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Showing posts with label Rosneft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rosneft. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2020

Pertamina Is Ready to Integrate TPPI with GRR Tuban

After controlling 51% of Tuban Petro's majority shares, Pertamina is ready to integrate PT Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) Refinery which is a subsidiary of Tuban Petro with the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban mega project.

Nicke Widyawati

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati explained that the restructuring of Tuban Petro is part of Pertamina's refinery which prioritizes flexibility, in which the refinery mode can switch to either petrochemical or mogas modes. This makes the refinery production can adjust to the demand at the time of operation.

Then with the integrated supply of raw materials between one refinery and other refineries, it is hoped that it can also improve efficiency in terms of both operational expenses and capital expenditures, so as to achieve maximum profitability. With a maximum level of profitability, Pertamina refinery projects will be able to become sustainable businesses in the future.

"So it is clear that our ongoing refinery project will become a sustainable business because it can adapt to market needs and be supported by integration between our refineries and other Pertamina infrastructure," Nicke said.

Nicke said that Pertamina is currently developing refineries in 6 locations, the construction of which is integrated with the construction of a petrochemical plant. One of them is the Tuban GRR which will later be integrated with TPPI, with a 7 km connecting pipeline being built.

Nicke added, the petrochemical business market opportunity is currently around Rp 40-50 trillion per year. In addition, the petrochemical business also has a higher margin than fuel oil.

Nicke said the move to integrate the TPPI refinery with GRR in Tuban was carried out by Pertamina by carrying out a corporate action to purchase Rp. 3.2 trillion in the Tuban Petro series B shares, so that Pertamina currently controls a 51 percent majority stake. By controlling majority shares, Pertamina has controlling shares in order to develop TPPI.

Nicke explained, starting in 2020 according to the RKAP, Pertamina will increase the aromatic production of TPPI refineries from currently 46 thousand tons to 55 thousand tons. In the long term, Pertamina will also build an Olefin Center, so that later the TPPI will produce petrochemicals of 700 thousand tons per year.

At the same time, the Tuban GRR megaproject will have a petrochemical production facility with 1,205 ktpa of polypropylene products, 1,317 ktpa of paraxylene and 750 ktpa of polyethylene.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tuban Refinery Built, Residents Do Not Become Spectators

Republic of Indonesia House of Representatives Commission VII (DPR RI) of the Electoral District of Tuban-Bojonegoro, Rama Juwita Sari hopes that the public will not become spectators When the Rosneft Tuban oil refinery is established. 

"Rama Juwita Sari, at least 70 percent of Tuban residents must participate and work in the Pertamina company which is in the commission of VII. They continue to convey that local workers must be employed at least 70 percent of local residents," said Rama Juwita.

She added the establishment of the Tuban refinery needs to be welcomed by the community. The reason is, if it has already been built it will reduce oil imports by 30 percent. On the other hand, the economy of the Tuban Regency will automatically progress and develop. Seeing these conditions the community should improve so that the existence of the Tuban refinery has a positive impact.

"If so far there are still those who refuse, the local government should immediately sit together to talk from day to day and find the best solution," said Rama Juwita Sari.

This DPR RI member said, if the problem of rejection continues to drag on, it will be exploited by individuals who are only looking for profit. Therefore, it is better if the Tuban District Government and the refusing community need to sit together.

"Do not let this problem drag on, let alone be exploited by persons who only seek personal gain," said Rama Juwita Sari.

Meanwhile, for the sake of residents being able to work at the Tuban refinery, the Regency Government should bridge by making training and skills training. In fact, Commission VII is currently continuing to encourage the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Oil and Gas SKK to immediately create an Oil and Gas Vocational High School (SMK) in Tuban Regency.


Kilang Tuban Dibangun, Warga Jangan Jadi Penonton

Anggota DPR RI Komisi VII Daerah Pemilihan Tuban-Bojonegoro, Rama Juwita Sari berharap, kepada masyarakat agar tidak menjadi penonton Saat kilang minyak Rosneft Tuban berdiri. 

     Rama Juwita Sari , minimal 70 persen warga Tuban harus ikut serta dan bekerja di perusahaan pertamina itu yang berada dikomisi VII terus menyampaikan agar tenaga kerja lokal harus dipekerjakan minimal 70 persen dari warga lokal," ujar Rama Juwita.

Rama Juwita menambahkan, berdirinya kilang Tuban ini perlu disambut oleh masyarakat. Pasalnya, bila sudah dibangun maka akan mengurangi impor minyak sebanyak 30 persen. 

    Di sisi lain, perekonomian Kabupaten Tuban secara otomatis akan maju dan berkembang. Melihat kondisi tersebut sebaiknya masyarakat perlu improvisasi agar keberadaan kilang Tuban ini memberikan dampak positif. 

