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Friday, November 3, 2017

Cricket Block Gas Production

The cricket gas field project is the result of a remarkable collaboration between the government and the private sector.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan, representing President Joko Widodo inaugurated the opening of the Jangkrik field gas field production facility at Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) located in Handil Baru, Samboja, East Kalimantan.

ORF is a gas and condensate collection facility of floating production unit (FPU) of Cricket. Both are new facilities from the development of the Jangkrik gas field and become part of the development of an integrated facility under the development project of Cricket Complex operated by Eni Muara Bakau as the contractor of cooperation contract (KKKS).

The development project has created substantial chain effects such as manufacturing processing facilities that have been done in Karimun and employment. At least 1,000 jobs are absorbed during the project phase. Of that amount, 94.5% are local labor.

The production of the Cricket Complex development project off Indonesia's deep sea shore has actually been done since 29 May, faster than the estimates contained in the ESDM Strategic Plan 2015 ~ 2019.

"Thanks to Eni Musara Bakau who can do six months soon. I am appreciation. They talk a little, a lot of work, "said Jonan.

The establishment of the integrated gas facility is proof that the upstream oil and gas industry is attractive and still attractive to investors. It can encourage the development of regional and national economies. Production in Cricket Field will produce gas which will be supplied to the domestic market and export so that contribute to the fulfillment of the fulfillment of energy needs of Indonesia.

Head of Oil and Gas Special Unit Amin Sunaryadi said the results produced from the field of Jangkrik will be distributed entirely to Bontang refinery according to the agreed agreement.

"There about 2/3 will be sold to Pertamina and 1/3 to Eni Midstream. so this is the majority for the domestic, then the Midstream for the exports, "explained Amin.

Through 10 underwater wells connected to FPU Cricket, the production of cricket gas can reach 607 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) or equal to 100 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed).

Involve the private sector

With that number, the Cricket project is considered very significant because it gives an additional 5% of total oil and gas lifting target in 2017 of 2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. Especially for natural gas, the government is targeting a lifting of 1.15 million barrels of oil equivalent per day this year and 1.2 million oil equivalents per day next year.

The discovery of the first gas reserves occurred in 2009 at the Jangkrik-1 well. Located about 20 km from the Jangkrik field, on the same block is the North East Cricket well found in 2011 and then integrated into a field development plan (POD).

Eni Managing Director, Fabrizio Trilli, said that the Jangkrik Gas field project is the result of the extraordinary cooperation between the government and the private sector. "It's not easy at first, but with strong cooperation and trust, we can produce something big," Trilli said.


Blok jangkrik Pacu Produksi Gas

Proyek lapangan gas jangkrik ialah hasil kerja sama yang luar biasa antara pemerintah dan swasta.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan, mewakili Presiden Joko Widodo meresmikan pembukaan fasilitas produksi gas lapangan Jangkrik di area fasilitas penerimaan darat (Onshore Receiving Facility/ORF) yang terletak di Handil Baru, Samboja, Kalimantan Timur.
ORF merupakan fasilitas penenima aliran gas dan kondensat dari floating production unit (FPU) Jangkrik. Keduanya merupakan fasilitas baru dari pengembangan lapangan gas Jangkrik dan menjadi bagian dari pengembangan fasilitas terintegrasi di bawah proyek pengembangan Kompleks jangkrik yang dioperasikan Eni Muara Bakau selaku kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS).

Proyek pengembangan itu telah menciptakan dampak berantai yang cukup besar seperti pabrikasi fasilitas pengolahan yang telah dikerjakan di Karimun dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Setidaknya terserap 1.000 tenaga kerja selama fase proyek. Dari jumlah itu, 94,5 % ialah tenaga kerja lokal.

Produksi dari proyek pengembangan Kompleks Jangkrik di lepas pantai laut dalam Indonesia sebenarnya telah dilakukan sejak 29 Mei lalu, lebih cepat daripada perkiraan yang tercantum di dalam Rencana Strategis Kementerian ESDM 2015~2019. 

“Terima kasih kepada Eni Musara Bakau yang bisa melakukan lehih cepat enam bulan. Saya apresiasi. Mereka bicaranya sedikit, banyak kerja,” ujar Jonan.

Pendirian fasilitas gas terintegrasi itu menjadi bukti bahwa hulu minyak dan gas ialah industri yang menarik dan masih diminati investor. Hal itu dapat mendorong pengembangan perekonomian daerah dan nasional. Produksi di Iapangan Jangkrik akan menghasilkan gas yang nantinya dipasok ke pasar domestik dan ekspor sehingga memberi kontribusi yang signilikan terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan energi Indonesia.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Migas Amin Sunaryadi mengatakan hasil yang diproduksi dari lapangan Jangkrik akan disalurkan seluruhnya ke kilang Bontang sesuai perjanjian yang telah ditetapkan.

“Di sana sekitar 2/3 akan dijual ke Pertamina dan 1/3 ke Eni Midstream. jadi ini mayoritas untuk domestik, lalu yang Midstream untuk ekpsor," terang Amin.

Melalui 10 sumur bawah laut yang terhubung ke FPU Jangkrik, produksi gas Jangkrik bisa mencapai 607 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) atau setara 100 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (boed). 

Libatkan swasta

Dengan angka sebesar itu, proyek Jangkrik dinilai sangat signifikan karena memberikan tambahan 5% dari total target lifting migas pada 2017 sebesar 2 juta barel setara minyak per hari. Khusus untuk gas bumi, pemerintah rnenargetkan lifting sebanyak 1,15 juta barel setara minyak per hari pada tahun ini dan 1,2 juta harel setara minyak per hari di tahun depan.

