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Showing posts with label Petronas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petronas. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2020

This Week, Kepodang Gas's fate is discussed

The plan to halt the gas distribution of Kepodang Field since September 23, 2019, will be determined this week. Deputy Operations of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Julius Wiratno said that he and Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd and Saka Energi will hold a meeting to finalize the fate of the field in the Muriah Block.

"(Talks) business to business is still not finished, the deadline on Friday [1/24] finalized. Hopefully, it will flow quickly and add productively, he said.

Julius explained that the discussion between the two parties was still constrained regarding obligations after the operation. In addition, the remaining reserve potential is estimated to be small. 

    Even though the amount is not detailed, SKK Migas said that the potential is still possible for exploration. SKK Migas also expects Saka Energi's commitment to developing Kepodang Field in the future, "he said.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), the parent company of Saka Energi in the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS), had stated that in December last year there was an agreement with SKK Migas to continue the gas distribution from Kepodang Field. 

Kepodang Field Petronas

    PGAS Commercial Director Dilo Seno Widagdo said, his party indeed hoped it could still continue the gas distribution. "Saka Energi hopes that it can continue distribution while Petronas does not. We expect distribution in January or next month [February]," he said.

Efforts to resume gas distribution in the Muriah WK are in line with the planned improvement of the Saka Energi portfolio through the development of exploration and exploration around the Muriah Block. "If it can be opened again it could be more because the pressure has risen so that it can be more than 26 mmscfd," Dilo said.

PGAS Managing Director Gigih Prakoso said efforts to improve the Saka portfolio were the main programs this year.

"Some portfolios are not productive so that they can have a negative impact on Saka's overall performance," he said.


Pekan ini, Nasib Gas Kepodang Dibahas 

Rencana penyaluran kembali gas Lapangan Kepodang yang terhenti sejak sejak 23 September 2019 akan ditentukan pekan ini. 

    Deputi Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Julius Wiratno mengatakan, pihaknya bersama Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd dan Saka Energi akan menggelar pertemuan umuk Finalisasi nasib lapangan di Blok Muriah ini.

“(Pembicaraan) business to business masih belum selesai, tenggat waktu Jumat [24/1] difinalisasi. Semoga segera cepat mengalir dan menambah produlsif kata dia.

Julius menjelaskan, diskusi kedua pihak masih terkendala perihal kewajiban setelah operasional. Selain itu potensi cadangan tersisa diperkirakan hanya sedikit. Meski tidak memerinci jumlahnya, SKK Migas menyebutkan potensi yang ada masih mungkin untuk eksplorasi. SKK Migas juga mengharapkan komitmen Saka Energi untuk pengembangan Lapangan Kepodang ke depannya,” Kata dia.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), induk usaha Saka Energi dalam agenda Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB), sempat menyatakan jika Desember tahun lalu telah ada kesepakatan dengan SKK Migas umnuk meneruskan penyaluran gas dari Lapangan Kepodang.

   Direktur Komersial PGAS Dilo Seno Widagdo menuturkan, pihaknya memang berharap masih dapat melanjutkan penyaluran gas. Saka Energi berharap masih bisa melanjutkan penyaluran sementara Petronas tidak Kami memperkirakan penyaluran pada Januari atau bulan depan [Februari],” katanya.

Upaya meneruskan kembali penyaluran gas di WK Muriah selaras dengan rencana perbaikan portofolio Saka Energi melalui pengembangan elsplorasi dan eksplokasi di sekitar Blok Muriah “Pada waktu ditutup [penghentian penyaluran] volume akhir 26 mmscfd. Jika dbuka lagi bisa lebih, karena tekanan sudah naik sehingga bisa lebih dari 26 mmscfd," ujar Dilo.

Direktur Utama PGAS Gigih Prakoso bilang upaya memperbaiki portofolio Saka adalah program utama di tahun ini. 

”Beberapa portofolio tidak produktif sehingga bisa memberikan dampak negatif terhadap kinerja Saka secara keseluruhan,” sebut dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 24, 2020

Pursue the Target of Oil and Gas Lifting

The realization of oil and gas lifting last year missed the target. During 2019, the realization of oil and gas lifting only reached 90.5 percent or 1.8 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). 

   In fact, the target in the 2019 State Budget (APBN) reaches 2.025 million BOEPD. This year, the government set oil and gas lifting 1,946 million BOEPD with details of 755 thousand from oil and 1.191 million from gas.

Arifin Tasrif 

Although declining compared to last year, this year's target is considered very high. ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif is optimistic that this year's target will be achieved. He said, Indonesia still had a big opportunity to increase lifting or production-ready to sell oil and gas by working on new fields and developing the existing Work Areas (WK).

"Right now we are working on developing new sources of oil and gas," Arifin said in Jakarta.

Arifin acknowledged natural processes such as amount and time resulted in the decline of oil and gas production in the last decade. The condition was a big task when he was appointed by President Joko Widodo to solve the problem.

"The most important thing is how to increase oil and gas lifting because indeed in recent years our production has declined," he said.

At present, the government has entrusted Pertamina as a state-owned company to manage several WKs whose contracts have ended. Arifin revealed optimism regarding the achievement of the oil and gas lifting target that was seen from the 12 projects targeted to apply this year.

