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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

JOB PPEJ Do Well Treatment

Increase Oil Production

Although the contract period of Tuban Block will end at the end of February 2018, the joint operation of Pertamina Petrochina East] ava (JOB-PPEJ) is still trying to maximize production. One way to do well maintenance at oil and gas field Pad B Ngampel Village, District Kapas, Bojonegoro District. Well maintenance activities are characterized by a moving rig conducted on Thursday (07/27/2017).

"Currently the operator does not drill new wells. So that the well that still has the potential will be done to increase production, "said Field Admin Superintendent, JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima.

Akbar Pradima explains, prosoksi in Sukowati Block has decreased. Therefore, JOB PPEJ does well maintenance which still have potential. The moving rig process is also in accordance with the procedure. Prior to moving rigs, his side had applied for permission to the village party to the local police.

"As a KKKS working under the control and supervision of SKK Migas, JOB PPEJ conducts all activities in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations," he said.

Although had received threats of blocking from residents, but moving rig is done at 08.00 WIB runs smoothly. Before that the Village Government (Pemdes) Ngampel, Kecamatan Kapas had threatened to block the access road to Pad B before there is payment of Village Cash Land (TKD) which is now used as access road entrance Pad B.


JOB PPEJ Lakukan Perawatan Sumur

Tingkatkan Produksi Minyak

Meski masa kontrak Blok Tuban akan berakhir di akhir Februari 2018 nanti, namun Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East ]ava (JOB-PPEJ) tetap berupaya memaksimalkan produksi. Salah satu caranya melakukan perawatan sumur di lapangan migas Pad B Desa Ngampel, Kecamatan Kapas, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Kegiatan perawatan sumur ini ditandai dengan moving rig yang dilakukan, Kamis (27/7/2017). 

“Saat ini pihak operator tidak melakukan pengeboran sumur baru. Sehingga sumur yang masih memiliki potensi akan dilakukan perawatan untuk menambah produksi,” kata Field Admin Superintendent, JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima.

Akbar Pradima menjelaskan, prosuksi di Blok Sukowati ini sudah menurun. Karena itu JOB PPEJ melakukan perawatan sumur yang masih punya potensi. Proses moving rig ini juga sudah sesuai prosedur. Sebelum melakukan moving rig, pihaknya sudah mengajukan izin kepada pihak desa yang ditujukan kepihak kepolisian setempat. 

"Sebagai KKKS yang bekerja di bawah pengendalian dan pengawasan SKK Migas, JOB PPEJ melakukan semua kegiatan sesuai prosedur dan aturan yang berlaku," katanya.

Meski sempat mendapat ancaman pemblokiran dari warga, namun moving rig dilakukan pukul 08.00 WIB berjalan Iancar. Sebelum itu Pemerintah Desa (Pemdes) Ngampel, Kecamatan Kapas sempat mengancam melakukan aksi pemblokiran akses jalan menuju Pad B sebelum ada pembayaran Tanah Kas Desa (TKD) yang sekarang digunakan sebagai akses jalan masuk Pad B.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Friday, July 28, 2017

BBS Bojonegoro Targets Manage Oil Wells Next Month

PT Bojonegoro Bangun Sarana (BBS) BUMD Owned by Bojonegoro Regency Government (Reggovt) Bojonegoro, targets to start managing oil well field in the sub-district of the council, early August.

"BBS can manage the field of old oil wells dikecamatan Kedewan, early August," said Director of PT BBS Bojonegoro Toni Ade Irawan, Thursday (27/07/2017).

Currently PT BBS with PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Central Java, is still discussing cooperation agreement in the management of old oil well field in Wonocolo, Hargomulyo and Beji Village, Kedewan Sub-district. According to the agreement of all oil wells in the three villages with a total of 700 well managed points.


BBS Bojonegoro Targetkan Kelola Sumur Minyak Bulan Depan

PT Bojonegoro Bangun Sarana (BBS) BUMD Milik Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro (Pemkab) Bojonegoro, mentargetkan akan mulai mengelola lapangan sumur minyak di kecamatan kedewan, awal agustus.

"BBS bisa mengelola lapangan sumur minyak tua dikecamatan Kedewan, awal agustus ," kata Direktur PT BBS Bojonegoro Toni Ade Irawan, Kamis (27/07/2017). 

    Saat ini PT BBS dengan dengan PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah, masih melakukan pembahasan perjanjian kerjasama dalam pengelolaan lapangan sumur minyak tua di Desa Wonocolo, Hargomulyo dan Beji, Kecamatan Kedewan. Sesuai perjanjian kerjasama semua sumur minyak di tiga desa itu dengan sejumlah 700 titik sumur yang dikelola. 

Surabaya Pagi, Page-5, Friday, July 28, 2017

Maximize Production, JOB-PPEJ Caring for Wells

By the end of the contract, the Joint Operating Body of Pertamina Petro China East Java (JOB PPEJ) strives to maximize production. One of the ways to do well maintenance in oil field Pad B in Ngampel Village, Kapas Subdistrict, Bojonegoro Regency. Well maintenance activities are characterized by a moving rig on Thursday (27/7).

