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Showing posts with label Total E&P. Show all posts

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Four Companies Compete to Become Pertamina Partners

PT Pertamina (Persero) said there are four oil and gas companies interested to participate in managing the Mahakam block. The Company targets the sale of participating interest in the Mahakam block to be completed this year.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said that it has received a statement of interest to join the Mahakam block from four companies. But until now, it has not determined who the company selected as a partner. It is still in talks with potential partners.

"Being discussed, not knowing the details, is still being discussed. Not only Inpex (who are interested), there are four companies, "he said on halal halal halalbihalal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Jakarta.

One of the interested oil and gas companies is Inpex Corporation. Previously, Inpex was the partner of Total E&P Indonesie in working on the oil and gas block in East Kalimantan. In contrast, Total E&P lndonesie has long declared no interest in joining the Mahakam Block.

Because it is still in the conversation stage, Syamsu Alam claimed to be unable to confirm when the release of shares of participation (share down) Mahakam block is completed. However, it hopes there will be an agreement with potential partners for the Mahakam Block this year.

the Mahakam Block

"Hopefully finished this year," he said.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, previously stated that Pertamina must be 51% majority shareholder in Mahakam block. In addition, the Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) must also obtain a 10% Indonesian participation right. The rest, Pertamina may release its share ownership to its partners.

"So Inpex can own up to 39%," said Djoko.

However, the amount of participation rights that Inpex ultimately has will refer to the results of negotiations with Pertamina. As it is known, Pertamina has signed a new Mahakam Block contract valid from 1 January 2018 at the end of 2015. Under the contract, the company promised a signature bonus of US $ 41 million. 

 In addition, state revenue from production bonuses includes US $ 5 million from a cumulative production of 500 million barrels of oil equivalent, of US $ 4 million from cumulative production of 750 million barrels of oil equivalent, and US $ 4 million from a cumulative production of 1,000 million barrels of oil equivalent .

As for the first three-year investment plan, Pertamina pledged US $ 75.3 million. The details are respectively US $ 1.3 million, then US $ 33.5 million, and US $ 40.5 million. Currently, Pertamina begins to manage the Mahakam block in preparation for operator switching. This is to keep the oil and gas production in the block does not drop dramatically.

As of May 31, oil and gas production in the Mahakam block is still below the target set in the APBN. Referring to data of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Executor (SKK Migas), the realization of Mahakam Block oil production is 44,638 barrels per day (bpd), 92.47% from 48,271 bph target. Gas production realization was only 932.7 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd, or 84% of the target 1,100 mmscfd.

Termination Block

At the same time, Pertamina is also in the process of selecting partners for ten 2018-2019 oil and gas blocks terminated to the company. According to Alam, the company is still preparing criteria from potential partners and the value of the shares to be released in every oil and gas block. He said the company will hold a majority stake.

"The termination block 2018-2019 majority ownership of its shares. The remaining partner, "Alam said.

Previously, Alam explained, the bidding process of participation rights starts from the oil and gas block where the production sharing contract / PSC of the company has already started to be effective. The reason, although the PSC for the ten blocks of oil and gas has been signed, but the contract has not been fully effective since the existing contracts of several oil and gas blocks still apply. Therefore, the offering of such participation rights will be done gradually in accordance with the effectiveness of the Pertamina contract.

"It's starting a sharedown, is being prioritized. Of course offered that we already have a contract, "he said.

As reported previously, Pertamina has signed a contract for 11 oil and gas blocks that ended its contract in 2017-2019. For 2018 terminating oil and gas blocks, Pertamina is granted 100% rights for eight blocks, namely Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-Sanga, Southeast Sumatra (SES), North Sumatra Offshore (NSO), East Kalimantan, Attaka and Central Block.

For the other two blocks assigned to Pertamina are the Jambi Merang and Raja-Pendopo Blocks. However, the existing contract of oil and gas block is only completed next year. Thus, Pertamina's contract is effective next year. The effective termination block participation contract is targeted for completion this year. We expect something to be done this year, "said Alam.

Djoko said, many oil and gas companies are interested to buy the termination block participation rights offered by Pertamina. Some of the oil and gas blocks of Pertamina that interest other oil and gas companies are Mahakam Block, Sanga-Sanga, East Kalimantan and Jambi Merang.


Empat Perusahaan Bersaing Menjadi Mitra Pertamina

PT Pertamina (Persero) menyatakan terdapat empat perusahaan migas yang berminat untuk ikut serta mengelola Blok Mahakam. Perseroan menargetkan penjualan hak partisipasi (participating/Interest/PI) di Blok Mahakam bisa selesai tahun ini.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menuturkan, pihaknya telah menerima surat pernyataan minat untuk bergabung di Blok Mahakam dari empat perusahaan. Namun hingga saat ini, pihaknya belum menetapkan siapa perusahaan yang terpilih menjadi mitra. Pihaknya masih melakukan pembicaraan dengan para calon mitra tersebut.

“Sedang dibicarakan, belum tahu detailnya, masih dibicarakan. Tidak Inpex saja (yang berminat), ada empat perusahaan,” kata dia di sela halalbihalal di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) , Jakarta.

