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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

7 World Player Aims Bontang

Seven major oil companies eyeing Bontang project that requires an investment of US $ 12 billion-US $ 13 billion. PT Pertamina will launch the project expose the refinery capacity of 300,000 barrels per day (bpd) was on February 28.

According to Senior Vice President of Business Development Directorate of Mega Projects Pertamina Refinery and Petrochemical, lriawan Yulianto, seven companies of the world are interested in is getting a special invitation to bid because it had previously been owned by the company refinery project.

Based on the record business, major oil companies who have taken the tender refineries in Indonesia are Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia), Sinopec (China), JX Nippon Oil, SK Corporation (South Korea). In addition, there are two Kuwaiti companies that Kuwait Petroleum Corporation and Kuwait Petroleum International, PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited and Thai Oil (Thailand), and Rosneft (Russia).

World oil players had a chance to take part in the project tender Tuban refinery project in Balongan refinery capacity additions, Dumai Refinery, and Cilacap. Besides the seven foreign oil companies with a special invitation, according Iriawan, there are 50 companies from outside negari and domestic also to participate in the auction netted Bontang refinery project.

"Clearly the seven companies had all the major oil companies, overseas all. 50 companies that mix, nothing from the outside, there is that of the [country] from trading companies, investors of all types of companies in the invite, "he said in Jakarta, Friday (24/2).

On the same occasion, Director of Mega Projects Pertamina Refinery and Petrochemical Hardadi Rachmat said the company seeking prospective partners who have a track record in oil processing, especially tested in terms of operational and project execution. In addition, prospective partners must be able to adjust the structure and business model of the desired Pertamina, has committed to accelerate because the project is targeted for completion in 2023, and provide added value to the project.

Pertamina, according Hardadi, hoped that the strategic partner role in the supply of crude oil and financing. Because, at the initial stage the company will only acquire a controlling stake of 5% to 25%. Another criterion is the mastery of overseas markets such as Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and the Philippines. The reason, according to Hardadi, currently operates 35% of the solar supply Bontang refinery would be exported because of low absorption in the country. On the other hand, for another project to be produced such as gasoline series will be absorbed fully to meet domestic demand, as well as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and petrochemical although can not say how much volume that may be generated.

As an illustration, Hardadi mentioned that generally the total capacity of the refinery, LPG produced 7% to 10%, gasoline 40% and diesel by 50%. In fact there is excess of 55% [of solar products from Bontang] which is not absorbed in the country. "


A 300,000 bpd refinery in Bontang is a basic capacity that allows plus. Taking into account the ability of the market, there are opportunities Hardadi mention the addition of up to 400,000 bpd. Nevertheless, the additional capacity will not significantly influence the capital that must be removed. Bontang's project, according Hardadi, capital of about US $ 3 billion lower than Tuban refinery which require funding of up to US $ 15 billion. That's because the availability of land and infrastructure in Bontang.

Hardadi optimistic the project with a payback ratio (internal rate of return / IRR) of 13%, the refinery can still provide benefits when oil prices began to rise. When the price of oil was at US $ 50s per barrel, he said, businesses take advantage higher refinery. However, he menybut current oil prices do not describe the normal price. Oil prices normally in the range of US $ 80 per barrel to US $ 100 per barrel is expected to occur six to seven years. Therefore, he said, in the oil price that had to be prepared for the players refineries.

"If at the time of profit, now. When the price of crude normally be the collapse ya should not be. So we calculate it precisely at the worst time later. "

Observers energy dad Rakhmanto ReforMiner Institute Pri Agung said the search for a strategic partner to build a refinery relies on the project structure and economies of scale of the project. When both aspects have fulfilled the desire of investors, anyone will be interested to invest. Government guarantees in some aspects eg funding schemes and incentives in the form of tax privileges, according to him, could add to the appeal of the project in the eyes of investors.

Moreover involvement in the project this assignment, Pertamina in the early stages will only acquire a controlling stake of up to 25%, lower than its stake in Tuban refinery project and the Cilacap refinery, which reached 55% stake. Referring to the experience of building together with partners, some projects even interrupted its partnerships.


 7 Pemain Dunia lncar Bontang

Tujuh perusahaan minyak dunia mengincar proyek Kilang Bontang yang membutuhkan investasi US$ 12 miliar-US$ 13 miliar.  PT Pertamina akan melansir project expose kilang berkapasitas 300.000 barel per hari (bph) itu pada 28 Februari.

Menurut Senior Vice President Business Development Direktorat Mega Proyek Kilang dan Petrokimia Pertamina, lriawan Yulianto, tujuh perusahaan dunia yang berminat memang mendapatkan undangan khusus kaRena sebelumnya pernah mengikuti tender proyek kilang milik perseroan.

Berdasarkan catatan Bisnis, perusahaan minyak dunia yang pernah mengikuti tender kilang di Indonesia adalah Saudi Aramco (Arab Saudi), Sinopec (China), JX Nippon Oil, SK Corporation (Korea Selatan). Selain itu, ada dua perusahaan asal Kuwait yakni Kuwait Petroleum Corporation dan Kuwait Petroleum International, PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited & Thai Oil (Thailand), dan Rosneft (Rusia).

Pemain minyak dunia itu sempat ambil bagian dalam tender proyek Kilang Tuban, proyek penambahan kapasitas di Kilang Balongan, Kilang Dumai, dan Kilang Cilacap. Selain tujuh perusahaan minyak asing dengan undangan khusus, menurut Iriawan, ada 50 perusahaan dari luar negari dan dalam negeri yang juga terjaring untuk mengikuti lelang proyek Kilang Bontang.

“Yang jelas tujuh perusahaan tadi perusahaan minyak dunia semua, dari luar negeri semua. 50 perusahaan itu mix, ada yang dari luar, ada yang dari dalam [negeri] mulai dari perusahaan trading, investor semua tipe perusahaan di persilahkan," ujarnya di Jakarta, Jumat (24/2).

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Mega Proyek Kilang dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan Pertamina mencari calon mitra yang memiliki rekam jejak di usaha pengolahan minyak, khususnya teruji dari sisi operasional dan eksekusi proyek. Selain itu, calon mitra harus dapat menyesuaikan struktur dan model bisnis yang dikehendaki Pertamina, memiliki komitmen untuk melakukan percepatan karena proyek ditargetkan rampung pada 2023, dan memberikan nilai tambah bagi proyek.