"Currently, the operators do not drill new wells, so that wells will still have potential to be treated to increase production," said Field Admin Superintendent, JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima.

Akbar Pradima explained that production in Sukowati Block has decreased. Therefore, JOB PPEJ does well maintenance which still have potential. The moving rig process is also in accordance with the procedure. Prior to moving rigs, his side had applied for permission to the village party to the local police.

"As a Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) working under the control and supervision of SKK Migas, JOB PPEJ conducts all activities in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable.


Maksimalkan Produksi, JOB-PPEJ Merawat Sumur

Menjelang masa kontrak Blok Tuban akan berakhir di akhir Februari 2018, namun Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petro China East Java (JOB PPEJ) tetap berupaya memaksimalkan produksi. Salah satu caranya melakukan perawatan sumur di lapangan migas Pad B di Desa Ngampel, Kecamatan Kapas, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Kegiatan perawatan sumur ini ditandai dengan moving rig yang dilakukan, Kamis (27/7). 

"Saat ini pihak operator tidak  melakukan pengeboran sumur baru. Sehingga, sumur yang masih memiliki potensi akan dilakukan perawatan untuk menambah produksi," ujar Field Admin Superintendent, JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima. 

    Akbar Pradima menjelaskan, produksi di Blok Sukowati ini sudah menurun. Karena itu JOB PPEJ melakukan perawatan sumur yang masih punya potensi. Proses moving rig ini juga sudah sesuai prosedur. Sebelum melakukan moving rig, pihaknya sudah mengajukan izin kepada pihak desa yang ditujukan kepihak kepolisian setempat.

"Sebagai Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) yang bekerja dibawah pengendalian dan pengawasan SKK Migas, JOB PPEJ melakukan semua kegiatan sesuai prosedur dan aturan yang berlaku katanya.

Bhirawa, Page-8, Friday, July 28, 2017

East Natuna Block Offered, Included to Inpex

The government opens opportunities for other oil and gas contractors to participate in the management of East Natuna Block after being abandoned by Exxon Mobil. Including if Inpex Corp is interested to enter into East Natuna gas project. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar stated that the government opens opportunities for any investor to participate in East Natuna project development.

"The government offers it to anyone, including Inpex," Arcandra said on Thursday (27/7). The government will support if Inpex really want to invest in East Natuna Block.

"Inpex want to go in please, I support him even ESDM Ministry is ready if there is a oil and gas company that wants to have a participating interest in East Natuna Block.

"If you want to enter East Natuna, its more than welcome." If you want to enter East Natuna, I facilitate, "he added. The government is aware that PT Pertamina can not work on its own East Natuna Block project after the decision of Exxonmobil and PTT Thailand to exit the project. Understandably, the East Natuna Block project requires high cost technology because of the considerable CO2 content, up to 72%.


Blok East Natuna Ditawarkan, Termasuk ke Inpex 

Pemerintah membuka kesempatan bagi kontraktor migas lain ikut dalam pengelolaan Blok East Natuna pasca ditinggal Exxon Mobil. Termasuk jika Inpex Corp berminat masuk ke dalam proyek gas East Natuna. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menyatakan, pemerintah membuka peluang bagi investor mana saja ikut dalam pengembangan proyek East Natuna. 

"Pemerintah menawarkan ke siapa saja, termasuk Inpex, " kata Arcandra pada.Kamis (27/7). Pemerintah akan mendukung jika Inpex benar-benar mau berinvestasi di Blok East Natuna. 

"Inpex mau masuk silahkan, saya mendukung ujarnya. Bahkan Kementerian ESDM siap jika ada perusahaan migas yang ingin memiliki participating Interest di Blok East Natuna. 

"Kalau mau masuk East Natuna, its more than welcome. Kalau mau masuk East Natuna, saya fasilitasi, " imbuhnya. Pemerintah menyadari, PT Pertamina tidak bisa mengerjakan proyek Blok East Natuna sendiri setelah keputusan Exxonmobil dan PTT Thailand keluar dari proyek tersebut. Maklum, proyek Blok East Natuna membutuhkan teknologi dengan biaya tinggi karena adanya kandungan CO2 yang cukup besar, hingga mencapai 72%.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, July 28, 2017

Revised Rules, EMR Involves Entrepreneurs

Ministry of Energy and Resources. Minerals (ESDM) assembled the directors of state-owned enterprises in energy and minerals, as well as the chairman of the association on energy and oil and gas, on Thursday (27/7). They were asked to provide input to revise Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 42/2017 on Supervision of Business Exploitation in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector. 

    Hendra Sinadia Deputy Executive Director of the Indonesian Coal Producers Association (APBI) said the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has heard business complaints related to the plan to revise ESDM Ministerial Regulation no. 42.

Unfortunately, Hendrix said the mineral and coal sectors in the revised draft have not changed. The transfer of shares and changes to the board of commissioners must still require approval from the Minister of EMR,

"The provisions in Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No 42/2017 are consistent with the provisions in the Limited Company Law and also in the Contract of Work (PKP2B)," he said.

