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Monday, October 29, 2018

Pertamina Needs Jumbo Funds for Oil and Gas Projects

At the time of the rising trend of oil and gas imports, PT Pertamina needs jumbo-scale investment funds in the upstream oil and gas sector (oil and gas). Investment is important in order to cut oil and gas imports while holding back the decline in oil and gas production. An international rating agency, Moody'S Investors Service noted, Indonesia needs an investment of more than US $ 150 billion or IDR 2,250 trillion with an exchange rate of IDR 15,000 per US dollar during the period 2018 to 2025.

The investment is needed to restrain the decline in production, development of gas infrastructure and expanding refinery capacity to meet growing oil demand. It may be that Pertamina and the local oil and gas contractor will bear a greater share of the investment. Because, Moody‘s assesses, the value of investments issued by foreign oil and gas companies will be more moderate because there are rules and business climate constraints.

Pertamina is confident that it can invest in the upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia. Pertamina also continues to strive for production not to decline. About funding, PT Pertamina's Finance Director, Pahala Nugraha Mansury, Wednesday (3/10), said that Pertamina was planning to release global bonds.

"The plan is to issue global bonds before the end of this year," Pahala said, without mentioning the value.

Pertamina is currently processing this corporate action, for example applying for "request for proposals (RFP) and audits for publishing purposes
global bond. "We have audited and RFP. There are Lima Banks," Pahala said.

Later, global bond proceeds will be used, among others, to invest in the Rokan (Chevron) Block. The government grants 100% management rights to the Block Block to Pertamina, starting August 8, 2021. Currently, the Rokan Block is still managed by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. In the block, Pertamina will pay a signalture bonus of US $ 785 million and a definite work commitment of US $ 50 million.

Not only that, in the same block, Pertamina also needs an investment of US $ 72 billion for 20 years, from 2021 to 2041. This fund is to explore 7,000 points in the Rokan Block. In addition, Pertamina also needs funds to continue the use of enhanced oil recovery technology (EOR) the operator of the current Rokan Block by Chevron.

Energy Economics Observer from Gadjah Mada University, Fahmy Radhi, said that if managing the oil and gas block alone, it would be too much for Pertamina. There are two alternatives that Pertamina can do, namely applying for loans and sharing with strategic partners. Pertamina's choice, offering a participating interest for sharing or financing through loans.

"Building refineries requires large funds, I am the most suitable to invite partners, then sharing," he said.


Pertamina Butuh Dana Jumbo untuk Proyek Migas

Di saat tren kenaikan impor minyak dan gas, PT Pertamina perlu dana investasi berskala jumbo di sektor hulu minyak dan gas (migas). Investasi menjadi penting demi memangkas impor migas sekaligus menahan penurunan produksi migas. Lembaga pemeringkat internasional, Moody'S Investors Service mencatat, Indonesia membutuhkan investasi lebih dari US$ 150 miliar atau Rp 2.250 triliun dengan kurs Rp 15.000 per dolar AS selama periode 2018 hingga 2025.

Investasi itu dibutuhkan untuk menahan penurunan produksi, pengembangan infrastruktur gas serta memperluas kapasitas kilang demi memenuhi permintaan minyak yang terus bertumbuh. Boleh jadi, Pertamina beserta kontraktor migas lokal akan menanggung bagian investasi lebih besar. Sebab, Moody‘s menilai, nilai investasi yang dikeluarkan perusahaan migas asing akan lebih moderat karen ada kendala aturan dan iklim bisnis.

Pertamina yakin bisa berinvestasi di sektor hulu migas di Indonesia. Pertamina juga terus berupaya agar produksi tidak menurun. Soal pendanaan,
Direktur Keuangan PT Pertamina, Pahala Nugraha Mansury, Rabu (3/10), mengatakan, Pertamina berancang-ancang merilis obligasi global. 

"Rencana penerbitan global bond sebelum akhir tahun ini," ujar Pahala, tanpa menyebut nilainya.

Pertamina saat ini sedang memproses aksi korporasi ini, misalnya mengajukan "request for proposal (RFP) dan audit untuk keperluan penerbitan
global bond. "Kami sudah audit dan RFP. Bank ada Lima," ujar Pahala.

Kelak, dana hasil global bond digunakan antara lain untuk berinvestasi di Blok Rokan (Chevron). Pemerintah memberikan 100% hak pengelolaan Blok Rokan ke Pertamina, mulai 8 Agustus 2021. Saat ini, Blok Rokan masih dikelola PT Chevron Pacific lndonesia. Di blok itu, Pertamina akan membayar signalture bonus US$ 785 juta dan komitmen kerja pasti US$ 50 juta.

Tidak hanya itu saja, di blok yang sama, Pertamina juga membutuhkan dana investasi US$ 72 miliar selama 20 tahun, dari 2021 sampai 2041. Dana ini untuk mengeksplorasi 7.000 titik di Blok Rokan. Selain itu, Pertamina juga membutuhkan dana untuk melanjutkan penggunaan teknologi enhanced oil recovery (EOR) yang telah dilakukan operator Blok Rokan saat ini oleh Chevron.

Pengamat Ekonomi Energi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Fahmy Radhi menilai, jika mengelola blok migas sendirian, terlalu berat bagi Pertamina. Ada dua alternatif yang bisa dilakukan Pertamina, yakni mengajukan pinjaman dan sharing dengan mitra strategis.

Pilihan Pertamina, menawarkan participating interest untuk sharing atau pembiayaan lewat pinjaman.

"Membangun kilang membutuhkan dana besar, saya yang paling sesuai mengajak partner, kemudian sharing," kata dia.

Kontan, Page-1, Thursday, Oct 4, 2018

5 Banks Awarded Global Bond Proposals

PT Pertamina (Persero) requires substantial funds to pay signature bonuses for several new oil and gas block termination contracts.

