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Showing posts with label Blok Mahakam. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Local Government Requested Follow the Main Rules

The polemic of 10% share of Mahakam Block participation by East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Kutai Kartanegara Regency should be completed based on applicable regulation.

After 100% ownership of Mahakam shares was transferred to PT Pertamina (Persero), East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Kutai Kartanegara Regency got a share of participation of 10%.
Ego Syahrial

Implementing Duties of the Director General of Oil and Gas ESDM Ministry Ego Syahrial said that ownership of shares between the provincial government and district governments in the Mahakam block is still a polemic and confusing.

"So, the Kutai Regency feels that the majority of the Mahakam Block Area is in its area so there is a problem in the distribution of shares with the provincial government so that it asks to be made into fifty-fifty [50%: 50%]. In fact, it is clear the rules, then Kutai also requested parts of East Kalimantan Province as well, "he said.

To that end, Ego requested that the local government follow the rules in accordance with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 37/2016 on the Terms of Participating Interest 10% of the Oil and Gas Working Area, in the share division of 10% of the total ownership of Mahakam block, East Kalimantan Provincial Government has 66.5% share, while Kutai 33.5%.

Amien Sunaryadi

Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said, according to the rules, the provincial government will regulate the share of the share of participation with the district government. However, if the provincial government difficulties, later can be brought to the Ministry of ESDM.

"Well, if you do not finish, the ESDM Minister will decide directly," he said.

Meanwhile, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, is still looking for partners to work together in the Mahakam Block. SKK Migas releases Pertamina in seeking partners to manage the oil and gas block. This government-owned company has the option to release a maximum of 39% of Mahakam Block's shares to a third party.

the Mahakam Block

Amien explained that in the first phase 100% of Mahakam block shares were given to Pertamina. The second phase, Pertamina gives 10% stake to the local government so that the ownership of the company to 90%. In the third stage, Pertamina has the option to sell Mahakam shares to a third party at a maximum of 39%.

"However, in the third option, it's done business to business only."

The government gives Pertamina a chance to seek partners by removing maximum 39% of Mahakam shares.


Pemerintah Daerah Diminta lkuti Aturan Main

Polemik pembagian 10% saham partisipasi Blok Mahakam oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara sebaiknya diselesaikan berdasarkan regulasi yang berlaku.

Setelah kepemilikan 100% saham Mahakam dialihkan ke PT Pertamina (Persero), Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara mendapatkan bagian saham partisipasi sebesar 10%.

Pelaksana Tugas Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial mengatakan bahwa kepemilikan saham antara pemerintah provinsi dan pemerintah kabupaten di Blok Mahakam memang masih menjadi polemik dan membingungkan.

“Jadi, pihak Kabupaten Kutai merasa mayoritas Wilayah Blok Mahakam ada di kawasannya sehingga ada persoalan dalam pembagian saham dengan pemerintah provinsi sehingga minta dibuat menjadi fifty-fifty [50%:50%]. Padahal, sudah jelas aturannya, lalu Kutai juga meminta bagian dari Provinsi Kalimantan Timur juga,” ujarnya.

Untuk itu, Ego meminta agar pihak pemerintah daerah mengikuti aturan yang berlaku sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 37/2016 tentang Ketentuan Penawaran Participating Interest 10% pada Wilayah Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi, dalam pembagian bagian saham 10% dari total kepemilikan Blok Mahakam, Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur memiliki porsi 66,5%, sedangkan Kutai 33,5%.

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, sesuai dengan aturan, pemerintah provinsi yang akan mengatur pembagian bagian saham partisipasi dengan pemerintah kabupaten. Namun, kalau pemerintah provinsi kesulitan, nanti bisa dibawa ke Kementerian ESDM. 

