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Showing posts with label Rosneft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rosneft. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Targeting Oil and Gas Cooperation in the Middle East

The government seeks to increase investment in the oil and gas subsector (oil and gas). One of them is aiming for cooperation with a number of countries in the Middle East region, namely Iraq and Azerbaijan. 

    Director of ESDM Ministry of Oil and Gas Development Program Soerjaningsih stated that the government had offered oil and gas exploration in Azerbaijan and imported crude oil.

"Iraq is also the main target of cooperation in developing the petrochemical industry, refinery construction, and oil and gas exploration in the country "through PT Pertamina (Persero)," said Soerjaningsih.

According to Soerjaningsih, Pertamina is interested in the Tuba Oil Field project in Iraq. Now it's still under discussion.

"The partnership between the two countries is still exploration or negotiation. We will discuss this later in a bilateral meeting between the two countries, "said Soerjaningsih.

Investment in the oil and gas sector abroad is not new to the Republic of Indonesia (RI). Throughout 2018 there were four main collaborations in the oil and gas sector which were successfully agreed upon. 

    First, RI-Russia and Rosneft built the GRR Tuban refinery with an investment of USD 15 billion - USD 16 billion. Then, RI-Saudi Arabia with Saudi Aramco worked on the Cilacap refinery RDMP project with an investment of USD 5.4 billion-USD 6 billion.

Next is RI-Azerbaijan. Namely, Pertamina with SOCAR in terms of crude oil imports and oil and gas field exploration. The investment value will be known after the signing of the memorandum of understanding. The fourth, RI-Bangladesh and RI-Pakistan work together to supply LNG with a receipt value of USD 14.3 billion.

"Cooperation with various countries is expected to be able to maintain the investment trend in the ESDM sector," said Soerjaningsih.

Realization of investment in the ESDM sector in 2018 reached USD 32.2 billion, equivalent to Rp 462.183 trillion. Of this amount, USD 12.5 billion represents the realization of the oil and gas subsector. 

     This gain has increased compared to 2017 with the achievement of the upstream and downstream oil and gas sector which has an investment of USD 11 billion. The 2018 oil and gas lifting only reaches 778 thousand barrels of oil per day and 1.139 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.


Incar Kerja Sama Migas di Timteng

Pemerintah berupaya meningkatkan investasi subsektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas). Salah satunya membidik kerja sama dengan sejumlah negara di kawasan Timur Tengah, yakni Iraq dan Azerbaijan. 

   Direktur Pembinaan Program Migas Kementerian ESDM Soerjaningsih menyatakan, pemerintah mendapat tawaran eksplorasi lapangan migas di Azerbaijan dan impor minyak mentah. 

"Iraq juga menjadi sasaran utama kerja sama dalam pengembangan industri petrokimia, pembangunan kilang, dan eksplorasi lapangan migas di negara tersebut melalui PT Pertamina (Persero)," kata Soerjaningsih.

    Menurut Soerjaningsih, Pertamina berminat pada proyek Tuba Oil Field di Iraq. Sekarang masih dalam tahap pembahasan. 

”Kemitraan kedua negara sifatnya masih penjajakan atau negosiasi. Nanti dibahas lebih lanjut dalam pertemuan bilateral antar kedua negara,” tutur Soerjaningsih.

Investasi sektor migas di luar negeri bukan hal baru bagi Republik Indonesia (RI). Sepanjang 2018 ada empat kerja sama pokok di sektor migas yang berhasil disepakati. Pertama, RI-Rusia dengan Rosneft membangun kilang GRR Tuban dengan nilai investasi USD 15 miliar - USD 16 miliar. Lalu, RI-Arab Saudi dengan Saudi Aramco mengerjakan proyek RDMP kilang Cilacap dengan investasi USD 5,4 miliar-USD 6 miliar.

Berikutnya RI-Azerbaijan. Yakni, Pertamina dengan SOCAR dalam hal impor minyak mentah dan eksplorasi lapangan migas. Nilai investasinya akan diketahui setelah penandatanganan nota kesepahaman. Yang keempat, RI-Bangladesh serta RI-Pakistan bekerja sama untuk pasokan LNG dengan nilai penerimaan USD 14,3 miliar. 

”Kerja sama dengan berbagai negara ini diharapkan mampu menjaga tren investasi sektor ESDM" kata Soerjaningsih.

Realisasi investasi di sektor ESDM pada 2018 mencapaiangka USD 32,2 miliar atau setara Rp 462,183 triliun. Dari jumlah tersebut, USD 12,5 miliar merupakan realisasi dari subsektor migas. Perolehan tersebut mengalami peningkatan jika dibandingkan 2017 dengan capaian sektor migas di hulu dan hilir yang mengantongi investasi USD 11 miliar. Adapun lifting minyak dan gas bumi 2018 hanya mencapai 778 ribu barel minyak per hari dan 1,139 juta barel setara minyak per hari.

