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Showing posts with label HCML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HCML. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Government Accelerates Gas Projects

The government will accelerate the construction of gas field projects which are the mainstay of supply in the next 10 years. Based on Indonesia's 2018-2017 Natural Gas Balance, gas lifting is projected at 7,452 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd. Furthermore, gas lifting is expected to reach a peak of 8,661 mmsfd in 2022, then again down to 8,048 mmscfd in 2027.

To achieve the gas lifting projection, there is a mainstay gas project that is a source of supply. In particular, two fields are projected operating this year, namely Siwah, Rambong, and Julu Rayeu Fields, which were carried out by Medco E & P Indonesie, and the MDA-MBH and MDK Fields. by Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML).

Furthermore, next year, there is the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project by PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), as well as the Badik and West Badik Fields by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Nunukan.

The Train-3 Tangguh Refinery Project by BP Berau Limited is targeted to begin increasing domestic gas supply by 2020.

Next, in 2021, the Merakes Field by ENI East Sepinggan and the Kido Merah Smoke Field by Genting Oil will begin production.

The Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project consisting of Gendalo, Gandang and Gehem Fields by Chevron Indonesia Company began operations in 2022.

Finally, in 2027, the Abadi Field by Inpex Masela and East Natuna by PT Pertamina (Persero) are projected to begin production.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said the development of these projects would be accelerated.

"Want as fast as POD (plan of development / development plans) are forced to enter quickly," he said in Jakarta

the Abadi Field, the Masela Block

This includes the development of the Abadi Field, the Masela Block, which has not been included in the development plan. Inpex as the operator of this block should have completed the concept of pre-front end engineering design (Pre-FEED) in September.

"This is again forced (POD). We will call later, "said Arcandra.

Indonesia's average natural gas production over the past five years was recorded at 7,997 mmscfd. The trend of production over the past five years is lower than the previous period which reached 8,130 mmscfd in 2013 and to 7,620 mmscfd in 2017. From the production of natural gas, there are 8% losses that are implicit, gas flaring, and own use so that the lifting realization in 2017 amounting to 6,607.65 mmscfd. Of the natural gas lifting, 58.59% was used for domestic use and 41.41% was exported.

IDD Project

Regarding the IDD Project, Arcandra said Chevron Indonesia had included a proposal revision.

"A proposal that at that time had additional information already entered and was being reviewed by the Oil and Gas-SKKK," he said in Jakarta.

Chevron must re-submit the proposal due to changes in the IDD Project. From the beginning there were three blocks in this project, it was agreed that only the Ganal and Rapak Blocs would still enter this project. While the Makassar Strait Block was excluded from the project and has been auctioned by the government. 

    With the issuance of the Makassar Strait Block, the Chevron IDD Project will later combine four fields, namely the Bangka, Gehem, Gendalo and Gandang Fields. Bangka Field has been in production since August 2016 and produces eight liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes shipped from the Bontang LNG Terminal.


Pemerintah Percepat Proyek Gas

Pemerintah akan mempercepat pengerjaan proyek lapangan gas yang menjadi andalan pasokan dalam 10 tahun mendatang. Berdasarkan Neraca Gas Bumi Indonesia 2018-2017, lifting gas diproyeksikan sebesar 7.452 million standard cubic feet perday/mmscfd. Selanjutnya, lifting gas diperkirakan akan mencapai puncaknya 8.661 mmsfd pada 2022, kemudian kembali turun menjadi 8.048 mmscfd pada 2027.

Untuk mencapai proyeksi lifting gas tersebut, terdapat proyek gas andalan yang menjadi sumber pasokan. Rincinya, dua lapangan diproyeksikan
beroperasi tahun ini, yakni Lapangan Alur Siwah, Rambong, dan Julu Rayeu yang dikerjakan Medco E&P Indonesie, serta Lapangan MDA-MBH dan MDK
oleh Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML).

Selanjutnya, pada tahun depan, terdapat Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru oleh PT Pertamina EP Cepu, serta Lapangan Badik dan West Badik oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Nunukan. 

Proyek Kilang Tangguh Train-3 oleh BP Berau Limited ditargetkan mulai menambah pasokan gas domestik pada 2020. 

Berikutnya, di 2021, Lapangan Merakes oleh ENI East Sepinggan dan Lapangan Asap Kido Merah oleh Genting Oil akan mulai produksi. 

Proyek Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) yang terdiri dari Lapangan Gendalo, Gandang, dan Gehem oleh Chevron Indonesia Company mulai beroperasi pada 2022. 

Terakhir, pada 2027, Lapangan Abadi oleh lnpex Masela dan East Natuna oleh PT Pertamina (Persero) diproyeksikan mulai berproduksi.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pengembangan proyek-proyek tersebut akan dipercepat. 

“Mau secepat cepat POD (plan of development/rencana pengembangan) dipaksa cepat masuk,” katanya di Jakarta

Hal ini termasuk untuk pengembangan Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela yang belum juga dimasukkan rencana pengembangannya. Inpex sebagai operator blok ini seharusnya telah merampungkan konsep kelayakan keteknikan dan desain (pre front end engineering design/ Pre-FEED) pada September lalu.

“Ini lagi dipaksa (POD). Nanti kami panggil,” ujar Arcandra.

