, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 June 2017 -->

Friday, June 30, 2017

PGN seeks higher role in law revision

State-owned gas company PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) is seeking a greater role in national gas planning to expedite the development of gas infrastructures nationwide and centralize downstream gas business activities in the country.

During a recent closed hearing with the House of Representatives’ Legislation Body (Baleg), it discussed the formulation of a national gas procurement plan (RPGN) as part of an ongoing deliberation of the 2001 Oil and Gas Law revision. 

“We just wanted a clear direction on the infrastructure development. For instance, if the government wants to develop an industrial park, it should ideally be located near existing gas networks, hence the ensuing efficiency” PGN president director Jobi Triananda Hasjim said.

According to documents seen by The Jakarta Post, the RPGN will comprise two parts a national gas infrastructure plan and anational gas balance and the plan will be proposed annually by PGN, as a national gas company, to the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry.

However, if PGN is unable to carry out the gas infrastructure development as ,laid out in the plan, the government can offer the work to other parties through a tender.

PGN also proposed during the hearing to be the gas aggregator to coordinate all gas supplies, whether from domestic production or imports, and sell it at an aggregate price to customers.

It also sought the authority to import gas Whenever local supply is insufficient to meet demand. The government recently launched the 2016-2030 road map for gas infrastructure development, which is estimated to have a total investment value of US$48.2 billion.

According to the road map, $25.6 billion will be needed for liquefaction, $12 billion for pipeline development and $6.1 billion for regasification.

Moreover, $2.2 billion will be used to establish gas networks, $1.93 billion for gas stations and compressed natural gas (CNG) facilities and around $400 million for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) processing and distribution facilities.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Regulation No. 6/2016 stipulates that gas supply should be prioritized for the transportation sector, house holds and small customers.

Next on the priority list is support for oil and gas production, followed by support for the fertilizer industry, gas based industry electricity procurement and gas fueled industry

“We can help manage gas allocation for these sectors by coordinating With stakeholders such as [state energy firms] Pertamina and PLN,” Jobi said.

PGN’s dominance in the gas distribution sector has so far been under scrutiny by the Business Competition Supervisory Commission(KPPU), which accused the firm of monopolistic practices that led to high gas prices at the consumer level.

The company’s Wish of a bigger role in the industry also comes in the wake ofthe government’s plan to establish six state holding companies, including in the oil and gas sector.

If it succeeds with the plan, the government Will transfer its assets Within PGN to Pertamina. Pertamina Will then act as the oil and gas holding company While PGN will run as a subsidiary.

The measure is expected to create synergy between PGN and Pertagas, which is Pertamina’s own gas unit. PGN director Dilo Seno Widagdo previously voiced optimism that the merger of the two companies would increase their investment capacity in the gas sector to up to $33 billion for the next 14 years.

Jakarta Post, Page-11, Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday, June 23, 2017

Eni Save the Rhinoceros NGL

The supply of natural gas from Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau managed by Eni, an Italian oil and gas company, is the savior of PT Badak NGL's sustainability as a natural gas processing company to liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Salis S. Aprilian, CEO of PT Badak NGL, said that natural gas supply from Eni-managed Jangkrik Field is the future for the company's business continuity. Because the company's production capacity continues to decline due to the decline of natural gas supply to the company's LNG refinery.

During this time, Badak NGL relies on natural gas supply from Mahakam Block, East Kalimantan, and Sanga-sanga. Gas from the Chevron-run Indonesia Deep Water project has not been able to boost the company's LNG production.

"Eni provides a bright future for our business continuity [Badak NGL], in the current decline in natural gas supply," he said in Bontang, Thursday (22/6).

Salis said that in the first stage Eni supplies natural gas of 200 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd), and will be 400 MMscfd in the next few years. The NGL rhino asked Eni to ensure the supply of 400 MMscfd of natural gas for the LNG plant in Bontang to run well.

With the assumption of 2 million Trub Cubic feet (TCF) of Natural Gas reserves at Jangkrik Field, the supply from Eni can guarantee the continuity of Badak NGL's business for 12 years. The Company has signed a cooperation agreement with Eni for a period of 20 years with an option renewable.

With the entry of gas and Eni, Salis targets the Badak NGL to produce 160 LNG cargoes throughout the year, "higher than the original target of 146 cargoes.

"With this new gas supply, Badak NGL will be more sustainable as an LNG processing plant," he said.

Sukandar, Deputy Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations, said the Badak NGL should again prepare its facilities to accommodate gas from Jangkrik Field. The reason, Eni has committed to continue to increase its production up to 1,000 MMscfd.

Sukandar said that natural gas from Muara Bakau will be prioritized to meet the needs of LNG and fertilizer industry in the country. In addition, LNG and Cricket Fields are intended for power generation in some areas.


Eni Selamatkan Badak NGL

Pasokan gas alam dari Lapangan Jangkrik, Muara Bakau yang dikelola oleh Eni, perusahaan migas asal Italia menjadi penyelamat keberlanjutan usaha PT Badak NGL sebagai perusahaan pengolah gas bumi menjadi liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Salis S. Aprilian, CEO PT Badak NGL, mengatakan pasokan gas alam dari Lapangan Jangkrik yang dikelola Eni menjadi masa depan bagi keberlangsungan usaha perusahaan. Pasalnya, kapasitas produksi perusahaan terus merosot akibat turunnya pasokan gas alam ke kilang LNG milik perusahaan.

Selama ini, Badak NGL mengandalkan pasokan gas bumi dari Blok Mahakam, East Kalimantan, dan Sanga-sanga. Gas dari proyek Indonesian Deep Water yang dikelola Chevron pun belum dapat menggenjot produksi LNG perusahaan.

“Eni memberikan masa depan yang cerah bagi keberlangsungan usaha kami [Badak NGL], di saat penurunan pasokan gas alam saat ini,” katanya di Bontang, Kamis (22/6).

Salis menuturkan pada tahap pertama Eni memasok gas alam sebanyak 200 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd), dan akan menjadi 400 MMscfd dalam beherapa waktu mendatang. Badak NGL meminta Eni memastikan pasokan gas alam 400 MMscfd agar kilang LNG di Bontang berjalan baik.

Dengan asumsi cadangan gas alam di Lapangan Jangkrik sebanyak 2 Trillion cubic feet (TCF), maka pasokan dari Eni dapat menjamin keberlangsungan usaha Badak NGL selama 12 tahun. Perusahaan telah menandatangani perjanjian kerja sama dengan Eni untuk jangka waktu 20 tahun dengan opsi dapat diperpanjang.

