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Thursday, January 27, 2022

After Selling the Land, and Now I Haven't Income


Surya Daily

    After Selling the Land, and Now I Haven't Income - The story of a billionaire village resident in Jenu District, Tuban, East Java, Indonesia has not yet been completed. After receiving compensation from the sale of land for the Pertamina Grass Root Refinery (GRR) oil refinery project in a local sub-district, now the bad news is coming.

Rosneft Oil Company

    This was discovered during a demonstration by residents of six villages around the joint venture company Pertamina and Rosneft from Russia, Monday (24 January). The six villages are Wadung Village, Mentoso, Rawasan, Sumurgeneng, Beji and Kaliuntu, Jenu District.

    An old man, named Musanam, a resident of Wadung Village, admitted that he regretted selling his land and house to PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrokimia (PT PRPP) a year ago. Now the 60-year-old grandfather no longer has a steady income like every harvest season. To meet the needs of daily life, he was forced to sell his cattle.

"I have sold three cows to eat and now there are three cows left," he said on the sidelines of the demonstration.

    Another resident named Mugi, aged 60 years, is another billionaire village resident. After selling his 2.4-hectare land to the state-owned company, he is now having a hard time getting an income every harvest. If you usually can get Rp 40 million at harvest, now you no longer get that result.

"In the past, I planted corn and chilies, each time I harvested Rp 40 million. Now I no longer have income, after selling the land," he said.

    He also said that his land was sold for Rp. 2.5 billion and then the money was used for daily needs, the rest he saved. Mugi remembers that Pertamina used to often visit him when he was in the fields to sell the land. All persuasion was offered, including a job offer for his son. But until now, the offer has never been realized.

"In the past, I was visited by Pertamina to want to sell the land, they promised to give jobs to my children but nothing has been realized until now," he said.

    Previously, an alliance of residents of six villages was demonstrated at the Pertamina GRR oil refinery. Around 100 people involved the Youth Association of six villages in the company's ring area, regarding PT PRPP which was considered uncooperative. The field coordinator for the demonstration, Suwarno, said that there were five demands from the community. 

    First, prioritizing affected residents regarding security recruitment. Second, all vendors at Pertamina in the recruitment of workers must coordinate with the village. Third, in accordance with the promise and development goals, Pertamina must provide opportunities and education for affected residents.

    Fourth, if Pertamina is able to employ pensioners who in fact are elderly, why are affected people who should be empowered even made it difficult to work under the pretext of age restrictions. Fifth, remove vendors and individuals within the Pertamina project scope who are not pro to the affected people.

"This action is the result of Pertamina's lack of transparency in the villages around the company. We urge the demands to be realized," he told reporters.

    Company representatives who met the protesters said they would convey the residents' demands to the leadership.

"We will convey it to the leadership," said Solikin, who is the company's representative at the location.

    Meanwhile, PT PRPP Yuli Wahyu Witranta's Corporate Affairs, when confirmed regarding the actions of residents around the company, did not provide a detailed response. From the confirmation efforts made, he replied that there would be a release. But until late at night when it was reconfirmed, Yuli replied that she couldn't approval from the International Pertamina Refinery (KPI).

Surya, Page-1, Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022

#Rosneft, #PT PRPP, #PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrokimia (PT PRPP)

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

How to create a blog from Zero to earn Dollar! 1000% Work

Photo: Dian Umbara ©

    How to Create a Blog - Nowadays, the use of the internet has become something that cannot be separated in everyday life, because all activities on average always involve the internet.

    Starting from buying and selling activities, ordering food, transportation such as Grab, schools, presentations, and even in our daily lives we always update on the internet through social media stories.

    Based on data analysis from the HootSuite website, internet users in the world reached 4.66 billion users.

    When you browse the internet to find the information you want to know, you must enter a website that provides that information, and the admin is sure you are familiar with the names of websites such as Wikipedia, Yahoo, Google, Yandex, Bing, Opera, Mozilla, etc.