Salah satu perusahaan migas yang berminat adalah Inpex Corporation. Sebelumnya, Inpex merupakan mitra dari Total E&P Indonesie dalam mengerjakan blok migas di Kalimantan Timur tersebut. Sebaliknya, Total E&P lndonesie sudah sejak lama menyatakan tidak berminat bergabung mengelola Blok  Mahakam.

Karena masih dalam tahap pembicaraan, Syamsu Alam mengaku belum dapat memastikan kapan proses pelepasan saham partisipasi (share down) Blok Mahakam ini selesai. Meski demikian, pihaknya berharap akan ada kesepakatan dengan calon mitra untuk Blok Mahakam pada tahun ini juga. 

“Mudah-mudahan selesai tahun ini,” ujarnya.

Direktur jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto sebelumnya juga mengungkapkan bahwa Pertamina harus menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas 51% di Blok Mahakam. Selain itu, Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) juga harus memperoleh hak partisipasi Indonesia sebesar 10%. Sisanya, Pertamina boleh melepas kepemilikan sahamnya ke mitranya.

“Jadi Inpex bisa memiliki sampai 39%,” tutur Djoko. 

Meski demikian, besaran hak partisipasi yang akhirnya dimiliki Inpex akan mengacu hasil negosiasi dengan Pertamina. Seperti diketahui Pertamina telah menandatangani kontrak baru Blok Mahakam yang berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2018 pada akhir 2015 lalu. Dalam kontrak itu, perseroan menjanjikan bonus tanda tangan US$ 41 juta. Selain itu juga penerimaan-negara dari bonus produksi meliputi US$ 5 juta dari kumulatif produksi 500 juta barel setara minyak, sebesar US$ 4 juta dari kumulalif produksi 750 juta barel setara minyak, dan US$ 4 juta dari kumulatif produksi 1.000 juta barel setara minyak.

Sementara untuk rencana investasi tiga tahun pertama, Pertamina menjanjikan dana sebesar US$ 75,3 juta. Rinciannya secara berurutan US$ 1,3 juta, kemudian US$ 33,5 juta, dan US$ 40,5 juta. Saat ini, Pertamina mulai ikut mengelola Blok Mahakam untuk persiapan peralihan operator. Hal ini untuk menjaga agar produksi migas di blok tersebut tidak turun drastis.

Hingga 31 Mei lalu, produksi migas di Blok Mahakam tercatat masih di bawah target yang ditetapkan dalam APBN. Mengacu pada data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) , realisasi produksi minyak Blok Mahakam yakni 44.638 barel per hari (bph), 92,47% dari  target 48.271 bph. Sementara realisasi produksi gas hanya 932,7 million standard cubic feet per day/ mmscfd, atau 84% dari target 1.100 mmscfd. 

Blok Terminasi

Pada saat yang sama, Pertamina juga sedang memproses seleksi mitra untuk sepuluh blok migas terminasi 2018-2019 yang ditugaskan ke perseroan. Menurut Alam, perseroan kini masih menyusun kriteria dari calon mitra dan nilai dari saham yang akan dilepas di setiap blok migas. Dikatakannya perseroan akan memegang saham mayoritas. 

“Yang blok terminasi 2018-2019 mayoritas kepemilikan sahamnya. Partner sisanya,” ujar Alam.

Sebelumnya, Alam menjelaskan, proses penawaran hak partisipasi ini dimulai dari blok migas di mana production sharing contract/PSC perseroan yang sudah mulai efektif. Pasalnya, meski PSC untuk sepuluh blok migas itu sudah ditandatangani, namun kontrak belum seluruhnya berlaku efektif mengingat kontrak eksisting beberapa blok migas masih berlaku. Sehingga penawaran hak partisipasi tersebut akan dilakukan bertahap sesuai dengan efektitnya kontrak Pertamina. 

“Sudah dimulai sharedown, sedang disusun prioritasnya. Tentu yang ditawarkan yang kami sudah punya kontraknya,” kata dia.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Pertamina telah menandatangani kontrak untuk 11 blok migas yang berakhir kontraknya pada 2017-2019. Untuk blok migas terminasi 2018, Pertamina diberi hak 100% untuk delapan blok, yakni Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-Sanga, Southeast Sumatera (SES), North Sumatera Offshore (NSO), East Kalimantan, Attaka, dan Tengah.

Untuk blok yang telah berakhir kontrak lamanya dan kontrak baru berlaku efektif adalah Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, dan Attaka. Namun, pengelolaan Blok Attaka digabung dengan Blok East Kalimantan yang kontraknya akan terminasi pada 24 Oktober nanti. Selanjutnya, kontrak Blok Sanga-Sanga akan habis pada 7 Agustus, SES pada 5 September, blok Tengah pada 4 Oktober, dan NSO pada 15 Oktober.

Untuk dua blok lain yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina adalah Blok Jambi Merang dan Raja-Pendopo. Namun, kontrak eksisting kedua blok migas ini baru selesai pada tahun depan. Sehingga, kontrak Pertamina mulai efektif pada tahun depan.

