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Showing posts with label PERTAMINA EP ASSET 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PERTAMINA EP ASSET 4. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Pertamina EP Drilling Banyuasin Well

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field began raiding the Banyuasin P-3 (BNA-P3) well in Semanggi Village, Jepon District, Wednesday (11/7). That was a form of Pertamina EP's commitment to support Indonesia's energy security, as evidenced by the start of drilling wells exploited by the Banyuasin Well.

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field

"The BNA-P3 well has considerable oil and gas potential and to obtain the appropriate results, it is expected that synergies and support from all stakeholders are needed," said Agus Amperianto, General Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 4. Explained, the target of this drilling is approximately 150 Barrels Per Day.

"If the target is successfully obtained, it will certainly have a positive impact on the surrounding community and additional PAD for Blora Regency," explained the former Field Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field.

According to the plan, BNA-P3 well drilling will take around 41 days with a target depth of 2,036 meters using the PDSI # 252 / LTO750-M Rig.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu hopes for support from all parties so that the drilling process runs smoothly and without significant obstacles and of course zero accident. On the occasion of the celebration, the donation was distributed to 120 orphans and Dhuafa children from around the drilling area in Semanggi Village and Jepon District.

"We hope to get as much results as possible and abundant results for the development of Blora district and especially for Pertamina," said Agus.

Blora Regent, Central Java, Djoko Nugroho gave his support to Pertamina in the drilling effort.

"We hope for their support, so that drilling in the Banyuasin field can get good results," he said.


Pertamina EP Mengebor Sumur Banyuasin 

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field mulai melakukan tajak sumur Banyuasin P-3 (BNA-P3) di Desa Semanggi, Kecamatan Jepon, Rabu (7/11). ltu sebagai bentuk komitmen Pertamina EP untuk mendukung ketahanan energi Indonesia, dibuktikan dengan dimulainya pemboran sumur eksploitasi Sumur Banyuasin. 

“Sumur BNA-P3 ini memiliki potensi migas yang cukup besar dan untuk memperoleh hasil yang sesuai diharapkan dibutuhkan sinergi dan dukungan dari seluruh stakeholders,” ungkap Agus Amperianto, General Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4. Dijelaskan, target dari pemboran ini adalah minyak sebesar kurang lebih 150 Barel Per Hari.

Apabila target tersebut berhasil didapatkan, tentunya akan memberikan dampak positif bagi lingkungan masyarakat sekitar dan tambahan PAD bagi Kabupaten Blora," terang mantan Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field.

Menurut rencana, pengeboran sumur BNA-P3 akan membutuhkan waktu sekitar 41 hari dengan target kedalaman 2.036 meter menggunakan Rig PDSI #252/LTO750-M.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu berharap dukungan dari seluruh pihak agar proses pemboran ini berjalan lancar dan tanpa hambatan berarti serta tentunya zero accident. Dalam kesempatan syukuran tajak yang dilaksanakan tersebut dibagikan santunan kepada 120 Anak Yatim dan Dhuafa yang
berasal dari sekitar wilayah pemboran di Desa Semanggi dan Kecamatan Jepon.

“Kami berharap bisa mendapatkan hasil sebanyak-banyaknya dan hasil yang melimpah bagi perkembangan kabupaten Blora dan khususnya bagi Pertamina," ungkap Agus.

Bupati Blora - Jawa Tengah Djoko Nugroho memberikan dukungannya kepada pertamina dalam upaya pengeboran tersebut.

“Kami mengharap dukungannya, supaya pengeboran dilapangan Banyuasin ini bisa mendapatkan hasil yang bagus,” kata dia.

Memorandum, Page-20, Thursday, Nov 8, 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018

PT Pertamina EP Drilling Three Exploration Wells

PT Pertamina EP subsidiary PT Pertamina (Persero), will complete drilling three exploration wells at the end of this year, bringing a total of nine exploration wells to be drilled. The company also succeeded in achieving its seismic target.

Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf said, until September, his party had succeeded in carrying out 2D seismic activities on target. While for 3D seismic realization, it has been recorded to reach 344 square kilometers. In addition, it has also successfully completed the drilling of six exploration wells.

"The next stage is planned to have three exploration wells that will be completed in 2018," he said in his official statement in Jakarta, Monday (10/22). The exploration wells are located in North Sumatra, West Java and Sulawesi.

Pertamina EP has the main task of looking for oil and gas to support national energy security. However, because oil and gas is a non-renewable energy, it requires the discovery of reserves through exploration activities. From the exploration well drilling, Pertamina EP managed to get additional oil and gas resources.

"Based on the results of drilling the exploration well, Pertamina EP obtained additional 2C resources of 12.96 million barrels equivalent oil, "Nanang said.

One of them, Pertamina EP managed to find oil and gas reserves on Asset 4 through drilling the Wolai-001 exploration well. Wolai-001 well has been drilled since August 17, 2018 and reaches a final depth of 2,365 meters. From the results of the layers test, the well can drain hydrocarbons so that it is estimated that it can obtain additional gas reserves of 200 million cubic feet. 

     Meanwhile, to date, Pertamina EP has managed to record oil production of 77,869 barrels per day (bpd) and gas of 1,022 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd). Pertamina EP is determined to continue to boost oil and gas production.

Referring to data from the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), the realization of Pertamina's subsidiary oil production was still below the target of 85,869 bpd. Until the end of the year, SKK Migas projects Pertamina EP oil production to reach 82 thousand bpd. For gas production, still based on the same data, the realization far exceeds this year's target of 832 mmscfd.

Nanang explained, Pertamina EP has five assets and 22 fields. This shows that there are still many oil and gas potentials that can be explored.

"We will continue to strive to work together to achieve, even exceed the target of the determined work plan," said Nanang.

Previously, Pertamina's Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation Meidawati said that Pertamina EP was one of the mainstays to boost the company's oil production next year. In 2019, it calculated the projection while the company's oil production rose from this year's target of 400 thousand bpd to 407 thousand bpd.

Oil production is projected to increase along with the increase in crude oil prices. With oil prices getting higher, he said PT Pertamina EP as a subsidiary of the company, boosted oil production in the fields it manages. Pertamina's data shows that the oil production of the state-owned oil and gas company has continued to rise since 2014. At that time, Pertamina's oil production was still 270 thousand bpd.

The realization of this oil production continued to increase to 278 thousand bpd in 2015, 312 thousand bpd in 2016, 342 thousand in 2017, and reached 383 thousand bpd until the end of September 2018.


PT Pertamina EP Mengebor Tiga Sumur Eksplorasi

PT Pertamina EP anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), akan menyelesaikan pengeboran tiga sumur eksplorasi di akhir tahun ini, sehingga total ada sembilan sumur eksplorasi yang dibor. Perusahaan juga berhasil mencapai target seismiknya.

Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, hingga September, pihaknya telah berhasil menjalankan kegiatan seismik 2D sesuai target. Sementara untuk realisasi seismik 3D, tercatat telah menqapai 344 kilometer persegi. Selain itu, pihaknya juga telah berhasil merampungkan pengeboran enam sumur eksplorasi.

“Tahapan selanjutnya, direncanakan ada tiga sumur eksplorasi yang akan selesai pada 2018 ini,” kata dia dalam keterangan resminya di Jakarta, Senin (22/ 10). Sumur eksplorasi tersebut antara lain berlokasi di Sumatera Utara, Jawa Barat, dan Sulawesi.

Pertamina EP mernpunyai tugas utama mencari minyak dan gas bumi untuk mendukung ketahanan energi nasional. Namun karena migas merupakan energi tidak terbarukan, sehingga dibutuhkan penemuan cadangan melalui kegiatan eksplorasi. Dari pengeboran sumur eksplorasi itu, Pertamina EP berhasil mendapat tambahan sumber daya migas.

“Berdasarkan hasil pengeboran sumur eksplorasi tersebut, Pertamina EP mendapatkan tambahan sumber daya 2C sebesar 12,96 juta barel setara minyak,” ujar Nanang.

Salah satunya, Pertamina EP berhasil menemukan cadangan migas di Aset 4 melalui pengeboran sumur eksplorasi Wolai-001. Sumur Wolai-001 telah dibor sejak 17 Agustus 2018 lalu dan mencapai kedalaman akhir 2.365 meter. Dari hasil uji kandung lapisan, sumur ini dapat mengalirkan hidrokarbon sehingga diperkirakan bisa mendapatkan tambahan cadangan gas 200 juta kaki kubik. 

     Sementara itu, hingga saat ini, Pertamina EP berhasil membukukan produksi minyak sebesar 77.869 barel per hari (bph) dan gas 1.022 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cnbic feet per day/mmscfd). Pertamina EP bertekad untuk terus menggenjot produksi migas tersebut.

Mengacu data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), realisasi produksi minyak anak usaha Pertamina ini tercatat masih di bawah target yang ditetapkan sebesar 85.869 bph. Sampai akhir tahun, SKK Migas memproyeksikan produksi minyak Pertamina EP bisa mencapai 82 ribu bph. Untuk produksi gas, masih berdasarkan data yang sama, realisasinya justru jauh melebihi target tahun ini sebesar 832 mmscfd.

Nanang menjelaskan, Pertamina EP memiliki lima aset dan 22 lapangan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak potensi migas yang dapat digali pihaknya.

“Kami akan terus berupaya untuk saling bersinergi demi mencapai, bahkan dapat melebihi target rencana kerja yang telah ditentukan,” tegas Nanang.

Sebelumnya, Senior Vice President Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation Pertamina Meidawati mengatakan, Pertamina EP menjadi salah satu andalan untuk menggenjot produksi minyak perseroan pada tahun depan. Di 2019, pihaknya menghitung proyeksi sementara produksi minyak perseroan naik dari target tahun ini 400 ribu bph menjadi 407 ribu bph.

Produksi minyak diproyeksikan meningkat seiring dengan kenaikan harga minyak mentah. Dengan harga minyak makin tinggi, dikatakannya PT Pertamina EP sebagai anak usaha perseroan, menggenjot produksi minyak di lapangan-lapangan yang dikelolanya. Data Pertamina menunjukkan bahwa produksi minyak perusahaan migas milik pemerintah  itu terus naik sejak 2014 lalu. Pada saat itu, produksi minyak Pertamina masih sebesar 270 ribu bph. 

Realisasi produksi minyak ini terus meningkat menjadi 278 ribu bph pada 2015, 312 ribu bph pada 2016, 342 ribu pada 2017, dan mencapai 383 ribu bph sampai akhir September 2018.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Oct 23, 2018

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Production Performance of PT Pertamina Reaches 109 Percent

The commitment of PT Pertamina EP to support the increase of national oil and gas production continues to be proven. This time is shown by the positive performance of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 which has the widest operational area of ​​all assets managed by PT Pertamina EP starting from Cepu Field in Central Java, Sukowati Field and Poleng Field in East Donggi Matindok Field in Central Sulawesi and Papua Field in West Papua.

Positive performance was obtained from the gas sector, where as of May 22, 2018 Gas Year to Date (YTD) production reached 171.95 MMSCFD, 109% and YTD target of 157.59 MMSCFD. Or 104% of the 2018 target of 165.52 MMSCFD. Gas production of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 is supported by 3 Central Processing Plant (CPP) CPP Gundih in Cepu Field, with production reaching around67 MMSCFD and added with CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok in Sulawesi with production reach 92.48 MMSCFD .

Agus Amperianto, Asset 4 General Manager at Press Briefing at KM 0 Cepu-Central Java, said the gas production can produce above the target set by the company. For CPP Gundih the majority of gas is channeled to PLTGU Tambak Lorok Semarang and for CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok our gas is channeled to Dongi Senoro LNG.

"Nevertheless, we continue to prepare an advanced strategy so that the gas that we produce can be used not only for electricity needs but also to meet the needs of the industry" said Agus Amperianto.

Furthermore, agus added, for the oil production realization sector as of May 22, 2018 reached 12,246 barrels per day (BOPD), 88% of YTD target of 13,932 BOPD. Or 87% of the 2018 target of 14,032 BOPD. For oil production, it projected until the end of 2018 could reach the target of 14,032 BOPD. The fulfillment of these targets is our effort and several strategies, one of which is the optimization of Sukowati field which started on May 20, 2018 which has been fully operated.

"Then we also do some well reaktivation work, well perforation and simulation and repair ESR" explains Agus Amperianto.

Meanwhile, in addition to continuing to increase oil and gas production, in the Asset 4 region, especially in eastern Indonesia, seismic activities are also conducted to seek new sources of reserves and provide new hope for the national oil and gas industry. According to Agus, in the vicinity of Klamono, Sorong regency, West Papua province, the exploration team of PT Pertamina EP has completed the 3D Seismic Klamasossa combing around 500 km2 of the area spread around Sorong regency.


Kinerja Produksi PT Pertamina Capai 109 Persen

Komitmen PT Pertamina EP untuk mendukung peningkatan produksi migas nasional terus dibuktikan. Kali ini ditunjukkan dengan kinerja positif dari PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 yang memiliki wilayah operasi terluas dari seluruh asset yang dikelola oleh PT Pertamina EP yaitu mulai dari Cepu Field di Jawa Tengah, Sukowati Field dan Poleng Field dilawa Timur Donggi Matindok Field di Sulawesi Tengah dan Papua Field di Papua Barat.