    But do you know? We can use all of that to be an opportunity to make money as long as we can process the internet well.

    So how do you make money? Try now to open a new tab, then open the website, and try to see more details on the contents on my website! the contents of the ad when you want to open news? So from the ads that I manage the website can get AdSense in the form of dollars, yes dollars, you are not wrong.

Proof of Withdrawing Money from Western Union (WU) Through the POS Office. Dian Umbara ©

    You can know that the lucrative income from the site can reach 20 million in just one dayas well as,, etc. 

    Take a look at, an ordinary person who started a blog from nothing to make billions.

Lindaikeji's blog 

    As proof, you can read in another article how to see other people's website earnings.

    How are you interested in creating a blog? If you are interested, keep reading this article to the end. Because in this article the admin will show you how to create a blog in the easy steps below.


What is a Blog?

    A blog is a website that contains content in the form of writing or posts that are always discussed by the Author discussing various topics. The blog will display the most recent posts after the old posts.

    You can also use blogs to share personal experiences, stories, fiction, and share knowledge with internet users. The blog is your diary in the internet world.

Here's the Difference Between a Blog and a Website.

    In a blog, there are three basic elements, namely the Author name, Date, and Category which are clearly visible on a posting page.

    Whereas in a website, these three elements are not present and at the end of a blog post there is a comment column to interact with the audience, which is two-way communication, while the website does not have a comment column.

    Blogs are dynamic because their pages and content are always updated regularly by the author, while websites are static or can also be dynamic such as news websites because the page is updated if there is an announcement or notification to the audience such as school websites, product websites and news websites, online store sites such as Shopify, Amazon, Alibaba as well as other websites.

    So we can conclude that a blog can be said to be a website if you have purchased a TLD (top-level domain) domain ending in com, net, org, etc., but a website cannot be called a blog.

How to Create a Blog from A to Z Until you get the first dollar.

    In creating a blog there are many considerations that must be considered so that you are not wrong in making decisions and actions.

    Such as your main goal in creating a blog and blog platform selection, niche/theme selection, domain name, hosting, and others. OK, let's discuss one by one!

Earnings from Mas Dian Umbara. 
Photo: Dian Umbara ©


    In this case, the purpose of money is very important whether you build a blog just to share on the internet or want to earn? try to think again by yourself well so that you do not stop in the middle of the road in building a blog which in the end only takes time.

    If you want to create a blog to share knowledge or stories on the internet and have a hobby of writing, make sure that the journey of creating a blog will be easier and not stop in the middle of the road.

    But if you're aiming to build a blog to make money overnight, it's going to be more difficult, because you need to have patience and a deeper understanding of blogging.

    And most people stop in the middle of starting a blog because they have a goal of wanting to make money fast like magic, but they don't realize that making money from a blog is not something that can be easily realized in an instant and requires patience and a process. 

    My advice is if you create a blog hoping to share knowledge or stories on the internet, then making money will be easier.

Choosing a Blog Platform

    There are lots of platforms that you can use to build a blog. And each blog platform has advantages and disadvantages, therefore in choosing a blog platform you must consider it well. Here are some blogging platforms that you can use:

A. Blogger

Screen Shot of

Blogger platform

    Blogger is a platform provided for free by the Google company. Blogger was previously created by Pyra Labs and bought by Google in 2003.

    Blogger also has many features that are integrated with applications or services owned by Google such as access to Adsense, and Google Analytics available in it.

    In addition, the blogger platform also provides a free SSL certificate that serves as blog security to avoid hackers and so on.

    Currently, there are still a lot of blogger users because a simple Content Management System (CMS) makes it easier for users to manage blogs and the blogger platform is perfect for beginners like me.

Disadvantages of bloggers

    Do not have SEO tools to check blog performance and it is difficult to solve the problem of broken links. For SEO Tools, I am using

Advantages  of blogger (Free)

    It's free, you don't need expensive hosting, everything is provided by Google, you can also buy a domain on Google. Very easy to use, free hosting and domain ending in for free for its users. As well as a menu display that is easily customizable for beginners.

