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Showing posts with label ADNOC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ADNOC. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Pertamina-Adnoc Develops Petrochemical Integrated Refinery in Balongan

PT Pertamina (Persero) and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) agreed to explore further the potential for the development of the Petrochemical Integrated Refinery Complex in Balongan, West Java. Both of them signed a memorandum of understanding / MoU.

This MoU is a follow-up to the Comprehensive Strategic Framework (CSF) agreement signed by the two companies in July 2019. The CSF is to explore opportunities for cooperation in all oil and gas business chains, both in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Indonesia, or international.

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said from the intensive discussion, Pertamina and ADNOC had succeeded in increasing the agreement in a more strategic and specific direction. One of them is to evaluate the potential of developing the oil processing complex into petrochemicals in Balongan. As a first step, both parties will study and explore the proposed business structure and technical configuration for the development of the refinery.

Nicke Widyawati

"Pertamina is opening up to a strategic partnership," said Nicke Widyawati.

According to Nicke Widyawati, the potential for this cooperation is important because the development of the petrochemical complex is planned to be integrated with the Balongan Refinery upgrading project. 

    So that in addition to reducing imports of fuel oil (BBM), this project will also minimize the import of petrochemical products. It targets the project to produce high-value products and meet domestic and foreign petrochemical product demands, especially polyolefins.

"The potential collaboration with ADNOC will strengthen Pertamina's business steps especially in optimizing the development of the petrochemical refinery in Balongan," said Nicke.

She explained, ADNOC was a potential strategic partner calculated by Pertamina. Because, in addition to his experience managing integrated refineries of petrochemical facilities with the largest capacity in the Middle East and the fourth largest in the world, ADNOC also offered an option to offer Pertamina's participation in the oil and gas production block in the UAE.

The upstream oil and gas cooperation will later be discussed by the two parties. In addition, on the same occasion, Pertamina and ADNOC also signed a liquid gas / LPG supply agreement. In 2020, ADNOC will supply up to 528 thousand metric tons of LPG to Pertamina to secure domestic LPG needs.

"This transaction is also effective because the source is directly from the producer," Nicke said.

ADNOC is also known as one of the largest oil and gas companies that produce LPG in the world with a capacity of more than 10 million metric tons per year for domestic and international markets.

Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber

Meanwhile, Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber said the agreement with Pertamina would support ADNOC to strengthen its presence in Indonesia as one of the fastest-growing economic markets in Southeast Asia. 

    This signed agreement also shows the opportunity for innovative value creation and strong bilateral relations between the UAE and the Republic of Indonesia.


Pertamina-Adnoc Kembangkan Kilang Terintegrasi Petrokimia di Balongan

PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) sepakat menggali lebih lanjut potensi pengembangan Kompleks Kilang Terintegrasi Petrokimia di Balongan, Jawa Barat. Keduanya telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman/MoU.

MoU ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari kesepakatan Comprehensive Strategic Framework (CSF) yang telah ditandatangani kedua perusahaan pada Juli 2019. CSF ini untuk menjajaki peluang kerja sama di seluruh mata rantai bisnis minyak dan gas, baik di Uni Emirat Arab (UEA), Indonesia, ataupun internasional.

Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengatakan dari diskusi intensif tersebut, Pertamina dan ADNOC berhasil meningkatkan kesepakatan ke arah yang lebih strategis dan spesifik. Salah satunya untuk mengevaluasi potensi pengembangan komplek pengolahan minyak menjadi petrokimia di Balongan. Sebagai langkah awal, kedua belah pihak akan mempelajari dan mendalami usulan struktur bisnis dan konfigurasi teknis atas pengembangan kilang tersebut.

“Pertamina membuka diri untuk strategic partnership,” kata Nicke Widyawati.

Menurut Nicke Widyawati, potensi kerja sama ini penting karena pengembangan komplek petrokimia ini rencananya akan terintegrasi dengan proyek perbaikan dan peningkatan kapasitas (upgrading) Kilang Balongan. Sehingga selain akan mengurangi impor Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM), proyek ini juga akan meminimalkan impor produk petrokimia. 

   Pihaknya menargetkan proyek ini dapat menghasilkan produk yang bernilai tinggi serta memenuhi permintaan produk petrokimia dalam dan luar negeri, terutama polyolefin.

