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Friday, November 11, 2016

Pemerintah Bantah Harga Gas Kemahalan

Lebih Murah daripada Singapura dan Tiongkok

    Pemerintah berusaha keras menurunkan harga gas industri yang disebut para pengusaha paling mahal di dunia. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menilai harga gas industri di Indonesia sangat bersaing dengan luar negeri. Dalam diskusi di Komite Ekonomi dan Industri Nasional (KEIN), Arcandra menilai perbandingan harga yang mengemuka selama ini salah kaprah karena tidak apple-to-apple. Aasannya, pengusaha dan analis membandingkan landed price gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) di luar negeri dengan harga konsumen (end user) di dalam negeri.

    Di Indonesia, harga gas end user mencapai USD 8,3 per mmbtu. Landed price LNG berkisar di USD 4 per mmbtu. Landed price LNG di Indonesia hampir sama dengan rata-rata negara tetangga. Pada semester pertama 2016, rata-rata landed price LNG di dalam negeri mencapai USD 4,22 per mrnbtu. Artinya, harganya tidak ( jauh berbeda dengan Malaysia USD 4 per mmbtu; Korea Selatan USD 4,55 per mmbtu; dan justru lebih murah daripada Thailand USD 5,7 per mmbtu. Perbandingan makin terasa jika sama-sama diadu dengan harga end user.

    Di Singapura, harga LNG rnencapai USD 15,96 per mmbtu; Malaysia USD 6,6 per mmbtu; dan Tiongkok USD 15 per mmbtu. Harga end user LNG di Indonesia sebesar USD 8-USD 12 per mmbtu, bergantung lokasi. Indonesia masih dalam range persaingan. Sesuai dengan perintah Presiden Joko Widodo, Kementerian ESDM masih mencari celah untuk menurunkan harga end user gas industri sampai maksimal USD 6 per mrnbtu. Arcandra enggan membeberkan cara-cara yang ditempuh pemerintah untuk menurunkan harga gas bagi sebelas sektor strategis yang ditentukan pemerintah.
Selain meluruskan pandangan tentang harga gas, Arcandra mengungkap cadangan migas dalam negeri. Arcandra menjelaskan bahwa cadangan terbukti minyak Indonesia tinggal 3,8 miliar barel.

    Artinya, bila disedot 800 ribu barel per hari, dalam 12 tahun seluruh cadangan minyak Indonesia akan terkuras. Umur cadangan gas diperkirakan masih 33 tahun lagi. Meski, saat ini belum ada teknologi yang bisa mengambil 100 persen minyak. Paling cepat hanya 40 persen dari cadangan terbukti. Kondisi cadangan migas Indonesia bakal lebih buruk jika pemerintah gagal menarik investor untuk melakukan eksplorasi dan
eksploitasi cadangan migas Indonesia. Pada 2012, kegiatan drilling mencapai 72.

    Tapi, di 2015 tinggal 12. Menurun, padahal saat itu harga minyak cukup tinggi. Saat ini pihaknya terus mencari penyebab penurunan tersebut. Salah satu "penyakit" yang ketemu adalah Peraturan Pemerintah 79/2010 tentang Cost Recoveiy dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan Bidang Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Meski demikian, Arcandra tidak yakin adanya revisi aturan itu mampu membantu meningkatkan produksi minyak Indonesia. Mudah-mudahan investor mau datang.


Government Denies Gas Prices expensiveness

Cheaper than Singapore and China

    The government is trying hard to lower the price of gas industry employers called the most expensive in the world. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar assess the price of gas industry in Indonesia is very competitive with other countries. In discussions at the Committee on National Economy and Industry (KEIN), Arcandra assess price comparisons that surfaced during this misguided because it is not apple-to-apple. Aasannya, businessmen and analysts compare the landed price of LNG (liquefied natural gas / LNG) abroad with the price of the consumer (end user) in the country.

    In Indonesia, the price of gas end user reach USD 8.3 per mmbtu. Landed LNG price ranges at $ 4 per mmbtu. Landed price of LNG in Indonesia is almost equal to the average of neighboring countries. In the first half of 2016, the average landed price of LNG in the country reached USD 4.22 per mrnbtu. That is, the price is not (much different to Malaysia US $ 4 per mmbtu; South Korea USD 4.55 per mmbtu; and even cheaper than Thailand USD 5.7 per mmbtu. Comparison increasingly felt if equally compete with the price of the end user.

    In Singapore, the price of LNG rnencapai USD 15.96 per mmbtu; Malaysia USD 6.6 per mmbtu; and China USD 15 per mmbtu. End user price of LNG in Indonesia amounted to USD 8-USD 12 per mmbtu, depending on your location. Indonesia is still in the range of competition. In accordance with the orders of the President Joko Widodo, the Ministry of Energy is still looking for loopholes to lower the price of the end users of industrial gases to a maximum of USD 6 per mrnbtu. Arcandra reluctant to reveal the ways taken by the government to reduce the price of gas for eleven strategic sectors are determined by the government.

In addition to straighten views on gas prices, Arcandra reveal oil and gas reserves in the country. Arcandra explained that Indonesia stayed proven oil reserves of 3.8 billion barrels. That is, if aspirated 800 thousand barrels per day, within 12 years all over Indonesia's oil reserves will be depleted. Age is estimated gas reserves are still 33 years away. Although, there is currently no technology that can take 100 percent of the oil. Fastest only 40 percent of proven reserves.

Condition Indonesian oil and gas reserves would be worse if the government failed to attract investors to explore and
exploitation of oil and gas reserves in Indonesia. In 2012, drilling activities reached 72. But, in 2015 lived 12. Declining, but when the oil price is high enough. Today it continues searching for the cause of the decline. One of the "disease" that meet the Government Regulation 79/2010 on Cost Recoveiy and Income Tax Treatment Sector Upstream Oil and Gas. However, Arcandra not sure any revision of the rules that could help increase oil production Indonesia. Hopefully investors willing to come.

Jawa Pos, Halaman : 8, Jumat, 11 Nop 2016

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