Dengan masuknya gas dan Eni, Salis menargetkan Badak NGL mampu memproduksi 160 kargo LNG sepanjang tahun "ini, lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan target semula 146 kargo.

“Dengan adanya pasokan gas baru ini, Badak NGL akan semakin sustain sebagai kilang pengolahan LNG,” ujarnya.

Sukandar, Wakil Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi, mengatakan Badak NGL harus kembali mempersiapkan fasilitasnya untuk menampung gas dari Lapangan Jangkrik. Alasannya, Eni telah berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan produksinya hingga 1.000 MMscfd.

Sukandar menyebut gas alam dari Muara Bakau akan diprioritaskan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan LNG dan industri pupuk di dalam negeri. Selain itu, LNG dan Iapangan Jangkrik ditujukan untuk pembangkit listrik di sejumlah daerah.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-7, Friday, June 23, 2017

PGN Ready to Supply Gas Requirement in Dumai

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) is ready to meet gas demand in Duri, Riau Province, through a 56 km (km) of natural gas distribution pipeline network in Dumai. The pipeline project is connected to a 67km-long Duri-Dumai natural gas transmission pipeline under construction with PT Pertamina.

"Some time ago we signed a head of agreement for the Duri-Durnai transmission pipeline project with Pertamina at the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises as a follow-up to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 5975 K / 12 / MEM / 2016." With the exclusion of the project, "said PGN President Director Jobi Triananda Hasjim.

Two natural gas infrastructure projects in Duri-Dumai are estimated to require an investment of approximately USD 140 million. According to him, the natural gas distribution pipeline in Dumai aims to meet the needs of natural gas in Dumai City that can be used for industry, commercial, and household. In addition, there are potential new prospects in the Dumai region, such as Pelintung Industrial Estate, Pelindo, Lubuk Gaung Industrial Area.

Meanwhile, the gas distribution pipeline development project is targeted to be completed together with the completion of the Duri-Dumai transmission pipeline project by the end of 2018.

Related to natural gas supply, PGN has secured the allocation of natural gas from ConocoPhillips by 37 Billion British Thermal Units per Day (BBTUD) which will flow from 2018 until 2030. In addition, PGN also received additional gas allocation of BBTUD 2 from Jambi Merang.

In addition to Duri-Dumai PGN is also expanding the national natural gas infrastructure network in various other regions. Currently PGN is also developing West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) transmission pipeline infrastructure to Pemping Island, Riau Islands Province.

PGN also develops natural gas pipeline in Muara Karang Muara Bekasi along 42 km, development of gas infrastructure in Gresik, East Java. PGN also builds natural gas distribution pipelines in Pasuruan, Mojokerto, and increases the number of natural gas users, especially in the industrial sector in various existing PGN areas.

"This is a form of PGN's commitment as a state-owned gas company to the country, in the hope that more and more people will enjoy PGN gas that is more efficient, cleaner, easier and safer," he said.


PGN Siap Pasok Kebutuhan Gas di Dumai

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) siap memenuhi kebutuhan gas di wilayah Duri, Provinsi Riau, melalui jaringan pipa distribusi gas bumi di Dumai sepanjang 56 kilometer (km). Proyek pipa tersebut terkoneksi dengan pipa transmisi gas bumi Duri-Dumai sepanjang 67 km yang sedang dibangun bersama PT Pertamina.

"Beberapa waktu lalu kami telah menandatangani head of agreement untuk proyek pipa transmisi Duri-Durnai bersama dengan Pertamina di Kementerian BUMN sebagai tindak lanjut Keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 5975 K/12/MEM/2016. Bersamaan dengan dimualinya proyek tersebut,”kata Direktur Utama PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim.

Dua proyek infrastruktur gas bumi di Duri-Dumai ini diperkirakan membutuhkan dana investasi sekitar USD 140 juta. Menurut dia, pipa distribusi gas bumi di Dumai bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gas bumi di Kota Dumai yang dapat digunakan untuk industri, komersial, dan rumah tangga. Selain itu, ada potensi calon pelanggan baru di wilayah Dumai, seperti Kawasan Industri Pelintung, Pelindo, Kawasan Industri Lubuk Gaung.

Adapun, proyek pembangunan pipa distribusi gas bumi tersebut ditargetkan selesai bersama-sama dengan selesainya proyek pipa transmisi Duri-Dumai pada akhir 2018.

Terkait pasokan gas bumi, PGN telah mendapatkan kepastian alokasi gas bumi dari ConocoPhillips sebanyak 37 Billion British Thermal Units per Day (BBTUD) yang akan mengalir pada 2018 sampai 2030. Selain itu, PGN juga mendapatkan tambahan alokasi gas bumi sebesar2 BBTUD dari Jambi Merang.

Selain Duri-Dumai PGN juga memperluas jaringan infrastruktur gas bumi nasional di berbagai daerah lain. Saat ini PGN juga sedang mengembangkan infrastruktur pipa transmisi gas bumi West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) ke Pulau Pemping, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. 

PGN juga mengembangkan pipa gas bumi di Muara Karang Muara Bekasi sepanjang 42 km, pengembangan infrastruktur gas bumi di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Kemudian PGN juga membangun jaringan pipa distribusi gas bumi di Pasuruan, Mojokerto, dan menambah jumlah pengguna gas bumi, terutama di sektor industri di berbagai wilayah existing PGN.

“Ini bentuk komitmen PGN sebagai BUMN gas kepada negeri, dengan harapan semakin banyak masyarakat menikmati gas bumi PGN yang lebih efisien, bersih, mudah dan aman," tuturnya.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Friday, June 23, 2017

Pertagas Profit Grows 9.1% to US $ 68.6 Million

Until May 2017, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) recorded a net profit of US $ 68.6 million, up 9.1 percent compared to last year's US $ 62.9 million. The composition of the profit contributor is still from gas transportation which reaches 80%. The remaining 20% ​​of trading.

Because the biggest contribution is still from pipeline transportation, Pertagas is diligent in building the project. This year Pertagas will build a 513 km project spread across Grissik-Semarang, Grissik-Pusri and Grissik-Gresik Looping.

Hatim Ilwan, Public Relation & CSR Manager of Pertagas, said that besides the 513 km project, there are still four other projects this year. The four are Duri-Dumai gas pipeline, Senipah-Balikpapan, Kuala Tanjung-East Kalimantan and Pasuruan-East Java. The total length of the project is 175 km.

The project will increase the company's gas distribution capability. Pertagas now has a length of 2,463 km of gas network throughout Indonesia. "The Duri-Dumai gas pipeline project is in synergy with Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN)," Hatim said

According to him, the synergy with PGN will also provide its own benefits for the company, because the initial step and the government's discourse can realize the oil and gas holding.

