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Showing posts with label PHE-ONWJ. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Per November, New Oil and Gas Lifting is 1.91 Million BOEPD

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) said that oil and gas lifting up to the end of last month was recorded at 1.91 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (barrel Oil Equivalent per day / boepd). This realization is still 95.5% of this year's oil lifting target set in the APBN of 2 million boepd.

According to SKK Migas data, both oil and gas lifting until November were still below the target. Oil lifting is recorded at only 762 thousand barrels per day (bpd) or 95.25% of the national budget target of 800 thousand bpd. Next, the realization of gas lifting of 1.14 million boepd, only reached 95% of the target set at 1.2 million boepd.

"This achievement reaches 95% of the 2018 State Budget, and until the end of the year we continue to strive for more optimal production," said Head of SKK Migas Program and Communication Division Wisnu Prabawa Taher.

He explained, the lifting performance was influenced by the performance of new wells that had not matched expectations. In addition, the rate of decline in production (decline rate) from the existing well is getting bigger. Next, there are several operating and instrument constraints, but they have been overcome.

"Then there are a number of development programs that have retreated to 2019," he said.

Drilling wells development and workover of wells are also still below the target. SKK Migas noted that drilling of 251 wells had been carried out from the target of 289 wells. Furthermore, re-work activities were realized as many as 554 wells from the target of 636 wells.

"We continue to strive for maximum achievement," Wisnu said.

Nevertheless, the realization of state revenues from the oil and gas sector actually exceeds the target. This year, state revenues from the oil and gas sector are targeted at the state budget of US $ 11.9 billion. However, the realization of this state revenue is projected to be higher, reaching US $ 16.1 billion.

"The total state revenue realization reached US $ 15.9 billion, 133% of the state budget target," Wisnu said.

Realization of cost recovery costs also exceeded the target Until last November, realization of cost recovery was recorded at US $ 10.9 billion. While the allocation in the State Budget/APBN is set at US $ 10.2 billion. Previously, Wisnu had revealed, related to the achievement of oil and gas revenues, mainly due to the increase in crude oil prices. However, this is also due to the efficiency and optimization of operating costs carried out by the cooperation contract contractors (KKKS), so that profit margins become better.

Referring to the data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), in the January-April period, the price of Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) was still recorded at around US $ 61-67 per barrel. Furthermore, ICP rose to US $ 72.46 per barrel in May. After that, ICP fell around US $ 70 per barrel, returning to US $ 69.36 per barrel in August, US $ 74.88 per bareL in September, and US $ 77.56 per barrel in October. However, ICP fell again in November to US $ 62.98 per barrel.

Project Operates

Wisnu added, until last November, there were five oil and gas projects operating. Some projects include the development of Block A by PT Medco E & P Malaka with an estimated peak production of 3,100 bph, the SP Project by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), which produces 30 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd of gas, and the construction of a collection station at Bunyu Field in Bunyu Island, North Kalimantan by PT Pertamina EP.

"Throughout 2018, six upstream oil and gas projects will be realized (operating) with a total investment of US $ 346 million and can contribute additional production during the peak period of a total of 34 thousand boepd," Wisnu said.

Rimau Block, South Sumatra

According to him, there is still one more project that will operate at the end of this year, namely the Lica production facility in Rimau Block, South Sumatra. The project undertaken by PT Medco E & P Indonesia has an estimated peak production of 3,700 bpd.


Per November, Lifting Migas Baru 1,91 Juta BOEPD    

Satuan kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu MIinyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan lifting minyak dan gas (migas) sampai akhir bulan lalu tercatat sebesar 1,91 juta barel setara minyak per hari (barrel  Oil  Equivalent per day/boepd). Realisasi ini masih 95,5% dari target lifting  minyak tahun ini yang ditetapkan dalam APBN sebesar 2 juta boepd.

Menurut data SKK Migas, baik lifting minyak maupun gas hingga November lalu masih di bawah target. Lifting minyak tercatat hanya sebesar 762 ribu barel per hari (bph) atau 95,25% dari target APBN 800 ribu bph. Berikutnya, realisasi lifting gas sebesar 1,14 juta boepd, hanya mencapai 95% dari target yang ditetapkan 1,2 juta boepd.

“Capaian tersebut mencapai 95% dari APBN 2018, dan hingga akhir tahun kami tetap upayakan produksi bisa lebih maksimal,” kata Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher.

Dia menjelaskan, performa lifting tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kinerja sumur baru yang belum sesuai ekspektasi. Selain itu, laju penurunan produksi (decline rate) dari sumur eksisting semakin besar. Berikutnya, ada beberapa kendala operasi dan instrumen, namun sudah dapat diatasi. 

“Kemudian ada beberapa program pengembangan yang mundur ke 2019,” ujarnya.

Kegiatan pengeboran sumur pengembangan dan kerja ulang (workover) sumur juga masih di bawah target. SKK Migas mencatat telah dilakukan pengeboran pengembangan 251 sumur dari target 289 sumur. Selanjutnya, kegiatan kerja ulang yang direalisasikan sebanyak 554 sumur dari target 636 sumur. 