Rata-rata produksi gas bumi Indonesia selama lima tahun terakhir tercatat sebesar 7.997 mmscfd. Trend produksi selama lima tahun terakhir ini, lebih rendah dari periode sebelumnya yang mencapai 8.130 mmscfd di 2013 dan menjadi 7.620 mmscfd di 2017. Dari produksi gas bumi tersebut, terdapat 8% losses yang bertipa impuritis, gas suar bakar, dan pengunaan sendiri sehingga realisasi lifting pada 2017 sebesar 6.607,65 mmscfd. Dari lifting gas bumi tersebut, sebanyak 58,59% dimanfaatkan untuk domestik dan 41,41% diekspor.

Proyek IDD 

Terkait Proyek IDD, Arcandra menuturkan Chevron Indonesia telah memasukkan revisi proposalnya. 

“Proposal yang waktu itu ada tambahan informasi sudah masuk dan sedang di review oleh -SKK Migas,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Chevron harus mengajukan kembali proposal karena adanya perubahan dalam Proyek IDD. Dari awalnya terdapat tiga blok dalam proyek ini, telah disepakati bahwa hanya Blok Ganal dan Rapak yang tetap masuk proyek ini. Sementara Blok Makassar Strait dikeluarkan dari proyek dan telah dilelang pemerintah. 

    Dengan dikeluarkannya Blok Makassar Strait, maka Proyek IDD Chevron nantinya menggabungkan empat lapangan, yakni Lapangan Bangka, Gehem, Gendalo, dan Gandang. Lapangan Bangka telah berproduksi sejak Agustus 2016 dan menghasilkan delapan kargo gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) yang dikapalkan dari Terminal LNG Bontang.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Oct 9, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

2022 Peak of Natural Gas Supply

Overcome the Relying Deficit of New Projects

Domestic gas needs continue to increase. In fact, based on Indonesia's gas balance, there are two gas import scenarios. Namely, scenario I in 2027 and II in 2025 with a deficit below 500 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that natural gas supply in the 2018-2027 period will reach its peak in 2022 at 8,661 mmscfd. This figure increased compared to Indonesia's gas production in 2018 which reached 7,452 mmscfd.

A number of projects will support homeland gas production during this period. Among other things, Siwah Alur Field, Rambong, and Lulu Rayeu (Medco Blok A) are producing this year. The project can reach peak production of 67.4 mmscfd. Then, Field MDA & MBH and MDK (HCML), Jambaran Tiung Biru, Badik Field, and West Badik (PHE Nunukan) in 2019. Jambaran Tiung Biru has a peak production of 330 mmscfd.


Then, BP Berau Expansion (LNG Train 3) in 2020 and the Merakes Field (Eni East Sepinggan and Red Kido Smoke) peaked at 709 mmscfd, 391 mmscfd and 170 mmscfd respectively. There is also a Gendalo, Gandang and Gehem Field (GDR Chevron Project) gas project which is projected to operate in 2022.

After 2022, gas production has gradually declined to 8,048 mmscfd in 2027. However, by 2027, Abadi Field (INPEX Masela) operates with a production of 1,200 mmscfd. The East Natuna Block also operates that year. The operation of these projects is expected to meet domestic gas needs in Indonesia.

"Not all of the shortage regions and shortages are handled. For example, 2025 region 3. Connect the pipeline between Gresik and Semarang, the supply will come from Surabaya. This is no longer a shortage," explained EMR Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar.

Based on Indonesia's gas balance, region 3 or Central Java is one area that does not have the potential for large gas reserves. In 2018 to 2027, there has been no additional gas supply from the region. This year, gas supply in the region reached 79.98 mmscfd. Hopefully, with the connection of the Gresik-Semarang pipeline, the demand for gas in Region 3 can be met from the supply of region 4 or East Java.


2022 Puncak Pasokan Gas Bumi

Atasi Defisit Andalkan Proyek-Proyek Baru

Kebutuhan gas domestik terus meningkat. Bahkan, berdasar neraca gas Indonesia, ada dua skenario impor gas. Yakni, skenario I pada 2027 dan II pada 2025 dengan defisit di bawah 500 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd). Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencatat, pasokan gas bumi dalam kurun waktu 2018-2027 akan mencapai puncaknya pada 2022 sebesar 8.661 mmscfd. Angka tersebut meningkat dibandingkan dengan produksi gas Indonesia pada 2018 yang mencapai 7.452 mmscfd.

Sejumlah proyek akan menopang produksi gas tanah air pada masa tersebut. Di antaranya, Lapangan Alur Siwah, Rambong, dan Lulu Rayeu (Medco Blok A) yang berproduksi tahun ini. Proyek itu bisa mencapai produksi puncak sebesar 67,4 mmscfd. Lalu, Lapangan MDA & MBH serta MDK (HCML), Jambaran Tiung Biru, Lapangan Badik, dan West Badik (PHE Nunukan) pada 2019. Jambaran Tiung Biru memiliki produksi puncak 330 mmscfd.

Kemudian, BP Berau Expansion (LNG Train 3) pada 2020 serta Lapangan Merakes (Eni East Sepinggan dan Asap Kido Merah) puncaknya masing-masing sebesar 709 mmscfd, 391 mmscfd, dan 170 mmscfd. Juga ada proyek gas Lapangan Gendalo, Gandang, dan Gehem (IDD Project Chevron) yang diproyeksikan beroperasi pada 2022.