Read also how to create a blog on the blogger platform

Dashboard WordPress is a web hosting company that uses the WP content management system for all of its blogs. After creating an account, users will get a subdomain for their blog. However, if you intend to use your own domain, you must subscribe to the paid plan. Like any free service,'s free plan also has its limitations. In you are required to buy a certain hosting package (expensive) in order to be able to adjust the appearance and add certain features or add ons, plug-ins. is a type of WordPress platform that is intended for users who want to create a website with a subscription to their own hosting and domain (self-hosted). This platform will be downloaded to your hosting account. To maximize its functionality, you can install plugins and themes from the available collections.

WordPress Advantages and Disadvantages

    WordPress is beginner-friendly because it is easy to use. On the other hand, because of the many powerful and modifiable tools, WordPress is also for professional users and web developers. Here are some points that are the advantages and disadvantages of CMS WordPress.

Advantages of WordPress

1. Low cost. You just need to subscribe to a hosting service and buy a domain. WordPress plugins, themes, and the software itself can be used immediately for free.

2. Easy setup and updates. Unlike other CMS, WordPress does not require a lot of configuration and can be updated with just one click.

3. Easy to manage. You don't have to master programming to perform daily tasks, such as writing and editing posts, uploading and editing images, managing users, adding menus, and installing plugins and themes.

4. Customizable design. WordPress has thousands of themes that you can use right away. Choose a theme and adjust the appearance of the design to the niche of your blog or website. There are many themes for all types of websites, for example, restaurant themes, health world themes, small business themes, food blog themes, etc.

5. Added functions. WordPress provides plugins for all the functions you want to bring to your website. For example, there are plugins for search engine optimization and there are also plugins for event bookings.

6. Great community. Because many use WordPress, the community is large and spread across a number of countries. If there are problems or you want to ask questions about WordPress, you can ask the local community directly or look for other sources on the internet.

7. Open-source. There is no fee to be paid to be able to use the WordPress software.

Disadvantages of WordPress (Expensive)

1. Low security. Over 35% of websites are built on WordPress, and this makes them vulnerable to hacking. Secure your website by installing a security plugin.

2. Content from third-party services. Most of the plugins and themes are developed by third-party developers. No wonder there are errors or bugs. My advice is always to read descriptions and user reviews before installing a new plugin or theme. Feel free to ask the WordPress community if you're not sure about the security of the plugin or theme you've chosen.

3. Loading time. Installing a lot of plugins will slow down the loading speed of the website. One solution to reduce loading times is to install a cache plugin.

4. Hosting is very Expensive.

What Websites Can Be Created in WordPress?

    Apart from being a CMS, this platform can also be used as a tool to create various types of websites. Here are some examples of websites that can be created in this most popular CMS.


    Since it was first released until now, WP is still a blogging platform that continues to be used. To create a blog, you can start by subscribing to a basic hosting plan first. After that, if the traffic increases, upgrade the hosting to a more premium plan which offers many features and functions.

Portfolio Website

    This platform is widely used by artists, photographers, musicians, writers, and other art workers to create portfolio websites that showcase their work. There are many portfolio themes it provides as well as on third-party sites. Each theme has a variety of features, such as image galleries, lightboxes, and portfolio grids.

Business Website

    If you have a small and medium business, this platform can be the best choice for you to create a business website. However, over time, more and more large-scale businesses are using it as a platform for their websites.

Website for Charity Events

    The maintenance cost of this platform is not so high. Operation is also very easy, even for novice users. These two advantages of WordPress make it often used as a platform for websites for charities and religious institutions. With it, various non-profit organizations can have official websites with adequate functionality.

Online Store Website

    To create an online store on this platform, you don't need to understand a programming language first. With the most installed eCommerce plugin, namely WooCommerce, you can create an online store that is rich in features, such as shopping carts, order management, checkout pages, refunds, and so on.