Coal Contract of Work and Working Agreement of Coal Mining Concession (PKP2B) change of commissioner directors Must be approved but by the Director General of Mineral and Batubaru not to the Minister of EMR.

"I think it should be reporting only," he said.

Meanwhile, Chief Executive of the Association of Indonesian Private Electric Manufacturers (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang said the proposals from business actors of electricity developers have been heard by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, reviewed, Ministerial Regulation No 42/2017.

"Positive There will be a revised Minister Regulation according to the proposal," he said.

The revised draft of Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No 42/2017 mentioned that the share transfer and the change of directors are no longer through the approval of the Minister of EMR. For ESDM Minister Regulation No 42/2017 APLSI feel the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources quite responsive with the proposal. 

    Understandably, the electricity sector should be made easier because it becomes a priority. In addition to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No 42/2017. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also discuss about the rules in the field of electricity.

"But no details," he said, He stated, APLSI will provide advice on the rules of electricity that has been published. "Must be discussed one-on-one, do not know (revised), we'll see the progress," he said.

Riza Husni, Chairman of the Association of Power Plants, Water Power, said, at the request of the President, during the meeting of Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said will conduct evaluation of all Ministerial Regulation of EMR this year. Including Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources concerning electricity, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 10, No. 12, No. 43 years 2017.

"Ministerial Regulation 12 is amended to Ministerial Regulation 43 and will be re-evaluated," he said.

In Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No 43/2017 there is still a build, own, operate and transfer (BOOT) article and negotiated electricity price. Riza said, the Deputy Minister promised to immediately revise again. "The promise is immediate, the Deputy Minister said the rules should be accepted as regulated, If not accepted not the rules of his name." He said.

As for oil and gas, in the revised draft mentioned the transfer of participation rights through the approval of ministers, but consider the input of Head of SKK Migas. The changes of directors and share transfer are now only reporting, not the approval of the Minister of EMR.

Accommodate input

Meanwhile, Arcandra said, in the meeting the government gets positive feedback from businessmen.

"We listen to some of our proposed changes, they welcome positively", "he said.

It is open to improving regulations other than Ministerial Regulation 42/2017 which is considered to inhibit investment. "Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 43 concerning Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH), there is a proposal to or not to do business to business scheme (B to B) but the determination of our tariff review, our proposal is accommodated," he said.

While in the oil and gas sector, will issue the rules of gross split taxation. This regulation is considered to provide certainty for oil and gas investment.

"We are currently preparing for a gross split taxation, this provides a more progressive certainty from the revision of Government Regulation 79, we try to give more incentives," he said.

In the minerals sector, there is little input from mining business actors to revise regulations such as Ministerial Decree 5/2017 on Increasing Mineral Added Value through Processing and Purifying Activities of Minerals Affairs and Ministerial Regulation 6/2017 on Procedures and Requirements for Providing a Sales Selling Recommendation for Minerals Overseas Management and Purification Results.

"It was mentioned, smelter businessmen need our facilitation to get better," said Arcandra.


Revisi Aturan, ESDM Melibatkan Pengusaha

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya. Mineral (ESDM) mengumpulkan para direksi BUMN di bidang energi  dan minerba, serta ketua asosiasi bidang Energi dan migas, pada Kamis (27/7). Mereka diminta memberikan masukan untuk merevisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM  No 42/2017 Tentang Pengawasan Pengusahaan Pada Kegiatan Usaha di Sektor Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. 

    Hendra Sinadia Deputi Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Produsen Batubara Indonesia (APBI) mengatakan, Kementerian ESDM telah mendengar keluhan dunia usaha terkait rencana  merevisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM no 42. 

Namun sayang, kata Hendrix untuk sektor mineral dan batubara pada draft revisi masih belum berubah. Pengalihan saham dan perubahan direksi komisaris masih harus memerlukan persetujuan dari Menteri ESDM, 

"Seharusnya ketentuan dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 42/2017 konsisten dengan ketentuan di UU Perseroan Terbatas dan juga dalam Kontrak Karya Serta (PKP2B)," katanya

    Kontrak Karya dan Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) perubahan  direksi komisaris Wajib mendapat persetujuan tetapi oleh Dirjen Mineral dan Batubaru bukan kepada Menteri ESDM. 

"Saya kira sebaiknya kewajiban tersebut bersifat pelaporan saja," kata dia. 

Sementara itu,  Ketua Harian Asosiasi Produsen Listrik Swasta Indonesia (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang mengatakan, usulan dari pelaku usaha pengembang listrik sudah didengarkan oleh Kementerian ESDM, terkaji, Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 42/2017. 

"Positif. Akan ada revisi Peraturan Menteri sesuai usulan," kata dia. 

Draf revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 42/2017 manyebutkan, pengalihan  saham dan pergantian direksi tidak lagi melalui persetujuan Menteri ESDM. Untuk Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 42/2017 APLSI merasa Kementerian ESDM cukup tanggap dengan usulan. 