Jaw Pos, Page-6, Monday, Jan 14, 2019

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Land Not Ready

PT Pertamina (Persero) has decided to build a refinery in Tuban, East Java, but the company has not completed land acquisition. So far, the progress that has been made is the location of the construction of the refinery which was decided in Tuban and has not changed and the original plan.

Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina (Persero) Syahrial Muchtar said that the reason for choosing an oil refinery in Tuban, East Java, was to be close to the existing refinery facility, Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI).

Rosneft Refinery in Tuban East Java

TPPI is a subsidiary of PT Tuban Petrochemical Industries (Tuban Petro). TPPI was initiated in 1995 by Tirtamas. The monetary crisis forced this company to be handed over by the owner to the government. Syahrial explained, the company had made several options for the location of the construction of an oil refinery in East Java. All of the options have gone through technical studies.

"The [oil refinery location] is directed there [Tuban] because we want to integrate with TPPI. Now, we can now complete the land acquisition process. "The land acquisition process is the same, as we have previously experienced," he said.

Based on data from the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Provision (KPPIP) Tuban Refinery is a new oil refinery development project with a production capacity of 300,000 barrels per day (bpd) to be built in Tuban, East Java. Pertamina targets the Tuban Refinery project to be completed in 2025, meaning that Pertamina still has 7 years.

Rosneft Refinery

Desasin refinery will use a petrochemical configuration that is integrated with PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama. Pertamina had previously formed a joint venture with Rosneft, an oil and gas company from Russia.

Rosneft Russia

The joint venture, PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrochemical (PRPP), was established on November 28, 2017. Pertamina has also requested legal opinion from state lawyers about the validity of the oil refinery project in the public interest category to answer the doubts of the East Java Provincial Government in issuing location determination permits.

Arcandra Tahar

Last week, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said that the planned construction of an oil refinery by Pertamina in Situbondo was canceled and returned to Tuban.


Lahan Belum Siap

PT Pertamina (Persero) telah memutuskan lokasi pembangunan kilang minyak di Tuban, Jawa Timur, tetapi perseroan belum menyelesaikan pembebasan lahan. Sejauh ini, kemajuan yang sudah didapatkan adalah lokasi pembangunan kilang yang diputuskan di Tuban dan tidak berubah dan rencana awal.

Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) Syahrial Muchtar mengatakan bahwa alasan pemilihan lokasi pembangunan kilang minyak di Tuban, Jawa Timur, agar dekat dengan fasilitas kilang yang sudah ada, yaitu Trans Pacific Petrochemical lndotama (TPPI).

TPPI merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT Tuban Petrochemical Industries (Tuban Petro). TPPI dirintis pada 1995 oleh Tirtamas. Krisis moneter memaksa perusahaan ini diserahkan oleh sang pemilik kepada pemerintah. Syahrial menjelaskan, perseroan telah membuat beberapa opsi lokasi pembangunan kilang minyak di Jawa Timur. Seluruh opsi itu telah melalui kajian teknis.

“Kalau [lokasi kilang minyak] diarahkan ke sana [Tuban] karena kami ingin integrasikan dengan TPPI. Nah, sekarang kami proses pembebasan tanah bisa segera kami selesaikan. Proses pembebasan [lahan] sama saja, seperti yang sebelumnya pernah kami alami,” tuturnya.

Berdasarkan data Komite Percepatan Penyediaan Infrastruktur Prioritas (KPPIP) Kilang Tuban merupakan proyek pembangunan kilang minyak baru dengan kapasitas produksi 300.000 barel per hari (bph) yang akan dibangun di Tuban, Jawa Timur. Pertamina menargetkan proyek Kilang Tuban selesai pada 2025 Artinya, Pertamina masih memiliki waktu 7 tahun.

Desasin kilang akan menggunakan konfigurasi petrokimia yang terintegrasi dengan PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama. Pertamina sebelumnya telah membentuk perusahaan patungan dengan Rosneft, perusahaan migas dari Rusia. 

Perusahaan patungan, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP), didirikan pada 28 November 2017. Pertamina juga telah meminta opini hukum dari pengacara negara tentang keabsahan proyek kilang minyak dalam kategori kepentingan umum untuk menjawab keraguan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur dalam penerbitan izin penetapan lokasi.

Pekan lalu, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Surnber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa rencana pembangunan kilang minyak oleh Pertamina di Situbondo dibatalkan dan dikembalikan ke Tuban.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Tuesday, Dec 18, 2018

The Cilacap Refinery Project Awaits the Asset Valuation Agreement

PT Pertamina (Persero) and Saudi Aramco have not yet completed the establishment of a joint venture that will be tasked with working on upgrading and upgrading capacity of Cilacap Refinery. Because the two state-owned oil and gas companies have not yet agreed on the valuation of the existing assets of the Cilacap refinery.

the Cilacap refinery

The Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, the Cilacap Refinery Project is still under evaluation in relation to how the partnership with Saudi Aramco so that Pertamina can benefit in accordance with the business framework that is cooperated. One of them is related to asset valuation agreements that will be included in the JV.