Examples of Successful WordPress Websites

    WordPress is indeed better known among bloggers and also small and medium business owners. However, this does not mean that this CMS cannot be used by companies, organizations, and even well-known people.

Here are some examples of successful websites going online on WordPress:

1. The New Yorker

Website The New Yorker

All structures and displays of The New Yorker digital magazine are fully supported by WP.

2. TechCrunch

TechCrunch Website 

    TechCrunch is the site to always go to if someone is looking for information on the latest technology and startups. It's no secret that sites like TechCrunch choose WP as their website platform.

3. Sony Music

 Sony Music Website

   Sony Music is a successful music company and commercial brand in the market. The website itself is created and online on this platform.

4. White House

 White House Government Website

    Who would have thought that the White House Government also trusted WP as its website platform?

5. Beyonce

 Beyonce Website

    WordPress is widely used by artists, including Beyoncé. Through his website, this black singer interacts with his loyal fans.

D. Joomla Platform

    Joomla is one of the popular blogger platforms that is also used but to be able to activate a blog site you need to pay to buy hosting and a domain to publish your blog to be online on the internet.


    Good knowledge and skills are needed to be able to operate the Joomla platform because it is difficult to use compared to WordPress and technical matters such as security protection and manual backups.


    There are many templates that you can use to customize the look you want and you can add extensions to bring out the features you want to use.

    Those are some of the blogger platforms that the admin recommends for you because these platforms are the most popular ones that are widely used by bloggers.

Google Adsense results in my mentor, Master Dian Umbara
Photo: Dian Umbara ©

    The admin recommends that you choose a blog platform only because it is very good for beginners like me and can still make money. If you've learned WordPress, there's no harm in moving to WordPress one day, because large sites generally use WordPress.

    But if you are still a beginner and still learning better choose the blogger platform. Because the blogger is a platform that is suitable for beginners and easy to use and can also make money like my mentor above with a table full of money using only a Core Two Duo computer.

Our next step is to discuss the Niche. Let's take a good look!

E. Choosing a Niche (Topic)

    Niche is a topic or the main topic of a blog which means the blog discusses one thing such as technology, health, education, tutorials, and much more.

    In determining a good theme, you should do research first through AHrefs, Semrush, Keyword Everywhere to find out which themes might know the low or high competition.

    In the niche there are also several sections such as a mixed theme that discusses all mixed topics, then there is also a niche that discusses one topic, namely choosing one of many niches such as the blog which discusses the topic of oil and gas, the blog chooses a niche oil and gas.

    And there is also a microniche, which is a discussion of blog topics that are more specific, such as an example of a technology niche blog but the discussion of technology is very broad and a microniche blog chooses only one topic, for example discussing gadget technology.

    And these are some recommendations for niche choices from admins who have very large Cost Per Click (CPC) such as Technology, Online Business, Health, Education, Traveling, Electronic Products, Beauty and Fashion, Entertainment, Insurance, Education, Property, Automotive, Insurance Lawyer, Accident Lawyer.

Adsense high CPC

    In this step, I assume you understand the niche and have determined the niche.

Now we enter the discussion of the domain selection step

F. Choosing a Domain Name

    The domain is something that you must consider to build a good brand name reputation and is also easy to remember by the audience.

    There are so many existing domain names that you can choose from, such as .com .xyz .website .site .online. me. org, and many more.

    You can also buy old (used) or new domains, but finding old domains is a bit difficult because most old domains have a lot of problems with high spam scores or are former websites that have a history of not having a good reputation on the internet.

    Therefore, the admin recommends buying a new (new) domain instead of an old (used) domain.

G. Choosing Web Hosting

    Hosting is the most important thing for a website/blog because hosting is like a house whose function is to accommodate a large audience.

    In hosting there are also several options such as Shared Hosting, VPS hosting and Cloud hosting. Let's discuss them one by one.