Setelah 2022, produksi gas berangsur turun menjadi 8.048 mmscfd pada 2027. Namun, pada 2027, Lapangan Abadi (INPEX Masela) beroperasi dengan produksi sebesar 1.200 mmscfd. Blok East Natuna juga beroperasi di tahun itu. Beroperasinya proyek-proyek tersebut diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gas domestik di Indonesia. 

"Tidak semua region shortage dan yang shortage kami atasi. Misalnya, 2025 region 3. Sambung pipa antara Gresik dan Semarang, maka suplai akan berasal dari Surabaya. Ini tidak shortage lagi,” urai Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

Berdasar neraca gas Indonesia, region 3 atau Jawa Tengah merupakan salah satu wilayah yang tidak memiliki potensi cadangan gas yang besar. Pada 2018 hingga 2027, belum ada tambahan pasokan gas yang berasal dari wilayah tersebut. Tahun ini pasokan gas diwilayah itu mencapai 79,98 mmscfd. Diharapkan, dengan tersambungnya pipa ruas Gresik-Semarang, kebutuhan gas pada Region 3 dapat terpenuhi dari pasokan region 4 atau Jawa Timur.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Tuesday, Oct 2, 2018

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Gas Trader is obliged to Sell Gas to PGN and Pertagas

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk gets additional gas supply from traders

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) will get additional gas supply from the overflow of gas traders. This refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 6 of 2016 on Provisions and Procedures for the Determination of Allocation and Utilization of Natural Gas Prices. Under the regulation, gas trader permits that do not have gas infrastructure or gas pipeline have to be revoked since February 24, 2018. So the gas allocation they get must be sold to PGN and Pertagas.

The presence of multilevel gas traders causes the price of gas to end consumers to be expensive. If averaged can reach US $ 14 per mmbtu. The regulation also states that gas price margin from gas traders to end-consumers is pegged at most 7%. Then the internal rate of return (IRR) is 11%.

PGN's Commercial Director, Danny Praditya, said that until now, his party and gas traders have completed several gas reallocations. However, there are still some gas traders still in the process of gas reallocation with issuers coded PGAS shares in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Danny is optimistic that all gas reallocations from gas traders can be completed in the near future. That way, PGN will have a better gas supply.

"Insha Allah if it is completed this will increase the reliability of supply from PGN especially for East Java," said Danny, Wednesday (20/6)

In May 2017, in East Java, PGN received an additional gas supply from Husky CNOOC Madura Limited of 20 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) to more than 100 mmscfd for 20 years. Unfortunately, Danny did not explain the total gas supply of PGN in East Java at this time including the total gas supply in Java Island.

However, based on PGN's financial report, in the first quarter of 2018, gas distribution through transmission and distribution pipes was 1,565 mmscfd. The figure is up compared to the distribution in the first quarter of 2017 which recorded about 1, 542 mmscfd.

The government decided to free traders from business to business (B to B) talks with PGN or Pertagas related to gas reallocation. Later the government will issue a Decree of the Minister of EMR related to the reallocation of gas. But of course with the requirements. That is the whole process of reallocation from trader to PGN or Pertagas has been done.

So far the government recorded ten cases of gas distribution in stages by traders. The majority of this gas distribution is done in Java Island. The traders involved usually only have a gas allocation letter from the government. They do not build a gas distribution infrastructure to consumers.

In response, Chairman of the Indonesian Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA) or the Association of Natural Gas Distributors of Indonesia, Sabrun Jamil admitted gas traders are seeking a business-to-business talks to resolve the problem of gas distribution. Currently, gas traders are also claiming to be awaiting bids from Perusahaan Gas Negara and Pertagas.

"Because they are big players representing government policy," explained Sabrun.


Trader Gas Wajib Jual Gas ke PGN dan Pertagas  

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk mendapat pasokan gas tambahan dari para trader

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) akan mendapat pasokan gas tambahan dari limpahan para trader gas. Ini merujuk atas Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Nomor 6 Tahun 2016 tentang Ketentuan dan Tata Cara Penetapan Alokasi dan Pemanfaatan Serta Harga Gas Bumi. Dalam aturan itu, izin trader gas yang tidak memiliki infrastruktur gas alias pipa gas sudah harus dicabut sejak tanggal 24 Februari 2018. Sehingga alokasi gas yang mereka dapatkan harus dijual ke PGN dan Pertagas.

Keberadaan para trader gas bertingkat menyebabkan harga gas sampai ke konsumen akhir menjadi mahal. Jika dirata-rata bisa mencapai US$ 14 per mmbtu. Dalam aturan itu juga menyebut margin harga gas dari trader gas ke konsumen akhir dipatok paling besar 7%. Kemudian internal rate of return (IRR) sebesar 11%.

Direktur Komersial PGN, Danny Praditya mengatakan, sampai saat ini pihaknya dan para trader gas sudah selesai melakukan beberapa realokasi gas. Namun masih ada beberapa trader gas yang masih dalam proses realokasi gas dengan emiten berkode saham PGAS di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tersebut.
Danny optimistis seluruh realokasi gas dari trader gas bisa selesai dalam waktu dekat. Dengan begitu, PGN akan memiliki pasokan gas yang lebih baik.

"Insya Allah kalau sudah selesai ini akan menambah keandalan pasokan dari PGN terutama untuk di Jawa Timur," kata Danny, Rabu (20/6)

Pada Mei 2017 lalu, di Jawa Timur, PGN mendapat tambahan pasokan gas dari Husky CNOOC Madura Limited sebanyak 20 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) hingga lebih dari 100 mmscfd selama 20 tahun. Sayangnya, Danny tidak menjelaskan total pasokan gas PGN di Jawa Timur saat ini termasuk total pasokan gas di Pulau Jawa. 