“Secara kontinyu kami tetap mengupayakan pencapaian bisa maksimal,” tutur Wisnu.

Meski demikian, realisasi penerimaan negara dari sektor migas justru melebihi target. Pada tahun ini, penerimaan negara dari sektor migas ditargetkan dalam APBN sebesar US$ 11,9 miliar. Namun, realisasi penerimaan negara ini diproyeksikan lebih tinggi, yakni mencapai US$ 16,1 miliar.

“Realisasi penerimaan negara secara total mencapai US$ 15,9 miliar, 133% dari target APBN,” ujar Wisnu.

Realisasi biaya investasi yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery) juga melebihi target Sampai November lalu, realisasi cost recovery tercatat sebesar US$ 10,9 miliar. Sementara alokasi dalam APBN ditetapkan sebesar US$ 10,2 miliar. Sebelumnya, Wisnu sempat mengungkapkan, terkait capaian penerimaan migas, utamanya memang disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga minyak mentah. Namun, hal ini juga lantaran adanya efisiensi serta optimalisasi biaya operasi yang dilakukan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS), sehingga marjin labanya menjadi lebih bagus.

Mengacu data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), pada periode Januari-April lalu, harga minyak mentah Indonesia (Indonesian Crude Price/ICP) tercatat masih bertahan di kisaran US$ 61-67 per barel. Selanjutnya, ICP meningkat naik menjadi US$ 72,46 per barel pada Mei. Setelah itu, ICP turun di kisaran US$ 70 per barel, kembali menjadi US$ 69,36 per barel di Agustus lalu, US$ 74,88 per bareL di September, dan US$ 77,56 per barel di Oktober. Namun, ICP kembali turun di November lalu menjadi US$ 62,98 per barel.

Proyek Beroperasi

Wisnu menambahkan, hingga November lalu, tercatat terdapat lima proyek migas yang telah beroperasi. Beberapa proyek diantaranya yakni pengembangan Blok A oleh PT Medco E&P Malaka dengan estimasi produksi puncak 3.100 bph, Proyek SP oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) yang menghasilkan gas 30 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd), serta pembangunan stasiun pengumpul di Lapangan Bunyu DI Bunyu Island Kalimantan Utara oleh PT Pertamina EP.

“Sepanjang 2018 dapat terealisasi enam proyek hulu migas onstream (beroperasi) dengan total investasi US$ 346 juta serta dapat memberikan kontribusi tambahan produksi pada masa puncak total 34 ribu boepd,” tutur Wisnu.

Menurutnya, masih ada satu proyek lagi yang akan beroperasi di akhir tahun ini, yakni fasilitas produksi Lica di Blok Rimau, Sumatera Selatan. Proyek yang dikerjakan oleh PT Medco E&P Indonesia ini memiliki estimasi produksi puncak sebesar 3.700 bph.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec 14, 2018

Oil and Gas Lifting Still Below Target

The realization of oil and gas production this year is still below the target. As of November 2018, the realization of oil and gas lifting has only reached 1.91 million barrels of Oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). This figure is equivalent to 95% of the target in the 2018 State Budget (APBN). The oil and gas lifting includes 762,000 BOPD of oil and 1.14 million BOEPD of natural gas.

SKK Migas Head of Program and Communication, Wisnu Prabawa Taher stated that the achievement of oil and gas lifting up to November 2018 was influenced by the performance of new wells which had not matched expectations. There is a decline rate from the older wells that are getting bigger. In fact, according to SKK Migas, there are a number of obstacles operational and instruments that have recently been overcome. There are also a number of oil and gas development programs that have retreated to 2019.

"Until the end of this year, we continue to strive for more optimal oil and gas production," Wisnu said.

To improve the development of upstream oil and gas fields and maintain production optimally, in November SKK Migas has drilled 251 wells from the target of 289 wells; Then the workover program for 554 wells from the target of 636 wells.

"We continue to strive for maximum achievement," Wisnu said.

One way to achieve the lifting target this year is to increase the production of new upstream oil and gas. So far, SKK Migas has noted that there are five upstream oil and gas projects that are already onstream, namely Block A in Aceh, SP in ONWJ, and the most recent is the construction of the Gathering Station at Pertamina EP Bunyu field at Bunyu Island, North Kalimantan.

Towards the end of this year, Wisnu claims there will be an onstream project, namely the Lica production facility in South Sumatra, so that it is estimated that throughout 2018 six on-stream upstream oil and gas projects can be realized with a total estimated investment of US $ 346 million. The project can contribute additional production during its peak period of 34,000 BOEPD.

In addition to oil and gas lifting, SKK Migas noted the realization of cost recovery until November worth US $ 10.9 billion. The realization of state revenues reached US $ 15.9 billion or 133% of the state budget target.