Penawaran hak partisipasi blok terminasi yang sudah efektif kontrak Pertamina tersebut ditargetkan selesai tahun ini. Kami harapkan ada yang bisa
selesai tahun ini,” tegas Alam.

Djoko menuturkan, banyak perusahaan migas yang berminat membeli hak partisipasi blok terminasi yang ditawarkan oleh Pertamina. Beberapa blok migas Pertamina yang diminati perusahaan migas lain tersebut adalah Blok Mahakam, Sanga-Sanga, East Kalimantan, dan Jambi Merang.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, June 23, 2018

Four Companies Closer to Pertamina

Inpex Corporation is a strong candidate to partner with Pertamina to manage the Mahakam Block

Inpex Corporation

The selection process of partner or partner with PT Pertamina for Mahakam block managers is getting faster. This was done after Total E & P lndonesie made sure not to join the block.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said that there are at least four international companies that have openly expressed interest in joining the Mahakam block. However, Syamsu is still reluctant to detail in detail the names of companies expressing interest in joining the Mahakam block manager. Syamsu just called Inpex Corporation to be one of the enthusiasts. Currently, the discussion process of Mahakam block management is still ongoing intensively.

Mahakam Block

"But we do not know the details, we are still talking, not only Inpex, there are four companies," Syamsu said when met at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) on Friday (22/6).

Syamsu admitted lnpex Corporation became one of the best candidates as Pertamina's partner in managing the Mahakam Block. The reason, the company from Japan has ever cooperated with Total E & P Indonesia before the management of the Mahakam block moved fully to Pertamina starting January 1, 2018 ago.

Limiting Sections

Pertamina hopes that detailed discussions on cooperation with the mitral candidate can be completed as soon as possible.

"Hopefully this year, transaction talks and others are still being discussed," said Syamsu.

Earlier, Director of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that although he seriously wants to manage the Mahakam block, it has not yet known the amount of participation rights that interest lnpex. 

    The government has decided that the maximum share down limit of Pertamina in Mahakam Block is only 39%. The decision aims to keep Pertamina as majority as the operator of the oil and gas block.

"Only up to 39%, as much as 10% is for Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD), Pertamina must be 51%, so up to 39% can still," said Djoko.

The oil and gas company from China, Petrochina has also expressed interest in the Mahakam block. Petrochina wants a participating interest of about 15% to 20%. Referring data of SKK Migas, average oil and gas production of Mahakam block until May 2018 for gas is 951,8 mmscfd. While oil production amounted to 46,069 barrels per day (bpd).


Empat Perusahaan Mendekat ke Pertamina

Inpex Corporation menjadi calon kuat bermitra dengan Pertamina kelola Blok Mahakam

Proses seleksi mitra atau partner dengan PT Pertamina untuk pengelola blok Mahakam semakin cepat. Hal ini dilakukan setelah Total E&P lndonesie memastikan tidak ingin bergabung mengelola blok tersebut.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, setidaknya sudah ada empat perusahaan bertaraf internasional yang sudah terang-terangan menyatakan minat untuk ikut mengelola blok Mahakam. 

    Namun, Syamsu masih enggan merinci secara detail nama-nama perusahaan yang menyatakan minatnya untuk bergabung menjadi pengelola blok Mahakam tersebut. Syamsu hanya menyebut Inpex Corporation menjadi salah satu dari peminat itu. Saat ini, proses pembicaraan pengelolaan blok Mahakam masih berlangsung secara intensif.

"Sedang dibicarakan. Tapi belum tahu detailnya, masih kami bicarakan. Tidak hanya Inpex, ada empat perusahaan," kata Syamsu saat ditemui di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Jumat (22/6).

Syamsu mengakui lnpex Corporation menjadi salah satu kandidat terbaik sebagai mitra Pertamina dalam mengelola Blok Mahakam. Pasalnya, perusahaan yang berasal dari Jepang ini pernah bekerjasama dengan Total E&P Indonesia sebelum pengelolaan Blok Mahakam berpindah secara penuh ke Pertamina mulai 1 Januari 2018 yang lalu.

Membatasi Bagian

Pertamina berharap, pembicaraan detail kerjasama dengan calon mitral bisa selesai secepatnya. 

"Mudah-mudahan tahun ini. Pembicaraan transaksi dan lain-lain masih terus dibicarakan," ujar Syamsu.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, walau serius ingin mengelola Blok Mahakam, tetapi belum diketahui besaran hak partisipasi yang diminati lnpex. 

     Pemerintah memutuskan batas maksimal share down yang boleh dilakukan Pertamina di Blok Mahakam hanya sebesar 39%. Keputusan tersebut bertujuan agar Pertamina tetap menjadi mayoritas sebagai operator blok migas tersebut.

"Hanya bisa sampai 39%, sebanyak 10% adalah untuk Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD), Pertamina harus 51%. Jadi sampai 39% masih bisa," jelas Djoko.