Namun, berdasarkan laporan keuangan PGN, pada kuartal I-2018 lalu, penyaluran gas melalui pipa transmisi dan distribusi sebanyak 1.565 mmscfd. Angka tersebut naik dibandingkan dengan penyaluran pada kuartal I-2017 yang tercatat sekitar 1, 542 mmscfd.

Pemerintah memutuskan membebaskan para trader melakukan pembicaraan business to business (B to B) dengan PGN atau Pertagas terkait realokasi gas. Nantinya pemerintah akan mengeluarkan Keputusan Menteri ESDM terkait realokasi gas. Tapi tentu dengan persyaratan. Yakni seluruh proses realokasi dari trader ke PGN  atau Pertagas sudah selesai dilakukan.

Sejauh ini pemerintah mencatat terjadi sepuluh kasus penyaluran gas secara bertingkat yang dilakukan oleh para trader. Mayoritas penyaluran gas bertingkat ini dilakukan di Pulau Jawa. Para trader yang terlibat biasanya hanya memiliki surat alokasi gas dari pemerintah. Mereka tidak membangun infrastruktur penyaluran gas ke konsumen.

Menanggapi hal itu, Ketua Umum Indonesian Natural Gas Trader Asociation (INGTA) atau Asosiasi Penyalur Gas Alam Indonesia, Sabrun Jamil mengaku trader gas sedang mengusahakan agar terjadi pembicaraan secara business to business untuk menyelesaikan masalah penyaluran gas bertingkat. Saat ini para trader gas juga mengaku sedang menunggu penawaran dari pihak Perusahaan Gas Negara dan Pertagas. 

"Karena mereka pemain besar yang mewakili kebijakan pemerintah," terang Sabrun.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, June 21, 2018

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

BDH Field Production 100 MMSCFD

East Java (East Java) which had shortage of gas, now it is excessive. The good news for industries in East Java that require natural gas is no longer difficult to meet the needs of gas production. Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) still has about 30 Milion Metric Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMscfd) or millions of cubic feet per day which has not been utilized from its production.

The Head of Relations HCML Hamim Tohari, BD Field in Sampang Regency, Madura was initially targeted to produce 100 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 7,000 barrels of condensate per day. But now gas production is channeled to PGN and some industries only 70 percent of it can be absorbed. While 30 MMscfd there is no industry ready to use it.

"Actually there is Petrokimia Gresik who will use it for their production needs in Urea II factory they just built. But there are still obstacles so that HCML gas can not be utilized optimally, "said Hamim.

Hamim said one other cause of HCML gas can not be produced optimally is because currently in East Java there is over supply gas or excess supply of natural gas. This trend, said Hamim, is expected to give confidence to industries that want to use natural gas as a more environmentally friendly energy.

"Now we open our hands wide for the industry that wants to buy our gas. There are still 30 MMscfd ready to be distributed, "said Hamim Tohari.


Lapangan BDH Produksi 100 MMSCFD

Jawa Timur (Jatim) yang sempat kekurangan gas, kini justru berlebih. Kabar gembira untuk industri di Jawa Timur yang membutuhkan gas bumi tidak lagi kesulitan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produksi gas. Adalah Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) masih memiliki gas sekitar 30 Milion Metric Standart Cubic Feet per Day (MMscfd) atau juta kaki kubik per hari yang belum termanfaatkan dari produksinya.

Jumlah yang sangat besar kalau tidak dimanfaatkan, Menurut Head of Relations HCML Hamim Tohari, lapangan BD di Kabupaten Sampang, Madura semula ditargetkan bisa memproduksi gas 100 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan 7.000 barel kondensat per hari. Namun saat ini produksi gas yang disalurkan ke PGN dan beberapa industri hanya 70 persennya saja yang bisa terserap. Sedangkan 30 MMscfd belum ada industri yang siap menggunakannya. 

“Sebenarnya ada Petrokimia Gresik yang akan menggunakannya untuk kebutuhan produksi mereka di pabrik Urea II yang baru mereka bangun. Tetapi masih ada kendala sehingga gas HCML belum bisa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal,” kata Hamim.

Dikatakan Hamim salah satu penyebab lain gas HCML tidak bisa diproduksi secara maksimal adalah karena saat ini di Jatim terjadi over supply gas atau kelebihan pasokan gas bumi. Kecenderungan ini, kata Hamim, diharapkan mampu memberi keyakinan bagi industri yang ingin menggunakan gas bumi sebagai energi yang lebih ramah lingkungan.

“Sekarang kami membuka tangan selebar-lebarnya untuk industri yang mau membeli gas kami. Masih ada 30 MMscfd yang siap disalurkan,” kata Hamim Tohari.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-13, Saturday, June 2, 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018

East Java Gas Manufacturer, HCML becomes Backbone

The East Java region is now a producer of oil and gas. As much as 30 percent of the 800 thousand Barrel of Day (BOD) national production, is met from oil and gas field production from East Java. As for gas, it is also very important.

     East Java is able to support 10 to 12 percent of the total gas supply in the country. Currently, in the SKK Migas Java Bali Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) working area, there are 32 cooperation contractor companies (KKKS) operating. And, 16 KKKS companies that are already in production.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

Head of Representative of the Jabanusa Region Oil and Gas SKK Migas, Ali Masyhar illustrates that oil and gas production is declining because oil and gas are not renewable resources. However, SKK Migas Jabanusa and KSS in Jabanusa continue to increase production, especially crude oil every day.