Petronas Carigali Ketapang III Ltd

The 12 projects include, among others, Bukit Tua Pashe-3 by Petronas Carigali Ketapang III Ltd with a production capacity of 31.5 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd). 

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Petronas Carigali Ketapang

    Currently, the operator is in the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) stage. The project is scheduled for production in January 2020. Then, there is a Grati Pressure Lowering project undertaken by Ophir Indonesia (Sampang) Pty Ltd with a production capacity of 30 mmscfd.

The current stage is the work of the EPC and is scheduled to produce in March 2020. Furthermore, there is a Buntal-5 project that Medco Energy works on and is scheduled to produce in March 2020.

Similar to Bukit Tua Pashe-3, the project was initially listed as onstream last year but was forced to be unable to operate. This happened because the rig for drilling the project did not arrive immediately because it was still used in Vietnam.

In addition, the government plans to implement a number of strategies by providing incentives to oil and gas business entities to accelerate 42 oil and gas field development / POD plans. Next also encourages the use of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology and legalizes the management of old wells by the community even though the production is small.

"Through SKK Migas, the government also opened a One Door Service Policy (ODSP) service to realize the target of producing 1 million barrels of oil per day by 2030," he added.


Kejar Target Lifting Migas

Realisasi lifting migas tahun lalu meleset dari target. Sepanjang 2019, realisasi lifting migas hanya mencapai 90,5 persen atau 1,8 juta barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). Padahal, target dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2019 mencapai 2,025 juta BOEPD. Tahun ini, pemerintah menetapkan lifting migas 1,946 juta BOEPD dengan perincian 755 ribu dari minyak dan 1,191 juta dari gas. 

Meski menurun dibandingkan tahun lalu, target tahun ini dinilai sangat tinggi. Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif optimistis target tahun ini akan tercapai. Dia menuturkan, Indonesia masih punya peluang besar meningkatkan lifting atau produksi siap jual minyak dan gas bumi dengan mengerjakan ladang baru serta mengembangkan Wilayah Kerja (WK) eksisting.

”Sekarang ini kita sedang mengupayakan supaya ada pengembangan sumber-sumber minyak dan gas baru," kata Arifin di Jakarta.

Arifin mengakui proses alamiah seperti jumlah dan waktu mengakibatkan terjadinya penuruman produksi migas dalam dekade terakhir. Kondisi itu menjadi tugas besar ketika dirinya ditunjuk Presiden Joko Widodo untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut.

"Hal yang paling utama adalah bagaimana bisa meningkatkan lifting migas karena memang dalam beberapa tahun ini produksi kita menurun,” ujarnya.

Saat ini, pemerintah memercayakan kepada Pertamina selaku perusahaan milik negara untuk mengelola beberapa WK yang sudah berakhir masa kontraknya. Arifin mengungkapkan, optimisme terhadap capaian target lifting migas tersebut terlihat dari 12 proyek yang ditargetkan berlaku tahun ini. 

Ke-12 proyek tersebut, antara lain, Bukit Tua Pashe-3 yang dikerjakan Petronas Carigali Ketapang III Ltd dengan kapasitas produksi 31,5 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Saat ini operator dalam tahapan pengerjaan engineering, procurement, dan construction (EPC). Proyek tersebut dijadwalkan berproduksi Januari 2020. Kemudian, ada proyek Grati Pressure Lowering yang dikerjakan Ophir Indonesia (Sampang) Pty Ltd dengan kapasitas fasilitas produksi 30 mmscfd.

Tahapan saat ini adalah pengerjaan EPC dan dijadwalkan berproduksi pada Maret 2020. Selanjutnya, ada proyek Buntal-5 yang dikerjakan Medco Energi dan dijadwalkan berproduksi pada Maret 2020. 

Sama dengan Bukit Tua Pashe-3, awalnya proyek tersebut masuk daftar onstream tahun lalu, tetapi terpaksa tidak dapat beroperasi. Hal itu terjadi lantaran rig untuk pengeboran proyek tidak segera datang karena masih digunakan di Vietnam. 

Di samping itu, pemerintah berencana menjalankan sejumlah strategi dengan memberikan insentif kepada Badan Usaha (BU) minyak dan gas untuk mempercepat 42 rencana pengembangan/POD lapangan minyak dan gas. Berikutnya juga mendorong penggunaan teknologi Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) serta melegalkan pengelolaan sumur tua oleh masyarakat meski produksinya sedikit.

”Melalui SKK Migas, pemerintah juga membuka layanan One Door Service Policy (ODSP) untuk merealisasikan target produksi minyak 1 juta barel per hari pada 2030,” imbuhnya.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Monday, Jan 20, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

SKK Migas Ensures Oil and Gas Licensing for Only Three Days

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) accelerates and simplifies the upstream oil and gas licensing process to only three days to ensure all oil and gas projects are completed on time. This year, there are 12 oil and gas projects targeted to start operating.

Dwi Soetjipto

Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities require several licenses involving more than one agency. Therefore, with the active support of SKK Migas, he is optimistic that there will be no more constraints on licensing in the upstream oil and gas sector and licensing can be completed sooner. 

    The acceleration of this permit can be realized by the inauguration of the One Door Services Policy (ODSP).

"So that the licensing process can be accelerated from the usual 15 days to only three days," he said after inaugurating the ODSP.