Lifting Migas Masih di Bawah Target

Realisasi produksi minyak dan gas bumi (migas) tahun ini masih di bawah target. Hingga November 2018, realisasi lifting migas baru mencapai 1,91 juta barrel Oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). Angka itu setara 95% dari target dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2018. Lifting migas itu meliputi minyak bumi 762.000 BOPD dan gas bumi 1,14 juta BOEPD. 

Kepala Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas, Wisnu Prabawa Taher mengemukakan, pencapaian lifting migas hingga November 2018 dipengaruhi kinerja sumur baru yang belum sesuai ekspektasi. Ada decline rate dari sumur lama yang semakin besar. Bahkan, menurut SKK Migas, ada sejumlah kendala operasional dan instrumen yang belakangan ini sudah dapat diatasi. Ada pula beberapa program pengembangan migas yang mundur menjadi tahun 2019. 

"Hingga akhir tahun ini, kami tetap mengupayakan produksi migas bisa lebih maksimal," kata Wisnu.

Untuk meningkatkan pengembangan lapangan hulu migas dan menjaga produksi secara optimal, pada November lalu SKK Migas telah melakukan pengeboran pengembangan sebanyak 251 sumur dari target 289 sumur; Kemudian program kerja ulang (workover) terhadap 554 sumur dari target 636 sumur.

"Secara continue kami tetap mengupayakan pencapaian bisa maksimal," ujar Wisnu.

Salah satu cara untuk mencapai target lifting pada tahun ini adalah meningkatkan produksi baru hulu migas. Sejauh ini SKK Migas mencatat terdapat lima proyek hulu migas yang sudah onstream, yakni Blok A di Aceh, SP di ONWJ, dan yang paling mutakhir adalah pembangunan Gathering Station di Pertamina EP lapangan Bunyu.

Menjelang akhir tahun ini, Wisnu mengklaim akan ada satu proyek yang onstream yaitu fasilitas produksi Lica di Sumatera Selatan, sehingga diperkirakan sepanjang tahun 2018 dapat terealisasi enam proyek hulu migas yang on-stream dengan total estimasi investasi mencapai US$ 346 juta. Proyek tersebut dapat memberikan kontribusi tambahan produksi pada masa puncaknya sebesar 34.000 BOEPD.

Selain lifting migas, SKK Migas mencatat realisasi cost recovery hingga November senilai US$ 10,9 miliar. Adapun realisasi penerimaan negara mencapai US$ 15,9 miliar atau 133% dari target APBN.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Dec 14, 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018

PHE Oil and Gas Production Exceeds Target

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) recorded an average oil and gas production of 229,441 barrels of barrel oil equivalent per day last September. The realization exceeds the target set at 224,818 BOEPD or around 102.1%.

The average oil production from the subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) was recorded at 80,103 barrels per day (BPH) in September. While for PHE gas production in September 2018 reached 865 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd) or 5% exceeded the target in the same period of 824 mmscfd.

PHE Operations and Production Director Ekariza said that the driving factor that boosted PHE's operational performance in September 2018 included the shifting of the Southeast Sumatra Block (SES) management to 100% in Pertamina's hands.

In addition, increased production was also lifted by the achievement of oil and gas production targets for PHE subsidiaries, including JOB Medco E & P Tomori Sulawesi, PHE NSO and NSB, PHE Ogan Komering, BOB Bumi Siak Pusako Pertamina Hulu, JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang, and JOB Pertamina Petrochina Salawati.

"The biggest contributor to PHE production is on a consolidated basis from PHE Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), after that the SES Block and third PHE West Madura Offshore (PHE-WMO), "Ekariza said in a written statement in Jakarta on Wednesday (11/7).

Blogger Agus Purnomo in PT. PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO)

Ekariza said, along with the increase in oil production in September 2018, the average production of PHE oil is ready to sell (lifting). In September, PHE oil lifting rose to 81.9 thousand bpd, compared to the realization in the previous month an average of 61 thousand bpd.

Cumulatively until the end of the third quarter of 2018, Pertamina Hulu Energi posted oil and gas production of 198,505 BOEPD or 1.2% exceeding the target set in the same period of 196,247 BOEPD.


Produksi Migas PHE Melebihi Target

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) mencatat rata-rata produksi minyak dan gas (migas) sebesar 229.441 barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/BOEPD) pada September kemarin. Realisasi itu melebihi dari target yang ditetapkan sebesar 224.818 BOEPD atau sekitar 102,1%. 

Rata-rata produksi minyak dari anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) itu tercatat sebesar 80.103 barel per hari (BPH) pada September. Sementara untuk produksi gas yang PHE sepanjang September 2018 mencapai 865 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic feet per day/ mmscfd) atau 5% melebihi target pada periode yang sama sebesar 824 mmscfd. 

Direktur Operasi dan Produksi PHE Ekariza mengatakan, faktor pendorong yang mendongkrak kinerja operasional PHE pada September 2018 antara lain telah beralihnya pengelolaan Blok Southeast Sumatra (SES) menjadi 100% di tangan Pertamina.