"Concerning the holding principle we are following the government's decision, so when asked for readiness, yes, we are ready," Hatim said.

So far, the Toll fee from Pertagas pipeline is US $ 2.53 per mmbtu. But in Medan the price of Tol Fee fell to US $ 1.8 per mmbtu, due to government policy. "To support industries in the region of North Sumatra," he said.

In addition to building an open access gas pipeline, Pertagas also continues to build a gas network to residents' homes. There are six areas to be built gas network. However, not all will be done by Pertagas. "There is a contractor working on and putting Pertagas as operator and maintenance," Hatim said.

Areas that are built are Pali, Muara Enim, Mojokerto, Pekanbaru, Samarinda, and Bontang. A total of 31,000 household connections. Last year the company built a gas network of three locations, such as Prabumulih, Cilegon and Balikpapan with a total of 39,000 household connections. In the business of gas traders, carried out by a subsidiary of Pertagas. Namely PT Pertagas Niaga, PT Perta Arun Gas, PT Perta Samtan Gas and PT Perta Daya Gas.


Laba Pertagas Tumbuh 9,1% Menjadi US$ 68,6 Juta

Sampai Mei 2017, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) mencatatkan laba bersih sebesar US$ 68,6 juta, naik 9,1% dibandingkan pencapaian periode sama tahun lalu yang sebesar US$ 62,9 juta. Komposisi kontributor laba masih dari transportasi gas yang mencapai 80%. Sisanya sebesar 20% dari trading.

Lantaran kontribusi terbesar masih dari transportasi pipa, Pertagas rajin membangun proyek. Tahun ini Pertagas akan membangun proyek sepanjang 513 km yang tersebar di Grissik-Semarang, Grissik-Pusri dan Grissik-Gresik Looping.

Hatim Ilwan, Manajer Public Relation & CSR Pertagas, menyatakan, selain proyek sepanjang 513 km itu, masih ada empat proyek lain di tahun ini. Keempatnya adalah pipa gas Duri-Dumai, Senipah-Balikpapan, Kuala Tanjung-Kalimantan Timur dan Pasuruan- Jawa Timur. Total keseluruhan panjang proyek tersebut mencapai 175 km.

Proyek tersebut akan meningkatkan kemampuan penyaluran gas perusahaan tersebut. Kini, Pertagas memiliki panjang jaringan gas mencapai 2.463 km di seluruh Indonesia. "Proyek pipa gas Duri-Dumai sinergi dengan Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN)," ungkap Hatim 

Menurut dia, sinergi dengan PGN juga akan memberikan keuntungan sendiri bagi perusahaan tersebut, karena langkah awal dan wacana pemerintah bisa mewujudkan holding migas. 

"Soal holding pada prinsipnya kami ikut dengan keputusan pemerintah, Jadi kalau ditanya kesiapan, ya, kami siap," kata Hatim.

Sejauh ini harga Tol fee dari pipa Pertagas sebesar US$ 2,53 per mmbtu. Tapi di Medan harga Tol Fee turun menjadi US$ 1,8 per mmbtu, karena ada kebijakan pemerintah. "Untuk mendukung industri di wilayah Sumatra Utara," kata dia.

Selain membangun pipa gas open access, Pertagas juga terus membangun jaringan gas ke rumah-rumah warga. Ada enam daerah yang akan dibangun jaringan gas. Namun, tidak semua akan dikerjakan oleh Pertagas. "Ada yang dikerjakan kontraktor dan menempatkan Pertagas sebagai operator dan maintenance, ujar Hatim.

Wilayah yang dibangun itu adalah Pali, Muara Enim, Mojokerto, Pekanbaru, Samarinda, dan Bontang. Totalnya 31.000 sambungan rumah tangga. Tahun lalu perusahaan ini membangun jaringan gas Tiga lokasi, seperti Prabumulih, Cilegon dan Balikpapan dengan total 39.000 sambungan rumah tangga. Di bisnis trader gas, dilakukan oleh anak usaha Pertagas. Yakni PT Pertagas Niaga, PT Perta Arun Gas, PT Perta Samtan Gas dan PT Perta Daya Gas.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, June 23, 2017

Government Fix Tax Gross Split

Oil and gas contract rules

The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) has asked the government to issue a tax regulation if it wants to use a gross split scheme. Because if using the previous tax system oil and gas activities will not be economical.

IPA Executive Director Marjolijn Wajong said, with the existence of a new contract system, the government should also issue new tax rules. Moreover, the government is currently auctioning 15 Oil and Gas Blocks using a gross split scheme.

So far, taxation in gross split is still subject to the taxation of cost recovery that is subject to value added tax (VAT), income tax (PPh) and import tax. "IPA argues it would be nice if the tax regulations are clear when investors consider taking new blocks through the auction of oil and gas blocks," said Marjolijn

According to her, input from the IPA was reportedly will be followed up by the government. "In the near future the government will formulate Government Regulation (PP) on tax in the gross split scheme," her said.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Arcandra Tahar revealed, the government will issue a PP similar to the PP. 79 of 2010 on Refundable Operating Costs and Tax Treatment for Upstream Oil and Gas Industry. "There will be a PP like PP 79/2010, if PP 79 for cost recovery, if this is specific to gross split," said Arcandra.

The ESDM Ministry and the Ministry of Finance are discussing the draft PP on taxes for the gross split scheme. After the Eid al-Fitr holiday, the government will summon business actors to discuss together the draft regulation.

Oil and gas business actors welcomed the plan to issue tax rules for gross split. Gunung Sardjono Hadi, President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi, said that the tax regulation is important for upstream oil and gas actors, especially those using the gross split scheme.

And so far there is no clear rule about the taxation of gross split contracts. "It is very necessary to have a special tax regulation of gross split, because now there is no reference," said Gunung.

If the clear tax rules do not go up, Mount predicts, the use of gross split scheme will affect the economy of oil and gas field. "If there is a tax rule, it is expected that the oil and gas field's economy can be more attractive," he said.


Pemerintah Tetapkan Pajak Gross Split

Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) meminta pemerintah menerbitkan aturan soal perpajakan jika ingin memakai skema gross split. Sebab jika memakai sistem perpajakan sebelumnya kegiatan migas tidak akan ekonomis.

Direktur Eksekutif IPA Marjolijn Wajong menyebutkan, dengan adanya sistem kontrak baru, sebaiknya pemerintah juga menerbitkan aturan perpajakan yang baru. Apalagi saat ini pemerintah sedang melakukan lelang 15 Blok Migas dengan menggunakan skema gross split.