"Currently, the highest production is in Cepu Block and efforts are increasing, but to increase production, it takes several efforts and it also costs a lot, while for gas can not be directly exploited, because it has to wait for the buyer first," said Ali Masyhar.

Especially for gas production, East Java still holds great potentials from offshore fields managed by Kangean Energy, CNOCOC Madura Limited (HCML), and Petronas Husky.

"There are four fields owned Husky ready to produce. The potential is quite large. Going forward, Husky will be a backbone in the supply of natural gas for energy East Java, "said Head of Oil and Gas Commercial Division of SKK Migas, Waras Budi Santoso.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Petronas Carigali Ketapang

The problem is, many factors often hamper exploration and exploitation activities until the gas reaches the buyer's hands. The inappropriateness of this production schedule, which makes KKKS already committed to producing oil and gas, can be harmed because potential customers divert their needs to other mineral sources. For example diesel and coal. 

    For example, the gas production of Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) has been producing gas in Sampang Madura waters since 2017. Until now, not all the gas can be bought by the market. According to information, about 30 MMcfd of HCML gas production has not been purchased market maximally.

"This problem should be sought to solve the problem," said Waras Budi Santoso.

Special HCML gas from the field in offshore Sumenep which is expected to start production in late 2019, highly anticipated PT Petrokimia Gresik is now preparing to develop the factory Ammonia Urea II.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Friday, May 11, 2018

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Supreme Court Strengthens COSL & Husky Parties

Efforts by the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) to defend the decision on the jackpot plot of services drilling rig services between PT COSL Indo and Husky CNOOC Madura Limited ended defeated in the Supreme Court (MA).

The Supreme Court in the verdict of cassation actually reinforced the decision of South Jakarta District Court which overturned the KPPU's decision. In the decision No. 952 K / Pdt. Sus-KPPU / 201 7 Supreme Court declared the petition filed by KPPU.

"Rejected the appeal from the appellant of the Supervisory Commission of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission," the ruling from the Court's Supreme Court Registry official website said Tuesday (2/1).

The cassation is examined by a panel of judges comprising Takdir Rahmadi, Nurul Elmiyah and I Gusti Agung Surnanatha. The verdict was read on October 19, 2017. The verdict as well as reinforce the decision of South Jakarta Commercial Court. 907 K / Pdt.GKPPU / 2016 / PN.Jkt.Sel. which was set by the judge on April 27, 2017. The judges did not find the affiliation facts as mentioned by KPPU which caused a conspiracy.

Chairman of the Supreme Court Justice Takdir Rahmadi said the appellant of the appeal was unable to prove the existence of a conspiracy between PT COSL Indo and Husky CNOOC Madura Limited.

The two companies were not legally and convincingly proven to meet the elements of Article 22 of Law no. 5/1999 on Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition.

This ruling is also reinforced by testimony from witnesses and experts indicating that the bidding process is in compliance with prevailing regulations and current oil and gas industry conditions.

PT COSL Indo and Husky CNOOC Madura Limited have also received approval from the tender result from SKK Migas. In addition, Appreciation Letter has been given by Husky CNOOC Madura Limited as a service user to PT COSL INDO.

Previously, KPPU filed an appeal over the South Jakarta District Court's decision to win the PT COSL Indo and Husky CNOOC Madura Limited related to the tender conspiracy case. KPPU's legal counsel Nunil Fadilah said that although the court granted the objection to the reported parties I and II, it would not be a stunt in proving the existence of a conspiracy.

Meanwhile, PT COSL Indo and Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited lawyers, Teuku Raja Rajuanda from Firmansyah and Co. law firm. said that from the beginning the KPPU's decision was judged.

This is because the Commission Council did not consider the facts presented by the witnesses reported. Tender services jack-up drilling rig services for BD is to support the drilling and completion of operations and Madura BD Structure is located off the coast Madura Strait KKS Madura. The estimated value of the project reached US $ 34.62 million.

On October 14, 2016, KPPU Commission Assembly read the verdict stating Husky CNOOC (Reported I) and PT COSL Indo (Reported II) violated Article 22 of Law no. 5/199. Both reportedly punished to pay a fine of Rp 12.8 billion and Rp 11.6 billion.


MA Kuatkan Kubu COSL & Husky

Upaya Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) untuk mempertahankan putusan tentang persekongkolan tender jasa jack-up drilling rig services antara PT COSL Indo dan Husky CNOOC Madura Limited berakhir kalah di Mahkamah Agung (MA).

Mahkamah Agung dalam putusan kasasi justru menguatkan putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan yang membatalkan putusan KPPU. Dalam putusan No. 952 K/Pdt. Sus-KPPU/201 7 MA menyatakan menolak permohonan kasasi yang diajukan KPPU.

“Menolak permohonan kasasi dari pemohon kasasi Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha tersebut,” bunyi amar putusan dari laman resmi Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Agung, Selasa (2/1).