Penemuan cadangan gas pertama terjadi pada 2009 di sumur Jangkrik-1. Berjarak sekitar 20 km dari lapangan Jangkrik, pada blok yang sama terdapat sumur Jangkrik North East yang ditemukan pada 2011 dan kemudian diintegrasikan dalam satu rencana pengembangan lapangan (POD).

Managing Director Eni, Fabrizio Trilli, mengatakan proyek lapangan Gas Jangkrik ialah hasil kerja sama yang luar biasa antara pemerintah dan swasta. “Ini bukanlah hal yang mudah pada awalnya, tapi dengan kerja sama dan kepercayaan yang kuat, kita bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang besar,” ujar Trilli. 

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017

Production of Cricket Project Gas Reaches 607 MMSCFD

Gas production from the Cricket Project in Bakau estuary block, Makassar Strait has reached 605-607 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) from the initial target of 450 mmscfd. That much production is mostly to supply domestic needs.

"Production is targeted at 450 mmscfd, equivalent to approximately 75,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), now production above 600 mmscfd," said ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan during the inauguration of the Jangkrik field gas field facility at the Onshore Receiving Facility / ORF) owned by Eni Muara Bakau, in Handil Baru Village, Samboja District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, on Tuesday (31/10).

ORF functions to receive gas and condensate flow from Floating Production Unit (FPU) Cricket. Both are new facilities of the Jangkrik gas field development and are part of the development of integrated facilities.]

Jonan said the completion of the Cricket Project managed by Eni Muara Bakau could be 6 months faster than planned for 4 years. While investment costs are saved 5-10%.

At the same place, Amien Sunaryadi, Head of the Oil and Gas Special Unit (SKK Migas) added that the budget savings of around 5-10% from the construction of the Jangkrik field gas production facility in the ORF area reaches about US $ 4 million.

The facility is planned to be completed in four years. However, Eni as the operator of Muara Bakau Block can finish it within 3.5 years. Eni has started production from the Jangkrik Block Complex Development Project in Makassar Strait since May 29th.

The gas produced will be supplied to the Bontang LNG plant. Then, as many as 2/3 were sold to Pertamina, and one third was distributed to Eni Midstream. The majority of gas delivered to Pertamina will be used for domestic needs, while Eni Midstream is for export purposes.

Jonan further said that the 600 mmscfd gas production from the Cricket Project adds 5% of national oil production or 100,000 boepd. "Of the total national production of 2 million boepd, 1.2 million boepd is gas. Today Eni's operations are adding 100,000 boeds or 5 percent nationwide. probably in 2019 will increase by approximately 10 percent, "he said.

This project includes North East Cricket and Cricket field located in Muara Bakau Block, Kutai Basin, in marine waters
in the Makassar Strait. Production was produced through 10 underwater wells connected to FPU Cricket.

Distribution of production from this field has been able to improve utility of the Bontang LNG facility. This improves provisioning more effective and efficient energy. Gas production from Jangkrik will supply LNG to domestic market as well as export market, so that contributed significantly to the fulfillment of Indonesia's energy hazard.

The Jangkrik Gas field development project has also created a substantial multiplier effect such as manufacturing processing facilities that have been done in Karimun, and employment. There are 1,000 more workers during the project phase with 94,596 of whom are Indonesian workforce.

ENI officially became the operator of Muara Bakau Block in 2002. The discovery of the first gas reserves occurred in 2009 at Jangkrik-1 Well. Located about 20 km from the Cricket Field on the same block is the North East Cricket well found in 2011 and then integrated into a field development plan (POD)

The Government of Indonesia approved the POD of Jangkrik Field in 2011 and North East Cricket Field in 2013. North East Cricket Field Approval covers the incorporation of the Jangkrik Field development called "Cricket Complex Project".


Produksi Gas Proyek Jangkrik Capai 607 MMSCFD    

Produksi gas dari Proyek Jangkrik di Blok muara Bakau, Selat Makassar telah mencapai 605-607 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) dari target awal 450 mmscfd. Produksi sebanyak itu sebagian besar untuk memasok kebutuhan domestik.

“Produksi ditargetkan 450 mmscfd atau setara kira-kira 75.000 barel setara minyak per hari (boepd), sekarang produksinya di atas 600 mmscfd,” kata Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan saat peresmian fasilitas produksi gas lapangan Jangkrik di area Fasilitas Penerimaan Darat (Onshore Receiving Facility/ ORF) milik Eni Muara Bakau, di Kelurahan Handil Baru, Kecamatan Samboja, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, Selasa(31/10).

ORF berfungsi menerima aliran gas dan kondensat dari Floating Production Unit (FPU) Jangkrik. Keduanya merupakan fasilitas baru dari pengembangan lapangan gas Jangkrik dan menjadi bagian dari pengembangan fasilitas yang terintegrasi.]

Jonan menyatakan penyelesaian Proyek Jangkrik yang dikelola oleh Eni Muara Bakau ini bisa lebih cepat 6 bulan dari yang direncanakan selama 4 tahun. Sedangkan biaya investasi yang dihemat 5-10%. 

Di tempat yang sama, Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi menambahkan, penghematan anggaran sekitar 5-10% dari pembangunan fasilitas produksi gas lapangan Jangkrik di area ORF itu mencapai sekitar US$ 4 juta. 

Fasilitas itu direncanakan rampung dibangun dalam empat tahun. Namun, Eni selaku operator Blok Muara Bakau bisa menyelesaikannya dalam waktu 3,5 tahun. Eni telah memulai produksi dari Proyek Pengembangan Kompleks Blok Jangkrik di Selat Makassar sejak 29 Mei lalu.