Saudi Aramco

"The valuation of these assets has not been agreed. It must be calculated in detail, "he said in Jakarta.

He explained, Pertamina and partners must first agree on the value of these assets before the project starts, because the results of the asset valuation agreement will determine how much money is included. At present, Pertamina has finalized the asset valuation and is still awaiting an agreement from Saudi Aramco. Arcandra added, even though there was no agreement, cooperation with Saudi Aramco would continue.

"As far as I know (not looking for another partner), it's still the same as Saudi Aramco in Cilacap," he said.

Nicke Widyawati

Previously, Pertamina's Managing Director Nicke Widyawati revealed that for the Cilacap Refinery Project, the company was still finalizing the establishment of a joint venture company. However, continued Nicke, his side continued to work on this project.

"We are doing land clearing in Cilacap," Nicke said.

Saudi Aramco Refinery

Pertamina and Saudi Aramco have signed an agreement to establish a joint venture agreement (JVA) since the end of 2016. In the joint venture, Pertamina plans to hold 55% ownership and 45% of Saudi Aramco. Two years after the signing of the JVA, the two oil and gas companies have not yet realized the establishment of a joint venture company.

Some time ago, Pertamina revealed its plan to spin off the new Cilacap Refinery unit that will be carried out to be transferred to a joint venture formed to work on this project. If Saudi Aramco intends to continue working together, and other companies want to join, they can enter the company.

The spin off plan has received a green light from the Ministry of BUMN. The Cilacap refinery is targeted to start operating in 2024 backing from the initial plan in 2022. After upgrading, the crude oil processing capacity of the Cilacap Refinery will increase from 348 thousand barrels per day (bpd) to 400 thousand bpd.

Furthermore, there will be additional production of gasoline (gasoline) 80 thousand bpd, diesel fuel 60 thousand bpd, and avtur of 40 thousand bpd. Increased fuel production Significant because the refinery's ability to process crude oil into finished products (NCI) rose from 74% to 92-98%.

Tuban Refinery

Regarding the Tuban Refinery Project of 300 thousand bpd, Arcandra stressed that the refinery project location was canceled.

"The Tuban refinery is not moved, still (in Tuban)," her said. However, he admitted that land acquisition for this project had not yet been completed. "It's being released (land), it's being worked on," Nicke said.

Previously, Nicke admitted that land acquisition needed for the construction of an 800-hectare refinery was still an obstacle. At the location of the plan to be built by the refinery, there is 350 hectares of land owned by the Ministry of Environment, while the rest belongs to the community. Nicke said, in the last three years, his party had made various efforts to complete the land acquisition.

"To follow up on the request of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Pertamina will send a team to complete the land acquisition, so in this month we will send another team to solve this land problem," Nicke explained.

In fact, previously Pertamina and the East Java Provincial Government had previously signed a memorandum of understanding on the use of land assets of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Tanjung Awar-Awar, Tuban. In the memorandum of understanding, the East Java Provincial Government supports the Ministry of Environment and Forestry's land use for the construction of the Tuban Refinery.

Rosneft Refinery

Pertamina cooperates with the Russian oil and gas company, Rosneft Oil Company in working on the Tuban Refinery. The two companies have formed a joint venture, namely PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan and Petrokirnia (PRPP), which will work on the Tuban Refinery Project worth US $ 15 billion. Pertamina holds a 55% shareholding and Rosneft 45%.

The plan, Tuban Refinery will produce gasoline (gasoline) products of 80 thousand bpd, solar 90 thousand bpd, and 26 thousand bp avtur. Not only that, Tuban Refinery will also produce new petrochemical products. The details of this product are polypropylene 1.3 million tons per year, polyethylene 0.65 million tons per year, styrene 0.5 million tons per year and paraxylene 1.3 million tons per year.

As is known, Pertamina is working on six refinery projects at once, both new units and increasing capacity and quality of existing refineries. Construction of two new units in Tuban, East Java and Bontang, East Kalimantan, as well as repairs to four existing refineries spread in Balongan, West Java; Balikpapan, East Kalimantan; Durnai, Riau; and Cilacap, Central Java.

The funds needed to complete this project are very large, namely around US $ 30 billion. All projects are targeted to be completed by 2026.