"Jika selama ini masih ada yang menolak, sebaiknya pemerintah setempat segera duduk bersama berbicara dari hari ke hari dan temukan solusi yang terbaik," tutur Rama Juwita Sari.

Anggora DPR RI ini menuturkan, jika permasalahan penolakan masih terus berlarut, maka akan dimanfaatkan oleh oknum-oknum yang hanya mencari keuntungan. Oleh sebab itu, sebaiknya antara Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban dan masyarakat penolak kilang perlu duduk bersama.

"Jangan sampai permasalahan ini berlarut-larut, apalagi dimanfaatkan oleh oknum-oknum yang hanya mencari keutungan pribadi," kata Rama Juwita Sari.

Sementara itu, demi warga dapat bekerja di kilang Tuban, sebaiknya Pemerintah Kabupaten menjembatani dengan membuat pelatihan-pelatihan dan training keahlian. 

     Bahkan, Komisi VII saat ini terus mendorong Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas agar segera membuat Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Minyak dan Gas di Kabupaten Tuban.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Monday, Jan 6, 2020.

Monday, January 20, 2020

3 Months, Refinery Land Conflict Ends!

The working visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to the area of ​​the grass-root refinery (GRR) oil refinery in Tuban, last Saturday (21/12), was also a warning to Pertamina.

the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo

Jokowi stressed that conflicts that still occur between residents of landowners and refineries in the villages of Wadung, Kaliuntu and Sumur Geneng, Jenu District must be resolved immediately. 

     Jokowi gave attention to the conflict and ordered Pertamina to resolve it within three months. The location of the oil refinery involving Pertamina and Rosneft from Russia has not yet been finalized in relation to land acquisition for the refinery.

"For the problem of unfinished land, I give three months," said Jokowi while reviewing the TPPI refinery project in Tuban.

Jokowi explained that the refinery field problem had to be solved so that the construction would be carried out immediately. Therefore he asked Pertamina to immediately execute the land.

"I give three months to settle. If you can, you have to talk, can't, also have to talk," he concluded.

Just to note, the land needed for TPPI oil refineries reaches 821 hectares. The details are 384 hectares of residents' land, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) 328 hectares, and 109 hectares of Perhutani land. But there are still some people who are reluctant to sell their land.


3 Bulan, Konflik Lahan Kilang Selesai!

Kunjungan kerja Presiden Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ke kawasan kilang minyak grass root refinery [GRR) di Tuban, Sabtu (21/12) lalu, juga menjadi peringatan kepada Pertamina. 

Jokowi menegaskan bahwa konflik yang masih terjadi antara warga pemilik lahan dengan kilang di Desa Wadung, Kaliuntu dan Sumur geneng, Kecamatan Jenu harus segera dituntaskan. Jokowi memberi atensi pada konflik itu, dan memerintahkan Pertamina menyelesaikannya dalam waktu tiga bulan. Lokasi kilang minyak yang melibatkan Pertamina dan Rosneft dari Rusia itu belum selesai terkait pengadaan lahan untuk kilang.

"Untuk masalah lahan yang belum selesai, saya beri waktu tiga bulan," tegas Jokowi saat meninjau proyek kilang TPPI di Tuban.
Jokowi menjelaskan, permasalahan lahan kilang memang harus diselesaikan agar pembangunannya segera dikerjakan. Karena itu ia meminta Pertamina segera mengeksekusi lahan. 

"Saya beri waktu tiga bulan untuk membereskan. Kalau sanggup, harus ngomong, tidak sanggup, juga harus ngomong," pungkasnya.

Sekadar diketahui, lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk kilang minyak TPPI mencapai 821 hektare. Rinciannya lahan warga 384 hektare, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) 328 hektare, dan lahan Perhutani 109 hektare. Namun masih ada sebagian warga yang enggan menjual tanahnya.

Surya, Page-4, Monday, Dec 23, 2019

If Production is Maximum, TPPI Tuban Can Save Foreign Exchange IDR 56 Trillion

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana Jokowi visited the Indotama Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Refinery (TPPI) located in Jenu District, Tuban Regency, Saturday (21/12). During the visit, Jokowi with his wife were also accompanied by East Java Governor Khoflfah Indar Parawansa.

Nicke Widyawati

Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati explained the structure of Tuban Petro including the TPPI Tuban in it, the share of state-owned shares was 98 percent, while 2 percent were privately owned. While 98 percent of the shares are owned 51 percent by PT Pertamina (Persero) and 47 percent by the Ministry of Finance.

"The development plans to be carried out by TPPI include revamping plate-former, aromatic revamping, LPG Unit construction, and olefin complex. It is estimated that in 2023 it will be completed, "Nicke said.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi said, TPPI Tuban is one of the largest oil outlets in Indonesia. TPPI is able to produce aromatic products such as paraxylene, orthoxylene, benzene, and toluene. In addition, it also produces premium fuel, Pertamax, LPG, and diesel fuel.