1. Shared Hosting

    Shared hosting is a service used by many websites/blogs therefore you have to share space with other websites/blogs.

Shared hosting is always optimized and monitored for every website having equal and fair power for every website owner

Advantages :

- low price and very easy to use.

- server and uptime managed by the hosting provider.

- easy to install blogger platform.

- get 24-hour service.

Disadvantages :

- can't do root access

- share server resources with other people's websites

- limited configuration

2. VPS hosting

VPS is a Virtual Private Server which means a hosting service that gives more freedom and control to its users. The operation also requires understanding/skill so that it is not too difficult to use.

Advantages :

- the user has the freedom to fully control the server owned

- user can change settings from server-side

- get a dedicated IP address

- can do root access

Disadvantages :

- very difficult operation of other hosting types

- requires users to have a technical understanding of VPS hosting

- requires users to have good server management

3. Cloud Hosting

    Cloud hosting services are a mix of sophistication and server and shared hosting simplicity. Cloud hosting is commonly used for those of you who are managing businesses and various small and large companies.

    Cloud hosting is not like shared hosting which includes all your server resources and does not share with other people's websites.

Advantages :

- Get resources and a dedicated IP address.

- Resource server used for one person only

- Can upgrade account from shared hosting

- Has 1 click installer tools for blogger platform

- Get 24-hour customer support

Disadvantages :

- Unable to do root access

- Limited configuration options

- Very high cost compared to shared hosting.

H. Understand the Science of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    SEO is a term that you must master because the main key in the development of a blog's success is in SEO.

    SEO is an abbreviation of search engine optimization which means search engine optimization to determine giving a good place on Google pages.

    In analyzing the SEO score of a website/blog. You can use tools for SEO purposes such as Ahrefs, Ubbersugest, Keyword Finder, Semrus, Keyword Everywhere, and others.

I. How to make money from a blog

There are many ways to make money from a blog such as the ways below:

1. Google Adsense

Google Adsense Dashboard

    Google Adsense is a company owned by Google that manages an advertising program that is very popular in today's era.

    And to work with Google Adsense you have to create a quality blog, interesting and have good traffic. Just follow the steps to create a blog above if you want to have a website/blog that is attractive and has traffic.

    But don't despair if you can't work with Google AdSense because there are other Adsense alternatives that you can use, for example, MGID, PopIn, Adsterra, Propeller Ads, Admob, etc.

2. Affiliate Program

    Affiliate is a profit-sharing program that works by promoting other people's businesses as attractively as possible on your blog.

    For example, if you work with a web & hosting company, Niagahoster, then your job is to find consumers or customers for Niagahoster, so you get bonuses and money from Niagahoster.

    Even if you are smart in finding consumers. Then the income will be much greater than Google Adsense.

3. Content Placement

    If your blog has a lot of traffic then there is no need to worry. Because there will be lots of people contacting you to offer cooperation through content placement.

    Content Placement is another person who is a guest writer or sends articles to be posted on your blog account which later inserts a link to that person's blog to get a backlink from your blog. And each backlink has a relative price depending on the specifications and blog traffic.

4. Unlock Services

    If you are a reliable blogger, you can also offer your audience to use your services such as article creation services, website creation services, maintenance service sites, and website optimization services that you have mastered.

5. Unlock Ad Banner Slots

    Creating empty space on your blog for advertising banners from other people's efforts can be an additional income that you can take advantage of.

6. Selling Your Own Products

    Selling your own products is one of the best ways to make money from a blog. The reason is that by selling your own products, you can earn many times more than using other monetization methods.

    If you use this method, you can say you don't make money from your blog directly, because the income you get is from selling. While the function of the blog that you manage will only be a place to promote the products you sell.

Indeed, what can be sold through a blog, Bro?

Products that can be sold through blogs are divided into two types.

Namely physical products and digital products.

    For physical products, almost anything can be sold through blogs. But of course, the products that are sold must be in accordance with the topic of your blog.