“Potensi kolaborasi dengan ADNOC akan memperkuat langkah bisnis Pertamina khususnya dalam mengoptimalkan pengembangan kilang petrokimia di Balongan,” tegas Nicke.

Nicke Widyawati menjelaskan, ADNOC merupakan mitra strategis potensial yang diperhitungkan Pertamina. Pasalnya, selain berpengalaman mengelola kilang terintegrasi fasilitas petrokimia dengan kapasitas terbesar di Timur Tengah dan terbesar ke­-4 di dunia, ADNOC juga memberikan opsi tawaran partisipasi Pertamina di blok produksi migas di UEA. 

Kerja sama hulu migas ini nantinya akan didiskusikan oleh kedua pihak. Selain itu, dalam kesempatan yang sama, Pertamina dan ADNOC juga menandatangani perjanjian pasokan gas minyak cair/LPG. Pada tahun 2020 ini, ADNOC akan memasok LPG sampai dengan 528 ribu metrik ton untuk Pertamina untuk mengamankan kebutuhan LPG dalam negeri.

“Transaksi ini juga efektif karena sumbernya langsung dari produsen,” ujar Nicke.

ADNOC juga dikenal sebagai salah satu perusahaan migas yang memproduksi LPG terbesar di dunia dengan kapasitas mencapai lebih dari 10 juta metrik ton per tahun untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri maupun pasar internasional. 

Sementara itu, Menteri Negara Uni Emirat Arab (UEA) Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber mengatakan, perjanjian dengan Pertamina akan mendukung ADNOC untuk memperkuat keberadaannya di Indonesia sebagai salah satu pasar pertumbuhan ekonomi tercepat di Asia Tenggara. Kesepakatan yang telah ditandatangani ini juga menunjukkan peluang penciptaan nilai yang inovatif dan hubungan bilateral yang kuat antara UEA dengan Republik Indonesia.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Jan 17, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

Abu Dhabi Aims for Energy Sector Investment in Indonesia

Indonesia strengthens relations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The two countries agreed on a number of cooperation and investments. Of the 16 agreements, Indonesia and the UAE agreed on five agreements in the fields of religion, education, agriculture, health, and counter-terrorism. While there are 11 business agreements signed by the two countries, covering the fields of energy, oil, and gas, petrochemicals, ports, telecommunications, and research. The total estimated investment value obtained from these 11 agreements reached Rp 314.9 trillion or the US $ 22.89 billion.

The UAE has high confidence in the development of the energy sector business in Indonesia. A total of 11 business agreements have been signed-in part for the energy business, said the Head of the Public Information Services and Cooperation Biro Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung Pribadi.

PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali investment (PJBI)

One of the agreements in the business sector is the construction of a floating solar power plant in Cirata Reservoir, West Java. Later, the Masdar renewable energy company (EBT) based in Abu Dhabi UAE, will partner with PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali investment (PJBI) to build Cirata Floating PLTS with a capacity of 145 megawatt peak (MWp).

The investment value in the plant is estimated to reach Rp 1.8 trillion. Cirata Floating PLTS will break the record of the largest solar power plant in the ASEAN region after PLTS in the Philippines, Cadiz Solar Powerplant of 132.5 MW.

In addition to developing EBT-based electricity, Indonesia and the UAE agreed on a number of oil and gas projects such as the development of the Balikpapan RUV V Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) between Pertamina and Mubadala.

Later, RDMP RU V Balikpapan will increase refinery processing capacity from 260,000 barrels per day (BPD) to 360,000 BPD and improve product quality from fuel equivalent to Euro II to Euro V. The other agreed cooperation is about developing the potential of crude oil in Balongan between Pertamina and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), to the supply of liquified natural gas (LPG) between the two companies.

In the mineral subsector, Indonesia and the UAE signed a collaboration involving Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA) and PT Indonesia Mahan Aluminum (Mind Id) in the context of increasing the production of ingot alloys and billets.

During the test period (oba, planned additional production is around 20,000 tons with a current normal production capacity of 250,000 tons. In fact, the Middle East investment record in Indonesia is less encouraging and the value is not significant.

