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Friday, November 16, 2018

The Government Found Five New Oil and Gas Reserves

The Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) found five new potential oil and gas reserves in the eastern region of Indonesia. The government claims the reserves are very economical to be developed and can enter the oil and gas block auction specifications.

The Head of the ESDM Geological Agency, Rudy Suhendra, said the five potential oil and gas reserves are located in West Singkawang, Banyumas Basin, Papua Boka Area, Kutai Basin and West Agats Area (Papua). However, the Geology Agency has not been able to explain in detail the potential of oil and gas reserves from the five regions. Understandably, the potential for oil and gas reserves can later be proven through exploration activities.

Banyumas Basin

"Resources are not yet known, only indications of a reserve, will be resumed. The process is at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Directorate General of Oil and Gas, there will be a sequence of exploration," added Rudy, Thursday (11/15).

Thus, the government expects five potential reserves to be included in the oil and gas block auction process. As a result, cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) can carry out further exploration activities. Moreover, according to Rudy, the five potential oil and gas reserves are very economical to develop.

"From the preliminary study, the potential for oil and gas reserves is very economical. Therefore, the data already exists. We hope this will be included in the auction process, then we will socialize to interested parties," said Rudy.

He acknowledged the efforts of the Geological Agency to find potential oil and gas reserves supported by funding as basic as possible from the State Expenditures Budget (APBN), which is worth Rp. 70 billion, for exploration activities.


Pemerintah Menemukan Lima Cadangan Migas Baru

Badan Geologi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menemukan lima potensi cadangan minyak dan gas (migas) baru di Wilayah timur Indonesia. Pemerintah mengklaim cadangan tersebut sangat ekonomis untuk dikembangkan dan bisa masuk spesifikasi lelang blok migas.

Kepala Badan Geologi Kementerian ESDM, Rudy Suhendra, menyebutkan lima potensi cadangan migas tersebut berlokasi di West Singkawang, Banyumas Basin, Boka Area Papua, Kutai Basin dan West Agats Area (Papua). Namun Badan Geologi belum bisa menjelaskan secara mendetail berapa potensi cadangan migas dari lima wilayah tersebut. Maklum, potensi cadangan migas nanti bisa dibuktikan melalui kegiatan eksplorasi. 

"Resources belum diketahui, hanya indikasi ada cadangan, nanti dilanjutkan. Prosesnya ada pada Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM, nanti ada urutan eksplorasi," imbuh Rudy, Kamis (15/11).

Dengan demikian, pemerintah mengharapkan lima potensi cadangan bisa diikut sertakan dalam proses lelang blok migas. Alhasil, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) bisa melaksanakan kegiatan eksplorasi lebih lanjut. Apalagi, menurut Rudy, kelima potensi cadangan migas tersebut sangat ekonomis untuk dikembangkan.

"Dari kajian awal, potensi cadangan migas tersebut sangat ekonomis. Oleh karena itu, datanya sudah ada. Kami mengharapkan ini masuk dalam proses lelang, nanti kami akan mensosialisasikan kepada peminat,“ ungkap Rudy.

Dia mengakui upaya Badan Geologi menemukan potensi cadangan migas didukung oleh pendanaan ala kadarnya dari Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN), yakni senilai Rp 70 miliar, untuk kegiatan eksplorasi.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Nov 16, 2018

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