Perusahaan migas yang berasal China yaitu Petrochina juga telah menyatakan minat di Blok Mahakam. Petrochina menginginkan hak partisipasi sekitar 15% sampai 20%. Mengacu data SKK Migas, rata-rata produksi migas blok Mahakam hingga Mei 2018 untuk gas sebesar 951,8 mmscfd. Sementara produksi minyak sebesar 46.069 barel per hari (bph).

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, June 23, 2018

Pertamina Continue to Search for Partners

PT Pertamina (Persero) is processing prospective partners on several oil and gas blocks granted by the government such as Mahakam, 2018 termination block and termination block 2019. This government-owned company is targeting an existing partner search process completed this year.

Upstream Director of Pertarnina Syamsu Alam said the search process of partners is still in process. A total of six 2018 terminated oil and gas blocks and 2 blocks of termination oil and gas are in the evaluation phase.

"We are evaluating to determine the criteria of partners and the sale value of the ownership shares of oil and gas blocks. At 8 termination blocks 2018 and 2019, we have committed to keep the majority share of the shares, "he said on Friday (22/6).

Six 2018 oil and gas blocks terminated by Pertamina include Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-sanga, Southeast Sumatra, North Sumatra Offshore and Attaka & East Kalimantan. Then, two blocks of oil and gas termination 2019 is Jambi Merang & Pendopo Raja.

Termination Blocks

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources noted that Pertamina will seek partners on 4 termination blocks granted by the government. The four blocks are, Mahakam, Attaka & East Kalimantan, Sanga-sanga, and Jambi Merang. Special Sanga-sanga, Plt. Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said the company is evaluating potential partners in the block previously managed by VICO Indonesia and PT Saka Energi Indonesia.

"We are also reviewing whether Saka will return to Sanga-sanga as Pertamina's partner or not," he said.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mentioned that some operators exist in the termination block is indeed interested to return such as Repsol S.A and Pacific Oil in Jambi Merang Block. Saka also has an opportunity to return to Sanga-sanga.

"In addition, the Attaka & East Kalimantan Block also has many enthusiasts from the private sector," he said.

The Mahakam Block


Meanwhile, Pertamina noted that there are five potential partners of the company in Mahakam block. Syamsu said that Inpex is one of those interested to re-participate in Mahakam, while Total lndonesie, the operator of Mahakam before being taken over by Pertamina is not interested in returning to the block in the area of ​​Borneo.

"In addition to Inpex, there are four other multinational companies that are also interested in becoming our partners in the Mahakam Block. However, it is unethical to mention name is now, "he said.

Syamsu Alam said, is currently in the process of further discussion with potential partners. The Company expects the transaction to be completed sooner. We hope to finish this year, he said.

lnpex Corporation

Senior Specialist Media Relations of lnpex Corporation Mochammad. N Kurniawan said that Inpex is still discussing with the Indonesian government and Pertamina to participate in the new Mahakam Block Production Sharing Contract (PSC) since 2018.

"Our position is still the same that is interested to participate there [Mahakam Block]," he said.

Pertamina plans to become the majority owner in the Mahakam Block which means a minimum of 51% ownership. That means the five potential partners will compete for 39% ownership in the Mahakam Block because the remaining 10% must be given to the Regional Government.

Total Indonesie has reason not to return to Mahakam, because the French company was asked to pay the amount of Mahakam Block shares to Pertamina. Total wants the shares to be given free of charge as existing operators in the Mahakam Block. Mahakam Block production until May 31, 2018 was recorded at 44,638 barrels per day.


Pertamina Terus Mencari Mitra

PT Pertamina (Persero) sedang memproses calon mitra pada beberapa blok migas yang diberikan pemerintah seperti Mahakam, blok terminasi 2018, dan blok terminasi 2019. Perusahaan milik pemerintah ini menargetkan proses pencarian mitra sudah ada yang rampung tahun ini.

Direktur Hulu Pertarnina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, proses pencarian mitra masih dalam proses. Sebanyak enam Blok migas terminasi 2018 dan 2 blok migas terminasi 2019 sedang dalam tahap evaluasi.

“Kami sedang mengevaluasi untuk menentukan kriteria mitra dan nilai penjualan saham kepemilikan blok migas tersebut. Pada 8 blok terminasi 2018 dan 2019, kami sudah berkomitmen untuk menjaga bagian saham tetap mayoritas,” ujarnya, pada Jumat (22/6).

Enam blok migas terminasi 2018 yang didapatkan Pertamina antara lain, Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-sanga, Southeast Sumatra, North Sumatra Offshore, dan Attaka & East Kalimantan. Lalu, dua blok migas terminasi 2019 adalah Jambi Merang & Pendopo Raja.

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral mencatat, Pertamina akan mencari mitra pada 4 blok terminasi yang diberikan pemerintah. Empat blok itu adalah, Mahakam, Attaka & East Kalimantan, Sanga-sanga, dan Jambi Merang. Khusus Sanga-sanga, Plt. Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengatakan, perseroan sedang mengevaluasi calon mitra di blok yang sebelumnya dikelola oleh VICO Indonesia dan PT Saka Energi Indonesia.

“Kami juga sedang mengkaji apakah Saka akan kembali ke Sanga-sanga sebagai mitra Pertamina atau tidak," ujarnya.