"This can be for everyone. Therefore, I conveyed to the SOE Minister, Pertamina's Managing Director, Pertamina's Commut, not more than three years had to be completed. There are choices that can be decided soon, "he stressed while asking for January 2020 that there was already clarity regarding development.

According to President Jokowi if the maximum production results can save foreign exchange up to USD 4.9 billion or around Rp 56 trillion. Such petrochemical products are substitutes for imported products.


Jika Produksi Maksimal, TPPI Tuban Bisa Hemat Devisa Rp 56 Triliun

Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dan Ibu Negara Iriana Jokowi mengunjungi Kilang Minyak Trans-Pasific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) yang terletak di Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban, Sabtu (21/12). Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Jokowi bersama istri juga didampingi Gubernur Jatim Khoflfah Indar Parawansa.

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati menjelaskan, struktur Tuban Petro termasuk TPPI Tuban di dalamnya, kepemilikan saham yang dimiliki negara sebanyak 98 persen, sedangkan 2 persennya dimiliki swasta. Sedangkan 98 persen saham dimiliki tersebut 51 persen PT Pertamina (Persero) dan 47 persen Kementerian Keuangan.

“Rencana pengembangan yang akan dilakukan TPPI antara lain revamping plat-former, revamping aromatic, pembangunan LPG Unit, dan olefin complex. Diperkirakan tahun 2023 akan selesai dikembangkan,” kata Nicke.

Sementara itu, Presiden Jokowi mengatakan, TPPI Tuban merupakan salah satu kiIang minyak yang terbesar di Indonesia. TPPI mampu menghasilkan produk aromatik seperti paraxylene, orthoxylene, benzene,dan toluene. Selain itu juga penghasil BBM premium, pertamax, elpiji, dan solar. 

“Ini bisa untuk semuanya. Oleh sebab itu saya menyampaikan kepada Menteri BUMN, Dirut Pertamina, Komut Pertamina, tidak Iebih dari tiga tahun harus rampung semuanya. Ada pilihan-pilhan yang bisa diputuskan segera,” tegasnya sambil meminta Januari 2020 sudah ada kejelasan mengenai pengembangan.

Menurut Presiden Jokowi  jika hasil produksinya maksimal bisa menghemat devisa hingga USD 4,9 miliar atau sekitar Rp 56 triliun. Produk petrokimia seperti ini merupakan subtitusi produk impor.

Radar Surabaya, Page-6, Monday, Dec 23, 2019

Review TPPI Tuban Refinery, President of the Three-Year Deadline Completion

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, together with First Lady Iriana Jokowi, visited the Transama-Pacific Petrochemical Refinery (TPPI), which is located in Jenu District, Tuban Regency. 

Khofifah Indar Parawansa

     Accompanied by East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa and the ministers, Jokowi reiterated his hopes that the refinery could start operating immediately.President Jokowi
President Jokowi

President Jokowi said, TPPI Tuban is one of the largest oil refineries in Indonesia. TPPI is able to produce aromatic products such as paraxylene, orthoxylene, benzene, toluene. In addition, it also produces premium fuel, Pertamax, LPG, Solar/Diesel Oil.

TPPI Tuban

"This works for everyone. Because of that, I would like to convey to the Minister of BUMN, Pertamina's Managing Director, Pertamina's Chief Commissioner, that no more than three years must be completed.

There are choices that can be decided immediately, "he stressed while asking for January 2020 that there was already clarity regarding development. According to him, if the maximum production results can save foreign exchange up to USD 4.9 billion or around Rp. 56 trillion. Such petrochemical products are substitutes for imported products.

"This is a substitution. Because every year we import, import, import even though we can make it ourselves. But we don't, "said President Jokowi.

On that occasion, also present accompanied President Jokowi, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir, Military Secretary to President Major General Suharyanto, Commander of Paspampres Maj. Gen. Maruli Simanjuntak, Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media Secretariat of President Bey Machmudin, Special Staff to President Arif Budimanta, President Director of PT. Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati, President Commissioner of PT. Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

Nicke Widyawati

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT. Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati said, the structure of Tuban Petro including the Tuban TPPI in it. The share ownership owned by the state is 98 percent, while 2 percent is owned by the private sector. The 98 percent shares are owned by 51 percent of PT. Pertamina (Persero) and 47 percent of the Ministry of Finance.

Regarding the existing production capacity, TPPI Tuban for Paraxylene 600 KTPA, Benzene 300 KTPA, Orthoxylene 120 KTPA, Toluene 100 KTPA. From this capacity, foreign exchange savings amounted to USD 1.4 billion. The development plans to be carried out by TPPI include Revamping Platformer, Revamping Aromatic, LPG Unit Development, and Olefin Complex. It is estimated that in 2023 it will be completed.