Gas yang diproduksi itu bakal disalurkan ke kilang LNG Bontang. Kemudian, sebanyak 2/3 dijual ke Pertamina, dan sepertiga disalurkan ke Eni Midstream. Mayoritas gas yang dikirim ke Pertamina bakal digunakan untuk kebutuhan domestik, sementara Eni Midstream untuk keperluan ekspor.

Lebih lanjut Jonan mengatakan, produksi gas 600 mmscfd dari Proyek Jangkrik itu menambah 5% produksi migas nasional atau setara 100.000 boepd. “Dari total produksi nasional 2 juta boepd, sebanyak 1,2 juta boepd adalah gas. Sekarang ini pengoperasian oleh Eni itu bertambah 100.000 boed atau 5 persen secara nasional. mungkin tahun 2019 bertambah kira-kira 10 persen,” ujar dia. 

Proyek ini meliputi lapangan Jangkrik dan Jangkrik North East yang terletak di Blok Muara Bakau, Cekungan Kutai, di perairan laut dalam Selat Makassar. Produksi itu dihasilkan melalui 10 Sumur bawah laut yang terhubung dengan FPU Jangkrik. 

Penyaluran produksi dari lapangan ini telah dapat meningkatkan utilitas dari fasilitas LNG Bontang. Hal ini meningkatkan penyediaan energi yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Produksi gas dari Jangkrik akan memasok LNG ke pasar domestik dan juga pasar ekspor, sehingga memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pemenuhan kebumhan energi Indonesia.

Proyek pengembangan Lapangan Gas Jangkrik juga telah menciptakan dampak berantai (multiplier effect) yang cukup besar seperti pabrikasi fasilitas pengolahan yang telah dikerjakan di Karimun, dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Terdapat 1.000 lebih tenaga kerja selama fase proyek dengan 94,596 di antaranya adalah tenaga kerja Indonesia.

ENI resmi menjadi operator Blok Muara Bakau pada tahun 2002. Penemuan cadangan gas pertama terjadi pada tahun 2009 di Sumur Jangkrik-1. Berjarak sekitar 20 km dari Lapangan Jangkrik pada blok yang sama terdapat sumur Jangkrik North East yang ditemukan pada tahun 2011 dan kemudian diintegrasikan dalam satu rencana pengembangan lapangan (POD)

Pemerintah Indonesia memyetujui POD Lapangan Jangkrik pada 2011 dan Lapangan Jangkrik North East pada 2013. Persetujuan Lapangan Jangkrik North East melingkupi penggabungan pengembangan Lapangan Jangkrik yang dinamakan “Jangkrik Complex Project".

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Oil & Gas Profit Increases Significantly

Oil and gas giant posted a significant increase in profit during the quarter III / 2017 triggered by rising crude oil prices.

In addition to rising oil prices, contractors also increased oil and gas production, contributing to an increase in profits. French oil firm Total SA posted a 29% profit increase in the third quarter of 2017. Other giant oil and gas companies, ExxonMobil and Chevron, also posted a profit increase of 49.8% and 41.18%, respectively.


The massive oil and gas company based in France, Total SA also posted a 29% increase in profit in quarterly / 2017 to US $ 2.7 billion compared to the same period of 2016 US $ 1.9 billion.

Quoted from the official statement on Tuesday (31/10), with the achievement in the third quarter / 2017, total net profit during 2017 amounted to US $ 7.6 billion, up 33% from the achievement in the period of January to September 2016 US $ 5.7 billion .

Sales during the quarter III / 2017 amounted to US $ 43.0 billion up 15% from the same period last year US $ 37.4 billion. Meanwhile, Total sales for the first nine months of the year amounted to US $ 124.1 billion, up 15% compared to the performance in 2016 of US $ 107.4 billion. Total oil and gas production in the third quarter / 2017 reached 2.6 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), up 6% from third quarter / 2016 of 2.4 million boepd.

Production of oil 1.4 million barrels per day (bpd) or up 8% from the same period 2016 realization of 1.3 million bpd. Gas production reached 6,427 Mcfd or 2% increase from the actual production in July-September 2017 period is 6,286 Mcfd. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) production was 2.95 million tons, up 8 percent compared to 2.7 million tons in the quarter of 2016.

On the other hand, the realization of sales of processed products reached 4.17 million bpd or lower than the achievement of the same period last year 4.16 million bpd. Several things achieved Total one acquisition of Maersk oil and gas division. Danish company with a value of US $ 7.5 billion. Through the acquisition could provide additional production of 160,000 boepd.

Other than that. Total also signed an agreement with Chevron to manage seven projects in the Gulf of Mexico. With the deal, Total has the right to engage in development with a portion of the range of 25% to 40%. Downstream, Total entered the Mexican market by reintroducing 250 retail.


The increase in operating profit is also achieved by a giant oil and gas company from the United States. Exxon Mobil Corporation posted a 49.8% increase in net income in the third quarter of 2017 to US $ 3.97 billion compared to US $ 2.65 billion in the same period last year.

The net profit for the July-September period was US $ 3.97 billion or US $ 93 cents per share. With achievements in the third quarter / 2017, total net profit during January-September 2017 amounted to US $ 11.3 billion and revenues of US $ 192.33 billion.

Exxon Mobil CEO Darren Woods said that the increase in net profit due to better commodity prices and upstream and downstream business performance.

For net income from upstream business line, the achievement in third quarter / 2017 reached US $ 1.6 billion which means up US $ 947 million from the same period of 2016 amounted to US $ 620 million. Upstream performance contribution comes from rising commodity prices. Several activities have recorded positive outcomes, such as in Turbot, Guyana and an additional 12 offshore work areas in Brazil with competitive fiscal provisions.