“Nah, kalau nanti tidak kunjung selesai juga, Menteri ESDM langsung yang akan memutuskan,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, anak usaha PT Pertamina, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, masih mencari mitra untuk bekerja sama di Blok Mahakam. SKK Migas membebaskan Pertamina dalam mencari mitra untuk mengelola blok migas tersebut. Perusahaan milik pemerintah ini mempunyai opsi melepas maksimal 39 % saham Blok Mahakam kepada pihak ketiga.

Amien menjelaskan, pada tahap pertama 100% saham Blok Mahakam diberikan kepada Pertamina. Tahap kedua, Pertamina memberikan 10% saham ke pemerintah daerah sehingga kepemilikan perseroan menjadi 90%. Pada tahap ketiga, Pertamina memiliki opsi melepas kepemilikan saham Mahakam kepada pihak ketiga maksimum 39%. 

“Namun, dalam opsi ketiga itu dilakukan secara business to business saja.”

Pemerintah memberikan kesempatan Pertamina untuk mencari mitra dengan melepas maksimum saham Mahakam 39%.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018

Friday, October 28, 2016

Mahakam Block Role Model Can Be Reference

     Instead of immediately deciding the fate of the oil and gas block that will be out of contract alias termination, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is currently considering the extension of the Mahakam Block as a reference for other blocks. ESDM is making the study.

The government has decided not to renew the Total EP Indonesie and lnpex Corporation contracts for the Mahakam Block after the two operators have enjoyed two 50-year contract extensions. The government then handed over the management of the Mahakam Block to PT Pertamina.

    The government is also considering the technology that will be used by KKKS in the blocks to be terminated. For example, we want EOR (enhanced oil recovery) and funding, which obviously we want patterns like Mahakam, if this works, we will implement it, said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar.

A number of Cooperation Contract Contractors who will invest in a number of termination blocks in 2018 have proposed an extension. Several oil and gas blocks that will be out of contract in 2018, such as the Tuban Block, Ogan Komering Block, Block B, NSO / NSO EXT Block, Attaka Block, Sanga-Sanga Block, Sumatra Southest Block, and Central Block.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Oct 28, 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Amendment to Mahakam Block Contract Approved

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources approved the Amakam Working Area Production Sharing Contract (WK) Amendment. The Production Sharing Contract Amendment was signed by SKK Migas and Pertamina Hulu Mahakam on October 25, 2016, and will be effective on January 1, 2018. This amendment must be carried out as a basis for implementing activities and providing legal certainty during the transfer of the Mahakam WK Operation.

the Mahakam WK Operation

In addition, this amendment can also maintain the sustainability of oil and gas production while providing legal certainty in the implementation of activities in the Mahakam WK Operation Transfer from existing contractors to Pertamina, said the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan in a conference in Jakarta.

Amendments to the Mahakam WK Cooperation Contract (KKKS), among others, are related to financing that can be carried out by Pertamina on oil and gas operations that are needed before the effective date, which is carried out by the Existing Contractor. The costs incurred by Pertamina are included in the operating costs whose returns are made after the effective date.

With this amendment, Pertamina can invest early and the production of the Mahakam Block will be maintained. This is all as a form of government trust in Pertamina. Arcandra said that the amendment was the basis for Pertamina to make an early investment related to Mahakam drilling to maintain the level of Mahakam production.

Work program and budget will be carried out 24-25 November 2017 will be carried out by drilling 6 wells by Total and 19 wells by Pertamina Hulu. He said Pertamina plans to invest an estimated US $ 180 million in the form of drilling 19 wells before the effective date. It is expected that natural gas production from the Mahakam WK can be maintained at around 1.2 BSCFD and condensate at around 20,000 BCPD in 2018-2019.

Amien said that the amendment of the Production Sharing Contract was that the costs for drilling 19 wells in the Mahakam Block in 2017 included cost recovery in 2018. What Pertamina issued after the amendment was signed to be effective on January 1, 2018, it could go into cost recovery. 

      But the cost recovery is 2018. Amien said that the legal protection of the mechanism is the revision of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 15 of 2015 concerning Management of Oil and Gas Work Areas that Will End Their Cooperation Contracts. This regulation has been completed and is in the process of recording the national sheets.