Pertamina also plans to raise funds from the issuance of global bonds before the end of this year. Pertamina has obtained an abundance of 11 oil and gas working areas whose contracts have expired or terminated in 2018-2023. The total oil and gas working area terminated in 2018-2023 is 27 blocks. The government gives 11 oil and gas blocks to Pertamina, 6 blocks are extended to contractors, and 3 blocks will be auctioned because they are not in demand. The government is still evaluating the contracts for three oil and gas blocks that will end (termination) in 2022-2023.

Pertamina Finance Director Pahala N. Mansyuri said that his party had sent a proposal request document (request for proposals / RFP) to a number of banks. Proposal request documents are useful to help vendors understand the needs of prospective clients.

"RFP already. We have also conducted an audit. There are five banks, "he said.

However, he has not been able to disclose the amount of targeted emissions from the issuance of US dollar denominated bonds.

"We have not been able to convey this far, he said.

Pahala N. Mansyuri explained that the funds collected will mainly be used to meet the company's long-term investment needs in the upstream oil and gas sector. Pertamina's investment needs that are quite urgent are the management of the Rokan Work Area (Chevron) in Riau. The government decided to transfer the management of the Block to Pertamina starting August 2021.

Chevron Vs Pertamina 
BY: CNBC Indonesia

Pertamina must immediately repay the Rokan Block signature bonus payment to the government worth US $ 784 million or around Rp. 11.3 trillion. The signature bonus must be paid when signing the new Rokan Block contract. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets a new Rokan Block contract to be signed this year.

Pahala said, the company will complete the payment of the signature bonus of the Rokan Block before the end of 2018. Pertamina's Corporate Secretary Syahrial Muchtar previously said that the company is currently preparing a subsidiary to operate the Rokan Block. According to him, currently the preparation for the establishment of a subsidiary only completes the administration process. The management transfer occurs in other blocks managed by Pertamina.

The average production of Block Rokan crude oil reaches more than 200,000 barrels per day (bpd). In addition to signature bonuses, Pertamina agreed on the value of definite work commitments, namely certainty of investment for the first 3 years in managing Rokan amounting to US $ 500 million or Rp 7.2 trillion. 

    As a legal basis for signature bonus payments, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has issued Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 1023 K / 10 / MEM / 2018 concerning Management Approval, and Determination of Terms and Conditions for Cooperation Contracts in the Co-Operational Area.

ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan said, basically his party was waiting for Pertamina to establish a subsidiary that specifically manages the Block Block so that the contract can be signed immediately. In addition to the Block Block, Pertamina will also manage other termination oil and gas blocks. Pahala N. Mansyuri said, the company would continue to invest in maintaining the production of upstream assets owned by the company.

"We continue to invest in assets upstream. We strive to at least reduce the decline in production [a decrease in natural oil and gas production. "


5 Bank Disodori Proposal Global Bond

PT Pertamina (Persero) membutuhkan dana cukup besar untuk membayar bonus tanda tangan beberapa kontrak baru blok  minyak dan gas bumi terminasi.

Pertamina pun berencana menggalang dana dari penerbitan obligasi global sebelum akhir tahun ini. Pertamina telah mendapatkan limpahan 11 wilayah kerja migas yang kontraknya telah berakhir atau terminasi periode 2018-2023. Total wilayah kerja migas terminasi pada 2018-2023 sebanyak 27 blok. Pemerintah memberikan 11 blok migas kepada Pertamina, 6 blok diperpanjang ke kontraktor eksis, dan 3 blok akan dilelang karena tidak diminati. Pemerintah masih mengevaluasi kontrak tiga blok migas yang akan berakhir (terminasi) pada 2022-2023.

Direktur Keuangan Pertamina Pahala N . Mansyuri mengatakan bahwa pihaknya sudah mengirimkan dokumen permintaan proposal (request for proposal/RFP) kepada sejumlah perbankan. Dokumen permintaan proposal berguna untuk membantu vendor memahami kebutuhan dari calon klien. 

“RFP sudah. Kami juga sudah melakukan audit. Bank ada lima,” katanya.

Namun, dia belum bisa mengungkapkan jumlah nilai emisi yang ditargetkan dari penerbitan surat utang dalam mata uang dolar Amerika Serikat tersebut. 

“Kami belum bisa sampaikan sejauh ini,  katanya. 

Pahala N . Mansyuri menjelaskan, dana yang dihimpun utamanya akan digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan investasi jangka panjang perseroan di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi. Kebutuhan investasi Pertamina yang cukup mendesak adalah alih kelola Wilayah Kerja Rokan di Riau. Pemerintah memutuskan untuk mengalihkan pengelolaan Blok Rokan kepada Pertamina mulai Agustus 2021.

Pertamina harus segera melunasi pembayaran bonus tanda tangan Blok Rokan kepada pemerintah senilai US$ 784 juta atau sekitar Rp 11,3 triliun. Bonus tanda tangan itu harus dibayar ketika penandatanganan kontrak baru Blok Rokan. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menargetkan kontrak baru Blok Rokan ditandatangani pada tahun ini.

Pahala menuturkan, perseroan akan menuntaskan pembayaran bonus tanda tangan Blok Rokan sebelum akhir 2018. Sekretaris Perusahaan Pertamina Syahrial Muchtar sebelumnya mengatakan, saat ini perseroan sedang mempersiapkan anak usaha untuk mengoperasikan Blok Rokan. Menurutnya, saat ini persiapan pembentukan anak usaha hanya menyelesaikan proses administrasi saja. Alih kelola tersebut, terjadi pada blok-blok lain yang dikelola milik Pertamina. 

Rerata produksi minyak mentah Blok Rokan mencapai lebih dari 200.000 barel per hari (bph). Selain bonus tanda tangan, Pertamina menyepakati nilai komitmen kerja pasti, yaitu kepastian investasi selama 3 tahun pertama dalam mengelola Rokan sebesar US$ 500 juta atau Rp 7,2 triliun. Sebagai dasar hukum pembayaran signature bonus, Kementerian ESDM telah menerbitkan Keputusan Menteri ESDM No. 1023 K/10/MEM/2018 tentang Persetujuan Pengelolaan, serta Penetapan Syarat dan Ketentuan Kontrak Kerja Sama pada Wilayah Kerja Rokan.

Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, pada dasarnya pihaknya sedang menanti Pertamina mendirikan anak perusahaan yang khusus mengelola Blok Rokan sehingga kontrak wilayah kerja itu dapat segera ditandatangani. Selain Blok Rokan, Pertamina juga akan mengelola blok migas terminasi lainnya. Pahala N. Mansyuri mengatakan, perseroan akan terus melakukan investasi untuk menjaga produksi aset hulu milik perseroan. 

“Kami terus berupaya berinventasi untuk aset yang ada di hulu. Kami berupaya paling tidak mengurangi penurunan produksi [penurunan produksi migas secara alamiah.” 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Thursday, Oct 4, 2018

ConocoPhillips Submits Corridor Block Proposal

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that Conoco-Philips had submitted a proposal to develop the Corridor Block after its contract expired in 2023. Conoco-Philips is the existing block contractor.

ESDM Ministry's Director General of Oil and Gas, Djoko Siswanto, said that the development proposal had been submitted. The proposal is a complete document of the planned development of the Corridor Block from technical and commercial aspects.

"This (proposal) is being discussed. We have received the proposal, "he said in Jakarta.

Djoko had explained, currently the Corridor Block participating rights holders are Philip Conoco 54%, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Corridor 10%, and Repsol 36%. Conoco Philip said that he would still cooperate with Repsol in working on the Corridor Block after the production sharing contract (PSC) was completed in 2023. While Pertamina proposed 100% participation rights after 2023.

"Pertamina has submitted its proposal, very thick. So it takes time (for evaluation), "Djoko said.

Vice President of Commercial, Business Development & Relations, ConocoPhillips Indonesia, Taufik Ahmad confirmed that his party had submitted a proposal to extend the management of the Corridor Block to the government.

"I can confirm that we have submitted a proposal to extend the Corridor Block on September 27," he said

The Corridor Block is one of three oil and gas blocks that will expire in 2023 in cooperation contracts. Referring to the ESDM Ministry's initial plan, the fate of the block that expires its 2023 contract will be decided this October. Therefore, the government had previously given ConocoPhillips time until the end of September to submit its proposal.

Until last July, the realization of gas production from the Corridor Block was recorded at 828.41 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd, exceeding the target of 810 mmscfd. But until the end of the year, the production of this block is projected to be only 800 mmscfd. While next year, the Corridor Block is targeted to produce 810 mmscfd of gas. The Corridor Block contract was signed in 1983 and ends on December 19, 2023.

According to information on the ConocoPhilip page, the Corridor Block consists of two oil producing fields and seven gas fields. This oil field is Suban Baru and Rawa, while the gas fields are Suban, Sumpal and Dayung. Gas produced from the Corridor Block is sold through long-term contracts into the country and Singapore.

Currently ConocoPhilip continues to invest in maintaining the Corridor Block gas production. Conoco Philips drills development wells in Sumpal and Suban. In addition, the US oil and gas company built additional compressor facilities in Suban.

While the other two oil and gas blocks that were completed in 2023 are Rimau and Jabung blocks, currently managed by Petrochina International Jabung Ltd with participating rights (participating interest / PI) 42.86%, while other PI holders are Petronas Carigali 42.86 % and PT Pertamina (Persero) 14.29%. 

   Until last July, the block's oil production was recorded at 14,525 barrels per day (hph) and gas 210.1 mmscfd. This block contract expires on February 26, 2023.


ConocoPhillips Serahkan Proposal Blok Koridor

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan Conoco-Philips telah memasukkan proposal rencana pengembangan Blok Koridor pasca kontraknya berakhir pada 2023. Conoco-Philips merupakan kontraktor eksisting blok ini.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, proposal pengembangan itu telah diserahkan. Proposal merupakan dokumen lengkap rencana pengembangan Blok Koridor dari aspek teknis dan komersil. 

“Ini (proposal) sedang dibahas. Kami sudah terima proposalnya,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Djoko sempat menjelaskan, saat ini pemegang hak partisipasi Blok Koridor adalah Conoco Philip 54%, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Corridor 10%, dan Repsol 36%. Conoco Philip dikatakannya masih akan menggandeng Repsol dalam menggarap Blok Koridor setelah kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC) selesai di 2023. Sementara Pertamina mengajukan kepemilikan hak partisipasi 100% setelah 2023.

“Pertamina sudah memasukkan proposalnya, sangat tebal. Jadi perlu waktu (untuk evaluasi),” tutur Djoko.

Vice President Commercial, Business Development & Relations ConocoPhillips Indonesia Taufik Ahmad membenarkan bahwa pihaknya sudah memasukkan proposal perpanjangan pengelolaan Blok Koridor ke pemerintah. 

“Saya bisa mengkonfirmasi bahwa kami sudah memasukkan pengajuan perpanjangan Corridor Block pada 27 September,” tuturnya 

Blok Koridor merupakan satu dari tiga blok migas yang akan berakhir kontrak kerja samanya pada 2023. Mengacu rencana awal Kementerian ESDM, nasib blok yang habis kontraknya 2023 akan diputuskan pada Oktober ini. Karenanya, pemerintah sebelumnya memberikan waktu kepada ConocoPhilips sampai akhir September untuk menyerahkan proposalnya. 

Hingga Juli lalu, realisasi produksi gas dari Blok Koridor tercatat sebesar 828,41 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd, melebihi target 810 mmscfd. Namun sampai akhir tahun nanti, produksi blok ini diproyeksikan hanya 800 mmscfd. Sementara pada tahun depan, Blok Koridor ditargetkan menghasilkan gas 810 mmscfd. Kontrak Blok Koridor ditandatangani pada 1983 dan berakhir pada 19 Desember 2023.