Other than that. Exxon signed a production sharing contract for Block 59 located at 305 km off the coast of Suriname. Upstream oil and gas production rose 2% from 3.81 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) to 3.87 million boepd. For the downstream business line, net income reached US $ 1.53 billion, up US $ 303 million from US $ 1.23 billion in the same period of 2016. The contribution of the downstream business line was derived from the processing performance with the re-operation of the refinery after Harvey Storm.

At downstream operations, Exxon completed the acquisition of one of the largest aromatic facilities located in Singapore from Jurong Aromatics Corporation Pte. Ltd. The acquisition will contribute 3.5 million tons of aromatic production per year. For the realization of the sale of gasoline, naphtha, fuel oil, kerosene, diesel, heavy fuel and special products 5.54 million bpd. For the chemical industry side, net income amounted to US $ 1.09 billion or up US $ 79 million compared to the same period of 2016 US $ 1, 17 billion. The achievement comes from sales of US $ 6.4 million tons.


The same thing happened to Chevron Corporation which recorded a profit increase in the third quarter / 2017 of 41, 18% to US $ 2.0 billion compared to the same period last year US $ 1.3 billion. Chevron's earnings include asset sales of US $ 675 million. The exchange rate effect has undermined Chevron's revenue during the quarter Ill / 2017 of US $ 12 million. Whereas in the same period last year, Chevron reap a blessing from the exchange rate up to US $ 72 million.

Meanwhile, Chevron's sales and revenues sourced from other operations in the third quarter / 2017 reached US $ 34 billion higher compared to the same period last year US $ 29 billion.

"We continue to see improvements in revenue and cash flow," said Chairman and CEO John Watson.

He explained that the improvement in cash flows was driven by increased oil and gas production. On the other hand, capital expenditure of oil and gas companies from the US was down.

"We are completing projects that have been constructed and increased production, especially at our Gorgon LNG Project in Australia and our shale and rig drilling activities in the Permian Basin."

Watson expects this pattern to continue. "Earlier this month, we announced the first LNG production from our Wheatstone LNG development in Australia."

Chevron's oil and gas production in the world during the third quarter / 2017 reached 2.72 million boepd increase compared to the same period last year 2.51 million boepd.

Meanwhile, Chevron's upstream oil and gas operations in the US suffered a loss of US $ 26 million in the third quarter of 2017, down from US $ 212 million in the same period last year. The improvement reflects Chevron's crude oil price hike.

Meanwhile, Chevron's average selling price rose to US $ 42 per barrel compared to last year's US $ 37 per barrel. The average selling price of natural gas from Chevron also rose to US $ 1.80 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) in the third quarter of 2017 compared to the same period of 2016 of US $ 1.89 per Mcf.


Laba Raksasa Migas Naik Signifikan

Raksasa minyak dan gas bumi mencetak kenaikan Laba yang signifikan selama kuartal III/2017 dipicu oleh kenaikan harga minyak mentah.

Selain kenaikan harga minyak, kontraktor juga menambah produksi minyak dan gas bumi sehingga turut berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan laba. Perusahaan minyak asal Prancis Total SA mencetak kenaikan laba 29% selama kuartal III/2017. Perusahaan migas raksasa lainnya, ExxonMobil dan Chevron, juga mencetak kenaikan laba masing-masing 49.8% dan 41,18%.


Perusahaan migas raksasa yang bermarkas di Prancis, Total SA juga mencatatkan kenaikan laba sebesar 29% pada kuartal lll/2017 menjadi US$2,7 miliar dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama 2016 US$ 1,9 miliar.

Dikutip dari keterangan resminya, Selasa (31 /10), dengan raihan pada kuartal III/2017, total laba bersih sepanjang 2017 sebesar US$ 7,6 miliar atau naik 33% dari capaian pada periode Januari-September 2016 US$ 5,7 miliar.

Penjualan selama kuartal III/2017 sebesar US$43,0 miliar naik 15% dari periode yang sama tahun lalu US$37,4 miliar. Sementara itu, penjualan Total selama 9 bulan pertama tahun ini senilai US$ 124.1 miliar atau naik 15% dibandingkan dengan kinerja pada 2016 US$ 107,4 miliar. Produksi migas Total pada kuartal III/2017 mencapai 2,6 juta barel setara minyak per hari (boepd) atau naik 6% dari kuartal III/2016 sebesar 2,4 juta boepd.

Produksi minyak 1,4 juta barel per hari (bph) atau naik 8% dari realisasi periode yang sama 2016 sebesar 1,3 juta bph. Produksi gas mencapai 6.427 Mcfd atau naik 2% dari realisasi produksi pada periode Juli-September 2017 yakni 6.286 Mcfd. Produksi gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) sebesar 2,95 juta ton atau naik 8% dibandingkan dengan kuartal lll/2016 sebesar 2,74 juta ton.

Di sisi Iain, realisasi penjualan produk olahan mencapai 4,17 juta bph atau lebih rendah dari capaian periode yang sama tahun lalu 4.16 juta bph. Beberapa hal dicapai Total salah satunya akuisisi divisi minyak dan gas Maersk. Perusahaan asal Denmark dengan nilai US$7,5 miliar. Melalui akuisisi tersebut bisa memberikan tambahan produksi 160.000 boepd.

Selain itu. Total juga meneken kesepakatan dengan Chevron untuk mengelola tujuh proyek di Teluk Meksiko. Dengan kesepakatan itu, Total memiliki hak untuk terlibat dalam pengembangan dengan porsi kisaran 25% hingga 40%. Di sisi hilir, Total masuk ke pasar Meksiko dengan memperkenalkan ulang 250 ritel.