Pertamina, menurut Hardadi, berharap agar mitra strategis berperan dalam penyediaan minyak mentah dan pendanaan. Pasalnya, pada tahap awal perseroan hanya akan menguasai saham sebesar 5% hingga 25%. Kriteria lain adalah penguasaan pasar di luar negeri seperti Australia, Papua Nugini, Selandia Baru, dan Filipina. Pasalnya, menurut Hardadi, saat beroperasi 35% pasokan solar Kilang Bontang akan diekspor karena penyerapan yang rendah di dalam negeri. Di sisi lain, untuk proyek lain yang akan dihasilkan seperti gasoline series akan diserap sepenuhnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri, begitu pula dengan liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) dan petrokimia kendati belum bisa disebutkan berapa volume yang mungkin dihasilkan.

Sebagai gambaran, Hardadi menyebutkan bahwa pada umumnya dari kapasitas total kilang, dihasilkan LPG 7% hingga 10%, gasolin 40%  dan diesel hingga 50%. Bahkan ada excess 55% [produk solar dari Kilang Bontang] yang tidak terserap dalam negeri.”


Kapasitas 300.000 bph di Kilang Bontang merupakan kapasitas dasar yang memungkinkan ditambah. Dengan mempertimbangkan kemampuan pasar, Hardadi menyebut terdapat peluang penambahan hingga mencapai 400.000 bph. Kendati demikian, tambahan kapasitas tak akan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap modal yang harus dikeluarkan. Untuk proyek Kilang Bontang, menurut Hardadi, modalnya sekitar US$3 miliar lebih rendah dari Kilang Tuban yang membutuhkan dana hingga US$ 15 miliar. Hal itu dikarenakan ketersediaan lahan dan infrastruktur pada Kilang Bontang.

Hardadi optimistis proyek dengan rasio pengembalian modal (internal rate of return/IRR) 13 %, kilang tetap bisa memberikan keuntungan ketika harga minyak mulai naik. Saat harga minyak berada di angka US$50-an per barel, katanya, pelaku usaha kilang mengambil keuntungan lebih tinggi. Namun, dia menybut harga minyak saat ini belum menggambarkan harga normal. Harga minyak normal di kisaran US$ 80 per barel hingga US$ 100 per barel diperkirakan terjadi enam sampai tujuh tahun ke depan. Oleh karena itu, katanya, di harga minyak itulah harus dipersiapkan bagi para pemain kilang.

“Kalau pada saat untung, sekarang. Pada saat harga crude normalnya menjadi collapse ya tidak boleh. Jadi kami menghitungnya justru pada saat the worst nanti."

Pengamat energi dad ReforMiner Institute Pri Agung Rakhmanto mengatakan pencarian mitra strategis pembangunan kilang bertumpu pada struktur proyek dan skala ekonomi proyek. Apabila kedua aspek itu telah memenuhi keinginan investor, siapapun akan tertarik untuk menanamkan modal. Jaminan pemerintah dalam beberapa aspek misalnya skema pendanaan dan insentif berupa fasilitas perpajakan, menurut dia, bisa menambah daya tarik proyek di mata pemodal.

Terlebih Iagi, dalam proyek penugasan ini, Pertamina pada tahap awal hanya akan menguasai saham hingga 25%, lebih rendah dari kepemilikan saham di proyek Kilang Tuban dan Kilang Cilacap yang mencapai saham 55%. Mengacu pada pengalaman membangun bersama mitra, beberapa proyek bahkan terputus kemitraannya. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Saturday, Feb, 25, 2017

50 Investors Eyeing Bontang Refinery

PT Pertamina said until yesterday, there are about 50 companies ranging from major oil companies to financial institutions interested in participating in the project bidding expose Bontang project on 28 February.

"There are more than 50 companies potential partners so far as we have a world-class competence for processing and petrochemical megaproject, stating present in GRR projectexpose Bontang," said Director of Processing and Petrochemical megaproject Rachmad Hardadi Pertamina in Jakarta Pertamina Headquarters.

Rachmat said the number was a positive signal not only for a new refinery project grass root refinery (GRR) Bontang, but also the investment climate in Indonesia is considered attractive in the oil and gas sector. SVP Business Development Pertamina Iriawan Yulianto explained Expose GRR Bontang Project participants is done through invitations and announcements for national and international media.

Seven strategic partner of the world's oil companies have expressed readiness to follow the project bidding, while 50 companies of various types in getting through a media announcement. "Seven strategic partner of the major oil companies, while 50 companies that mix; No foreign and domestic. Very much at all interested, but we'll adjust how many can attend, "said Iriawan.

Pertamina expects to acquire the strategic partner on April 28, 2017. Once elected, Pertamina, along with strategic partners will begin the process of feasibility analysis bankable feasibility study (BFS) which is targeted for completion in early 2018 once completed the formation of the consortium and the determination of preinvestment decision that illustrates the expected initial investment GRR Bontang.

GRR Bontang targeted to process crude oil of about 300 thousand barrels per day (bpd). However, Pertamina refinery capacity GRR Bontang assess potentially be increased to 400 thousand bpd. The increase in capacity is called not have a major impact on the amount of investment was US $ 10 billion-US $ 12 billion.


50  Investor Minati Kilang Bontang  

PT Pertamina menyatakan hingga kemarin, ada sekitar 50 perusahaan mulai dari perusahaan minyak dunia hingga institusi finansial berminat mengikuti penawaran proyek project expose Kilang Bontang pada 28 Februari mendatang.

“Terdapat lebih dari 50 perusahaan calon mitra yang sejauh pengamatan kami memiliki kompetensi berkelas dunia untuk megaproyek pengolahan dan petrokimia, menyatakan hadir dalam projectexpose GRR Bontang,” kata Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi di Kantor Pusat Pertamina Jakarta.

Rachmat mengatakan jumlah  itu menjadi sinyal positif tidak hanya bagi proyek kilang baru grass root refinery (GRR) Bontang, namun juga iklim investasi di Indonesia yang dinilai menarik di sektor minyak dan gas. SVP Business Development Pertamina Iriawan Yulianto menjelaskan peserta Project Expose GRR Bontang ini dilakukan melalui undangan dan pengumuman media nasional maupun internasional.

Tujuh mitra strategis dari perusahaan minyak dunia yang menyatakan siap mengikuti penawaran proyek, sedangkan 50 perusahaan dari berbagai tipe di dapatkan melalui pengumuman media. “Tujuh mitra strategis itu perusahaan minyak dunia, sedangkan 50 perusahaan itu campuran; ada dari luar negeri dan dalam negeri. Sangat banyak sekali yang berminat, namun kita akan sesuaikan berapa yang bisa hadir,” ungkap Iriawan.

Pertamina menargetkan dapat memperoleh mitra strategis tersebut pada 28 April 2017. Setelah terpilih, Pertamina bersama mitra strategis akan memulai proses analisis kelayakan usaha bankable feasibility study (BFS) yang ditargetkan selesai pada awal 2018 sekaligus menuntaskan pembentukan konsorsium serta penetapan preinvestment decision yang menggambarkan perkiraan awal investasi GRR Bontang.