Tinjau Kilang TPPI Tuban, Presiden Deadline Tuntas Tiga Tahun

Presiden Republik lndonesia Joko Widodo bersama Ibu Negara lriana Jokowi mengunjungi Kilang Minyak Trans - Pasific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI), yang terletak di Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban. Didampingi Gubernur Jatim Khofifah Indar Parawansa dan para menteri, Jokowi menegaskan harapannya agar kilang tersebut dapat segera beroperasi. 

Presiden Jokowi mengatakan, TPPI Tuban merupakan salah satu kilang minyak yang terbesar di Indonesia. TPPI mampu menghasilkan produk aromatic seperti paraxylene, orthoxylene, benzene, toluene. Selain itu juga penghasil BBM Premium, Pertamax, Elpiji, Solar/Minyak Diesel.

“lni bisa untuk semuanya. Oleh sebab iyu saya menyampaikan kepada Menteri BUMN, Dirut Pertamina, Komisaris Utama Pertamina, tidak lebih dari tiga tahun harus rampung semuanya.

Ada pilihan-pilihan yang bisa diputuskan segera,” tegasnya sambil meminta Januari 2020 sudah ada kejelasan mengenai pengembangan. Menurutnya jika hasil produksinya maksimal bisa menghemat devisa hingga USD 4,9 miliar atau sekitar Rp. 56 triliun. Produk petrokimia seperti ini merupakan substitusi produk impor. 

“Ini merupakan substitusi. Karena setiap tahun kita impor, impor, impor padahal kita bisa membuat sendiri. Tapi tidak kita lakukan,” ujar Presiden Jokowi.

Dalam kesempatan itu, juga hadir mendampingi Presiden Jokowi , Menteri Sekretaris Negara Pratikno, Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Erick Thohir, Sekretaris Militer Presiden Mayjen TNI Suharyanto, Komandan Paspampres Mayjen TNI Maruli Simanjuntak, Deputi Bidang Protokol, Pers, dan Media Sekretariat Presiden Bey Machmudin, Staf Khusus Presiden Arif Budimanta, Direktur Utama PT. Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati, Komisaris Utama PT. Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. 

Sementara itu, Direktur Utama PT. Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati menuturkan, struktur Tuban Petro termasuk TPPI Tuban didalamnya. Kepemilikan saham yang dimiliki negara sebanyak 98 persen, sedangkan 2 persennya dimiliki swasta. Adapun 98 persen saham tersebut dimiliki 51 persen PT. Pertamina (Persero) dan 47 persen Kementerian Keuangan. 

Mengenai kapasitas produksi (eksisting), TPPI Tuban untuk Paraxylene 600 KTPA, Benzene 300 KTPA, Orthoxylene 120 KTPA, Toluene 100 KTPA. Dari kapasitas tersebut menghasilkan penghematan devisa sebesar USD 1,4 Miliar. Rencana pengembangan yang akan dilakukan TPPI antara lain Revamping Platformer, Revamping Aromatic, Pembangunan LPG Unit, dan Olefin Complex. Diperkirakan tahun 2023 akan selesai dikembangkan.

Bhirawa, Page-1, Monday, Dec 23, 2019

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Tuban Refinery Claims The Most Advanced in the World

With an investment of more than 15 million US dollars, the Indonesia-Russia joint venture Grass Root Refinery (GRR) oil refineries in Wadung Village, Kaliuntu Village, and Sumurgeng Village, Jenu District, are claimed to be one of the most sophisticated refineries in the world. 

the Indonesia-Russia joint venture Grass Root Refinery (GRR)

     Pertamina stated that because the Tuban refinery was a joint venture project with Russia which was worth a large investment. The oil refinery was built in collaboration with Pertamina and Rosneft Russia. This national project was built on 821 hectares of land.

Nicke Widyawati

"The GRR investment value is around US $ 15 billion. This is one of the most sophisticated refineries in the world," said Pertamina's Managing Director. Nicke Widyawati when reviewing restorque of coastal land, Sunday [1/12).

Nicke explained, if it was operational in 2026, the refinery could supply quality Bahan Bakar Gas (BBM), LPG and Petrochemicals to meet domestic needs. The existence of the refinery will also have an impact on the surrounding community. 

    The construction of the refinery will also use 35 percent of the domestic component level [TKDN]. The number of workers needed during construction was as many as 20,000 people. Whereas when the refinery operates, it will require 2,500 workers.

"This refinery will certainly increase the supply of fuel, and for workers, it will certainly have an impact," he explained.