Sejauh ini perpajakan dalam gross split masih mengikuti perpajakan cost recovery yakni dikenakan pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN), pajak penghasilan (PPh) dan pajak impor. "IPA berpendapat alangkah baiknya kalau peraturan perpajakan sudah jelas pada saat investor mempertimbangkan akan mengambil blok baru melalui lelang blok migas," kata Marjolijn

Menurut dia, masukan dari IPA teiisebut kabarnya akan ditindaklanjuti oleh pemerintah. "Dalam waktu dekat pemerintah akan merumuskan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) soal pajak dalam skema gross split," ungkap dia.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar mengungkapkan, pemerintah akan menerbitkan PP yang mirip dengan PP No. 79 tahun 2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Perpajakan Bagi Industri Hulu Migas. "Nanti ada PP seperti PP 79/2010, kalau PP 79 untuk cost recovery, kalau ini khusus untuk gross split," ujar Arcandra.

Kementerian ESDM dan Kementerian Keuangan sedang membahas rancangan PP mengenai pajak untuk skema gross split ini. Setelah libur Hari Raya Idul Fitri nanti, pemerintah akan memanggil pelaku usaha untuk membahas bersama rancangan PP tersebut. 

Pelaku usaha migas menyambut baik rencana penerbitan aturan perpajakan untuk gross split. Gunung Sardjono Hadi, Presiden Direktur Pertamina Hulu Energi, menyebutkan, aturan perpajakan ini penting bagi pelaku hulu migas terutama yang menggunakan skema gross split.

Dan sejauh ini memang belum ada aturan yang jelas soal perpajakan kontrak gross split. "Sangat perlu peraturan perpajakan khusus gross split. Karena memang saat ini belum ada acuannya," kata Gunung.

Jika aturan pajak yang jelas tidak kunjung terbit, Gunung memprediksi, penggunaan skema gross split akan mempengaruhi keekonomian lapangan migas. "Kalau ada aturan pajak diharapkan keekonomian lapangan migas bisa lebih menarik," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, June 23, 2017

Investigator Wait for Pertamina Loss Value

The Bintan Police Investigator, Riau Islands, focused on obtaining data on Pertamina's losses from theft involving Trust Honor tankers. Investigators have the opportunity to examine Pertamina employees and partners to uncover the case.

Bintan Resort Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Febrianto Guntur said that the calculation of loss is one of the need to complete the case file. "We are still waiting for the audit result," he said on Thursday (22/6), in Bintan.

The police need certainty of the amount of oil stolen and transferred to Trust Honor tankers. Investigators also need to make sure how many times the theft is done. In addition to waiting for the calculation of losses, the investigators focus on digging information from the suspects. Up to now, six people have been named as suspects in the case. They include Yurzely Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), and Agus M Zakaria (44).

Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Trans Continental Nurkasa Siregar in a letter dated June 21, 2017 to Kompas stated, the four suspects are not workers of Pertamina Trans Continental. Previously written Yurzery Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), and Agus M Zakaria (44) are employees of PT Pertamina Trans Continental (Kompas, 21/6). Nurkasa states, the company's name is PT Pertamina Trans Continental. In addition to the four men, the Honor Trust Honor, Fahrizal, and PT Surveyor Indonesia employee Achmad Hidayat (25) were also suspects.

Check partner

Guntur said the investigators will examine the other parties based on the information of the suspects. Investigators will examine Pertamina employees and partners in the Riau Archipelago and North Sumatra.

Investigation to North Sumatra is required because Pertamina Territory Marketing Office I is located in Medan. The stolen oil is owned by Pertamina. In addition, there is information of stolen oil sold in Belawan Port, North Sumatra. The crime was revealed when colleague Achmad Hidayat complained to Jakarta. Fellow Achmad refused to be involved in the syndicate. He did not want to conspire, he chose to report the conspiracy. Supposedly, Achmad is in charge of ensuring the oil is moved in accordance with the provisions. However, he falsified the report to cover the theft.

The mode, taking oil from ships used Pertamina send oil between the depot or refinery. The gang moved some of the oil from Pertamina's rented tankers to MT Trust Honor.

In addition to reports of colleagues Achmad, there are also reports from Pertamina to the police. Pertamina's management at Tanjung Uban depot, Bintan, found the fact that hundreds of tons of oil did not reach the depot. It was revealed early June 2017.

The reports received the attention of Pertamina's internal team and police checks. From the examination, the police set six suspects. However, for more than three weeks, management at the depot of Pertamina Tanjung Uban did not provide information to journalists. The duty officers at the depot compound always stated the boss was busy or not in place when the reporters came and claimed to confirm the case.


Penyidik Tunggu Nilai Kerugian Pertamina

Penyidik Polres Bintan, Kepulauan Riau, fokus memperoleh data kerugian Pertamina akibat pencurian yang melibatkan tanker Trust Honor. Penyidik membuka peluang memeriksa para pegawai dan rekanan Pertamina untuk mengungkap kasus itu.

Kepala Polisi Resort Bintan Ajun Komisaris Besar Febrianto Guntur menuturkan, penghitungan kerugian adalah salah satu kebutuhan untuk melengkapi berkas perkara. ”Kami masih menunggu hasil audit,” ujarnya, Kamis (22/6), di Bintan.

Polisi membutuhkan kepastian jumlah minyak yang dicuri dan dipindahkan ke tanker Trust Honor. Penyidik juga perlu memastikan berapa kali pencurian dilakukan. Selain menunggu penghitungan kerugian, para penyidik fokus menggali keterangan dari para tersangka. Sampai sekarang, enam orang ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dalam kasus itu. Mereka antara lain Yurzely Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), dan Agus M Zakaria (44).

Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental Nurkasa Siregar dalam surat tertanggal 21 Juni 2017 kepada Kompas menyatakan, keempat tersangka bukan pekerja Pertamina Trans Kontinental. Sebelumnya tertulis Yurzery Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), dan Agus M Zakaria (44) adalah pegawai PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental (Kompas, 21/6). Nurkasa menyatakan, nama perusahaannya adalah PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental. Selain keempat orang itu, mualim Trust Honor, Fahrizal, dan pegawai PT Surveyor Indonesia, Achmad Hidayat (25), juga menjadi tersangka. 

Periksa rekanan

Guntur menyatakan, penyidik akan memeriksa pihak-pihak lain berdasarkan keterangan para tersangka. Penyidik akan memeriksa pegawai dan rekanan Pertamina di Kepulauan Riau dan Sumatera Utara.

