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Monday, January 23, 2017

Gross Split contract is believed to Accelerate Production

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources convinced scheme for gross proceeds (gross split production sharing contract) will accelerate the production of oil and gas up to three years. Therefore, the government and the contractor does not need to cover the replacement cost of operation (cost recovery) that often makes the production of a protracted period. "Bureaucratic procurement system and debates during this time to be reduced," said Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra Tahar.

Arcandra explained, the time saved is for the preparation of the FEED (front end engineering design) as well as the stage of engineering, procurement, and construction. In the scheme of gross split, contractors can prepare such documents without a lengthy discussion with the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). Since the 2000s, he said, the oil and gas contractors 15-16 years need time to suck the oil in the country. This includes finding stage backup / exploration to commercial production. In fact, when in 1970, the contractor takes five years.

Arcandra predict the time savings will make oil and gas investments more attractive. Split gross Regulation contained in the Minister of Energy No. 8 of 2017. For oil revenues between the state and the contractor to 57 percent and 43 percent. As for the state's share of gas by 52 percent and the contractor got 48 percent. In conventional production sharing contracts, part of the country 85 percent oil and 65 percent gas. In the new scheme, part of the contractor can grow up to 5 percent if the development of the field considered uneconomical. Another factor is the global oil price fluctuations. But, if the production is abundant and the price exceeded $ 85 per barrel, the country received additional oil and gas revenue by 5 percent.

According Arcandra, the results are final, with no replacement in cutting operational costs (cost recovery). In the old contract, the amount of the average cost of replacement would make oil and gas portion of the government is reduced to 45 percent. "Based on the study of contract in 10 areas of work. (Section countries) could be 40 percent. "He promised to split the gross scheme will not harm the contractor.


Kontrak Gross Split Diyakini Percepat Produksi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral yakin skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split production sharing contract) akan mempercepat produksi minyak dan gas bumi hingga tiga tahun. Sebab, pemerintah dan kontraktor tidak perlu membahas biaya pengganti operasi (cost recovery) yang kerap membuat masa produksi berlarut-larut. “Sistem pengadaan yang birokratis dan debat yang terjadi selama ini menjadi berkurang," kata Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra Tahar.
Arcandra menjelaskan, waktu yang dihemat itu adalah untuk penyusunan FEED (front end engineering design) serta tahap rekayasa, pengadaan, dan konstruksi. Dalam skema gross split, kontraktor bisa menyusun dokumen tersebut tanpa diskusi panjang dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Sejak 2000an, kata dia, kontraktor migas membutuhkan Waktu 15-16 tahun untuk menyedot minyak di Tanah Air. Termasuk di dalamnya tahap pencarian cadangan/eksplorasi hingga produksi komersial. Padahal, saat 1970, kontraktor hanya membutuhkan waktu lima tahun.

Arcandra memprediksi penghematan waktu bakal membuat investasi migas lebih menarik. Regulasi gross split termuat dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi Nomor 8 Tahun 2017. Bagi hasil minyak antara negara dan kontraktor menjadi 57 persen dan 43 persen. Sedangkan untuk gas porsi negara sebesar 52 persen dan kontraktor mendapat 48 persen. Dalam kontrak bagi hasil konvensional, bagian minyak negara 85 persen dan gas 65 persen. Dalam skema baru, bagian kontraktor bisa bertambah maksimal 5 persen jika pengembangan lapangan dinilai tidak ekonomis. Faktor lainnya adalah fluktuasi harga minyak dunia. Tapi, jika produksi melimpah dan harga melampaui US$ 85 per barel, negara mendapat tambahan hasil migas sebesar 5 persen.

Menurut Arcandra, bagi hasil tersebut sudah final, tanpa di potong biaya pengganti operasional (cost recovery). Dalam kontrak lama, besaran biaya pengganti rata-rata justru membuat porsi migas pemerintah berkurang sampai 45 persen. “Berdasarkan Studi dari kontrak di 10 wilayah kerja. (Bagian negara) bisa 40 persen." Dia menjanjikan skema gross split tidak akan merugikan kontraktor.

Koran Tempo, Page-16, Monday, Jan, 23, 2017

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