Menurut keterangan dalam laman ConocoPhilip, Blok Koridor terdiri dari dua lapangan penghasil minyak dan tujuh lapangan gas. Lapangan minyak ini yakni Suban Baru dan Rawa, sementara lapangan gasnya adalah Suban, Sumpal, dan Dayung. Gas yang dihasilkan dari Blok Koridor dijual melalui kontrak jangka panjang ke dalam negeri dan Singapura.

Saat ini ConocoPhilip terus berinvestasi guna menjaga produksi gas Blok Koridor. Conoco Philips melakukan pengeboran sumur pengembangan di Sumpal dan Suban. Selain itu, perusahaan migas Amerika Serikat itu membangun fasilitas kompresor tambahan di Suban.

Sementara dua blok migas lain yang selesai kontraknya pada 2023 yakni Blok Rimau dan Jabung, saat ini dikelola oleh Petrochina International Jabung Ltd dengan kepemilikan hak partisipasi (participating interest/ PI) 42,86%, sementara pemegang PI yang lain adalah Petronas Carigali 42,86% dan PT Pertamina (Persero) 14,29%. Sampai Juli lalu, produksi minyak blok ini tercatat sebesar 14.525 barel per hari (hph) dan gas 210,1 mmscfd. Kontrak blok ini habis pada 26 Februari 2023. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Oct 3, 2018

2022 Peak of Natural Gas Supply

Overcome the Relying Deficit of New Projects

Domestic gas needs continue to increase. In fact, based on Indonesia's gas balance, there are two gas import scenarios. Namely, scenario I in 2027 and II in 2025 with a deficit below 500 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that natural gas supply in the 2018-2027 period will reach its peak in 2022 at 8,661 mmscfd. This figure increased compared to Indonesia's gas production in 2018 which reached 7,452 mmscfd.

A number of projects will support homeland gas production during this period. Among other things, Siwah Alur Field, Rambong, and Lulu Rayeu (Medco Blok A) are producing this year. The project can reach peak production of 67.4 mmscfd. Then, Field MDA & MBH and MDK (HCML), Jambaran Tiung Biru, Badik Field, and West Badik (PHE Nunukan) in 2019. Jambaran Tiung Biru has a peak production of 330 mmscfd.


Then, BP Berau Expansion (LNG Train 3) in 2020 and the Merakes Field (Eni East Sepinggan and Red Kido Smoke) peaked at 709 mmscfd, 391 mmscfd and 170 mmscfd respectively. There is also a Gendalo, Gandang and Gehem Field (GDR Chevron Project) gas project which is projected to operate in 2022.

After 2022, gas production has gradually declined to 8,048 mmscfd in 2027. However, by 2027, Abadi Field (INPEX Masela) operates with a production of 1,200 mmscfd. The East Natuna Block also operates that year. The operation of these projects is expected to meet domestic gas needs in Indonesia.

"Not all of the shortage regions and shortages are handled. For example, 2025 region 3. Connect the pipeline between Gresik and Semarang, the supply will come from Surabaya. This is no longer a shortage," explained EMR Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar.

Based on Indonesia's gas balance, region 3 or Central Java is one area that does not have the potential for large gas reserves. In 2018 to 2027, there has been no additional gas supply from the region. This year, gas supply in the region reached 79.98 mmscfd. Hopefully, with the connection of the Gresik-Semarang pipeline, the demand for gas in Region 3 can be met from the supply of region 4 or East Java.


2022 Puncak Pasokan Gas Bumi

Atasi Defisit Andalkan Proyek-Proyek Baru

Kebutuhan gas domestik terus meningkat. Bahkan, berdasar neraca gas Indonesia, ada dua skenario impor gas. Yakni, skenario I pada 2027 dan II pada 2025 dengan defisit di bawah 500 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd). Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencatat, pasokan gas bumi dalam kurun waktu 2018-2027 akan mencapai puncaknya pada 2022 sebesar 8.661 mmscfd. Angka tersebut meningkat dibandingkan dengan produksi gas Indonesia pada 2018 yang mencapai 7.452 mmscfd.

Sejumlah proyek akan menopang produksi gas tanah air pada masa tersebut. Di antaranya, Lapangan Alur Siwah, Rambong, dan Lulu Rayeu (Medco Blok A) yang berproduksi tahun ini. Proyek itu bisa mencapai produksi puncak sebesar 67,4 mmscfd. Lalu, Lapangan MDA & MBH serta MDK (HCML), Jambaran Tiung Biru, Lapangan Badik, dan West Badik (PHE Nunukan) pada 2019. Jambaran Tiung Biru memiliki produksi puncak 330 mmscfd.

Kemudian, BP Berau Expansion (LNG Train 3) pada 2020 serta Lapangan Merakes (Eni East Sepinggan dan Asap Kido Merah) puncaknya masing-masing sebesar 709 mmscfd, 391 mmscfd, dan 170 mmscfd. Juga ada proyek gas Lapangan Gendalo, Gandang, dan Gehem (IDD Project Chevron) yang diproyeksikan beroperasi pada 2022.

Setelah 2022, produksi gas berangsur turun menjadi 8.048 mmscfd pada 2027. Namun, pada 2027, Lapangan Abadi (INPEX Masela) beroperasi dengan produksi sebesar 1.200 mmscfd. Blok East Natuna juga beroperasi di tahun itu. Beroperasinya proyek-proyek tersebut diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gas domestik di Indonesia. 