Penyelidikan ke Sumatera Utara diperlukan karena Kantor Pertamina Wilayah Pemasaran I terletak di Medan. Minyak yang dicuri merupakan milik Pertamina. Selain itu, ada informasi minyak curian dijual di Pelabuhan Belawan, Sumatera Utara. Kejahatan itu terungkap saat rekan kerja Achmad Hidayat mengadu ke Jakarta. Rekan Achmad menolak dilibatkan dalam sindikat itu. Dia tidak mau berkomplot, ia memilih melaporkan persekongkolan itu. Seharusnya, Achmad bertugas memastikan minyak yang dipindahkan sesuai ketentuan. Namun, ia memalsukan laporan untuk menutupi pencurian.

Modusnya, mengambil minyak dari kapal yang dipakai Pertamina mengirim minyak antar depo atau kilang. Komplotan itu memindahkan sebagian minyak dari tanker sewaan Pertamina ke MT Trust Honor.

Selain laporan rekan Achmad, ada pula laporan dari Pertamina ke polisi. Manajemen Pertamina di depo Tanjung Uban, Bintan, mendapati fakta ratusan ton minyak tidak sampai ke depo itu. Hal itu terungkap awal Juni 2017.

Laporan-laporan itu mendapatkan perhatian pemeriksaan tim internal Pertamina dan polisi. Dari pemeriksaan itu, polisi menetapkan enam tersangka. Namun, selama lebih dari tiga pekan, manajemen di depo Pertamina Tanjung Uban tidak memberikan keterangan kepada wartawan. Para petugas jaga di kompleks depo selalu menyatakan pimpinan sibuk atau tidak di tempat saat para pewarta datang dan menyatakan akan mengonfirmasi kasus itu.

Kompas, Page-22, Friday, June 23, 2017

Gas Supply Make Batam Paradise for Investors

Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) targets Batam, Riau Islands, to become a natural gas city. Reliable energy supply will attract many investors investing in cities bordering Singapore. Director of PGN Infrastructure and Technology Dilo Seno Widagdo said it is continuing to expand its infrastructure network and increase the supply of natural gas to various areas in Batam.

"Since 2004 we have continued to build a natural gas distribution network to customers in Batam. PGN supplies directly to industries, commercial businesses, to power plants and households, "Dilo said

Currently for the Batam area, PGN has served 3,497 household customers, 53 commercial customers, and 43 industrial customers and power plants. Nationwide PGN has supplied 1,658 large industries and power plants, 1,930 commercial customers, and 204 thousand household customers spread across 19 districts / cities in 12 provinces across Indonesia.

Dilo said that in the near future PGN will also complete the WNTS transmission pipeline project at the point of Sub Sea Tie In-Batam (SSTI-B) to Pemping Island. This project is a government assignment to PGN to build and operate gas pipeline from SSTI-B to Pemping Island.

"The development of the WNTS transmission pipeline infrastructure project at the point of Sub Sea Tie In-Batam (SSTI-B) to Pulau Pemping will provide the benefits of alternative gas supply for Riau Islands (Batam, Bintan and Karimun) and one of PGN's contribution in supporting the program Government for national energy sustainability and independence, "explained Dilo.

With the construction of this gas pipeline project, PGN Batam will have a total energy capacity of 40 BBtud. In fact, the volume of natural gas can be increased up to 100 BBtud in subsequent years, according to customer requirements.

"PGN is growing with all customers and other stakeholders in the development of an independent domestic competitiveness. Guaranteed and reliable energy supply, it is not possible Batam will become a haven for investors to invest, "he concluded.


Pasokan Gas Jadikan Batam Surga bagi Investor

Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) menargetkan Batam, Kepulauan Riau, akan menjadi kota gas bumi. Pasokan energi yang andal akan menarik banyak investor berinvestasi di kota yang berbatasan langsung dengan Singapura. Direktur Infrastruktur dan Teknologi PGN Dilo Seno Widagdo mengatakan pihaknya terus memperluas jaringan infrastruktur dan meningkatkan pasokan gas bumi ke berbagai wilayah di Batam.

“Sejak 2004 kami terus bangun jaringan distribusi gas bumi ke pelanggan di Batam. PGN memasok langsung ke industri, usaha komersial, sampai pembangkit listrik dan rumah tangga,” kata Dilo 

Saat ini untuk wilayah Batam, PGN telah melayani 3.497 pelanggan rumah tangga, 53 pelanggan komersial, dan 43 pelanggan industri dan pembangkit listrik. Secara nasional PGN telah memasok 1.658 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, 1.930 pelanggan komersial, dan 204 ribu pelanggan rumah tangga yang tersebar di 19 kabupaten/kota di 12 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia.

Dilo mengatakan, dalam waktu dekat PGN juga kembali menyelesaikan proyek pipa trasmisi WNTS di titik Sub Sea Tie In-Batam (SSTI-B) ke Pulau Pemping. Proyek ini merupakan penugasan pemerintah kepada PGN untuk membangun dan mengoperasikan pipa gas dari SSTI-B ke Pulau Pemping.

“Pengembangan proyek infrastruktur pipa transmisi WNTS di titik Sub Sea Tie In-Batam (SSTI-B) ke Pulau Pemping akan memberikan manfaat berupa alternatif pasokan gas bagi Kepulauan Riau (Batam, Bintan, dan Karimun) dan salah satu wujud kontribusi PGN dalam mendukung program pemerintah untuk ketahanan dan kemandirian energi nasional,” jelas Dilo.

Dengan terbangunnya proyek pipa gas ini, PGN wilayah Batam akan memiliki tamhahan total kapasitas energi sebesar 40 BBtud. Bahkan, volume gas bumi dapat ditingkatkan hingga 100 BBtud di tahun-tahun berikutnya, sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan.

“PGN bertumbuh bersama seluruh pelanggan dan stakeholder lainnya dalam pembangunan daya saing negeri yang mandiri. Pasokan energi terjamin dan andal, bukan tidak mungkin Batam akan menjadi surga bagi investor berinvestasi,” tutupnya.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Thursday, June 22, 2017

PGN Make Batam Gas City

PT PGN Tbk wants to make Batam, Riau Islands, as a natural gas city. The company believes reliable energy supply will attract many investors to invest in the area. "Since 2004, we have continued to build a natural gas distribution network to customers in Batam.

PGN supplies directly to industries, commercial businesses, power plants and households, "said Director of PGN Infrastructure and Technology Dilo Seno Widagdo.

According Dilo, in the near future, Batam can be called as a natural gas city. Therefore, PGN continues to expand the infrastructure network and increase the supply of natural gas to various areas in Batam. Currently, PGN has serviced 3,497 household customers, 53 commercial customers, and 43 industrial and power generation customers in Batam.