     Maklum, sektor ketenagalistrikan memang harus dipermudah sebab menjadi prioritas. Selain Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 42/2017. Kementerian ESDM juga membahas soal aturan di bidang kelistrikan. 

"Tetapi tidak detail," ujarnya, Dia menyatakan, APLSI akan memberikan saran atas aturan-aturan  listrik yang sudah terbit. “Harus dibahas satu-satu, belum tahu (direvisi), kita lihat saja perkembangan," ujarnya. 

Riza Husni, Ketua Asosiasi Pembangkit, Listrik Tenaga Air, menyebutkan, sesuai permintaan Presiden, saat rapat Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar bilang akan melakukan evaluasi semua Peraturan Menteri ESDM tahun ini. Termasuk Peraturan Menteri ESDM soal kelistrikan yakni Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 10, No. 12, No. 43 tahun 2017. 

"Peraturan Menteri 12 diubah ke Peraturan Menteri 43 dan akan  dievaluasi kembali," kata dia. 

Dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 43/2017 masih ada pasal build, own, operate and transfer (BOOT) dan harga listrik negosiasi. Riza bilang, Wakil Menteri berjanji  akan segera melakukan revisi kembali. "Janjinya segera. Wakil Menteri bilang aturan itu harus diterima yang diatur, Kalau tidak diterima bukan aturan namanya." ungkap dia. 

Sementara untuk migas, dalam draf revisi menyebutkan peralihan hak partisipasi melalui persetujuan menteri, tetapi mempertimbangkan masukan Kepala SKK Migas. Adapun perubahan direksi dan pengalihan saham kini hanya pelaporan saja, bukan persetujuan Menteri ESDM.

Menampung masukan 

Sementara itu Arcandra bilang, dalam pertemuan tersebut pemerintah mendapatkan masukan positif  dari pengusaha. 

"Kami dengarkan. Ada beberapa yang kami usulkan perubahannya, mereka menyambut positif"," ujarnya. 

Pihaknya terbuka untuk memperbaiki regulasi selain Peraturan Menteri 42/2017  yang dianggap menghambat investasi. “Peraturan Menteri ESDM 43 yang tentang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH), ada usul bisa atau tidak jangan skema business to business (B to B) tapi penetapan tarif kami review, usulan kami tampung,"  ujarnya. 

Sedangkan di sektor migas, akan mengeluarkan aturan perpajakan gross split. Aturan ini  dianggap memberi kepastian bagi investasi migas. 

"Kami sedang menyusun perpajakan gross split, ini memberi kepastian yang mungkin lebih progresif lagi dari revisi Peraturan Pemerintah 79, kami coba memberi insentif lebih lagi," ujarnya. 

Di sektor minerba, tidak banyak masukan dari pelaku usaha pertambangan untuk merevisi aturan seperti Peraturan Menteri 5/2017 tentang Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Mineral Melalui Kegiatan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral Dalam Negeri dan Peraturan Menteri 6/2017 tentang Tata Cara dan Persyaratan Pemberian Rekomendasi Pelaksanaan Penjualan Mineral ke Luar Negeri Hasil Pengelolaan dan Pemurnian. 

"Tadi disinggung, pengusaha smelter perlu  kami fasilitasi agar bisa lebih baik," tutur Arcandra.  

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, July 28, 2017

For Efficiency, Pertamina EP Integrated Facilities

PT Pertamina EP continues its efficiency. One way is to integrate production facilities. Such as the integration of production facilities Paku Gadjah Development Project with Asset 2 are both located in South Sumatra.

President Director of PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf said that Paku Gadjah Field is a gas field development project in Pagardewa, Kuang and Gajah area in Muara Enim Regency and Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The current status of Paku Gadjah is handover the production facility of gas collection station (SPG) Paku Gajah capacity 45 mmscfd. Also SPG Kuang with capacity 25 mmscfd.

The purpose of the formation of Paku Gadjah is to accelerate the monetization of assets, thus obtaining exploration potential in the structure of Pagardewa, Karangdewa, Prabumenang, Tasim, Pemaat, Huang Selatan, Lavatera and Piretriuni. Thus, it can be economically produced.

"This project is an integration of existing production facilities," continued Nanang, in a press release on Wednesday (27/7). Pertamina EP also implements an integrated operating system, in order to ensure the validity of production operations through the network.


Demi Efisiensi, Pertamina EP lntegrasikan Fasilitas

PT Pertamina EP terus melakukan efisiensi. Salah satu caranya, melakukan integrasi fasilitas produksi. Seperti integrasi fasilitas produksi Paku Gadjah Development Project dengan Asset 2 yang sama-sama berada di Sumatra Selatan. 

Presiden Direktur  PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, Lapangan Paku Gadjah merupakan proyek pengembangan lapangan gas di area Pagardewa, Kuang dan Gajah di Kabupaten Muara Enim dan Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu. Status saat ini Paku Gadjah sedang serah terima fasilitas produksi stasiun pengumpul gas (SPG) Paku Gajah kapasitas 45 mmscfd. Juga SPG Kuang dengan kapasitas 25 mmscfd. 