Proyek Kilang Cilacap Tunggu Kesepakatan Valuasi Aset

PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Saudi Aramco belum juga merampungkan pembentukan perusahaan patungan (joint venture) yang akan bertugas mengerjakan peningkatan dan perbaikan kapasitas (upgrading) Kilang Cilacap. Pasalnya, kedua perusahaan migas milik pemerintah ini belum juga menyepakati valuasi aset eksisting kilang Cilacap.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, Proyek Kilang Cilacap masih dalam evaluasi terkait bagaimana kemitraan dengan Saudi Aramco agar Pertamina mendapat manfaat sesuai dengan kerangka bisnis yang dikerjasamakan. Salah satunya terkait kesepakatan valuasi aset yang akan disertakan dalam JV.

“Perhitungan valuasi asetnya ini yang belum sepakat. Kan harus dihitung secara detailnya,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Dia menjelaskan, Pertamina dan mitra harus sepakat dulu untuk nilai aset ini sebelum proyek dimulai, Pasalnya, hasil kesepakatan valuasi aset akan menentukan berapa uang yang disertakan. Saat ini, Pertamina telah merampungkan valuasi aset tersebut dan masih menunggu kesepakatan dari Saudi Aramco. Arcandra menambahkan, meski belum ada kesepakatan, kerja Sama dengan Saudi Aramco tetap akan dilanjutkan. 

“Setahu saya tidak (mencari partner lain), tetap sama Saudi Aramco di Cilacap,” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengungkapkan, untuk Proyek Kilang Cilacap, perseroan masih melakukan finalisasi pembentukan perusahaan patungan. Namun, lanjut Nicke, pihaknya terus mengerjakan proyek ini.

“Kami lakukan land clearing di Cilacap,” kata Nicke.

Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco telah menandatangani perjanjian pembentukan perusahaan patungan (joint venture agreement/JVA) sejak akhir 2016. Dalam perusahaan patungan itu, Pertamina rencananya memegang kepemilikan 55% dan Saudi Aramco 45%. Dua tahun berselang sejak ditekennya JVA, kedua perusahaan migas ini belum juga merealisasikan pembentukan perusahaan patungan.

Beberapa waktu lalu, Pertamina mengungkapkan rencananya untuk melakukan spin off unit baru Kilang Cilacap yang akan dikerjakan untuk dialihkan ke perusahaan patungan yang dibentuk untuk menggarap proyek ini. Jika Saudi Aramco berniat tetap melanjutkan kerja sama, maupun perusahaan lain ingin bergabung, mereka bisa masuk ke perusahaan tersebut.

Rencana spin off tersebut telah mendapat lampu hijau dari Kementerian BUMN. Kilang Cilacap ditargetkan mulai beroperasi pada 2024 mundur dari rencana awal pada 2022. Pasca upgrading, kapasitas pengolahan minyak mentah Kilang Cilacap akan naik dari 348 ribu barel per hari (bph) menjadi 400 ribu bph. 

Selanjutnya, akan ada tambahan produksi bensin (gasoline) 80 ribu bph, solar 60 ribu bph, dan avtur 40 ribu bph. Prorfuksi bahan bakar naik signitikan lantaran kemampuan kilang mengolah minyak mentah menjadi produk jadi (NCI) naik dari 74% menjadi 92-98%.

Kilang Tuban

Terkait Proyek Kilang Tuban 300 ribu bph, Arcandra menegaskan bahwa lokasi proyek kilang ini batal dipindah. 

“Kilang Tuban tidak dipindah, tetap (di Tuban),” kata dia. Namun, diakuinya memang pembebasan lahan untuk proyek ini belum rampung. “Sedang dibebaskan (lahannya) , sedang diusahakan,” kata Nicke.

Sebelumnya, Nicke mengakui, pembebasan lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan kilang seluas 800 hektar masih menjadi kendala. Di lokasi rencana yang akan dibangun kilang, ada lahan milik Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup seluas 350 hektar, sementara sisanya milik masyarakat. Dikatakan Nicke, dalam tiga tahun terakhir, pihaknya sudah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk merampungkan pembebasan lahan ini. 

“Untuk menindaklanjuti permintaan Menteri ESDM agar Pertamina kembali mengirimkan tim untuk menyelesaikan pembebasan lahan, maka dalam bulan ini segera kami akan kirim tim lagi untuk menyelesaikan masalah lahan ini,” jelas Nicke.

Padahal, sebelumnya Pertamina dan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur sebelumnya telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman pemanfaatan lahan aset Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan di Tanjung Awar-Awar, Tuban. Dalam nota kesepahaman itu, Pemprov Jawa Timur mendukung pemanfaatan lahan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan untuk pembangunan Kilang Tuban.

Pertamina menggandeng perusahaan migas Rusia, Rosneft Oil Company dalam mengerjakan Kilang Tuban. Kedua perusahaan itu telah membentuk perusahaan patungan, yakni PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokirnia (PRPP), yang akan menggarap Proyek Kilang Tuban senilai US$ 15 miliar. Pertamina memegang kepemilikan saham 55% dan Rosneft 45%.