He said that the general mechanism and cost recovery are expenditures after the effective Production Sharing Contract date. However, for the Mahakam Block, there is a transition period and expenditure is required for drilling before the contract is effective. After it is drilled, it is closed. Production (19 wells) has just been released in 2018 so that production will not drop.

Dwi Soejipto

Pertamina President Director Dwi Soejipto said an investment of US $ 180 million was prepared during the transition to the takeover of the Mahakam Block in 2017. The investment was intended to maintain the level of production of the Mahakam block after the amendment to the Mahakam Production Sharing Contract.

Total EP Indonesie

Dwi said that PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam had compiled the 2017 Mahakam Block Work Program and Budget (WP and B) and was being finalized. Based on the WP and B, assisted by Total EP Indonesie as the executor, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam prepared 2017 drilling activities with a target of 19 wells with an investment of around the US $ 180 million.

SKK Migas is preparing technical guidelines for the implementation of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam WP and B with the principle of activities carried out by Total EP Indonesie on a no-cost no profit basis, with all costs and risks of activities being borne by Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Drilling wells are targeted to start production on January 1, 2018.

"Pertamina is funding, an implementation by Total. He said Pertamina Hulu Mahakam together with Total EP Indonesie and Inpex Corporation is completing the management transfer agreement which includes the Transfer of Operatorship Agreement (TOA) and Bridging Agreement (BA). TOA which was signed by the parties on July 29, 2016, will be harmonized with the amendment of the Mahakam Block Revenue Sharing Contract.

Whereas BA is needed related to the assistance of the implementation of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam activities by Total Indonesie in the period of 2017. We are targeting the completion of the Bridging Agreement and amendments to the TOA by the end of November 2016.

The President Director of Total EP Indonesie Hardy added that maintaining oil and gas production when transferring the management of the Mahakam Block was the main focus. It will drill 6 wells in 2017 to reduce the rate of decline in production. Meanwhile, about 30 percent Participating Interest (PI) is still under discussion. PI 30 percent we still continue to talk about. But that was the last priority at this time.


Amendemen Kontrak Blok Mahakam Disetujui

Kementerian ESDM menyetujui Amendemen Kontrak Bagi Hasil Wilayah Kerja (WK) Mahakam. Amendemen Kontrak Bagi Hasil ditandatangani oleh SKK Migas dan Pertamina Hulu Mahakam pada 25 Oktober 2016 dan akan berlaku efektif pada 1 Januari 2018. Amendemen ini harus dilakukan sebagai landasan pelaksanaan kegiatan dan memberikan kepastian hukum pada masa alih Operasi WK Mahakam tersebut. 

Selain itu, amendemen ini juga dapat menjaga keberlangsungan produksi minyak dan gas bumi sekaligus memberikan kepastian hukum dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pada Masa Alih Operasi WK Mahakam dari kontraktor eksisting ke Pertamina, tegas Menteri ESDM Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan dalam konpers di Jakarta.

Amendemen Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKS) WK Mahakam antara lain berkaitan dengan pembiayaan yang dapat dilakukan oleh Pertamina atas kegiatan operasi minyak dan gas bumi yang diperlukan sebelum tanggal efektif yang pelaksanaannya dilakukan oleh Kontraktor Eksisting. Biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh Pertamina tersebut masuk dalam biaya operasi yang pengembaliannya dilakukan setelah tanggal efektif. 

Dengan amendemen ini maka Pertamina dapat berinvestasi lebih awal dan produksi Blok Mahakam akan terjaga. Ini semua sebagai bentuk kepercayaan pemerintah kepada Pertamina. Arcandra menuturkan amendemen menjadi dasar bagi Pertamina untuk investasi lebih awal terkait pengeboran mahakam guna menjaga tingkat produksi mahakam.