Dirjen Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto sempat menyebutkan, beberapa operator eksis di blok terminasi itu memang tertarik untuk kembali seperti, Repsol S.A dan Pacific Oil di Blok Jambi Merang. Saka juga ada peluang kembali ke Sanga-sanga.

“Selain itu, Blok Attaka & East Kalimantan juga punya banyak peminatnya dari pihak swasta,” ujarnya.


Sementara itu, Pertamina mencatat sudah ada lima calon mitra perseroan di Blok Mahakam. Syamsu mengatakan, Inpex menjadi salah satu yang tertarik untuk kembali berpartisipasi di Mahakam, sedangkan Total lndonesie, operator Mahakam sebelum di ambil alih oleh Pertamina sudah tidak tertarik kembali ke blok di daerah Kalimantan tersebut.

“Selain Inpex, ada empat perusahaan multinasional lainnya yang juga tertarik untuk menjadi mitra kami di Blok Mahakam. Namun, tidak etis kalau disebutkan
namanya sekarang,” ujarnya.

Syamsu Alam mengatakan, saat ini masih dalam proses pembicaraan lebih lanjut dengan para calon mitra. Perseroan berharap transaksi bisa selesai lebih cepat. Kami berharap bisa selesai tahun ini ujarnya.

Senior Specialist Media Relations lnpex Corporation Mochammad. N Kurniawan mengatakan, lnpex masih terus berdiskusi dengan pemerintah Indonesia dan Pertamina untuk berpartisipasi dalam Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Blok Mahakam yang baru sejak 2018.

“Posisi kami masih tetap sama yakni berminat berpartisipasi di sana [Blok Mahakam],” ujarnya.

Pertamina berencana menjadi pemilik mayoritas di Blok Mahakam yang berarti minimal kepemilikan 51%. Hal itu berarti lima calon mitra itu akan memperebutkan 39% kepemilikan di Blok Mahakam karena 10% sisanya wajib diberikan kepada Pemerintah Daerah.

Total Indonesie memiliki alasan untuk tidak kembali ke Mahakam, karena perusahaan Prancis itu diminta membayar jumlah saham Blok Mahakam kepada Pertamina. Total menginginkan bagian saham itu diberikan secara gratis selaku operator existing di Blok Mahakam. Produksi Blok Mahakam sampai 31 Mei 2018 tercatat sebesar 44.638 barel per hari.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Saturday, June 23, 2018

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Pertamina Begins Sharedown Process Right of Participation in Termination Block

PT Pertamina (Persero) has initiated a process of sharedown or partial disposal of participating interest (PI) in termination of oil and gas blocks that have been assigned to the company. The Company expects to have a sharedown process completed this year. Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said the bidding process starts from the oil and gas block where the company's production shafing contract (PSC) is already effective.

The reason, even though the PSC for ten oil and gas blocks have been signed but the contract has not been fully operational since the existing contracts of several oil and gas blocks are still valid. The offer of such participation rights will be phased in accordance with the effectiveness of Pertamina's contract.

"It's started (sharedown), is being prioritized. Of course, we have a contract, "he said.

Working Area Oil and Gas

As reported previously, Pertamina has signed a contract for 11 oil and gas blocks that ended its contract in 2017-2019. For 2018 terminating oil and gas blocks, Pertamina is granted 100% rights over eight blocks, namely Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-Sanga, Southeast Sumatera (SES), North Sumatra Offshore (NSO), East Kalimantan, Attaka and Central Blocks. 

    For blocks that have terminated the old contract and the new contract is effective is the Tuban Block, Ogan Komering, and Attaka. However, the management of the Attaka Block is combined with the East Kalimantan Block whose contract has just been terminated on 24 October.

Subsequently, the Sanga-Sanga Block contract will run out on August 7, SES on September 5, Middle on October 4, and NSO on October 15. For the other two blocks assigned to Pertamina are the Jambi Merang and Raja-Pendopo Blocks. 

     However, the existing contract of both oil and gas blocks has just been completed next year. Thus, Pertamina's contract has just started to be effective next year. Another effective Pertamina contract is for the Mahakam Block. The effective termination block participation contract is targeted for completion this year.

"We expect something to be done this year," Alam said.

Separately, Director General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto said that many oil and gas companies are interested in purchasing termination block participation rights offered by Pertamina. Some of the oil and gas blocks of Pertamina that interest other oil and gas companies are Mahakam Block, Sanga-Sanga, East Kalimantan and Jambi Merang.

"In Jambi Merang, Repsol and Pacific Oil are interested. Inpex is interested in the Mahakam Block. In Sanga-Sanga, Saka Energy is interested. East Kalimantan, many private companies want to, "he said.

However, the oil and gas company has not officially started negotiations with Pertamina. Because the oil and gas company is waiting Pertamina open the purchase of rights of participation. Pertamina itself is doing the valuation of the rights of the sold participation.

"Pertamina still asks for price valuation and must approve the Regional Finance Management Board (BPKD) and the Attorney General Office, so as not to be mistaken, so as not to be mistaken for BUMN," Djoko said.