Selain itu, peningkatan produksi juga terangkat oleh tercapainya target produksi migas pada anak-anak perusahaan PHE, antara lain JOB Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi, PHE NSO dan NSB, PHE Ogan Komering, BOB Bumi Siak Pusako Pertamina Hulu, JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang, dan JOB Pertamina Petrochina Salawati.

“Kontributor terbesar terhadap produksi PHE secara konsolidasi tetap dari PHE Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), setelah itu Blok SES dan ketiga PHE West Madura Offshore (PHE-WMO) ,” kata Ekariza dalam keterangan tertulis di Jakarta, Rabu (7/11).

Ekariza menuturkan, seiring adanya peningkatan produksi minyak pada September 2018, rata-rata produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak PHE juga meningkat. Pada September lalu lifting minyak PHE naik menjadi 81,9 ribu bph, dibandingkan realisasi pada bulan sebelumnya rata-rata sebesar 61 ribu bph.

Secara kumulatif hingga akhir kuartal ketiga 2018, Pertamina Hulu Energi membukukan produksi migas sebesar 198.505 BOEPD atau 1,2% melebihi target yang ditetapkan pada periode yang sama sebesar 196.247 BOEPD.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Nov 9, 2018

Block Termination Performance Decreases

Oil and gas production in the termination block which is now managed by PT Pertamina tends to decrease. This state-owned oil and gas company assesses that oil and gas contractors (KKKS) previously contributed to the decline in oil and gas block production. Pertamina won a mandate from the government to manage 10 termination oil and gas blocks.

Mahakam Block

The 10 oil and gas blocks include ONWJ, Mahakam Block, Central Block, Attaka Block, East Kalimantan, NSO, Sanga-sanga Block, Southeast Sumatra, Tuban Block and Ogan Komering.

PT Pertamina's Senior Vice President of Upstream Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation. Meidawati, said the decline in oil and gas production in the termination block was because the old contractors did not issue investments in two to three years before termination.

At that time, Pertamina cannot enter the termination block because it is still managed by the old operator. With the exception of the Mahakam Block, Pertamina intends to drill 19 wells, although lately only 13 wells have been drilled due to declining production.


Kinerja Blok Terminasi Menurun

Produksi migas di blok terminasi yang kini dikelola PT Pertamina cenderung menurun. Perusahaan migas milik pemerintah ini menilai kontraktor migas (KKKS) terdahulu ikut berkontribusi atas penurunan produksi blok migas itu. Pertamina meraih mandat dari pemerintah untuk mengelola 10 blok migas terminasi. 

Ke-10 blok migas itu meliputi ONWJ, Blok Mahakam, Blok Tengah, Blok Attaka, East Kalimantan, NSO, Blok Sanga-sanga, Southeast Sumatera, Blok Tuban dan Ogan Komering.

Senior Vice President Upstream Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation PT Pertamina. Meidawati, mengatakan penurunan produksi migas di blok terminasi karena kontraktor lama tidak mengeluarkan investasi dalam dua hingga tiga tahun sebelum terminasi.

Di jangka waktu itu, Pertamina tidak bisa masuk blok terminasi karena masih dikelola operator lama. Kecuali Blok Mahakam, Pertamina berniat mengebor 19 sumur, meski belakangan hanya 13 sumur yang dibor akrena produksinya sudah menurun.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Nov 9, 2018

PHE Oil and Gas Production Exceeds 2018 Target

As of September this year, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) oil and gas production has exceeded its target in 2018. In detail, PHE has produced oil reaching 229,441 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), or 102.06% of the target amounting to 224,818 boepd.

At the same time, this subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) has produced an average of 865 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmscfd). This figure reaches 105% of the target set at 824 mmscfd. 

    Director of Operation and Production of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, Ekariza said, the factors that boosted PHE's operational performance until September this year include the participation of 100% participating interest (Pl) PHE Offshore Southeast Sumatra (OSES) for oil and gas management in the Southeast Sumatra Block (SES) .

In addition, the trigger for the increase in PHE production is the achievement of oil and gas production targets in a number of PHE subsidiaries including JOB Medco E & P Tomori Sulawesi, PHE NSO & NSB, PHE Ogan Komering, BOB Bumi Siak Pusako Pertamina Hulu, JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang, and JOB Pertamina Petrochina Salawati.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in PT. PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO)

"The biggest contributor to Pertamina Hulu Energi's production on a consolidated basis remains from PHE Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), then SES Block and third PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO)," he said in a press release.


Produksi Migas PHE Melampaui Target 2018

Hingga September tahun ini, produksi minyak dan gas bumi (migas) PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) sudah melampaui target sepanjang 2018. Perinciannya, PHE telah memproduksi minyak mencapai 229.441 barrel oil equivalent per day (boepd), atau 102,06% dari target sebesar 224.818 boepd.

Di saat yang sama, anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) ini telah memproduksi rata-rata gas mencapai 865 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Angka tersebut mencapai 105% dari target yang ditetapkan mencapai 824 mmscfd. Direktur Operasi dan Produksi PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, Ekariza mengemukakan, faktor yang menclongkrak kinerja operasional PHE hingga September tahun ini antara lain telah masuknya participating interest (Pl) 100% PHE Offshore Southeast Sumatra (OSES) untuk pengelolaan migas di Blok Southeast Sumatra (SES).