Through ODSP, the entire service contract licensing contract (KKKS) licensing process is carried out in one door and the process is also faster. SKK Migas and KKKS jointly conduct research on the completeness of each licensing requirement from various agencies that exist today. 

    Even more than that, SKK Migas will help the KKKS to be able to fulfill the documents that are required for licensing and assist the licensing arrangements in the relevant agencies.

According to Dwi, with the delay in the completion of the upstream oil and gas project due to the ODSR due to the long and time-consuming process of licensing, this will not happen again. This is important considering that if the project is completed on time, the project costs will also not increase greater than agreed upon and implementation is more efficient.

"Because any delays in the upstream oil and gas project will lead to cost escalation. The impact on the government is that state revenue is delayed and not optimal, "he stressed.

He said the ODSP service completes the operation of the Integrated Operation Center (IOC) conducted by his party at the end of last year. He is optimistic that with these two improvements, the upstream oil and gas target this year can be achieved. Because the operation of the IOC and ODSP can overcome several obstacles, including in the field of licensing and data accuracy.

"We have enough time to make improvements if there are obstacles found during the implementation of the WP&B (work plan and budget). We have data to prevent negative events that could hamper upstream oil and gas operations this year, "Dwi explained.

Going forward, he hopes that ODSP services can provide a real and optimal contribution to improving the national oil and gas investment climate. Thus, Indonesia is able to compete with other countries in the region such as Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, as well as other parts of the world, considering that upstream oil and gas investments are cross-border investments.

"This is the stage we want to build transformation, according to the government's vision and the direction of the Minister (ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif), we must always improve investment in upstream oil and gas. One of them is to pursue the dream of 1 million BPD (barrels per day), "Dwi said.

Vice President Corporate Services of INPEX Masela Ltd. Nico Muhyiddin and ExxonMobil Indonesia's Vice President of Public and Government Affairs Azi N Alam appreciated SKK Migas's steps in implementing ODSP services. - each company.

Azi N Alam

"As we know licensing so far is something that can slow down the project. This step is very appropriate, we hope the problem will be dealt with quickly and appropriately. We hope that the implementation of this program runs well so that the target can be achieved properly, "said Nico.

12 Projects

Meanwhile, SKK Migas Deputy for Operations Julius Wiratno said there were 12 oil and gas projects planned to start operating this year. One of the biggest is the Merakes Project undertaken by ENI Indonesia.

"Merakes will be operational in the fourth quarter of this year," he said.

In the Merakes Field, ENI plans to drill six underwater wells and build an underwater pipeline system that will be connected to the floating production unit / FPU Jangkrik facility in the Muara Bakau Block.

The peak production of the Merakes Field is estimated to reach 60,305 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd barrels equivalent). In the first quarter, Julius continued, there were four projects targeted to operate. In particular, Bukit Tua Phase-3 with an estimated production of 31.5 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd, Grati Pressure Lowering 30 mmscfd by Ophir Indonesia (Sampang) Pty Ltd, Buntal-5 45 mmscfd by Medco E&P Natuna Ltd, and the Sembakung Power Plant by PT Pertamina EP.

Furthermore, four projects will operate in the second quarter. In particular, the Scissor Randu Project with an estimated production of 3 mmscfd by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Randu Scissors, a 15 mmscfd Betung Compressor by PT Pertamina EP Malacca Strait Phase-13,000 BPD by EMP Mallacca Strait, and Meliwis 20 mmscfd by Ophir Indonesia (Madura Offshore) Pty Ltd . 

     Finally in the third quarter of 2020 there were three oil and gas projects scheduled to operate. These three projects are the 2.4 mmscfd Beauty Project by PT Sele Raya Belida, the 150 mmscfd LP-MP Compressor by PT Pertamina EP and Peciko 8A 8 mmscfd by PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

In 2020, national oil and gas lifting is set at 1.95 million boepd, up slightly from last year's 1.8 million boepd. Specifically, oil production rose to 755 thousand bpd from the realization of 746 thousand bpd, and gas to 1.19 million boepd from the realization of 1.06 million boepd.


SKK Migas Pastikan Perizinan Migas Hanya Tiga Hari

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mempercepat dan mempermudah proses perizinan hulu migas menjadi hanya tiga hari untuk memastikan seluruh proyek migas selesai tepat waktu. Pada tahun ini, terdapat 12 proyek migas yang ditargetkan mulai beroperasi.

Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto menuturkan, kegiatan eksplorasi maupun eksploitasi migas membutuhkan beberapa perizinan yang melibatkan lebih dari satu instansi. Karenanya, dengan dukungan aktif SKK Migas, dia optimistis tidak akan ada lagi kendala perizinan di hulu migas dan perizinan bisa selesai lebih cepat. Percepatan perizinan ini dapat direalisasikan dengan diresmikannya One Door Services Policy (ODSP).

“Sehingga proses perizinan bisa dipercepat dari biasanya 15 hari menjadi hanya tiga hari,” kata dia usai meresmikan ODSP.

Melalui ODSP, seluruh layanan proses perizinan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) dilaksanakan dalam satu pintu dan prosesnya juga lebih cepat. SKK Migas dan KKKS bersama-sama melakukan penelitian atas kelengkapan untuk setiap persyaratan perizinan dari berbagai instansi yang ada saat ini. Bahkan lebih dari itu, SKK Migas akan membantu KKKS untuk dapat memenuhi dokumen yang menjadi persyaratan perizinan serta mendampingi pengurusan perizinan di instansi terkait.  