"Tidak semua region shortage dan yang shortage kami atasi. Misalnya, 2025 region 3. Sambung pipa antara Gresik dan Semarang, maka suplai akan berasal dari Surabaya. Ini tidak shortage lagi,” urai Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

Berdasar neraca gas Indonesia, region 3 atau Jawa Tengah merupakan salah satu wilayah yang tidak memiliki potensi cadangan gas yang besar. Pada 2018 hingga 2027, belum ada tambahan pasokan gas yang berasal dari wilayah tersebut. Tahun ini pasokan gas diwilayah itu mencapai 79,98 mmscfd. Diharapkan, dengan tersambungnya pipa ruas Gresik-Semarang, kebutuhan gas pada Region 3 dapat terpenuhi dari pasokan region 4 atau Jawa Timur.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Tuesday, Oct 2, 2018

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Gas Supply Still Surplus Until 2024

Based on the 2018-2027 Indonesia Natural Gas Balance Sheet, gas supply up to 2024 is still surplus, so there is no need for imports. However, the gas balance has a potential deficit from 2025. The gas balance does not take into account production and the Abadi Field, Masela Block and East Natuna Block. Both oil and gas working areas have very significant gas reserves. When calculating gas production from the two jumbo fields, gas supply in the country is still quite abundant.

Indonesian Gas Balance 2018-2027 issued by the Ministry of Energy and can help investors, business entities, and ministries / institutions that want data and information related to national natural gas. The composition of domestic natural gas utilization in 2017 rose to 59%, while exports were 41%. Domestic natural gas utilization consists of industry (23.18%), electricity (14.09%), fertilizer (10.64%), oil and gas lifting (2.73%), and domestic liquefied natural gas / LNG (5, 64%).

In addition, domestic gas is also used for domestic LPG / LPG (2.17%) and household gas networks and gas refueling stations (0.15%). Exports of natural gas amounting to 41% consist of shipping through pipes 12.04% and in the form of LNG amounting to 29.37%. ESDM Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said that the preparation of the gas balance resulted in three natural gas consumption and supply scenarios.

The method for preparing the Indonesian Gas Balance Sheet 20-20-2027 has differences with the Indonesia Gas Balance 2009-2017. Based on the previous gas balance, gas demand comes from the need for contracted gas and potential gas needs.

"So today is clarification if there are some doubts [related to our gas balance. For each region, don't misperceive. There are some regions say shortage [gas deficit], this is an assumption now not in the next few years, "he said in the presentation of the Indonesian Gas Balance Sheet 2018-2027.

In the 2009-2017 Indonesia Gas Balance, the growth dynamics of natural gas demand shows fluctuating data. For example, the growth of gas demand in 2010 was 8%, while in 2015 only 5%. Arcandra said that the fluctuations in the growth of gas demand were due to unstable policies and the average price of different gases.

"However, this is not connected to ICP [Indonesian crude oil], the price of the pipeline gas continues to rise. But the key price of gas is upstream and midstream [distribution], "he added.

Meanwhile, the projection of gas needs in the Indonesia Gas Balance 2018-2027 is divided into three scenarios. Scenario I, the gas balance in 2018-2027 is surplus. The surplus gas balance because the gas demand projection calculation refers to the realization of natural gas utilization and the long-term pipeline and LNG gas export contracts are not extended.

The balance sheet uses the projected growth of the gas industry to grow 1.1% and Indonesia's economic growth of 5.5%. Scenario II, the gas balance in 2018-2024 remains surplus. However, the gas balance in 2025-2027 has a potential natural gas deficit. The calculation has not considered the potential gas supply from the discovery of new reserves and future gas contracts such as the Masela Block and East Natuna Block.

East Natuna Block

In the scenario of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the assumption of using gas from existing contracts is 100% realized. The use of gas for the electricity sector is also projected in accordance with the 2018-2027 General Electricity Procurement Plan (RUPTL). The assumption of growth in natural gas demand is in line with economic growth, which is 5.5% for the retail industry sector. In addition, the implementation of the revitalization of the oil refinery operates in accordance with the target. The construction of a petrochemical and fertilizer plant is also assumed to operate on schedule.

Scenario III, the gas balance is projected to be surplus in the period 2019-2024. Meanwhile, in 2025-2027 there is a potential natural gas deficit. However, in scenario III, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has not considered the potential of gas supply from the discovery of new reserves and future gas contracts such as the Masela Block and East Natuna Block.

The projection of gas requirements in scenario III uses the assumption that gas utilization from existing contracts is 100% realized and gas utilization for the electricity sector is in accordance with RUPTL 2018-2027. In addition, the retail industry sector utilizes gas at maximum plant capacity and increases demand from economic growth of 5.5%.

In addition, the implementation of the revitalization of the oil refinery is projected on schedule. Implementation of the construction of a new petrochemical and fertilizer plant on schedule. Arcandra said that with different methodologies, Indonesia's natural gas balance would be recalculated every year. It follows the revised RUPTL which is also revised every year.

"Why change because the biggest off taker is PT. PLN and they also changed [RUPTL]. "


On the other hand, businesses complain that the development of natural gas infrastructure is operating slowly so that the industry still faces challenges in the price and supply of natural gas. In the 2018-2027 Indonesia Natural Gas Balance Sheet, domestic gas needs until 2024 are still in surplus. However, gas supply from 2025 must be added. Additional gas supply can be done through increasing new gas reserves and accelerating the development of potential gas fields.

Chairman of the Glass and Sheet Glass Association Yustinus H. Gunawan said, from the exposure to the gas balance, the government actually provided an opportunity to reduce gas prices. However, the government only looks at the economic and gas infrastructure factors. In fact, infrastructure development such as gas pipelines can spur industrial growth. The Cirebon-Semarang segment gas pipeline plan can supply gas to industries around the pipeline.

"Floating storage regasification units [gas storage and regasification facilities] also cannot be handled. In fact, the key to the gas is infrastructure because the gas must be flowed continuously. And what is most likely to continue to be used is the pipe, "he said.

According to him, interconnection region 1 (northern Sumatra) -region 3 (Central Java) is most likely to occur with pipeline infrastructure. He cited the connection between the Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline, not only providing solutions to industrial players in Central Java, but also connecting Sumatra and Java gas connections. Block A gas production in Aceh of 67.4 MMscfd will also increase gas supply in region 1.

