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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Post-Transfer of Management, Production of Rokan Block Is Believed to Increase

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) believe that through the efforts that will be carried out after the transfer of management from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) on August 9, 2021, oil and gas production in the Rokan Block in Riau Province will increase.

the Rokan Block Chevron

    This is the conclusion of the discussion on the theme of Maintaining the Reliability of Operations in the Rokan Region, which was held virtually by the Energy and Mining Editor Society (E2S) in Jakarta. 

Blogger Agus Purnomo In SKK Migas

    Appearing as speakers at the discussion was Deputy Head of SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman, PHR President Director Jaffee Arizon Suardin, and Secretary-General of the Indonesian Petroleum Engineering Experts Association (IATMI) Hadi Ismoyo.

“All items have been identified. So now the point is, it must be massive, aggressive, efficient, resilient, tough, and out of the box, beyond normal limits," said Fatar Yani.

    Fatar Yani said the longest contributing oil and gas block in Indonesia and still has attractive potential is the Rokan Block. The Rokan Block has been the backbone of national oil production for 70 years since its first production in 1951 by Chevron. The fate of the block has been determined since 2018. At that time it was still a top producer so the transition process began in a long time.

“So this long transition can be done seamlessly and without any problems. The Rokan Block also has potential reserves in unconventional forms. The most widely operated wells in Rokan, there are 10,000 wells, currently, around 8 thousand are operating," he said.

    According to Fatar, the strategy in managing the Rokan block post-transition for the short term in 2021 is to maintain production and a successful transition to PHR, the 2022-2025 period is an effort to increase production with significant investments including the production of Chemical EOR in Minas. The long-term in 2026 is high production according to PHR Rokan's long-term plan (LTP).

“Considering the enormous contribution of the Rokan block, the Government and SKK Migas have paid attention when this block is in the process of transitioning from contractor PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) to PHR. To keep the production of the Rokan block high and optimally maintained, a Head of Agreement (HOA) has been signed between SKK Migas and CPI on September 28, 2020," said Fatar.

    On the other hand, the Rokan PSC does not manage ASR backups. Thus, maintaining the production level of the Rokan WK is very dependent on the return of investment costs. The Head Of Agreement (HOA) agreement, it will guarantee the availability of ASR funds and the return of investment costs can be guaranteed. The number of drilling programs during the transfer of management at HOA was 192 wells.

"However, considering the existing developments, the drilling target has not been achieved. SKK Migas has coordinated with PHR to boost well drilling so that the 2021 production and lifting targets can be achieved," said Fatar.

    PHR President Director Jaffee Arizon Suardin expressed his gratitude for the support and contribution of SKK Migas in the transfer of the management process. With the support from SKK Migas, the transfer of management process is more certain and there is a guarantee, this can be seen from the current process which is felt to be very helpful when managed by PHR.

“Drilling is one of the efforts to maintain the production of the Rokan block, from the target of 192 wells that were previously conveyed by the Deputy Head of SKK Migas, which could not be realized by existing operators, PHR will continue, including the wells planned by PHR. We estimate that assuming 70 wells cannot be completed during the transfer of management, the number of wells that can be drilled until December 2021 will reach around 164 wells," said Jaffe.

    Jaffee said the Rokan Block is different from other blocks because it supports 24% of national oil production. And there are 104 fields spread from north to south.

“This is what we have to manage so that production can be maintained. There are nine priority areas of management transfer. We will continue what has not been completed, starting August 9, with the aim that by 2021 the number of wells will not be less than planned," said Jaffee.

    The former Deputy for Planning of SKK Migas also said that PHR would drill and prepare resources for 161 wells with the assumption that 77 wells had not been completed by the existing operator. Currently, preparations are ongoing. Pertamina has prepared around 16-17 rigs and materials. In fact, these rigs and materials can be used before August 9 to help the existing wells that are being worked on by the operator.

"The goal is that the transfer of management process can run smoothly without interruption," he said.

    According to Jaffee, Pertamina is committed to exploring all existing potentials massively, aggressively, and efficiently. And prepare not only wells to be drilled in 2021, but also in 2022.

“Not chasing the number of wells, we want the number of wells to be the least but the production to be the largest. In this block, many wells are needed,” he said.

    Meanwhile, the Secretary-General of IATMI who is also the President Director of PT Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana Hadi Ismoyo highlighted the distribution of 10% Participating Interest / PI shares to regions through Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD), including in the Rokan Block later.

“The challenges include the need for oil and gas professionals to implement 10% PI governance. BUMD managers must be slim and agile, as well as fast in making and processing strategic decisions," said Hadi.

    According to him, the current challenge is the fact that on the ground there are many 10% PIs for various reasons that have not been resolved or have not been given to BUMDs in accordance with the mandate of Ministerial Regulation 37, both for technical and non-technical reasons. 

    In addition, the socialization has not reached the root of the spirit of the 10% PI regarding the rights and obligations of each party. There is also a communication leak between operators and BUMD due to different levels of understanding.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Friday, July 23, 2021

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