GRR Bontang ditargetkan mampu mengolah minyak mentah sekitar 300 ribu barel per hari (bph). Namun, Pertamina menilai kapasitas Kilang GRR Bontang berpotensi ditingkatkan hingga 400 ribu bph. Kenaikan kapasitas disebut tidak berdampak besar pada besaran investasi US$ 10 miliar-US$12 miliar.

Media Indonesia, Page-15, Saturday, Feb, 25, 2017

Four Sectors is proposed to Cheap Gas

The Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry) suggested giving cheap gas prices for the four sectors, namely oleochemical, food, biofuels (BBN), and utility industrial area. Currently, the cost of new gas supplied All three branches of industry, namely steel, fertilizers and petrochemicals.

Previously, the Ministry of Industry also proposed industrial ceramics and glass to get cheap gas. Two of the industry entered the industry a priority deserving decline in gas prices in the Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2016, in addition to fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, and rubber gloves.

Director General of Agro Industry Ministry Panggah Susanto said, cheap gas will encourage expansion industrial investment and support the downstream program. This may improve the ease of doing business index (ease of doing business) and create the industry's efficiency through a variety of economic policy package that has been published.

"Product neged industry will be more competitive if production costs can be reduced through a competitive natural gas price as in other countries," he said, Thursday (23/2).

Based on the record, eight manufacturing companies get cheap gas from January 2017. They are PT KaltimPrima Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri), PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM), PT PKG (PG), and PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KS).

The companies are getting gas at US $ 2-6 per million metric British thermal unit (mmbtu). This is in line with the government's intention that want to cut the price of industrial gas from an average of US $ 8-9 per mmbtu to US $ 6 per mmbtu. Cheap gas for the regulated industry Liga Minister Regulation 40/2016, which is the technical rules of Presidential Decree Number 40 Year 2016 Pricing Gas.

Presidential Regulation is a follow-up of the gas price reduction plan in Economic Policy Package III was released in October 2015. The initial phase, the new cheap gas can be enjoyed SOE. However, the Ministry of Industry is fighting a decline in gas prices can be obtained privately.

Boost the Value Added

On the other hand, the palm oil processing industry nasonal, including oleochemicals, asked to produce downstream products of high added value according to the needs of domestic and export markets. This requires an increase in research and development of the latest manufacturing technology to make this industry more competitive.

"The growth of downstream industries strong and sustained it because it is supported by technological innovation or engineering new products, both of which rely on the ability to research independently or in collaboration with international research institutes," said Industry Minister (Minister of Industry) Airlangga Hartanto when visiting the factory PT Musim Mas in Region Industri Medan, North Sumatra

The Ministry of Industry has directed the growth of palm oil processing industry to produce a variety of sophisticated downstream products, including super edible oil, golden nutrition, bio-plastic, bio-surfactants, to green fuel.

"In the medium term, we prioritize efforts to increase the oil processing industry investments in anticipation of a growing number of raw material production is expected to reach 40 million tons of CPO in 2020," said Airlangga.

Airlangga also said, it was a performance boost palm oil processing industry in the country and intensify the positive campaign against Indonesia would be accepted export markets, especially the United States and Europe.

"We as One Steering Committee members BPDP Palm Oil Board, also has proposed a tariff reduction, which will be discussed along with other related ministries," said Airlangga.

Panggah Susanto said the palm oil industry has the potential to become a major supplier of world vegetable oil market, because of higher productivity than other vegetable oils. "Vegetable oil demand in the world 2020 is expected to reach 210 million tons and in 2050 reached 365 million tons, "he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Operations Musim Mas Tandinata Herman said, the company has operations in 13 countries in Asia Pacific, Europe, and the United States by involving as many as 28,500 employees. The company manufactures 600 thousand tons of crude palm oil per year.


Empat Sektor Diusulkan Dapat Gas Murah

Kementerian Perindustrian (Kementerian Perindustrian) mengusulkan pemberian harga gas murah bagi empat sektor, yaKni oleokimia, pangan, bahan bakar nabati (BBN), dan utilitas kawasan industri. Saat ini, gas murah baru diberikan Ke tiga cabang industri, yakni baja, pupuk, dan petrokimia.

Sebelumnya, Kementerian Perindustrian juga mengusulkan industri keramik dan kaca mendapatkan gas murah. Dua industri ini masuk industri prioritas yang layak menerima penurunan harga gas dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016, selain pupuk, petrokimia, oleokimia, baja, dan sarung tangan karet.

Dirjen Industri Agro Kementerian Perindustrian Panggah Susanto menuturkan, gas murah akan mendorong perluasan investasi industri dan mendukung program hilirisasi. Hal ini dapat memperbaiki indeks kemudahan berusaha (ease of doing business) dan menciptakan efisiensi industri melalui berbagai paket kebijakan ekonomi yang telah diterbitkan.

“Produk industri dalam neged akan lebih mampu bersaing apabila biaya produksi dapat ditekan melalui harga gas bumi yang kompetitif seperti di negara lainnya," ujar dia, Kamis (23/2).

Berdasarkan catatan, delapan perusahaan manufaktur mendapatkan gas murah mulai Januari 2017. Mereka adalah PT Kaltim Prima Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri), PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM), PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), dan PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KS).

Perusahaan-perusahaan itu mendapatkan gas seharga US$ 2-6 per million metric british thermal unit (mmbtu). Ini sejalan dengan niat pemerintah yang ingin memangkas harga gas industri dari rata-rata US$ 8-9 per mmbtu menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu. Gas murah untuk Liga industri itu diatur Peraturan Menteri ESDM 40/ 2016, yang merupakan aturan teknis Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi.

Peraturan Presiden itu merupakan tindak lanjut dari rencana penurunan harga gas dalam Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi III yang dirilis Oktober 2015. Tahap awal, gas murah baru bisa dinikmati BUMN. Namun, Kementerian Perindustrian sedang memperjuangkan penurunan harga gas bisa didapat swasta.

Genjot Nilai Tambah

Di sisi lain, industri pengolahan minyak sawit nasonal, termasuk oleokimia, diminta untuk menghasilkan produk hilir yang bernilai tambah tinggi sesuai kebutuhan pasar domestik dan ekspor. Untuk itu, diperlukan peningkatan kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi manufaktur terbaru agar industri ini lebih berdaya saing.