Just to note that the land needed for the Pertamina-Rosneft refinery is around 821 hectares, consisting of 384 hectares of residents' land. Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) 328 hectares, and Perhutani land 109 hectares.


Kilang Tuban Diklaim Tercanggih Di Dunia

Dengan nilai investasi melebihi 15 juta dolar AS, kilang minyak Grass Root Refinery (GRR) patungan Indonesia-Rusia di Desa Wadung, Desa Kaliuntu, dan Desa Sumurgeng, Kecamatan Jenu, diklaim merupakan salah satu kilang tercanggih di dunia. 

     Pertamina menyatakan itu karena kilang Tuban merupakan proyek patungan bersama Rusia yang bernilai investasi besar. Kilang minyak tersebut memang dibangun atas kerjasama antara Pertamina dan Rosneft Rusia. Proyek nasional ini dibangaun di atas lahan seluas 821 hektare. 

"Nilai investasi GRR ini sekitar 15 miliar dolar AS. Ini salah satu kilang tercanggih di dunia," kata Direktur Utama Pertamina. Nicke Widyawati saat meninjau restorasi lahan pantai, Minggu [1/12).

Nicke menjelaskan, jika sudah beroperasi pada 2026, kilang itu bisa memasok Baham Bakar Gas (BBM), LPG dan Petrokimia berkualitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam, negeri. Keberadaan kilang itu juga akan membawa dampak bagi masyarakat sekitar. 

    Pembangunan kilang tersebut juga akan menggunakan 35 persen tingkat komponen dalam negeri [TKDN]. Jumlah tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan saat konstruksi itu sebanyak 20.000 orang. Sedangkan saat kilang beroperasi nanti akan membutuhkan 2.500 pekerja.

"Kilang ini tentu akan menambah pasokan BBM, dan untuk tenaga kerja tentu sangat berdampak," terangnya.

Sekadar diketahui lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk kilang Pertamina-Rosneft yaitu seluas kurang lebih 821 hektare, terdiri atas Iahan warga 384 hektare. Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK ) 328 hektare, dan lahan Perhutani 109 hektare.

Surya, Page-15, Monday, Dec 2,  2019

Monday, June 17, 2019

Pertamina Continues to Acquire Overseas Oil and Gas Blocks

PT Pertamina (Persero) is still looking for opportunities to add assets to its oil and gas blocks in other countries, since it last acquired the French oil and gas company in 2016. To that end, Pertamina has budgeted investment funds of US $ 174 million, up from last year's US $ 110 million, and revenue is targeted at US $ 1.4 billion.

"The funds will be used for drilling 28 wells and carrying out re-work in 66 wells," said PT Pertamina International EP Managing Director Denie S Tampubolon in Jakarta.

At present, Pertamina already has a number of oil and gas blocks in 12 countries. In Algeria, the company has a stake in Blok Menzel Lejmet North (MLN), El Brands (EMK), and Ourhoud (OHD). 

West Qurna

     In Iraq, the company holds shares in West Qurna Field 1. While in Malaysia, the company holds shares in Blok K, Kikeh Block, SNR Block SK309 Block and SK311 Block.

Kikeh Block

Furthermore, after the acquisition of French oil and gas company Maurel & Prom, the company has oil and gas assets spread in Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Colombia, Canada, Myanmar, Italy and other countries. However, the main assets that have been produced are in Gabon, Nigeria and Tanzania. 

     In 2018, he continued, oil and gas production from foreign assets was recorded at 153 thousand barrels of oil equivalent (barrel oil equivalent per day / boepd). In detail, oil production is 102 thousand bpd and 299 million standard cubic feet of gas per day / mmscfd. In 2018, oil and gas production is targeted at 163 thousand boepd, of which oil is 112 thousand bpd and gas is 300 mmscfd.

"Production is rising because there are development drilling, including the acceleration of drilling in Africa. Then, there are efforts to optimize and add assets, "he said.

Denie said, along with the increase in oil and gas production of foreign assets, the supply of crude oil brought to the country is getting bigger. Last year, it managed to bring back 6.5 million barrels of crude oil.

"In 2019, we will bring (oil) 8 million barrels," he said.

However, he said, not all of the oil from other countries could be absorbed by domestic refineries because they did not match the specifications. Therefore, it encourages the improvement of domestic refineries to be able to process various types of oil.

"The more oil you carry. Only 80% (absorbed), we hope we can get more, "Denie said.

Must Continue

Meanwhile, Upstream Director of Pertamina Dharmawan H. Samsu said that the oil and gas block acquisition is still important to get direct oil and gas production. If it takes over oil and gas production blocks abroad, it can directly bring the oil produced to Indonesia. Meanwhile, if it must start from exploration, new oil production can be obtained in the next 4-5 years.