Mahakam block

Meanwhile, Syamsu Alam confirmed that Total E & P Indonesie has long declared no interest in joining the Mahakam Block.

"There must be no communication with Total E & P related Mahakam," he said.

Unlike Total, lnpex Corporation Japan, which is a Total E & P Indonesie partner for 50 years working on the Mahakam Block, still wants to be involved in managing the oil and gas block in East Kalimantan. This Inpex interest has been submitted to Pertamina.

"There is communication with us if lnpex wants to participate in the Mahakam Block," Alam said.

In May last year, Total expressed interest in having a share of participation in the Mahakam Block. However, Total wants share ownership of up to 39%, above Pertamina's 30% removable stock limit. This 39% share is a joint for Total and Inpex Corporation which each have a share of 19.5%, if the proposal is approved.


Pertamina Mulai Proses Sharedown Hak Partisipasi di Blok Terminasi

PT Pertamina (Persero) telah memulai proses sharedown atau pelepasan sebagian kepemilikan saham partisipasi (participating interest/PI) di blok migas terminasi yang telah ditugaskan ke perseroan. Perseroan berharap ada proses sharedown yang selesai pada tahun ini. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, proses penawaran hak partisipasi ini dimulai dari blok migas di mana kontrak kerja sama (production shafing contract/ PSC) perseroan yang sudah berlangsung efektif. 

Pasalnya, meski PSC untuk sepuluh blok migas itu sudah ditandatangani namun kontrak belum seluruhnya beroperasi efektif mengingat kontrak eksisting beberapa blok migas masih berlaku. Sehinggal penawaran hak partisipasi tersebut akan dilakukan bertahap sesuai dengan efektifnya kontrak Pertamina. 

“Sudah dimulai (sharedown), sedang disusun prioritasnya. Tentu yang ditawarkan, kami sudah punya kontraknya,” kata dia.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Pertamina telah menandatangani kontrak untuk 11 blok migas yang berakhir kontraknya pada 2017-2019. Untuk blok migas terminasi 2018, Pertamina diberi hak 100% atas delapan blok, yakni Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-Sanga, Southeast Sumatera (SES), North Sumatera Offshore (N SO), East Kalimantan, Attaka, dan Blok Tengah. Untuk blok yang telah berakhir kontrak lamanya dan kontrak baru berlaku efektif adalah Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, dan Attaka. Namun, pengelolaan Blok Attaka digabung dengan Blok East Kalimantan yang kontraknya baru saja terminasi pada 24 Oktober nanti. 

Selanjutnya, kontrak Blok Sanga-Sanga akan habis pada 7 Agustus, SES pada 5 September, Tengah pada 4 Oktober, dan NSO pada 15 Oktober. Untuk dua blok lain yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina adalah Blok Jambi Merang dan Raja-Pendopo. Namun, kontrak eksisting kedua blok migas ini baru saja selesai pada tahun depan. Sehingga, kontrak Pertamina baru saja mulai efektif pada tahun depan. Satu lagi kontrak Pertamina yang sudah berlaku efektif adalah untuk Blok Mahakam. Penawaran hak partisipasi blok terminasi yang sudah efektif kontrak Pertamina tersebut ditargetkan selesai tahun ini. 

“Kami harapkan ada yang bisa selesai tahun ini,” tegas Alam.

Di tempat terpisah, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto menuturkan, banyak perusahaan migas yang berminat membeli hak partisipasi blok terminasi yang ditawarkan oleh Pertamina. Beberapa blok migas Pertamina yang diminati perusahaan migas lain tersebut adalah Blok Mahakam, Sanga-Sanga, East Kalimantan, dan Jambi Merang.

“Di Jambi Merang, Repsol dan Pacific Oil berminat. Inpex berminat di Blok Mahakam. Di Sanga-Sanga, Saka Energi berminat. East Kalimantan, perusahaan swasta banyak yang mau,” kata dia.

Meski demikian, perusahaan migas tersebut belum resmi mulai negosiasi dengan Pertamina. Pasalnya, perusahaan migas ini menunggu Pertamina membuka penawaran pembelian hak partisipasi. Pertamina sendiri sedang melakukan valuasi hak partisipasi yang dijual itu. 

“Pertamina masih minta valuasi harga dan harus approve Badan Pengelola Keuangan Daerah (BPKD) dan Kejaksaan, supaya tidak salah, agar tidak dikira merugikan BUMN,” kata Djoko.

Blok Mahakam 

Sementara itu, Syamsu Alam membenarkan bahwa Total E&P Indonesie sudah sejak lama menyatakan tidak berminat bergabung mengelola Blok Mahakam. 

“Yang pasti sudah tidak ada komunikasi dengan Total E&P terkait Mahakam,” kata dia.

Namun berbeda dengan Total, lnpex Corporation Japan yang merupakan mitra Total E&P Indonesie selama 50 tahun menggarap Blok Mahakam, tetap ingin terlibat dalam pengelolaan blok migas di Kalimantan Timur tersebut. Minat Inpex ini telah disampaikan kepada Pertamina. 