Kinerja positif didapatkan dari sektor gas, dimana per 22 Mei 2018 produksi Gas Year to Date (YTD) mencapai angka 171.95 MMSCFD, 109 % dan target YTD sebesar 157.59 MMSCFD. Atau 104 % dari target 2018 sebesar 165.52 MMSCFD. Produksi gas PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 terbesar ditunjang oleh keberadaan 3 Pusat Pengolahan Gas / Central Processing Plant (CPP) yaitu CPP Gundih di Cepu Field, dengan produksi mencapai sekitar67 MMSCFD dan ditambah lagi dengan CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok di Sulawesi dengan produksi mencapai 92.48 MMSCFD.

Agus Amperianto, Asset 4 General Manager saat Press Briefing di KM 0 Cepu-Jawa Tengah, mengatakan, produksi gas bisa berproduksi di atas target yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Untuk CPP Gundih mayoritas gas disalurkan ke PLTGU Tambak Lorok Semarang dan untuk CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok gas kami disalurkan ke Dongi Senoro LNG.

“Namun demikian kami tetap menyiapkan strategi lanjutan agar gas yang kami produksikan bisa dimanfaatkan tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan kelistrikan namun juga bisa memenuhi kebutuhan industry” ujar Agus Amperianto.

Lebih lanjut agus menambahkan, untuk sektor minyak realisasi produksi per tanggal 22 Mei 2018 mencapai 12.246 barel perhari (BOPD), 88% dari target YTD sebesar 13.932 BOPD. Atau 87 % dari target 2018 sebesar 14.032 BOPD. Untuk produksi minyak, pihaknya memroyeksikan hingga akhir tahun 2018 bisa mencapai target 14.032 BOPD. Pemenuhan terhadap target tersebut kami upayakan dan beberapa strategi, salah satunya optimalisasi lapangan Sukowati yang mulai tanggal 20 Mei 2018 yang lalu sudah secara penuh dioperasikan. 

“Kemudian kami lakukan juga beberapa pekerjaan reaktivasi sumur, perforasi sumur serta simulasi dan repair ESR” jelas Agus Amperianto.

Sementara itu, selain berupaya terus meningkatkan produksi minyak dan gas, di wilayah Asset 4 terutama di Kawasan Timur Indonesia juga dilakukan kegiatan seismik yang bertujuan untuk mencari sumber cadangan baru dan memberikan harapan baru bagi industry migas nasional. Menurut Agus, di sekitar wilayah Klamono, Kabupaten Sorong, Provinsi Papua Barat, tim Eksplorasi PT Pertamina EP telah selesai melakukan Seismik 3D Klamasossa yang menyisir sekitar 500 km2 wilayah yang tersebar di sekitar Kabupaten Sorong.

Memorandum, Page-14, Monday, June 11, 2018

Gas Production of Pertamina EP Asset 4 exceeded Target

The declining trend of petroleum production in Indonesia is also experienced by PT Pertamina EP Aset 4. Until May 22, 2018, petroleum production reached 12,246 barrels of oil per day or just 88 percent of the target. Asset 4 General Manager of PT Pertamina (Persero) Agus Amperianto said oil production is projected until the end of 2018 to reach the target of 14,032 barrels of oil per day (bopd).

"The fulfillment of these targets is the effort of several strategies, one of which is the optimization of Sukowati field which started on 20 May 2018. We have also done some well reactivation work, well perforation, as well as stimulation and repair of ESR" explained Agus Amperianto .

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 has the largest operating area among all assets managed by PT Pertamina EP. They include Cepu Field in Central Java, Sukowati Field and Poleng Field in East Java Donggi Matindok Field in Central Sulawesi, and Papua Field in West Papua. Meanwhile, for gas production, the company has exceeded the planned target. That is, it reaches 171.95 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) or 109 percent and YTD (year to date) target of 157.59 mmscfd or 104 percent of the 2019 target of 165.52 mmscfd.

Gas production of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 is greatest supported by the existence of three gas processing center / central processing plant (CPP). That is, CPP Gundih in Cepu Field with production about 67 mmscfd. Coupled with CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok in Sulawesi with production reaching 92.48 mmscfd.

"Alhamdulillah, our gas production can produce above the target set by the company," he said.

For CPP Gundih, the majority of the gas is supplied to PLTGU Tambak Lorok. Meanwhile, CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok gas is supplied to Donggi Senoro LNG.

"However, we are still preparing advanced strategies so that the gas that we produce can be utilized not only for electricity needs, but also can meet the needs of the industry," said Agus.

It also seismic activities to find new sources of reserves, especially in eastern Indonesia. For example, in the Klamono area, Sorong regency, West Papua.

"The exploration team of PT Pertamina EP has completed the 3D Seismic Klamasossa which combed about 500 km2 of the area spread around Sorong regency, and of course, this seismic could give hope to find potential oil and gas reserves.


Produksi Gas Pertamina EP Asset 4 Melampaui Target

Tren penurunan produksi minyak bumi di Indonesia juga dialami PT Pertamina EP Aset 4. Hingga 22 Mei 2018, produksi minyak bumi mencapai
12.246 barel minyak per hari atau hanya 88 persen dari target. Asset 4 General Manager PT Pertamina (Persero) Agus Amperianto mengungkapkan, produksi minyak diproyeksikan hingga akhir 2018 mencapai target 14.032 barel minyak per hari (bopd). 

"Pemenuhan terhadap target tersebut kami upayakan dari beberapa strategi. Salah satunya, optimalisasi lapangan Sukowati yang mulai 20 Mei 2018 sudah secara penuh kami operasikan. Kemudian, kami lakukan juga beberapa pekerjaan reaktivasi sumur, perforasi sumur, serta stimulasi dan repair ESR” jelas Agus Amperianto.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 memiliki wilayah operasi terluas di antara seluruh aset yang dikelola PT Pertamina EP. Yakni, meliputi Cepu Field di Jawa Tengah, Sukowati Field dan Poleng Field di Jawa Timur Donggi Matindok Field di Sulawesi Tengah, serta Papua Field di Papua Barat. Sementara itu, untuk produksi gas, perseroan telah melampaui target yang direncanakan. Yakni, mencapai 171.95 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) atau 109 persen dan target YTD (year to-date) sebesar 157.59 mmscfd atau, 104 persen dari target 2019 sebesar 165.52 mmscfd.

Produksi gas PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 paling besar ditunjang keberadaan tiga pusat pengolahan gas/ central processing plant (CPP). Yakni, CPP Gundih di Cepu Field dengan produksi sekitar 67 mmscfd. Ditambah dengan CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok di Sulawesi dengan produksi mencapai 92.48 mmscfd. 

"Alhamdulillah, produksi gas kami bisa berproduksi di atas target yang ditetapkan perusahaan,” katanya.