Tujuan  pembentukan Paku Gadjah adalah mempercepat monetisasi aset, sehingga mendapat potensi eksplorasi di struktur Pagardewa, Karangdewa, Prabumenang, Tasim, Pemaat, Huang Selatan, Lavatera dan Piretriuni. Jadi, dapat diproduksikan secara ekonomis. 

"Proyek ini merupakan integrasi dari fasilitas produksi yang telah ada," lanjut Nanang, dalam siaran pers, Rabu (27/7). Pertamina EP juga menerapkan sistem operasi terpadu, agar memastikan validitas angka operasi produksi melalui jaringan. 

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, July 28, 2017

The price of oil is hot

The price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil continues to strengthen. Thursday (27/7), at 18.30 WIB, WTI oil price of September 2017 delivery contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange rose 0.20% to US $ 48.80 per barrel-compared to the previous day. In fact, the price of oil this time soared 4.11% in a week.

Oil prices continued to rise as Energy Information Administration (EIA) released crude inventories in the United States (US) fell 7.21 million barrels per day last week. This is the lowest level since January 6, 2017. In addition, crude oil stocks in the State of Uncle Sam also reduced to 483.8 million barrels last week. Gasoline reserves fell to 2302 million barrels. Support for oil prices is getting stronger as Nigeria's oil production slows again. This is in line with the leaking oil pipeline of Shell, which contributes Nigeria's oil export of 180,000 barrels per day.

"So far the sentiment is positive, said Research & Analyst Monex Investindo Futures Agus Chandra

Supply Over

Meanwhile, Research & Analyst Asia Tradepoint Futures Deddy Yusuf Siregar said the price of oil is still likely to strengthen up to US $ 49.15 per barrel. If oil can penetrate the price, then oil trend enter the bullish phase. However, supply flood fears still come from some OPEC members, such as Nigeria, Iraq and Libya. The three countries had the freedom to do production.

"For the long term, there is still potential for correction if the three countries are still free of production," Deddy said, Thursday (28/7) oil price will move in the range of US $ 47.75 to US $ 49, 15 per barrel, while Agus predicts, until the next week oil price will move in the range of US $ 42.62-US $ 50, 78 per barrel.


Harga Minyak Semakin Panas

Harga minyak mentah West Texas Intermediate (WTI) terus menguat. Kamis (27/7), pukul  18.30 WIB, harga minyak WTI kontrak pengiriman September 2017 di New York Mercantile Exchange naik 0,20% menjadi US$ 48,80 per barrel dibanding hari sebelumnya. Bahkan, harga minyak kali ini melesat 4,11% dalam sepekan. 

Harga minyak terus naik lantaran Energy Information Administration (EIA) merilis jumlah persediaan minyak mentah di Amerika Serikat (AS) turun 7,21 juta barel per hari pada pekan lalu. Ini merupakan level terendah sejak 6 Januari  2017. Selain itu, stok minyak mentah di Negeri Paman Sam juga berkurang menjadi 483,8 juta barel pekan lalu. 

     Cadangan bensin pun turun menjadi 2302 juta barel. Sokongan bagi harga minyak semakin kuat lantaran produksi minyak Nigeria kembali melambat. Hal ini seiring bocornya pipa minyak milik Shell, yang menyumbang ekspor minyak Nigeria sebesar 180.000  barel per hari. 

"Sejauh ini sentimennya positif, kata Research & Analyst Monex Investindo Futures  Agus Chandra

Banjir Pasokan 

Sementara, Research & Analyst Asia Tradepoint Futures Deddy Yusuf Siregar menyebut, harga  minyak masih berpeluang menguat hingga US$ 49,15 per barel. Jika minyak bisa menembus harga tersebut, maka tren minyak masuk fase bullish. Namun, kekhawatiran banjir pasokan tetap datang  dari beberapa anggota OPEC, seperti Nigeria, Irak dan Libia. Tiga negara tadi mendapat kebebasan melakukan produksi. 

"Untuk jangka panjang harga minyak masih ada potensi koreksi jika ketiga  negara tersebut masih bebas produksi, tambah Deddy.  Menurut, hasil analisa Deddy, harga  minyak hari kamis (28/7) akan bergerak di kisaran US$ 47,75-US$ 49,15 per barel. Sedangkan Agus meramal, hingga sepekan ke depan harga minyak akan bergerak di rentang US$ 42,62-US$ 50, 78 per barel. 

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, July 28, 2017

Anxious Businessman, Jonan Rules Revised


     The Government immediately invited all business actors in the energy sector to request input Related to the revision plan of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 42/2017 on the Control of Enterprises on Business Activities in the EMR Sector.

The rules has been in effect since it was issued on July 17, 2017. However, the regulation received a negative response from oil and gas, mining, coal, electricity and geothermal business actors.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Teguh Pamudji said it invited the perpetrators Energy sector efforts today (27/7) to provide feedback on rules. The change of article in the rules is suggestion and business actor.