Gas supply in the region I (northern Sumatra) can increase from PHE NSO-NSB and ENI Krueng Mane Ltd. Gas supply in region 2 (central, southern and West Java Sumatra) faces the challenge of reducing Pertamina EP Asset II gas production. Lampung FSRU facilities can be an alternative to supply gas in the region. However, the price of gas from the FSRU is still an obstacle because it is still considered too high. There are several strategic upstream oil and gas projects in the region 2, such as Bison, Iguana, Gajah Puteri and field development by Premier Oil with an estimated gas production of 163 MMscfd in the 3/2019 quarter.

In addition, there is a potential supply of East Natuna gas supply of 1,000 MMscfd and PetroChina for Tiung Field in central and southern Sumatra reaching 100 MMscfd in 2027. Region 3 (East Java) can rely on the Semarang-Gresik gas pipeline with gas supply from Jambaran Field -Tiimg Biru. President Director & CEO of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. Bobby Gafur Umar said that the development of gas pipelines must look at the economic aspects, namely from the supply and demand side.

"If we look at the supply, there is a lot of surplus, but if there is no demand, that is what is now being identified in East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan [Bakrie gas pipeline project," he said.

According to him, the concept of gas pipeline development is not much different from toll roads, namely the potential of customers and users of these facilities.

"Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said that gas supply would not occur if there was no infrastructure. Well, we are now ready with supply, until the end of the year it is expected that gas demand from consumers will be known.


Suplai Gas Masih Surplus Sampai 2024

Berdasarkan Neraca Gas Bumi Indonesia 2018-2027, pasokan gas hingga 2024 masih surplus sehingga tidak perlu impor. Namun, neraca gas berpotensi defisit mulai 2025. Neraca gas tersebut belum memperhitungkan produksi dan Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela dan Blok East Natuna. Kedua wilayah kerja migas itu memiliki cadangan gas sangat signifikan. Bila memperhitungkan produksi gas dari kedua lapangan jumbo tersebut, pasokan gas di Tanah Air masih cukup melimpah.

Neraca Gas Indonesia 2018-2027 yang diterbitkan Kementerian Energi dan dapat membantu investor, badan usaha, dan kementerian/lembaga yang menginginkan data dan informasi terkait gas bumi nasional. Komposisi pemanfaatan gas bumi di dalam negeri pada 2017 naik menjadi 59%,sedangkan ekspor 41%. Pemanfaatan gas bumi domestik tersebut terdiri atas industri (23,18%), kelistrikan (14,09%), pupuk (10,64%), lifting migas (2,73%), dan liquefied natural gas/ LNG domestik (5,64%).

Selain itu, gas domestik juga digunakan untuk elpiji/LPG domestik (2,17%) dan jaringan gas rumah tangga dan stasiun pengisian bahan bakar gas (0,15%). Ekspor gas bumi sebesar 41% terdiri atas pengiriman melalui pipa 12,04% dan dalam bentuk LNG sebesar 29,37%. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa penyusunan neraca gas itu menghasilkan tiga skenario konsumsi dan pasokan gas bumi.

Metode penyusunan Neraca Gas Indonesia 20l8-2027 memiliki perbedadan dengan Neraca Gas Indonesia 2009-2017. Berdasarkan neraca gas sebelumnya, kebutuhan gas berasal dari kebutuhan gas yang sudah terkontrak dan kebutuhan gas yang masih potensial.

“Jadi hari ini klarifikasi kalau ada beberapa keraguan [terkait dengan neraca gas kita. Bagi per region juga, jangan salah persepsi. Ada region katakan shortage [defisit gas] sekian, ini asumsi sekarang bukan beberapa tahun mendatang,” katanya dalam paparan Neraca Gas Bumi Indonesia 2018-2027.

Dalam Neraca Gas Indonesia 2009-2017, dinamika pertumbuhan kebutuhan gas bumi menunjukkan data yang fluktuatif. Sebagai contoh, pertumbuhan kebutuhan gas pada 2010 sebesar 8%, sedangkan pada 2015 hanya 5%. Arcandra menyebut, fluktuasi pertumbuhan kebutuhan gas itu sebagai akibat kebijakan yang tidak stabil dan rerata harga gas yang berbeda.

“Namun, ini tidak tersambung ke ICP [minyak mentah Indonesi], harga gas pipa itu naik terus. Tapi kunci harga gas itu di hulu dan midstream [distribusi],” tambahnya. 

Sementara itu, proyeksi kebutuhan gas dalam Neraca Gas Indonesia 2018-2027 dibagi menjadi tiga skenario. Skenario I, neraca gas pada 2018-2027 surplus. Neraca gas surplus karena perhitungan proyeksi kebutuhan gas mengacu pada realisasi pemanfaatan gas bumi serta tidak diperpanjangnya kontrak-kontrak ekspor gas pipa dan LNG untuk jangka Panjang.

Neraca itu menggunakan proyeksi pertumbuhan industri gas tumbuh 1,1% dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia 5,5%. Skenario II, neraca gas pada 2018-2024 tetap surplus. Namun, neraca gas pada 2025-2027 ada potensi defisit gas bumi. Hitungan tersebut belum mempertimbangkan adanya potensi pasokan gas dari penemuan cadangan baru dan kontrak gas di masa mendatang seperti Blok Masela dan Blok East Natuna.

Dalam skenario Kementerian ESDM menggunakan asumsi pemanfaatan gas dari kontrak yang sudah ada terealisasi 100%. Pemanfaatan gas untuk sektor kelistrikan juga diproyeksikan sesuai dengan Rencana Umum Pengadaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) 2018-2027. Asumsi pertumbuhan permintaan gas bumi sesuai dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi, yaitu 5,5% untuk sektor industri ritel. Selain itu, pelaksanaan revitalisasi kilang minyak beroperasi sesuai dengan target. Pelaksanaan pembangunan pabrik petrokimia dan pupuk juga diasumsikan beroperasi sesuai jadwal.