Untuk CPP Gundih, mayoritas gasnya disalurkan ke PLTGU Tambak Lorok. Sedangkan gas CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok disalurkan ke Donggi Senoro LNG. 

"Namun, kami tetap menyiapkan strategi lanjutan agar gas yang kami produksi bisa dimanfaatkan tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan kelistrikan, namun juga bisa memenuhi kebutuhan industri," terang Agus.

Pihaknya juga melakukan kegiatan seismik untuk mencari sumber cadangan baru, terutama di kawasan timur Indonesia. Misalnya, di wilayah Klamono, Kabupaten Sorong, Papua Barat.

"Tim eksplorasi PT Pertamina EP telah selesai melakukan Seismik 3D Klamasossa yang menyisir sekitar 500 km2 wilayah yang tersebar di sekitar Kabupaten Sorong. Tentunya, adanya seismik ini bisa memberikan harapan untuk menemukan potensi cadangan migas.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, June 11, 2018

Less Oil, Gas Exceed Target

Gas Production Pertamina EP Asset 4

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 is claimed to establish a positive performance. Asset 4 runs ExxonMobil Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block Central Java, Sukowati Field, Poleng Field in East Java, Donggi Matindok Square in Central Sulawesi and Papua Field in West Papua Positive performance comes from the gas sector. As of 22 May 2018, gas production year to date (ytd) was 171.95 mmscfd or 109% of the target of 157.59 mmscfd or 104% of the 2018 target of 165.52 mmscfd.

Gas production from Asset 4 is greatest thanks to the existence of three gas processing centers or central processing plants (CPP). That is CPP Gundih in Banyu Urip Field with production reaching about 67 mmscfd and added CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok in Sulawesi with production reach 92.48 mmscfd.

"Thank God our gas production can produce above the target set by the company," said Agus Amperianto, GeneraI Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4.

According to him, for CPP Gundih, the majority of the gas flows to the Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) Tambak Lorok and for CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok gas is supplied to Donggi Senoro LNG. Pertamina EP Asset 4 also continues to prepare an advanced strategy for gas production to be utilized for industrial needs.

In the oil sector, production realization as of May 22, 2018 reached 12,246 barrels per day (bpd). This achievement is 88% of the target of 13,932 bph (ytd), or 87% of the 2018 target of 14,032 bph.


Minyak Kurang, Gas Lampaui Target

Produksi Gas Pertamina EP Asset 4 

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 diklaim mengukuhkan kinerja positif. Asset 4 mengelola Lapangan Banyu Urip Milik ExxonMobil, Blok Cepu di Jawa Tengah, Lapangan Sukowati, Lapangan Poleng di Jawa Timur, Lapangan Donggi Matindok di Sulawesi Tengah dan Lapangan Papua di Papua Barat Kinerja positif bersumber dari sektor gas. Per 22 Mei 2018 lalu, produksi gas  year to date (ytd) sebanyak 171,95 mmscfd atau 109 % dari target sebesar 157,59 mmscfd atau 104% dari target tahun 2018 sebesar 165,52 mmscfd.

Produksi gas dari Asset 4 terbesar berkat keberadaan tiga pusat pengolahan gas atau central processing plant (CPP). Yaitu CPP Gundih di Lapangan Banyu Urip dengan produksi mencapai sekitar 67 mmscfd dan ditambah CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok di Sulawesi dengan produksi mencapai 92.48 mmscfd. 

"Alhamdulillah produksi gas kami bisa berproduksi diatas target yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan," ujar Agus Amperianto, General Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4.

Menurutnya, untuk CPP Gundih mayoritas gas mengalir ke Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas dan Uap (PLTGU) Tambak Lorok dan untuk CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok gas disalurkan ke Donggi Senoro LNG. Pertamina EP Asset 4 juga tetap menyiapkan strategi lanjutan agar produksi gas bisa dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan industri. 

Di sektor minyak, realisasi produksi per tanggal 22 Mei 2018 mencapai 12.246 barel per hari (bph). Pencapaian ini 88% dari target sebesar 13.932 bph (ytd), atau 87% dari target tahun 2018 sebesar 14.032 bph.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Monday, June 11, 2018

Friday, June 8, 2018

2018, Pertamina EP Targets US $ 2.6 Billion Revenue

PT Pertamina EP, Same Contract Contractor under the coordination and supervision of SKK Migas, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), targets revenue in 2018 to reach US $ 2.5-2.6 billion.

"The revenue is assumed that the average oil price this year is at US $ 80 per barrel and the production rate is the same, while last year the average price of world oil reached US $ 51 per barrel," said Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf in Fasting Sharing event in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, until May 15, 2018, the company recorded a production of 256,619 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). The production achievement exceeded the target in the 2018 RPAP of 249,601 BOEPD or about 101.61%. Nanang said the realization of the production consists of 76.309 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) or 96.26% of the target of 79,275 BOPD. While gas production reached 1,027.29 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD).

"Gas production until mid-May 2018 reached 104.10% of the target of 986.82 MMSCFD," said Nanang.

Pertamina EP Asset 5, Pertamina EP business unit based in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, contributed the largest production of oil, which is 18,369 BOPD. This production comes from five fields under the manager of Pertamina EP Asset 5, namely Sangatta Field, Bunyu Field, Tanjung Field, Sangasanga Field, and Tarakan Field. The second largest contributor is Pertamina EP Asset 2, based in Prabumulih, South Sumatera, at 17,051 BOPD. The oil supply comes from four fields in Pertamina EP Asset 2, namely Prabumulih Field, Pendopo Field, Limau Field, and Adera Field.

While the number one gas production comes from Pertamina EP Asset 2. The total gas produced is 442 MMSCFD, much higher than the contribution from Pertamina EP Asset 3 based in Cirebon, West Java at 292 MMSCFD. Pertamina EP Asset 3 gas supply comes from three fields, namely Tambun Field, Subang Field, and Jatibarang Field.

To maintain and even increase oil and gas production, Pertamina EP completed drilling program and Work Over (WO) and implemented a well operation plan program. In addition, the company also undertook a recovery plan to achieve production targets. Nanang explained, during January-March 2018, Pertamina EP recorded revenues of US $ 675 million.

"This revenue achievement is 115 percent of last year's revenue of US $ 586 million (year-on-year)," he said.

This revenue achievement is also supported by the start of rising global oil prices and company efficiency policies. One of them is to reduce production costs. In total, oil production cost (production cost) as of March 2018 for onshore is about US $ 15.98 per barrel, gas is US $ 1.03 per MSCF and oil and gas US $ 8.96 per MSCF.

"For offshore field, one of them is in Field Poleng, its production cost until end of March is US $ 10.47 per barrel, gas is US $ 1.81 per MSCE and oil and gas US $ 10.47 per MSCE" said Nanang.