Kenaikan laba operasi juga diraih oleh perusahaan migas raksasa asal Amerika Serikat. Exxon Mobil Corporation mencetak kenaikan laba bersih pada kuartal III/2017 sebesar 49,8% menjadi US$3,97 miliar dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu US$ 2,65 miliar.

Perolehan laba bersih periode Juli-September sebesar US$3,97 miliar atau US$93 sen per lembar saham. Dengan raihan pada kuartal III/2017, total laba bersih sepanjang Januari-September 2017 sebesar US$ 11,3 miliar dan pendapatan US$ 192.33 miliar.

CEO Exxon Mobil Darren Woods mengatakan bahwa naiknya perolehan laba bersih akibat membaiknya harga komoditas dan performa lini usaha hulu dan hilir.

Untuk laba bersih dari lini usaha hulu, capaian pada kuartal III/2017 mencapai US$ 1,6 miliar yang berarti naik US$ 947 juta dari periode yang sama 2016 sebesar US$ 620 juta. Kontribusi capaian hulu berasal dari naiknya harga komoditas. Beberapa kegiatan yang mencatatkan capaian positif yakni eksplorasi Laut dalam seperti di Turbot, Guyana dan tambahan 12 wilayah kerja lepas pantai di Brasil dengan ketentuan fiskal yang kompetitif.

Selain itu. Exxon menandatangani kontrak bagi hasil untuk Block 59 yang berlokasi di 305 km lepas pantai Suriname. Produksi migas di hulu naik 2% dari 3,81 juta barel setara minyak per hari (boepd) menjadi 3,87 juta boepd. Untuk lini usaha hilir, laba bersih mencapai US$ 1,53 miliar atau naik US$ 303 juta dari US$ 1,23 miliar pada periode yang sama 2016. Kontribusi lini usaha hilir berasal dari kinerja pengolahan dengan kembali beroperasinya kilang setelah terjadi Badai Harvey.

Pada kegiatan hilir, Exxon menuntaskan proses akuisisi salah satu fasilitas aromatik terbesar yang terletak di Singapura dari Jurong Aromatics Corporation Pte. Ltd. Akuisisi ini akan menyumbang produksi aromatik 3,5 juta ton per tahun. Untuk realisasi penjualan bahan bakar minyak jenis gasolin, nafta, minyak bakar, kerosin, diesel, heavy fuel dan produk khusus 5,54 juta bph. Untuk segi industri kimia, laba bersih sebesar US$ 1,09 miliar atau naik US$ 79 juta dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama 2016 US$ 1 ,17 miliar. Capaian tersebut berasal dari penjualan dengan volume US$6,4 juta ton.


Hal serupa juga terjadi terhadap Chevron Corporation yang mencatatkan kenaikan laba pada pada kuartal III/2017 sebesar 41 ,18% menjadi US$ 2,0 miliar dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu US$ 1,3 miliar. Laba Chevron itu meliputi penjualan aset senilai US$ 675 juta. Efek nilai tukar mata uang telah menggerus pendapatan Chevron selama kuartal Ill/2017 sebesar US$ 12 juta. Padahal pada periode yang sama tahun lalu, Chevron menuai berkah dari nilai tukar hingga US$ 72 juta.

Sementara itu, penjualan dan pendapatan Chevron yang bersumber dari operasi lainnya pada kuartal III/2017 mencapai US$34 miliar lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu US$ 29 miliar.

“Kami terus melihat perbaikan pendapatan dan arus kas," kata Chairman dan CEO John Watson.

Dia menjelaskan, perbaikan arus kas itu didorong oleh peningkatan produksi minyak dan gas bumi. Di sisi lain, belanja modal perusahaan migas asal AS itu turun. 

“Kami menyelesaikan proyek yang telah konstruksi dan menambah produksi, terutama di Proyek LNG Gorgon kami di Australia dan aktivitas pengeboran shale dan rig kami di Cekungan Permian."

Watson mengharapkan agar pola ini terus berlanjut. “Awal bulan ini, kita mengumumkan produksi LNG pertama dari pengembangan LNG Wheatstone kami di Australia.”

Produksi minyak dan gas bumi Chevron di dunia selama kuartal III/2017 mencapai 2,72 juta boepd naik dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu 2,51 juta boepd.

Sementara itu, operasi hulu migas Chevron di AS mengalami kerugian US$ 26 juta pada kuartal III/2017 turun dibandingkan pada periode yang sama tahun lalu US$ 212 juta. Perbaikan tersebut mencerminkan kenaikan harga minyak mentah Chevron.

Sementara itu, rerata harga jual minyak Chevron naik menjadi US$ 42 per barel naik dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu US$ 37 per barel. Rata-rata harga jual gas alam dari Chevron juga naik menjadi US$ 1,80 per seribu kaki kubik (Mcf) pada kuartal ketiga 2017 dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama 2016 sebesar US$ 1,89 per Mcf.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017

Jangkrik Field Increases National Gas Production

The Jangkrik Field gas production facility in Handil Baru, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, was inaugurated on Tuesday (31/10). This field can contribute up to about 600 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). That is, there will be additional gas production-ready to sell or lifting about 5 percent. Related to that, Kutai Kartanegara urged to get priority projects of government gas networks.

The Jangkrik Field

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan, Tuesday, inaugurated the gas field production facility of this cricket. Jonan appreciated that the construction of this facility was completed sooner than expected. From the initial plan of 4 years, completed within 3.5 years. Thus, there is a cost-saving.