Work program and budget akan dilaksanakan 24-25 November 2017 akan dilakukan pengeboran 6 sumur oleh Total dan 19 sumur oleh Pertamina Hulu. Dia bilang Pertamina berencana untuk melakukan investasi yang diperkirakan sebesar USS 180 juta dalam bentuk kegiatan pemboran 19 sumur sebelum tanggal efektif. Dengan begitu diharapkan produksi gas bumi dari WK Mahakam dapat dipertahankan sekitar 1,2 BSCFD dan kondensat sekitar 20.000 BCPD pada tahun 2018-2019.

Amien mengungkapkan bunyi amandemen Kontrak Bagi Hasil ialah biaya pengeluaran untuk kegiatan pengeboran 19 sumur di Blok Mahakam pada 2017 masuk cost recovery di 2018. Apa yang dikeluarkan Pertamina setelah amandemen diteken sampai efektif di 1 Januari 2018, itu bisa masuk ke cost recovery. Tapi cost recovery-nya tahun 2018. Amien menuturkan perlindungan hukum mekanisme tersebut ialah revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 15 Tahun 2015 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi yang Akan Berakhir Kontrak Kerja Samanya. Beleid ini sudah rampung dan dalam proses dalam pencatatan lembar negara.

Dikatakannya mekanime umum dan cost recovery ialah pengeluaran setelah tanggal Kontrak Bagi Hasil efektif. Namun untuk Blok Mahakam berlangsung masa transisi dan diperlukan pengeluaran untuk pengeboran sebelum Kontrak efektif. Setelah dibor baru ditutup. Produksinya (19 sumur) baru dikeluarkan 2018 sehingga tidak akan drop produksinya. 

Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soejipto mengatakan investasi senilai US$ 180 juta disiapkan pada masa transisi pengambilalihan Blok Mahakam di 2017. Investasi tersebut dimaksudkan untuk menjaga tingkat produksi blok Mahakam setelah dilakukannya amandemen Kontrak Bagi Hasil Mahakam.

Dwi menuturkan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam telah menyusun Work Program and Budget (WP and B) Blok Mahakam 2017 dan sedang difinalisasi. Berdasarkan WP and B tersebut, dibantu oleh Total EP Indonesie sebagai pelaksana, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam menyiapkan kegiatan pengeboran tahun 2017 dengan target 19 sumur dengan nilai investasi sekitar US$180 juta. 

SKK Migas sedang menyiapkan petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan WP and B Pertamina Hulu Mahakam dengan prinsip kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Total EP Indonesie dengan basis no cost no profit, dengan semua biaya dan risiko kegiatan menjadi beban Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Sumur pemboran ditargetkan mulai produksi pada 1 Januari 2018. 

"Pertamina yang mendanai, pelaksanaan oleh Total. Dikatakannya Pertamina Hulu Mahakam bersama Total EP Indonesie dan Inpex Corporation sedang menyelesaikan perjanjian alih kelola yang meliputi Transfer of Operatorship Agreement (TOA) dan Bridging Agreement (BA). TOA yang telah ditandatangani para pihak pada 29 Juli 2016 akan diselaraskan dengan amandemen Kontrak Bagi Hasil Blok Mahakam.

Sedangkan BA diperlukan terkait dengan bantuan pelaksanaan kegiatan Pertamina Hulu Mahakam oleh Total Indonesie pada periode tahun 2017. Kami menargetkan penyelesaian Bridging Agreement dan amandemen TOA pada akhir November 2016. 

Presdir Total EP Indonesie Hardy menambahkan menjaga produksi migas saat alih kelola Blok Mahakam menjadi fokus utama. Pihaknya akan mengebor 6 sumur di 2017 mendatang untuk menekan laju penurunan produksi. Sedangkan mengenai Participating Interest (PI) sebesar 30 persen masih dalam pembahasan. PI 30 persen masih terus kita bicarakan. Tapi itu last priority pada saat sekarang ini.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Oct 26,  2016