He also asserted, Pertamina this year allocate capital expenditure (capex) of US $ 330 million. Meanwhile, operational expenditure (opex) amounted to US $ 1,648 million. "The funds are allocated for exploration, development, production, and General & Administration (G & A)," he said.

As of mid-May 2018, Pertamina EP has realized capex of US $ 122 million, primarily for drilling of US $ 83 million and US $ 39 million for surface facilities (development, upgrading and overhaul). Opex realization amounted to US $ 359 million, mainly used to support the company's operations, including exploration and exploitation activities.

Field Sukowati

Related to Sukowati field management in East Java, the field management is done by Pertamina EP Asset 4 based in Blora, Central Java. Chalid Salim Said, Pertamina EP's Director of Operations and Production expects Pertamina EP to raise Sukowati production by measures to be pursued by programs such as accelerating work plans by increasing the number of rigs, conducting new technology studies, and drilling production or injection wells.

According to Chalid, there are two strategic steps prepared by Pertamina EP regarding the transfer of Sukowati field from Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina Petrochina East Java (PPEJ). In the short term, Pertamina EP will revive dead wells, artificial lifting improvements, optimization of production facility, well repair, dry docking Floating Storage Offloading Cinta Natomas, and completion of POD Phase 6 Sukowati.

"In the long run, we are planning POD Phase 6 Sukowati," he said.

As known, based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2800/13 / MEM.M / 2018 dated May 17, 2018, Sukowati field which was previously operated by JOB PPEJ on May 20, 2018 was handed over to Pertamina EP. Minister of ESDM lgnasius Jonan appointed Pertamina EP to become the new operator of Sukowati field as well as production facilities of Central Processing Asset Mudi, Palang Station up to FSO Cinta Natomas.


2018, Pertamina EP Targetkan Pendapatan US$ 2,6 Miliar

 PT Pemamina EP, kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Same di bawah koordinasi dan supervisi SKK Migas yang juga anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), menargetkan pendapatan (revenue) pada 2018 mencapai US$ 2,5-2,6 miliar.

“Pendapatan itu dengan asumsi harga minyak rata-rata tahun ini mencapai US$ 80 per Barel dan tingkat produksi sama, sementara tahun lalu harga rata-rata minyak dunia mencapai US$ 51 per barel,” kata Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf dalam acara Buka Puasa Bersama di Jakarta.

Sementara itu, hingga 15 Mei 2018, perseroan mencatatkan produksi sebesar 256.619 barrel oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). Capaian produksi tersebut melewati target dalam RKAP 2018 sebesar 249.601 BOEPD atau sekitar 101,61%. Nanang mengatakan, realisasi produksi tersebut terdiri dari produksi minyak sebesar 76.309 barel oil per day (BOPD) atau 96,26% dari target sebesar 79.275 BOPD. Sementara produksi gas mencapai 1.027,29 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). 

“Produksi gas hingga pertengahan Mei 2018 mencapai 104,10% dari target sebesar 986,82 MMSCFD," ujar Nanang.

Pertamina EP Asset 5, unit bisnis Pertamina EP yang berbasis di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur memberi kontribusi terbesar produksi minyak, yaitu 18.369 BOPD. Produksi ini berasal dari lima field yang berada di bawah pengelola Pertamina EP Asset 5, yaitu Sangatta Field, Bunyu Field, Tanjung Field, Sangasanga Field, dan Tarakan Field. Kontributor terbesar kedua adalah Pertamina EP Asset 2 yang bermarkas di Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan, sebesar 17.051 BOPD. Pasokan minyak tersebut berasal dari empat field di Pertamina EP Asset 2, yaitu Prabumulih Field, Pendopo Field, Limau Field, dan Adera Field.

Sementara produksi gas nomor satu berasal dari Pertamina EP Asset 2. Total gas yang dihasilkan sebesar 442 MMSCFD, jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontribusi dari Pertamina EP Asset 3 yang berbasis di Cirebon, Jawa Barat sebesar 292 MMSCFD. Pasokan gas Pertamina EP Aset 3 berasal dari tiga field, yaitu Tambun Field, Subang Field, dan Jatibarang Field.

Untuk mempertahankan dan bahkan meningkatkan produksi migas, Pertamina EP menyelesaikan program pemboran dan Work over (WO) serta melaksanakan program rencana kerja operasi sumur. Selain itu, perusahaan juga melakukan rencana pemulihan (recovery plan) untuk mencapai target produksi. Nanang menjelaskan, sepanjang Januari-Maret 2018, Pertamina EP membukukan pendapatan sebesar US$ 675 juta.

“Pencapaian pendapatan ini 115% dari realisasi pendapatan tahun sebelumnya US$ 586 juta (year-on-year)," ujarnya.

Pencapaian pendapatan ini juga ditopang oleh mulai naiknya harga minyak global dan kebijakan efisiensi perusahaan. Salah satunya adalah menekan biaya produksi. Secara total, biaya produksi (production cost) minyak per Maret 2018 untuk onshore adalah sekitar US$ 15,98 per barel, gas US$ 1,03 per MSCF dan migas US$ 8,96 per MSCF. 

“Untuk lapangan offshore, salah satunya ada di Field Poleng, biaya produksinya hingga akhir Maret sebesar US$ 10,47 per barrel, gas US$ 1,81 per MSCE dan migas US$ 10,47 per MSCE” kata Nanang.

Dia juga menegaskan, Pertamina tahun ini mengalokasikan belanja modal (capital expenditure/capex) sebesar US$ 330 juta. Sementara itu belanja operasi (operational expenditure/ opex) sebesar US$ 1.648 juta. “Dana itu dialokasikan untuk kegiatan eksplorasi, pengembangan, produksi, serta General & Administration (G&A) ,” ujarnya.

Hingga pertengahan Mei 2018, Pertamina EP telah merealisasikan belanja modal (capex) sebesar US$ 122 juta, terutama untuk pemboran sebesar US$ 83 juta dan US$ 39 juta untuk surface facilities (pembangunan, upgrading, dan overhaul). Sedangkan realisasi opex sebesar US$ 359 juta, terutama digunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan operasi perusahaan, antara lain kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi.

Lapangan Sukowati

Terkait pengelolaan lapangan Sukowati di Jawa Timur, pengelolaan lapangan tersebut dilakukan oleh Pertamina EP Asset 4 yang berbasis di Blora, Jawa Tengah. Chalid Salim Said, Direktur Operasi dan Produksi Pertamina EP berharap Pertamina EP dapat menaikkan produksi Sukowati dengan langkah-langkah yang akan ditempuh dengan program antara lain percepatan rencana kerja dengan menambah jumlah rig, melakukan kajian teknologi baru, dan melakukan pemboran produksi atau pun sumur injeksi.