“Pertumbuhan industri hilir yang tangguh dan berkelanjutan itu karena ditopang oleh inovasi teknologi atau rekayasa produk baru, baik yang mengandalkan kemampuan riset mandiri maupun kolaborasi dengan lembaga riset internasional,” kata Menteri Perindustrian (Menteri Perindustrian) Airlangga Hartarto ketika mengunjungi pabrik PT Musim Mas di Kawasan Industri Medan, Sumatera Utara

Kementerian Perindustrian telah mengarahkan pertumbuhan industri pengolahan minyak sawit untuk menghasilkan aneka produk hilir canggih, di antaranya super edible oil, golden nutrition, bio plastic, bio surfactant, hingga green fuel.

“Dalam jangka menengah, kami memprioritaskan upaya peningkatan investasi industri pengolahan sawit untuk mengantisipasi pertumbuhan jumlah produksi bahan baku yang diharapkan mencapai 40 juta ton CPO pada tahun 2020,” papar Airlangga.

Airlangga juga menyampaikan, pihaknya sedang memacu kinerja industri  pengolahan minyak sawit dalam negeri serta mengintensifkan kampanye positif terhadap produk CPO Indonesia agar diterima pasar ekspor terutama Amerika Serikat dan Eropa.

“Kami sebagai Salah satu Anggota Komite Dewan Pengarah BPDP Kelapa Sawit, juga telah mengusulkan penurunan tarif, yang nantinya akan dibahas bersama kementerian terkait lainnya," ujar Airlangga.

Panggah Susanto mengungkapkan, industri minyak sawit berpotensi menjadi pemasok utama pasar minyak nabati dunia, karena produktivitasnya lebih tinggi dibandingkan minyak nabati lainnya. “Kebutuhan minyak nabati dunia pada 2020 diperkirakan mencapai 210 juta ton dan pada 2050 mencapai 365 juta ton,” ujar dia.

Sementara itu, Direktur Operasional Musim Mas Herman Tandinata mengatakan, perusahaan telah beroperasi di 13 negara di Asia Pasifik, Eropa, dan Amerika Serikat dengan melibatkan sebanyak 28.500 karyawan. Perusahaan ini memproduksi 600 ribu ton minyak sawit mentah per tahun.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Feb, 24, 2017

Next week, the Board proposes Pertamina President Candidate

Next week, the Board of Commissioners of PT Pertamina will propose the name of a candidate for director-name major oil company owned by the government to the President Joko Widodo. Deputy Business, Logistics, Regions and Tourism Ministry of SOEs and one Pertamina Commissioner Edwin Hidaya Abdullah said that so far there are five candidates for the chief executive from the company's internal.

As for candidates from outside Pertamina, he said he did not know anyone who follows the selection. However, he said, of the names that have been entered into the exchange president of Pertamina, has not narrowed down to a particular candidate. BOC will complete the selection in ranahnya on weekends. Furthermore, the names of strong candidates the number one in Pertamina will be proposed next week. "It should have entered his name next week, usually three or four people who submitted to the President," he said on the sidelines of the Oil and Gas Holding Socialization in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Thursday (23/2). Unfortunately, he was reluctant to specify the names of the Managing Director of Pertamina's selection participants.

As is known, Ahmad Bambang Dwi Soetjipto and removed from office respectively as Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director of Pertamina on February 3 last. Furthermore, Yenny Andayani appointed as Acting (Acting) Managing Director for 30 to appointed Managing Director of definitive or until March 5. By later set a new Managing Director, Edwin Pertamina's management hopes the future will be more solid. Therefore, in this selection, the Board look for candidates who have the leadership skills to do business.

"We're not looking for super CEOs who control aspects in detail, but the figure of the CEO who can become a leader who can bring Pertamina for the better," he said.

Need Transparency

Researcher Association of Indonesian Political Economy (AEPI) Salamuddin Daeng argues, the government in this case the president and minister of state must be wise in the appointment of the president of Pertamina. This must be done with consideration of, among others, the Government must first explain to the public about the dismissal of Managing Director of Pertamina and the elimination of the position of vice president some time ago.

"The sacking of president and the elimination of the position of Vice-President who is his government's decision should be explained in a transparent manner so as not to cause a variety of issues that ultimately are not favorable to the government itself," he said.

Therefore, according to Salamuddin, the government should not hurry hurry and chase running to fill the position of Managing Director of vacant because in essence Pertamina for 2 or 3 months to depah can continue to operate as usual, remember Pertamina already has guidelines and systems that can run without having commandeered fully by a president. The government, he said, should do a good selection of the new chief executive to be visionary and understand the true development of the global situation, geopolitics, the state of the nation.

"The new Managing Director should be selected and clear track record clean of the main interest groups and is able to boost profit that Pertamina can not rely solely on the income of the upstream sector," he explained. He also warned that the government should also pay attention and listen to the aspirations of the internal Pertamina especially from workers and unions Pertamina. Given the new director will lead the workers who will have to work wholeheartedly to ensure adequate serving the public.

The government also must hear also the aspirations of the people, independents, academics, who have long se are focus of study and their study of the problems of oil and gas. "Pertamina president of the new candidate should be opened to the public to listen to the aspirations of the people. Most importantly, the new president of Pertamina as much as possible should be released from excessive political intervention, so that Pertamina does not act as a "party" for the sake of political power, "he said.

Holding Oil and Gas

Meanwhile, in a hearing (RDP) with the Commission VI of the House of Representatives, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) explains the purpose and benefits dad "holding" of oil and gas (oil). "Benefits of 'hoiding' oil and gas is projected to create significant value creation. Then projected will increase tax revenues and dividends for the country, "said Edwin Hidayat Abdullah. RDP was also attended by Acting (Acting) Director Managing Director of Pertamina Yenni Andayani and Director Pertagas Toto Nugroho.

Furthermore, Edwin said multiplier effect on the formation of a holding oil and gas are industry revenue increase, which will also impact on tax revenues. Furthermore, the decline in selling prices of products to end customers due to lower production costs. thus opening space decline in gas prices will improve competitiveness. Then, the increased absorption of labor due to the growth of the industrial sector.

Not had time to explain in detail, Edwin talks have been deducted by the Commission VI to explain or clarification regarding the change of managing director of Pertamina and its deputy director. Therefore, the discussion became switched focus to internal problems Pertamina. Edwin asked many questions related to changes in the organizational structure of Pertamina and asked to take responsibility for their internal problems.

After the hearings, the Vice Chairman of Commission VII Azam Azman Natawijana wants an explanation regarding the Holding should be submitted directly by the SOE Minister Rini Soemarno.