Skenario III, neraca gas diproyeksi surplus dalam kurun 2019-2024. Sementara itu, pada 2025-2027 terdapat potensi defisit gas bumi. Namun, dalam skenario III, Kementerian ESDM belum mempertimbangkan potensi pasokan gas dari penemuan cadangan baru dan kontrak gas di masa mendatang seperti Blok Masela dan Blok East Natuna.

Proyeksi kebutuhan gas pada skenario III menggunakan asumsi pemanfaatan gas dari kontrak yang sudah ada terealisasi 100% dan pemanfaatan gas untuk sektor kelistrikan sesuai dengan RUPTL 2018-2027. Selain itu, sektor industri ritel memanfaatkan gas pada kapasitas pabrik maksimum serta penambahan permintaan dari pertumbuhan ekonomi 5,5%. 

Selain itu, pelaksanaan revitalisasi kilang minyak diproyeksikan sesuai jadwal. Pelaksanaan pembangunan pabrik baru petrokimia dan pupuk sesuai jadwal. Arcandra mengatakan bahwa dengan adanya perbedaan metodologi, neraca gas bumi Indonesia akan dihitung ulang setiap tahun. Hal itu mengikuti perubahan RUPTL yang juga direvisi setiap tahun. 

“Kenapa berubah karena off taker [penyerap] terbesarnya itu PT. PLN dan mereka juga berubah [RUPTL].”


Di sisi lain, pelaku usaha mengeluhkan pembangunan infrastruktur gas bumi beroperasi lambat sehingga industri masih menghadapi tantangan harga dan suplai gas bumi. Dalam Neraca Gas Bumi Indonesia 2018-2027, kebutuhan gas domestik sampai 2024 masih surplus. Namun, pasokan gas mulai 2025 harus ditambah. Tambahan suplai gas dapat di lakukan melalui peningkatan cadangan gas baru dan percepatan pengembangan lapangan gas potensial.

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman Yustinus H. Gunawan mengatakan, dari paparan neraca gas itu terlihat pemerintah sebenarnya memberikan peluang untuk menurunkan harga gas. Namun, pemerintah hanya melihat faktor keekonomian dan infrastruktur gas. Padahal, pembangunan infrasturktur seperti pipa gas mampu memacu pertumbuhan industri. Rencana pipa gas ruas Cirebon-Semarang dapat menyuplai gas untuk industri di sekitar jalur pipa tersebut.

“Floating storage regasification unit [fasilitas penyimpanan dan regasifikasi gas] juga tidak bisa dipegang pengerjaannya. Padahal, kunci dari gas itu adalah infrastruktur karena gas itu harus dialirkan terus. Dan yang paling mungkin terpakai terus adalah pipa,” katanya.

Menurutnya, interkoneksi region 1 (Sumatra bagian utara)-region 3 (Jawa Tengah) paling mungkin terjadi dengan infrasturktur pipa. Dia mencontohkan tersambungnya pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang, bukan hanya memberikan solusi kepada pelaku industri di Jawa Tengah, tetapi juga menyambungkan koneksi gas Sumatra dan Jawa. Produksi gas Blok A di Aceh sebesar 67,4 MMscfd juga akan menambah pasokan gas di region 1.

Suplai gas di region I (Sumatra bagian utara) bisa bertambah dari PHE NSO-NSB dan ENI Krueng Mane Ltd. Suplai gas di region 2 (Sumatra bagian tengah, selatan, dan Jawa Barat) menghadapi tantangan penurunan produksi gas Pertamina EP Aset II. Fasilitas FSRU Lampung dapat menjadi alternatif memasok gas di region tersebut. Namun, harga gas dari FSRU masih menjadi kendala karena dinilai masih terlalu tinggi. Ada beberapa proyek hulu migas yang strategis di region 2, seperti Bison, Iguana, Gajah Puteri dan pengembangan lapangan oleh Premier Oil dengan estimasi produksi gas sebesar 163 MMscfd pada kuartal 3/2019.

Selain itu, ada potensi suplai pasokan gas East Natuna sebesar 1.000 MMscfd dan PetroChina untuk Lapangan Tiung di Sumatra bagian tengah dan selatan mencapai 100 MMscfd pada 2027. Region 3 (Jawa Timur) bisa mengandalkan pipa gas ruas Semarang-Gresik dengan pasokan gas dari Lapangan Jambaran-Tiimg Biru. Direktur Utama & CEO PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. Bobby Gafur Umar mengatakan bahwa pembangunan pipa gas harus melihat aspek keekonomian, yaitu dari sisi suplai dan permintaan. 

“Kalau dilihat dari suplai memang surplus banyak, tetapi kalau permintaannya tidak ada, itu yang sekarang bahwa sedang diidentifikasikan di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Selatan [proyek pipa gas Bakrie,” katanya.

Menurutnya, konsep pembangunan pipa gas tidak jauh berbeda dengan jalan tol, yaitu potensi pelanggan dan pengguna fasilitas tersebut.

“Pak Wakil Menteri Arcandra Tahar bilang pasokan gas tidak akan terjadi kalau tidak ada infrasturktur. Nah, kami sekarang sudah siap dengan suplai, sampai akhir tahun diharapkan sudah bisa diketahui permintaan gas dari konsumen.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Tuesday, Oct 2, 2019

Conoco Phillips Already Complete the Proposal

ConocoPhillips Indonesia is serious about extending the Corridor Block project in Muba Regency, South Sumatra, which will expire in 2023. The company has completed two proposals at once, namely technical proposals and commercial proposals.

the Corridor Block - Sumatra

Conoco-Phillips Indonesia's Senior Vice President of Commercial, Business Development and Relations, Taufik Ahmad, said that ConocoPhillips Indonesia had submitted a proposal to re-manage the Corridor Block after the contract expires in 2023. They submitted the proposal to the government on September 27, 2018.