Menurut Chalid, ada dua langkah strategis yang disiapkan Pertamina EP terkait alih kelola lapangan Sukowati dari Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina Petrochina East Java (PPEJ). Dalam jangka pendek, Pertamina EP akan menghidupkan kembali sumur-sumur yang mati, perbaikan artificial lifting, optimasi production facility, reparasi sumur, dry docking Floating Storage Offloading Cinta Natomas, dan penyelesaian POD Phase 6 Sukowati.

“Dalam jangka panjang, kami merencanakan POD Phase 6 Sukowati,” katanya.

Sebagaimana diketahui, berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 2800/ 13/ MEM.M/ 2018 tanggal 17 Mei 2018, lapangan Sukowati yang sebelumnya dioperatori oleh JOB PPEJ, pada 20 Mei 2018 diserahkan pengelolaannya kepada Pertamina EP. Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan menunjuk Pertamina EP menjadi operator baru lapangan Sukowati serta fasilitas produksi Central Processing Asset Mudi, Palang Station sampai dengan FSO Cinta Natomas.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, May 25, 2018

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Facilitates Oil and Gas ESDM Business Want to Change Upstream Oil and Gas Government Regulation

    The Government will revise Government Regulation No. 35/2004 on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities. Through this revision, the government hopes that there will be an improvement in the investment climate of oil and gas in Indonesia. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar explained there are some changes in the revision of Government Regulation 35/2004.

Arcandra Tahar
    For example about transfer of firm commitment from one Work Area (WK) exploration, to other WK Locations. As an illustration of firm commitment is the commitment of oil and gas contractors to invest in oil and gas fields. The transfer of this firm commitment to the record as long as the transfer is accompanied by an additional commitment in the WK.

"So it's not a reduction," said Arcandra.

    He pointed out that if one Contractor of Cooperation Contract (KKKS) is committed to drilling in three wells in WK A, it can be transferred to the drilling commitment of three wells to WK B. However, KKKS should not reduce the commitment in WK B.

"The KKKS may move the three wells into the second field, which is still affiliated with the same company.In the second field, for example, the exact commitment of the four wells, the commitment on the ground certainly will be seven well," explained Arcandra.

    It's just to be able to transfer the firm commitment of oil and gas contractors must have affiliates.

"For example Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) and Pertamina EP, the important thing is not reduced," he added.

    The government considers that way could facilitate the implementation of oil and gas contractor commitments. Because all this time the contractor objected to having to pay a commitment they did not do if they did not find oil and gas reserves.

    As an illustration, oil and gas investment in 2017 is indeed down about 20% compared to 2016. If 2016 oil and gas investment reached US $ 12.74 billion, down to US $ 10.175 billion throughout 2017.

    In addition to increasing investment, the transition of this commitment is expected to add to the discovery of new reserves. Because in addition to changing the location of the WK from the firm commitment the government will also allow contractors to transfer the equipment they use in upstream oil and gas activities from one WK to another WK, if in fact they do not find oil and gas reserves in the first WK.

    So far, the equipment used by oil and gas contractors is categorized as state-owned goods because it has been paid by the government through cost recovery fund. Well after changing the scheme of oil and gas cooperation into gross split automatic equipment is not owned by the state because it is no longer replaced by cost recovery funds. But contractors still have to pay taxes and duties on these goods.


Permudah Bisnis Migas ESDM Ingin Mengubah Peraturan Pemerintah Hulu Minyak dan Gas

    Pemerintah akan merevisi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35/2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Lewat revisi ini, pemerintah berharap akan ada perbaikan dalam iklim investasi minyak dan gas di Indonesia. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar menjelaskan ada beberapa perubahan di revisi Peraturan Pemerintah 35/2004.

    Misalnya tentang pengalihan firm commitment dari satu Wilayah Kerja (WK) eksplorasi, ke Iokasi WK lain. Sebagai gambaran firm commitment adalah komitmen dari kontraktor migas untuk berinvestasi di ladang migas. Pengalihan firm commitment ini dengan catatan sepanjang pengalihan itu dibarengi dengan komitmen tambahan di WK tersebut.

"Jadi bukan pengurangan," kata Arcandra.

    Dia mencontohkan jika satu Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) memiliki komitmen untuk melakukan pengeboran di tiga sumur di WK A, maka bisa dialihkan komitmen pengeboran tiga sumur tersebut ke WK B. Namun KKKS tidak boleh mengurangi komitmen di WK B tersebut.

"KKKS boleh pindahkan tiga well itu ke lapangan kedua, yang masih berafiliasi dengan company yang sama. Nah di lapangan dua itu juga misalnya komitmen pastinya empat well, maka komitmen pasti di lapangan itu jadinya tujuh well," jelas Arcandra.

    Hanya saja untuk bisa mengalihkan firm commitment kontraktor migas harus memiliki afiliasi.

"Misalnya Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) dan Pertamina EP, yang penting tidak berkurang," imbuhnya.

    Pemerintah menganggap cara itu bisa memudahkan pelaksanaan komitmen kontraktor migas. Sebab selama ini kontraktor keberatan karena harus membayar komitmen yang tidak mereka kerjakan jika tidak menemukan cadangan migas.

    Sebagai gambaran, investasi migas tahun 2017 lalu memang turun sekitar 20% dibandingkan dengan 2016. Jika tahun 2016 investasi migas mencapai US$ 12,74 miliar, turun menjadi US$ 10,175 miliar sepanjang 2017.

    Selain menambah investasi, peralihan komitmen ini diharapkan bisa menambah penemuan cadangan baru. Sebab selain boleh mengubah lokasi WK dari firm commitment pemerintah juga akan membolehkan kontraktor mengalihkan peralatan yang mereka gunakan dalam kegiatan hulu migas dari satu WK ke WK lain, jika ternyata mereka tidak menemukan cadangan migas di WK pertama.

    Selama ini, peralatan yang dipakai kontraktor migas tersebut masuk kategori barang milik negara karena sudah dibayar pemerintah melalui dana cost recovery. Nah setelah berubah skema kerjasama migas menjadi gross split otomatis peralatan tersebut bukan milik negara karena tidak lagi diganti oleh dana cost recovery. Tapi kontraktor tetap harus membayar pajak dan bea masuk barang-barang tersebut.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 29, 2018

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Agus Amperianto New Leader PT Pertamina EP Asset 4

PT Pertamina EP refreshes the managerial level in several fields as well as assets. Including one in the asset environment 4. Asset 4 General Manager previously led by Didik Susilo, as of 05 January 2018 forwarded by Agus Amperiantao as the new General Manager Asset 4.

"It is true that it has changed at the managerial level of PT Pertamina EP. This is a natural thing in an organization to support the achievement of Vision Company Mission ", said Agustinus, PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Legal & Relation Manager (08/01).

