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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Reject HCML, Hundreds of Mass Demonstrations District government

Hundreds of protesters who were members of the Eastern District Consultative Forum (Format) of Pasuruan Regency, crowded into the Pasuruan Regency Government office, Wednesday (October 19) afternoon.

Carrying a number of posters, they arrived in an orderly manner at a location guarded by dozens of police officers from the Pasuruan City Police Resort, at the gate. They immediately gave speeches at the gate of the Pernkab office yard in turn. 

   They demanded that the regency government review permits for the construction project of the gas pipeline transmission terminal owned by the State Gas Company (PGN) and PT Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) located in Semare Village, Kraton Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency because its existence was considered to have damaged the environment, especially beach.

According to protesters due to the project, the mangrove forest that had been cut down by PT HCML was considered to have damaged the function of the mangrove ecosystem at the gas pipeline transmission terminal project owned by PGN and HCML.

"With the gas transmission project, the licensing needs to be reviewed. The problem is that the gas pipeline transmission project has damaged the mangrove forest ecosystem, "said Ismail Macky, the coordinator of the action interrupted his oration.

In the action, they also filed 8 points of demands including, urging the Regent of Pasuruan to act as a person in destroying mangroves, the Regent closed the gas pipeline transmission project, the Regent acted in violation of the Law, urged the Regent to hold PT Pertamina Gas accountable for installing 24.71 pipes Km in 2014 ago.

The Regent of Pasuruan was also urged to immediately dissolve the Regional Government-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) owned by the regency Government, namely PAMI (Pasuruan Migas) which had been detrimental and considered not to make a tangible contribution to the Pasuruan Regency Government.

Requesting the Attorney General and the Police to immediately investigate and take action on the alleged mafia practice of licensing the gas pipeline transmission terminal construction project and give 15 days to follow up on the demand.

Regarding the demonstration, some representatives were finally accepted by Assistant 1 of the district government, Suharto, and other relevant officials. During the meeting, the district government accepted the demands of the demonstrators to be immediately followed up because the Regent was unable to attend being sick. 

    Because they were not satisfied, the mass action format also came to the office of the Pasuruan Regional Representative Council (DPRD). In the action at the Council Building, they also demanded the same thing.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-13, Thursday, Oct 20, 2016

1 comment:

  1. Gak malu apa nih mau jalan bareng gebetan, pacar, temennya pacar ataupun selingkuhan dengan badan yang bauuu? hahahaha… toko parfum angga sebagai tempat penjualan parfum link alternatif ketua poker terbaik menyediakan semua jenis bibit parfum yang memberikan wangi tahan lama dan tentunya lembut untuk dicium , kunjungi link ini untuk melihat varian wangi parfum terbaik di indonesia



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