"Until now we do not know why there should be a state-owned holding and how his concept, his ministers should come here (Commission VI) to explain himself directly so 'clear'," he said. Level requirement of holding it, he also explained that it can not be learned, because the information circulating is not clear, from the Pertamina and the Ministry of SOEs is still considered one voice and often different answers. "We need a dialogue with his minister," he said. Azam added that the concept of holding can not be generalized


Pekan Depan, Dewan Komisaris Usulkan Calon Dirut Pertamina

 Pekan depan, Dewan Komisaris PT Pertamina akan mengusulkan nama-Nama calon direktur utama perusahaan migas milik pemerintah ini kepada Presiden JoKo Widodo. Deputi Bidang Usaha, Logistik, Kawasan, dan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN sekaligus salah satu Komisaris Pertamina Edwin Hidaya Abdullah mengatakan, sejauh ini terdapat lima calon direktur utama yang berasal dari internal perseroan.

Sementara untuk calon dari luar Pertamina, dia mengaku tidak mengetahui siapa saja yang mengikuti seleksi. Namun, kata dia, dari nama-nama yang telah masuk ke bursa dirut Pertamina, belum mengerucut ke calon tertentu. Dewan Komisaris akan menyelesaikan seleksi di ranahnya pada pekan. Selanjutnya, nama-nama kandidat kuat orang nomor satu di Pertamina ini akan diusulkan pada pekan depan. “Harusnya minggu depan sudah masuk namanya, biasanya tiga atau empat orang yang diajukan ke Presiden,” kata dia di sela Sosialisasi Holding Migas di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Kamis (23/2). Sayangnya, dia enggan merinci nama-nama peserta seleksi Dirut Pertamina ini.

Seperti diketahui, Dwi Soetjipto dan Ahmad Bambang diberhentikan dari jabatan masing-masing sebagai Dirut dan Wakil Dirut Pertamina pada 3 Februari lalu. Selanjutnya, Yenny Andayani ditunjuk sebagai Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Dirut selama 30 sampai ditunjuk Dirut definitif atau sampai 5 Maret. Dengan nantinya ditetapkan Dirut baru, Edwin berharap manajemen Pertamina ke depannya akan lebih solid. Karenanya dalam seleksi ini, Dewan Komisaris mencari calon yang memiliki kecakapan dalam kepemimpinan hingga berbisnis.

“Kami tidak mencari super CEO yang menguasai aspek secara detail, tetapi sosok CEO yang bisa menjadi leader yang bisa membawa Pertamina menjadi lebih baik,” ujar dia.

Perlu Transparansi

Peneliti Asosiasi Ekonomi Politik Indonesia (AEPI) Salamuddin Daeng berpendapat, pemerintah dalam hal ini Presiden dan menteri BUMN harus bijaksana dalam pengangkatan dirut Pertamina. Hal ini perlu dilakukan dengan pertimbangan, antara lain Pemerintah terlebih dahulu menjelaskan ke publik mengenai pemberhentian Dirut Pertamina dan penghapusan posisi wakil dirut beberapa waktu lalu.

“Pencopotan dirut dan penghapusan posisi Wakil Dirut yang merupakan keputusan pemerintah harus nya dijelaskan secara transparan sehingga tidak menimbulkan berbagai isu yang pada akhirnya tidak menguntungkan bagi Pemerintah itu sendiri," katanya.

Karenanya, menurut Salamuddin, pemerintah tidak perlu tergesa gesa dan kejar tayang untuk mengisi posisi Dirut yang kosong karena pada hakekatnya Pertamina untuk 2 atau 3 bulan ke depah tetap bisa berjalan Seperti biasa, mengingat Pertamina sudah punya acuan dan sistem yang bisa berjalan tanpa harus dikomandoi sepenuhnya oleh seorang dirut. Pemerintah, kata dia, harus melakukan seleksi yang baik terhadap direktur utama yang baru yang harus visioner dan mengerti benar perkembangan situasi global, geopolitik, keadaan bangsa dan negara.

“Dirut yang baru harus diseleksi dan jelas rekam jejaknya yang bersih dari kepentingan kelompok dan utamanya mampu mendongkrak perolehan laba Pertamina yang tidak bisa mengandalkan dari pendapatan sektor hulu semata,” jelasnya. 

   Dia juga mengingatkan agar pemerintah juga memperhatikan dan mendengarkan aspirasi internal Pertamina terutama dari pekerja serta Serikat pekerja Pertamina. Mengingat direktur baru akan memimpin pekerja yang nanti harus bekerja sepenuh hati dalam memastikan tercukupinya hajat hidup rakyat banyak.

Pemerintah juga harus mendengar juga aspirasi masyarakat, kalangan independen, para akademisi, yang se lama ini mefokuskan kajian dan penelitian mereka terhadap masalah migas. “Kandidat dirut Pertamina yang baru hendaknya dibuka ke Publik untuk mendengarkan aspirasi masyarakat. Yang terpenting lagi, dirut Pertamina yang baru sedapat mungkin harus dilepaskan dari intervensi politik yang berlebihan, sehingga Pertamina tidak dijadikan sebagai ajang bancakan untuk kepentingan politik kekuasaan,” tegasnya.

Holding Migas

Sementara itu, dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) dengan Komisi VI DPR RI, Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) menjelaskan tujuan serta manfaatnya dad “holding" minyak dan gas (migas). “Manfaat dari ‘hoIding’ migas adalah diproyeksikan untuk menciptakan value creation yang signifikan. Kemudian diproyeksikan juga akan meningkatkan pendapatan dari pajak dan deviden bagi negara,” kata Edwin Hidayat Abdullah. RDP tersebut juga dihadiri oleh Pelaksana Tugas (plt) Direktur Utama Pertamina Yenni Andayani dan Dirut Pertagas Toto Nugroho.

Lebih lanjut, Edwin mengatakan multiplier effect dari pembentukan holding migas adalah pendapatan industri meningkat yang juga akan berimbas kepada pendapatan pajak negara. Selanjutnya, penurunan harga jual produk kepada pelanggan akhir karena turunnya biaya produksi. sehingga membuka ruang penurunan harga gas yang akan meningkatkan daya saing. Kemudian, meningkatnya daya serap tenaga kerja karena pertumbuhan sektor industri. 

Belum sempat menjelaskan secara detail, pembicaraan Edwin sudah dipotong oleh Komisi VI untuk menjelaskan atau klarifikasi mengenai pergantian direktur utama Pertamina dan wakil direktur-nya. Oleh karena itu, pembahasan menjadi beralih fokus kepada permasalahan internal Pertamina. Edwin di tanya banyak pertanyaan terkait dengan perubahan struktur organisasi Pertamina tersebut dan diminta turut bertanggung jawab dalam adanya permasalahan internal tersebut.

Usai RDP, Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Azam Azman Natawijana menginginkan penjelasan terkait Holding haruslah disampaikan langsung oleh Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno.