"We can confirm that ConocoPhillips has submitted an extension for the Corridor Block," said Taufik.

ConocoPhillips Gas Station

However, he has not been able to disclose in detail the contents of the proposal submitted to the government, both from a technical and commercial standpoint.

"For a while, our answer was like that first," said Taufik.

The same thing was revealed by the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto, who stated that Conoco-Phillips had formally submitted a proposal to re-manage the Corridor Block. In the proposal, according to Djoko, CococoPhillips will collaborate with Repsol which is currently also a partner in the Corridor Block.

"Yesterday we received a proposal from ConocoPhillips," he said.

According to Djoko, ConocoPhillips' proposal is complete, both technical proposals for managing the block and commercial proposals. While the proposal submitted by PT Pertamina was still a technical problem.

Repsol Gas Station

Djoko said the government began discussing the offerings of the two companies. The government is targeting, immediately decide the manager of the Corridor Block. Currently, the block located in South Sumatra is managed by ConocoPhillips with 54% participation rights. The Repsol holds 36%, and the remaining Pertamina is 10%.

The Corridor Block management contract was first signed in 1983 and ended for 40 years, in 2023. In the first half of this year, SKK Migas recorded that gas production from the Corridor Block reached 841 mmscfd. Until the end of this year, Block gas production, Corridor is projected to reach 798 mmscfd.


Conoco Phillips Sudah Lengkapi Proposal

ConocoPhillips Indonesia serius ingin memperpanjang koutrak Blok Corridor di Kabupaten Muba, Sumatra Selatan, yang berakhir pada tahun 2023. Perusahaan ini sudah melengkapi dua proposal sekaligus,  yakni porposal teknis dan proposal komersial.

Senior Vice President Commercial, Business Development and Relations Conoco-Phillips Indonesia, Taufik Ahmad, mengaku ConocoPhillips Indonesia telah memasukkan proposal untuk kembali mengelola Blok Corridor setelah kontrak berakhir pada   2023 mendatang. Mereka mengajukan proposal tersebut kepada pemerintah pada 27 September 2018.

"Kami bisa mengonfirmasi bahwa ConocoPhillips sudah mengajukan perpanjangan untuk Corridor Block," ungkap Taufik.

Namun, dia belum bisa mengungkapkan secara mendetail isi proposal yang diajukan kepada pemerintah, baik dari sisi teknis maupun komersial. 

"Untuk sementara jawaban kami seperti itu dulu ya," imbuh Taufik.

Hal senada diungkapkan Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto, yang menyatakan Conoco-Phillips telah secara resmi memasukkan proposal untuk kembali mengelola Blok Corridor. Dalam proposal itu, menurut Djoko, CococoPhillips akan menggandeng Repsol yang saat ini juga menjadi mitra di Blok Corridor. 

"Kemarin kami menerima proposal dari ConocoPhillips," ungkap dia. 

Menurut Djoko, proposal ConocoPhillips telah lengkap, baik pengajuan teknis pengelolaan blok tersebut maupun proposal komersial. Sedangkan proposal yang diajukan PT Pertamina sebelumnya masih masalah teknis.

Djoko mengaku pemerintah mulai membahas penawaran kedua perusahaan. Pemerintah menargetkan, segera memutuskan pengelola Blok Corridor. Saat ini, blok yang berlokasi di Sumatra Selatan itu dikelola ConocoPhillips dengan hak partisipasi 54%. Adapun Repsol memegang 36%, dan sisanya Pertamina 10%. 

Kontrak pengelolaan Blok Corridor ditandatangani pertama kali pada tahun 1983 lalu dan berakhir selama 40 tahun, yakni pada 2023 mendatang. Pada semester pertama tahun ini, SKK Migas mencatat produksi gas dari Blok Corridor mencapai 841 mmscfd. Hingga akhir tahun ini, produksi gas Blok ,Corridor diproyeksikan mencapai 798 mmscfd.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Oct 1, 2019

Contractor Oil Purchases Hampered by Tax

The efforts of PT Pertamina (Persero) to buy crude oil as part of the contract of the cooperation contract are still constrained by the existence of income tax on profit after tax or branch profit tax. 

    Director-General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto said, contractors who sell crude oil to Pertamina are subject to 44% tax. If the oil portion of the contractor is sold abroad, the tax levy is relatively smaller.

According to him, the problem was known during a discussion involving contractors in SKK Migas. At present, the sale of crude oil to domestic buyers has been exempted from Article 22 of Income Tax (PPh 22). However, the model of oil sales abroad that uses the Indonesian price scheme Crude price / ICP plus becomes a problem in the country.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

"The time to sell crude oil in Singapore is subject to a tax of about a dozen percent, well if the country is taxed at 44%. Too big right? If large, it will be burdensome for paying taxes, "he said.

In the Income Tax Act, Article 26 states that income tax is imposed on income received by foreign and Indonesian taxpayers other than permanent establishment (BUT) in Indonesia. Levies are taken on tax profits obtained by a permanent business entity subject to additional income tax on profit after tax obtained by BUT at 20% or according to the applicable tariff in the tax agreement.

According to him, the contractor oil portion that Pertamina bought was not taxed. The reason is, when the contract of cooperation contracts sells oil through a subsidiary that becomes its affiliate (trading arm), the contractor is not subject to Article 26 income tax. 

    If this policy is not changed and the Contractor Partnership Contract (KKKS) will still be taxed, Djoko suggests that the  Income Tax (PPh 22) levy should be included in the selling price of the oil. Furthermore, Pertamina will pay the tax to the government.

Djoko explained, when the Directorate General of Taxes did not get income from transactions through the trading arm, there should be no questionable levy on sales to Pertamina. So far three oil and gas contractors have agreed on the selling price of crude oil with Pertamina. The three contractors include PT Energi Mega Persada and Premier Oil.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Monday, Oct 1, 2018