Production of Cricket Field originally targeted 450 MMSCFD can reach 605-607 MMSCFD. This production adds 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD) so that Lifting gas increases 5 percent nationally, from 2 million BOEPD to about 2.1 million BOEPD.

Until 2019, we try to add up to 10 percent of the other blocks. In the meantime, our gas network builds up, because it is not fair, if cities and districts have gas wells, people do not even enjoy gas, "said Jonan.

Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi, said that the efficiency of cricket time faster 6 months from the initial estimate, saving the cost up to 4 million US dollars. Two-thirds of Jangkrik's production is sold to Pertamina.

Kutai Kartanegara Regent Edi Damansyah urged that the region be included as a priority project of the national gas network. Edi regretted that during this time Kutai Kartanegara who is a national oil and gas producer even forget to pay attention to the center.


Meanwhile, in Semarang, Head of Sub Directorate of Oil and Gas Transportation at the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Nunuk Wiryawan, said that the 3 kg LPG cylinder (kg) should not happen because the stock is bigger than the community needs. 

     However, although the energy transfer program from kerosene to LPG has been going on for 10 years, the distribution is often not right on target. Many residents are still able to use the gas subsidy.

"Directorate General of Oil and Gas with the Ministry of Social Affairs will update the data of poor families who are entitled to receive 3 kg of LPG subsidy. This cooperation is effective from February 2018, "he said.

Kompas, Page-18, Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017

Cash Pertamina Not Enough Build Six Refineries

Pertamina suggested holding partners with share ownership could be 70%

PT Pertamina has a heavy duty in building the Refinery project simultaneously. One of the causes, cash and cash equivalents of this SOE until June 2017 is only US $ 4.3 billion. Meanwhile, refineries projects that will be modernized or built will require about US $ 15 billion with Pertamina's shares reaching 50 percent or 51 percent.

As a result of the huge funding, PT Pertamina can not run the project simultaneously, but reverses one or two years so that the company's financial risk is not too heavy. The reason is that between 60% -70% of funding for refinery projects comes from loans.

Arif Budiman, Finance Director of PT Pertamina, once said that the Balikpapan Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) project could cost approximately US $ 4.6 billion. According to the project financing plan, Project Financing is done with a ratio of equity and debt is 25:75. So if so, the loan reached US $ 3.45 billion.

"We expect to come from export credit agencies (ECAs) and international banks that are indicative to support the project initially," said Arif,

Meanwhile, the guarantee of the Tuban refinery project reaches 60%. But the Tuban refinery has not yet determined the financial institution that will become the borrower. When confirmed, External Communication Manager of Pertamina Arya Dwi Paramita has not been able to answer about the refinery project.

"Today (Wednesday) there will be a press conference," he said on Tuesday (31/10).

Ignasius Jonan, Minister of EMR, said that the end of this year will start the construction of Balikpapan RDMP. This agenda is a government commitment to increase refinery capacity to support the increase of oil and gas lifting target.

"The capacity will increase if it is finished from 260,000 barrels per day to 360,000 barrels per day," he said, in Handil Baru,
Samboja, East Kalimantan, Tuesday (31/10).

Currently, Jonan claims to be preparing other refinery development plans including Cilacap and other refineries.

"This is just one refinery, the other will also be completed but it should start work six months from now," he continued. Later President Joko Widodo will inaugurate RDMP Balikpapan.

Energy Economics Observer from UGM Fahmy Radhi stated that funding through loans will incriminate Pertamina.

"If you use project financing earlier, Pertamina can not invest in upstream because it has to pay the pinajman and interest that will cause the burden," said Fahmy.

He gave the solution, namely by establishing partnership with private parties. Private ownership can reach 60% -70%.


Kas Pertamina Tidak Cukup Bangun Enam Kilang

Pertamina disarankan menggandeng mitra dengan kepemilikan saham bisa 70%

PT Pertamina mempunyai tugas berat dalam membangun proyek Kilang secara bersamaan. Salah satu penyebabnya, kas dan setara kas BUMN ini hingga Juni 2017 hanya sebesar US$ 4,3 miliar. Sementara proyek kilang yang akan dimodernisasi atau dibangun membutuhkan dana sekitar US$ 15 miliar dengan catatan saham Pertamina mencapai 50% atau 51%.

Akibat pendanaan yang sangat besar itu, PT Pertamina tidak bisa menjalankan proyek itu secara bersamaan, tetapi memundurkan satu atau dua tahun agar risiko keuangan perseroan ini tidak terlalu berat. Pasalnya antara 60%-70% pendanaan untuk proyek kilang berasal dari pinjaman.

Arif Budiman, Direktur Keuangan PT Pertamina, pernah mengatakan, proyek Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) Balikpapan bisa membutuhkan biaya kurang lebih sekitar Us$ 4,6 miliar. Menurut rencana pendanaan proyek tersebut dilakukan secara Project Financing dengan struktur perbandingan equity dan debt adalah 25:75. Maka jika begitu, pinjaman mencapai US$ 3,45 miliar. 

"Kami mengharapkan berasal dari export credit agency (ECA) dan perbankan internasional yang secara indikatif awal mendukung proyek ini," ungkap Arif, 

Sementara penjaminan proyek Kilang Tuban mencapai 60%. Namun Kilang Tuban belum menentukan lembaga keuangan yang akan menjadi peminjam. Saat dikonfirmasi, External Communication Manager Pertamina Arya Dwi Paramita belum bisa menjawab soal proyek kilang. 

"Hari ini (Rabu) akan ada konferensi pres," ujarnya, Selasa (31/10). 

Ignasius Jonan, Menteri ESDM, mengatakan akhir tahun ini akan memulai pembangunan RDMP Balikpapan. Agenda ini merupakan komitmen pemerintah menambah kapasitas kilang untuk mendukung peningkatan target lifting migas. 