“Sampai saat ini kami tidak mengetahui kenapa harus ada holding BUMN dan bagaimana konsepnya, harusnya menteri-nya datang ke sini (Komisi VI) untuk menjelaskan maksudnya secara langsung jadi ‘clear’,” katanya. Tingkat kebutuhan dari holding itu, ia juga menjelaskan bahwa hal tersebut belum bisa dipelajari, karena informasi yang beredar belum jelas, dari pihak Pertamina dan Kementerian BUMN dinilai masih belum satu suara dan sering berbeda jawaban. “Kami perlu berdialog dengan Menteri-nya,” katanya. Azam menambahkan bahwa konsep holding tidak bisa disamaratakan

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Feb, 24, 2017

Gas consumption in East Java PG Customers Achieve 130 BBTUD

In the current global economic conditions are very dynamic PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) was able to maintain the performance of distribution of natural gas to customers. As in East Java, the consumption of natural gas to customers can be maintained at 130 billion British thermal units per day (BBTUD).

"We're giving appreciation to PGN strategic partners who are already customers of natural gas PGN faithful. PGN as the national gas company, constantly committed to development and innovation to improve service to customers so that customers can continue to take advantage of good energy of natural gas, "said Danny Praditya, Director of Commerce PGN, in the Gathering Customer PGN, Surabaya, East Java, on Thursday (23 / 2).

Solution PGN 360, is part of an effort PGN to not only sell the good energy of natural gas but also business sustainability to customers. Danny revealed, this time in East Java PGN supply natural gas to 26 676 customer, with details Area serves 19,334 customers Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan 6,866 customers and 476 customers, with volume of distribution of natural gas amounted to 130 billion British thermal units per day (BBTUD).

For national, PGN has supplied a total of 1,652 natural gas to large industrial and power plants, 1,929 commercial customers (hotels, restaurants, hospitals) and the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and 204,000 household customers. PGN customers scattered in various areas ranging from North Sumatra, Riau Islands, Riau, South Sumatra, Lampung, Jakarta, West Java, Banten, Central Java, East Java, North Borneo and Papua Sorong.

    In the event the Customer Gathering, PGN also conferred to 18 customers as loyal customers who are loyal sustainable use of natural gas PGN, in the middle of the downstream gas business competition, they still rely on natural gas-services to PGN.

"We greatly appreciate all of our 18 partners for participating in the successful absorption of gas in East Java and always loyal to the use of natural gas PGN where they can improve their competitiveness. In addition the use of natural gas PGN is also clear evidence that customer satisfaction is always our kedepankan in serving customers, mainly again our commitment to the safety factor, "said Danny.

He emphasized that the future will continue to be committed menggembangkan PGN natural gas infrastructure network in East Java and other areas. This year PGN in the process of the completion of several new infrastructure such as distribution pipes Gresik - Lamongan - Tuban along the 141 Km. To improve the reliability of supply, PGN is also completing a receiving station and a divider Semare order to deliver natural gas from Husky to Pasuruan region and East Java.

"East Java is one of the areas that we continue genjot infrastructure development. In addition, PGN also actively open up new markets natural gas users, so that more people are enjoying the thrifty use natural gas compared to other fuels, "said Danny.

Currently PGN distribution pipeline in East Java in Surabaya along the 552 kilometer (km), along the 404 km in Sidoarjo and Pasuruan reach 199 km so that a total of 1,156 km over the previous year of about 996.15 km. "Infrastructure" PGN gas pipeline in East Java increased by 16% over the previous year.


Konsumsi Gas Pelanggan PG di Jatim Capai 130 BBTUD

    Di saat kondisi ekonomi global yang sangat dinamis PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN)  mampu mempertahankan kinerja penyaluran gas bumi ke pelanggan. Seperti di Jawa Timur, konsumsi gas bumi ke pelanggan mampu dipertahankan sebesar 130 billion british thermal unit per day (BBTUD).

“Kami memberikan apresiasi kepada mitra strategis PGN yang sudah menjadi pelanggan gas bumi PGN yang setia. PGN sebagai national gas company, terus berkomitmen melakukan pengembangan dan inovasi untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan agar pelanggan dapat terus memanfaatkan energi baik gas bumi ,” kata Danny Praditya, Director Commerce PGN, di acara Temu Pelanggan PGN, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Kamis (23/2).

    Solusi PGN 360, adalah bagian dari upaya PGN untuk tidak hanya menjual energi baik gas bumi tetapi juga business sustainability kepada pelanggan. Danny mengungkapkan, saat ini PGN di Jawa Timur memasok gas bumi ke 26.676 pelanggan, dengan rincian Area Surabaya melayani 19.334 pelanggan, Sidoarjo 6.866 pelanggan dan Pasuruan 476 pelanggan, dengan volume penyaluran gas bumi sebesar 130 billion british thermal unit per day (BBTUD).

    Untuk nasional, PGN total telah memasok gas bumi ke 1.652 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, 1.929 pelanggan komersial (hotel, restoran, rumah sakit) dan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM), dan 204.000 pelanggan rumah tangga. Pelanggan PGN tersebar di berbagai wilayah mulai dari Sumatera Utara, Kepulauan Riau, Riau, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Banten, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Utara dan Sorong Papua.

Dalam acara Temu Pelanggan tersebut, PGN juga menganugerahkan kepada 18 pelanggan sebagai pelanggan loyal yang secara berkelanjutan setia menggunakan gas bumi PGN, di tengah persaingan bisnis hilir gas bumi, mereka tetap mempercayakan layanan gas buminya kepada PGN.

“Kami sangat menghargai ke-18 mitra kami karena turut serta dalam menyukseskan penyerapan gas bumi Jawa Timur dan selalu setia menggunakan gas bumi PGN dimana mereka dapat meningkatkan daya saing produknya. Selain itu penggunaan gas bumi PGN juga bukti nyata customer satisfaction yang selalu kami kedepankan dalam melayani pelanggan khususnya lagi komitmen kami dalam faktor safety,” ungkap Danny. 

   Ia menegaskan, kedepannya PGN akan terus berkomitmen menggembangkan jaringan infrastruktur gas bumi di wilayah Jawa Timur dan daerah lainnya. Tahun ini PGN dalam proses penyelesaian beberapa infrastruktur baru seperti pipa distribusi Gresik - Lamongan - Tuban sepanjang 141 Km. Untuk meningkatkan kehandalan pasokan, PGN juga sedang menyelesaikan stasiun penerima dan pembagi Semare untuk dapat menyalurkan gas bumi dari Husky ke wilayah Pasuruan dan Jawa Timur.

“Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu daerah yang terus kami genjot pembangunan infrastrukturnya. Selain itu, PGN juga aktif membuka pasar baru pengguna gas bumi, agar semakin banyak masyarakat yang menikmati hematnya menggunakan gas bumi dibanding bahan bakar lainnya,” kata Danny.

Saat ini pipa distribusi PGN di Jawa Timur tersebar di Surabaya sepanjang 552 kilometer (km), di Sidoarjo sepanjang 404 km dan Pasuruan mencapai 199 km sehingga total mencapai 1.156 km dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya sekitar 996,15 km. “Infrastruktur" pipa gas PGN di Jawa Timur meningkat 16% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Feb, 24, 2017

Holding Company may Boost Gas Facilities

The government hopes the establishment of an oil and gas state-owned enterprise (SGE) holding company will encourage gas infrastructure development and lower gas prices to boost growth in the industrial sector. lndonesia’s poor gas infrastructure has been a major stumbling block both for business players and the government as it causes high prices of domestic pipe gas and makes the country dependent on liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports despite being fossil-fuel rich.

The SOE Ministry’s deputy of energy, logistics, estates and tourism, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, said gas infrastructure development, currently in the hands of state-owned firms Pertamina and PGN, would improve under the supervision of one holding company. The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK- Migas) has estimated that Indonesia will need to spend at least US$ 24.3 billion until 2030 to develop proper gas infrastructure, including pipelines, liquefaction and regasification facilities.

“This will boost domestic gas supply and enable effective and efficient gas distribution. Furthermore, it may lower gas prices because of a shorter distribution chain,” Edwin said during a meeting at the House of Representatives on Thursday. Since last year, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has called for reduction of gas prices to $ 6 per million British thermal units (mmbtu) to spur the development of the downstream industry, which can create a significant multiplier effect in the economy. At about $9 per mmbtu, Indonesia’s gas prices are higher than its Southeast Asian peers. Some ofthe main domestic gas fields are located far from Java, where most manufacturing facilities exist.

The government has approved LNG imports to meet gas demand, which is estimated to surge by 4 percent each year. Local gas production reached approximately 7,883 bbtud throughout 2016, while the demand for the industrial sector amounted to 2,750 bbtud. Despite the government’s hopes, the foundation of an oil and gas company may be difficult as a newly-issued government regulation faces challenges from the House of Representatives. Government Regulation (PP) No. 72/2016, which replaces the earlier version issued in 2005 and stipulates the mechanism of state capital participation and administration for SOEs, is supposed to act as a legal basis for any transaction mechanism dubbed “inbreng,” in which stakes and assets in one company are transferred to another and are treated as a capital injection.

The rule will allow the implementation of the inbreng mechanism without changing the state budget and therefore erase the requirement of obtaining approval from the House of Representatives beforehand. However, the House’s Commission VI overseeing trade, industry and investment continues to have serious doubts about the new regulation and has asked the government to pause implementation.

Commission VI deputy chairman Azam Asman Natawijana said the House was still unclear about the urgency of setting up holding companies of state owned firms because of the lack of communication with the government.  “we think that PP [No] 72 may violate several laws by allowing the inbreng of all and any shares. Furthermore, we cannot treat all holding companies equally as there are different needs,” law maker said.

Jakarta Post, Page-15, Friday, Feb, 24, 2017

Exploration Costs Unfair

Exploration costs of oil and gas (oil) is considered unjust government. Exploration of energy resources by third parties, especially foreigners have tended to override the principles of justice. The Company is authorized to exploration, and the result is divided. However, exploration costs borne by the government. It is considered unfair. This is expressed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan when presenting scientific papers at the inaugural freshman doctoral, master and professional Airlangga University (Unair) in the Hall of Garuda Mukti, Management Building, Campus C Airlangga
Thursday (23/2).

Manifestation of the efforts put forward other principles of justice, said Jonan, mineral and metal mining companies are required to process in the country. "There is no export of minerals and metals. This policy is to bring multi-player effect, "he continued.

Alumni S2 Accounting Airlangga University also signed the Declaration of Sovereignty of Natural Resources Support Indonesia with the Rector of Airlangga University Prof. Moh Nasih, followed by professors, lecturers, and students S2 and S3. In the petition sheet cites Article 33, paragraph 2 of the Constitution of 1945. In addition reads; Freeport, Earth, and Air Indonesia for Prosperity Rakyat Indonesia. Not for Prosperity Foreign People.

This declaration is also to address the evaluation of the work contract of PT Freeport Indonesia. In addition, to encourage private investment for the amount of domestic or national level. The target, promote national economic growth. "Investing ex works contract will be offered to the central government, local, state, enterprises, to the national private sector. If you are still having trouble, should go public, "detailed official who was born in Singapore.

For the percentage offered to the president of the center, said Jonan, by 51%. "What to do with Freeport still negotiating," he said.

Add gas stations Up Remote

Ignatius Jonan confirmed it would increase the number of filling stations Fuel (petrol stations) to remote areas in the country. This is to follow up the implementation of fuel oil (BBM) one price across Indonesia. "To fuel at the pump is already one price. Just at the retail level yet, "he said. To suppress the existence of the retailer, adding gas stations to remote needs, '' he said.

This effort will continue until the next six months. For areas that have potential for oil and gas and has been explored, said Jonan, a local government receives 10% of the shares. This percentage is large enough for local development. Giving these shares through the results within a period of maximum 30 years.


Biaya Eksplorasi Tidak Adil

Biaya eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi (migas) dianggap pemerintah tidak adil. Eksplorasi sumber energi oleh pihak ketiga, terutama asing selama ini cenderung mengesampingkan azas keadilan. Perusahaan diberi kewenangan untuk eksplorasi, dan hasilnya dibagi. Namun, biaya eksplorasi ditanggung pemerintah. Ini yang dianggap tidak adil. Hal itu diungkapkan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan saat menyampaikan orasi ilmiah di pengukuhan mahasiswa baru program doktor, magister, dan profesi Universitas Airlangga (Unair) di Aula Garuda Mukti, Gedung Manajemen, Kampus C Unair,
Kamis (23/2).

Wujud upaya mengedepankan azas keadilan lainnya, kata Jonan, perusahaan tambang mineral dan logam wajib melakukan pengolahan di dalam negeri. “Tidak ada ekspor bahan tambang dan logam. Kebijakan ini untuk memunculkan multi player effect,” sambungnya. 

Alumni S2 Akuntansi Unair ini juga menandatangani Deklarasi Dukungan Kedaulatan Kekayaan Alam Indonesia bersama Rektor Unair Prof. Moh Nasih, diikuti para guru besar, dosen, serta mahasiswa S2 maupun S3. Pada lembar petisi tersebut mengutip pasal 33 ayat 2 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Selain itu bertuliskan; Freeport, Bumi, dan Air Indonesia untuk Kemakmuran Rakyat Indonesia. Bukan untuk Kemakmuran Rakyat Asing.