Rencananya, Kilang Tuban akan menghasilkan produk bensin (gasoline) sebesar 80 ribu bph, solar 90 ribu bph, dan avtur 26 ribu bph. Tidak hanya itu, Kilang Tuban juga akan memproduksi produk-produk baru petrokimia. Rincian produk ini adalah polipropilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun, polietilen 0,65 juta ton per tahun, stirena 0,5 juta ton per tahun dan paraksilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun.

Seperti diketahui, Pertamina mengerjakan enam proyek kilang sekaligus, baik unit baru maupun peningkatan kapasitas dan kualitas dari kilang yang ada. Pembangunan dua unit baru di Tuban, Jawa Timur dan Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, serta perbaikan empat kilang eksisting yang tersebar di Balongan, Jawa Barat; Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur; Durnai, Riau; serta Cilacap, Jawa Tengah.

Dana yang dibutuhkan untuk merampungkan proyek ini sangat besar, yakni Sekitar US$ 30 miliar. Seluruh proyek ditargetkan rampung pada 2026.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Dec 15, 2018

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Refinery Project Targeted to Finish in 2026

PT Pertamina (Persero) is committed to completing a refinery development project and the construction of a new refinery in 2026. The refinery development project is carried out in four refineries, including a refinery specifically processing palm oil. Previously, the mega project was scheduled to be completed in 2024.

Pertamina signed a design, construction and engineering (EPC) contract for the development of the Balikpapan refinery, East Kalimantan, in Jakarta on Monday (12/10/2018). EPC auction winner companies are SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd, Hyundai Engineering Co. Ltd, PT Rekayasa Industri, and PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk.

Pertamina also signed a document on the framework of cooperation with Overseas Oil & Gas (OOG), an oil and gas company from Oman, to build a new refinery in Bontang, East Kalimantan. The Balikpapan refinery development project will begin in January 2019. The schedule given to project implementers is 53 months which is effective from the signing of the contract. The project will increase refinery capacity from 260,000 barrels per day to 360,000 barrels per day with the quality of the fuel produced by the Euro 5 standard.

Nicke Widyawati 

Pertamina's Managing Director Nicke Widyawati acknowledged there was a delay in the construction of a new refinery development and construction project. However, it is still better than no progress at all. It targets the entire refinery development and construction projects to be completed by 2026.

"All will be done in parallel (new refinery development and construction projects). It's better late than nothing, "said
Nicke after signing the contract.

Overseas Oil & Gas (OOG)

As for the new refinery development project in Bontang, OOG has gone through the selection phase since last year. OOG is considered to have strong financial capabilities, including the strength of upstream-downstream businesses. The refinery in Bontang will have a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day.

Pertamina's Director of Processing and Petrochemical Project, Ignatius Tallulembang, added that in the new refinery development project in Bontang, all funding was borne by the OOG. Under the agreement, Pertamina will get a 10 percent golden share. Pertamina as the party that provides land and other supporting infrastructure on this project.

In the long run, Pertamina's shares will be raised to 20 percent or 30 percent. "The new refinery in Bontang will later be integrated with petrochemical products. The investment value is around 10 billion US dollars," Ignatius said.

In that cooperation, OOG is committed to supplying crude oil for refinery needs. The fuel products produced will be fully absorbed by Pertamina. However, there is a chance that Pertamina and OOG will establish a joint venture to sell BBM domestically.

     Meanwhile, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan claimed to understand why the megaproject developing capacity and construction of new refineries could not be done quickly. The whole set of processes must be carried out carefully. Only, according to him, needs attention to the increasingly rapid development of electricity for transportation that can replace the role of BBM.

"There is a concern that electricity is growing rapidly, why build a refinery? In addition to energy security, building refineries is also for the development of domestic petrochemical industries, "said Jonan.

In addition to the Balikpapan refinery, the refinery development project is also carried out in Cilacap, Central Java; in Balongan, West Java; and in Dumai, Riau. The new refinery to be built, besides in Bontang, is also in Tuban, East Java by Rosneft from Russia. If all the projects are completed, the installed capacity of the refinery will increase from 1 million barrels per day to 2 million barrels per day.

Rosneft Oil Company Russia

Previously, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution stated that Pertamina must accelerate the realization of new refinery development which is integrated with the petrochemical industry to reduce dependence on imports. Pertamina was also asked to optimize the mandatory B-20 policy. This policy is in the form of mixing biodiesel into diesel fuel so that every liter of diesel fuel contains 20 percent of biodiesel.


Proyek Kilang Ditargetkan Selesai pada 2026

PT Pertamina (Persero) berkomitmen menyelesaikan proyek pengembangan kilang dan pembangunan kilang baru di tahun 2026. Proyek pengembangan kilang dilakukan di empat kilang, termasuk kilang khusus pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit. Sebelumnya, megaproyek ini dijadwalkan rampung pada 2024.

