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Friday, January 20, 2017

Gross Split schemes not Satisfy Contractors

Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Sammy Hamzah appreciated government measures to seriously implement the new scheme of oil and gas production sharing contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) with gross split although not yet satisfactory overall contractor.

The new scheme is set out in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8, 2016 on Production Sharing Contracts Gross Split were released on Wednesday (18/1). Our appreciation of this moment there is gross split, "he said. Sammy explained gross scheme is proposed split of the contractors so that they can still reach the economical, especially for operations in the area of ​​non-conventional.

      However, he thinks the government should be able to give a better offer to contractors. According to CEO Ephindo it, there are still things that need to be discussed again in the new scheme, especially regarding economies of scale. For some exploration and new block, gross "split in the offer is not attractive."

Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said the idea of big government changed the PSC scheme departing from efforts to reform the investment climate upstream oil and gas from the realm of bureaucracy to stimulate the investment climate. The government also wants businesses (cooperation contract / PSC) more efficiently run the upstream oil and gas business for oil and gas operating costs / (cost recovery) returned the country continues to swell, is inversely proportional to the level of state revenue.

"This is our best effort. Our ideals that business processes more transparent and following pressing gap efficiency can be achieved. Indeed, there is no guarantee (production will rise), but this was his way is better, "said Arcandra. In 2016, the component cost recovery in the APBN-P 2016 "jumped to US $ 11.4 billion.

       Through the PSC scheme, gross split the country no longer worry about the cost recovery due to the cost borne by the contractor.


Skema Gross Split belum Puaskan Kontraktor

Direktur Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Sammy Hamzah mengapresiasi langkah pemerintah yang serius menerapkan skema baru kontrak bagi hasil migas (production sharing contract/ PSC) dengan gross split meski belum bisa memuaskan kontraktor secara keseluruhan.

Skema baru itu tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 8, Tahun 2016 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split yang dirilis pada Rabu (18/1). Kami apresiasi saat ini ada gross split,” katanya. Sammy menjelaskan skema gross split memang usulan para kontraktor agar mereka bisa tetap mencapai keekonomian, terutama untuk operasional di wilayah kerja non-konvensional. 

Namun, ia menilai pemerintah seharusnya bisa memberikan tawaran yang lebih baik kepada kontraktor.  Menurut CEO Ephindo itu, masih ada hal yang perlu dibahas kembali dalam skema baru itu, terutama mengenai skala keekonomian. Bagi beberapa usaha eksplorasi dan blok baru, gross” split yang di tawarkan tidak menarik.”

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan ide besar pemerintah mengubah skema PSC berangkat dari upaya mereformasi iklim investasi hulu migas dari ranah birokrasi untuk menggairahkan iklim investasi. Pemerintah juga ingin pelaku usaha (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama/ KKKS) lebih efisien menjalankan bisnis hulu migas karena beban biaya operasi migas/ (cost recovery) yang dikembalikan negara terus membengkak, berbanding terbalik dengan tingkat penerimaan negara.  

“Ini usaha terbaik kita. Cita-cita kita bahwa proses bisnis lebih transparan dan berikut menekan gap efisiensi bisa tercapai. Memang tidak ada jaminan (produksi akan naik), tapi ini arah-nya lebih baik,” ujar Arcandra. Pada 2016, komponen cost recovery dalam APBN-P 2016" melonjak hingga US$ 11,4 miliar.

Melalui skema PSC ,gross split negara tak lagi memusingkan cost recovery lantaran biaya ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh kontraktor.

Media Indonesia, Page-19, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017

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