For example, the promise of Saudi Aramco, the Saudi oil and gas giant to build a refinery in Cilacap, Central Java, with Pertamina. The plan is not clear because an agreement has not been established. The negotiations between Pertamina and Aramco began in 2014, or have been in vain for six years.

Then there was the Food and Energy Estate project in Merauke (MIFEE) in Papua in 2010. This 2.5 million hectare project is predicted to save IDR 4.7 trillion in foreign exchange through reducing food imports.

Saudi Binladin Group

Saudi Binladin Group, a construction conglomerate from Saudi Arabia, expressed interest in entering the project. There is even a mention of US $ 4 billion worth of investment interest. But until now there has been no continuation of the Bin Ladin Group investment plan.

During President Joko Widodo's visit to Saudi Arabia on 14 ~ 15 April 2019, Prince Muhammad bin Salman expressed interest in a $ 6 billion investment in the oil and gas sector and tourism in Indonesia. But until now there is also no clarity. 

       Previously, during the state visit of Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdul Aziz AL Saud to Indonesia in 2017, the investment was the only US $ 6 billion or Rp 89 trillion. This figure is far from the value of Saudi Arabia's investment in China which reached the US $ 65 billion or Rp870 trillion.


Abu Dhabi Incar Investasi Sektor Energi di Indonesia

Indonesia mempererat hubungan dengan Uni Emirat Arab (UEA). Kedua negara menyepakati sejumlah kerjasama dan Investasi dengan. Dari 16 perjanjian, Indonesia dan UEA menyepakati lima perjanjian di bidang keagamaan, pendidikan, pertanian, kesehatan dan penanggulangan terorisme. Sementara ada 11 perjanjian bisnis yang ditandatangani oleh kedua negara, meliputi bidang energi, minyak dan gas, petrokimia, pelabuhan, telekomunikasi dan riset. Total estimasi nilai investasi yang diperoleh dari 11 perjanjian ini mencapai Rp 314,9 triliun atau US$ 22,89 miliar.

UEA menaruh kepercayaan tinggi terhadap pengembangan bisnis sektor energi di Indonesia. Sebanyak 11 perjanjian bisnis yang berhasil ditandatangani  sebagian untuk bisnis energi, kata Kepala Blro Komunkasi Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerjasama Kementerian ESDM, Agung Pribadi.

Dari sejumlah kesepakatan di sektor bisnis itu salah satunya adalah pembangunan pembangkit Iistrik tenaga surya (PLTS) Terapung dl Waduk Cirata, Jawa Barat. Kelak, perusahaan energi baru terbarukan (EBT) Masdar yang berbasis di Abu Dhabi UEA, akan bermitra dengan PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali investasi (PJBI) membangun PLTS Terapung Cirata dengan kapasitas 145 mega watt peak (MWp).

Nilai investasi di pembangkit tersebut diperkirakan mencapai Rp 1,8 triliun. PLTS Terapung Cirata bakal memecahkan rekor pembangkit tenaga surya terbesar di kawasan ASEAN setelah PLTS di Filipina, Cadiz Solar Powerplant sebesar 132,5 MW.

Selain pengembangan listrik berbasis EBT, Indonesia dan UEA menyepakati sejumlah proyek migas seperti pengembangan Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) RU V Balikpapan antara Pertamina dan Mubadala. 

Kelak, RDMP RU V Balikpapan akan meningkatkan kapasitas pengolahan kilang dari 260.000 barel per hari (bph) menjadi 360.000 bph serta meningkatkan kualitas produk dari BBM setara Euro II menjadi setara Euro V. Adapun kerjasama Iainnya yang disepakati adalah mengenai pengembangan potensi minyak mentah di Balongan antara Pertamina dan Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), hingga penyediaan liquified natural gas (LPG) antara kedua perusahaan.

Pada subsektor mineral, Indonesia dan UEA menandatangani kerjasama yang melibatkan Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) dan PT Indonesia Mahan Aluminium (Mind Id) dalam rangka penambahan produksi ingot alloy dan billet. 

Pada masa uji (oba, penambahan produksi direncanakan sekitar 20.000 ton dengan kapasitas produksi normal saat ini 250.000 ton. Sejatinya, catatan investasi TimurTengah di Indonesia kurang begitu menggembirakan dan nilainya belum signifikan. 