Menurut Dwi, dengan adanya ODSR keterlambatan penyelesaian proyek hulu migas karena hambatan proses perizinan yang lama dan menghabiskan waktu, tidak akan terjadi lagi. Hal ini penting mengingat jika proyek selesai tepat waktu, maka biaya proyek juga tidak akan bertambah lebih besar dari yang telah disetujui dan pelaksanaan lebih efisien.

“Karena setiap keterlambatan proyek hulu migas akan menimbulkan ekskalasi biaya. Dampak bagi pemerintah adalah penerimaan negara tertunda dan tidak optimal,” tegas dia.

Layanan ODSP disebutnya melengkapi pengoperasian Integrated Operation Center (IOC) yang dilakukan pihaknya pada akhir tahun lalu. Dia optimis dengan dua perbaikan ini, target hulu migas pada tahun ini dapat tercapai. Pasalnya, beroperasinya IOC dan ODSP dapat menyelesaikan beberapa hambatan, antara lain di bidang perizinan dan akurasi data.

“Kami memiliki cukup waktu untuk melakukan perbaikan jika ada kendala yang ditemukan saat implementasi WP&B (work plan and budget/rencana kerja dan anggaran). Kami memiliki data untuk mencegah kejadian negatif yang dapat menghambat operasional hulu migas di tahun ini,” jelas Dwi.

Ke depannya, pihaknya berharap layanan ODSP dapat memberikan kontribusi yang nyata dan optimal untuk meningkatkan iklim investasi minyak dan gas nasional. Sehingga, Indonesia mampu bersaing dengan negara-negara lain di kawasan seperti Malaysia, Thailand dan Vietnam, maupun belahan dunia lainnya, mengingat investasi hulu minyak dan gas adalah investasi lintas negara.

“Ini tahapan kami ingin membangun transformasi, sesuai visi pemerintah dan arahan Pak Menteri (Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif) , kami harus selalu memperbaiki investasi di hulu migas. Salah satunya untuk mengejar mimpi 1 juta bph (barel per hari) ,” tutur Dwi.

Vice President Corporate Services INPEX Masela Ltd Nico Muhyiddin dan Vice President Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Azi N Alam mengapresiasi langkah SKK Migas menerapkan layanan ODSP Kedua perusahaan ini sudah secara langsung merasakan manfaat ODSP ketika mengurus analisi dampak lingkungan (Amdal) proyek migas yang digarap masing-masing perusahaan.

“Seperti diketahui perizinan selama ini merupakan hal yang dapat memperlambat proyek. Langkah ini sangat tepat, harapan kami permasalahan akan ditangani dengan cepat dan tepat. Kami harapkan implementasi program ini berjalan dengan baik sehingga target yang dituju bisa dicapai dengan benar,” ujar Nico.

12 Proyek

Sementara itu, Deputi Operasi SKK Migas Julius Wiratno mengatakan, terdapat 12 proyek migas yang direncanakan mulai beroperasi pada tahun ini. Salah satu yang paling besar adalah Proyek Merakes yang dikerjakan ENI Indonesia.

“Merakes akan beroperasi pada kuartal keempat tahun ini,” ujarnya.

Di Lapangan Merakes, ENI rencananya akan mengebor enam sumur bawah laut serta membangun sistem pipa bawah laut yang akan terhubung dengan fasilitas floating production unit/FPU Jangkrik di Blok Muara Bakau. 

Puncak produksi Lapangan Merakes diperkirakan bisa mencapai 60.305 barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/ boepd). Pada kuartal pertama, Julius melanjutkan, terdapat empat proyek yang ditargetkan beroperasi. 

     Rincinya, Bukit Tua Phase-3 dengan estimasi produksi 31,5 juta kaki kubik per hari/ mmscfd oleh Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd, Grati Pressure Lowering 30 mmscfd oleh Ophir Indonesia (Sampang) Pty Ltd, Buntal-5 45 mmscfd oleh Medco E&P Natuna Ltd, dan Sembakung Power Plant oleh PT Pertamina EP.

Selanjutnya, empat proyek akan beroperasi di kuartal kedua. Rincinya, Proyek Randu Gunting dengan perkiraan produksi 3 mmscfd oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Randu Gunting, Kompresor Betung 15 mmscfd oleh PT Pertamina EP Malacca Strait Phase-13.000 bph oleh EMP Mallacca Strait, serta Meliwis 20 mmscfd oleh Ophir Indonesia (Madura Offshore) Pty Ltd. 

      Terakhir di kuartal ketiga 2020 terdapat tiga proyek migas yang dijadwalkan beroperasi. Ketiga proyek ini adalah Proyek Cantik 2,4 mmscfd oleh PT Sele Raya Belida, Kompresor LP-MP SKG-19 150 mmscfd oleh PT Pertamina ER serta Peciko 8A 8 mmscfd oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

Pada 2020, lifting migas nasional ditetapkan 1,95 juta boepd, naik sedikit dari realisasi tahun lalu 1,8 juta boepd. Rincinya, produksi minyak naik menjadi 755 ribu bph dari realisasi 746 ribu bph, serta gas menjadi 1,19 juta boepd dari realisasi 1,06 juta boepd.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 16, 2020

Monday, January 20, 2020

Petronas Subsidiary Officially Acquires Andaman Block

Petronas subsidiary, Petronas Andaman III Indonesia BV has completed the acquisition of 49% participating interest in the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Block of Andaman III from Talisman Andaman BV.

