The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) said that Indonesia has the potential to obtain an additional oil and gas reserve of 2.8 billion barrels of oil equivalent this year. If realized, the national reserve replacement ratio (dRRR) rises to 300%.
SKK Migas Deputy Planning Director Jafee Arizon Suardin added, during the 2014-2017 period, the national RRR target was only 60%. This target is not always achieved. However, in 2018, it could reach RRR 105.5% or the equivalent of an additional oil and gas reserve of 831 million barrels per oil.
This year, it wants the RRR to be as high as possible, but at least the oil and gas volume produced can be replaced so that reserves do not decrease. Moreover, in 2019, he noted that there were 45 PODs planned to be approved. If it runs smoothly, then from the entire POD there will be additional significant oil and gas reserves.
"So if this (POD) works 100%, in 2019 that (additional reserves) is around 2.8 billion barrels of oil equivalent. So if current (RRR) can be up to 300% on December 31, 2019, "said Jafee.
He explained, the process until the findings of oil and gas reserves can be recorded is indeed very long. For example, for the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Project which has been worked on by the Chevron Indonesia Company for quite a long time, just this year its oil and gas reserves can be listed.
"So it can be seen from investors, then drilling, entering POD, just getting into the RRR, the effort is very large," he said.
Of the total 45 POD, Jafee said there were at least three major projects. POD with the largest oil and gas reserves is the Abadi Field Project, Masela Block. Then followed by POD Senoro Phase-2 Project and IDD Project.
the Abadi Field Project, Masela Block
SKK Migas Head Dwi Soetjipto is optimistic that future investment and upstream oil and gas exploration will improve. If the Abadi Field Project can operate, this can convince investors that the surrounding area has potential oil and gas that can be developed. This has also happened after the discovery of oil and gas reserves in the Kasuri Block by Genting Oil.
"The more exploration activities carried out, maybe you can find (the field) that is giant. So the regions that are still open in the future will be more active in our market, "he said.
Moreover, according to Jafee, the government has also recorded a definite work commitment (KKP) totaling USS 2.08 billion for 2018-2026. Of the total commitments, US $ 1.13 billion is allocated for exploration. It is planned that this fund will be used for the implementation of 63 G & G studies, 28 seismic survey activities, 4 other surveys, and drilling of 59 wells.
To continue to add reserves, it must find 10-20 areas that can be explored to find giant reserves. Furthermore, this region will be offered by displaying data to be seen by investors so that they are interested in conducting a joint study
"Then the KKP is used, later on from there, they find a new WK," he said.
Referring to the data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), as of January 1, 2018, national oil reserves were recorded at 7.5 billion barrels and 135.55, trillion cubic feet of gas. While over the past year, oil produced amounted to 772.25 thousand barrels per day (bpd) and gas was 7,760 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd. This year, oil lifting in 2019 is targeted to reach 775 thousand barrels per day and 1.25 million boepd gas.
The addition of oil and gas reserves determines the national oil and gas lifting level in the future. Until now, oil and gas lifting continues to decline every year. In 2016, oil and gas lifting had risen to 2.01 million boepd after previously only 1.97 million boepd.
After that, oil and gas lifting fell to 1.95 million boepd in 2017 and reached 1.91 million boepd last year. Before 2017, the rate of replacement of national reserves was still around 60%.
Cadangan Migas Berpotensi Naik 2,8 M Barel Setara Minyak
Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan Indonesia berpotensi memperoleh tambahan cadangan, migas sebesar 2,8 miliar barel setara minyak pada tahun ini. Jika terealisasi, maka tingkat penggantian cadangan (reserve replacement ratio/dRRR) nasional naik menjadi 300%.
Deputi Perencanaan SKK Migas Jafee Arizon Suardin menambahkan, selama periode 2014-2017, target RRR nasional hanya sebesar 60%. Target ini pun tidak selalu tercapai. Namun, di 2018 lalu, pihaknya dapat mencapai RRR 105,5% atau setara tambahan cadangan migas sebesar 831 juta barel setam minyak.