Perkara kasasi tersebut diperiksa oleh majelis hakim agung yang terdiri dari Takdir Rahmadi, Nurul Elmiyah, dan I Gusti Agung Surnanatha. Putusan dibacakan pada 19 Oktober 2017. Putusan itu sekaligus mempertegas putusan Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Selatan No. 907 K/Pdt.GKPPU/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel. yang ditetapkan hakim pada 27 April 2017. Majelis hakim ketika itu tidak menemukan fakta afiliasi seperti yang disebutkan KPPU yang menimbulkan persekongkolan.

Ketua Majelis Hakim Agung Takdir Rahmadi mengatakan pemohon kasasi tidak mampu membuktikan adanya persekongkolan antara PT COSL Indo dan Husky CNOOC Madura Limited.

Kedua perusahaan pun tidak terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan memenuhi unsur-unsur dalam Pasal 22 UU No. 5/1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat.

Putusan ini juga diperkuat dengan keterangan keterangan saksi dan ahli menyatakan proses tender sudah sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku dan kondisi industri minyak dan gas bumi saat ini.

PT COSL Indo dan Husky CNOOC Madura Limited pun sudah mendapat persetujuan hasil pelaksanaan tender dari SKK Migas. Selain itu telah diberikan Appreciation Letter oleh Husky CNOOC Madura Limited sebagai pengguna jasa kepada PT COSL INDO.

Sebelumnya, KPPU mengajukan kasasi atas putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan yang memenangkan pihak PT COSL Indo dan Husky CNOOC Madura Limited terkait kasus persekongkolan tender. Kuasa hukum KPPU Nunil Fadilah mengatakan meskipun pengadilan mengabulkan keberatan terlapor I dan II, pihaknya tidak akan stunt dalam membuktikan adanya persekongkolan.

Sementara itu, kuasa hukum PT COSL Indo dan Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, Teuku Raja Rajuanda dari kantor hukum Firmansyah and Co. mengatakan sudah dari awal putusan KPPU dinilai sumir.

Hal itu mengingat Majelis Komisi tidak mempertimbangkan fakta-fakta yang dihadirkan oleh saksi terlapor. Tender jasa jack-up drilling rig services for BD itu untuk mendukung pengeboran dan penyelesaian operasi dan Madura BD Structure yang berlokasi di lepas pantai Selat Madura KKS Madura. Estimasi nilai proyek mencapai US$ 34,62 juta. 

Pada 14 Oktober 2016 Majelis Komisi KPPU membacakan putusan yang menyatakan Husky CNOOC (terlapor I) dan PT COSL Indo (terlapor II) melanggar Pasal 22 UU No. 5/199. Kedua terlapor dihukum membayar denda Rp 12,8 miliar dan Rp 11,6 miliar.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-8, Wednesday, Jan 3, 2018

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Support SMEs Involved Upstream Oil and Gas

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) together with Joint Operations Contract Contractors (KKKS) of Java Bali and Nusa Tenggara encourages the involvement of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

The role of SMEs is very large to support upstream oil and gas activities in Java and Bali Nusa Tenggara region. In the procurement activities of goods and services in Upstream Oil and Gas Industry, SKK Migas and KKKS provide great opportunities for Small Medium Enterprises in each area of ​​KKKS operation to be involved.

The two-day event was held from 27 to 28 November 2017 at the Ballroom of Hotel Sheraton Surabaya, in addition to all KKKS operating in Java and Nusa Tenggara region as well as 86 local goods and service providers in each KKKS operation area.

This is supported by the regulation on procurement of goods and services of PTK 007 revision 4 and it is expected that KKKS conduct socialization and training related to it to increase local capacity, so that Small and Medium Enterprises can cooperate with related KKKS.

To increase local capacity, in PTK 007 revision 4 is set for the procurement of goods and services with contracts worth Rp 10 billion or 1 million USD, strived that the implementation of the tender can be done at the provincial level. While the tender of goods and services with a value of more than Rp 50 billion or 5 million USD, SKK Migas - KKKS obliged to cooperate with local medium-sized businesses.

Head of Procurement Management Division of Goods and Services SKK Migas, Erwin Suryadi said upstream oil and gas industry still provides many investment opportunities for national and local entrepreneurs.

"However, this opportunity should be followed by an increase in the competence and professionalism of the providers of goods or services," said Erwin Suryadi.

SKK Migas through PTK 007 Revision 04 has provided an open competition for local goods / service providers. However, the provider of goods / services should also be able to offer reasonable and competitive prices and provide maximum services for the KKKS, thereby creating a climate of equality that will make the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia better and provide a multiplier effect for national entrepreneurs and area.

"In PTK 007 Revision 04, tender time is also limited, the acceleration of tender time is aimed to provide certainty both for KKKS and bidders," said Erwin.

He added that with the limitation of tender time, the KKKS can predict when the time of tender implementation should be done so that in accordance with the schedule of operations in the field. And for the bidders, this restriction will provide certainty in every tender and investment that will be done to support upstream oil and gas industry.

"With the existence of understanding and equality between KKKS with provider of goods / services, then efficiency and effectiveness is a necessity that will be more interesting fruit fruiting upstream oil and gas industry of Indonesia," lid Erwin.

Head of Representative of Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara, Ali Masyhar in his speech said that this forum is one form of socialization from SKK Migas to gain an understanding and optimum input from providers of goods / services to realize good oil and gas governance.

"It is hoped this forum becomes a container that has benefits for the providers of goods and services, so that local entrepreneurs can knowing the update related to Upstream Oil and Gas activities including the regulation, We also expect inputs for the good of Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Activities "said Ali.