Block of Andaman III

Talisman Andaman is a subsidiary of Repsol. The signing of the Joint Operations Agreement (JOA) marks the completion of the acquisition. Petronas acquisition action aims to support long-term growth plans in Indonesia.

"And is a testimony of our commitment to support the development of the oil and gas industry in Indonesia," said Mohd Nazlee Rasol, Director of Petronas Andaman III Indonesia BV.

The Andaman III Working Area (WK) is located off the coast of Aceh and is operated by Repsol with 51% participating rights. The WK covers an area of ​​8,517 square kilometers (km2) and is located in water depths of up to 1,300 meters.

Petronas manages a number of oil and gas assets in Indonesia. Petronas through Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML), for example, is the operator of 80% of the participation rights of Wuri Muriah. The remaining 20% ​​participating rights belong to Saka Energi Muriah Ltd (SEML) which is a subsidiary of PT Saka Energi Indonesia.

Until mid-December 2019, PCML and Saka Energi were still discussing after the gas production and distribution stopped from Kepodang Field, Muriah Block on September 23, 2019 ago. Gas reserves that can be produced in the Muriah Block are 25 mmscfd.


Anak Usaha Petronas Resmi Akuisisi Blok Andaman

Anak usaha Petronas yakni Petronas Andaman III Indonesia BV telah menyelesaikan akuisisi 49% hak partisipasi kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) Blok Andaman III dari Talisman Andaman BV. 

Talisman Andaman merupakan anak usaha Repsol. Penandatanganan Perjanjian Operasi Bersama (JOA) menandai penyelesaian akuisisi itu. Aksi akuisisi Petronas bertujuan untuk mendukung rencana pertumbuhan jangka panjang di Indonesia. 

"Dan merupakan kesaksian dari komitmen kami untuk mendukung pengembangan industri minyak dan gas di Indonesia, " kata Mohd Nazlee Rasol, Direktur Petronas Andaman III Indonesia BV.

Wilayah Kerja (WK) Andaman III terletak di lepas Pantai Aceh dan dioperasikan oleh Repsol dengan hak partisipasi sebesar 51%. WK tersebut mencakup area seluas 8,517 kilometer persegi (km2) dan terletak di kedalaman air hingga 1.300 meter. 

Petronas mengelola sejunlah aset minyak dan gas di Indonesia. Petronas melalui Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML) misalnya, menjadi operator 80% hak partisipasi WK Muriah. Sisa 20% hak partisipasi milik Saka Energi Muriah Ltd (SEML) yang merupakan anak usaha PT Saka Energi Indonesia.

Hingga pertengahan Desember 2019, PCML dan Saka Energi masih berdiskusi pasca terjadi penghentian produksi dan penyaluran gas dari Lapangan Kepodang, Blok Muriah pada 23 September 2019 silam. Cadangan gas yang bisa diproduksi di Blok Muriah sebesar 25 mmscfd.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Dec 24, 2019

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Muriah Block Negotiations Still Difficult

Negotiations between Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML) and Saka Energi continue to be difficult after the cessation of production and distribution of gas from the Kepodang Field, Muriah Block, on September 23, 2019.

Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML)

Managing Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), Gigih Prakoso, said Saka Energi as a subsidiary of PGAS intends to continue the process of gas distribution from the field. Because Muriah gas can still be produced and distributed for industrial gas needs, "he said.

Gigih revealed, the discussion process is still ongoing between the two parties. In negotiations, matters discussed include the release of operatorship and participating interest (PI). For information, WK Muriah is managed by PCML with participation rights (Pl) of 80% and Saka Energi Muriah Ltd (SEML), a subsidiary of PT Saka Energi Indonesia, which narrows 20% PI.

Gigih said that his office projects that there are still gas reserves that can be produced at 25 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd). But he was still reluctant to reveal about the negotiation process. SKK Migas Deputy of Operations, Julius Wiratno, revealed that the negotiations between Saka Energi and Petronas Carigali took place on a business-to-business basis (b to b).

"The discussion is difficult, gas has not flowed to buyers so far," he said.

BPH Migas

Julius said SKK Migas could not intervene during the ongoing negotiation process. Previously, BPH Migas highlighted the cessation of gas distribution from Kepodang Field, which was considered damaging to the investment climate. The Head of BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa said that the Kalimantan Java I pipeline managed by PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas must be utilized.

"It must be prioritized to continue to be used, otherwise this will damage the investment climate. The problem of gas supply, please go to SKK Migas or Petronas, why the gas can run out," he explained.


Negosiasi Blok Muriah Masih Sulit

Negosiasi antara Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML) dan Saka Energi masih berlangsung sulit pasca penghentian produksi dan penyaluran gas dari Lapangan Kepodang, Blok Muriah, pada 23 September 2019. 

Direktur Utama PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), Gigih Prakoso, mengatakan Saka Energi sebagai anak usaha PGAS berniat melanjutkan proses penyaluran gas dari lapangan tersebut. Karena gas Muriah masih bisa diproduksikan dan disalurkan untuk kebutuhan gas industri," Katanya.