"We asked for an opinion for revision. Indeed tomorrow so be like that [business proposal], "he said

According to him, the event gives opinions and business actors will be led by Vice Minister of EMR Arcandra Hold From his invitation, Some representatives of business actors are expected to attend, namely PT Pertamina, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara, PT Timah, PT Aneka Tambang and PT Bukit Asam.

In addition, the ESDM Ministry also invited associations such as the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), the Indonesian Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA), the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI), the Indonesian Mining Association (IMA), the Association of Indonesian Private Electric Manufacturers (APLSI), the Association Geothermal (API) and Renewable Energy Society of Indonesia (METI).

In the rules, the ESDM Minister has the authority to reject the change of directors. Whereas the appointment of directors was agreed upon Through the general meeting of shareholders (GMS) which has been regulated in Law no. 40/2007 on Limited Liability Companies.

In the upstream oil and gas sector, Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) has the authority to reject share transfers and share transfer of participation. Oil and Gas Upstream Analyst Wood Mackenzie Johan Utama said any regulation that adds bureaucracy also limits the movement of business actors will reduce investor interest.

"Regulations that are considered to limit or add to the complexity of bureaucracy in a sector will further reduce investor interest," he said. Upstream Analyst Oil and Gas Wood Mackenzie Johan Utama

He considered, the newly issued regulations received a negative response from business actors. On the negative response of business actors, the government revised regulations. On the positive side, he called the government to respond to the complaints of business actors. On the other hand, it is Giving the impression that the policy is made less mature. Thus, the perception that there is low regulatory stability in Indonesia.

Earlier, President Joko Widodo reminded the minister to be careful in issuing new regulations. Regulations that narrow the investor space will not support government efforts to increase the realization of investment.

     Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said it was still reviewing what rules  would be improved to make the investment climate more conducive. Since 2017, there have been 44 Regulations of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources signed by Ignatius Jonan.

"We're studying," said Arcandra.

Meanwhile, energy business entrepreneurs are concerned with the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources that will supervise the company in a manner Directly including changes to directors and share ownership.

Businesspeople in the energy sector assess the meeting as a form of government intervention that could disrupt the company's performance. The regulation states that the government will oversee direct changes to the directors of private companies in energy sectors.


Riza Husni, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Hydroelectric Power, said that the regulation is a form of intervention that could disrupt the business world. The government may arbitrarily determine the board of directors of a company.

"It could be the government putting people who do not know at all about energy in a company, for example Retirees from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, or anyone else, "he said

In fact, he said, the regulation is controlled by a group of people who want to have a position in the company. Riza explained, the government should be able to issue policies that improve the investment climate in the energy sector.
Currently, there are still many problems in the field of electricity and other energy that still need to be given a solution.

"For example low cost of production cost [BPP] of electricity or giving intensive to companies and the like."

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 42/2017 it also requires the company to request Approval from the government in the transfer of shares

Deputy Executive Director of the Indonesian Mining Association, Hendra Sinadia, said mining and mineral business actors Coal (minerba) will mita government's explanation of the policy.

Chairman of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) on Energy and Mineral Resources Sammy Hamzah said it would seek clarity from the government to determine appropriate measures, such as the revision of ruless.

"The world of oil and gas business can be disturbed by the regulation. Already many reports from friends of business actors. Government is Arbitrarily in determining directors and transfer of shares, "said Sammy who also serves as Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association.

Meanwhile, Head of Communications, Public Information Services and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Sujatmiko explained that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 42/2017 is nothing new, but a reaffirmation of the legislation on which coaching and supervision are based of Minister of EMR.

"For example, when Medco took over Newmont and Adaro took over BHP, so so far each of the Directors General or Head of SKK has evaluated based on existing work guidelines standards. The evaluation is submitted to the Minister of EMR, "explained Sujatmiko.

Energy expert University of Indonesia Garniwa rate, thr rule it as the implementation of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, which is done through increased supervision in the energy sector and mineral resources in order to realize the benefits as much as possible for the welfare of the people. According to him, the government needs to be strict in implementing rules despite reaping contradictions.


Pebisnis Cemas, Aturan Jonan Direvisi


Pemerintah segera mengundang seluruh pelaku usaha di sektor energi untuk meminta masukan Terkait dengan rencana revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 42/2017 tentang Pengawasan Pengusahaan pada Kegiatan Usaha di Sektor ESDM.

Beleid itu telah berlaku sejak diterbitkan pada 17 Juli 2017. Namun, regulasi itu langsung mendapat respons negatif dari pelaku usaha minyak dan gas bumi, pertambangan, batu bara, kelistrikan, dan panas bumi.

Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Teguh Pamudji mengatakan, pihaknya mengundang pelaku usaha sektor energi pada hari ini (27/7) untuk memberikan masukan terkait dengan beleid itu. Perubahan pasal dalam beleid itu merupakan saran-saran dan pelaku usaha.

“Kami minta pendapat untuk revisi. Memang besok ya jadi seperti itu [usulan pelaku usaha]," ujarnya 

Menurutnya, acara memberikan pendapat dan pelaku usaha akan dipimpin Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahan Dari undangannya, beberapa perwakilan pelaku usaha yang diharapkan hadir, yakni PT Pertamina, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara, PT Timah, PT Aneka Tambang,  dan PT Bukit Asam.

