan cost recovery yang akan dikenakan kepada daerah penghasil minyak Blok Cepu Bojonegoro," kata Sekretaris Dinas Pendapatan Daerah (Dispenda) Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Wiji.

Namun, menurut dia, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani sudah menandatangani Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. 162/pmk.07/2016 tertanggal 28 Oktober 2016 yang berisi kelebihan bayar dan sisa salur dana bagi hasil (DBH) migas. Di dalam ketentuan itu, besarnya kelebihan bayar DBH migas daerahnya pada 2015 sebesar Rp 549,5 miliar, setelah. Pemerintah mulai akan membayar cost recovery proyek minyak Blok Cepu. "Perolehan DBH migas 2015 dianggap kelebihan bayar yang akan dimanfaatkan untuk cost recovery," ujarnya.

Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan dari hasil koordinasi dengan Kementerian Keuangan bahwa besarnya cost recovery yang harus dibayar daerahnya yang besarnya mencapai Rp 549,5 miliar itu akan dipotong tiga kali. Sebelumnya pemkab mengusulkan potongan cost recovery proyek minyak Blok yang harus dibayar daerahnya yang sudah masuk dalam DBH migas 2015 dipotong lima kali.

Bhirawa, Page-12, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

Monday, January 30, 2017

Oil and Gas Upstream good prospects

There are at least two things that must be addressed so that Indonesia can share in the potential oil and gas investment.

Investment in domestic oil and gas upstream sector is predicted to grow positively in line with rising oil prices and policy updates production sharing contracts (production sharing contract / PSC), which is now based gross revenue share split or dirty. Special Unit of the Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) peg the growth of oil and gas investment in 2017 reached 5%. The rate of growth was higher than projected global investment in Wood MacKenzie institutions in Asia Pacific by 3% this year.

Optimism SKK Migas departing from the Work Plan and Budget (Work Program and Budget / WP & B) in 2017 has been approved. "Our projections, investments in the above predictions Mackenzie, (rise) of about 5%," said Head of Public Relations SKK Migas Taslim Yunus.

Growth was also going to show momentum recovery in upstream oil and gas investment. From the data SKK Migas, per November 2016, the upstream oil and gas investment 'only' US $ 10.43 billion. In 2015, the upstream oil and gas investment of US $ 15.34 billion. Taslim explained, the trend of rising oil prices, now above $ 50 per barrel, re-stimulate investment in the extractive sector. Although, regulatory certainty and simplification of the bureaucracy is crucial for investors. Therefore, in the scheme ordain gross PSC split an effort to ensure a more conducive investment climate. "This (gross split) so one of the policies that can increase production. Just how its implementation, "said Director of the Indonesia Petroleum Association Sammy Hamzah

According to the boss of PT Ephindo this scheme gross PSC split to give greater opportunities to the cooperation contract to design activities that promote efficiency, following the production speed boost from the discovery phase to production. Meanwhile, gross PSC split cut operational costs of oil and gas schemes that returned the country (cost recovery). "Now contractors shoulder the burden of risk entirely, then he would struggle to run an efficient business," Sammy said.

Seize Opportunities

Previously, consultancy Wood Mackenzie Asia Pacific assumes world oil prices in 2017 range from US $ 57 per barrel. Simultaneously, the global upstream oil and gas investment is predicted to rise by 3% to US $ 450 billion. A total of 2025 new contracts will be invested with an average capital expenditure of US $ 3.6 billion. The contractor was the scale is smaller, but efficient as they explore in an area with a long-term oil and gas reserves, said MacKenzie Asia Pacific Research Director Andrew Harwood to a number of media leaders from Indonesia, Singapore

Indonesia, Harwood said, it should be able to seize opportunities in the current uncertainty of oil and gas production. In any MacKenzie projection, oil and gas production based on the pre-final investment decision (pre-FID) increased from 15% in 2020 to 45% in 2020. However, MacKenzie saw Indonesia will face at least two problems.