Rizal Kamal, Senior Manager of SCM Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, as well as representatives from KKKS of Java and Nusa Tenggara region in opening ceremony express their appreciation to SKK Migas who have fully supported the event.

He mentioned that the workshop is expected to provide a good understanding of the provision of newly issued PTK 007 Revision 04, especially for the procurement of goods / services in KKKS and Provider of goods / services as partners.

"This workshop is a good opportunity especially for Providers of Goods / Services of small and medium businesses around East Java to better understand the procurement of goods / services KKKS, given the resource persons who fill the material PTK 007 Revision 04 directly from SKK Migas as policy makers," said Rizal .


Dukung UKM Terlibat Hulu Migas

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) bersama dengan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) Jawa Bali dan Nusa Tenggara mendorong keterlibatan usaha kecil menengah (UKM). 

Peran UKM sangat besar untuk menunjang kegiatan operasi hulu migas wilayah Jawa Bali dan Nusa Tenggara. Dalam kegiatan pengadaan barang dan jasa di Industri Hulu Migas, SKK Migas dan KKKS membuka peluang yang besar bagi Usaha Kecil Menengah Lokal di masing-masing wilayah operasi KKKS untuk turut terlibat. 

Kegiatan yang digelar selama dua hari mulai 27-28 November 2017 di Ballroom Hotel Sheraton Surabaya, Selain diikuti seluruh KKKS yang beroperasi di wilayah Jawa Bali dan Nusa Tenggara serta sejumlah 86 penyedia barang dan jasa lokal masing-masing wilayah operasi KKKS.

Hal itu didukung oleh regulasi pengadaan barang dan jasa PTK 007 revisi 4 dan diharapkan KKKS melakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan terkait hal tersebut untuk meningkatkan kapasitas lokal, sehingga Usaha Kecil Menengah bisa bekerjasama dengan KKKS terkait.

Untuk meningkatkan kapasitas lokal, dalam PTK 007 revisi 4 diatur agar pengadaan barang dan jasa dengan kontrak senilai Rp 10 miliar atau 1 juta USD, diupayakan agar pelaksanaan tender bisa dilakukan di tingkat propinsi. Sedangkan tender barang dan jasa dengan nilai lebih dari Rp 50 miliar atau 5 juta USD, SKK Migas - KKKS wajib bekerjasama dengan usaha menengah setempat.

Kepala Divisi Pengelolaan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa SKK Migas, Erwin Suryadi mengatakan industri hulu migas masih memberikan banyak peluang investasi bagi para pengusaha nasional maupun lokal.

“Akan tetapi, peluang ini harus diikuti dengan adanya peningkatan kompetensi dan profesionalitas dari para penyedia barang atau jasa,” kata Erwin Suryadi.

SKK Migas melalui PTK 007 Revisi 04 telah memberikan ruang kompetisi yang terbuka bagi penyedia barang/jasa daerah. Akan tetapi, penyedia barang/jasa juga harus dapat memberikan penawaran harga yang wajar dan bersaing serta memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal bagi KKKS, sehingga dengan demikian terciptalah iklim kesetaraan yang akan membuat industri hulu migas Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dan memberikan multiplier effect bagi para pengusaha nasional dan daerah.

“Dalam PTK 007 Revisi 04 waktu tender juga dibatasi, percepatan waktu tender ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian baik bagi KKKS maupun peserta tender,” ujar Erwin.

Dia menambahkan, dengan adanya pembatasan waktu tender, maka KKKS dapat memprediksi kapan waktu pelaksanaan tender harus dilakukan sehingga sesuai dengan jadwal operasi di lapangan. Dan bagi peserta tender, pembatasan ini akan memberikan kepastian dalam setiap tender dan investasi yang akan dilakukan untuk mendukung industri hulu migas.

“Dengan adanya kesepahaman dan kesetaraan antara KKKS dengan penyedia barang/jasa, maka efisiensi dan efektifitas adalah sebuah keniscayaan yang akan berbuah semakin menariknya industri hulu migas Indonesia,” tutup Erwin. 

Kepala Perwakilan Jawa, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara, Ali Masyhar dalam sambutannya menyampaikan forum seperti ini merupakan salah satu bentuk sosialisasi dari SKK Migas untuk mendapatkan pemahaman dan masukan yang optimal dari penyedia barang/jasa untuk mewujudkan tata kelola migas yang baik.

“Diharapkan forum ini menjadi suatu wadah yang memiliki manfaat bagi penyedia barang dan jasa, sehingga pengusaha lokal dapat mengetahui update terkait kegiatan Hulu Migas termasuk regulasinya, Kami pun juga mengharapkan adanya masukan-masukan demi kebaikan Kegiatan Industri Hulu Migas” tutur Ali.

Rizal Kamal, Senior Manager SCM Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, sekaligus perwakilan dari KKKS wilayah Jawa Bali dan Nusa tenggara dalam pembukaannya menyampaikan apresiasi kepada SKK Migas yang telah mendukung penuh terselenggaranya acara ini.

Dia menyebutkan dengan workshop ini diharapkan akan memberikan pemahaman yang baik terhadap ketentuan PTK 007 Revisi 04 yang baru diterbitkan terutama bagi pelaku pengadaan barang/jasa di KKKS maupun Penyedia Barang/jasa selaku mitra kerja.