Pertamina menandatangani kontrak pengerjaan rancangan, konstruksi, dan rekayasa (EPC) untuk pengembangan kilang Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, di Jakarta, Senin (10/12/2018). Perusahaan pemenang lelang EPC adalah SK Engineering & Construction Co Ltd, Hyundai Engineering Co Ltd, PT Rekayasa Industri, dan PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk. 

Pertamina juga menandatangani dokumen kerangka kerja sama dengan Overseas Oil & Gas (OOG), perusahaan migas dari Oman, untuk membangun kilang baru di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur. Proyek pengembangan kilang Balikpapan akan dimulai Januari 2019. Jadwal yang diberikan ke pelaksana proyek adalah 53 bulan yang berlaku efektif sejak penandatangan kontrak. Proyek ini akan menambah kapasitas kilang dari 260.000 barel per hari menjadi 360.000 barel per hari dengan kualitas bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang dihasilkan berstandar euro 5.

Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengakui ada keterlambatan pengerjaan proyek pengembangan dan pembangunan kilang baru. Namun, hal itu masih lebih baik daripada tidak ada kemajuan sama sekali. Pihaknya menargetkan seluruh proyek pengembangan dan pembangunan kilang baru selesai pada 2026. 

”Semua akan dilakukan secara paralel (proyek pengembangan dan pembangunan kilang baru). Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali,” kata Nicke seusai penandatanganan kontrak.

Adapun proyek pembangunan kilang baru di Bontang, OOG sudah melalui tahap seleksi sejak tahun lalu. OOG dinilai punya kemampuan finansial yang kuat, termasuk kekuatan bisnis hulu-hilir. Kilang di Bontang nantinya akan berkapasitas 300.000 barel per hari.

Direktur Mengaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina, Ignatius Tallulembang menambahkan, pada proyek pembangunan kilang baru di Bontang, seluruh pendanaan ditanggung OOG. Dalam perjanjian itu, Pertamina akan mendapat golden share 10 persen. Pertamina sebagai pihak yang menyediakan lahan dan infrastruktur pendukung lainnya pada proyek ini.
Dalam jangka panjang, saham Pertamina akan dinaikkan menjadi 20 persen atau 30 persen. Kilang baru di Bontang nanti akan diintegrasikan dengan produk petrokimia, Nilai investasinya sekitar 10 miliar dollar AS,” kata Ignatius.

Dalam kerja sama itu, OOG berkomitmen memasok minyak mentah untuk kebutuhan kilang. Produk Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) yang dihasilkan akan diserap sepenuhnya oleh Pertamina. Namun, ada peluang Pertamina bersama OOG mendirikan usaha patungan untuk penjualan BBM didalam negeri.

     Sementara itu, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan mengaku bisa paham kenapa megaproyek pengembangan kapasitas dan pembangunan kilang baru tidak bisa dikerjakan cepat. Seluruh rangkaian proses mesti dilakukan dengan cermat. Hanya, menurut dia, perlu perhatian terhadap kian pesatnya perkembangan listrik untuk transportasi yang bisa menggantikan peran BBM.

”Ada kekhawatiran kalau listrik semakin pesat, untuk apa membangun kilang? Selain untuk ketahanan energi, membangun kilang juga untuk pengembangan industri petrokimia di dalam negeri,” kata Jonan.

Selain kilang Balikpapan, proyek pengembangan kilang dilakukan juga di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah; di Balongan, Jawa Barat; dan di Dumai, Riau. Adapun kilang baru yang akan dibangun, selain di Bontang, ada juga di Tuban, Jawa Timur oleh Rosneft dari Russia. Apabila semua proyek itu selesai, kapasitas terpasang kilang naik dari 1 juta barel per hari jadi 2 juta barel per hari.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Darmin Nasution menyatakan, Pertamina harus mempercepat realisasi pembangunan kilang baru yang terintegrasi dengan industri petrokimia untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada impor. Pertamina juga diminta mengoptimalkan kebijakan mandatori B-20. Kebijakan ini berupa pencampuran biodiesel ke dalam solar sehingga setiap liter solar mengandung 20 persen biodiesel.

Kompas, Page-14, Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Pertamina-TPPI Paraxylene Prime Export

PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) export Paraxylene petrochemical products totaling 10,000 metric tons (MT) to China, to meet market demand in the Asia Pacific region. The initial export of paraxylene products is carried out in line with the production rate of the TPPI refinery which now reaches 67 tons per hour.

PT TPPI Tuban General Manager Sugeng Hermanto said, with product operations reaching 67 tons per hour, it could produce 70 tons of paraxylene per hour. So, in a month, this paraxylene production reaches 50,000 metric tons.

PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI)

"Therefore Pertamina distributes it to domestic and overseas," Sugeng said in his official statement on Monday (4/12)

He said, the production of paraxylene has exceeded demand in the domestic market, so excess production can be exported abroad. Manager of Aromatic Olefin Pertamina Darius Darwis added, paraxylene exports will be utilized to meet regional market needs, especially in China. Going forward, the company will continue to develop petrochemical exports.