First, the lack of oil and gas exploration in Indonesia these days can lower the perception of the relevant investment prospects. In fact, studies of MacKenzie, oil and gas investments in Indonesia have appeal and prospective fiscal. "However, if there is no improvement, the perception of the outlook for oil and gas investment in Indonesia may decline," said Harwood.

Second, regulatory factors. Regulations can change function and the central policy areas are two examples of regulatory uncertainties, "Harwood said the exposure was initiated by the SKK Migas.
Regarding the new scheme PSC Indonesia, MacKenzie positive vote. However, to be effective, the government must continue to reduce administrative and regulatory barriers for investors. Then, giving greater responsibility to them to explore efficiently. The key risk is whether investors will get the desired benefits under the new revenue sharing system.


Hulu Migas Berprospek Bagus

Ada paling tidak dua hal yang harus dibenahi agar Indonesia bisa ikut menikmati potensi investasi migas.

Investasi di sektor hulu migas nasional diprediksi tumbuh positif seiring dengan kenaikan harga minyak dan pembaruan kebijakan kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing contract/PSC) yang kini berbasis gross split atau bagi hasil kotor.  Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Migas (SKK Migas) mematok pertumbuhan investasi migas 2017 mencapai 5%. Laju itu lebih tinggi daripada pertumbuhan investasi global yang di proyeksi lembaga Wood MacKenzie Asia Pasific sebesar 3% pada tahun ini.

Optimisme SKK Migas berangkat dari Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran (Work Program and Budget/WP&B) 2017 yang sudah disetujui. “Proyeksi kami, investasi di atas prediksi Mackenzie, (naik) sekitar 5%,” kata Kabag Humas SKK Migas Taslim Yunus.

Pertumbuhan itu juga akan menunjukkan momentum pulihnya investasi sektor hulu migas. Dari data SKK Migas, per November 2016, investasi hulu migas ‘hanya’ US$10,43 miliar. Pada 2015, investasi hulu migas US$15,34 miliar. Taslim menerangkan, tren kenaikan harga minyak, yang kini di atas US$ 50 per barel, kembali menggairahkan investasi di sektor ekstraktif. Walaupun, kepastian regulasi dan simplifikasi birokrasi juga krusial bagi investor. Karena itu, di tetapkanlah skema PSC gross split sebagai upaya agar iklim investasi lebih kondusif. “Ini (gross split) jadi salah satu kebijakan yang bisa meningkatkan produksi. Hanya bagaimana implementasinya,” ujar Direktur Indonesia Petroleum Association Sammy Hamzah

Menurut bos PT Ephindo ini, skema PSC gross split memberi peluang lebih besar kepada kontraktor kontrak kerja sama untuk merancang kegiatan yang mengedepankan efisiensi, berikut memacu kecepatan produksi dari tahap penemuan ke produksi. Sementara itu, PSC gross split memotong skema biaya operasional migas yang dikembalikan negara (cost recovery). “Kini kontraktor memikul beban risiko seluruhnya, maka ia akan berjuang menjalankan bisnis yang efisien,” Sammy menambahkan.

Tangkap Peluang

Sebelumnya, lembaga konsultan Wood Mackenzie Asia Pasific mengasumsikan harga minyak dunia 2017 berkisar US$ 57 per barel. Bersamaan dengan itu, investasi global sektor hulu migas diprediksi naik 3% menjadi US$ 450 miliar. Sebanyak 2025 kontrak baru akan berinvestasi dengan belanja modal rata-rata US$ 3,6 miliar. Kontraktor itu skalanya memang lebih kecil, tapi efisien karena mereka mengeksplorasi di areal dengan cadangan migas jangka panjang, kata Direktur Riset MacKenzie Asia Pasifik Andrew Harwood kepada sejumlah pimpinan media dari Indonesia, di Singapura

Indonesia, kata Harwood, mestinya bisa menangkap peluang itu di saat ketidakpastian produksi migas. Dalam proyeksi MacKenzie pun, produksi migas berdasar pre-final investment decision (pre-FID) meningkat dari 15% pada 2020 menjadi 45% pada 2020. Namun, MacKenzie melihat Indonesia akan menghadapi paling tidak dua persoalan. 