“Ada komunikasi dengan kami kalau lnpex ingin berpartisipasi di Blok Mahakam,” tutur Alam.

Pada Mei tahun lalu, Total menyatakan berminat memiliki saham partisipasi di Blok Mahakam. Namun, Total menginginkan kepemilikan saham hingga 39%, di atas batas saham yang dapat dilepas Pertamina sebesar 30%. Saham 39% ini merupakan gabungan untuk Total dan Inpex Corporation yang masing-masing memiliki bagian 19,5%, jika usulan itu disetujui.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Total EP Cancel Entry Block Mahakam

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated, PT Total EP Indonesie canceled to become partner of PT Pertamina in Mahakam Block. Whereas Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lgnasius Jonan has given the opportunity to Total EP in order to get 39% stake in Mahakam, or bigger than before that only 30%.

Director of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto asserted, Total EP chose to release the opportunity to have another participating interest or participating interest in the oil and gas block in East Kalimantan. Therefore, Total EP refused to pay the participation rights of Mahakam Block.

"Pertamina is allowed to reduce ownership or share down." Total if you want to go must pay, but Total does not want to pay, "said Djoko.

Others with Inpex Corporation Japan are still interested in becoming partners with Pertamina. Even Inpex has conducted business to business (B to B) talks with Pertamina.

"lnpex is intent, still there," said Djoko.

But so far Djoko not yet know what percentage of participation rights that interest in lnpex Mahakam block. The government set a maximum limit of share down that may be done Pertamina in Mahakam Block is only 39%. The decision aims to maintain existence Pertamina as the operator of the oil and gas block.

"We can reach 39%, as much as 10% is for BUMD, Pertamina must be 51%, so up to 39% can," said Djoko.

In addition to Inpex, there are other oil and gas companies that are also interested to have the right of participation in the Mahakam Block. The oil and gas company is still waiting for Pertamina's official announcement to release part of the participation rights in the Mahakam block.

So far, outside of Total EP and Inpex, the oil and gas company from China Petrochina has expressed interest in the Mahakam block. Petrochina is eyeing a participating interest of about 15% to 20% in the Mahakam Block. Well, to buy shares in the Mahakam Block, In ex or Petrochina must prepare a very large fund. As of December 31, 2017, the asset value of the Mahakam Block is US $ 9.43 billion.


Total EP Batal Masuk Blok Mahakam

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan, PT Total EP Indonesie batal menjadi mitra PT Pertamina di Blok Mahakam. Padahal Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan sudah memberikan kesempatan ke Total EP agar bisa mendapatkan 39% saham di Mahakam, atau lebih besar dari sebelumnya yang hanya 30%.

Direktur Migas Kementerian ESDM, Djoko Siswanto menegaskan, Total EP memilih melepas kesempatan memiliki lagi hak partisipasi atau participating interest di blok migas di Kalimantan Timur tersebut. Sebab, Total EP menolak membayar hak partisipasi Blok Mahakam.

"Pertamina itu membolehkan mengurangi kepemilikan atau share down. Total kalau mau masuk harus bayar, tapi Total tidak mau bayar," jelas Djoko.

Lain dengan Inpex Corporation Japan yang menyatakan masih berminat menjadi mitra dengan Pertamina. Bahkan Inpex sudah melakukan pembicaraan secara business to business (B to B) dengan Pertamina. 

"lnpex sudah niat, tetap ada," kata Djoko.

Namun sejauh ini Djoko belum mengetahui berapa persen hak partisipasi yang diminati lnpex di Blok Mahakam. Pemerintah menetapkan batas maksimal share down yang boleh dilakukan Pertamina di Blok Mahakam hanya sebesar 39%. Keputusan tersebut bertujuan untuk menjaga eksistensi Pertamina sebagai operator blok migas tersebut. 

"Kita bisa sampai 39%, sebanyak 10% adalah untuk BUMD, Pertamina harus 51%. Jadi sampai 39% bisa," jelas Djoko.

Selain Inpex, ada perusahaan migas lain yang juga berminat untuk memiliki hak partisipasi di Blok Mahakam. Perusahaan migas tersebut masih menunggu pengumunan resmi Pertamina melepas sebagian hak partisipasi di Blok Mahakam.

Sejauh ini, di luar Total EP dan Inpex, perusahaan migas yang berasal dari China yaitu Petrochina telah menyatakan minat di Blok Mahakam. Petrochina mengincar hak partisipasi sekitar 15% sampai 20% di Blok Mahakam. Nah, untuk membeli saham di Blok Mahakam, ln ex maupun Petrochina harus menyiapkan dana yang sangat besar. Per 31 Desember 2017 nilai aset Blok Mahakam sebesar US$ 9,43 miliar.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Inpex is eyeing Mahakam

Inpex, an oil and gas company from Japan, opens opportunity to PT Pertamina (Persero) to become a partner in the Mahakam block this year. Senior Specialist Media Relations Inpex Corporation Moch. N Kurniawan said that the company is still discussing with the Government of Indonesia and PT Pertamina to participate in the new Mahakam Block Production Sharing Contract (PSC) since 2018.

