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Friday, November 9, 2018

ExxonMobil is increasingly aggressive in downstream oil and gas

In addition to being active in the upstream oil and gas sector, oil companies from the United States, ExxonMobil are committed to aggressively investing in oil and gas downstream. One of the projects in the downstream sector that is being completed is the construction of a storage and shipping facility for fuel oil (BBM) in Balikpapan which is expected to start operating in 2020.

The fuel oil terminal (TBBM) located in Balikpapan is a result of collaboration between PT ExxonMobil Lubricants Indonesia and PT Karingau Gapura Terminal Energi to exclusively lease fuel storage and shipping facilities. ExxonMobil Indonesia's Vice President Public and Government Affair Erwin Maryoto said that Balikpapan TBBM will begin in 2020.

The agreement between Karingau Gate of Energi Terminal costs at least US $ 100 million.

"The plan is [operating the BBM storage facility] 2020," he said.

In addition to strengthening investment in TBBM, ExxonMobil has also completed the acquisition of Federal Lubricant worth US $ 436 million. With this acquisition, making the company from Uncle Sam's country get the Federal Oil selling brand and a lubricant production plant with a capacity of 700,000 barrels per year in Cilegon, Banten, West Java.


ExxonMobil Semakin Agresif di Hilir Migas

Selain aktif di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi, perusahaan minyak dari Amerika Serikat, ExxonMobil berkomitmen untuk agresif berinvestasi di hilir migas. Salah satu proyek di sektor hilir yang sedang diselesaikan adalah pembangunan fasilitas penyimpanan dan pengiriman Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) di Balikpapan yang diperkirakan akan mulai beroperasi pada 2020.

Terminal bahan bakar minyak (TBBM) yang berlokasi di Balikpapan itu merupakan basil kerja sama antara PT ExxonMobil Lubricants Indonesia dengan PT Karingau Gapura Terminal Energi untuk secara ekslusif menyewakan fasilitas penyimpanan dan pengiriman bahan bakar Vice President Public and Government Affair ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto mengatakan, operasional TBBM Balikpapan akan dimulai pada 2020.  

   Kesepakatan antara Karingau Gapura Terminal Energi memakan biaya sedikitnya US$100 juta.

“Rencananya [pengoperasian fasilitas penyimpanan BBM] 2020," katanya.

Selain memperkuat investasi di TBBM, ExxonMobil juga telah menyelesaikan proses akuisisi Federal Lubricant senilai US$ 436 juta. Dengan akuisisi ini, membuat perusahaan dari Negeri Paman Sam itu mendapatkan merek jual Federal Oil dan pabrik pencampuran produksi pelumas dengan kapasitas 700.000 barel per tahun di Cilegon, Banten-Jawa Barat.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Friday, Nov 9, 2018

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