Selain itu, pemicu peningkatan produksi PHE adalah tercapainya target kinerja produksi minyak dan gas di sejumlah anak perusahaan PHE antara lain JOB Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi, PHE NSO&NSB, PHE Ogan Komering, BOB Bumi Siak Pusako Pertamina Hulu, JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang, dan JOB Pertamina Petrocfhina Salawati.

“Penyumbang terbesar produksi Pertamina Hulu Energi secara konsolidasi tetap berasal dari PHE Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), lalu Blok SES dan ketiga PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO),” ujarnya dalam siaran pers.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Nov 8, 2018

PHE Production Exceeds Target

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) managed to record oil and gas production of 229,441 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day or barrel oil equivalent per day (Boepd) until the end of September 2018. The production of Pertamina's subsidiary had reached 102.1 percent of the target of 224,818 thousand boepd.

In detail, the average oil production of the company reaches 80, 103 thousand barrels per day. Gas production has reached 865 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd). 

    PHE Operations and Production Director Ekariza said the boosting factor for PHE's operational performance in September was the inclusion of 100 percent participating interest (PI) PHE Offshore Southeast Sumatra (OSES) for oil and gas management in the Southeast Sumatra Block (SES).

"The biggest contribution to PHE production is on a consolidated basis from PHE Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), new SES Block, and third PHE West Madura Offshore (PHE-WMO), "he said.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in PT. PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO)

In addition, the trigger for increasing production is the achievement of oil and gas production performance targets for PHE subsidiaries. Among other things, JOB Medco E & P Tomori Sulawesi, PHE NSO & NSB, PHE Ogan Komering. And BOB Bumi Siak Pusako Pertamina Upstream, Pertamina JOB Talisman Jambi Merang, and JOB Pertamina Petrochina Salawati.

He said the average production of ready to sell (lifting) oil PHE per day in September 2018 rose to 81.9 thousand bopd. Higher when compared to the realization of the previous month which averaged 61 thousand bopd.


Produksi PHE Lampaui Target

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) berhasil mencatatkan produksi migas sebesar 229,441 ribu barel setara minyak per hari atau barrel oil equivalent per day (boepd) hingga akhir September 2018. Capaian produksi anak usaha Pertamina tersebut telah mencapai 102, 1 persen dari target yang ditetapkan 224,818 ribu boepd.

Perinciannya, rata-rata produksi minyak bumi perseroan mencapai 80, 103 ribu barel per hari. Produksi gas telah mencapai 865 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Direktur Operasi dan Produksi PHE Ekariza mengatakan, faktor pendongkrak kinerja operasional PHE pada September adalah masuknya participating interest (PI) 100 persen PHE Offshore Southeast Sumatera (OSES) untuk pengelolaan migas di Blok Southeast Sumatera (SES). 

”Kontribusi terbesar terhadap produksi PHE secara konsolidasi tetap dari PHE Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), baru Blok SES, dan ketiga PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO)," ujarnya.

Selain itu, pemicu peningkatan produksi adalah tercapainya target kinerja produksi migas pada anak-anak perusahaan PHE. Di antaranya, JOB Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi, PHE NSO&NSB, PHE Ogan Komering. Serta BOB Bumi Siak Pusako Pertamina Hulu, JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang, dan JOB Pertamina Petrochina Salawati.

Dia mengatakan, rata-rata produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak PHE per hari pada September 2018 naik menjadi 81,9 ribu bopd. Lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan realisasi bulan sebelumnya yang rata-rata 61 ribu bopd.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Thursday, Nov 8, 2018

30 Oil and Gas Blocks Using Gross Split Contracts

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) claims that the cooperation contract (production sharing contract PSC) for gross split is attractive to investors. This can be seen from 30 oil and gas working areas (WK) using gross split PSC during the 2017-2018 period. 

    Of the 30 oil and gas blocks that use the gross PSC, 11 oil and gas blocks are the results of 2017 and 2018 auctions. The auction results for last year's oil and gas blocks are Block Andaman I, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, and West Yamdena.

While the auction results for 2018 oil and gas blocks are the Citarum Block, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B, and Banyumas. Furthermore, 19 other oil and gas blocks are termination blocks whose contract periods expire from 2017 to 2022. The oil and gas blocks whose contracts expire in 2017 are Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Next, the oil and gas contracts ending 2018 are North Sumatra Offshore, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatra, Tuban, Sanga-Sanga, and East Kalimantan.

Oil and gas blocks whose contracts expire in 2019 are Jambi Merang, Raja / Non Bula Hall, Ceremonial and Ceremonial Hall. The terminated oil and gas blocks are Malacca Straits, Brantas, Salawati, and Bird Heads. While the WK whose contract expires in 2021 is Rokan (Chevron). Finally, the oil and gas blocks that ended in 2022 were the Tarakan Block, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), and Tungkal.

Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said, the existence of 30 oil and gas blocks using gross split showed that the profit sharing scheme was attractive to investors.

"Until now there have been 30 contracts using gross split," Arcandra said in Jakarta.

Arcandra expects that the third phase of oil and gas block offering this year can be successful so that the number of oil and gas blocks that use gross split schemes is increasing. This scheme is expected to revive oil and gas investment in Indonesia because it provides many benefits and conveniences for investors.

However, if detailed, at the 2017 and 2018 oil and gas auctions, the number of interested parties is lower than the oil and gas block offered. At the 2017 auction, 15 oil and gas blocks were offered through regular auctions and direct offers.

However, only five oil and gas blocks were finally won by oil and gas companies. Then this year, there have been two stages of the auction being held. Of the 24 oil and gas blocks offered in the first phase of the auction, only 4 blocks were sold. Meanwhile for the second phase of the auction, 6 oil and gas blocks are offered, but only 2 blocks have the winner.

Separately, Energy Observer and Chair I of the Indonesian Petroleum Engineering Association (IATMI) Pri Agung Rakhmanto deemed it inappropriate if the gross split scheme was seen as an answer to the low oil and gas investment. Because, gross split is only one form of oil and gas contract that is not too thought by investors.

"Want to change the form of another contract, I think the results will be the same. The basic problem is not there, but in the overall investment climate. In this case, I think investors also see how the level of government support reaches the highest, concrete or not level of upstream oil and gas, "he said.

Pri Agung said that the increase in world oil prices had not contributed positively to investors who would try in the country. He said that Indonesia is still less competitive than other countries globally. In fact, he referred to the results of the Fraser Institute survey in 2017 which ranked Indonesia as the bottom 10.

"Since 2017 the global upstream oil and gas investment trend has gone up, we are still down," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, investment in the upstream oil and gas sector has indeed not increased. In 2015, the realization of upstream oil and gas investment was recorded at US $ 15.04 billion. Then in the following year, the realization of this investment fell to US $ 12.01 billion. Upstream oil and gas investment is actually decreasing in 2017, which is US $ 9.3 billion. While the realization until September this year only reached US $ 7.9 billion from the target of US $ 14.2 billion.


30 Blok Migas Pakai Kontrak Gross Split

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengklaim kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract PSC) bagi hasil kotor (gross split) diminati investor. Hal ini terlihat dari sebanyak 30 wilayah kerja (WK) minyak dan gas bumi yang menggunakan PSC gross split selama periode 2017-2018. 

     Dari jumlah 30 blok migas yang menggunakan PSC gross split tersebut, sebanyak 11 blok migas merupakan hasil lelang 2017 dan 2018. Hasil lelang blok migas tahun lalu adalah Blok Andaman I, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, dan West Yamdena. 

Sedangkan hasil lelang blok migas 2018 adalah Blok Citarum, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B, dan Banyumas. Selanjutnya, 19 blok migas lainnya merupakan blok terminasi yang masa kontraknya berakhir mulai 2017 hingga 2022. 

    Blok migas yang kontraknya berakhir pada 2017 adalah Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Berikutnya, kontrak migas yang berakhir 2018 adalah North Sumatera Offshore, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatera, Tuban, Sanga-Sanga, dan East Kalimantan.

Blok migas yang kontraknya berakhir 2019 adalah Jambi Merang, Raja/Pendopo, Bula, dan Seram Non Bula. Blok migas terminasi 2020 adalah Malacca Straits, Brantas, Salawati, dan Kepala Burung. Sementara WK yang kontraknya berakhir pada 2021 adalah Rokan. Terakhir, blok migas yang berakhir pada 2022 adalah Blok Tarakan, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), dan Tungkal.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, adanya 30 blok migas yang menggunakan gross split menunjukkan skema bagi hasil itu diminati investor. 

“Sampai sekarang sudah ada 30 kontrak menggunakan gross split,” kata Arcandra di Jakarta.

Arcandra mengharapkan, penawaran blok migas tahap ketiga tahun ini dapat berhasil baik sehingga jumlah blok migas yang menggunakan skema gross split semakin banyak. Skema ini diharapkan menggairahkan kembali investasi migas di Indonesia karena memberikan banyak keuntungan dan kemudahan bagi investor. 

Namun bila dirinci, pada lelang migas 2017 dan 2018, jumlah peminat lebih rendah dari blok migas yang ditawarkan. Pada lelang 2017 lalu, sebanyak 15 blok migas ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler dan penawaran langsung. 

Namun hanya lima blok migas yang akhirnya dimenangkan oleh perusahaan migas. Kemudian di tahun ini, sudah ada dua tahap lelang yang dilaksanakan. Dari 24 blok migas yang ditawarkan pada lelang tahap pertama, hanya 4 blok yang laku. Sementara untuk lelang tahap dua ditawarkan 6 blok migas, tetapi hanya 2 blok saja yang ada pemenangnya.