"So to wait for the volume (oil) from exploration if successful, then there is a gap filled with M & A (Mergers and Acquisitions)," he said in Jakarta.

He explained, when making an acquisition, his side always included the requirement that the oil which became the share of Pertamina could be brought to Indonesia. Because, this step is one of the company's efforts to cut national crude oil imports. The oil rations from foreign blocks will be processed at Pertamina's refineries.

Pertamina's Senior Vice President of Upstream Business Development Ida Yusmiati added that his party would continue to examine various opportunities for oil and gas blocks acquisition outside Indonesia, especially those that were in accordance with Pertamina's needs and strategies. Unfortunately, the company has not been able to detail the assets targeted by the company.

"Pertamina will study seriously, where and what investment, cannot be shared because it is still being studied," he said.

Ida admitted, during the past year, there was no action to acquire oil and gas blocks abroad. This is because the company focuses on managing oil and gas blocks domestic termination assigned to Pertamina. Regarding the planned acquisition in Iran and Russia, which he had said, he said he did not become executed.

"Iran is held for acquisition because there is sanction, we will continue to review it," he said.

the Mansouri Block

As is known, in Iran, Pertamina has had a plan to acquire the Mansouri Block with a production rate of 62 thousand barrels per day (bpd).

However, before the company signed the block contract, the United States Government again imposed sanctions on Iran. So, the plan was postponed. Furthermore, Pertamina plans to take ownership of The Northern Top and Chaivo and Russkoye fields in Russia. 

Rosneft Oil Company in the Tuban Refinery Project

     Because, together with the cooperation of Pertamina and Rosneft Oil Company in the Tuban Refinery Project, the Russian oil and gas company also offered a portion of its two oil and gas blocks to Pertamina.

     This plan failed because the tax that must be paid by the company to the country is quite large. Pertamina also had a memorandum of understanding on the management of oil and gas blocks in Algeria with Sonatrach. 

     Referring to the agreement, Sonatrach opens opportunities for Pertamina to develop existing assets and work on new assets that have the potential to produce 20-30 thousand bpd and total reserves of more than 100 million barrels of oil.

According to Denie S Tampubolon, negotiations with the Algerian side regarding this matter are still working. However, it cannot ensure it can add assets in Algeria.

"Because of the two parties, we are ready, he is ready. "The efficiency continues, we are both Muslim and Algerian, too," he said.

      This plan failed because the tax that must be paid by the company to the country is quite large. Pertamina also had a memorandum of understanding on the management of oil and gas blocks in Algeria with Sonatrach. 

     Referring to the agreement, Sonatrach opens opportunities for Pertamina to develop existing assets and work on new assets that have the potential to produce 20-30 thousand bpd and total reserves of more than 100 million barrels of oil.

According to Denie S Tampubolon, negotiations with the Algerian side regarding this matter are still working. However, it cannot ensure it can add assets in Algeria.

"Because of the two parties, we are ready, Sonatrach is also ready. The efficiency continues, we are interested and Algeria is interested, "he said.


Pertamina Teruskan Akuisisi Blok Migas Luar Negeri

PT Pertamina (Persero) masih terus mencari peluang untuk menambah aset blok migasnya di negara lain, sejak terakhir mengakuisisi perusahaan migas Perancis pada 2016. Untuk itu, Pertamina menganggarkan dana investasi sebesar US$ 174 juta, naik dari tahun lalu US$ 110 juta, dan pendapatan ditargetkan sebesar US$ 1,4 miliar.

“Dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk pengeboran 28 sumur dan pelaksanaan kerja ulang di 66 sumur,” kata Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Internasional EP Denie S Tampubolon di Jakarta, Senin (21/1).

Saat ini, Pertamina telah memiliki sejumlah Blok migas di 12 negara. Di Aljazair, perseroan memiliki saham di Blok Menzel Lejmet North (MLN), El Merk (EMK), dan Ourhoud (OHD). Di Irak, perseroan memegang saham di Lapangan West Qurna 1. Sementara di Malaysia, perseroan memegang kepemilikan saham di Blok K, Blok Kikeh, Blok SNR Blok SK309 dan Blok SK311.

Selanjutnya, pasca akuisisi perusahaan migas Perancis, Maurel & Prom, perseroan memiliki aset migas yang tersebar di Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Kolombia, Kanada, Myanmar, Italia, dan negara lainnya. Namun, aset utamanya yang telah berproduksi yakni di Gabon, Nigeria, dan Tanzania.

      Pada 2018, lanjutnya, produksi migas dari aset luar negeri tercatat sebesar 153 ribu barel setara minyak (barrel oil equivalent per day/boepd). Rincinya, produksi minyak 102 ribu bph dan gas 299 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd. Di 2018, produksi migas ditargetkan sebesar 163 ribu boepd, di mana rninyak 112 ribu bph dan gas 300 mmscfd.