Furthermore, Agustinus added that before serving as Asset 4 General Manager, Agus Amperianto has occupied several strategic positions within PT Pertamina EP such as Ramba Field Manager, Cepu Field Manager, Rantau Field Manager and Public Relation Manager.

"Thank you for the support provided by all parties. Insya Allah with the management team in Asset 4 will run this mandate to meet the production target of PT Pertamina EP 4, said Agus Amperianto PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 General Manager when met during his visit to Sumur Tapen in Tuban Regency.


Agus Amperianto Nahkoda Baru PT Pertamina EP Asset 4

PT Pertamina EP melakukan penyegaran di level manajerial di beberapa lapangan dan juga asset. Termasuk salah satunya di lingkungan asset 4. Jabatan Asset 4 General Manager yang sebelumnya dipimpin oleh Didik Susilo, per tanggal 05 Januari 2018 diteruskan oleh Agus Amperiantao selaku Asset 4 General Manager yang baru.

“Benar bahwa telah berganti di level manajerial PT Pertamina EP. Hal ini merupakan hal yang wajar dalam sebuah organisasi untuk mendukung tercapainya Visi Misi perusahaan”, ujar Agustinus, PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Legal & Relation Manager (08/01).

Lebih lanjut, Agustinus menambahkan bahwa sebelum menjabat sebagai Asset 4 General Manager, Agus Amperianto telah menempati beberapa jabatan strategis di lingkungan PT Pertamina EP antara lain Ramba Field Manager, Cepu Field Manager, Rantau Field Manager dan Public Relation Manager.

“Terima kasih atas dukungan yang diberikan oleh seluruh pihak. Insya Allah saya bersama tim manajemen di Asset 4 akan jalankan amanah ini untuk memenuhi target produksi PT Pertamina EP 4, ujar Agus Amperianto PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 General Manager saat ditemui disaat kunjungannya ke Sumur Tapen di Kabupaten Tuban.

Bhirawa, Page-5, Tuesday, Jan 9, 2018

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Asset Poleng Supports Pertamina EP Production

Oil production from PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng exceeded the target. From the target of 2017 target of 12,255 barrels per day (BOPD), this subsidiary of PT Pertamina has reached 120.3 percent.

This amount is the cumulative number of oil production up to 11 Novembver ago. The achievement amounts to 14,744 BOPD and gas production reaches 157.19 Million Cubic Feet Gas per Day (MMSCFD).

General Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, Didik Susilo in the release said that this achievement was driven by the successful drilling in two locations, namely Poleng Field and Tapen. Through the operational unit of Pertamina EP Asset 4 in Poleng Field, Pertamina EP successfully completed the drilling of POL-N2 well.

"POL-N2 well drilling is the first drilling offshore PT Pertamina EP," he said.

Ensco 67 Rig

Drilling off the coast of Java Sea was conducted for 47 days using an Ensco 67 Rig with a depth of 8,696 feet. This activity is an exploitation drilling with horizontal drilling type.

"The success of drilling offshore POL-N2 wells can be safely resolved with production exceeding the target of 744 BOPD and 1.07 MMSCFD of gas," he explained.

Separately, Poleng Field Manager Charles P. Siallagan added that POL-N2 drilling could be completed sooner than target. With faster drilling time, Asset 4 Poleng Field is able to reduce the cost of the Company's Budget Work Plan (RKAP) up to 75 percent.

"The drilling of POL-N2 wells originally budgeted amounted to about 15.5 million US dollars realization was suppressed to about 11.6 million US dollar, "Charles said.

Meanwhile, Cepu Field Manager, Heru Irianto, added that Pertamina EP Asset 4 also succeeded in drilling TPN-4 wells in Dusun Tapen, Sidoharjo Village, Senori Sub-District, Tuban Regency. At this point managed to get a new production with an oil bladder test of about 250 BOPD on clasps 40/64.


Asset Poleng Dukung Produksi Pertamina EP

Produksi minyak dari PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng melebihi target. Dari target target 2017 sebesar 12.255 Barel Per Hari (BOPD), anak perusahaan PT Pertamina ini produksinya mencapai 120,3 persen.

Jumlah tersebut merupakan angka kumulatif produksi minyak hingga 11 Novembver lalu. Pencapainnya sebesar 14.744 BOPD dan produksi gas mencapai 157,19 Juta Kaki Kubik Gas Per Hari (MMSCFD).

General Manager PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, Didik Susilo dalam rilisnya mengatakan, pencapaian ini didorong keberhasilan pemboran di dua lokasi yakni Poleng Field dan Tapen. Melalui unit operasional Pertamina EP Asset 4 di Poleng Field, Pertamina EP berhasil menyelesaikan pemboran sumur POL-N2. 

”Pemboran Sumur POL-N2 merupakan pemboran perdana offshore PT Pertamina EP,” ujarnya.

Pengeboran di lepas pantai Laut Jawa dilakukan selama 47 hari menggunakan Rig Ensco 67 dengan kedalaman 8.696 feet. Aktivitas ini merupakan pemboran eksploitasi dengan jenis pemboran horizontal.

“Keberhasilan pemboran offshore sumur POL-N2 dapat diselesaikan secara aman dengan hasil produksi melebihi target sebesar 744 BOPD dan gas 1.07 MMSCFD,” terangnya.

Ditempat terpisah, Poleng Field Manager Charles P Siallagan menambahkan pemboran POL-N2 dapat diselesaikan lebih cepat dari target. Dengan waktu pemboran lebih cepat, Asset 4 Poleng Field mampu menekan biaya Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) hingga 75 persen.

“Pemboran sumur POL-N2 yang semula dianggarkan sebesar sekitar 15,5 juta dollar AS realisasinya ditekan menjadi sekitar 11,6 juta
dollar AS,” ujar Charles.

Sementara itu, Cepu Field Manager, Heru Irianto, menambahkan Pertamina EP Asset 4 juga berhasil melakukan pemboran sumur TPN-4 di Dusun Tapen, Desa Sidoharjo Kecamatan Senori Kabupaten Tuban. Di titik ini berhasil mendapat produksi baru dengan hasil uji kandung minyak sekitar 250 BOPD pada jepitan 40/64.

Radar Gresik, Page-4, Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

Friday, November 24, 2017

Saka Energi Shoots 10% Production Increase

PT Saka Energi Indonesia projected oil and gas production to increase by 10 percent from this year's realization of 57,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (barrel 011 equivalent per day / boepd) to 62,700 boepd by 2018.

President Director of Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan said that it has set a projection of oil and gas production with a 5% -10% increase. However, it is still waiting for discussion of work plans and budget 2018 that still dipeoses.