Secara terpisah, Pengamat Energi sekaligus Ketua I Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) Pri Agung Rakhmanto menilai kurang tepat bila skema gross split dipandang sebagai jawaban dari rendahnya investasi migas. Pasalnya, gross split hanya salah satu bentuk kontrak migas yang tidak terlalu dipikirkan oleh investor.

“Mau diubah bentuk kontrak lain, saya kira juga akan sama saja hasilnya. Persoalan mendasarnya bukan di situ, tapi di iklim investasi secara keseluruhan. Dalam hal ini, investor saya pikir juga melihat bagaimana tingkat dukungan pemerintah hingga ke level tertinggi, konkret atau tidak terhadap hulu migas,” ujarnya.

Pri Agung menuturkan naiknya harga minyak dunia belum berkontribusi positif bagi investor yang akan berusaha di tanah air. Dia menyebut Indonesia masih kalah kompetitif dibandingkan negara lain secara global. Bahkan dia merujuk pada hasil survei Fraser Institute di 2017 yang menempatkan Indonesia pada peringkat 10 besar terbawah.

“Sejak 2017 investasi hulu migas global trennya sudah naik, kita tetap saja turun,” ujarnya. 

Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, investasi di sektor hulu migas memang belum mengalami peningkatan. Di 2015, realisasi investasi hulu migas tercatat mencapai US$ 15,04 miliar. Kemudian pada tahun berikutnya, realisasi investasi ini turun menjadi US$ 12,01 miliar. Investasi hulu migas justru semakin turun di 2017, yakni sebesar US$ 9,3 miliar. Sementara realisasi hingga September tahun ini hanya mencapai US$ 7,9 miliar dari target US$ 14,2 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Nov 7, 2018

Friday, November 2, 2018

Termination Block Increases Pertamina's Production by 5%

The management of two 2018 termination oil and gas blocks to PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia provides additional oil and gas production of 5% to PT Pertamina (Persero). The two oil and gas blocks are Sanga-Sanga and East Kalimantan-Attaka. 

    Bambang Manumayoso, Managing Director of Pertamina Upstream Indonesia, said that the company manages three termination oil and gas blocks, namely the Mahakam, Sanga-Sanga, and East Kalimantan-Attaka Blocks.

the Mahakam block

The production of the Sanga-Sanga and East Kalimantan-Attaka Blocks is relatively different. Of the two 2018 termination blocks, it is optimistic to obtain an additional 5% production.

Attaka Blocks

"So it is indeed not significant in the context of national oil and gas production. But for Pertamina, there is additional production of 5%, "Bambang said in Balikpapan.

Referring to Pertamina's data, until the end of last July, the Sanga-Sanga Block was recorded as producing 10,753 barrels per day (BPD) of oil and 80.7 million standard cubic feet per day/Mmscfd of gas. Meanwhile, Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka produced 13,220 BPD of oil and 69.44 mmscfd of gas per September.

Bambang continued, his party would continue to boost the termination block production through the discovery of new oil and gas potential. Therefore, It is committed to conducting exploration in this termination block. Bambang is optimistic, with the development of oil and gas technology, reserves will be found new in this area. Moreover, the three Working Areas they manage are in one area.

"This is a very large delta system and we examine the potential around it," he said.

It takes at least 1-2 years to study new exploration potentials. This is reflected in the definite work commitment promised by Pertamina. Referring to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No 1793K / 12 / MEM / 2018, in Sanga-Sanga, Pertamina promised to drill 4 exploration wells worth the US $ 20 million and a G & G study of US $ 500 thousand. At East Kalimantan-Attaka, the company is committed to drilling 1 exploration well worth US $ 30 million and an exploration study of US $. 250 thousand.

"It is expected that the study and exploration package will be able to add new potential reserves," Bambang said.

The Sanga Sanga block is estimated to still have a cumulative estimate of production of 258 million barrels of oil equivalent. The Sanga-Sanga work area has seven fields, namely Rhinos, Rice, Lampake, Patchouli, Mutiara, Pamaguan, and Semberah. While the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block is estimated to have a cumulative oil production of 1 billion barrels and gas of 3 trillion cubic feet.

This block has 15 fields, namely Attaka, Melangin, Kerindingan, Serang, Sapi, Santan, Sepinggan, Sedandang, Seguni, Sejadi, Yakin, Mahoni, Bangkirai, Seturian, and Beaches. 

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Previously, Amien Sunaryadi, Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), revealed that with the management of termination blocks, the increase in Pertamina's oil and gas production alone is not enough.

The reason is, if Indonesia wants no longer needs to import crude oil or fuel oil (BBM), domestic oil production must increase by the current import of around 1.3 million barrels per day.

"If you want to go up that much, you need to have at least five Banyu Urip Fields. That is, giant discoveries, not just one, "he asserted.

For this reason, his party hopes that Pertamina will also try to find a large enough oil and gas reserve. Furthermore, Bambang said, the management of the two oil and gas blocks would involve the participation of the regional government. The amount of participation rights (participating interest / PI) of the regional government has been determined by the central government at 10%. At present, the 10% PI is still being discussed together with SKK Migas.