Deklarasi ini juga untuk menyikapi evaluasi kontrak karya PT Freeport di Indonesia. Selain itu, untuk mendorong banyaknya investasi untuk swasta domestik atau nasional. Targetnya, mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. “Investasi eks kontrak karya akan ditawarkan ke pemerintah pusat, daerah, BUMN, BUMD, hingga swasta nasional. Jika masih kesulitan, harus go public,” rinci pejabat yang lahir di Singapura ini.

Untuk persentase yang ditawarkan presiden ke pusat, kata Jonan, sebesar 51%. “Yang urusannya dengan Freeport masih negosiasi,” tandasnya.

Tambah SPBU Hingga Pelosok 

Ignatius Jonan menegaskan pihaknya akan menambah jumlah Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Minyak (SPBU) hingga pelosok di Tanah Air. Ini sebagai tindak lanjut pemberlakuan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) satu harga se Indonesia. “Untuk BBM di SPBU sudah satu harga. Cuma di tingkat pengecer yang belum,” katanya. Untuk menekan keberadaan pengecer, penambahan SPBU hingga pelosok perlu,”’ tandasnya.

Upaya ini akan terus dilakukan hingga enam bulan ke depan. Untuk daerah yang memiliki potensi migas dan sudah dieksplorasi, kata Jonan, Pemerintah Daerahnya mendapatkan 10% saham. Persentase ini cukup besar untuk pembangunan daerah. Pemberian saham ini melalui bagi hasil dalam kurun waktu maksimal 30 tahun.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Friday, Feb, 24, 2017

Gas consumption in East Java in Reach 1230 MMSCFD

Penetration of natural gas in East Java is quite good. Until yesterday PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) recorded consumption of natural gas to penetrate the 130 billion British thermal units per day (BBTUD). PGN Trade Director Danny Praditya said, PGN has been supplying natural gas to 26 676 customers in East Java, which are mostly located in Surabaya, 19,334 customers. 

   The rest is divided to as many as 6,866 customers Sidoarjo and Pasuruan as many as 476 customers. "The addition of natural gas consumption can not be separated from PGN strategic partners who have become loyal customers. We continue to innovate to improve service to customers to take advantage of good energy gas, said Danny.

Danny said, consumption of natural gas in East Java, was a pioneer of gas distribution at the national level. Nationally PGN has been supplying natural gas to 1,652 large industrial and power plants, as well as 1,929 commercial customers such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). While household customers reached 204,000 connections. 

   Looking ahead, continued Danny, PGN still developing the infrastructure network in East Java and other potential areas. This year, PGN is currently completing several infrastructure-Lamongan Gresik distribution pipe-Tuban along the 141 kilometer (km). To improve the reliability of supply, PGN is also completing a receiving station and a divider Semare order to deliver natural gas from Husky to Pasuruan.

"Java is one of the potential areas that we continue to boost infrastructure development. We are also actively opening new markets users of natural gas, "he said, distribution pipes PGN East Java in Surabaya along 552 km, in Sidoarjo along 404 km, and Pasuruan reach 199 km. 

     The total length of the pipeline is 1,156 km, up more than 150 km compared to the achievements of 2016 along 996.15 km. "PGN's gas pipeline infrastructure in East Java increased by 16% over the previous year. PGN gas pipelines nationwide total reach of more than 7278 km. This amount is equivalent to 80% of the downstream natural gas pipeline network throughout Indonesia, "said Danny.

Meanwhile, Group Head Business Unit Gas Product PGN Anas said Wahyudi, industrial customers are also given a positive response in the last year. Moreover, East Java, the most potential for development of gas supply for the industry.


Konsumsi Gas di Jatim Tembus 1230 MMscfd

Penetrasi gas bumi di Jawa Timur cukup baik. Hingga kemarin PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) mencatat konsumsi gas bumi menembus 130 billion british thermal unit per day (BBTUD). Direktur Perdagangan PGN Danny Praditya menuturkan, PGN telah memasok gas bumi kepada 26.676 pelanggan di Jawa Timur yang sebagian besar berada di Surabaya yaitu 19.334 pelanggan. Sisanya terbagi untuk Sidoarjo sebanyak 6.866 pelanggan dan Pasuruan sebanyak 476 pelanggan. 

“Penambahan konsumsi gas bumi ini tak bisa lepas dari mitra strategis PGN yang telah menjadi pelanggan setia. Kami terus berinovasi untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan untuk memanfaatkan energi baik gas bumi, ucap Danny.

Danny mengatakan, konsumsi gas bumi di Jawa Timur menjadi pionir sebaran gas di tingkat nasional. Secara nasional PGN telah memasok gas bumi kepada 1.652 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, serta 1.929 pelanggan komersial seperti hotel, restoran, rumah sakit, dan usaha mikro, kecil, menengah (UMKM). 

     Sementara pelanggan rumah tangga mencapai 204.000 sambungan. Ke depan, lanjut Danny, PGN tetap mengembangkan jaringan infrastruktur di wilayah Jawa Timur dan daerah potensial lain. Tahun ini PGN sedang menyelesaikan beberapa infrastruktur pipa distribusi Gresik-Lamongan-Tuban sepanjang 141 kilometer (km). Untuk meningkatkan keandalan pasokan, PGN juga sedang menyelesaikan stasiun penerima dan pembagi Semare untuk dapat menyalurkan gas bumi dari Husky ke Pasuruan.

“Jatim memang salah satu daerah potensial sehingga kami terus menggenjot pembangunan infrastruktur. Kami juga aktif membuka pasar baru pengguna gas bumi," ucapnya, Pipa distribusi PGN di Jawa Timur tersebar di Surabaya sepanjang 552 km, di Sidoarjo sepanjang 404 km, dan Pasuruan mencapai 199 km. 

     Panjang keseluruhan jaringan pipa adalah 1.156 km, naik lebih dari 150 km dibandingkan capaian 2016 sepanjang 996,15 km. "Infrastruktur pipa gas PGN di Jawa Timur meningkat 16% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Secara nasional pipa gas PGN total mencapai lebih dari 7.278 km. Jumlah ini setara dengan 80% jaringan pipa gas bumi hilir di seluruh Indonesia,” ucap Danny.

Sementara itu, Group Head Business Unit Gas Product PGN Wahyudi Anas menuturkan, pelanggan industri juga memberikan respons positif dalam setahun terakhir ini. Terlebih Jawa Timur paling potensial untuk pengembangan pasokan gas bagi industri.

Koran Sindo, Page-9, Friday, Feb, 24, 2018