Gigih mengungkapkan, proses diskusi hingga kini masih berlangsung antara kedua pihak. Dalam negosiasi, hal yang dibahas antara lain seputar pelepasan operatorship  dan hak partisipasi atau participating interest (PI). Sebagai Informasi, WK Muriah dikelola oleh PCML dengan hak partisipasi (Pl) sebesar 80% dan Saka Energi Muriah Ltd (SEML), anak perusahaan PT Saka Energi Indonesia, yang mengempit 20% PI.

Gigih mengemukakan, pihaknya memproyeksikan masih terdapat cadangan gas yang bisa diproduksi sebesar 25 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Namun dia masih enggan mengungkapkan soal proses negosiasi tersebut. Deputi Operasi SKK Migas, Julius Wiratno, mengungkapkan negosiasi antara Saka Energi dan Petronas Carigali berlangsung secara business to business (b to b). 

"Diskusinya sulit, gas belum mengalir ke pembeli sejauh ini," ujarnya. 

Julius bilang SKK Migas tidak bisa melakukan intervensi selama proses negosiasi yang sedang berlangsung. Sebelumnya, BPH Migas menyoroti penghentian penyaluran gas dari Lapangan Kepodang yang dinilai merusak iklim investasi. Kepala BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa menyebutkan pipa Kalimantan Jawa I yang dikelola PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas harus tetap dimanfaatkan.

"Mesti diprioritaskan untuk tetap digunakan, kalau tidak ini merusak iklim investasi. Masalah pasokan gas silahkan ke SKK Migas atau Petronas kenapa gas bisa habis," jelasnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Dec 14, 2019

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Natuna Sea Block A Project Gives Out the First Gas

One of the upstream oil and gas projects that can produce alias onstream next year is Bison, Iguana and Gajah-Puteri (BIG-P) in the Natuna Sea Block A. Working Area. The project, which is located in a block managed by Premier Oil, has distributed first gas on Thursday (11/28) last week.

the Natuna Sea Block A

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) said the project was successfully completed within two years with a total estimated investment value of US $ 325 million.

Gas reserves in the BIG-P project reached 93 billion cubic feet (bcf). Later, the gas will flow through the existing infrastructure at WK Natuna Sea Block A. Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, Wisnu P Taher, welcomed the additional gas production from the BIG-P project

"Production from the Bison field is around 15 mmscfd and from the Iguana field about 25 mmscfd. The Bison and Iguana well performance tests were successfully completed and in parallel the integrated gas flow test from the two wells at a combined flow rate of 40 mmscfd was also completed successfully," he said.


Wisnu added, this was a concrete effort to continue to increase Indonesia's upstream oil and gas production. Premier Oil as the operator of WK Natuna Sea Block A has a stake of 28.67%, while the rest is owned by several parties namely KUFPEC, Pertamina, PTT and Petronas.


Proyek Natuna Sea Block A Mengalirkan Gas Pertama

Salah satu proyek hulu migas yang bisa berproduksi alias onstream pada tahun depan adalah Bison, Iguana dan Gajah-Puteri (BIG-P) di Wilayah Kerja (WK) Natuna Sea Block A. Proyek yang berlokasi di blok yang dikelola oleh Premier Oil ini telah menyalurkan gas pertamanya pada Kamis (28/11) pekan lalu. 

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas (SKK Migas) menyebutkan proyek tersebut berhasil rampung dalam kurun waktu dua tahun dengan total estimasi nilai investasi sebesar US$ 325 juta. 

Cadangan gas yang terdapat pada proyek BIG-P mencapai 93 bfillion cubic feet (bcf). Kelak, gas tersebut akan mengalir melalui infrastruktur existing di WK Natuna Sea Block A. Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas, Wisnu P Taher, menyambut baik adanya tambahan produksi gas dari proyek BIG-P.

"Produksi dari lapangan Bison sekitar 15 mmscfd dan dari lapangan Iguana sekitar 25 mmscfd. Uji kinerja sumur Bison dan Iguana berhasil diselesaikan dan secara paralel uji aliran gas terintegrasi dari kedua sumur pada laju alir gabungan 40 mmscfd juga diselesaikan dengan sukses," tutur dia.

Wisnu menambahkan, hal ini merupakan upaya konkret untuk terus meningkatkan produksi hulu migas Indonesia. Premier Oil selaku operator WK Natuna Sea Block A memiliki kepemilikan saham sebanyak 28,67%, sedangkan sisanya dimiliki beberapa pihak yaitu KUFPEC, Pertamina, PTT dan Petronas.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Dec 3,  2019

Four New Oil and Gas Fields, East Java to be Oil and Gas Fields

SKK Migas expects that four large upstream oil and gas sector projects in the Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) regions will be completed on schedule. Thus, the four projects can immediately support the national oil and gas lifting target. Also able to restore East Java (East Java) as oil and gas fields in Indonesia.

ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL) Field

Head of SKK Migas Jabanusa Nur Wahidi said that the four upstream oil and gas strategic projects were in Bojonegoro and Madura. Exactly, the Kedung Keris project, Bojonegoro, operated by ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL), the Jambaran Tiung Biru project in Bojonegoro with the Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) operator, the Bukit Tua Phase 3 project in Sampang, which was carried out by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd, and the TSB project in Bojonegoro with the Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) operator, the Bukit Tua Phase 3 project in Sampang, which was carried out by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd. Phase 2 in Sumenep with operator Kangean Energi Indonesia (KEI).