Selain itu, Kementerian ESDM juga mengundang asosiasi seperti Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), Indonesian Natural Gas Trader Assocation (INGTA), Asosiasi Penambangan Batubara Indonesia (APBI), Indonesian Mining Association (IMA), Asosiasi Produsen Listrik Swasta Indonesia (APLSI), Asosiasi Panas bumi (API) dan Masyarakat Energi Terbarukan Indonesia (METI). 

Daiam beleid itu, Menteri ESDM memiliki kewenangan untuk menolak perubahan direksi. Padahal penunjukkan direksi disepakati melalui rapat umum pemegang saham (RUPS) yang telah diatur dalam Undang Undang No. 40/2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.

Di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi, Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) memiliki wewenang untuk menolak peralihan saham dan peralihan saham partisipasi. Analis Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Wood Mackenzie Johan Utama mengatakan, regulasi apapun yang menambah birokrasi juga membatasi gerak pelaku usaha akan mengurangi minat investor.

“Regulasi yang dianggap membatasi atau menambah kerumitan birokrasi di suatu sektor akan semakin mengurangi minat investor,” katanya. Analis Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Wood Mackenzie Johan Utama

Dia menilai, regulasi yang baru diterbitkan mendapat respons negatif dari pelaku usaha. Atas respons negatif pelaku usaha, pemerintah melakukan revisi peraturan. Sisi positifnya, dia menyebut pemerintah mau merespons keluhan pelaku usaha. Di sisi lain, hal tersebut menimbulkan kesan bahwa kebijakan dibuat kurang matang. Dengan demikian, persepsi yang timbul justru rendahnya kestabilan regulasi di Indonesia.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Joko Widodo mengingatkan agar menteri berhati-hati dalam mengeluarkan regulasi baru. Regulasi yang mempersempit ruang investor tak akan mendukung upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan realisasi penanaman modal. 

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pihaknya masih mengkaji beleid mana yang kira-kira akan diperbaiki untuk membuat iklim investasi lebih kondusif. Sejak 2017, sudah ada 44 Peraturan Menteri ESDM yang diteken Ignasius Jonan. 

“Sedang kami kaji," kata Arcandra.

Sementara itu, pelaku usaha bidaang energi cemas dengan adanya Peraturan Menteri ESDM yang akan mmengawasi perusahaan secara langsung termasuk perubahan direksi dan kepemilikan saham.

Pebisnis di sektor energi menilai pertemuan itu sebagai bentuk intervensi pemerintah yang dapat menganggu kinerja perusahaan. Dalam aturan itu dijelaskan pemerintah akan mengawasi secara langsung perubahan direksi perusahaan swasta di seklor energi.


Riza Husni, Ketua Asosiasi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Indonesia, mengatakan bahwa aturan tersebut bentuk intervensi yang bisa mengganggu dunia usaha. Pemerintah bisa saja sewenang-wenang menentukan direksi suatu perusahaan.

“Bisa saja pemerintah menempatkan orang-orang yang tidak tahu sama sekali tentang energi di suatu perusahaan, misalnya pensiunan dari Kementerian ESDM, atau siapa saja,” katanya 

Bahkan, dia menyebutkan, peraturan tersebut dikendalikan oleh sekelompok orang yang ingin punya jabatan di perusahaan. Riza menjelaskan, seharusnya pemerintah dapat mengeluarkan kebijakan yang meningkatkan iklim investasi di sektor energi. Saat ini, masih banyak masalah di bidang kelistrikan dan energi lainnya yang masih perlu diberikan solusi.

“Misalnya tarif biaya pokok produksi [BPP] listrik yang rendah atau memberikan intensif kepada perusahaan dan semacamnya."

Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. Peraturan Menteri ESDM 1 No. 42/2017 tersebut juga mewajibkan perusahaan meminta persetujuan dari pemerintah dalam pengalihan saham

Deputi Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Pertambangan Indonesia Hendra Sinadia mengatakan, pelaku usaha pertambangan mineral dan batu bara (minerba) akan mita penjelasan pemerintah atas kebijakan itu.

Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) Bidang Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Sammy Hamzah mengatakan, pihaknya akan meminta kejelasan dari pemerintah untuk mementukan langkah yang tepat, seperti revisi aturan itu.

“Dunia usaha migas bisa terganggu dengan aturan itu. Sudah banyak laporan dari teman-teman pelaku usaha. Pemerintah bersifat semena-mena dalam menentukan direksi dan pengalihan saham,” kata Sammy yang juga menjabat sebagai Direktur Indonesian Petroleum Association.

Sementara itu, Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Sujatmiko menjelaskan, muatan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 42/2017 bukan hal yang baru, melainkan penegasan kembali dari perundang-undangan yang menjadi dasar pembinaan dan pengawasan oleh Menteri ESDM.

