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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Badak Refinery Targeted 156 Cargo

The Badak gas liquefaction plant in Bontang, East Kalimantan, is targeted to produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) with a volume of 156 cargoes by 2018. This year, the realization of LNG and Bontang plant production is about 140 cargoes.

Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi said that next year there will be an additional gas volume from Jangkrik field, Muara Bakau Block, which is operated by Eni. As an illustration, he calls the Jangkrik Field gas production to touch 600 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day)
day / MMscfd).

In addition to Jangkrik, Bontang refinery gets supplies from Mahakam Block (Total), Muara Bakau Block (Eni), Sanga-Sanga Block (VICO), East Kalimantan Block and Attaka (Chevron) and Bangka Field (Chevron) with a total supply of 1,500 MMscfd. Thus, next year is targeted to reach 156 cargoes.

"The Bontang plant will produce 156 cargoes of LNG next year, this year around 140 cargoes. Increase mainly from Eni, because it has just entered, "said Amien after attending the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding of the State Asset Management Agency (LMAN) with PT Badak NGL.

Related to Bontang refinery operation, he mentioned, as of January 1st, 2018 Bontang refinery operated by PT Badak NGL based on the assignment of the government of the assignment refers Letter of the Minister of Finance Number S-303 / MK.6 / 2017 dated 27 November 2017.

Operation scheme Badak LNG Plant after 2017 is a new pattern that the Directorate General of State Assets through LMAN as the owner of the assets and appoint PT Badak NGL to operate the refinery.

PT Badak NGL manages all infrastructure including eight train or LNG processing units, six LNG storage tanks, five liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage tanks, and three loading docks worth Rp 16 trillion.

According to Amien, the existence of the refinery is very important especially for the working areas in East Kalimantan and Makassar Strait. The reason is that gas production and some working areas of oil and gas are processed into LNG which can then provide state revenue, for example, said Amien, there are several newly operated projects such as Jangkrik Field and Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project from Bangka Field.

According to him, if the activity at the refinery is disrupted, it will affect production activities in both projects. However, PT Badak does not accept payment and pay any fees. Meanwhile, the gas disbursement cost of US $ 0.22 cents per MMBtu was paid by gas producers.


Kilang Badak Ditarget 156 Kargo

Kilang pencairan gas Badak di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, ditarget bisa memproduksi gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) dengan volume 156 kargo pada 2018. Tahun ini, realisasi produksi LNG dan Kilang Bontang itu sekitar 140 kargo.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan bahwa pada tahun depan terdapat volume gas tambahan dari lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau, yang dioperasikan Eni. Sebagai gambaran, dia menyebut produksi gas Lapangan Jangkrik menyentuh 600 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic feet per

Selain Jangkrik, Kilang Bontang mendapat pasokan dari Blok Mahakam (Total), Blok Muara Bakau (Eni), Blok Sanga-Sanga (VICO), Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka (Chevron) dan Lapangan Bangka (Chevron) dengan total pasokan 1.500 MMscfd. Dengan demikian, tahun depan ditargetkan bisa mencapai 156 kargo.

“Kilang Bontang itu produksi LNG tahun depan 156 kargo, tahun ini sekitar 140 kargo. Naik terutama dari Eni, karena baru saja masuk,” ujar Amien seusai menghadiri penandatanganan nota kesepahaman Lembaga Manajemen Aset Negara (LMAN) dengan PT Badak NGL. 

Terkait operasi Kilang Bontang, dia menyebut, per 1 Januari 2018 Kilang Bontang dioperasikan PT Badak NGL berdasarkan penugasan pemerintah penugasan tersebut mengacu Surat Menkeu Nomor S-303/MK.6/2017 tanggal 27 November 2017.

Skema pengoperasian Kilang LNG Badak setelah 2017 merupakan pola baru yakni Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara melalui LMAN sebagai pemilik aset dan menunjuk PT Badak NGL mengoperasikan kilang.

PT Badak NGL mengelola seluruh infrastruktur termasuk delapan train atau unit pengolahan LNG, enam tangki penyimpanan LNG, lima tangki penyimpanan liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), dan tiga loading dock senilai Rp 16 triliun.

Menurut Amien, keberadaan kilang tersebut sangat penting terutama untuk wilayah-wilayah kerja di Kalimantan Timur dan Selat Makassar. Pasalnya, produksi gas dan beberapa wilayah kerja migas itu diolah menjadi LNG yang kemudian bisa memberikan penerimaan negara, sebagai contoh, tutur Amien, terdapat beberapa proyek yang baru beroperasi seperti Lapangan Jangkrik dan proyek Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) dari Lapangan Bangka. 

Menurutnya, bila kegiatan di kilang terganggu, hal itu akan mempengaruhi kegiatan produksi di kedua proyek itu. Kendati demikian, PT Badak tidak menerima pembayaran dan membayar biaya apapun. Adapun, biaya pencairan gas US$ 0,22 sen per MMBtu dibayar para produsen gas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Dec 29, 2017

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