Overall, PGN has supplied 1,658 large industries and power plants, 1,930 commercial customers, and 204 thousand household customers spread across 19 districts / cities in 12 provinces in the country. Dilo added that in the near future, PGN will complete the West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) transmission pipeline project at the point of Sub-Sea Tie In-Batam (SSTI-B) to Pulau Pemping.

This project is a government assignment to PGN to build and operate gas pipeline from SSTI-B to Pemping Island. He believes the development of the WNTS transmission pipeline infrastructure project will be beneficial, among others, as an alternative gas supply for the Riau Islands (Batam, Bintan and Karimun) as well as supporting the national energy security and sustainability program.

With the construction of the gas pipeline project, Batam Island PGN will have an additional total energy capacity of 40 billion British terrnal units per day (Bbtud). The volume of gas can be increased to 100 BBtud in subsequent years. PGN hopes to support the availability of large energy in Batam that can be utilized Batam City Government to attract investors and build the commercial sector, industry, and electricity.


PGN Jadikan Batam Kota Gas Bumi

PT PGN Tbk ingin menjadikan Batam, Kepulauan Riau, sebagai kota gas bumi. Perusahaan yakin pasokan energi yang andal akan menarik banyak investor untuk menanamkan modal di daerah itu. “Sejak 2004, kami terus membangun jaringan distribusi gas bumi kepada pelanggan di Batam. 

PGN memasok langsung ke industri, usaha komersial, pembangkit listrik, dan runah tangga," ujar Direktur Infrastruktur dan Teknologi PGN, Dilo Seno Widagdo.

Menurut Dilo, dalam waktu dekat, Batam bisa disebut sebagai kota gas bumi. Sebab, PGN terus memperluas jaringan infrastruktur dan meningkatkan pasokan gas bumi ke berbagai wilayah di Batam. Saat ini, PGN telah rnelayani 3.497 pelanggan rumah tangga, 53 pelanggan komersial, serta 43 pelanggan industri dan pembangkit listrik di Batam.

Secara keseluruhan, PGN telah memasok 1.658 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, 1.930 pelanggan komersial, dan 204 ribu pelanggan rumah tangga yang tersebar di 19 kabupaten/kota di 12 provinsi di Tanah Air. Dilo menambahkan, dalam waktu dekat, PGN akan menyelesaikan proyek pipa transmisi West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) di titik Sub-Sea Tie In-Batam (SSTI-B) ke Pulau Pemping. 

Proyek ini merupakan penugasan pemerintah kepada PGN untuk membangun dan mengoperasikan pipa gas dari SSTI-B ke Pulau Pemping. Ia yakin pengembangan proyek infrastruktur pipa transmisi WNTS itu akan bermanfaat, antara lain, sebagai alternatif pasokan gas bagi Kepulauan Riau (Batam, Bintan, dan Karimun) serta mendukung program ketahanan dan kemandirian energi nasional.

Dengan dibangunnya proyek pipa gas itu, PGN wilayah Batam akan memiliki tambahan total kapasitas energi sebesar 40 miliar British terrnal unit per hari (Bbtud). Volume gas dapat ditingkatkan hingga 100 BBtud pada tahun-tahun berikutnya. PGN berharap dukungan ketersediaan energi yang besar di Batam itu dapat dimanfaatkan Pemerintah Kota Batam untuk menarik investor dan membangun sektor komersial, industri, dan kelistrikan.

Koran Tempo, Page-21, Thursday, June 22, 2017

Guaranteed Gas Supply, Batam Becomes Paradise for Investors

PT Perusahaan Gas Negaray (PGN) continues to strengthen the gas supply in Batam Island, Riau Islands by building a pipeline connecting West Natuna Transportation System (WNTS) to Pemping Island. This makes it easier for investors to invest in Batam.

Director of PGN Infrastructure and Technology Dilo Seno Widagdo said that in the near future it will complete the WNTS transmission pipeline project at the point of Sub Sea Tie In-Batam (SSTI-B) to Pulau Pemping. This project is a government assignment to PGN to build and operate gas pipeline from SSTI-B to Pemping Island.

"This project will provide benefits in the form of an alternative gas supply for the Riau Islands, which includes Batam, Bintan and Karimun, and one of PGN's contribution in supporting the government's program for national energy sustainability and independence," said Dilo

Dilo said with the construction of this gas pipeline project, PGN Batam area will have additional gas supply of 40 billion british thermal unit per day (BBtud). In fact, the volume of natural gas can be increased up to 100 BBtud in subsequent years, according to the needs of people in various segments of gas users. So the pipeline is expected to further strengthen PGN's gas supply guarantees to customers.

With the availability of energy support in Batam is great, Batam City Government can work to attract more investors from abroad to improve the economy in Batam Island, Bintan and surrounding areas.

"PGN continues to improve the country's competitiveness through an integrated infrastructure and reliable gas supply. Secure and reliable energy supply is not impossible Batam will be a haven for investors to invest, "said Dilo.

Since 2004, PGN has continued to build a gas distribution network to customers in Batam. Currently for the Batam area, PGN has served 3,497 household customers, 53 commercial customers and 43 industrial customers and power plants. Not only in Batam, PGN also expanded its gas infrastructure in Dumai, Riau by building a distribution pipeline of 56 kilometers (km).

PGN's President Director, Jobi Triananda Hasjim, said that the Dumai gas distribution pipeline project is a PGN initiative to channel natural gas to PGN's customers in Dumai. This pipeline will be connected to the 67 km long Duri-Dumai gas transmission pipeline.

"Along with the Duri-Dumai project, PGN also develops a 56 km gas distribution pipeline network in Dumai," said Jobi.

The Dumai gas distribution pipeline project explains the diameter of 24 and 16 inches. Related to the supply of natural gas, PGN has secured the allocation of natural gas from Conoco-Phillips as much as 37 BBtud which will flow in 2018-2030. In addition, PGN also received an additional gas allocation of 2 BBTUD from Jambi Merang.

"The gas distribution pipeline development project is targeted to be completed together with the completion of the Duri-Dumai transmission pipeline project by the end of 2018," he said.

The investment value of this project is approximately US $ 140 million. PGN also works on other pipeline projects. PGN develops natural gas pipelines in Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi along 42 km, gas infrastructure in Gresik, East Java, natural gas distribution pipeline in Pasuruan, Mojokerto, and increasing the number of natural gas users, especially in the industrial sector in various areas of existing PGN.

"This is a form of PGN's commitment as a state-owned gas company to the country, in the hope that more and more people will enjoy PGN gas that is more efficient, cleaner, easier and safer," Jobi said.