“Produksi naik karena ada pengeboran pengembangan, termasuk percepatan pengeboran di Afrika. Kemudian, adanya upaya optimasi dan penambahan aset,” tuturnya.

Denie mengatakan, seiring dengan meningkatnya produksi migas aset luar negeri, pasokan minyak mentah yang di bawa ke Tanah Air semakin besar. Pada tahun lalu, pihaknya berhasil membawa pulang minyak mentah sebanyak 6,5 juta barel. 

“Pada 2019, kami akan membawa (minyak) 8 juta barel,” ujarnya.

Meski demikian, dikatakannya, minyak dari negara lain itu tidak semuanya dapat diserap kilang dalam negeri lantaran tidak sesuai spesitikasinya. Karenanya, pihaknya mendorong adanya perbaikan kilang Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dalam negeri sehingga dapat mengolah berbagai jenis minyak.

“Agar minyak yang dibawa semakin banyak. Baru 80% (yang diserap), kami berharap bisa lebih banyak,” tutur Denie. 

Harus Berlanjut

     Sementara itu, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H Samsu menuturkan, akuisisi blok migas masih penting dilakukan untuk mendapatkan produksi migas secara langsung. Jika mengambil alih blok migas produksi di luar negeri, pihaknya bisa langsung membawa minyak yang dihasilkan ke Indonesia. Sementara jika harus mulai dari rnelakukan eksplorasi, produksi minyak baru dapat diperoleh dalam 4-5 tahun berikutnya.

“jadi untuk tunggu volume (minyak) dari eksplorasi jika sukses, maka ada gap (selisih) yang diisi M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions),” kata dia di Jakarta.

Dia menjelaskan, ketika melakukan akuisisi, pihaknya selalu memasukkan syarat agar minyak yang menjadi jatah Pertamina bisa dibawa ke Indonesia.
Pasalnya, langkah ini merupakan salah satu upaya perseroan untuk memangkas impor minyak mentah nasional. Minyak jatah dari blok luar negeri itu akan diolah di kilang milik Pertamina. 

Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina Ida Yusmiati menambahkan, pihaknya akan terus mengkaji berbagai peluang akuisisi blok migas di luar Indonesia, utamanya yang sesuai dengan keperluan dan strategi Pertamina. Sayangnya, pihaknya belum dapat melinci aset-aset yang diincar perseroan.

“Pertamina akan kaji secara serius, di mana dan investasi berapa, belum bisa di-share karena masih dikaji,” tutur dia.

Diakui Ida, sepanjang tahun lalu, pihaknya tidak ada aksi akuisisi blok migas di luar negeri. Hal ini lantaran perseroan fokus mengelola blok migas terminasi di dalam negeri yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina. Terkait rencana akuisisi di Iran dan Rusia yang sempat berlansung dikatakannya tidak jadi dieksekusi. 

“Iran di-hold (akuisisi) karena memang ada sanction, kami akan kaji terus,” ujar dia.

Seperti diketahui, di Iran, Pertamina pernah memiliki rencana mengakuisisi Blok Mansouri dengan tingkat produksi 62 ribu barel per hari (bph).

     Namun, menjelang perseroan meneken kontrak blok itu, Pemerintah Amerika Serikat kembali menjatuhkan sanksi kepada Iran. Sehingga, rencana tersebut ditunda. Selanjutnya, Pertamina svmpat berencana mengambil kepemilikan lapangan The Northern Top and Chaivo dan Russkoye di Rusia.

    Pasalnya, bersamaan kerja sama Pertamina dan Rosneft Oil Company dalam Proyek Kilang Tuban, perusahaan migas Rusia itu juga menawarkan sebagian saham dua blok migasnya ke Pertamina.

Rencana ini gagal lantaran pajak yang harus dibayarkan perseroan ke negara cukup besar. Pertamina juga sempat memiliki nota kesepahaman pengelolaan blok migas di Aljazair dengan Sonatrach. Mengacu kesepakatan, Sonatrach membuka peluang bagi Pertamina untuk mengembangkan aset eksisting serta menggarap aset baru yang memiliki potensi produksi 20-30 ribu bph dan total cadangan lebih dari 100 juta barel minyak.

Menurut Denie S Tampubolon, negosiasi dengan pihak Aljazair terkait hal tersebut masih jalan. Namun, pihaknya tidak dapat memastikan pihaknya dapat menambah aset di Aljazair. 

“Karena itu dua pihak, kami siap, Sonatrach juga siap. Effortnya masih berlangsung terus, kami minat dan Aljazair pun minat," tuturnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Targeting Oil and Gas Cooperation in the Middle East

The government seeks to increase investment in the oil and gas subsector (oil and gas). One of them is aiming for cooperation with a number of countries in the Middle East region, namely Iraq and Azerbaijan. 