Pertama, minimnya eksplorasi migas di Indonesia belakangan ini bisa menurunkan persepsi tentang prospek investasi terkait. Padahal, dari studi MacKenzie, investasi migas di Indonesia memiliki daya tarik fiskal dan prospektif. “Namun, bila tidak ada perbaikan, persepsi terhadap prospek investasi migas di Indonesia bisa menurun,” ucap Harwood.

Kedua, faktor regulasi. Regulasi yang bisa berubah-ubah dan ketidaksinkronan kebijakan pusat-daerah merupakan dua contoh ketidakpastian regulasi,” ujar Harwood dalam pemaparan yang digagas SKK Migas tersebut.

Perihal skema baru PSC Indonesia, MacKenzie menilainya positif. Namun, agar efektif, pemerintah perlu terus mengurangi hambatan administrasi dan regulasi bagi investor. Kemudian, memberi tanggung jawab lebih besar kepada mereka untuk melakukan eksplorasi secara efisien. Risiko kuncinya ialah apakah investor akan mendapat keuntungan yang diinginkan di bawah sistem bagi hasil baru tersebut.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Monday,Jan, 30, 2017

The Prosecutor's Check Deputy President Director


The procurement of ships PT Pertamina transcontinental 2012 ~ 2014.

Attorney General's Office will examine Vice President Director of PT Pertamina Achmad Bambang today, January 30, 2017. Examination of the number two in the state-owned oil company relating to the provision of an anchor handling tug supply vessels (AHTS) or vessels to support offshore activities in 2012 ~ 2014 ,

Procurement vessel performed at the time of Ahmad Bambang served as Director of PT Pertamina transcontinental (PTK), a subsidiary of Pertamina. He was questioned by the Attorney General's letter calling number B-162 / F.2 / fd.1 / 01/2017 dated January 24, 2017. In the letter, a copy received by Tempo, stated, Ahmad Bambang asked to be present on this day at 9:00 pm Floor Building III Anticorruption Attorney General's Office, Jakarta.

Based on the record Tempo, Bambang had been summoned Ahmad Attorney for tests in cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of the ship. This was done on December 7, 2016 through letter number R / 786 / F.2 / fd.1 / 11/2016 dated 28 November 2016 and the examination on January 23, 2017 by virtue of a call number B-28 / F.2 / fd.1 / 01/2017 dated January 5, 2017.

Earlier, the Director of Investigations for Special Crimes Attorney General, Fadil Zumhana, issued a warrant for the investigation of alleged corruption in the procurement AHTS transko Celebes and AHTS transko Andalas worth US $ 28.4 million in Pertamina transcontinental.

In the letter, which was signed on 17 November 2016, ordered the prosecutor Pator Rahman, Reinhard Tololiu, Didi Jimmy Setiawan; Chandra Kusuma Barlianti, Endi Sulististyo, and I Wayan Windana to investigate the procurement of ships in PTK 2012-2014.

Head of Sub-Directorate of Corruption Prosecutor, Agung Yulianto, reject confirmation of the proceedings, Ahmad Bambang today. Agung Yulianto said that, in accordance with the instructions of the President, inquiries and investigations should not be there in the media. "Unless been no prosecutions," he said. However, to one of the online news site, Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes Arminsyah justify the calling Ahmad Bambang. According to him, Deputy CEO will be questioned today.

Pertamina spokesman, Wianda Pusponegoro, said he did not know about it. "I do not get." A Tempo source in the government procurement case the vessel is suspected adverse Trans-continental Pertamina Rp 10 billion. "The mode is by freeing fine per day of US $ 5,000 for the late delivery of the ship," he said.