"Completion of the project on schedule has a positive effect on achieving the lifting target set by the government," Nur said during the Media Workshop on Period III SKK Migas Jabanusa-KKKS with the leaders of the East Java and Central Java mass media.

the Jambaran Tiung Biru project

Until now, the work on the Jambaran Tiung Biru project has reached 37.72 percent. The target is that in June 2021 the project will be finished and can start production.

"From this project, the maximum target for gas sales can increase 10 percent nationally or equivalent to 192 million cubic feet per day," he explained.

Komaidi Reforminer Executive Director added that upstream oil and gas investment requires 73 supporting sectors and 45 user sectors. A total of 73 supporting sectors were able to contribute 55.99 percent of GDP. Meanwhile, the workforce that can be employed reaches 61.53 percent.


Empat Ladang Migas Baru, Jawa Timur menjadi Ladang Minyak dan Gas

SKK Migas mengharapkan empat proyek besar sektor hulu migas di kawasan  Jawa, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) selesai sesuai dengan jadwal. Dengan demikian, empat proyek tersebut bisa segera mendukung target capaian lifting migas nasional. Juga mampu mengembalikan Jawa Timur (Jatim) sebagai ladang migas di Indonesia. 

Kepala SKK Migas Jabanusa Nur Wahidi mengatakan bahwa keempat proyek strategis hulu migas itu berada di Bojonegoro dan Madura. Tepatnya, proyek Kedung Keris, Bojonegoro, yang dioperatori ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL), proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru di Bojonegoro dengan operator Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 di Sampang yang dikerjakan Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd, dan proyek TSB Phase 2 di Sumenep dengan operator Kangean Energi Indonesia (KEI).

"Selesainya proyek sesuai jadwal berpengaruh positif terhadap pencapaian target lifting yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah," ujar Nur saat Lokakarya Media Periode III SKK Migas Jabanusa-KKKS dengan para pemimpin media massa Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah.

Hingga saat ini, pengerjaan proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru mencapai 37,72 persen. Targetnya, Juni 2021 proyek tersebut sudah selasai dan bisa mulai berproduksi. 

"Dari proyek ini, target maksimum sales gas bisa meningkat 10 persen secara nasional atau setara 192 juta kaki kubik per hari,” terangnya.

Direktur Eksekutif Reforminer Institute Komaidi menambahkan bahwa investasi hulu migas membutuhkan 73 sektor pendukung dan 45 sektor pengguna.
Sebanyak 73 sektor pendukung itu mampu berkontribusi 55,99 persen terhadap PDB. Sementara itu,  tenaga kerja yang bisa dipekerjakan mencapai 61,53 persen.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Saturday, Nov 23, 2019

Monday, January 13, 2020

Four Upstream Oil and Gas Strategic Projects in Jabanusa

A total of four (4) major upstream oil and gas sector projects in the SKK areas of Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) are expected to be completed according to the specified schedule. Because the four projects strongly support the achievement of oil and gas lifting targets nationally. 

     The four upstream oil and gas strategic projects are the Kedung Keris project in Bojonegoro Regency, East Java Province with the operator ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL), the Jambaran Tiung Biru project in Bojonegoro Regency with the Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) operator, the Bukit Tua Phase 3 project operated by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd in Sampang Regency, East Java Province, and finally the Phase 2 TSB project with Kangean Energi Indonesia operator in Sumenep Regency, East Java Province.


This was said by the Head of SKK Migas Jabanusa, Nur Wahidi during the media workshop activities of Period III SKK Migas Jabanusa-KKKS with mass media leaders from East Java and Central Java, Tuesday (19 / Nov / 2019).

"We expect the four projects to be completed on schedule. Because, the completion of the project on schedule has a positive effect on achieving the lifting target set by the government, "he said.

In the workshop III of SKK Migas Jabanusa with the leaders of the mass media in Bali, a number of speakers appeared to provide material. Among them, Chairperson of the Central Advisory Board of PWI Margiono, Heri Susanto (Director of Research & Data, Katadata), Komaidi Notonegoro (Executive Director of the ReforMiner Institute), and Nur Wahidi (Head of SKK Migas Representative Jabanusa).

In the context of achieving project targets according to schedule, according to Nur Wahidi, constructive support from all stakeholders is highly expected, both local governments, community leaders, mass media, and society at large.

"I also say many thanks for the support of the mass media to SKK Migas so far. Only one percent of negative news about upstream oil and gas in Jabanusa during 2019, "he said.

Specifically for the Jarmbaran Tiung Biru project, Nur Wahidi explained, the overall project progress reached 37.72 percent. Where is the progress for project engineering work with 80.72 percent, procurement with 40.36 percent, and construction with 14.49 percent. It is targeted that in June 2021 the Jambaran Tiung Biru project will be completed and start production.

From this project, the maximum target for gas sales is to increase 10 percent nationally or equivalent to 192 million cubic feet per day. During this time, as many as 15 cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) in the Jabanusa SKK Migas area are currently carrying out oil and gas exploitation. In addition, there are 6 KKKS carrying out exploration activities. Jabanusa's position in national oil and gas lifting is very important and becomes a backbone.