For example, your blog discusses birds, so you can sell bird medicine.

For example, your blog discusses motivation, you can sell motivational books.

For example, your blog discusses gadgets, you can sell gadgets, and so forth

As for digital products that can be sold through blogs, usual products such as:

- Ebook (Electronic Book)

- Videos

- Audio

- Software

- Website Themes

- Plugins

- Image design, like mine and


    Selling your own products through blogs is certainly not an easy thing. First, you must have a product to sell, second, you must be able to find targeted blog visitors to buy the product you are selling.

J. Conclusion

    So building a website/blog is very easy, there are many important aspects that you must prepare, and once again don't choose the wrong blog theme so that it is not empty of visitors.

    And the steps above the admin write based on personal experience and other knowledge that the admin applies in building a blog.

    Are you interested in creating a blog? Look again at the data of internet users in the world! do you see an opportunity? There is a huge opportunity to sell online or sell graphic design assets.

My Mentor Master Dian Umbara with His Car Toyota Fortuner from Google Adsense
Photo: Dian Umbara ©

    Admin's message for you newbie bloggers don't despair or be afraid that your blog will be empty of visitors because of big media such as the Tribunnews network because it all depends on the pilot or admin, how do you take care of and manage your blog until earning like me!

My Channel

    But the admin is also still a beginner too Ha Ha Ha Ha

It's Okay. Admin feels that it's enough to discuss how to create a blog from A to Z for making money and hopefully, this article can be useful for all of you! if there are still shortcomings, please comment below to add.


Photo: Agus Rudi Purnomo ©

Photo: Agus Rudi Purnomo ©

My Goolge Adsense

My dollar from Google Adsense 

My dollar from Google Adsense 

My dollar from Google Adsense 

Money from Google Adsense 

Photo: Agus Rudi Purnomo ©

Monday, January 3, 2022

PHR Starts 2022 by drilling Three Wells


    PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) - Sumatra Region started 2022, at 00:00 WIB, by drilling wells in 3 locations, namely the PRD-09 Field Rantau (Zone 1) well, MNA well - P03 Field Minas (Work Area) Rokan) and the KRG -PA1 Field Limau well (Zone 4).

Nicke Widyawati

    Drilling wells is a tradition carried out at Pertamina at the turn of the year and especially this year is monitored directly from the PHR War Room, the operational control center which was just inaugurated by the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati. The event began with thanksgiving delivered by the President Director of PHR, Jaffee A Suardin.

"This activity is carried out as a form of gratitude for operating achievements in 2021 and welcoming the new year 2022 with the spirit of SUMATERA (Sustainable, Massive, To Grow, Efficient, Resilient, Aggressive). We, all members of the management and PHR officers, are present to be connected virtually from various locations from Aceh, Riau to South Sumatra," said Jaffee in his statement in Jakarta.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Also attending the inaugural drilling event were SKK Migas officials, Deputy for Planning Benny Lubiantara, Vice President for Operations Sondang Maria, Head of SKK Migas for northern Sumatra, Rikky Rahmat Firdaus, and Director for Development of Pertamina Upstream Subholding Operations Taufiq Adityawarman.

 Jaffee also added that the drilling was carried out as an effort to demonstrate PHR's readiness and commitment to continue to focus on massive and aggressive drilling in 2022 to reach 500 wells, the majority of which are in the Rokan Block Working Area in Riau.

“Sumatra is the backbone and one of the largest contributors of crude oil in Indonesia. In 2022, the Sumatra Region is targeted to produce crude oil of 225 thousand barrels oil per day (BOPD). This is not an easy task but we will do our best to support national energy security,” he continued.

    On this occasion, Jaffee conveyed a message to all officers (as Pertamina's workers are called) to always pay attention to HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, and Environment) both in the field and in the office. Always start any work with prayer and carry out tasks by prioritizing the values ​​of AKHLAK (Trust, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, Collaborative).

Investor Daily, Page-10, Monday, Jan 3, 2022