"Kapasitasnya akan bertambah kalau selesai dari 260.000 barel per hari menjadi 360.000 barel per hari," ujarnya, di Handil Baru,
Samboja, Kalimantan Timur, Selasa (31/10).

Saat ini, Jonan mengaku sedang menyusun rencana pengembangan kilang lainnya termasuk Cilacap dan kilang lain. 

"Ini baru satu kilang, yang lain juga akan diselesaikan tetapi harus memulai pengerjaannya enam bulan dari sekarang," lanjutnya. Nanti Presiden Joko Widodo akan meresmikan RDMP Balikpapan.

Pengamat Ekonomi Energi dari UGM Fahmy Radhi menyatakan, pendanaan melalui pinjaman akan memberatkan Pertamina. 

"Kalau memakai project financing tadi, Pertamina tidak bisa investasi di hulu karena harus bayar pokok pinajman dan bunga yang akan menimbulkan beban," jelas Fahmy. 

Ia memberi solusi, yakni dengan menjalin partnership dengan pihak swasta. Kepemilikan swasta bisa mencapai 60%-70%.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017

Gas Field Crickets Operate

The Jangkrik Field gas production facility operated by Eni Muara Bakau on Tuesday (31/10) was inaugurated by Ignatius Jonan, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Later gas production this field will supply the needs of domestic gas and exports. The Jangkrik production facility is also integrated with the floating production unit (FPU) located off the coast of Kutai, Makassar Strait, East Kalimantan.

This facility can be reached by sea trip for 4 hours trip from onshore receiving facility at Handil Baru, Samboja, East Kalimantan (East Kalimantan).

Eni officially became the operator of Muara Bakau Block since 2002. The discovery of the first gas reserves was discovered in 2009 at Well Jangkrik I, following the discovery in the same block in 2011 at North East Jangkrik Well. The Plan of Development (POD) at Cricket Field is approved in 2011 and North East Cricket Field in 2013.

The Cricket Field will produce 600 mmcfd or 100,000 barrels per day (bph). Therefore, this production will increase domestic gas supply to achieve the gas lifting target this year at 1, -15 million bpd and 1.2 million next year. Jonan said the speed of this project has a huge share to save the budget. This is a cost recovery project, not a gross split.

"It's because faster can save between 5% -10%, more efficient budget." His money got the public he said during the inauguration on Monday (31/10).

According to Jonan, the gas production of the project will also increase from 450 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) to 600 mmscfd. Jonan advised, the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business (SKK Migas) and operators should be able to operate efficiently.

"My appreciation of Eni Muara Bakau BV's management can be incredibly splendid,"

Jonan hopes, the production of this Cricket FPU could increase in the coming years and the contribution could double in two years.

"Probably 2019 will increase by approximately 10%," said Jonan.


Gas Lapangan Jangkrik Beroperasi

Fasilitas produksi gas Lapangan Jangkrik yang dioperasikan Eni Muara Bakau pada Selasa (31/10) diresmikan oleh Ignasius Jonan, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Nantinya produksi gas Iapangan ini akan memasok kebutuhan gas domestik dan ekspor. Fasilitas produksi Jangkrik juga terintegrasi dengan floating production unit (FPU) yang terletak di lepas pantai Kutai, Selat Makassar, Kalimantan Timur. 

Fasilitas ini dapat ditempuh melalui perjalanan Iaut selama 4 jam perjalanan dari fasilitas onshore receiving facility di Handil Baru, Samboja, Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim).

Eni resmi menjadi operator Blok Muara Bakau sejak tahun 2002. Penemuan cadangan gas pertama ditemukan pada tahun 2009 di Sumur Jangkrik I, lalu menyusul penemuan di blok yang sama pada tahun 2011 di Sumur Jangkrik North East. Plan of development (POD) di Lapangan Jangkrik disetujui tahun 2011 dan Lapangan Jangkrik North East tahun 2013.

Lapangan Gas Jangkrik ini akan menghasilkan 600 mmcfd atau setara 100,000 barel per hari (bph). Oleh karena itu, produksi ini akan menambah pasokan gas dalam negeri untuk mencapai target lifting gas bumi tahun ini sebesar 1,-15 juta bph dan 1,2 juta pada tahun depan.  Jonan mengatakan kecepatan proyek ini memiliki andil yang sangat besar untuk menghemat anggaran. Sebab, proyek ini merupakan proyek cost recovery bukan gross split. 

"Itu karena lebih cepat bisa menghemat antara 5%-10%, lebih hemat anggaran. Duitnya punya masyarakat ujarnya saat peresmian, Senin (31/10).

Menurut Jonan, produksi gas proyek ini juga akan meningkat dari 450 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) menjadi 600 mmscfd. Jonan berpesan, Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) dan operator harus bisa mengoperasikan dengan efisien.

"Saya apresiasi manajemen Eni Muara Bakau BV itu bisa hemat luar biasa," 

Jonan berharap, produksi FPU Jangkrik ini bisa meningkat di tahun-tahun mendatang dan kontribusi bisa meningkat dua kali lipat dalam dua tahun. 

"Mungkin tahun 2019 akan bertambah kira-kira 10%," ujar Jonan.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017

Cricket Field More Productive

After starting production since 3 months ago, the government finally inaugurated the operation of Cricket Gas Crash in Muara Bakau Block, Kutai Basin, waters in Makassar Strait. This project was recorded to print two things at once. First, the acceleration of the construction period of up to 6 months which means saving 10% investment cost.