As is known, currently PGN has built and operated a natural gas pipeline infrastructure over 7,270 km. This PGN infrastructure is equivalent to 80% of Indonesia's natural gas pipelines. From the infrastructure of the natural gas pipeline, PGN is delivering gas to 1,652 industrial and power generation customers, 1,929 commercial and small business customers, and 204,000 households. PGN customers are spread across 19 cities in 12 provinces.


Pasokan Gas Terjamin, Batam Menjadi Surga bagi Investor

PT Perusahaan Gas Negaray (PGN) terus memperkuat pasokan gas di wilayah Batam, Kepulauan Riau dengan membangun pipa yang menghubungkan West Natuna Transportation System (WNTS) ke Pulau Pemping. Hal ini memudahkan investor berinvestasi di Batam.

Direktur Infrastruktur dan Teknologi PGN Dilo Seno Widagdo mengatakan dalam waktu dekat pihaknya akan menyelesaikan proyek pipa trasmisi WNTS di titik Sub Sea Tie In-Batam (SSTI-B) ke Pulau Pemping. Proyek ini merupakan penugasan pemerintah kepada PGN untuk membangun dan mengoperasikan pipa gas dari SSTI-B ke Pulau Pemping.

“Proyek ini akan memberikan manfaat berupa alternatif pasokan gas bagi Kepulauan Riau yang mencakup Batam, Bintan dan Karimun, dan salah satu wujud kontribusi PGN dalam mendukung program pemerintah untuk ketahanan dan kemandirian energi nasional,” kata Dilo 

Dilo mengungkapkan dengan terbangunnya proyek pipa gas ini, maka PGN wilayah Batam akan memiliki tambahan pasokan gas sebesar 40 miliar british thermal unit per hari (billion british thermal unit per day/BBtud). Bahkan, volume gas bumi dapat ditingkatkan hingga 100 BBtud di tahun-tahun berikutnya, sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat di berbagai segmen pengguna gas. Sehingga pipa ini diharapkan semakin memperkuat jaminan pasokan gas bumi PGN ke pelanggan. 

Dengan adanya dukungan ketersediaan energi di Batam yang besar ini, Pemerintah Kota Batam bisa bekerja untuk dapat menarik lebih banyak investor dari luar negeri untuk meningkatkan perekonomian di Pulau Batam, Bintan dan sekitarnya. 

“PGN terus meningkatkan daya saing negeri melalui infrastruktur yang terintegrasi dan pasokan gas yang handal. Pasokan energi terjamin dan handal bukan tidak mungkin Batam akan menjadi surga bagi investor berinvestasi,” kata Dilo.

Sejak 2004, PGN terus membangun jaringan distribusi gas ke pelanggan di Batam. Saat ini untuk wilayah Batam, PGN telah melayani 3.497 pelanggan rumah tangga, 53 pelanggan komersial dan 43 pelanggan industri dan pembangkit listrik. Tidak hanya di Batam, PGN juga memperluas infrastruktur gas di Dumai, Riau dengan membangun pipa distribusi sepanjang 56 kilometer (km). 

Direktur Utama PGN, Jobi Triananda Hasjim mengungkapkan, proyek pipa distribusi gas bumi Dumai tersebut merupakan inisiatif PGN untuk menyalurkan gas bumi kepada pelanggan-pelanggan PGN di Dumai. Pipa ini akan terkoneksi dengan pipa transmisi gas bumi Duri-Dumai sepanjang 67 km.

“Bersamaan dengan jalannya proyek Duri-Dumai, PGN juga mengembangkan jaringan pipa distribusi gas bumi di Dumai sepanjang 56 km,” kata Jobi. 

Proyek pipa distribusi gas bumi Dumai ini dijelaskannya berdiameter 24 dan 16 inchi. Terkait pasokan gas bumi, PGN telah mendapatkan kepastian alokasi gas bumi dari Conoco-Phillips sebanyak 37 BBtud yang akan mengalir pada 2018-2030. Selain itu, PGN juga mendapatkan tambahan alokasi gas bumi sebesar 2 BBTUD dari Jambi Merang.

“Proyek pembangunan pipa distribusi gas bumi ini ditargetkan selesai bersama-sama dengan rampungnya proyek pipa transmisi Duri-Dumai pada akhir 2018," ujarnya. 

Nilai investasi proyek ini sekitar US$ 140 juta. PGN juga menggarap proyek pipa lainnya. PGN mengembangkan pipa gas bumi di Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi sepanjang 42 km, infrastruktur gas bumi di Gresik, Jawa Timur, pipa distribusi gas bumi di Pasuruan, Mojokerto, dan menambah jumlah pengguna gas bumi terutama di sektor industri di berbagai wilayah eksisting PGN.

"lni bentuk komitmen PGN sebagai BUMN gas kepada negeri, dengan harapan semakin banyak masyarakat menikmati gas bumi PGN yang lebih efisien, bersih, mudah dan aman,” kata Jobi.

Seperti diketahui, saat ini PGN telah membangun dan mengoperasikan infrastruktur pipa gas bumi sepanjang lebih dari 7.270 km. lnfrastruktur PGN ini setara dengan 80% pipa gas bumi seluruh Indonesia. Dari infrastruktur pipa gas bumi tersebut, PGN mengalirkan gas ke 1.652 pelanggan industri dan pembangkit listrik,1.929 pelanggan komersial dan usaha kecil, serta 204.000 pelanggan rumah tangga. Pelanggan PGN tersebut tersebar di 19 kota di 12 provinsi.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, June 22, 2017

Added Split Block ONWJ No More 5%

PT Pertamina declared that the additional portion of the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) Offshore Block (offshore) split to be proposed to the government would not exceed 5%. This count refers to the direction of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in reviewing the ONWJ Block.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said it had completed a comprehensive review of ONWJ Block after the contract was signed with a gross split mechanism in February. From the results of the study, the company still needs additional split to boost the economy of oil and gas blocks off the north coast of West Java.

The discretion in question is the discretion of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources as set out in Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 8 Year 2017 which regulates the contract of gross split. In Article 7 mentioned, when the calculation of commercialization of the field does not reach a certain economy, the contractor gets a maximum split of 5%.

In contrast, in the calculation of commercialization of the field exceeds a certain economy, the state may take a 5% split addition. The same is also expressed by the President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Gunung Sardjono Hadi.

"We hope to still be able to discretionary Minister of ESDM additional split by 5%," he said.

As for the review mechanism, previously Pertamina has received directives from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in a meeting held in early May. At the meeting, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Arcandra Tahar, said that the government and the company were limited to agreeing on the details of split and other additional calculation procedures.

According to him, after this agreement, Pertamina will calculate the economics of the ONWJ Block. If it turns out that the split obtained is less, then Pertamina only proposed additional split to the government. The addition of split will follow Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8 of 2017.