    Director of ESDM Ministry of Oil and Gas Development Program Soerjaningsih stated that the government had offered oil and gas exploration in Azerbaijan and imported crude oil.

"Iraq is also the main target of cooperation in developing the petrochemical industry, refinery construction, and oil and gas exploration in the country "through PT Pertamina (Persero)," said Soerjaningsih.

According to Soerjaningsih, Pertamina is interested in the Tuba Oil Field project in Iraq. Now it's still under discussion.

"The partnership between the two countries is still exploration or negotiation. We will discuss this later in a bilateral meeting between the two countries, "said Soerjaningsih.

Investment in the oil and gas sector abroad is not new to the Republic of Indonesia (RI). Throughout 2018 there were four main collaborations in the oil and gas sector which were successfully agreed upon. 

    First, RI-Russia and Rosneft built the GRR Tuban refinery with an investment of USD 15 billion - USD 16 billion. Then, RI-Saudi Arabia with Saudi Aramco worked on the Cilacap refinery RDMP project with an investment of USD 5.4 billion-USD 6 billion.

Next is RI-Azerbaijan. Namely, Pertamina with SOCAR in terms of crude oil imports and oil and gas field exploration. The investment value will be known after the signing of the memorandum of understanding. The fourth, RI-Bangladesh and RI-Pakistan work together to supply LNG with a receipt value of USD 14.3 billion.

"Cooperation with various countries is expected to be able to maintain the investment trend in the ESDM sector," said Soerjaningsih.

Realization of investment in the ESDM sector in 2018 reached USD 32.2 billion, equivalent to Rp 462.183 trillion. Of this amount, USD 12.5 billion represents the realization of the oil and gas subsector. 

     This gain has increased compared to 2017 with the achievement of the upstream and downstream oil and gas sector which has an investment of USD 11 billion. The 2018 oil and gas lifting only reaches 778 thousand barrels of oil per day and 1.139 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.


Incar Kerja Sama Migas di Timteng

Pemerintah berupaya meningkatkan investasi subsektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas). Salah satunya membidik kerja sama dengan sejumlah negara di kawasan Timur Tengah, yakni Iraq dan Azerbaijan. 

   Direktur Pembinaan Program Migas Kementerian ESDM Soerjaningsih menyatakan, pemerintah mendapat tawaran eksplorasi lapangan migas di Azerbaijan dan impor minyak mentah. 

"Iraq juga menjadi sasaran utama kerja sama dalam pengembangan industri petrokimia, pembangunan kilang, dan eksplorasi lapangan migas di negara tersebut melalui PT Pertamina (Persero)," kata Soerjaningsih.

    Menurut Soerjaningsih, Pertamina berminat pada proyek Tuba Oil Field di Iraq. Sekarang masih dalam tahap pembahasan. 

”Kemitraan kedua negara sifatnya masih penjajakan atau negosiasi. Nanti dibahas lebih lanjut dalam pertemuan bilateral antar kedua negara,” tutur Soerjaningsih.

Investasi sektor migas di luar negeri bukan hal baru bagi Republik Indonesia (RI). Sepanjang 2018 ada empat kerja sama pokok di sektor migas yang berhasil disepakati. Pertama, RI-Rusia dengan Rosneft membangun kilang GRR Tuban dengan nilai investasi USD 15 miliar - USD 16 miliar. Lalu, RI-Arab Saudi dengan Saudi Aramco mengerjakan proyek RDMP kilang Cilacap dengan investasi USD 5,4 miliar-USD 6 miliar.

Berikutnya RI-Azerbaijan. Yakni, Pertamina dengan SOCAR dalam hal impor minyak mentah dan eksplorasi lapangan migas. Nilai investasinya akan diketahui setelah penandatanganan nota kesepahaman. Yang keempat, RI-Bangladesh serta RI-Pakistan bekerja sama untuk pasokan LNG dengan nilai penerimaan USD 14,3 miliar. 

”Kerja sama dengan berbagai negara ini diharapkan mampu menjaga tren investasi sektor ESDM" kata Soerjaningsih.

Realisasi investasi di sektor ESDM pada 2018 mencapaiangka USD 32,2 miliar atau setara Rp 462,183 triliun. Dari jumlah tersebut, USD 12,5 miliar merupakan realisasi dari subsektor migas. Perolehan tersebut mengalami peningkatan jika dibandingkan 2017 dengan capaian sektor migas di hulu dan hilir yang mengantongi investasi USD 11 miliar. Adapun lifting minyak dan gas bumi 2018 hanya mencapai 778 ribu barel minyak per hari dan 1,139 juta barel setara minyak per hari.

Jaw Pos, Page-6, Monday, Jan 14, 2019