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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Lifting Oil Support GDP East Java

     East Java print economic growth higher than the national. In the third quarter, economic growth in East Java reached 5.61 percent compared with the same period last year. Gross domestic product (GDP) Java supported mining and quarrying sector, especially the increase in oil production in Bojonegoro. Growth in oil and gas lifting in the third quarter reached 23 percent yesterday. The highest contribution of oil while gas only slightly.

        In addition to the oil and gas sector of accommodation and food and beverages as well as information and communication grow quite large. While the sector has decreased is the procurement of electricity, gas, and the production of ice. Natural gas exploration activities are not as many as usual. The increase in tariff resulted in electricity consumption in households and industry declined. The contractions reached 1.55 percent. Economic growth was also influenced government spending declined 3.63 percent.

         Another factor is the inter-regional net exports grew 20.81 percent. Exports and imports each grew 3.99 percent and 0.43 percent. The lack of export growth affected the economic slowdown countries trading partners in East Java, especially Singapore, China, and Europe. What was experienced nationally is also experienced in East Java. Because 15-20 percent of Indonesia's economy of East Java. Foreign imports growing thin is the stuff of raw materials / auxiliary materials and capital goods.

       That is, the import of machinery decreased making it less able to push the performance of the industrial sector. The increase in imports would occur in consumer goods. Based on the trend, foreign exports and foreign imports until the end of the year will continue to decline.


Lifting Minyak Topang PDB Jatim

         Jawa Timur mencetak pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan nasional. Pada triwulan ketiga, pertumbuhan ekonomi Jatim mencapai 5,61 persen bila dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Produk domestik bruto (PDB) Jatim ditopang sektor pertambangan dan penggalian, terutama peningkatan produksi minyak di Bojonegoro. Pertumbuhan lifting migas pada triwulan ketiga kemarin mencapai 23 persen. Minyak yang kontribusinya paling tinggi sedangkan gas hanya sedikit.

        Selain migas, sektor akomodasi dan makanan-minuman serta informasi dan komunikasi bertumbuh cukup besar. Sedangkan sektor yang mengalami penurunan adalah pengadaan listrik, gas, dan produksi es. Kegiatan eksplorasi gas alam tidak sebanyak biasanya. Kenaikan tarif mengakibatkan pemakaian listrik di rumah tangga dan industri menurun. Kontraksinya mencapai 1,55 persen. Pertumbuhan ekonomi juga di pengaruh belanja pemerintah yang menurun 3,63 persen.

        Faktor lainnya adalah net ekspor antar daerah yang tumbuh 20,81 persen. Ekspor dan impor masing-masing bertumbuh 3,99 persen dan 0,43 persen. Minimnya pertumbuhan ekspor dipengaruhi melemahnya kondisi perekonomian negara-negara yang menjadi mitra dagang Jawa Timur, terutama Singapura, Tiongkok, dan Eropa. Apa yang dialami secara nasional juga dialami Jawa Timur. Karena 15-20 persen ekonomi Indonesia ini dari Jawa Timur. Impor luar negeri yang tumbuh tipis adalah barang bahan baku/ bahan penolong dan barang modal.

        Artinya, impor permesinan menurun sehingga kurang mampu mendorong kinerja sektor industri. Peningkatan impor justru terjadi pada barang konsumsi. Berdasar tren, ekspor luar negeri dan impor luar negeri hingga akhir tahun akan terus menurun.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Tuesday,Nov, 8, 2016

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