"The government sees only a maximum of 5% split. So just follow the Minister's Regulation, "he said.

Previously, Pertamina declared additional split needed one of them because of unrecovered cost of US $ 453 million. According to Arcandra, this unrecovered cost is not included in additional split calculations.

The reason, following the Ministerial Regulation 26/2017, unrecovered cost to be borne by a new contractor in this case is Pertamina.

"Pertamina that bear, Pertamina who received the production as well. Previously, Pertamina is also a contractor in ONWJ Block, "he said.

Regulation of the Minister of EDM No. 26 of 2017 regulates the issue of cost recovery mechanism of investment in upstream oil and gas business activities. Article 6 of this beleid states, in the case of Cooperation Contract is not renewed and there are still investment costs that have not been returned, the return to the contractor is done by the new contractor.

As is known, the government and PHE have signed ONWJ Block ONWJ production sharing contract (PSC) with a gross split or gross profit sharing scheme earlier this year. Under this scheme, the revenue share for the country versus is set at 37.5: 62.5 for gas and 42.5: 57.5 for oil.

However, Mountain previously revealed, there are some things that make the received revenue share less attractive. Several factors that reduce the economics of the project are unrecovered cost, Value Added Tax (VAT) that become the full contractor dependent, the investment cost of the participation fee given to the local government is 10%, and the rental fee considering the production facility in BLOK ONWJ belongs to the government Because the previous contracts used the cost recovery scheme.

The government recorded oil reserves in ONWJ Block is still 309.8 million barrels and gas 1,114.9 billion cubic feet. In the new contract, Pertamina undertakes to disburse US $ 82.3 million during the first three years and US $ 8.5 billion over a 20-year contract period to work on the ONWJ Block potential.

In addition, the contract also mentioned gross receipts from ONWJ Block amounting to US $ 14.8 billion, which is a state quota of US $ 5.7 billion.


Tambahan Split Blok ONWJ Tak Lebihi 5%

PT Pertamina menyatakan tambahan porsi bagi hasil (split) Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) yang akan diusulkan kepada pemerintah tidak akan melebihi 5%. Hitungan ini mengacu pada arahan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dalam mengkaji Blok ONWJ.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pihaknya telah merampungkan kajian komprehensif Blok ONWJ setelah kontrak diteken dengan mekanisme bagi hasil kotor (gross split) pada Februari lalu. Dari hasil kajian tersebut, perseroan tetap membutuhkan tambahan split guna mendongkrak keekonomian blok migas di lepas pantai utara Jawa Barat ini.

“Alhamdulillah sudah selesai kajiannya. Tambahan split masih dalam diskresi menteri,” kata dia

Diskresi yang dimaksud adalah diskresi Menteri ESDM sebagaimana ada dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 8 Tahun 2017 yang mengatur soal kontrak gross split. Dalam Pasal 7 disebutkan, ketika perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan tidak mencapai keekonomian tertentu, kontraktor mendapat tambahan split maksimal 5%.

Sebaliknya, dalam perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan melebihi keekonomian tertentu, maka negara boleh mengambil tambahan split 5%. Hal yang sama juga diungkapkan Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Gunung Sardjono Hadi. 

“Kami berharap masih bisa dapat diskresi Menteri ESDM tambahan split sebesar 5%,” tutur dia.

Sementara untuk mekanisme kajian, sebelumnya Pertamina telah menerima arahan dari Kementerian ESDM dalam rapat yang digelar awal Mei lalu. Dalam rapat itu, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar sempat mengatakan, pemerintah dan perseroan hanya sebatas menyepakati rincian prosedur penghitungan tambahan split dan lainnya.

Menurutnya, setelah ada kesepakatan ini, Pertamina akan menghitung keekonomian dari Blok ONWJ. Jika ternyata split yang diperoleh kurang, maka Pertamina hanya mengajukan usulan tambahan split kepada pemerintah. Pemberian tambahan split akan mengikuti Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8 Tahun 2017. 

“Pemerintah hanya melihat tambahan split maksimum 5%. Jadi ikuti saja Peraturan Menterinya,” ujar dia.

Sebelumnya, Pertamina menyatakan tambahan split dibutuhkan salah satunya lantaran adanya biaya investasi yang tidak kembali (unrecovered cost) sebesar US$ 453 juta. Menurut Arcandra, unrecovered cost ini tidak masuk dalam penghitungan tambahan split.

Pasalnya, mengikuti Peraturan Menteri 26/ 2017 , unrecovered cost menjadi tanggungan kontraktor baru yang dalam hal ini adalah Pertamina.

“Pertamina yang menanggung, Pertamina yang menerima hasil produksi juga. Sebelumnya Pertamina juga kontraktor di Blok ONWJ,” ujarnya. 

Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 26 Tahun 2017 mengatur soal mekanisme pengembalian biaya investasi pada kegiatan usaha hulu migas. Pasal 6 beleid ini menyatakan, dalam hal Kontrak Kerja Sama tidak diperpanjang dan masih terdapat biaya investasi yang belum dikembalikan, pengembalian kepada kontraktor dilakukan oleh kontraktor baru.

Seperti diketahui, pemerintah dan PHE telah menandatangani kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) Blok ONWJ dengan skema gross split atau bagi hasil kotor pada awal tahun ini. Dengan skema ini, maka bagi hasil untuk negara dibanding ditetapkan sebesar 37,5:62,5 untuk gas dan 42,5:57,5 untuk minyak.

Namun, Gunung sebelumnya mengungkapkan, ada beberapa hal yang membuat bagi hasil yang diterima kurang menarik. Beberapa faktor yang mengurangi keekonomian proyek yakni unrecovered cost, Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) yang menjadi tanggungan kontraktor sepenuhnya, tanggungan biaya investasi dari hak partisipasi yang diberikan ke pemerintah daerah sebesar 10%, dan adanya biaya sewa mengingat fasilitas produksi di BLOK ONWJ menjadi milik pemerintah lantaran kontrak sebelumnya menggunakan skema cost recovery.

Pemerintah mencatat cadangan minyak di Blok ONWJ tercatat masih 309,8 juta barel dan gas 1.114,9 miliar kaki kubik. Dalam kontrak baru, Pertamina menyanggupi untuk mengucurkan dana sebesar US$ 82,3 juta selama tiga tahun pertama dan US$ 8,5 miliar sepanjang masa kontrak 20 tahun untuk menggarap potensi Blok ONWJ.

Selain itu, kontrak juga menyebutkan penerimaan kotor dari Blok ONWJ sebesar US$ 14,8 miliar di mana yang merupakan jatah negara US$ 5,7 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, June 22, 2017