Pada tahun ini, pihaknya menginginkan RRR bisa setinggi-tingginya, namun minimal volume migas yang diproduksikan dapat digantikan sehingga cadangan tidak berkurang. Apalagi, di 2019 ini, pihaknya mencatat terdapat 45 POD yang direncanakan dapat disetujui. Jika berjalan lancar, maka dari seluruh POD tersebut akan ada tambahan cadangan migas yang sangat signifikan.
“Jadi kalau ini (POD) berhasil 100%, tahun 2019 itu (tambahan cadangan) itu sekitar 2,8 miliar barel setara minyak. Jadi kalau lancar (RRR) bisa sampai 300% di 31 Desember 2019,” tutur Jafee.
Dia menjelaskan, proses sampai temuan cadangan migas dapat dicatat memang sangat panjang. Contohnya, untuk Proyek Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) yang digarap Chevron Indonesia Company sejak cukup lama, baru saja pada tahun ini cadangan migasnya dapat dicatatkan.
“Jadi bisa dilihat dari dapat investor, kemudian drilling, masuk POD, baru saja bisa masuk di RRR, effort-nya sangat besar,” ujarnya.
Dari total 45 POD tersebut, Jafee menyebut setidaknya ada tiga proyek besar. POD dengan cadangan migas terbesar adalah Proyek Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela. Kemudian disusul POD Proyek Senoro Fase-2 dan Proyek IDD.
Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto optimis, investasi dan eksplorasi hulu migas ke depannya akan semakin membaik. Jika Proyek Lapangan Abadi bisa beroperasi, hal ini bisa meyakinkan investor bahwa wilayah sekitarnya memiliki potensi migas yang dapat dikembangkan. Hal ini pun sudah terjadi pasca ditemukannya cadangan migas di Blok Kasuri oleh Genting Oil.
“Semakin banyak kegiatan eksplorasi yang dilakukan, mungkin bisa temukan (lapangan) yang giant. Jadi daerah-daerah yang masih terbuka ke depan
akan lebih aktif kami pasarkan,” kata dia.
Apalagi, menurut Jafee, pemerintah juga telah membukukan komitmen kerja pasti (KKP) total USS 2,08 miliar untuk 2018-2026. Dari total komitmen tersebut, sebesar US$ 1,13 miliar dialokasikan untuk eksplorasi, Rencananya dana ini digunakan untuk pelaksanaan 63 Studi G&G, 28 kegiatan survei seismik, 4 survei lain, dan pengeboran 59 sumur.
Untuk terus menambah cadangan, pihaknya harus menemukan 10-20 area yang dapat dieksplorasi untuk menemukan cadangan raksasa. Selanjutnya wilayah ini akan ditawarkan dengan memajang data-data untuk dapat dilihat investor sehingga tertarik melakukan joint study
“Lalu KKP yang dipakai, nanti dari situ, mereka menemukan WK baru," tuturnya.
Mengacu data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), per 1 Januari 2018, cadangan minyak nasional tercatat sebesar 7,5 miliar barel dan gas 135,55 triliun kaki kubik. Sementara sepanjang tahun lalu, minyak yang diproduksikan sebesar 772,25 ribu barel per hari (bph) dan gas 7.760 million standard cubic feet per day/ mmscfd. Pada tahun ini, lifting minyak pada 2019 ditargetkan sebesar 775 ribu barel per hari dan gas 1,25 juta boepd.
Penambahan cadangan migas menentukan tingkat lifting migas nasional ke depannya. Sampai saat ini, lifting migas terus menurun setiap tahunnya. Pada 2016, lifting migas sempat naik menjadi 2,01 juta boepd setelah sebelumnya hanya 1,97 juta boepd.
Setelahnya, lifting migas turun menjadi 1,95 juta boepd pada 2017 dan mencapai 1,91 juta boepd pada tahun lalu. Sebelum 2017, tingkat penggantian cadangan nasional masih di kisaran 60%.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 17, 2019