According to sources, Celebes late transko AHTS delivered about 120 days and AHTS transko Andalas about 90 days. "This case involves not only the Director of PTK before."


Kejaksaan Periksa Wakil Dirut Pertamina


Kasus pengadaan kapal PT Pertamina Transkontinental 2012~2014.

Kejaksaan Agung akan memeriksa Wakil Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Achmad Bambang hari ini, 30 Januari 2017. Pemeriksaan orang nomor dua di perusahaan minyak milik negara itu berkaitan dengan pengadaan kapal anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) atau kapal untuk mendukung kegiatan lepas pantai pada 2012~2014.

Pengadaan kapal dilakukan pada saat Ahmad Bambang menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Transkontinental (PTK), anak usaha Pertamina. Dia dimintai keterangan berdasarkan surat panggilan Kejaksaan Agung nomor B-162/f.2/fd.1/01/2017 tanggal 24 Januari 2017. Dalam surat yang salinan-nya di terima Tempo, disebutkan, Ahmad Bambang diminta hadir pada hari ini pukul 09.00 WIB Lantai III Gedung Tindak Pidana Korupsi Kejaksaan Agung, Jakarta.

Berdasarkan catatan Tempo, Ahmad Bambang sudah dipanggil Kejaksaan untuk menjalani pemeriksaan dalam kasus dugaan korupsi pengadaan kapal. Ini dilakukan pada 7 Desember 2016 melalui surat nomor R/786/f.2/ fd.1/11/2016 tertanggal 28 November 2016 dan pemeriksaan pada 23 Januari 2017 berdasarkan surat panggilan nomor B-28/f.2/fd.1/01/2017 tanggal 5 Januari 2017.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Penyelidikan Tindak Pidana Khusus Kejaksaan Agung, Fadil Zumhana, mengeluarkan surat perintah penyelidikan dugaan korupsi pengadaan kapal AHTS Transko Celebes dan AHTS Transko Andalas senilai US$ 28,4 juta di Pertamina Trans-kontinental.

Dalam Surat yang di teken pada 17 November 2016, Fadil memerintahkan jaksa Pator Rahman, Reinhard Tololiu, Jimmy Didi Setiawan; Chandra Kusuma Barlianti, Endi Sulististyo, dan I Wayan Windana untuk menyelidiki pengadaan kapal di PTK 2012-2014.

Kepala Sub-Direktorat Tindak Pidana Korupsi Kejaksaan, Agung Yulianto, menolak dimintai konfirmasi mengenai pemeriksaan Ahmad Bambang pada hari ini. Agung Yulianto mengatakan, sesuai dengan instruksi Presiden, penyelidikan dan penyidikan tidak boleh ada di media. “Kecuali kalau sudah ada penuntutan," kata dia. Namun, kepada salah satu situs berita online, Jaksa Agung Muda Tindak Pidana Khusus Arminsyah membenarkan adanya pemanggilan Ahmad Bambang. Menurut dia, Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina itu akan dimintai keterangan pada hari ini.

Juru bicara Pertamina, Wianda Pusponegoro, mengaku tidak mengetahui hal tersebut. “Saya belum dapat informasi.” Sumber Tempo di pemerintahan mengungkapkan kasus pengadaan kapal tersebut diduga merugikan Pertamina Trans-kontinental sekitar Rp 10 miliar. “Modus yang dilakukan adalah dengan membebaskan denda per hari sebesar US$ 5.000 atas keterlambatan penyerahan kapal,” ujar dia.

Menurut sumber itu, AHTS Transko Celebes terlambat diserahkan sekitar 120 hari dan AHTS Transko Andalas sekitar 90 hari. “Kasus ini tidak hanya melibatkan Dirut PTK sebelumnya.”

Koran Tempo, Page-5, Monday, Jan, 30, 2017