Contohnya janji Saudi Aramco, raksasa migas Arab Saudi untuk membangun kilang di CiIacap, Jawa Tengah, bersama Pertamina. Rencana tersebut tidak jelas karena belum terjalin kesepakatan. Negosiasi Pertamina dan Aramco dimulai sejak tahun 2014 alias sudah enam tahun Ialu sia-sia.

Kemudian ada proyek Food and Energy Estate di Merauke (MIFEE) Papua pada tahun 2010 silam. Proyek seluas 2,5 juta hektare ini digadang-gadang bisa menghemat devisa Rp 4,7 triliun melalui Pengurangan impor pangan. 

Saudi Binladin Group, konglomerasi konstruksi asal Arab Saudi, sempat menyatakan ketertarikan untuk masuk ke proyek ini. Bahkan disebut-sebut ada minat Investasi senilai US$ 4 miliar. Tapi hingga kini tidak ada kelanjutan atas rencana investasi Bin ladin Group tersebut. 

Dalam kunjungan Presiden Joko Widodo ke Arab Saudi pada 14~15 April 2019, Pangeran Muhammad bin Salman menyatakan minat Investasi senilal US$ 6 miliar di bidang minyak dan gas serta pariwisata di Indonesia. Namun hingga kini juga belum ada kejelasan. 

King Salman and Jokowi

    Sebelumnya, dalam lawatan kenegaraan Raja Arab Saudi Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud ke Indonesia pada 2017, investasi yang masuk hanya USS 6 miliar atau Rp 89 triliun. Angka ini terpaut jauh dari nilai investasi Arab Saudi ke China yang mencapai US$ 65 miliar atau Rp 870 triliun.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020

Minister of EMR Finalizes Collaboration with UAE

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif held a working visit to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Saturday (11/1) to Tuesday (1/14). The work visit precedes the planned visit of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Sunday (12/1) to witness the signing of several business cooperation agreements in the energy and mineral resources sector.

According to the Head of the Communication, Public Information Service and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung, the signed business cooperation document will be exchanged at the United Arab Emirates Presidential Office, Qasr Alwatan and witnessed by the two heads of state. 

    During his visit, Minister Arifin had a meeting with the Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates, as well as the CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc). The meeting also discussed the exploration of cooperation between PT Pertamina with Adnoc and Mubadala.

"At present, all documents are brought by Adnoc and Mubadala. If both parties agree, a 12 January 2020 cooperation agreement will be signed in Abu Dhabi," Agung said.

In addition, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has also witnessed the signing of the Addendum of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA) and PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (lnalum) regarding technology transfer that will be beneficial in increasing mining production.


Menteri ESDM Finaslisasi Kerjasama dengan UEA

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif menggelar kunjungan kerja ke Abu Dhabi, Uni Emirat Arab (UEA) pada Sabtu (11/1) hingga Selasa (14/1). Adapun kunjungan kerja tersebut mendahului rencana kunjungan kenegaraan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pada Minggu (12/1) untuk menyaksikan beberapa penandatanganan kerjasama bisnis di sektor energi dan Sumber daya mineral.

Menurut Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerjasama Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi, dokumen kerjasama bisnis yang telah ditandatangani itu akan dipertukarkan di lstana Kepresidenan Uni Emirat Arab, Qasr Alwatan dan disaksikan kedua kepala negara. 

    Dalam kunjungannya, Menteri Arifin sempat melakukan pertemuan dengan Minister of State Persatuan Emirat Arab, sekaligus CEO Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc). Dalam pertemuan itu juga dibahas mengenai penjajakan kerjasama antara PT Pertamina dengan Adnoc dan Mubadala. 

"Saat ini semua dokumen dibawa oleh Adnoc dan Mubadala. Bila kedua pihak sepakat, akan dilakukan penandatangan kerjasama 12 Januari 2020 di Abu Dhabi," kata Agung.

Selain itu, Menteri ESDM juga telah menyaksikan penandatangan Addendum of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) antara Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) dan PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (lnalum) mengenai transfer teknologi yang akan bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan produksi pertambangan.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 13, 2020