According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), since 2017, Pertamina has been granted 100% management and ownership rights for 13 terminations of oil and gas blocks from 2017-2021. In detail, Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), Mahakam, Central, Attaka, East Kalimantan, North Sumatra Offshore (NSO), Sanga-Sanga, SES, Tuban, Ogan Komering, and Rokan.

the Rokan Block by Chevron

With the ownership of 12 terminated oil and gas blocks, without Blok Rokan, Pertamina is projected to gradually control 39 percent of national oil and gas production starting next year. At present, the national oil and gas production is recorded at around 2 million barrels of oil equivalent per barrel (boepd). This means that Pertamina's role in maintaining national oil and gas production will be even greater.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018

ONWJ Block Ensured Safe

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), ensures Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) is safe. The location of the fall of the Lion Air JT-610 aircraft was stated far from the Block ONWJ facility. 

    PHE Vice President Relations Ifki Sukarya said, his office received information on the Lion Air JT-61 aircraft - lost contact in the waters between Bekasi and Karawang. The location of the plane lost contact very far from the platform facilities operated by PHE ONWJ.

However, once he was informed about the crash of the plane, he immediately checked. PHE ONWJ deployed its operational vessel, the Prabu Ship to patrol the site and check and search information and ensure the security of the company's operations.

"Regarding the incident, the company's operations are still safe without interruption," he said in his official statement.

For this incident, PHE ONWJ also provided support to BASARNAS to evacuate pieces of the Lion Air JT-610 aircraft. Around 10:30 a.m., the Prabu Ship found and handed over pieces of debris and personal items found around the location of the lost contact Lion Air plane to the Basarnas ship to be handed over.

"We were also concerned and expressed deep sorrow for the incident. "Hopefully the passenger family will be given patience and patience," he said

In accordance with applicable procedures at PHE ONWJ, since the receipt of information regarding the lost contact of Lion Air JT-610 in the vicinity of Tanjung Karawang waters, an Incident Management Team (IMT) was immediately carried out to monitor the situation in the field. 

     Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) revealed that there were three employees of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas who were passengers of the Lion Air JT-610 which crashed in Karawang, West Java.

Based on the manifest of the plane the three employees were named Inayah Dewi, Dewi Herlina, and Dewi Jannatun. ESDM Ministry Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto confirmed that the three names were employees of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas. The three employees were assigned to Pangkalpinang to monitor the implementation of 20% biodiesel, also known as B20.


Blok ONWJ Dipastikan Aman 

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), memastikan Blok Offshore North West  Java (ONWJ) dalam keadaan aman. Lokasi jatuhnya pesawat Lion Air JT-610 dinyatakan jauh dari fasilitas Blok ONWJ. 

    Vice President Relations PHE Ifki Sukarya mengatakan, pihaknya mendapat informasi pesawat Lion Air JT-61- kehilangan kontak di perairan antara Bekasi dan Karawang. Lokasi hilang kontaknya pesawat itu sangat jauh dari fasilitas anjungan yang dioperasikan PHE ONWJ.

Meski demikian, begitu mendapat informasi mengenai jatuhnya pesawat tersebut, pihaknya langsung melakukan pengecekan. PHE ONWJ mengerahkan kapal operasionalnya, yaitu Kapal Prabu untuk melakukan patroli ke lokasi serta melakukan pengecekan dan pencarian informasi dan memastikan keamanan operasi perusahaan.

“Terkait kejadian tersebut, operasi perusahaan masih berlangsung aman tanpa gangguan,” kata dia dalam keterangan resminya.

Atas kejadian tersebut, PHE ONWJ juga memberikan dukungan kepada BASARNAS untuk melakukan evakuasi serpihan pesawat Lion Air JT-610. Sekitar 10.30 WIB, Kapal Prabu menemukan dan menyerahkan temuan serpihan dan barang pribadi yang ditemukan di sekitar lokasi hilang kontaknya pesawat Lion Air ke kapal Basarnas untuk diserahterimakan.

“Kami ikut prihatin dan mengucapkan rasa duka mendalam atas insiden tersebut. Semoga keluarga penumpang diberikan ketabahan dan kesabaran,” ujar

Sesuai prosedur yang berlaku di PHE ONWJ, sejak diterimanya informasi mengenai hilang kontaknya Lion Air JT-610 di sekitar perairan Tanjung Karawang, segera dilakukan aktivasi Incident Management Team (IMT) untuk memonitor situasi di lapangan.  

     Sementara itu, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengungkapkan ada tiga pegawai Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi yang menjadi penumpang pesawat Lion Air JT-610 yang jatuh di perairan Karawang, Jawa Barat.

Berdasarkan manifes pesawat ketiga pegawai itu bernama lnnayah Dewi, Dewi Herlina, dan Dewi Jannatun. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto membenarkan ketiga nama tersebut merupakan pegawai Ditjen Migas. Ketiga pegawai tersebut ditugaskan ke Pangkalpinang untuk memantau pelaksanaan biodiesel 20% atau yang dikenal dengan B20.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018