"Pertamina and TPPI will carry out tenders to find the best buyers, with volumes according to TPPI's production plan," Darius explained.

Paraxylene is the main raw material for producing Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA). Paraxylene is the product of petrochemical refineries produced from condensate or naptha. The results of paraxylene are mostly in the form of PTA which is an important component in the textile industry.

In addition, paraxylene can also be processed into PET as the main component of raw materials for food and beverage packaging because of its non-toxic nature. Paraxylene also has derivative products that are closely related to daily life such as cellphones, dashboards on vehicles, and so on.

"We hope that, in accordance with the government's recommendations, we optimize domestic production. Instead of increasing imports, we better increase exports so that it will increase foreign exchange, of course Pertamina's profits will also be higher than before, "Darius said.

Pertamina is committed to strengthening its petrochemical business. For this reason, the oil and gas SOE has signed a frame work agreement with Taiwan Petroleum Corporation (CPC) to build a petrochemical complex worth US $ 6.49 billion. The facility was built, namely a naphta cracker factory and a global scale petrochemical downstream sector development unit in Indonesia.

CPC Taiwan

The project will be carried out under a joint venture scheme between Pertamina, CPC Taiwan, and several other potential downstream partners. The naphta cracker plant is expected to produce at least 1 million tons of ethylene per year. In addition, both of them will also build downstream units that will produce other refinery derivative products to meet industrial needs in Indonesia.

Previously, Megaproject Processing and Petrochemical Director Ignasius Tallulembang explained that his party had already had initial discussions with CPC. In the first stage, it will prepare the land which is the location of this petrochemical project. So far, there are three location options, which are possible options near the Balongan Refinery.

"After the land, our parallel will do the FS (feasibility study) to configure the petrochemical refinery, any products, with partners," he said.

Furthermore, it will also form a joint venture with CPC. However, his side still has to discuss this with the CPC, including the matter of the amount of Pertamina's share ownership. It hopes to become a majority shareholder.

"Because we are in the country, the market is in us, so we are expected to have a bigger share," Tallulembang said.

Rosneft Oil Company Russia

In addition, the company's two new refinery projects will also be equipped with processing petrochemical products, namely Tuban Refinery and Bontang Refinery. The Tuban refinery that the company works with Rosneft Oil Company is targeted to be completed in 2024. This refinery will produce gasoline (gasoline) products of 80 thousand barrels per day (bpd), diesel fuel 90 thousand bpd, and avtur of 26 thousand bpd.

Rosneft Refinery in Tuban, East Java-Indonesia

Not only that, Tuban Refinery will also produce new petrochemical products. The details of this product are 1.3 million tons of polypropylene per year, polyethylene 0.65 million tons per year, styrene 0.5 million tons per year, and paraxylene 1.3 million tons per year.
Furthermore, the Bontang Refinery is planned to have a capacity of 300 thousand bpd and is targeted to start operations in 2025. Unfortunately, Pertamina has not specified what kind of products the new refinery will produce. The reason is that Pertamina is still in the stage of discussion with partners regarding the establishment of joint ventures.

the Overseas Oil and Gas LLC (OOG)

The company that the company cooperates with is the Overseas Oil and Gas LLC (OOG) and Cosmo Oil International Pte Ltd (COI). Previously, Maritime Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan reminded Pertamina to seriously work on fuel and petrochemical refinery projects. The reason is that President Joko Widoro complained that there had been no construction of refineries running during his four years in office.

"I ask not to be postponed again, because I have been pushing for three years in petrochemicals from Taipei, not immediately," he said.


Pertamina-TPPI Ekspor Perdana Paraxylene

PT Pertamina (Persero) bersama PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) mengekspor produk petrokimia Paraxylene sebanyak 10 ribu metrik ton (MT) ke Tiongkok, untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Ekspor perdana produk paraxylene ini dilakukan seiring dengan tingkat produksi kilang TPPI yang kini mencapai 67 ton per jam.

General Manager PT TPPI Tuban Sugeng Hermanto mengatakan, dengan operasional produk mencapai 67 ton per jam, pihaknya dapat menghasilkan paraxylene sebanyak 70 ton tiap jam. Sehingga, dalam sebulan, produksi paraxylene ini mencapai 50 ribu metrik ton.

“Oleh karena itu Pertamina menyalurkan ke domestik maupun luar negeri,” ujar Sugeng dalam keterangan resminya, Senin (4/12) 

Dia mengatakan, produksi paraxylene ini sudah melampaui kebutuhan di pasar domestik, sehingga kelebihan produksi dapat diekspor ke luar negeri. ManagerArornatic Olefin Pertamina Darius Darwis menambahkan, ekspor paraxylene ini akan dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar regional khususnya di Tiongkok. Ke depan, perseroan akan terus mengembangkan ekspor petrokimia. 