"Our position is still the same that is interested to participate there [Mahakam Block]," he said.

Previously, Inpex also has a contract in the Mahakam Block of 50% along with Total E & P. After the contract switched to Pertamina, Total E & P was reluctant to partner with Pertamina in the Mahakam Block so that the Inpex contract was also constrained. The reason, Total is reluctant to pay to get a share of participation in the Mahakam Block, while Inpex willing to pay to be able to continue to participate in the block.

the Mahakam Block

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said the search process of the partners is still in internal discussions of the company. According to him, the company will seek partners for the Mahakam Block, and eight termination blocks into six working areas namely Tuban Block, Ogan Komering, Sanga-sanga, Southeast Sumatra, North Sumatra Offshore Attaka-East Kalimantan and Central Block combined with Mahakam Block.

Working Area Oil and Gas Block

"We will try this year to be completed," he said.

Meanwhile, Inpex can own a stake in Mahakam Block up to 39%. However, the company has not yet determined the number of shares to be held in the Mahakam Block. In the transition process to officially manage, Pertamina claims to successfully reduce the cost of drilling wells in the Mahakam Block up to 23% and 25% faster drilling time. It could make Pertamina get reserve mining potential up to 120%, and get additional reservoir thickness of 115%.

This state-owned company is spending more and US $ 1.7 billion on exploration, development and production activities in 2018. Based on SKK Migas data, the Mahakam Working Area (WK) produces 52,000 barrels of oil and condensate per day and 1,360 million cubic feet natural gas per day. Potential WK Mahakam is still considered promising with proven reserves as of January 1, 2016 of 4.9 TCF of gas, 57 million barrels of oil, and 45 million barrels of condensate.

Through the management of WK Mahakam, Pertamina contributes more than 30% of national oil and gas production throughout 2018. In the 2018 Work Program and Budget Agreement, SKK Migas targets the production of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam to be more than 42,000 barrels of oil per day and 916 million feet cubic of natural gas per day.


Inpex Incar Mahakam

Inpex, perusahaan minyak dan gas berasal dari Jepang, membuka peluang kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) untuk menjadi mitra di Blok Mahakam pada tahun ini. Senior Specialist Media Relations Inpex Corporation Moch. N Kurniawan mengatakan pihaknya masih terus berdiskusi dengan Pemerintah Indonesia dan PT Pertamina untuk berpartisipasi dalam Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Blok Mahakam yang baru sejak 2018.

“Posisi kami masih tetap sama yakni berminat berpartisipasi  di sana [Blok Mahakam],” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Inpex juga memiliki kontrak di Blok Mahakam sebesar 50% bersama dengan Total E&P. Setelah kontrak beralih ke Pertamina, Total E&P enggan bemitra dengan Pertamina di Blok Mahakam sehingga kontrak Inpex juga terkendala. Alasannya, Total enggan membayar untuk mendapatkan saham partisipasi di Blok Mahakam, sedangkan Inpex mau membayar untuk bisa tetap berpartisipasi di blok itu.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan proses pencarian mitra masih dalam diskusi internal perseroan. Menurutnya, perseroan akan mencari mitra untuk Blok Mahakam, dan delapan blok terminasi yang menjadi enam wilayah kerja yakni Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-sanga, Southeast Sumatra, North Sumatra Offshore Attaka-East Kalimantan, dan Blok Tengah yang digabung dengan Blok Mahakam.   

"Kami usahakan tahun ini sudah ada yang bisa diselesaikan,” ujarnya.

Adapun, Inpex bisa memiliki kepemilikan saham di Blok Mahakam hingga 39%. Namun, perusahaan itu belum menentukan jumlah saham yang akan dimiliki di Blok Mahakam. Dalam proses peralihan hingga resmi mengelola, Pertamina mengklaim berhasil menekan biaya pengeboran sumur di Blok Mahakam hingga 23% dan waktu pengeboran lebih cepat 25%. Hal itu bisa membuat Pertamina mendapatkan potensi penambangan cadangan sampai 120% , serta memperoleh penambahan ketebalan reservoir sebesar 115%.

Perusahaan milik negara ini mengeluarkan anggaran lebih dan US$ 1,7 miliar untuk kegiatan eksplorasi, pengembangan, dan produksi pada 2018. Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, Wilayah Kerja (WK) Mahakam memproduksi minyak dan kondensat sebanyak 52.000 barel per hari dan 1.360 juta kaki kubik gas bumi per hari. Potensi WK Mahakam dinilai masih menjanjikan dengan cadangan terbukti per 1 Januari 2016 sebesar 4,9 TCF gas, 57 juta barel minyak, dan 45 juta barel kondensat.

Melalui pengelolaan WK Mahakam, Pertamina menjadi penyumbang lebih dari 30% produksi minyak dan gas nasional sepanjang 2018. Pada Persetujuan Program Kerja dan Anggaran 2018, SKK Migas menargetkan produksi PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam bisa lebih dari 42. 000 barel minyak per hari dan 916 juta kaki kubik gas bumi per hari. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Wednesday, June 6, 2018