"Dari dulu memang perlu persetujuan menteri. Contoh, saat Medco mengambil alih Newmont dan Adaro mengambil alih BHP. Jadi selama ini masing-masing Direktur Jenderal atau Kepala SKK mengevaluasi berdasarkan standar pedoman kerja yang ada. Hasil evaluasinya diserahkan ke Menteri ESDM,” terang Sujatmiko.

Pakar energi Universitas Indonesia Garniwa menilai, beleid itu sebagai implementasi Pasal 33 ayat (3) UUD 1945, yang dilakukan melalui peningkatan pengawasan di sektor energi dan sumber daya mineral guna mewujudkan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya bagi kemakmuran rakyat. Menurutnya, pemerintah perlu bersifat tegas menjalankan aturan itu meski menuai pertentangan. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, July 27, 2017

Presidential Regulation of Gas Network Will Soon Rise

Construction of gas network became one of the flagship programs of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Through the development of the gas network is expected to reduce state expenditure to import Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

      So it is no wonder every year the government continues to spend funds to build a gas network. Later the government also plans to issue a Presidential Regulation related gas network for the construction can be faster.

Director of Planning and Development of Infrastructure and Development of Oil and Gas Infrastructure of ESDM Alimuddin Baso said the presence of the Perpres placed the gas network into the national strategic project. Thus, all stakeholders, both central and local government, must support the gas network project.

"So there is no such thing as a permit, if it can be a day, why should a week, that is an example," said Alimuddin, Wednesday (27/7).

So far there have been one to two areas that are good enough in giving permission to build gas network.

"We are spreading that information, becoming a prototype for other areas," he said.

In addition to regulating the national strategic project, the Presidential Regulation of Gas Network will also regulate the allocation of gas which has been the obstacle to network development. Including the issue of toll fee will also be regulated in the Presidential Regulation.

"Until now, the toll fee has all regulation, and when we want to reach the toll tariff, there must be a trigger, the trigger must be regulated," said Alimuddin. The completion of this toll fee must be changed through regulation.

"So there is lex specialis in there, if we look for conventional way does not finish the problem," said Alimuddin.

This Presidential Regulation is being harmonized in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and is expected to be published soon.

"There is usually a discussion once again," he said. For information, the government since the end of 2016 has set the allocation of funds for the construction of gas networks in the 2017 Budget (APBN), the Government targets 57,000 household connections (SR) can be built this year. But until mid-2017, network construction has just begun.

"Just got a winner in April-May, so just started shopping goods, mobilization," he said.


Peraturan Presiden Jaringan Gas Akan Segera Terbit

Pembangunan jaringan gas menjadi Salah satu program unggulan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Melalui pembangunan jaringan gas tersebut diharapkan bisa menekan pengeluaran negara untuk impor Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) .

      Maka tidak heran setiap tahun pemerintah terus mengeluarkan dana untuk membangun jaringan gas. Belakangan pemerintah juga berencana menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden terkait jaringan gas agar pembangunan bisa lebih cepat.

Direktur Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Migas ESDM Alimuddin Baso mengatakan,  kehadiran perpres tersebut  menempatkan jaringan gas masuk dalam proyek strategis nasional. Dengan begitu suluruh pemangku kepentingan, baik pemerintah pusat maupun daerah harus mendukung proyek jaringan gas.

"Jadi tidak ada lagi misalnya harus ada izin. Kalau bisa sehari, kenapa harus sepekan, itu contoh," kata Alimuddin, Rabu (27/7).   

Sejauh ini sudah ada satu hingga dua daerah yang sudah cukup bagus dalam memberikan izin pembangunan jaringan gas.  

"Kami menyebarkan informasi itu, menjadi suatu prototipe untuk daerah lain, " katanya.

Selain mengatur soal proyek strategis nasional, Peraturan Presiden Jaringan Gas juga akan mengatur mengenai alokasi gas yang selama ini menjadi kendala pembangunan jaringan. Termasuk soal masalah toll fee juga akan diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden tersebut. 

"Selama ini toll fee punya regulasi semua. Ketika kami ingin mencapai tarif tol tentu harus ada trigger, ya trigger harus regulasi  juga," kata  Alimuddin. Penyelesaian mengenai toll fee ini memang harus diubah melalui regulasi. 

“Supaya ada lex specialis di situ, kalau kami mencari cara konvensional tidak selesai masalahnya,” ujar Alimuddin.

Peraturan Presiden ini sedang dalam harmonisasi di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM dan diharapkan bisa  segera terbit.

"Biasanya ada pembahasan sekali lagi," ujarnya. Sebagai informasi, pemerintah sejak akhir tahun 2016 telah menetapkan alokasi dana untuk pembangunan jaringan gas dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja (APBN) 2017, Pemerintah menargetkan Sebanyak 57.000 sambungan rumah tangga (SR) bisa dibangun pada tahun ini. Namun hingga pertengahan tahun 2017, pembangunan jaringan baru saja dimulai. 

"Baru saja dapat pemenang di bulan April-Mei, sehingga baru saja mulai belanja barang, mobilisasi," kata dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, July 27, 2017