Second, daily production of 600 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd) or equivalent to 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), higher than the target of 400 MMscfd.

"Production 6 months faster is a great job. That is, it can save 5% -10%, and this is good for the state because contract cost recovery pattern, "said Minister of ESDM Ignasius Jonan during the inauguration of the Jangkrik Cricket gas production facility on Tuesday (31/10).

The ceremony took place at Eni Muara Bakau's onshore receiving facility (ORF), in Handil Baru Kehutahan, Samboja District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan. Also attending the event were Italian Ambassador Vittorio Sandalli, Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi, Managing Director of Eni Indonesia Fabrizio Trilli, and President Director of PT PGN Jobi Trinanda Hasjim.

ORF functions to receive gas and condensate flow from the cricket floating production unit (FPU). Both are new facilities of the development of Cricket Field and become part of the development of integrated facilities.

Production of gas from Jangkrik will be brought to Bontang LNG Plant for domestic and export market so as to contribute significantly to the fulfillment of Indonesia's energy needs. ENI Indonesia Managing Director Fabrizio Trilli said the project is a great work of the whole team. He called the support so great and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and SKK Migas to make the Jangkrik Field project quickly completed.

According to him, on May 29, 2017, Eni has started production from gas field offshore in Indonesia, faster than expected in November 2017. The investment invested in this project reached US $ 4.3 billion. Amien Sunaryadi added that daily gas production from Cricket Field now ranges from 605-607 MMscfd.

"The plan is only 400 MMscfd. Gas is supplied to Bontang under an existing purchase agreement including Pertamina. "

The project includes North East's Cricket and Cricket Charts located in Muara Bakau Block, Kutai Basin, in the waters of the sea in the Makassar Strait, about 70 kilometers off the coast of East Kalimantan. The production was produced through ten wells under the sea connected to FPU Cricket.

The commencement of production is very significant to increase domestic gas supply and meet the target of natural gas lifting this year 1.15 million boepd, and 2018 of 1.2 million boepd.

The government is targeting to increase domestic gas usage. In 2017, the allocation of gas in the country by 62%. There are 1,000 more workers during the project phase with 94.5% of whom are Indonesian workers.


Lapangan Jangkrik Lebih Produktif

Setelah mulai berproduksi sejak 3 bulan silam, pemerintah akhirnya meresmikan beroperasinya Iapangan Gas Jangkrik di Blok Muara Bakau, Cekungan Kutai, perairan dalam Selat Makassar. Proyek ini tercatat mencetak dua hal sekaligus. Pertama, percepatan masa konstruksi hingga 6 bulan yang berarti menghemat biaya investasi 10%. 

Kedua, produksi harian 600 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) atau setara dengan 100.000 barel setara minyak per hari (boepd) , lebih tinggi dari target 400 MMscfd. 

“Bisa produksi 6 bulan lebih cepat adalah sebuah kerja yang luar biasa. Artinya, bisa hemat 5%-10%, dan ini baik untuk negara karena pola kontraknya cost recovery,” tutur Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan saat peresmian fasilitas produksi gas Iapangan Jangkrik, Selasa (31/10).

Seremoni dilakukan di area fasilitas penerimaan darat (onshore receiving facility/ORF) milik Eni Muara Bakau, di Kehutahan Handil Baru, Kecamatan Samboja, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur. Turut hadir dalam acara ini Duta Besar Italia Vittorio Sandalli, Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi, Managing Director Eni Indonesia Fabrizio Trilli, dan Dirut PT PGN Jobi Trinanda Hasjim.

ORF berfungsi menerima aliran gas dan kondensat dari floating production unit (FPU) Jangkrik. Keduanya merupakan fasilitas baru dari pengembangan Iapangan Jangkrik dan menjadi bagian dari pengembangan fasilitas yang terintegrasi.

Produksi gas dari Jangkrik akan dibawa ke Kilang LNG Bontang untuk pasar domestik dan ekspor sehingga memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan energi Indonesia. Managing Director ENI Indonesia Fabrizio Trilli mengatakan, proyek ini merupakan hasil kerja yang luar biasa seluruh tim. Dia menyebut dukungan begitu besar dan Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas menjadikan proyek Lapangan Jangkrik cepat selesai.

Menurutnya pada 29 Mei 2017, Eni telah memulai produksi dari Iapangan gas di lepas pantai Iaut dalam Indonesia, Iebih cepat daripada perkiraan November 2017. Investasi yang ditanamkan dalam proyek ini mencapai US$4,3 miliar. Amien Sunaryadi menambahkan, produksi gas harian dari Iapangan Jangkrik saat ini berkisar 605-607 MMscfd. 

“Rencananya hanya 400 MMscfd. Gas disalurkan ke Bontang sesuai perjanjian jual beli yang sudah ada termasuk dengan Pertamina.”

Proyek ini mencakup Iapangan Jangkrik dan Jangkrik North East yang terletak di Blok Muara Bakau, Cekungan Kutai, di perairan Iaut dalam Selat Makassar, sekitar 70 kilometer dari lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur. Produksi itu dihasilkan melalui sepuluh sumur bawah Iaut yang terhubung dengan FPU Jangkrik.

Dimulainya produksi sangat signifikan untuk menambah pasokan gas dalam negeri dan memenuhi target lifting gas bumi pada tahun ini 1,15 juta boepd, dan 2018 sebesar 1,2 juta boepd.

Pemerintah menargetkan untuk meningkatkan penggunaan gas di dalam negeri. Pada 2017, alokasi gas di dalam negeri sebesar 62 %. Terdapat 1.000 lebih tenaga kerja selama fase proyek dengan 94,5% di antaranya adalah tenaga kerja Indonesia. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017