“Workshop ini merupakan kesempatan yang baik khususnya bagi Penyedia Barang/Jasa golongan usaha kecil menengah disekitar wilayah Jawa Timur untuk lebih memahami pengadaan barang/jasa KKKS, mengingat narasumber yang mengisi materi PTK 007 Revisi 04 langsung dari SKK Migas selaku pembuat kebijakan,” kata Rizal.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Thursday, Nov 30, 2017

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

SKK Migas Holds Socialization to All Layers

Socialization is an important activity which should be conducted by Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas). By cooperating with the Contractor of Cooperation Contract (K3S) of Madura Island working area, it has socialized to all levels, including the affected communities.

Among K3S is Pertamina Hulu Energy West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO), Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML), Petronas, Santos and also supported by Kangean Energi Indonesia (KEI). Each describes the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

"This is a work program of SKK Migas with K3S," explained the representative of SKK Migas Ami Hermawati.

In addition, his side also had given a public lecture to the students. The activities are also part of the socialization of academics. The objective is to provide information on upstream oil and gas industry.

"So we do socialization to all the layers, to the bottom of the community affected by the upstream oil and gas industry," he explained.

In the implementation in the field, it also did not hesitate to give warning in the form of warning to K3S operators. It will be done, when knowing the upstream oil and gas industry activities are not in accordance with Standart Operating Procedure (SOP).

"It's our job. Because the oil and gas industry activity is a high risk, high cost and high technology, "She said.

PHE Field Manager WMO Muchammad Yani added, providing assistance to education, community and the environment is a form of real corporate support. Therefore, his side will not forget all the obligations.

"We will not forget what has become our duty and responsibility," he said.

It can be seen that some of the assistance done by PHE WMO together with Bangkalan community has been affected by the Establishment of Drinking Water User Association (HIPPAM) in Bandang Dajah Village, Tanjung Bumi Subdistrict. Then there is the reforestation of the coastal area, a Mangrove Education Park (TPM) in Labuhan Village Sepulu District.

"Now in TPM has done a lot of international-scale research, on migratory birds and some Labuhan residents have not returned to Indonesian Workers (TKI). Now in TPM there are already tens of thousands of visitors, with unusual economic benefits. Some Indonesian students have done marine biota research for the purpose of thesis, "he explained.

In addition to Bangkalan Madura regency, CSR program is also conducted in Gresik regency. PHE-WMO together with the people of Gresik, has built Kampung Hijau Sumber Rejeki in Sidorukun Village, Gresik Regency.


SKK Migas Gelar Sosialisasi ke Semua Lapisan

Sosialisasi merupakan kegiatan penting yang perIu dilakukan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Dengan menggandeng Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (K3S) Wilayah kerja Pulau Madura, pihaknya telah bersosialisasi ke semua lapisan, termasuk masyarakat yang terdampak.

Di antara K3S yang dimaksud adalah Pertamina Hulu Energy West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO), Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML), Petronas, Santos dan juga didukung Kangean Energi Indonesia (KEI). Masing-rnasing memaparkan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 

“Ini merupakan program kerja SKK Migas dengan K3S,” terang perwakilan SKK Migas Ami Hermawati.

Selain itu, pihaknya juga sempat memberikan kuliah umum kepada para mahasiswa. Adapun kegiatan tersebut, juga merupakan bagian dari sosialisasi terhadap para akademisi. Tujuannya untuk memberikan informasi tentang industri hulu migas. 

“Jadi kami lakukan sosialisasi ke semua lapisan, hingga masyarakat paling bawah yang terdampak kegiatan industri hulu migas," paparnya.

Dalam pelaksanaan di lapangan, pihaknya pun tidak segan memberi peringatan berupa teguran kepada operator  K3S. Hal itu bakal dilakukan, ketika mengetahui kegiatan industri hulu migas tidak sesuai dengan Standart Operating Procedure (SOP).

“Itu menjadi tugas kami. Karena kegiatan industri migas itu merupakan high risk, high cost dan high technology ,” katanya.

Field Manager PHE WMO Muchammad Yani menambahkan, pemberian bantuan untuk pendidikan, masyarakat dan lingkungan adalah bentuk dukungan nyata perusahaan. Karena itu, pihaknya tidak akan melupakan semua kewajibannya. 

“Kami tidak akan melupakan apa yang telah menjadi kewajiban dan tanggungjawab kami," menurutnya.

Dapat diketahui, sejumlah bantuan yang dilakukan antara lain PHE WMO bersama masyarakat Bangkalan terdampak membangun Himpunan Penduduk Pemakai Air Minum (HIPPAM) di Desa Bandang Dajah, Kecamatan Tanjung Bumi. Lalu ada penghijauan kawasan pesisir pantai, menjadi Taman Pendidikan Mangrove (TPM) di Desa Labuhan Kecamatan Sepulu.

“Sekarang di TPM sudah banyak dilakukan penelitian skala internasional, terhadap burung migran dan sejumlah warga Labuhan sudah tidak kembali menjadi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI). Kini di TPM juga sudah ada puluhan ribu pengunjung, dengan manfaat ekonomi yang Iuar biasa. Beberapa mahasiswa Indonesia sudah melakukan penelitian biota laut untuk keperluan skripsi," jelasnya. 

Selain di Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura, program CSR juga dilakukan di Kabupaten Gresik. PHE-WMO bersama masyarakat Gresik, telah membangun Kampung Hijau Sumber Rejeki di Desa Sidorukun, Kabupaten Gresik. 

Memorandum, Page-16, Thursday, Nov 16, 2017