2018 data shows that the realization of oil lifting from Jabanusa amounted to 253,822 thousand barrels per day or reached 102.60 percent of the target. While the gas lifting target is 753.2 million cubic feet per day. In 2019, the oil lifting target from Jabanusa is 258,169 thousand barrels per day and until 2019 it will reach 100.87 percent of the target.

The target for lifting gas from Jabanusa is set at 731.3 million cubic feet per day. Support from all parties is needed by SKK Migas Jabanusa in this context, Nur Wahidi stressed, because until now from monitoring related to permits and land issues in Jabanusa, there are a number of problems that must be resolved immediately. 13 non-technical licensing issues, 77 explosive licensing issues, 5 land acquisition issues, and 3 forest area lease-to-use permits issues.

 "SKK Migas and KKKS work in the interests of the country, especially in the context of fulfilling national energy and state revenues," he warned.


Empat Proyek Strategis Hulu Migas di Jabanusa

Sebanyak empat (4) proyek besar sektor hulu minyak dan gas di kawasan SKK Jawa, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) diharapkan selesai sesuai jadwal yang ditetapkan. Sebab, keempat proyek sangat mendukung target capaian lifting minyak dan gas secara nasional. 

      Empat proyek strategis hulu migas itu adalah proyek Kedung Keris di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Propinsi Jawa Timur dengan operator ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd, proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru di Kabupaten Bojonegoro dengan operator Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 yang dioperatori Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd di Kabupaten Sampang, Propinsi Jawa Timur, dan terakhir proyek TSB Phase 2 dengan operator Kangean Energi Indonesia di Kabupaten Sumenep, Propinsi Jawa Timur. 

Hal tersebut dikatakan Kepala SKK Migas Jabanusa, Nur Wahidi pada kegiatan lokakarya Media Periode III SKK Migas Jabanusa-KKKS dengan pimpinan media massa dari Jatim dan Jateng, Selasa (19/Nov/2019). 

“Kita harapkan ke-empat proyek tersebut selesai on schedule. Sebab, selesainya proyek sesuai jadwal berpengaruh positif terhadap pencapaian target lifting yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah,” ujarnya. 

Pada kegiatan lokakarya III SKK Migas Jabanusa dengan pimpinan media massa di Bali, sejumlah narasumber tampil memberikan materi. Di antaranya, Ketua Dewan Penasihat PWI Pusat Margiono, Heri Susanto (Direktur Riset & Data, Katadata), Komaidi Notonegoro (Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute), dan Nur Wahidi (Kepala SKK Migas Perwakilan Jabanusa). 

Dalam konteks capaian target proyek sesuai jadwal, menurut Nur Wahidi, dukungan konstruktif dari semua stakeholder sangat diharapkan, baik pemerintah daerah, tokoh masyarakat, media massa, dan masyarakat secara luas. 

“Saya juga sampaikan banyak terima kasih atas dukungan media massa kepada SKK Migas selama ini. Hanya satu persen berita negatif tentang hulu migas di Jabanusa sepanjang 2019,” katanya. 

Khusus untuk proyek Jarmbaran Tiung Biru, Nur Wahidi menjelaskan, progress proyek secara keseluruhan mencapai 37,72 persen. Di mana progress untuk pekerjaan engineering proyek dengan 80,72 persen, procurement dengan 40,36 persen, dan construction dengan 14,49 persen. Ditargetkan pada Juni 2021 mendatang, proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru selasai dan mulai berproduksi. 

Dari proyek ini, target maksimum sales gas meningkat 10 persen secara nasional atau setara 192 juta kaki kubik per hari. Selama ini, sebanyak 15 kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) di kawasan SKK Migas Jabanusa yang sedang menjalankan eksploitasi migas. Selain itu, ada 6 KKKS menjalankan aktifitas eksplorasi. Posisi Jabanusa dalam lifting migas nasional sangat penting dan menjadi backbone. 

Data 2018 menunjukkan, realisasi lifting minyak dari Jabanusa sebesar 253,822 ribu barel per hari atau mencapai 102,60 persen dari target. Sedangkan target lifting gas sebesar 753,2 juta kaki kubik per hari. Di tahun 2019, target lifting minyak dari Jabanusa sebesar 258,169 ribu barel per hari dan hingga berakhir tahun 2019 tercapai 100,87 persen dari target. 

Untuk target lifting gas dari Jabanusa ditetapkan sebesar 731,3 juta kaki kubik per hari. Dukungan dari semua pihak itu sangat  dibutuhkan SKK Migas Jabanusa dalam konteks ini, tegas Nur Wahidi, karena sampai sekarang dari monitoring terkait perizinan dan pertanahan di Jabanusa, ada sejumlah masalah yang harus segera diselesaikan. Masalah perizinan nonteknis sebanyak 13, masalah perizinan bahan peledak sebanyak 77, masalah pengadaan tanah sebanyak 5, dan masalah izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan sebanyak 3.

 “SKK Migas dan KKKS bekerja untuk kepentingan negara, terutama dalam rangka pemenuhan energi nasional dan pendapatan negara,” katanya mengingatkan.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Thursday, Nov 21, 2019