“Pertamina dan TPPI akan melaksanakan tender untuk mencari pembeli terbaik, dengan volume sesuai rencana produksi TPPI,” jelas Darius.

Paraxylene adalah bahan baku utama untuk memproduksi purified terephthalic acid (PTA). Paraxylene merupakan hasil produksi kilang petrokimia yang diproduksi dari, bahan kondensat atau naptha. Hasil paraxylene sebagian besar berupa PTA yang menjadi komponen penting dalam industri tekstil.

Selain itu, paraxylene juga dapat diproses menjadi PET sebagai komponen utama bahan baku kemasan makanan dan minuman karena sifatnya tidak beracun. Paraxylene juga memiliki produk turunan yang berkaitan erat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari seperti tempat (casing) telepon genggam, dashboard pada kendaraan, dan sebagainya.

“Kami berharap, sesuai dengan anjuran pemerintah, kita mengoptimalkan hasil produksi dalam negeri. Daripada memperbanyak impor, kita lebih baik memperbanyak ekspor jadi akan menambah devisa negara tentunya keuntungan Pertamina juga akan lebih banyak dari sebelumnya,” tutur Darius.

Pertamina berkomitmen memperkuat bisnis petrokimianya. Untuk itu, BUMN migas ini telah menandatangani frame work agreement dengan China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Taiwan membangun komplek petrokimia senilai US$ 6,49 miliar. Fasilitas yang dibangun yakni pabrik naphta cracker dan unit pengembangan sektor hilir petrokimia berskala global di Indonesia.

Proyek akan dikerjakan dengan skema joint venture antara Pertamina, CPC Taiwan, dan beberapa mitra hilir potensial lainnya. Pabrik naphta cracker diharapkan akan memproduksi paling sedikit 1 juta ton ethylene per tahun. Selain itu, keduanya juga akan membangun unit hilir yang akan memproduksi produk turunan kilang lainnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri di Indonesia.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Ignasius Tallulembang menjelaskan, pihaknya sudah ada diskusi awal dengan CPC. Pada tahap pertama, pihaknya akan menyiapkan lahan yang menjadi lokasi proyek petrokimia ini. Sejauh ini, ada tiga opsi lokasi, di mana opsi yang memungkinkan yakni di dekat Kilang Balongan.

“Setelah lahan, paralel kami akan lakukan FS (feasibility study/kajian kelayakan) untuk membuat konfigurasi kilang petrokimianya, produk-produknya apa saja, bersama partner,” tutur dia.

Selanjutnya, pihaknya juga akan membentuk perusahaan patungan dengan CPC. Namun, pihaknya masih harus mendiskusikan hal ini bersama CPC, termasuk soal besaran kepemilikan saham Pertamina. Pihaknya berharap bisa menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas.

“Karena kita kan di dalam negeri, pasarnya di kita, jadi diharapkan kami yang lebih besar share-nya,” ujar Tallulembang.

Selain itu, dua proyek pembangunan kilang baru perseroan juga akan dilengkapi dengan pengolahan produk petrokimia, yakni Kilang Tuban dan Kilang Bontang. Kilang Tuban yang dikerjakan perseroan bersama Rosneft Oil Company ditargetkan rampung pada 2024. Kilang ini akan menghasilkan produk bensin (gasoline) sebesar 80 ribu barel per hari (bph) , solar 90 ribu bph, dan avtur 26 ribu bph. 

Tidak hanya itu, Kilang Tuban juga akan memproduksi produk-produk baru petrokimia. Rincian produk ini adalah polipropilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun, polietilen 0,65 juta ton per tahun, stirena 0,5 juta ton per tahun, dan paraksilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun. 

Selanjutnya, Kilang Bontang direncanakan memiliki kapasitas 300 ribu bph dan ditargetkan mulai operasi pada 2025. Sayangnya, Pertamina belum merinci apa saja jenis produk yang akan dihasilkan kilang baru ini. Pasalnya, Pertamina masih dalam tahap diskusi dengan mitra terkait pembentukan perusahaan patungan.

Perusahaan yang digandeng perseroan di proyek ini adalah Overseas Oil and Gas LLC (OOG) dan Cosmo Oil International Pte Ltd (COI). Sebelumnya, Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengingatkan Pertamina untuk serius mengerjakan proyek kilang BBM dan petrokimia. Pasalnya, Presiden joko Widoro mengeluhkan bahwa tidak ada pembangunan kilang yang berjalan selama menjabat dalam empat tahun ini.

“Saya minta jangan ditunda lagi, karena saya sudah tiga tahun mendorong petrokimia dari Taipei tidak segera di,ulai,” kata dia.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Wednesday, Dec 5, 2018