He said the additional assumption of production was obtained from Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau Block. The oil and gas block located off the coast of East Kalimantan will start its first production in mid-2017.

In Jangkrik Field, Saka has a participation portion of 37.8%. Cricket field produces gas with a daily volume of 600 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd).

In addition, additional production will be obtained from activities in existing blocks. Currently Saka has the right to manage in 11 oil and gas blocks at home and abroad.

Of the 11 blocks, three of them are not yet produced because they are still in the exploration stage, namely South Sesulu Block, West Bangkanai and Wokam II.

The other eight blocks already in production are Muara Bakau Block, Bangkanai Block, Pangkah, Ketapang, South Fast Sumatera, Muriah, Sanga-Sanga and Fasken Blocks located in the United States.

"Not yet WP & B [work plan and budget] is still running. The 2018 production projection grows to 5% -10%, "he said.

Saka Energi will execute the drilling of exploration wells for each activity in South Sesula Block and Wokam II Block. Then, specifically in Pangkah Block will be carried out drilling activities of development and seismic wells

"So in Pangkah Block there are six exploration well wells in South Sesulu 1 well and Wokam 1 well," he said.

Meanwhile, PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina engaged in the upstream oil and gas sector completed drilling POL-N2 wells off the north coast of East Java.

The drilling was conducted through the operational unit of Pertamina EP Asset 4 in Poleng Field. Drilling of POL-N2 wells is the first offshore exploitation activity conducted by Pertamina EP Drilling of oil and gas wells located off the coast of Java Sea was conducted for 47 days using an Ensco 67 rig with a depth of 8,696 feet.

Oil and gas production from the POL-N2 well is targeted to exceed the target of 744 barrels per day and 1.07 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd).

"The drilling is the result of cooperation from Management Asset 4, Poleng Field, DWO, EPT and PEP Management's direction in Jakarta so that the activities can be run in accordance with the plan. This proves that Pertamina EP is capable of managing the drilling of offshore wells," said Didik Susilo as General Manger Asset 4 Penamina EP, Wednesday (22/11).

Field Field Manager Charles R Siallagan added that POL-N2 drilling could be completed sooner than target. This proves that Asset 4 Field Police is able to perform "planned cost efficiency.

"With faster drilling time Asset 4 Field Poleng able to reduce costs up to 75%. POL-N2 well drilling originally budgeted at approximately US $ 15.5 million cost realization can be reduced to approximately US $ 11.6 million, "said Charles.

Not only succeeded in drilling POL-N2, Pertamina EP Asset 4 also showed its expertise to drill oil wells on land, namely TPN-4 well located in Tuban.


Saka Energi Bidik Kenaikan Produksi 10%

PT Saka Energi Indonesia memproyeksikan produksi minyak dan gas bumi naik hingga 10% dari perkiraan realisasi tahun ini sekitar 57.000 barel setara minyak per hari (barrel 011 equivalent per day/boepd) menjadi 62.700 boepd pada 2018.

Presiden Direktur Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan bahwa pihaknya telah menetapkan proyeksi produksi migas dengan kenaikan 5%-10%. Namun, pihaknya masih menunggu pembahasan rencana kerja dan anggaran 2018 yang masih dipeoses.

Dia menyebut, asumsi tambahan produksi diperoleh dari Lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau. Blok migas yang berlokasi di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur itu akan memulai produksi pertama pada medio 2017.

Di Lapangan Jangkrik, Saka memiliki porsi partisipasi sebesar 37,8 % . Lapangan Jangkrik memproduksi gas dengan volume harian 600 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd).

Selain itu, tambahan produksi akan diperoleh dari kegiatan di blok-blok yang sudah ada. Saat ini Saka memiliki hak kelola di 11 blok migas di dalam dan luar negeri.

Dari 11 blok tersebut, tiga blok di antaranya belum menghasilkan karena masih dalam tahap eksplorasi, yakni Blok South Sesulu, West Bangkanai, dan Wokam II.

Delapan blok lain yang sudah berproduksi yaitu Blok Muara Bakau, Blok Bangkanai, Pangkah, Ketapang, South Fast Sumatera, Muriah, Sanga-Sanga, dan Blok Fasken yang berada di Amerika Serikat. 

“Belum WP&B [rencana kerja dan anggaran] masih berjalan. Proyeksi produksi 2018 tumbuh mencapai 5%-10%,” ujarnya.

Saka Energi akan mengeksekusi pengeboran sumur eksplorasi masing-masing satu kegiatan di Blok South Sesulu dan Blok Wokam II. Kemudian, khusus di Blok Pangkah akan dilakukan kegiatan pengeboran sumur pengembangan dan seismik 

“Jadi di Blok Pangkah ada enam sumun sumur eksplorasi di South Sesulu 1 sumur dan Wokam 1 sumur,” katanya.

Sementara itu, PT Pertamina EP, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina yang bergerak di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi menyelesaikan pengeboran sumur POL-N2 di lepas pantai utara Jawa Timur.

Pengeboran itu dilakukan melalui unit operasional Pertamina EP Asset 4 di Poleng Field. Pengeboran sumur POL-N2 merupakan kegiatan eksploitasi lepas pantai pertama yang dilakukan Pertamina EP Pengeboran sumur migas yang terletak di lepas pantai laut Jawa itu dilakukan selama 47 hari menggunakan rig Ensco 67 dengan kedalaman 8.696 kaki.

Produksi migas dari sumur POL-N2 ditargetkan melebihi target sebanyak 744 barel per hari dan gas 1,07 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd).

“Pengeboran ini hasil kerja sama dari Management Asset 4, Poleng Field, DWO, EPT dan arahan Management PEP Jakarta sehingga kegiatan dapat berjalan sesuai dengan rencana, hal ini membuktikan bahwa Pertamina EP mampu mengelola pemboran sumur lepas pantai,” ujar Didik Susilo selaku General Manger Asset 4 Penamina EP, Rabu (22/11).

Poleng Field Manager Charles R Siallagan menambahkan bahwa pengeboran POL-N2 dapat diselesaikan lebih cepat dari target. Hal ini menjadi bukti Asset 4 Poleng Field mampu melakukan” efisiensi biaya yang telah direncanakan.

“Dengan waktu pengeboran lebih cepat Asset 4 Poleng Field mampu menekan biaya hingga 75 %. Pengeboran sumur POL-N2 yang semula dianggarkan sekitar US$ 15,5 juta realisasi biaya mampu ditekan menjadi sekitar US$ 11,6 juta,” ujar Charles.

Tdak hanya berhasil dalam pengeboran POL-N2, Pertamina EP Asset 4 juga menunjukkan kepiawaiannya untuk pengeboran sumur migas di darat, yaitu sumur TPN-4 yang berlokasi di Tuban.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Nov 24, 2017